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Computer virus

Computer virus - kind of computer programs or malicious code, the distinctive feature of which is the ability to reproduce (self-evaporation). In addition to this, viruses can perform other arbitrary actions without the use of the user, including damage to the user and / or computer.

Even if the author of the virus does not program malicious effects, the virus can lead to computer malfunctions due to errors, unrecorded subtleties of interaction with the operating system and other programs. In addition, viruses usually occupy some place on information storage and select some other system resources. Therefore, viruses refer to malicious programs.

The incompetent users are mistaken to computer viruses and other types of malicious programs - spyware and so on. Tens of thousands of computer viruses are known, which are distributed over the Internet worldwide.

The creation and dissemination of malicious programs (including viruses) is prosecuted in Russia under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (). According to the doctrine information security RF [ not in the source], in Russia should be conducted legal libraries in schools and universities when teaching computer science and computer literacy On issues of information protection in computer, combating computer viruses, children's porn sites [ a source?] and providing information security in computer networks.


The foundations of the theory of self-reproducing mechanisms laid an American of Hungarian descent John von Neuman, who in 1951 proposed the method of creating such mechanisms. Since 1961, working examples of such programs are known.

The first known viruses are Virus 1,2,3 and ELK Cloner for Apple II PCs, which appeared in 1981. In the winter of 1984, the first anti-virus utilities appeared - Chk4bomb and BombSqad authorship Andy Hopkins (English. Andy Hopkins.). In early 1985, GI Wong (English Gee Wong.) Posted by the DProtect program - the first resident antivirus.

The first viral epidemics belong to -1989: Brain (more than 18 thousand infected computers, according to McAfee), Jerusalem (manifested itself on Friday, on May 13, 1988, destroying programs when they started), Morris worm (over 6200 computers, most networks came out of Building for up to five days), Datacrime (about 100 thousand infected PC only in the Netherlands).

Then there were the basic classes of binary viruses: Network worms (worm of Morris, 1987), "Trojan horses" (AIDS, 1989), polymorphic viruses (Chameleon, 1990), stealth viruses (FRODO, WHALE, 2nd half 1990).

In parallel, organized movements of both pro- and anti-virus radiation are drawn up: in 1990, a specialized BBS Virus Exchange appears, "Little Black Book About Computer Viruses" Mark Ludwig, the first commercial antivirus Symantec Norton Antivirus.

In addition, monolithic viruses are largely inferior to the complexes of malware with the separation of roles and auxiliary means (Trojan programs, loaders / droppers, phishing sites, spam bots and spiders). Social technologies are also flourishing - spam and phishing - as a means of infection by bypassing software protection mechanisms.

Initially, on the basis of Trojan programs, and with the development of P2P network technologies - and independently - is gaining momentum modern view Viruses are worm-botnets (Rustock, 2006, approx. 150 thousand bots; Conficker, 2008-2009, more than 7 million bots; Kraken, 2009, approx. 500 thousand bots). Viruses Among other malware are finally drawn up as a means of cybercrime.

Etymology name

The computer virus was named by the analogy with biological viruses for a similar distribution mechanism. Apparently, for the first time the word "virus" in relation to the program was used by Gregory Benford (Gregory Benford) in the fantastic story "Man in Scraps", published in the magazine Venture in May 1970.

The term "computer virus" subsequently "opened" and moved over. Thus, the variable in the PERVADE () subroutine, the value of which depended whether the Animal program will spread across the disk, called Virus. Also, the virus called his programs Joe Dellingger and probably it was that first was correctly designated as a virus.

Formal definition

There is no generally accepted definition of the virus. In an academic environment, the term was used by Fred Coen in his work "Experiments with computer viruses", where he himself attributes the authorship of the term Lena Edlman.

Formally, the virus is determined by Fred Cohen with reference to the Turing machine as follows:

M: (S M, I M, O M: S M x i M\u003e i m, N M: S M x i M\u003e S M, D M: S M x i M\u003e D)

with a given set of states S M., multiple input characters I M. and mappings (O M, N M, D M)which is based on its current state s ∈ S M and input symbol i ∈ I Mread from the semi-infinite tape determines: output symbol o ∈ I M To record on the tape, the following condition of the machine s "∈ S M and ribbon movement d ∈ (-1,0,1).

