How to copy a web page if copy protection is installed there.

Those who make copy protection on sites amaze me. Bypassing it is as easy as shelling pears. Including by disabling JavaScript.

Controlling JavaScript in Opera

When using Opera, turn it off with a couple of clicks. Just press F12 and turn off JavaScript. After this simple manipulation, the plugin for the most popular script for WordPress blog called WP-CopyProtect will stop working. Likewise with other "protections".

JavaScript control in Google chrome

If you are using any other browser, you can also turn off scripts. At the same time, say, Google Chrome allows you to turn off or turn on scripts for specific sites. True, the settings are a bit hidden:

  1. Settings

  2. Show additional settings

  3. Under personal data, click on the button "Content settings ..."

  4. JavaScript settings are located in the corresponding block with the same name.

  5. Turn on / off scripts for all sites. To create rules for specific sites, click "Manage Exceptions".

Controlling JavaScript in Agnitum Outpost Pro / Security Internet

In addition, firewalls like Agnitum Outpost Pro / Security Internet allow you to create custom rules for your sites. These settings can be used to disable / enable JavaScript on specific sites.

An example of a bad implementation of disabling JavaScript scripts

The site now requires registration to read the articles. In this case, after activating the account, a warning appears that copying articles from the site is prohibited with the indication of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. All protection comes down to the fact that the right mouse button is blocked. The developers tried to disable copying as well, but CTRL + C works great. I am not talking about the less well-known combination CTRL + INS.

Here is its implementation (only JavaScript code):
Compare with the more powerful WP-CopyRightPro implementation, where even drag-n-drop is blocked (JavaScript code only):

But the most interesting thing is that the site publishes articles from magazines and other sites, including Forbes, At the same time, not a single active link to the original article or publication was noticed in dozens of articles.

In Evernote, of course, you have to copy articles or send them by e-mail, and not use the Web Clipper. But you can still save the selected fragments. That. it just creates an inconvenience for the readers, nothing more. Well, okay, I'll use other sources, for example, the same MetrInfo. There are no original materials on the site anyway. And you don't have to remove the bold highlighting from the author's name, which may appear several times in the article.


Try to highlight not only the text you want on the page, but all of its content. Sometimes the creator is Ctrl + A to select all the text, then use the shortcut Ctrl + C to place the selection on the clipboard. Please note - in operations of selection and copying, you should not use the mouse and the context menu opened by pressing its right button. Then switch to any text editor, paste the contents of the clipboard (Ctrl + V) and edit it, leaving only the text you are interested in.

Open the source code of the page and find the section of text you need in it, if the previous method did not work. This can be done through the browser menu or by right-clicking the page and selecting the appropriate item in the context menu. "Hot keys" that correspond to this command: Ctrl + U. Having opened the source, activate the search dialog (Ctrl + F or Ctrl + H) and enter the phrase with which the piece of text you are interested begins with. The text found in the source code may need to be stripped of HTML tags.

Save the page, and then open its source code if you cannot do it using the method described in the previous step. Save dialog current page called by pressing a combination Ctrl keys+ S. In this dialog you can select the line “ Text file"- in this case, you do not have to deal with the removal of tags HTML language from the text of the saved page.

Use a text recognition program if no other methods work. The most common program in the Russian-speaking space is Abbyy Fine Reader... Such an application receives an image containing inscriptions at the input, and outputs them in text format at the output. You can take a screenshot of the page containing the desired text by copying the screen image to the clipboard using the key Print Screen, and then save it to a file of any text format using any graphics editor.

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Not everyone knows that working with most computer programs, it is quite possible to do without a mouse. In the operating room Windows system, as well as in almost all programs, basic commands can be performed using hot keys.


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On some keyboards, hotkeys for basic commands are printed on the bottom edges of the keyboard buttons.


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As a rule, when copying very large fragments text the difficulty is caused by its allocation, and not the very operation of placing it in the computer's memory. But sometimes problems arise with the amount of memory allocated for these operations in the application being used. The solution is to use more convenient selection methods text or in optimal choice editing programs.


