How to highlight the outline of the object in Photoshop. Select an object by contour in Photoshop

Sometimes it is required to circulate a selected area (i.e. discover contour). This technique is really convenient when used in combination with allocation tools. For example, you can combine a rectangular area with a tool to add a thin black contour to the photos, or with oval selection.

When it comes to imparting chic, few effects can exceed a thin black contour.

Whether you insert the image into the text or place it in the blog, adding an outline makes the edges of a little clearer, giving the drawing a finished look.

Here is how you can add the outline along the edge of the image:

Step 1

Open the image and highlight it. If the image of the same size as the document, select Menu Command Allocation \u003d\u003e All. If it is less than the document, and is on your own layer, click the mouse button instead by holding the CTRL key over the layer thumbnail.

Step 2.

Select Menu command Editing \u003d\u003e Run Stroke (Stroke). In the dialog box, enter a value in the pixels in the Width field (I put 10 pixels), and then click the color indicator. Select a color from the palette that appears and click OK. Returning, set the switch in the location group to the position inside so that the outline appears only inside the boundaries of the image.

Step 3.

Click OK to view a new outline.

To circle someone in the photo, you will need to perform mostly the same steps:

Step 1

Open the photo and select a tool, for example. Drag the mouse pointer to draw okal. Remember that you can hold the SHIFT key when dragging the perfect circle or the Alt key and draw oval from the inside. Move the selection, if necessary by clicking and holding the mouse button inside it and dragging the mouse.

Step 2.

Select Menu command Run stroke, Enter the width and pick up the color. It is necessary that it is at least 2 pixels in the width: so the circle will be fat enough so that it can be noted. In a group Location Set the switch to the position CENTERthen Photoshop will place the stroke of the center over the "marching ants". For example, if you have entered a width of 2 pixels, the program will lay out one pixel from the outside of the selection and one with the internal (in other words, it will "step back" through the selection).

Allocation of various objects in photoshop is one of the main skills when working with images.
Basically, the selection has one goal - cutting objects. But there are other special cases, such as fill or stroke circuits, creating figures, etc.

This lesson will tell you how to select an object on the contour in Photoshop on the example of several receptions and tools.

The first and easiest way to isolation, which is only suitable for allocating an already cut (separated from the background) of the object - click on the layer miniature with a pinch key Ctrl.

After execution this action Photoshop automatically loads the selected area containing the object.

Next, no less easy way - take advantage of the instrument "Magic wand". The method is applicable to objects that have one or how close shades.

The magic wand automatically loads the selected area containing the shade on which the click was performed.

Great for separating objects from a monochon background.

Another tool from this group - "Fast allocation". Selects an object by determining the boundaries between the tones. Less convenient than "Magic wand"But it makes it possible to allocate not the entire monophonic object, but only its plot.

Tools from the group "Lasso" allow you to allocate objects of any color and texture except "Magnetic Lasso"which works with the boundaries between the tones.

"Magnetic Lasso" "Prints" selection to the boundary of the object.

"Straight Lasso"How it becomes clear from the name, it works only with straight, that is, there is no possibility to create rounded outlines. At the same time, the tool is perfect for the selection of polygons and other objects that have direct directions.

Normal "Lasso" It works solely manually. With it, you can select the area of \u200b\u200bany shape and size.

The main disadvantage of these tools is low accuracy in the allocation, which leads to additional actions at the end.

For more accurate secretions in Photoshop, a special tool is provided entitled "Pen".

With help "PER" You can create contours of any complexity that are also editable.

On the skills of working with this tool, you can read this article:

Let's summarize.

Instruments "Magic wand" and "Fast allocation" Suitable for allotment of monophonic objects.

Group Tools "Lasso" - For manual work.

"Pen" It is the most accurate tool for allocation, which makes it indispensable when working with complex images.

In this article, we will look at various tools for highlighting in Photoshop. Considering that there are various methods Selects to photoshop, you yourself choose which one is suitable for solving your task. So, let's begin.

Allocation of simple objects in Photoshop

If your object has a rectangular or elliptic form, you can use one of the simple tools to be selected in Photoshop. They are in the second group on the toolbar.

"RECTANGULAR MARQUEE TOOL" (rectangular selection) will allow you to highlight the object of rectangular shape: notebook, window, house.

"Elliptical marquee tool" (elliptical selection) - allocate the object of the round or elliptic form.

Climbing during the selection of the SHIFT key you will receive a selection in the form of an ideal circle or square.

