How mobile phone affects human health. Cellular telephone

The debate over how harmful communication using mobile phones is to a person began several decades ago, from the very moment these portable devices began to be in demand first in individual countries, and then throughout the world. For many years, scientists and doctors around the world have been conducting thousands of experiments and studies in order to prove or disprove certain widespread versions about the impact of mobile phones on human life and health. Let's look at the most popular of them, so that in the future each reader can answer the question, did he feel the harm of mobile phones or is it just a myth?

Influence of electromagnetic waves on human health. Scientists have long proven that they are able to stimulate changes at the cellular level and cause violations of the gene order, as well as contribute to the appearance of diseased cells in the body and even pathogenic tumors. So how harmful is the influence of mobile devices, the operation of which is a source of constantly generated electromagnetic waves?

A number of experts who have studied this issue have come to the conclusion that mobile devices can negatively affect health only with excessive, almost round-the-clock use. modern devices or when using outdated, very first mobile phones, which “radiated” much more electromagnetic waves due to the imperfection of technology at the dawn of the era wireless communication. Thus, you can safely communicate using modern models of mobile phones, but do not abuse such communication. The producers themselves similar devices they do not consider that the products they produce are more dangerous than those without which not a single house can do in our time.

Negative effect on the immune system. With constant unlimited use, the harm of mobile phones becomes especially noticeable. Studies show that participants in experiments in Denmark and Norway who used mobile phones daily for a long time began to complain of drowsiness, headaches and became more irritable than subjects who limited their communication using cellular communication.

Scientists have also found that the constant use of mobile phones can significantly weaken the immune system, which will lead to a number of diseases and can exacerbate chronic diseases. Therefore, the harm and benefit of cellular communication is the totality of the reasonable use of such brainchildren of progress.

Effect of electromagnetic waves on the brain. Many scientists primarily associate the harm of mobile phones with the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the head. Moreover, such radiation is created around itself not only by mobile phones, but also by a number of other devices that have confidently entered our lives - computers, televisions, microwave ovens, cordless telephones and other devices.

This affects not only the brain tissues, but also the tissues of the retina, the structures of the visual, auditory and minimizing the harm of mobile phones to “our heads”, again, will allow limiting the use of these devices in everyday life.

Cell phone and children. Due to the fact that the child's skull is thinner and less massive, electromagnetic radiation has a much greater effect on our children than on adults. Therefore, the harm of mobile phones to the children's body is much more noticeable than the impact on the health of adults. Because of this, scientists around the world are calling for the most careful monitoring of the time that children spend talking on their mobile phones.

Thus, we can safely say that the harm and benefit mobile phone in modern world are relative concepts. Everything will depend solely on the intensity of use. of this type devices - with a reasonable approach, a mobile phone can bring its owner only benefits, almost completely eliminating the negative impact on the body.

Cell phone accompanies modern man everywhere: at work, at home, on vacation and even in bed. Radiation from a mobile phone is considered harmless, or rather, no one really thinks about the harmfulness of this device. How dangerous can such a device be and how to protect yourself from mobile phone radiation?

What does a cell phone emit and how does it affect the body

Cellular emits electromagnetic waves in the frequency range from 300 MHz to 3 GHz, and its power is from 1 to 2 watts at active use. Mobile phone manufacturers around the world consider these indicators to be safe for human health, but, according to scientists, this is not the case. The harm of mobile phone radiation is not a one-time effect, but a constant, long-term exposure of the body.

During a conversation, the receiver is constantly held near the ear, so the most fragile part of our body, the brain, is exposed to radiation.

The radiation from the phone directly affects the nervous tissue, simultaneously heating its cells. The brain constantly generates weak electrical impulses, and electromagnetic waves coming from outside can cause a failure of nervous processes. The effect of "accumulation" is especially dangerous - the minimal impact is summed up and can cause the development of a headache, disturbances in thought processes, sleep, memory, and so on.

Mobile phones also have a thermal effect. The amount of heat is not enough for a thermal reaction, but magnetic waves penetrate tissues, including bone, and cause heating of the cells. Such a local increase in temperature has a negative effect on the condition of the eyeball. In an animal experiment, irradiation only 20 times stronger than standard "cellular" radiation caused visual impairment in the experimental subjects, and with increasing power - blindness.