If the text opened in any editor does not fit on one screen sheet, the main difficulty will be in selecting the desired fragment. It is very inconvenient to do this with a mouse, so use the hot keys. Place the cursor at the beginning of the desired fragment text, press and hold the Shift key. After that press the PageDown button as many times as necessary to select the entire fragment. You can press it and not let go - in this case, the computer will repeat the pressing for you, doing it at an accelerated pace. After you have marked the entire desired fragment, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C to place it on the clipboard. If you need to copy the entire text of an open document, use the shortcut keys Ctrl + A to select, and Ctrl + C to copy.

Copying long text in Internet pages with the mouse is even less convenient. If it is completely placed in any field of the web form, then left-click this field and press the key combination Ctrl + A. As a result, the entire contents of this multi-line field will be selected, you just need to place it on the clipboard using the item "Copy »In the context menu or by pressing the Ctrl + C keyboard shortcut. The same procedure can be used if the text is part of a page, and not a separate form field. But then after copying and pasting it will have to be "cleaned" of all unnecessary before and after the fragment of interest text.

If you use the described standard methods copying fails, try opening the document with text in another application. Each program has its own memory limit allocated for allocation and copying operations - some are able to work with text mi up to ten gigabytes, others are limited to one hundred megabytes. In addition, long text can be copied in chunks to meet application limits.

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Tip 4: How to copy and paste text using the keyboard

Beginners personal computer you might be wondering how to copy text using the keyboard and then paste it where you want. For this, special key combinations are used, as well as special programs and other methods.

You can copy text using the keyboard using a keyboard shortcut such as "Ctrl + C". Previously, the text must be selected with the mouse or also with the keyboard. To do this, place the cursor in front of the beginning of the passage required for copying and hold down (hold) left button mice. Move the mouse down. You will see how the text will be highlighted in a different color. Stop the cursor immediately after the last character and release the button. Now you can press "Ctrl + C" to copy.

The required text can be selected using the keyboard and without using the mouse. For example, the combination "Ctrl + A" selects all the text at once in open document or on the website. If you only need to select one word, you can quickly double-click on it with the mouse, and then copy it with the keyboard. Instead of the keyboard, you can click on the selected passage with the right mouse and select the "Copy" item in the menu that appears.

After copying, the text enters the invisible area of ​​the computer's memory "Clipboard", from where it will be available for pasting until the computer is turned off. In addition, please note that with each subsequent copying, the text previously saved in the "Clipboard" will be lost. If you want to save several passages at once and "get" them out of memory for insertion in any order and at any time, you can download and install one of special programs to expand the capabilities of the "Clipboard", for example, CLCL or ClipDiary.

How to insert text using the keyboard

It is very easy to insert text using the keyboard. Place the cursor in the desired location (for example, in open file document), then press the key combination "Ctrl + V" to move the copied passage here. You can also right-click anywhere in the document and select "Paste" from the menu.

There is also the "Cut" command, which is needed so that when copying, the text is removed from the selected location. The text is cut by the combination "Ctrl + X". In the future, for pasting, use the already familiar "Ctrl + V" combination or the context menu when working with the mouse.

Copying information from site to site began almost from the time of the appearance of the sites themselves and the Internet. This method filling the site is called copy-paste, from the word copy (Copy, keys "Ctrl + C") and paste (Paste, keys "Ctrl + V"). There was a time when copy-and-paste ranked normally search engines in its issuance. However, today such times are over. But there are people who still use copying of text from someone else's site to fill their own. It is not recommended to do this, but there are different cases. Let's say you want to copy the text from the site to your page on the social network.

To protect against copying information from the site, resource owners come up with various options. One of them is disabling the action of the right mouse button. This is done so that after selecting some text that they want to copy and paste from the site, it would be impossible to call the context menu with the "Copy" link. Pressing the combinations "Ctrl + C" and then "Ctrl + V" will also have no effect.

If you cannot copy the text of the site, since nothing happens by clicking on the right mouse button, then you need to perform several simple actions. It should be understood that disabling the right mouse button to protect text from copying on the site is done using JavaScript.

Thus, you can enable this button to open the context menu with the "Copy" link by disabling JavaScript support in your browser.

Let's see how this is done in popular browsers: Opera and Google Chrome.

