MTS Minibit How to connect. New Internet Option MTS "Minibit

Relying on the previously published news, I was looking forward to launching a new one-bit option. NEW ass unlimited Internet at favorable rates to those who extremely rarely enter the network and does not want to pay subscription fee For unnecessary traffic.

Only in the evening of June 8 in the news from MTS, the information was appeared, but detailed. What could subscribers could get? Not exactly what was counted, anticipating connection. Make the output will help the description of the tariff and comparison with the existing options "bit" and "Super Bit".

Prices for the tariff Mini Bit MTS

Speaking of rates, then for the daily use of mini bit subscriber needs to pay 450 rubles per month (the calculation is based on the tariff - 15 rubles per day). What can the user get for this amount? The first 5 MB of Internet traffic - without speed restrictions, on - hard limitations: speed will drop to 32 kbps. Low speed It will limit not only downloading the desired information from the network, but will slow down the loading of most sites having a colorful design.

Using the usual bit option, the user receives 50 MB without speed limits, then it will drop to 64 kbps, which is much better than the above parameters. And all this will cost a month in 149 rubles of the subscription fee. Compared to this option, the novelty loses, but it was not conceived for the permanent use of the network, but to access the Internet periodically from the smartphone, the phone (once a week or once a month).

Tariff Options Mini Bit MTS

The essence of the mini bit option is to control the connection with the Internet. As soon as it is installed, a certain amount spikes from the number. Tarification depends on the location of the subscriber. For Moscow and MO, the first 10 MB cost 20 rubles, all subsequent - 10 rubles for 10 MB (per day you can spend 100 MB of traffic). If necessary, get an additional 100 MB of traffic using a turbo button.

When connecting to the network in the regions, the subscriber will pay for the first 10 MB of traffic of 40 rubles, and for 20 rubles for each of the following 10 MB. If the user actively moves from the Moscow region to the regions and at this time uses the mini bit option, the calculations are carried out on double tariffing - from the account spikes 20 rubles for 10 MB from Moscow, 40 rubles - for connecting to the Internet in the region. Additional traffic is also duplicated.

How many subscribers will be interested in the Mini Bit option? Not so much, given that most users have - modern smartphoneswhich almost constantly interact with the Internet. In such a situation only the tariffs "Bit", "Superbit" will be helped, the first of which is costing a month, as a few bottles of beer. In other cases, the user will have enough pair of hundred kilobytes laid traffic to him in order for 2 rubles to check the mail. It is worth carefully using options because automatic connection To mini bits will require to pay for the above check of mail 15 rubles, and not 2. clarify which option on this moment Enabled, you can in your "Internet assistant". Here the option is connected, disconnected.

Tariff Mini Bit MTS Pros and Cons

Based on personal experience, you can say - lovers to combine rest in nature with surfing / work on the Internet, the option "Bit" is best. It gives a full-fledged Internet access by connecting a smartphone to a laptop as a modem. This is enough to view sites, even if the limit of 50 MB is exhausted on high speed. But for the operation of the "Bit" option, you need to pay 149 rubles, so many with impatience and expected to enter the light "Mini Bit" option. As it turned out, in vain, since web sefing capabilities with a limit of 5 MB and a further decrease in speed of up to 32 kbps do not justify costs and hopes.

Summing up in the estimation of the tariff of the mini bit from MTS, it can be said that it is not clear to whom this tariff is suitable. She thought, as a profitable offer for those who do not want to overpay for traffic, use the Internet occasionally. And according to the results, it turns out that the mini bit is included in the mandatory package of wanting to connect to MTS (excluding the rates "Mayak", MTS Connect, MTS iPad, Ultra, Maxi), and charges additional 15 rubles from the subscriber .

Do you have a modern phone that supports the Internet function? But you do not need to use the mobile Internet daily, and, especially since there is no desire to pay for a service monthly, which you do not need constantly?