The radiation power of a mobile phone depends on its type and manufacturer. The maximum power of 1-2 watts is emitted by GSM-phones at the time of establishing a connection - approximately within 10-20 seconds after the call. The danger of radiation also depends on its range - cell phones are still at the very beginning of this “line”, the wavelength can be measured in cm. But modern phones are moving further and further along this range - from NMT 450 to GSM 1800, 1900.

The danger of mobile phones is now being actively studied, a special unit has been introduced to measure the radiation of cell phones - SAR (Specific Absorption Rate). The SAR unit is the amount of radiation absorbed by a person per 1 kg of body weight. It is measured in watts per kg. In Europe, exposure up to 2 W/kg is considered safe.

Using modern gadgets the question of how to measure the radiation of a mobile phone does not arise: manufacturers are required to indicate the SAR value in units and write about a possible negative impact health products.

Until now, the influence of mobile phone radiation on humans has not been studied reliably. There is simply no material for long-term observations and comparisons - cell phones began to spread in 1983 in the USA and European countries, in the 90s they came to Russia, and universal telephone installation began less than 20 years ago. This time is not enough to conduct scientific research on the impact of mobile phones on human health. While scientists and doctors substantiate their opinion by monitoring the health of people living next to cell towers. Experiments are also carried out on animals and the study of the influence of electromagnetic waves in the experiment.

cell towers

Cell towers were not as dangerous as it might seem at first glance. These signal transceivers can be installed even on residential buildings within the city without any special restrictions. It is believed that even in the most dangerous radiation zone - within a radius of up to 30 m from the tower - its power does not exceed 2 W / kg, that is, it remains safe for humans. And about whether wi-fi is harmful, read here.

But doctors and researchers do not agree with this assessment: in their opinion, constant exposure to cell phones and living near towers will cause negative health effects:

  • Deterioration of the brain - headache, dizziness and migraine are diagnosed in most people who are forced to talk on a mobile phone for a long time. In the future, this may become a risk factor for the development of Alzheimer's disease, malignant neoplasms of the brain, senile dementia or stroke.
  • Sleep disturbance is another common problem all cell phone owners. Socializing before bed can cause insomnia, sleep disturbances, and nightmares.
  • Decreased immunity: the influence of radio waves on a person causes a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system. This can be caused by a depressing effect on the hematopoietic system.
  • The risk of developing oncology - the number of patients with brain cancer continues to increase. According to experts, one of the risk factors is close contact with mobile devices. How true this statement is, will be clear only after additional research.

Children and phone

The impact of a smartphone on a child's health is an even more complex and unexplored topic. The child's body is constantly growing and developing, radiation from a mobile phone can cause a "failure" of these processes. The impact of radio waves on the child's brain is especially dangerous: it is not protected by such a powerful cranium as in an adult, and at the time of growth and development, nerve cells are most vulnerable. In addition to the brain, the immune system, the hematopoietic system and the organs of vision also suffer from the phone.

This can lead to the development of attention deficit disorder, behavioral disorders, sleep disorders, or even autism. The general condition of the child also suffers: lethargy, weakness, impaired attention, tearfulness or capriciousness appear.

Doctors advise allowing children to use cell phones as late as possible: preferably after 14-16 years, and if this is not possible, then not earlier than 7-10 years.

Radiation protection

While scientists are arguing whether dangerous radiation from a mobile phone is a myth or a reality, doctors suggest trying to protect your body from its effects.

It is quite difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without a mobile phone, but when using this device, do not forget about your safety and the health of your loved ones.

Thank you for the article needs to be improved

Cell phone Compact sophisticated high-tech electronic device mobile communications. Includes - a transceiver for 2-4 microwave bands, a specialized control controller, interface devices, a display, a battery.

The cell phone and the base station maintain constant radio contact. When moving, a cell phone periodically switches from one base station to another, choosing a station from which a stronger signal comes. Even when the phone is in call waiting mode, and there is no conversation, it works in a pulsating mode.

The network computer always knows with which base station a given mobile phone maintains a stable radio link. The communication computer stores the time of the conversation and the location of the subscriber.


Cell phone damage

Scientists have established that mobile communications are a source of harmful electromagnetic radiation for human health. It has now been proven that electromagnetic waves stimulate changes at the cellular level, cause disturbances in the gene order, and contribute to the appearance of diseased cells and disease-causing tumors.