If the text is not copied in the Google Chrome browser

If the text from the site opened in the Google Chrome browser is not copied, that is, the right mouse button does not work, then you need to open the special menu "Configure and manage Google Chrome". It opens by clicking the left mouse button on special button in the upper right corner of this browser:

In the pop-up menu, select the "Settings" item:

Next, the page itself with the settings opens. Scroll to the bottom and click on the link "Show advanced settings" at the bottom. We are looking for a section on the page labeled "Personal data" and click on the button "Content settings ...":

The site will now display incorrectly, but the right button will work. Next, you will need to select and copy the required information. Then, be sure to turn JavaScript back on or some sites won't open at all. For example, Vkontakte will give you a page with the following content:

If the text is not copied in the Opera browser

In the Opera browser, problems with copying text from a site are often also associated with special scripts that block the right mouse button. To disable them, you must also disable script execution. This is done using the "Opera" button in the upper left corner. Click on it and select the "Settings" menu item. Next, on the page that opens, look for the JavaScript section and select "Disallow JavaScript execution":

Also, don't forget to turn script support back on.

Text not copied? Are you typing: I can not copy the text from the site? How to copy text if it is not copied.

Yes, it often happens that when writing a creative or educational work you have to use text from one or more Internet resources, not in terms of plagiarism, but in terms of training or for rewriting. What if the required text is copy-protected? How to copy text from a site?

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Or maybe you need to take text from a photo or picture. How to copy text from a picture? Do you just have to retype it?

The entire article below will be devoted to answering these questions, which will really help you easily understand how to copy text from a site that is copy protected without retyping.

How to copy text: interesting ways and techniques

1. Just retype when I can not copy the text from the site

As mentioned earlier, copy-protected text can simply be reprinted using the text editor of your choice. If the passage of the required text is relatively small, this method may come in handy. In addition, in most cases, when using text published on one of the Internet sites, you still have to use rating methods (written retelling of the text, which means that the passage will still have to be retyped by hand. In this case, the selected text can be mentally changed immediately and to print the already "revised" version in the editor.

Other secrets:

If a piece of text is too large and it will be difficult to retype it manually, you will have to use other ways to remove copy protection. Here is some of them.

2. How to copy text if it is not copied by opening HTML

In the control settings of the browser used, you need to find the "View" sub-item and select the "View HTML code" sub-item. In some modern browsers these operations can be replaced by the "Ctrl + U" key combination. To speed up the search for the required text, after opening the window with the HTML code, press the "Ctrl + F" keys and in the small search box that appears, enter the first few search text and press the "Enter" command.

After finding the required text, it remains only to select it with the cursor, copy it to the clipboard with the command "Ctrl + C" and paste it into the selected text editor using the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + V". After that, the text will be completely ready for further correction.

3. Take a screenshot and run it through the online text recognition service

If the required text could not be copied using this method, most likely this is due to the fact that this text was saved as an image. To copy such text, you need to select the desired part of the page and take a screenshot of it in one of the graphic editors.

There is a good, useful program to take screenshots from the computer screen, if necessary, you can download it for free for yourself -. Or you can use the "Scissors" program for this purpose, which is installed in almost all operating systems computers.

Then, the resulting file must be passed through one of the free online services created for text recognition. In them, it is enough to attach a picture or screenshot, select the recognition language and start the process. We present some of them below.

This will help prepare the necessary text for further copying and use for its intended purpose.

4. How to copy text using Microsoft Word (Macrosoft Word).

To do this, you need to copy the link address of the desired page, open Microsoft Offis, click the "file" item and the "open" sub-item. After that, in the opening window that appears, you need to insert http: // ... of the desired page and again select the "open" command. In response to any warnings from Word, you need to click the "OK" button, thus ignoring the request for a username and password. After that, all the information from the desired copy-protected page will be available to you for editing and use.

5. How to copy text by disabling java scripts

Some users point out that disabling java scripts can also help remove copy protection. So, in order to copy the desired text, just go to the browser settings, select the "advanced settings" sub-item, disable Java, return to desired page with the text, update it and try to copy it with the usual combination of commands "Ctrl + C" and "Ctrl + V".

And what simple techniques, how to copy text from a site that is protected from copying or pictures, do you know? And check out another article: follow the link.

I wish you success in your creative projects, Dear friends! Your team OPTIMUS LIFE.

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