"SINGLE ROW MARQUEE TOOL" and "SINGLE COLUMN MARQUEE TOOL" Eliminate a number or column, in 1 px width.

Settings for selection of areas in Photoshop

IN top stringIn the instrument settings, you can choose how the selection will occur.

The first button "New Selection" (new selection) will allow each time a new area.

The "Add to Selection" button will allow you to highlight several areas at once, and if they are intersecting, the new area will be added to the previously dedicated, as if expanding it.

The "Subtract from Selection" button (denying from the selection) will exclude selected areas from an already existing selection.

The last button "InterSect with Selection" will assist allocated only the area that will be at the border of the intersection.

In the "Feather" row, the value of the blur of the boundaries of the area of \u200b\u200bthe area is specified. For example, set "0 px", select the area and move it or copy it. The boundaries of the carved object are clear.

Now we will set the value "20 px", select and copy the fragment. The carved fragment has softer cut-off borders.

Move the selected area in Photoshop

To move the selected object in the image, hover over it with the mouse, the cursor will take the appearance of the arrow pointer with a small rectangle at the bottom, clamp left button Mice and drag the area.

For a more accurate movement of the area, you can use the arrows on the keyboard.

If the "Move Tool" tool is selected during the move - it will be navigated, a non-selected area, but a dedicated image fragment.

Medication in photoshop tool Lasso

Lasso is the third group on the toolbar.

"Lasso Tool" (Lasso) is simple lasso. You need to hold the left mouse button and keep the object to the object you want to highlight. There will be patience and skill here.

"Polygonal Lasso Tool" (Polygonal Lasso) - highlights the outline of the object with straight lines. Click the left mouse button at the beginning of the selection, and then click each time the direct segment should be completed.

"Magnetic Lasso Tool" (Magnetic Lasso) - allows you to quickly highlight the desired object. Click the mouse at the beginning of the selection area, and then just enter the cursor over the contour you want to highlight, the selection markers will automatically be automatically. The larger the contrast of the background and the area you want to highlight, the better the tool determines the boundaries of the selection area.

The following parameters are present in the tool settings. Consider the last three, since the rest were described above.

"Width" (width) - the more accurately there should be a selection area, the smaller the value you need to choose.

"Contrast" (contrast) - if the contrast of the background and area is high, the value must be large, if low - choose a value less.

"Frequency" (frequency) - the higher the value, the more often markers will be created along the contour of the area allocated.

Medication in photoshop tool magic wand

The magic wand distinguishes similar in the color of the pixel. You will need to simply click on the object to be allocated.

You can configure the following parameters for it.

"Tolerance" (tolerance) - the greater the value, the greater the area, with similar to color pixels, will be highlighted. Selected value 20.

Selected value 50.

"Contiguous" (adjacent pixels) - if you remove a tick, will be similar to the color of the area on the entire image.

Using the tool Fast allocation in Photoshop

"Quick Selection Tool" - using this tool, you can quickly highlight the desired object in the image.

The area is highlighted by simple clicks with the mouse. After each click, the dedicated area increases.

If unnecessary parts of the background automatically released, click "Alt" and click on the unnecessary site - it will be deducted from the selected area. Using the quick allocation tool, you can highlight complex image objects. The remains of the background are also convenient to clean using the Eraser Tool (Eraser) tool.

Tool settings are as follows: three first brushes - highlight the area, add to the selected area, deduct from the selected area; By pressing the black arrow, the parameters of the selection brush will open.

Medication in photoshop using mask

"Quick Mask Mode" (fast mask) is the last button on the toolbar. To enable this feature, you can also use the "Q" key.

Select on the "Brush Tool" (brush) toolbar and click "Q". After that, black color for the brush will be selected. Slide the object to be highlighted.

Pay attention to the "OPACITY" (opacity) and "Flow" brush settings must stand 100%. Choose a rigid opaque brush.

Pen circuit clip. Lesson for beginners in Photoshop.

In my opinion, the pen is the most convenient, understandable and easy to use tool. Let's start together with the simplest. Take the circuit crawling.
Honestly, this lesson is given to me with great difficulty, because I turn into an illustrator, I draw without Alt, and it is very difficult for me to figure out where to put a point if Alt can still be used. But working using Alt is very simple, and will save us from all fears before the pen. Then we will be fearlessly to learn to work with pen and without alt in smooth points. So, let's begin.
Cut the flower. I took this picture. The picture is incremented by clicking on the preview.