The electromagnetic radiation of the radio frequency range generated by the tube is absorbed by the tissues of the head, in particular, the tissues of the brain, the retina of the eye, the structures of the visual, vestibular and auditory analyzers, and the radiation acts both directly on individual organs and structures, and indirectly, through a conductor, on the nervous system .

Scientists have proven that, penetrating into tissues, electromagnetic waves cause them to heat up. Over time, this adversely affects the functioning of the whole organism, in particular, the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, and endocrine systems. This proves that the harm of cell phones is enormous.

Many subscribers when using cell phones experience unpleasant heating in the head and around the ear. Young people under the age of thirty are most at risk.

Harm of cell phones for children

Children are especially sensitive to radiation from mobile phones. Scientists warn that children who use mobile phones are at increased risk of memory and sleep disorders. The main cause of the disorders is low-intensity electromagnetic radiation, which is able to penetrate the child's less massive and thinner skull.

This radiation affects brain rhythms, can harm the child's immune system, which is in the process of development. The effect of harmful electromagnetic radiation is similar to radio interference, the radiation leads to:

  • Violation of the stability of body cells
  • Disruption of the nervous system
  • The occurrence of headaches
  • memory loss
  • sleep disorder

Cell phone impact on health

The main symptoms of adverse effects ( harm cell phone ) on the state of health are:

  • Headaches
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability
  • Memory impairment and impaired ability to concentrate
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Pain and pain in the eyes
  • Dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye
  • progressive visual impairment
  • Changes in blood pressure and heart rate

All these signs are characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, under the influence of harmful electromagnetic fields that a mobile phone generates, the so-called immune system stress reaction occurs in the body. According to doctors, this can reduce the body's resistance to diseases and other harmful external influences.

According to scientists, prolonged exposure to sources of electromagnetic radiation can cause asthenic syndrome, premature aging of the body, metabolic disorders, diseases of the nervous system, sensory organs, and a number of other diseases.

Different people react to the radiation generated by cell phones in different ways: 15% of those who are especially resistant simply do not notice it, 70% have compensatory mechanisms, and negative consequences appear only after some time, and 15% of users are hypersensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Even after a single conversation on a mobile phone, they experience increased fatigue and sleep disorders, subsequently developing a reaction resembling an allergic reaction, headache, and fluctuations in blood pressure and pulse (it has been proven that after talking on a mobile phone, blood pressure rises by 5-10 mm Hg ).


cell phone benefits

Cell phones are compact, multifunctional.

Cellular communication allows people to communicate from almost anywhere in the world. Currently, cellular communication is the most widespread of all types of mobile communication.

How to use a cell phone

Limit the time and frequency of using a cell phone - more than 2-3 minutes per call and more than 10-15 minutes per day. You can use a wireless headset while away from your phone, or use the speakerphone if possible.

Don't sleep next to a cell phone. The electromagnetic radiation of a mobile phone, even in standby mode, negatively affects the central nervous system, disrupting the normal alternation of sleep phases.

Try to keep your cell phone close to your body as little as possible, for example in your pockets, it is better to carry it in your bag.

While at home, put it at a distance of at least 50 cm from yourself.

It should be taken into account that under shielding conditions (a car, reinforced concrete buildings), the flux density of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) affecting a person is multiplied many times over.

If possible, try not to use the phone in places where reception is poor (elevators, underground rooms, vehicles, etc.), because if the reception is poor, the mobile phone tries to find the transmitter antenna, and because of this, its radiation is amplified many times .

It is less common to use a mobile phone indoors (car, house), since the waves emitted by it can be reflected by walls and coatings, which increases the exposure several times.

Do not put the mobile phone to your ear while it is in the process of searching for a network operator (this also happens when the phone is turned on and when the reception is very poor). At this moment, he radiates the most.

The same applies to rural areas, where, far from the antennas, there is also often poor mobile reception.

The wireless method of transferring data from one mobile phone to another (developed under the Bluetooth brand) adds an additional radiation power to the mobile phone.

When choosing a phone, take an interest in its radiation level (SAR) and try to choose the phone with the lowest indicator.

