When the laser 3D scanner invented. Three-dimensional scanning technology

Today we will tell about the types and types of 3D scanners, as well as on the effective use of them in various fields.

3D scanning is widely used in industry, medicine and in everyday life. Moreover, many modern production processes cannot do without automation and control. In these cases, along with computer vision, 3D scanning technology comes.

3D scanners can be divided into two types: contact and, accordingly, non-contact.

Contact scanners

The first type of scanners includes CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine - coordinate measuring machines).

These devices resemble industrial CNC machines, on a massive base, but instead of the spindle, the measuring head is mounted with a ruby \u200b\u200bball at the end. Scanning, or control of geometric dimensions is made in contact method. The probe is slowly suitable for the measured object by registering the slightest touch.

There are also systems with moving "joints", in which high-precision encoders are installed. When moving the scanning body by the operator, these sensors fix the movement of the entire system and based on this data builds a three-dimensional model of the product.

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About 3D printers, which are gradually becoming serving in everyday life of Belarusians. Printing plastic models deprives headache both engineers and ordinary people. But as the tangible object moves into digital space and becomes a three-dimensional model? On this Onliner.by talked with an expert Evgeny Liazot.

It is often difficult to measure or draw a physical object, it will require a lot of measurement with a ruler or caliper. Scanning allows you to recreate the object, simply having overlapping the scanner around it or unscrewing on the subject table. The three-dimensional scanner can quickly turn the physical object to the file on the computer for further editing, direct printing on the 3D printer or for machining on CNC machines.

Main applications of 3D scanners - Mechanical engineering, architecture, medicine, dentistry, shoe production, woodworking, cinema and computer games. Using three-dimensional scanners Allows you to speed up the production of goods and significantly reduce the percentage of marriage.

Of course, the speed depends on the complexity of the object, but the primary model, as a rule, can be obtained after 10-15 seconds. The person of a person will require 30 seconds. Of course, for high detail you need more time, but the essence is as - in any case, it is the fastest and easy way Get a bulk model.

"Scanners have different types - laser and optical, even tactile, which are touched to the object and understand its shape. Everyone has its pros and cons. We will focus on the Scanners of the Italian company Open Technologies. They are better than Russian counterparts, and one and a half times cheaper than German scanners, " - says Eugene.

First, look at the scanner with the subject table. The cost of the kit is about $ 50 thousand.

The device projects a white structured light to the object and, on the refraction of this light, restores the location of the surface points in space.

The scanner begins with very large stripes and finishes barely noticeable with the naked eye:

The device rotates the object and takes pictures yourself. IN this case We scanned the jaw in six steps with a turn of 60 degrees.

A special program analyzes incoming data and displays the final model to the screen.

Scanning is already changing some industries now. For example, dentistry. The teeth are difficult to measure, because even two people are not found in the mouth. The fact that the 3D scanner is done in a few seconds, the dental technician will require a long painstaking handmade. This is a very responsible occupation that will still be with errors and will require fitting on the patient.

Special popularity is gaining transparent braces. They are made on the printed cast of the jaw in the process of vacuum molding at 120 degrees.

The finished bracket is inserted into the mouth and is worn to fix your teeth. Despite the fact that it seems to be a funny plastic part, on your teeth it sits perfectly, due to which it keeps. And pressure is pressure on the necessary teeth, so over time they are leveling.

The most important thing is that braces are invisible - you smile and no one knows what they have them.

In Belarus, such an approach is used in private, but if you take the experience of even neighboring countries (for example, neighboring Ukraine), then there it is applied much wider. The technology has already been enough long ago, but to convey it to people, twenty years worked in their field according to standard technology, rather problematic. Meanwhile, the dental technicians in Italy have realized five years ago that old technology Forces it to work too slowly and accompanies a high percentage of marriage. Therefore, they bought three-dimensional printers and continued to engage in their work, becoming 3D printing service providers.

The uniqueness of this scanner is that it uses projection of the rays of structured light and is equipped with four chambers, which are adapted to scan various areas: two chambers for 15 × 15 × 15 cm zones and two for zones 50 × 50 × 50 cm.

Such a solution allows you to quickly scan large objects, such as a car. However, when scanning door handles, which will require additional detail, you can rearrange the USB cable and use a more accurate chamber. The scanner "will understand" the location on the large model and combine fragments together.

We now turn to the second scanner, which is five times cheaper and cost $ 10 thousand.