We will cut this flower from it:

Very detail :-) Click on the preview of the first picture, download it and open this picture in Photoshop.
Press the Ctrl + 0 key combination (zero), or so:

We take the "Pen" tool - "Pen" for which we press the "P" key (Single Keyboard English). Or so:

Pen settings are:

Put the first point:

Now carefully :-). First we read, then we do, because it is the only thing that needs to be understood - the rest is simple. :-)
We put the second point (red arrow), do not let the left key of the mouse, we take a bit (not releasing the mouse button) Pen to the side - about the point will appear two arrows (guides - blue arrow), stretch behind the guide (blue arrow), turn it, bending Contour (green arrow) so that he will be clearly along the contour of the flower. Do not let go of the mouse!

Now you hold down the alt key (we do not let go!) And drive the guide (blue arrow) back to our second point, so (red arrow):

Drove. Let the mouse key! :-)

Read? Now you can do. :-))))
In order to pull the whole flower, we have to spend this operation several times. The ALT button and the guide corner helps how to fix the pen so that with each new outline the contour begged wherever we need. In fact, and without Alt contour bends in a strictly defined direction, and not randomly. But here you need to practice, understand the logic of the pen. Therefore, we will begin to understand this logic, working using Alt :-)
You noticed - while we pull for the guides, the pen acquires the type of such a triangle:

We put the third point (red arrow), do not let go of the mouse key, extend the outline (green arrow), clamp alt and drive the guide to this third point (black arrow):

We let go of the mouse.

We put the fourth point, etc. Here are all my points - it remains only to close the contour, i.e. Put the last point in the first (strictly into it! :-)):

By the way, it was thought .... you can download this particular picture and to start putting points strictly where I set. For - if my contour arched, "it means that you will be born :-)

We put the last point strictly first, do not let go of the mouse and extend the contour. Alt on our last stage will no longer work (if we exactly hit the first point). Therefore, by arming the contour, just let the mouse key. Everything. The circuit clip is complete. :-)
Like this:

We still have the PEN tool - feather. :-) We put the right mouse button on a file at any point and in the dropping window, select "make selection" - "Make a selection":

In the window that opens, we put the Feather Radius - a pen radius, a decisive radius. I put 2 PKS (because we are not too small with us, and this decisive will not cut the eye. The more picture, the greater decisive can be put, and, accordingly, the less - the smaller). So I have 2 PKS, and click OK:

The flower we have stood out - instead of the contour (simple line) around it, the selection - overflow the dotted line:

Now press the CTRL + C key combination or so:

Press Ctrl + N or so (open a new file, in short :-)))):

Smart Photoshop immediately puts the necessary parameters The file opened to insert copied. We still have to click OK. But, just in case ..., (trust, but check) check that everything we have, like on the screen. Green arrow - transparent background. If you have another - choose transparent. Blue arrow - We can change the name. Well, click OK:

The file opened:

Press the Ctrl + V key combination, or so:

All, we fulfilled all the work. We have a carved flower on a transparent background:

Save the file in PNG. So:

Before saving the file, you can check whether everything is fine with us. Open the layer palette (press the F7 key) or so:

In the palette of layers with clamped with the Ctrl key click here (the Ctrl key is cling to the new layer of us under the layer with a flower):

Here we have a new layer:

We stand on this new empty layer (see - it is highlighted in blue?), Press the SHIFT + F5 key combination or so:

In the window that opens, click on the tick (red arrow) and in the drop-down list, select Black - Black (Blue Arrow):

Our empty bottom layer flooded in black and we see well how the flower will look on the background:

In general, everything is tolerated. But if we don't like something, how to fix?
We look at what I don't like and not to do an extra work we return to our source file from which we cut out the flower. Open history palette:

We get up in the open palette of history to CLOSE PATH (Red Arrow). And our us return by the time we closed the way (blue arrow):

Take the pen tool again and clamp the key Ctrl!!! Package (I do everything with a pinch key Ctrl !!!) at any point of the contour and we see that we have all the reference points with the guides):

Thus, we can move any point and bend the contour in another way. Everybody is done with the ctrl pinch and enabled. Then, when we all arrange, we repeat the entire procedure with highlighting and copying to a new file.

Actually, while all. This method has an advantage - simplicity. But there are shortcomings - we have one guide, which reduces editing capabilities. And, if there is little experience with the pen, the contour may not be too smooth. But let's start with this to learn how to bend the outline :-)
On the same method you can draw pictures
. Here specifically - drawing the contour. All lesson
It was on this lesson that I studied :-)

P.S. After we checked the clipping path, pulling it on the black background - we remove this layer with the background and save it in PNG.