If you follow the elementary safety rules for use, then the harm from microwave radiation from a cell phone will be minimized.

Disputes about the dangers of mobile phones have been going on for a long time. I myself was quite skeptical about this phenomenon, until at my last job I came across a device - a microwave radiation detector. First, we tested a couple of microwaves in our office and a neighboring one. All indicators were normal.

And then my colleagues and I decided to test the electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones and the result surprised us very much. We tested about 20 mobile phones and got different results. But more on that later, but for now let's try to figure out whether the radiation from cell phones is really harmful or is it all myths.

Problem Research

On the net today you can find various research data regarding the harm of mobile phones. If we analyze them, we can conclude that there is still some kind of health risk. In particular, many researchers confirm the fact of electromagnetic radiation of devices. But in most cases, it is said that modern phone models emit waves that are within the recommended limits.

But checking even modern phones with a detector personally with colleagues, I came to the conclusion that not everything is so rosy. Several measurements showed that my smartphone, while dialing to the subscriber, went beyond the norm several times, which is 5 mW / cm2, and a couple of times even went beyond the measurement range of the detector, i.e. electromagnetic radiation was more than 10 mW / cm2. Immediately after dialing, the radiation dropped sharply.

We tested about 20 smartphones with the detector. As a result, only 5 phones passed the security test. Two of them were from a well-known "fruit" brand, two more had a durable metal case. And one phone was with an experience of about 10 years, but still emitted radiation no more than 2 mW / cm2. As a result, my colleagues and I concluded that if the phone is in a metal case, then its radiation is several times lower than that of plastic "brothers".

What do the doctor's say?

Having seen from my own experience how strong the electromagnetic radiation of a smartphone can be, I wanted to find information, and what doctors say about this. And they recommend the following:

  • It is not recommended to use mobile phones for children under 16-18 years old.
  • Pregnant women should also reduce the amount of time spent talking on their cell phones, and it is better to avoid the use of such gadgets altogether.
  • You can’t keep the phone near your ear (read: brain) during beeps, that is, at the time of connection with the subscriber.
  • It is not recommended to carry the phone near the heart and other internal organs.
  • Mobile phone conversation time per day should be limited to 30 minutes. The recommended maximum talk time per day is 1 hour.
  • Do not leave your phone under your pillow overnight or anywhere near your head.
  • It is not recommended to cover the telephone antenna with your hand during a call. The antenna is usually hidden in the case, so it is better to read in the instructions where it is located.
  • If possible, use a headset when talking on a mobile phone.
In addition, doctors assure us that constant long-term electromagnetic radiation in excess of the norm negatively affects reproductive function in men, reduces immunity, causes brain cancer, increased body fatigue and sleep disturbances.

Conclusions: truth or myth?

What conclusions can be drawn? Mobile phones are a relatively new invention, so the consequences of their use may come later. It is not worth assuring that they are completely safe either. If possible, you should try to use your smartphone for a conversation as little as possible.

It is up to you to believe or not to believe the numerous studies, both confirming and refuting the harmful effects of mobile phones. But, having seen with my own eyes what waves my device emits, I came to the conclusion that I would call it less often.

It is already difficult to imagine modern society without gadgets, means fast communication, smartphones. But more and more often you can find information that these are far from safe devices and the harm of a mobile phone to human health is very great.

But we use it all the time: to make calls and send SMS messages, as navigators, photo and video cameras, game consoles, for accessing the Internet, studying documents, reading books and in many other cases.

With the advent of these gadgets, scientists immediately began to actively study them, conduct a variety of studies that are aimed at identifying their effect on the body. However, the regular replenishment of mobile phones with new functions, various know-how, complicates the work of researchers who are simply not able to study and test all the innovations.

Why is a mobile phone so dangerous? What is its negative impact? How to protect yourself, children, loved ones from the harmful effects of gadgets?

What is the danger of cell phones?

The main danger posed by a cell phone is electromagnetic radiation (radiation). It just seems insignificant.

Many may even say that these devices, if they emit certain negative streams, then in such quantities that the harm to a mobile phone cannot be too serious. Although this is absolutely not true. Radiation of radio waves does not pass without a trace. It certainly leaves its imprint on the human body.

How does the gadget work?

When switched on, even if it is in standby mode, in a pocket, in a bag, in a case, on a table, next to its owner, the mobile phone constantly maintains contact with a cellular communication mast.