MTS took care of the needs of such subscribers. Now you do not need to pay every month or every day for the Internet. With the minibit service, the subscription fee for the use of the Internet will be removed from your balance only in those days when you connect to the network. You get 10 internet megabytes with unlimited speed, then the speed will be reduced to 32 kbps per second.

How to turn off the "miniby" on MTS

To stop using the Minibit service from MTS, you need to spend a lot of time or the strength or, especially money. It is just done, quickly and in several ways:

1. Service team.Need to dial on your cell phone Combination *111*62# And press the call promise key. Next you need to click on the number 2 To disable the "Minibit".

2. SMS.- Message to a short number.In this case, you need to send a message with the text 620 to the service number 111. If you are within Russia in the MTS operator's network or in international RoamingThe additional fee for sending an outgoing SMS will not be removed.

3. Personal Area.IN personal Account In the Internet assistant section on the official website of MTS, you can enter, entering your phone number and password. Then in the service management menu you need to find the "minibit" and disable the option.

4. MTS Service.This service is a unique chopstick wand for all MTS subscribers. Just typing * 111 # and pressing the call button in USSD mode, you can disable the "miniby" on your phone. If you have a tablet or smartphone, then you can even download separate application. Dial * 111 * 1 # (for Moscow and area) or * 111 * 1111 # (for other regions), and you will receive a link to download and install the MTS Service application, in which it is even easier to disable the "miniby".

The cost of the service "Minibit" from MTS

The connection for connecting and using the "Minibit" option on your phone directly depends on your area of \u200b\u200baccommodation. Subscription for the connection is 15-20 rubles. The same price for one day of using the Internet within the home region. In case of staying a subscriber in intranet roaming, the cost of the service will be twice as much - respectively 30-40 rubles per day.

MTS continues to strengthen its market position mobile communications, offering its subscribers new services and tariff plans. Active development received various options capable of providing an Internet access. Carefully having studied all offers this operator, It can be concluded that MTS offers its customers as small Internet packages with a daily fee and quite voluminous with a mandatory monthly payment. In other words, here you will find a service for every taste.

A separate position occupy options that do not have a subscription fee, and those paying after the Internet has been implemented. One of them is a service called "Minibit". Next, in details we will tell you about it.

Attention! The "Minibit" option is fairly in demand. Currently, even the inhabitants of the Crimea can take advantage of it.

Detailed description

The minibit service is aimed at those MTS subscribers who go online from a smartphone not on a regular basis, and from time to time, let's say, once a few days. Thus, due to the lack of a mandatory subscription, it is very profitable for them.

Some users are thinking about how the "Minibit" option works. Here, one of the important roles is played by the control system, which tracks the duration of connecting to the worldwide web and the amount of spent traffic. After connecting to the network, a certain amount is written off the account. Tariffment occurs on the basis of small Internet packets of 20 MB. The service also has a reporting period. It is equal to one day (from 3:00 to 3:00). If you have not used your phone with a MTS SIM card to enter the Internet, then there will be no money from the balance.

Many are interested in which cost the "Minibit" option is provided. IN this case It all depends on the place of your stay. If you are a resident of Moscow or MO, then for the first 20 MB, spent within the minibit service, you will have to pay 20 rubles. In the future, the same amount of traffic will be worth 15 rubles for you. The cost of the Internet for residents of the regions is:

  • The first 20 MB - 45 rubles;
  • All subsequent packages are 25 rubles.

It should be noted that the number of traffic from MTS is limited to the 15th packets. If for some reason you want to cut them up to one, then you can do it via USSD, sending a request * 111 * 931 #.

If you live in Moscow, but often in other regions, and the "Minibit" option is connected to you, then when moving from one zone to another, be prepared for the calculation of the double rate, i.e., for example, for the first package You will be removed and 20 rubles, and 45 rubles. Exactly on the same conditions you get all the rest of the traffic.