The most frequent operation in photoshop is the allocation of objects to replace the background or transfer to another photo. In Photoshop, there is a huge number of ways of allocation that can be combined with each other to achieve a better result.

From this lesson, you will learn to select a method for this particular situation, as much as possible and quickly allocate objects in Photoshop.

Good selection begins with right choice tool. The very first group of buttons in the toolbar is devoted to the selection of objects.

The arrow in the lower right corner means there are additional variations of these tools. If you press and hold the mouse button on one of them, a list of optional tools opens.

At the beginning there are simple figures of the selection "Rectangular region" oval area "and strips thick in one pixel. Most often, use the first two.

Hold the SHIFT key when drawing allows you to get a clean square or circle.

Normal Lasso (Lasso Tool) holds a line along the mouse trajectory. As a rule, the mouse is quite difficult to get into the edge of the subject, therefore, this tool is suitable for coarse discharge, when accuracy is not important.

(Polygonal Lasso Tool) draws straight segments. Suitable for allocating objects with straight corners. For example, boxes, buildings, pencils.

Double-clicking the mouse closes the selection, so be careful.

(Magnetic Lasso Tool) works in automatic mode. Such a weight along the edge of the subject, the computer recognizes its shape and the line will be "modeled" to the edge of the object.

If the line is not correct, press the backspace key on the keyboard to remove the last links and launch the line at the new course. Also, this button works with a rectangular selection tool.

(Magic Wand Tool) automatically recognizes the stains of the same color and highlights them.

Magic wand suitable for objects lying on monthly backgroundOne click on the background recognizes it and highlights.

The sensitivity of the magic wand (tolerance) is configured in the parameter panel. The greater the value, the more the wand "sees." Too little sensitivity, will leave a white halo, as in the figure above, and too big, capture the edges of the subject.

(Quick Selection Tool), works in a similar way, but more effectively allocates multicolored items. The tool corresponds to the name and indeed, the faster all the rest allocates the object.

Pick up the optimal diameter of the brush and swipe inside the object. The brush will capture it in parts, trying to guess the boundaries of the subject.

Even if Quick Selection Tool grabbed unnecessary, holding the ALT key allows you to quickly remove pieces of selection.

Absolutely all the tools described above can be combined with each other. It is this technique that allows you to achieve high quality allocation.

  • Hold SHIFT Adds the following selection to the existing one.
  • Hold Alt. Removes new selection from the old one.

When working with Lasso tools, you can always refine the existing allocation by adding a new or subtraction from the old one.

In addition, each new selection may have its own decisiveness. This allows you to allocate the subject with blurred edgesAs in the picture above.

The set value can be set before drawing (in the parameter panel, as in the picture above), or after drawing by pressing SHIFT + F6 (or the right mouse button - decisive).

How to quickly allocate an object in Photoshop

TO fast methods Allocations include all of the above automatic tools, and in particular the "Fast allocation" tool. Additional functionsThey will also help to cope with a difficult task.

Color Range (Color Range)

If there are several objects of one tone in the picture, use - Selection / Color Range ... This feature, in contrast to the "magic wand", allows you to capture all the items at the same time and see how the sensitivity setting is affected.

Press the pipette to the desired area and adjust the "scatter" so that your item is as contrasting to the background.

Refinement of automatic selection

However, it is important to understand that the speed is always affected by the quality. If you want to easily simplify and save time, make automatic selection, for example, a "magic wand" tool.

And then, make manually that the tool could not correctly recognize the holding of the SHIFT or ALT keys to add or subtract pieces.

Fast mask

A quick mask can be attributed to high-speed methods. Take a black brush and go to quick mask mode (Q key). Skin to the brush the necessary area by changing the size and rigidity of the edges. Drawing with gray shades makes it possible to obtain translucent selection.

To the "Quick Mask" mode, you can use not only tassels, but also lasso tools pouring them in black.

When you press the fast mask icon, you will have a selection that will need to be inverted (Ctrl + Shift + I).

Selection of the mask layer

This method does not apply to the allocation tools, but has a huge advantage compared to the previous one that makes it possible to easily edit the selection in the course of work, add parts of the shape and delete them. Therefore, I decided to tell about him too.

Take your image to another background without cutting it so that it is the second layer. Click on the layer mask icon.

Drawing on a layer in black will hide the image, and drawing is white, display it again. You can paint the plots as a brush with different softness and lasso tools.

Another advantage, this method of imposition - the ability to make translucent discharge, for example, drawing a gray brush. It is much more convenient to draw brushes on the mask of the layer much more convenient using pressure on the handle you can adjust transparency, and the smears are obtained much more accurate.