For this car M., sequence of symbols v: V i ∈ I M can be detected by the virus if and only if the sequence processing v. At the time of time t., Whether in one of the following times t., sequence v ' (not intersecting with v.) exists on the tape, and this sequence v ' was recorded M. At point t 'lying between t. and t ":

∀ Cm ∀ T ∀ J: SM (T) \u003d SM 0 ∧ PM (T) \u003d J ∧ (Cm (T, J) ... Cm (T, J + | V | - 1)) \u003d V ⇒ ∃ V " j "T" ∃ T ": T< t" < t" ∧ {j" … j" +|v"|} ∩ {j … j + |v|} = ∅ ∧ { C M (t", j") … C M (t", j" + |v"| - 1)} = v" ∧ P M (t") ∈ { j" … j" + |v"| - 1 }

  • t ∈ N. The number of basic operations "Movement" carried out by the machine
  • P m ∈ N. Position number on ribbon machine at time t.
  • S M 0 initial state of the machine
  • C M (T, C) Cell Content c. At the time of time t.

This definition was given in the context of a viral set Vs \u003d (m, v) - Couple consisting of a Turing machine M. and multiple symbol sequences V: V, V "∈ V. Of this definition It follows that the concept of the virus is inextricably linked with its interpretation in a given context, or surrounding.

Fred Coen has been shown that "any self-reproducing symbol sequence: one-element VS, according to which there is an infinite amount Vs.and non- Vs.For which there are cars in relation to which all symbol sequences are a virus, and machines for which none of the sequences of characters is a virus, makes it possible to understand when any finite character sequence is a virus for any machine. " It also provides evidence that in general the question of whether this pair is (M, x): x i ∈ I M The virus, intractable (that is, there is no algorithm that could reliably determine all the viruses), the same means that the non-allowance of the stopping problem is proved.

Other researchers have proven that there are such types of viruses (viruses containing a copy of a program catching viruses), which cannot be unmistakably defined by any algorithm.


Now there are a lot of varieties of viruses that differ in the main way of distribution and functionality. If initially viruses spread on diskettes and other media, then viruses spread through the Internet are dominated. The functionality of the viruses that they adopt from other types of programs are growing.

Currently, there is no uniform classification system and virus naming (although the attempt to create the standard has been taken at the CARO meeting in 1991). It is customary to divide viruses:

  • on affected objects (file viruses, loading viruses, scripting viruses, macrorsures, viruses affecting the source code);
  • on affected operating systems and platforms (DOS, Microsoft Windows, UNIX, Linux);
  • according to the technologies used by the virus (polymorphic viruses, stealth viruses, rootkites);
  • by language on which the virus is written (assembler, high-level programming language, scripting language, etc.);
  • for additional malicious functionality (backdoors, keyloggers, spies, botnets, etc.).



Viruses are distributed by copying their body and providing its subsequent execution: introducing themselves to the executable code of other programs, replacing other programs, prescribing to autorun and other. With a virus or its carrier, not only programs containing machine code can be virus, but also any information containing automatically executable commands - for example, batch files and Microsoft Word and Excel documents containing macros. In addition, the virus can use vulnerabilities in popular software (for example, Adobe Flash, Internet Explorer, Outlook), for which the distributors are embedded in normal data (pictures, texts, etc.) together with the exploit using vulnerability.