"The data stream is so powerful that without quick Computer not enough. The easier the scanner, the higher the requirements for the computer. In more expensive scanners, everything is mainly built on optics, and in more budget models by type Kinect requires a miscalculation of points, and this happens in real time. So the manual scanner is particularly demanding about the performance of the processor and the video card ", - Notes Evgeny.

Such a scanner may not consider mimic wrinkles on the face, but will give color and volume. It is applicable for applied tasks like digitizing the silencer of the car.

The main area of \u200b\u200bapplication of manual scanners is the sphere of entertainment and filming movies. The basic elements of computer graphics are now more profitable to digitize than to model. If earlier the explosion required the time and resources of render farms, today it can be simply cancer. Based on the same data create models of players in such, for example, games like FIFA. In principle, the three-dimensional model of the whole person can be done in a minute, just press the trigger.

In industry, such scanners are used to control the quality of products. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer here is primarily, but the scanner makes it possible to check the quality of products at each stage of production. This allows you to improve the technological process - accelerate it and reduce the percentage of marriage. Of course, scanners have now become used in industrial espionage.

No matter how expensive scanner is, it is usually not a panacea - everything rests on the staff who works with him. A huge amount of data that generates the device requires a competent approach. Each glare material, the dusting scanner can perceive as the desired item, not artifact. So in solving some tasks scanner for $ 200 thousand. It may be greatly worse than the scanner for $ 100 thousand.

Three-dimensional scanning technology appeared only a few decades ago, at the end of the 20th century. The first operating prototype appeared in the 60s. Of course, then he could not boast a wide range of opportunities, but it was a real 3D scanner, coping with the main function.

In the middle of the 80s, scanning devices have improved. They began to complement with lasers, white light sources and dimming. Due to this, it was possible to improve the "capture" of the objects under study. During this period, contact sensors appear. With their help, the surface of solid objects was digitized, which did not differ in the complex form. In order to improve the equipment, the developers had to borrow a number of optical technologies from the military industry.

The use of 3D scanners was interesting not only designers of design studios, automotive concerns, but also to film industry workers. In the 80s - 2000, different companies produced their equipment models: Head Scanner, 3D scanner Replica and others. Since then, the aggregates have changed, improved, became more mobile and functional. The characteristics of the 3D scanner today differ significantly.

3D scanner work principle

A 3D scanner device is engaged in a detailed study of physical objects, after which their exact models are recreated in digital format. Modern aggregates can be stationary or mobile. A laser or a special lamp is used as a backlight (their use increases the accuracy of measurements).

The principle of 3D scanner is determined by scanning technology. Using the backlight and embedded cameras, the device measures the distance to the object from different angles. Then the pictures transmitted by cameras are mapped. After a careful analysis of all the data obtained, a ready-made digital three-dimensional model is displayed on the screen. If the 3D scanner device is based on the operation of the laser beam, then the distances are measured at the specified points. The coordinates are derived from this information.

Methods and three-dimensional scanning technologies

Severe two main methods:

  1. Contact. The device probes the object by means of physical contact until the object is on the precision test plate. Contact 3D scanner is distinguished by durability. True, when scanning you can damage or change the form of the object.
  2. Contactless. Applied radiation or special light (ultrasound, X-rays). In this case, the subject is scanned through the reflection of the light flux.

Three-dimensional scanning technologies:

  1. Laser. The functioning of devices is based on the principle of operation of laser rangefinders. 3D laser scanners are characterized by the accuracy of the resulting three-dimensional model. True, their use is difficult in the conditions of mobility of the object. This is more than 3D space scanner. Man scanning a 3D laser scanner is almost impossible.
  2. Optical. In this case, a special second-class security laser is applied. Optical 3D scanner has a high scan speed. Its use eliminates any distortion, even if the object will move. There is also no need to apply reflective tags. True, such devices are not suitable for the study of mirror, transparent or brilliant products. But this is a great version of a 3D man scanner.

Modern 3D scanners

Devices may differ in many ways: the scope of use, dimensions, form, technology. Modern aggregates are used in industrial, and in the household sphere. Industrial 3D scanner is useful in:

  • engineering;
  • medicine;
  • production;
  • design;
  • film industry;
  • the field of creating computer games.

I would like to pay special attention to the ultrasonic 3D scanner. He is a real find for modern medicine. The devices are supplied with energy, color, tissue, continuous and pulsed dopplers. This unit is characterized by the highest resolution, therefore popular in mammology, obstetrics, urology, testing of vessels and muscle tissues, echocardiography, neonatalogy, pediatrics.