Video lesson: 4 methods of selection in Photoshop

How to highlight a complex object in photoshop

To complex objects of allocation, often include hair or objects with large quantity Small details. Such items are very difficult or impossible to allocate standard tools.

If the edges of the subject are blurred, automatic tools may not cope, and it turns out not even into the manual line. In this case, it is better to use the Pen Tool tool, which will be discussed below.

Two ways of hair discharge

Levels. Create a new layer and transfer it to the black and white mode (Ctrl + SHIFT + U). Click - Image / Correction / Levels ... Adjust the side sliders so that the person's hair is most contrastingly in relation to the background, as shown in the picture below.

The bright pieces of the girl fracture the black brush to get one-piece silhouette without spaces, as in the screenshot below.

Now, highlight the black silhouette "color range" described above, and the second layer can be deleted.

Clarification of the edge. For example, take a photo of the horses mane. Highlight the body tool "Quick Selection Tool) or any other comfortable tool. For accurate mane, press - Selection / clarify the edge ...

Now you need to spend along the edge of the mane tool similar to the brush. And set the optimal settings. There is an opportunity to see the quality of selection on a black and white background. This is especially convenient when transferring an object to another background, see the shoals in advance (for example, colored halo) and fix them.

If you erased too much or not exactly, spend again by mane while holding the alt key on the keyboard.

If the selection captures the edge on the edge, for example, a white halo around the object. Click - Selection / modification / compress ...

In the window that opens, set the number of pixels to which your selection should be reduced. The same can be done for extensions Options.

The border Creates allocations only on the boundary of the item to the thickness specified in the settings. This feature is conveniently used when drawing figures.

Smoothing Rounds sharp selection angles by making it more rounded.

Blinds the edges of the selection.

Selection by the pen tool

Pen Tool allows you to make an accurate allocation of an object with rounded and sharp corners. Take the pen and click on the edge of the selection if you press and hold the left mouse button, you can get an expedited line.

A short click creates sharp corners, and retention allows you to bending rounded lines without errors. In the course of drawing, the line can be edited using the following keys:

  • Holding Ctrl allows you to move the support points and change the angle of curvature.
  • Holding Alt adds the reference points and allows you to make sharp corners
  • Hold SHIFT makes curvature with multiple 45 °.

When the pen is ready, close it, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Select the area ..."

The obtained selection can be used in operation, and vector contour Delete.

Video lesson: allocation of a complex object

How to transfer a selected object

As a rule, it is distinguished by a transfer object to another image or for editing separately from the background. There are several ways to transfer images to another background:

The easiest transfer method is copying (Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V). Or click - Editing / copy. And on another image - insert. Selection is imported as a new layer.

There is another way. The "Move" tool is simply dragging the object to another image and release.

Finally, the most correct way, click - Layer / New / Copy to a new layer ...

How to change the size of the selected object in Photoshop

Almost always, after transferring the selected image to another background, it is required to scale. It is possible to reduce the image as much as you like, but if the size is already small, then it will be blurred during stretching and at a lower resolution. In this case, it is better to reduce the background, not the main object.

Click - Editing / Transforming / Scaling ... (or Ctrl + T). Frame appears around the object.

Pull the angle necessarily holding the SHIFT on the keyboard, otherwise the layer proportion is distorted and the seagull will be flexible.

Also, it is possible to turn the layer, distort, deform, reflect horizontally and vertically.

How to save a selected object in Photoshop

When you got the necessary selection, it would not hurt to keep it right away, just in case. Click - Selection / Save Selected Area ...

Now the selection has been preserved and you can download it at any time or add to the existing one.

The saved selection area will be saved only in photoShop format (PSD) If you save your image in JPEG, then all information about the selection will be deleted.

How to remove a selected object in Photoshop

You can remove the selected object from the photo by simply by clicking on the Delete key or core the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe background.

As can be seen in the picture above, the image painting color does not give the desired result, so it is solved only by retouching tools. Such as "stamp" and "restoring brush".

For example, if you want to remove a person without a trace with a photo, then you need to restore the background under it using retouching tools. Sometimes a photo allows you to do it.

Such an operation requires certain skills of ownership of retouching tools and some time as it is done manually. Take the Stamp Tool Holding Alt Press the sample of a similar background that goes under a person and click on a person.

Border passing on the legs need to draw separately, carrying similar pieces with a stamp.

If the background is uniform, highlight the area by any higher than the described selection tool with the decisive and move to the person.