  • Roots. The most common channel of infection in the 1980s-1990s. It is now practically absent due to the emergence of more common and efficient channels and the absence of floppy drives on many modern computers.
  • Flash drives (flash drives). Currently, USB flash drives replace floppy disks and repeat their fate - a large number of Viruses are distributed through removable drives, including digital cameras, digital video cameras, portable digital players, and from the 2000s, mobile phones play, especially smartphones (mobile viruses have appeared). The use of this channel was previously mainly due to the possibility of creating a special autorun.inf file on the drive, in which you can specify a program that runs the Windows conductor when opening such a drive. In Windows 7, the ability to autorun files from portable media was disabled.
  • Email . Usually viruses in letters email We are masked for harmless attachments: pictures, documents, music, links to sites. In some letters, only links can be contained, that is, in the letters themselves may not be a malicious code, but if you open such a link, you can get on a specially created website containing the viral code. Many postal viruses, hitting the user's computer, then use the address book from the installed postal customers Outlook type for mailing itself further.
  • Instant messaging systems. Here distributed links to supposedly photos, music or programs, actually being viruses, ICQ and through other instant messaging programs.
  • Web pages. It is also possible to infection through the pages of the Internet due to the availability of various "active" contents on the pages of the worldwide web: scripts, ActiveX -Component. In this case, the software vulnerabilities set on the user's computer, or vulnerabilities in the site owner (which is more dangerous, as good-order sites with a large flow of visitors are subjected to infection, and unsuspecting users who go to such a site, risk infecting your computer .
  • Internet and local networks (worms). Worms are a type of viruses that penetrate the sacrifice without user participation. Worms use so-called "holes" (vulnerability) in the software of operating systems to penetrate the computer. Vulnerabilities are errors and flaw in software that allow you to remotely download and perform machine code, as a result of which the virus worm falls into the operating system and, as a rule, begins to infect other computers through the local network or the Internet. The attackers use infect-free media computers to send spam or for DDoS attacks.

Countering detection

Prevention and treatment

IN currently There are many antivirus programs used to prevent viruses from entering PCs. However, there is no guarantee that they will be able to cope with newest developments. Therefore, some precautions should be followed, in particular:

  1. Not working under privileged accounts Without extreme need.
  2. Do not launch unfamiliar programs from dubious sources.
  3. Try to block the possibility of unauthorized change of system files.
  4. Disable potentially dangerous system functionality (for example Autorun media in MS Windows, hiding files, their extensions, etc.).
  5. Do not go on suspicious sites, pay attention to the address in the address bar of the browser.
  6. Use only trusted distributions.
  7. Constantly do backups Important data and have a system image with all settings for quick deployment.
  8. Perform regular updates of frequently used programs, especially ensuring the security of the system.


Also called millions and even billion amounts of damage from viruses and worms are also called. To such allegations and estimates should be treated carefully: the amount of damage to estimates of various analysts differ (sometimes by three or four orders), and the calculation techniques are not given.


  1. Spamoforone // (Inaccessible link - history)
  2. Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation
  3. McILROY et al. Darwin, A Game of Survival of the Fittest Among Programs
  4. RCE-1813 Virus (Jerusalem - Jerusalem)
  6. ALGONET - MSBLAST epidemic turned out to be much more extensive than expected
  7. Cost of Sasser IS $ 500m and Counting ...
  8. THE SCARRED MAN (English)
  9. Fred Cohen. Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments (English)
  10. Cohen F. Computer Viruses - Theory and Experiments (Rus.)
  11. Leonard Adleman. An Abstract Theory of Computer Viruses (English)
  12. Cited by: diomidis spinellis. RELIABLE Identification of Bounded-Length Viruses IS NP-Complete Ieee Transactions on Information Theory, 49 (1), PP. 280-284, January 2003
  13. Alan M. Turing. ON COMPUTABLE NUMBERS, WITH AN APPLICATION TO THE ENTSCHEIDUDUNGS PROBLEM. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. 2, No. 42, pp. 230-265, 1936, Corrections in 2 (43): PP. 544-546.
  14. Fred Cohen. Computational Aspects of Computer Viruses Computers & Security, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 325-344, June 1989
  15. Billy Belcebu. Metamorphism Xine # 4, Transl. from English V0ID.
  16. Vitaly Kamluk. Batnets. Viral encyclopedia. Kaspersky Lab (May 13, 2008). (Inaccessible link - history) Checked on December 13, 2008.

(2 Votes, Average: 5,00 Out of 5)

Nothing causes such a large damage and harmful information collected with great efforts as. Miscellaneous Organization, enterprises and solid institutions may suffer from blocking their work. Unfortunately, despite the continuous improvement and updating of computer programs aimed at removing viruses and prevent their appearance, damage caused by viruses becomes more and more significant. The numbers are approaching hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

In which year, the first computer virus appeared

1983 He became a sad milestone in the countdown of the appearance of viruses in computer systems. The first to entertain the term "computer virus," was a scientist from America FRAD Cohen.