If a person moves, moves somewhere, the device periodically switches to other stations, connecting to the one that gives the most powerful signal. And this means that it still functions - in the "sleep" mode, and radio waves continue to be transmitted to it from the antennas.

The influence of towers on people

Cell towers are found almost everywhere today. And all because people try to be available always, wherever they are. BUT mobile operators simply enjoy the constant growth in demand for their services.

But if there is harm from a mobile phone, does it mean that the tower also has a negative impact on a person? The harmfulness of antennas lies in the resulting electromagnetic fields. After all, they give signals to mobile phones so that their owners can communicate with each other. At the same time, such antennas are installed directly on the roofs of houses, and not one by one, but several pieces. But the most important thing is that those who live in neighboring houses receive more harm from them, because the action of the towers is directed not down, but sideways.

In order to lower the radiation level from the antenna located on the roof of the neighboring house, you can move the bed away from the window, move the sofa or chair a little to the side. This will allow less and less likely to be under its radiation. Although, do not forget that in addition to the phone and antenna, radio waves come from routers, microwave oven and other devices, equipment, which are also found in many houses and apartments.

Mobile operators, for their part, also adhere to certain standards and try in every possible way to reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on people. These measures include:

  1. Placing antennas as high as possible, as radio waves go horizontally, not down, into houses, onto people.
  2. The location of the towers at the maximum distance from residential buildings, since the radiation propagation radius is no more than 33 meters.
  3. Installation of antennas in most cases on administrative buildings.

Harm to mobile phones

The radiation emanating from the phone causes serious changes in cells, can cause gene imbalance, the formation of diseased cells, and malignant neoplasms. It is absorbed by various organs:

  • auditory;
  • visual;
  • vestibular;
  • the brain and other tissues of the head;
  • eye retinas.

Electromagnetic fields and their impact have the most negative impact on people's health. However, systems most susceptible to mobile phone radiation are:

  1. Nervous.
  2. Immune.
  3. Sexual.
  4. Endocrine.
  5. Cardiovascular.

Electromagnetic waves that affect the human body for a long time can be the reasons for:

  • formation of malignant tumors in the brain;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • leukemia (blood cancer);
  • development of Alzheimer's disease;
  • cataracts;
  • memory disorders;
  • development of Parkinson's disease;
  • slowing blood circulation in the brain;
  • violations of the functioning of the central nervous system, its degeneration and other ailments.

Radiation of radio waves from a cell phone has a very negative effect on:

  1. Pregnant women and their embryos.
  2. Little children.
  3. People with weak immunity.
  4. Patients with disorders in the work with the heart, problems with blood vessels.
  5. People suffering from hormonal diseases.
  6. Allergics.
  7. Patients with disorders of the nervous system.

Signs of negative influence

Even short calls for one or two minutes can have a negative impact on a person, and prolonged use of the gadget, long calls can cause symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • pain, dryness, pain in the eyes;
  • temperature rise;
  • headaches;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • blurred vision;
  • memory impairment;
  • fatigue, tiredness;
  • violation of concentration;
  • irritability;
  • discomfort;
  • drowsiness.

Such signs, as a rule, occur with a disease of the autonomic nervous system. Radiation from a mobile phone quite often causes disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, it is in a tense state, it becomes more difficult for it to resist diseases and other external influences exerted on a person.

Very often, people who talk on a mobile phone for a long time feel an increase in temperature, excessive heat near the ear, which is also a negative effect.

Scientists believe that sources of electromagnetic radiation that are near a person for a long time can cause metabolic disorders in the body and the functioning of the nervous system, the appearance of asthenic syndrome, lead to premature aging of the body and other diseases.

Studies conducted by scientists have shown that only 15% of mobile phone and smartphone users do not feel electromagnetic waves coming from gadgets. The same number of people - 15% of users of these devices, even after short, one-time calls, do not feel well.

They are worried about headaches, unstable pulse and blood pressure, increased fatigue, drowsiness, in some cases something similar to allergic reactions.

In 70% of mobile phone users, protective (compensatory) mechanisms are triggered that restrain electromagnetic waves and their negative impact. But their possibilities are not unlimited. Therefore, after some time, the influence of a mobile phone will still affect human health.