On the principle of operation of the device also differ. The market offers stationary or portable, that is, a manual 3D scanner. As a sensor, a coordinate-sensitive detector or a charging device is used in the second case. This unit is extremely convenient because it can be freely moved. Portable 3D scanner is ideal for scanning hard-to-reach places or large-sized objects. Measurement can be carried out under any angles, around or under the subjects studied.

Devices are used in conjunction with different equipment. It may be not only 3D scanner for a 3D printer, but also 3D scanner for iPad. Modern manufacturers of similar aggregates issue mobile deviceswho work not only with stationary computersBut also with tablets or even smartphones. In addition, there are existence special programsWith which ordinary phones turn into scanners. For example, you can find a 3D scanner for Android. It will help design unique parts, perform rapid prototyping and digitization of objects.

Software for 3D scanner

Special programs for 3D scanner and data processing:

  1. David 3D. It is intended for three-dimensional scanning of items and transform the results obtained to subsequent import imports to 3D editors.
  2. ARTEC Studio 10. Professional tool for creating volumetric models.
  3. Autodesk 123D Catch. Three-dimensional scanning for mobile phones on Android.
  4. PHOTOMODERER SCANNER. Allows you to form high-precision STL models based on conventional pictures made by a smartphone or tablet camera.
  5. 3daround. Turns the photo in 2D format to realistic three-dimensional models.

Video about 3D scanner

To better understand the principle of operation of devices and their varieties, it is worth watching a video about 3D scanners that are presented below.

Stationary or small manual device for scanning objects with complex spatial geometry. Simple scanners process images in a plane, and 3D scan physical volumetric items, outputting information by a polygonal model or a cloud of points. Three-dimensional scanning devices are used in medicine (dentistry, plastic surgery, manufacture of prostheses, organs of organs, etc.), to create computer games, in film industry, design, architecture, engineering, for the design of industrial parts, cars, for the reconstruction of objects in archeology. Scanners are analyzed and recreated in digital form a volumetric model of the object, its shape and color with a high degree of detail, working in different conditions (with insufficient visibility, in the dark, during vibration), with any materials, provide the desired output format under software To work with it on the computer.

How does 3Dcaner work?

3D scanner work principle - The device's ability to determine the distance to the object, convert the data obtained into the digital image (three-dimensional model), transmit it to the computer. The scanner determines the coordinates of the points in space on the surface of the object being processed, analyzes them, generates a detailed digital model. His work is involved cameras, lasers, rangeflowers, devices for highlighting.

3D scanning technology

  • Contact (Contacts with the object).
  • Contactless (without contact with the object). These are the most promising and new technologies that allow creating object models simply by sending a laser beam, light, waves. The scanner is applied at a distance and able to create a copy of the hard-to-reach object without physical contact with it.

Contactless 3D scanners

Two scanning technologies are most common: optical (passive and using emission) and active laser.

Active principle of radiation

Scanner radiates structured, intermittent light, laser triangulation. Directions a laser beam generated by a special method of light (diodes, flashlights), waves are sent to the studied object. Based on the analysis of their reflection and position, a three-dimensional copy of the object is formed.

Passive radiation principle

Do not emit anything, analyze light or infrared (thermal) radiation of the subject. Work like a human eye;

Technology of photometric contactless passive 3D scanning

In the market, the scanners from this group represents the XYZPRINTING model. This is compact enough simple modelshaving only basic functions of three-dimensional scanning.
Pros: affordable price and compactness.


Passive 3D Scanner Device (on the example of the specified model): Housing, one compact chamber, USB cord for communication with a computer and transmitting images of the scanned object to it. Scanner without stand, manual, made in the form of a stapler.

Principle of operation

Light-sensitive camera catches light radiation from the subject, processes it and forms a bulk model, exporting it to a computer. The user can have two operating modes: scanning person or items. To get started, you need to install the software to the computer, connect the device by using a USB cord to it, select the mode of operation, click the button on the scanner and, slowly conducting it before item, scan.

How technology works

The device works on photometric passive scanning technology without any radiation and projection on the subject. The work is carried out by a somewhat enhanced simple optical chamber capturing visible light. The disadvantage is that in case of insufficiency of lighting, the object should be additionally lit.

Scanning is produced by the so-called "Silhouette" method. It reproduces the stem contours based on the sequence of frames, covered by a video camera, rushing around the object on a well-contrasting background.

Stereoscopic system of contactless passive 3D scanning

Models with contactless passive scanning technology

This type of device represents 3D Systems Sense, 4D Dynamics Gotcha.