In her dissertation, the theme of which was a study of self-reproducing computer programs, he first used this expression. He also created experimentally computer programcapable of spreading in a computer network.

Who created the first computer virus

However, this is not the only version of the occurrence of the virus. According to some, enterprising owners of a computer store - residents of Pakistan Brothers Amgal - became the creators of the first virus. Forced to deal with the illegal copying of the programs written by them, they came to a non-standard decision - wrote a small program and imperceptibly inserted it into products. Those who tried to copy the program purchased in the shop store were invariably faced with the active work of the first kind of viral program.

Computer viruses today

How are today? Amazing fact, but most virus programs blocking information system, invent and introduce students of schools or universities who want to try out and in practice to apply their strength. So unworthy way they are trying to realize themselves.

An exclusively hooligan motifs of the virus spread on the network are equally serious. Ombotty, low self-esteem, and sometimes just criminal stupidity encourages other adolescents or have enough mature young people to launch viruses.

However, among the creators of viruses we find quite conscious researchers computer systemwhose interest is to harm the anti-virus system, make it lackless. Perhaps the results of the work of these programmers do not find a way out in direct creation of a virus and subsequent implementation; Their sole purpose is a detailed consideration and a careful study of the system as a whole. Nevertheless, there is a concern that these viral programs in the hands of people with an unbalanced psyche will affect irreparable harm to many computer systems.

Despite all the efforts to neutralize viruses and facilitate the work of users, all deeper viruses are being introduced into the information space. Nevertheless, prevent and eliminate viruses possible, provided that the computer user protects its system as much as possible, coming up seriously and weighted to choose an antivirus program designed to protect our computer systems.

Computer virus Computer virus - EUM program capable of user's knowledge and contrary to its desire to spontaneously multiply and spread, disturbing performance software EUM (hence its name by analogy with a pathogenic virus). For the first time appeared in the early 1980s. in USA. By 1996, there were several dozen varieties of K. in. To combat them are developed antivirus programs The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the first time in domestic practice has established criminal liability for the creation, use and dissemination of malware for computers (Art. 273 of the Criminal Code). The creation of a computer program or making changes to existing programs, knowingly leading to unauthorized destruction, blocking, modification or copying information, disruption of the work of the computer, computer system or their network, as well as using either the distribution of such programs or machine carriers with such programs ".

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutsky, A.Ya. Sukhareva. 2003 .

Watch what is a "computer virus" in other dictionaries:

    The fragment of the executable code that copies itself to another program (the main program), modifying it. Duplicate yourself, the virus infects other programs. The virus is performed only when starting the main program and causes it ... ... Financial vocabulary

    See Computer virus. Dictionary of foreign words. Komlev N.G., 2006 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Computer virus, part of the code in a computer program that can copy and move from one computer to another, usually intended to violate the normal operation of the computer. Some viruses introduced into widespread ... ... Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A computer program capable of without a user's knowledge and contrary to its desire to spontaneously multiply and spread; Violating the performance of computer software (hence its name by analogy with the disease virus). For the first time… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    computer virus - A program that has the following properties: the ability to copy itself to other files, discs, computer; the possibility of execution without an explicit call; the possibility of unauthorized access to information; The possibility of masking ... ... Technical translator directory

    Computer virus - See the computer program ... Encyclopedia Rights

    COMPUTER VIRUS - A computer program that is capable of user's knowledge and contrary to its desire to spontaneously multiply and disseminate, violating computer software performance. First K.V. appeared in the early 1980s. in USA. Currently… … Legal encyclopedia

    The beginning of the initial primitive virus code for MS DOS in the Assmbler language ... Wikipedia

    (computer virus - 3.10 (Computer) virus: malicious program capable of creating their copies and (or) other malicious programs . Source: GOST R 51275 2006: Protection of information. Informatization object. Factors affecting information. General… … Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    A computer program that is capable of a user's behavior and contrary to its desire to spontaneously multiply and spread, violating the performance of computer software (hence its name by analogy with the disease virus). For the first time… … encyclopedic Dictionary


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Hello again.
The theme of today's article. Types of computer viruses, principles of their work, ways of infection with computer viruses.