Head injury

The phone has a particularly negative effect on people's heads. Unlike other devices and devices that emit electromagnetic radio waves, this gadget is often applied to the ear, being very close to the cerebral cortex.

Even short calls lasting about a minute have the most negative impact on the brain. And if the conversation drags on, the effect of the device on the blood-brain barrier, which keeps toxic proteins from entering the brain, becomes very dangerous. And it takes a long time to recover.

Communication on a mobile phone also causes excitation of the cerebral cortex and can lead to epileptic seizures. Such a reaction, as a rule, affects those who have a slight excitability of brain cells. These individuals include people with neurological conditions:

  1. neuroses.
  2. Neurasthenia.
  3. Psychasthenia.
  4. Psychopaths and others.

Obsessions, hysterical and asthenic disorders are clearly expressed in their behavior. In these patients, memory deteriorates, both mental and physical performance decreases, insomnia is observed.

Visual impairment

The harm of cell phones to the visual organs is also very large. Electromagnetic waves seriously impair blood circulation in the eyes, leading to poor washing of the lens, which after a while becomes cloudy and collapses. A person begins to feel pain in the eyes, severe headaches.

Vision problems can also arise due to the constant overstrain of the eye muscles, due to long-term focusing of the gaze on the display of the gadget, and they are accompanied by serious, negative changes in the eyes.

Problems with sexual functions

Today there is a lot of talk about the negative impact of mobile phones on sexual functions. And this is a problem not only for men, but also for women. But is the mobile phone really that bad?

Numerous studies have proven that the use of these devices significantly reduces the number of sperm in men, and also significantly worsens their quality (up to 30%) and mobility. At the same time, scientists note that harm is caused not only during calls and conversations, but to a greater extent when the gadget is in a trouser pocket or fastened to a belt.

The fair sex is exposed to electromagnetic radiation no less than men. With constant, long-term use of cell phones, they may have the following problems:

  • miscarriages;
  • premature birth;
  • the birth of children with congenital pathologies, defects, deformities.

Sleep disturbance

Leaving a mobile phone next to him at night, a person risks harming himself. Even in standby mode, the device continues to emit radio waves, which have the most negative effect on the nervous system and disrupt sleep. They can cause malfunctions in the nerve centers that regulate the body, for example, wakefulness and sleep.

Wanting to sleep well, the gadget should be placed no closer than at arm's length from you.

Impact on children

Electromagnetic waves are especially harmful for a developing, growing organism. Therefore, when it comes to the benefits and harms of mobile phones for children, there can be no compromises. The child should neither play, nor call, nor even just hold these devices in his hands. Radio waves emanating from cellular phones are able to quickly penetrate into the thin, not yet strong skull of a baby, causing the development of various diseases and ailments:

  1. Weakened immunity.
  2. Insomnia.
  3. Dizziness, headaches.
  4. Neurasthenia.
  5. Hyperactivity.
  6. Hormonal disruptions.
  7. Deterioration of the nervous system.
  8. Instability of cells in the body.

Children are much more exposed to harmful radiation than adults. This must not be forgotten.

Video: radiation from a mobile phone.

How to reduce the negative impact of mobile phones on the body?

Of course, not many will agree to completely abandon the use of gadgets, even knowing about their harm to health. But you can try to at least partially protect yourself from the radiation that they emit.

Protection from mobile phone radiation cannot be complete, but there are a number of measures to limit human exposure to electromagnetic radio waves:

  • Bring the handset to your ear only after the connection is established, when the called party has picked up the handset.
  • Try to call less in buildings, and more on the street, where there are no barriers in the form of walls that reduce signal strength.
  • Call more often, but spend less time on the call. It is better to call three times for two minutes than once, but for six minutes.
  • Give preference to those gadgets with lower radiation power.
  • Use as often as possible wireless headset or speakerphone.
  • Before going to bed, put your mobile phone away from the bed, away from you.
  • Less often carried in pockets, put in a bag.
  • If it is not needed, put it aside, 0.5 meters away from you and further.
  • Use less during pregnancy.
  • Do not give to children.
  • Turn off when there is a thunderstorm.

By following the advice of experts and following their recommendations for using telephones, you can significantly reduce the level of their radiation exerted on the body by microwaves.