Attention! The presented service from MTS has limitations. Maximum daily traffic - 300 MB (15 packages). If it is exhausted, and you still need an Internet access, then the rational only connect a large package or the "turbo button".

The "Minibit" option from MTS: how to connect?

All subscribers of one of largest operators Mobile communication regardless of how the tariff they chose how much they have a minute of conversation or megabytes of outgoing traffic can take advantage of such a service as an Internet assistant. It gives the entrance to personal Area On the MTS website, which can be used to manage the service. It is he who will need you so that the "Minibit" option is added. In addition, there is also a second option. You can connect the described service when uSSD assistance, namely: take the phone and type the combination * 111 * 62 #. By clicking on the "Call", you will find yourself in the menu, from all items of which you need to choose # 1. In both cases, the service is added very quickly: a minute or two expectations, no more.

Attention! To check the Internet traffic residue, which is included in your tariff or provided within a specific package, use the Digital Combination * 217 # to send it to USSD.

The "Minibit" option from MTS: how to turn off?

If the service described you do not like it or it will be unnecessary, it will not be disconnected. There are two options of how this can be done:

  • First - through a personal account;
  • The second is through sending a USSD request * 111 * 62 #, where in the dialogue opened dialog box must be pressed on the number 2.

As you can see, disable such an Internet package from MTS is quite simple. In addition, the entire procedure will be spent approximately a minute of your time.

MINIBIT OPTION: User reviews

Attention! The "Minibit" option is paid exclusively by funds in the Subscriber's account. Its connection is bonus points It is impossible.

Initially, the mini bit option was created by MTS mobile operator for those subscribers who go online on their gadget, most often on the phone or tablet, but not every day and not particularly actively. For example, it is focused on those who use the network not more than one or two times a week, or even less often. That is why the subscriber does not want to pay a monthly subscription fee for such a service.

What kind of principle does this simple option minibit work? MTS in essence created such a proposal that actively controls the presence of a normal Internet connection. In the event that it catches some available connection, then a certain amount according to its tariff plan will be removed from the main account of the subscriber. Initially, the exact time of reference per day was established - from 3 o'clock at night until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. If no connection was detected, then accordingly the score remains intact.

As for the billing, the service mini bit in this regard directly depends on where it is connected, that is, Moscow is or another region. If we talk about the Moscow region and directly the capital, then the first 10 MB cost 20 rubles. All packages that subscriber uses after their completion are estimated at 10 rubles for every 10 MB. It is worth noting that additional packets on MTS can be connected at no longer than 9 times during the day. If the user wants to order additional Internet Traffic, then to its services a special turbo button, which will immediately add to him 100 MB. In the event that the subscriber is outside the native region or travels around the country, it will be necessary to pay as part of the mini bit option for 40 rubles for the first 10 MB of traffic, and for every next 20 rubles. Regarding the number of further packages, their number does not change - 9 pieces. If, there is no need to use such packages, they can always be disabled, previously typing a simple combination on your mobile - * 111 * 931 #.

By the way, not all MTS subscribers know about such an important detail that in case of staying immediately in several regions outside the native, the tariffing is also occurring. That is why it is necessary to immediately be prepared for the fact that the initial 20 rubles for the service will be removed from the main account and additionally 40 rubles for a specific regional package. Accordingly, the same payment system will be held on all. additional packages, If there are any.

How to disable the service mini bit on MTS?

As already indicated, the miniby is ideal for those subscribers who do not often enter the Internet and do not need it to be unlimited and constantly affordable. Accordingly, pay for it a fixed monthly fee is simply no need. In addition, using the miniby, the subscriber is never engaged in the calculation of the cost of traffic and time spent on the network, because it is not necessary.

Even with such a service list of advantages, sometimes it becomes necessary to disable this service. How to do it yourself and at the same time as fast as possible? MTS mobile operator for all of its subscribers has tried to create as many special ways as possible not only for connecting and manage options, services and tariff plansBut also by their disconnection, in this case mini bit.