What is generally like that computer viruses.

Computer virus is a specially written program or assembly of algorithms that are written in order to: Jold, harvest anyone either a computer, get access to your computer, to intercept passwords or extorting money. Viruses can self-copy and infect malicious code your programs and files, as well as boot sectors.

Types of malicious programs.

Divide malicious programs can be two main types.
Viruses and worms.

Viruses - distributed through malicious filewhich you could download on the Internet, or may be on a pirate disk, or often transmit them on Skype under the guise useful programs (I noticed that the latter often come across schoolchildren, they are transmitted alleged modes for the game or cheats, and in fact it can be a virus that can harm).
The virus contributes to one of the programs, or masked separate program In the place where users usually do not enter (folders with the operating system, hidden system folders).
The virus can not start himself while you yourself do not run the infected program.
Worms already infect many files your computer, for example, everything eXE files, system files, boot sectors and so on.
Worms most often penetrate the system already, using your OS vulnerabilities, your browser, a specific program.
They can penetrate through chat rooms, communication programs such as Skype, ICQ can spread via email.
Also they can be on sites, and using the vulnerability of your browser to penetrate your system.
Worms can spread local networkIf one of the computers in the network will be infected with it can spread to other computers infecting all the files on their path.
Worms try to write under the most popular programs. For example, now the most popular browser "Chrome", so scammers will try to write under it, and make malicious code for sites under it. Because it is often more interesting to infect thousands of users who use a popular program than a hundred with an unpopular program. Although Chrome and constantly improves protection.
Best defense from network wormth this update your programs and your operating system. Many neglect updates about what they often regret.
A few years ago, I noticed the next worm.

But he clearly got not through the Internet, but most likely through a pirate disk. The essence of his work was such - he created a copy of each folder in a computer or on a flash drive. But in fact, he created a similar folder a exe file. When you click on such an EXE file, it spread even stronger through the system. And it was only to get rid of him, you will come to a friend with a flash drive, throwing music from him and return with a flash drive infected with such a worm and again I had to withdraw it. Whether this virus caused some more damage to the system I do not know, but soon this virus stopped my existence.

The main varieties of viruses.

In fact, there are many species and varieties of computer threats. And it is simply impossible to consider everything. Therefore, we consider the most common and most unpleasant.
Viruses are:
File - Are in an infected file, activated when the user includes this program, cannot be activated.
Boot - can be loaded at download windows Once in autoload, when inserting a flash drive or similar.
- Macro viruses - these are various scripts that can be on the site can send them to you by mail or in Word and Excel documents, perform certain functions laid in the computer. Use vulnerabilities of your programs.

Types of viruses.
-Ran programs
- Spies
- extortionists
- Vandals
- Rukkty
- Botnet
- Cailers.
These are the main types of threats that you can meet. But in fact, there are much more.
Some viruses can even be combined and contain several species of these threats in themselves.
- Trojan programs. The name comes from the Trojan horse. It penetrates your computer under the guise of harmless programs, then you can open access to your computer or send your passwords to the owner.
Recently, such trojans are common that are called Stylers (Stealer). They can steal saved passwords in your browser, in postal gaming clients. Immediately after starting, copies your passwords and sends your passwords on Email or to hosting an attacker. He remains to collect your data, then they are either sold or use for their own purposes.
- Spyware (Spyware) Track user actions. What sites attend or what the user does on its computer is.
- extortionists. These include Vinlakers (WinLocker). The program is completely, or fully blocks access to the computer and requires money for unlocking, to put on an example on account or so on. In no case if you hit this should not send money. The computer does not unlock you, and you lose money. You have a direct road to the website of DrWeb, there you can find how to unlock many vilorlinkers, by entering a specific code or perform certain actions. Some villybers may abide for example every other day.
- Vandals Can block access to antivirus sites and access to antivirus and many other programs.
- Rukkty (Rootkit) - Hybrid viruses. May contain various viruses. They can access your PC, and the person will fully have access to your computer, and they can merge at your OS kernel. They came from the world of UNIX systems. You can mask various viruses, collect computer data and all computer processes.
- Botnet A sufficiently unpleasant thing. Batnets are huge networks from zombies' contaminated computers that can be used for DDOS sites and other cyber attacks using infected computers. This species is very common and it is difficult to detect it, even antivirus companies May not know about their existence for a long time. Many people can be infected with them and not even suspect about it. Not exception you can even be.
Cailers. (Keylogger) - keyboard spies. Intercept all that you enter from the keyboard (sites, passwords) and sends them to the owner.