The device and principle of the 3D scanner on the system of contactless passive scanning

The devices are equipped with two cameras and infrared sensor. 3D Systems Sense scanner is made in the form of a stapler, it is a compact manual device it can be used with a tripod, in Gotcha (with a tripod and handle), it is included. The principle of operation is a passive optical. In both cases, the power and data transmission is carried out by using a USB wire. Instruments have standard modes: scanning a person and subject.

Scan technology

The camera on this technology detects infrared (thermal) radiation and the usual light that reflects from the subject. Systems stereoscopic, that is, two cameras use. The device compares frames based on a small comparison of differences between them determines the distance at each point of the image and recreates the object in digital form.

3D Scanners with Laser Active Scanning

This group of devices is represented by the following scanner models: 3D Systems Isense, David Starter-Kit Ver.2, MakerBot Digitizer.


The devices have two laser and chamber. It should be noted that the laser safety of gadgets corresponds to the level І, which is completely safe for the eyes. Isense scanner created for work only with operating system iOS and S. Apple iPad. above 4 generations. It is made in a compact package that is installed on a mobile gadget and connects to a USB wire, the battery charge is enough for 4 hours of its operation. It is attached like a webcam, scans and immediately displays an image on the iPad.



The main functional elements of these devices are chambers and a light source, which structures it with a special way and sends to the scanned object. In the David SLS-2 model, the video projector serves as a light source. These are installed on a tripod with tripod, which come in the kit. This allows you to configure and calibrate instruments, install them in different positions and securely fix it, reducing vibration. Sources of light in devices serve halogen lamps, diodes, video projector.

Artec Spider, Artec Eva, Artec Eva Lite is made in a compact housing with a handle that resembles an iron. The control buttons and outputs for the interface and power cords are placed on the handle. Below also has a hole for standard photos and legs for fixing the device on the surface. 3D scanner device has the following. It is equipped with a 3D camera (in the Artec Spider three) with an increased resolution, on top of the device - flash (projector) of structured backlight, central color textural camera in the middle together with light sources in the form of 6 or 12 diode light bulbs. All light sources have white radiation. The device comes with a mini-USB standard interface cord and power cable. Additionally, you can buy a battery.

How technology works

Such devices are also called structural-Light 3D scanners. Scanning technology is similar to laser triangulation (light, emitter, camera). It is important that they can work without markers - the object does not need to shook a multitude of markers and put the mark. The essence of the structure of structured light is to project the light pattern on the object and fixation, the analysis of its deformation. The light stream is projected on a subject of several types of light sources: LCD, video projector, diodes, halogen lamps.

The camera fixes the displacement of the light flux pattern, which falls into its field of view and looks like a moving lines of light on the surface of the object. It calculates and analyzes the distance from each illuminated point of the subject and, thus, forms its detailed digital copy. The advantage of LIGHT 3D scanners - speed, high accuracy. They scan not one or more points, but at the same time cluster points or all the field of view immediately.

In various areas of man's activities, it wins its place not only 3D printing technology, but also such interesting devices as 3D scanners. With such a device, you can scan various physical items to obtain their three-dimensional digital models characterized by high accuracy. The obtained models with electronic data on the form of a particular subject can be involved in the construction sector, medicine and the gaming industry. That previously required hours or even days, in currently Through a 3D scanner, only seconds are needed.

Principle of operation and advantages

The 3D scanner explores the physical subject and recreates its exact digital model. Modern 3D scanners may look like a manual device of a small size, or be a stationary device using a laser or a special lamp as an illumination to increase the measurement accuracy. The principle of operation is determined by the used technology, but in any case this device It deals with the determination of the distance to the scanned item.

The scanner explores the distance to the object, cycling the two built-in cameras and backlight. Using these "eyes", the device measures the distance to the object at different points, and then compares the pictures received from cameras. All dimensions are numbered, after which the analysis is carried out and the ready-made digital model is already displayed. Scanning can be carried out with a laser beam that moves above the subject surface and measures the distance at a specific point. In this way, the coordinates of all measured points are recorded, which opens the ability to create a three-dimensional computer model.

The user can operate the scanning process itself by setting permission and corresponding areas where higher detail is required. Modern 3D scanners have already learned to ensure the accuracy of the obtained three-dimensional models up to several dozen or even hundreds of micrometers. And it is possible to scan an object with the transmission not only its shape, but also colors. As a result, the process of creating three-dimensional layouts is essential - they are created not only in a short time, but also with very high details. In addition, the resulting three-dimensional image can always be opened in the editor and implement additional editing At your discretion.