At the moment, if there is no need to use the Internet in general, there are three main options in order to quickly turn off the miniby option:

  1. The most common and popular way - to dial a simple combination on your mobile * 111 * 62 #, after which you just need to choose from the first item from the open list, and the disconnection will be successful.
  2. Just send a message with the text "620" to a short service number 111, after which the alert will come to the phone that the miniby option is successfully disabled.
  3. The third and most practical option is to use the support of the Internet assistant. it special programwhich is designed purposefully for the subscribers to have the ability to control their account, change, connect and disable any offer mobile operator through the Internet. Accordingly, there can be easily found in the mini-bit list and click the refuse button.

Each mobile operator today tries to create all the conditions so that its subscribers do not have inconvenience in the use of services and all sorts of proposals, therefore, to refuse the mini bit option, as from any other here is simple and fast.

The MTS miniby service was developed to give subscribers the ability to be on the network in rare cases. If you are a subscriber who does not need a permanent access to the network, the MINIBIT OPTION is accurately suitable for you.

If you activate the service miniby from MTS, then the subscriber does not need to constantly calculate the price for traffic. Time when you do not use the Internet services, you do not need to pay. For more information about this service, we will talk a little lower.

What are the advantages of the MINIBIT Option?

To begin with, it is worth noting that the miniby service is popular due to the low cost per traffic and the lack of a monthly and everyday monthly fee. In addition, important advantage of the service is the fact that the payment for traffic is carried out only on that day when the client took advantage.

If the subscriber went to the Internet several times within one day from different regions, the subscription fee will be charged according to the tariff of the region in which the first access to the network was set. Two times the subscription fee will not be made.

Let's look at the example: you activated the miniby option with a total quota of 5 MB traffic per day. The first time you went to the network in the capital and used 2 MB of traffic. That is, the account will be removed 15 rubles. The next time the Internet has been implemented on the same day only outside the Moscow region. That is, there will be no extra charge on this day. The next day, access to the network was carried out with insenet roaming. In this case, you will write up a monthly fee in the amount of 30 rubles. Tariffment occurs when the network is first published from 03:00 to 03:00. In more detail about charging, you can learn from the MTS specialist by calling the number 0890.

Cost on the rate of miniby in MTS

If we talk about the cost, then for everyday use of the service, the client needs to pay 450 rubles. per month, that is, 15 rubles. in a day. For this amount, the subscriber can get 5 MB of high-speed traffic. If these 5 MB of traffic to use, then the speed will fall up to 32 kbps.

If you apply a regular bit service from MTS, the subscriber already receives 50 MB of traffic, then the speed can decrease to 64 kbps, which is significantly better than the parameters that are listed above.

Service Mini Bit from MTS: Tariff Description

As mentioned above, the miniby service from the MTS operator provides access to mobile Internet With payment on the fact of use only in the days of the network. The rest of the unused Internet traffic on the next day is not transferred.

All customers of the MTS mobile operator that have connected the miniby service receive an SMS notification of activated function when the daily Internet traffic quota is reached. To connect an SMS notification, you must dial on your phone the following combination of numbers - * 111 * 218 #. You can check the current status using a combination * 111 * 217 #. To deactivate SMS notifications, you should dial on your phone * 111 * 219 #.

How to activate and deactivate the minibit service?

Many subscribers consider the service miniby not quite profitable, but still some customers are ready to use it. And to connect the MTS miniby option, it is necessary on its mobile phone Dial * 111 * 62 #.

In addition, each subscriber has the opportunity to use the Internet assistant or consultation of the living operator. The operator will quickly help in solving any problem.

If the service miniby is not more interesting for one reason or another, then it can be turned off very quickly. To do this, you need to dial on your smartphone * 111 * 62 #. You can also simply send an SMS message (text 620) to meek number 111.