Ways of infection with computer viruses.

The main ways of infection.
- Vulnerability of the operating system.

Vulnerability in the browser

- quality antivirus lame

- Stupidity of the user

- Replaceable media.
OS vulnerability - No matter how hard they try to kill protection for the OS over time there are security holes. Most viruses are written under Windows as this is the most popular operating system. The best protection is constantly updating your operating system and try to use a newer version.
Browsers - It is happening at the expense of browser vulnerabilities, especially if they are old again. It is also treated with frequent updates. There may be problems if you swing plugins for a browser with third-party resources.
Antivirusfree Antivirus which have a smaller functionality in contrast to paid. Although paid do not give 100 results in defense and give drying. But it is desirable to have at least free antivirus. I already wrote about free antiviruses in this article.
Stupidity of the user - Clicks on banners, go through suspicious links from letters and so on, installing software from suspicious places.
Replaceable carriers - Viruses can be installed automatically with infected and specially prepared flash drives and other interchangeable media. Not so long ago, the world heard Badusb vulnerability. - buy very inexpensive promotion on social networks you can on this site. You will also get really favorable offers for the purchase of resources to your pages.

Types of infected objects.

Files - infect your programs, system and regular files.
Boot sectors - Resident viruses. Incable as it is clear from the name of the computer's boot sectors, attribute your code into a computer startup and start when starting operating system. Sometimes we are well mastered that it is difficult to remove from the startup.
MacrocomandsDocuments Word., Excel and the like. I use macros and vulnerabilities Microsoft Office. Makes your malicious code into your operating system.

Signs of infection with computer viruses.

Not a fact that when some of these features appear, means the presence of a virus in the system. But if they are recommended to check your computer with antivirus or contact a specialist.
One of the common signs - this is a strong computer overload. When your computer slowly works, although you have nothing like it seems, programs that can heat the computer. But if you have an antivirus, notice the antiviruses themselves load the computer very well. And in the absence of such software that can ship, then there are more viruses here. In general, I advise you to reduce to start the number of running programs in autorun.

it can also be one of the signs of infection.
But not all viruses can heat the system strongly, some almost hard to notice changes.
System errors. The drivers stop working, some programs begin to work not correctly or often fly out with a mistake, but earlier it is ford that this was not noticed. Or begin to reboot the programs often. Of course it happens because of antiviruses, for example, the antivirus deleted mistakenly by counting the system file malicious, or deleted a really infected file but it was associated with system files Programs and removal entailed such errors.

Advertising in browsers Or even on the desktop begin to appear banners.
The appearance of ne. standard sounds When working with a computer (squeak, clicks, no with this and the like).
Opened by itself CD / DVD driveOr just starts to read the disk although there is no disk there.
Long inclusion or disable computer.
Hijet your passwords. If you notice that different spam is sent on behalf of your name, from your mailbox or pages social networkAs the probability that the virus is penetrated into your computer and handed over to the owner's passwords if you noticed this I recommend to check the antivirus at mandatory (although it is not a fact that it is so attacker received your password).
Frequent access to the hard disk. Each computer has a indicator that blinks when various programs use or when copying, download, move files. For example, you simply enabled a computer but no programs are used, but the indicator starts to flash allegedly programs. These are already viruses at the hard disk level.

That's actually reviewed computer viruses that you can meet on the Internet. But in fact, they are many times more, and it is not possible to completely defend, unless you use the Internet, do not buy discs and do not include the computer at all.