Different models of scanners are characterized by various parameters and capabilities, but they all find application in cases where you need to quickly and accurately register the form of the subject. The advantage of such devices in practice is ensured not only to a significant simplification of the process of obtaining 3DMakers and, as a result, time savings, but also the possibility of working with complex parts and elements.


All devices of this kind are divided into two large groups:

- Contact scanners

Such instruments are used, no matter how hard it is to guess, the contact method of scanning, that is, they explore the scanned object literally to the touch, recording the relevant coordinates. To do this, their design provides for the presence of a special highly sensitive probe. Contact scanners have such undoubted advantages as high detail, independence from light conditions, the ability to scan the prismatic part of the object. At the same time, they are quite slow in work and during scanning there is a risk of damage to any fragile subjects.

- Contactless scanners

3D SENSE scanner

The contactless scanning method is used here. Such devices are active and passive. Active devices themselves emit special waves, after which they are reflected and analyzed to obtain a computer model. X-ray, ultrasound or light threads can be used as such radiation. For example, X-rays and ultrasound are used in the scanners used for medical purposes. Passive devices do not form any radiation, but only detect the ambient radiation reflected from the object. For example, light. In general, contactless scanners are distinguished by the cost-effectiveness, attractive scanning technology and the ability to use outdoors with varying degrees of illumination.

Scan technology

To the current time, two 3D scanning technologies received the greatest distribution:

- Laser

RevScan laser scanner from a series of manual self-optical scanners Handyscan 3D

In this case, the devices are based on the action of the laser. When using such devices on the scanned object, special reflective markers are applied at certain points, which makes it possible to provide higher scanning accuracy. Advantage laser devices It consists of a very high accuracy of the models being created. However, laser devices are used to scan exclusively static objects and actually can be used to obtain models of movable items (in this case, the scanning process takes a lot of time). Due to the fact that laser scanners make it possible to recreate an incredibly accurate model, they are used in a variety of industrial spheres, in particular, in mechanical engineering.

- Optical

Laser scanners turn out to be practically useless when it is required to scan the objects in motion. For example, to scan the human body for medical problems. And here the optical devices come to the rescue. They carry out the process of scanning the item by projection on it of lines forming a kind of pattern. The data on the surface of the subject is contained in the distortions of the form of a projected three-dimensional picture.

Optical devices boasts high speed Work. This automatically eliminates the problem of distorting a computer model in case of movement of the object being scanned. In addition, it does not need to be applied for special labels. That is, optical scanners can be successfully used to scan movable objects or human body. Despite the fact that optical devices are inferior to the accuracy of creating 3D models of laser counterparts, they are characterized by a greater versatility. At the same time, they have their own minuses. In particular, optical devices are not capable of scanning items with mirror or shiny surfaces.

Areas of use

Obtaining 3D models of individual objects or items is a very important task for many areas of human activity. You can list only a few key areas, where 3D scanners are widely used:

- Design: Creating a three-dimensional layout, on the basis of which it will be possible to obtain a serial product, the manufacture of designer packaging, as well as the possibility of obtaining and studying the form of an object with its subsequent revision.

Medicine: The possibility of creating three-dimensional models of joints, bone structures and individual organs of the human body, planning operational manipulations, design of various anatomical shoes and orthopedic structures.

- Reverse engineering: Getting an accurate computer model of items that need to recreate.

- Architecture:3D scanners can be used to scan to order various architectural parts and elements, such as columns, statues and decorations.

- Entertainment industry:getting animated models for games and movies, the ability to create digital multimedia content, based directly from the conceptual model of the developer. This is relevant, first of all, for video games and developing game characters inspired by creative fantasy.

- Construction Industry: Getting drawings of bridges and structures in three-dimensional design, reconstruction of automotive trails and highways.

- Product quality control:checking the compliance of the products created by the established requirements and technical standards.

- Museum and the preservation of cultural heritage: Accurate restoration of the form of obsolete sculptures or monuments for their subsequent reconstruction, the possibility of organizing virtual museum tours, scanning of vintage, antique items.

- Archiving: Creating a digital archive of product prototypes.

- film industry: Getting a color three-dimensional model of a person.

So, the use of such a technological device as a 3D scanner can facilitate human activity in many areas. This is a dynamically developing technology that provides unique opportunities - from planning medical operations and creating a three-dimensional design layout before quality control of the created products. 3D scanners are required in all cases when it is necessary to determine the form of the item with great accuracy and in the lowest time.