Registration of posts in telegrams. How to make a deferred post in Telegram with a bot? How to add a post from Telegram to Telegraph

The owners of the channels in Telegram need to qualitatively and correctly submit content to their subscribers, otherwise they will go to competitors, the number of which grows every day. Since most users are sitting with mobile phoneYou need to submit simple or adapted to mobile content. If you can not file information with pictures, video or short quotes, then use the telegraph service that will allow subscribers to read your article in a simplified and fitted under their screen text with pictures / video.

Signatures for images, video and gif

In telegrams a little differently implemented adding pictures and therefore you need to learn them to use. You can not attach a picture to the text, you can only add a small description to the picture (about 200 characters).

Select the image you want to download and immediately add a description to it. It will be impossible to do this later.

When you need to publish a full-fledged article, add text and photos will simultaneously be problematic, so use telegraph for articles. If the text is short, then add it to the signature to the picture, if the text is long, then add the picture after the main record. Generally publish text and pictures separately best ideaBut so far there are few other options. The most deployed that sending two records with your friends will not be all, and the movement only the text without a picture may be lost the meaning of the whole post.

Do not forget to add a description also to any video or hyphae animation.

Text formatting

Standard tools Telegrams allow you to make text with fatty or inclined. Often this is enough, because in other social networks there is no formatting at all.

To format text:

- It needs to be highlighted and right from "copying" to press "three points"

Also, the text can be made ordinary if you suddenly changed my mind.

Formatting with a bot. Install a useful bot combine that will help you with many actions for the channel, and most importantly will give new features to change the type of text. We have detailed instructions How to add such a bot and start using them.

Once you have installed a bot, each time you create a post, it will offer you available functions and including formatting. Bot will give you a list of available commands with which the text will be changed.

Formatted texts in telegrams have a more readable look and are clearly structured due to headlines from fatty texts and links without preview, because sometimes they need to be placed more than 3-4 pieces.

Auto access

Do not offend your subscribers and release records regularly. Telegrams loyally refers to auto access and not banitis for it. You can use as internal bots, so in external quality services. Step-by-step instruction About how to quickly and quickly configure autobosting is on our website.

You can configure automatic publication for any type of content: text, pictures, video, links, etc. It is more convenient to use external services, there you can make much faster to add records at least a month ahead and do it in a few hours. Whereas with the help of the bot will have to enter the date manually for each post.

Text on the foreground

If you have to publish text with a video or link to an external site, then first insert the text and only then the video or link. Do not publish everything in chaotic form, initially imagine how everything will look like everything.


If you insert a link to the telegrams, then it appears snippets (preview). Preview is taken by default from the first link, if there are many links, it is best to remove the previews so as not to confuse subscribers. Snippet contains:

- Website address

- Title from the site

- Short description

- photo that is chosen automatically

If you do not like the preview or just interferes, you can delete it during the creation of the post. In the preview that appeared in the upper right corner will be a cross, click on it and it will be deleted.

Telegraph and Instant View

- Enter the name article

- Text Articles

- To each line you can attach photos, video or post from Twitter

As soon as you completed an article, you can publish it in the browser bar, where the URL is a link to this article. If it is divided into this link in its channel telegrams, the subscribers will be able to open it through the built-in function Instant View. She simplifies an article and adapts its size so that you can easily read the article on your mobile phone.

Attached files

If you need to attach files to the text record, this can be done using a clip. In this way, you can attach not only files from Excel, Word, but also photos whose quality you do not want to spoil. Photos are beautifully attached to the main record and users will be able to download it in high resolution. This is especially true if there is a channel with photos in telegrams.

48 hours to edit.

After publishing a record with text in the telegram channel, it can still be edited within 48 hours, i.e. 2 days. After the expiration of this time, change the post is no longer possible.

Disable notifications

In 2017, users are already signed by several dozen channels and constant notifications of them are distributed and some are unsubscribed because of this. Therefore, it is best to disable notifications of entries using a bell, which will be in the lower right corner.
But that the subscribers do not at all forget about your channel simply need to be notified of new interesting records. For example, you publish funny pictures without notice, and when you post a rusty video, then notify it. Poamrenherenture

We will understand all the secrets of Telegram articles editor

Telegraph - relatively fresh software From Telegram Developer Team. The service appeared in 2016 and since then slowly strengthens its position.

Some seriously believe that the day is not far away when Telegraph will be able to replace the printed media. Let's figure it out if it can be, why do you need text editor From Telegram and how to use it.

It is interesting. - A simple and comfortable bot for downloading and listening to music. Bot can: show the top chart, find musical novelties, download music from your or any profile Vkontakte, look for music on your request. - The world of music without restrictions right in telegrams.

What is Telegraph and what it is needed

This is a special platform where you can publish the most different content. Due to the fact that this service is created in language markdown., published materials are quickly loaded and "weigh" quite a bit.

Interesting: The size of publication in this editor is not limited, so it is ideal for creating longrides.

First of all, the service is intended for the beautiful and convenient design of articles. Therefore, it will be useful to bloggers and those who lead their groups and canals in social networks.

When you first start you will see these fields

And although Telegraph and is a product Telegram, but it is intended not only For associated with a messenger of work.

On website you can post your posts for VC, classmates, and in general any other resource.

After publishing an article, the editor will generate ready linkwhich you can share with users.

Interesting: One of the steep features of this editor is that the material can be published anonymously and without registration.

What opportunities gives Telegraph

Service Compass for lovers to write articles multiple need of essentials, as well as a pair of hidden functions. T.eCT, formatted in the editor, much It is easier to read and perceived.

Basic text formatting tools in Telegraph


The first and most important tool is the ability to create headlines. It has long been known that an article in which there are headlines and subtitles is perceived much easier.

You just run the headers with your eyes and stop on something important for yourself.

The second tool is closely related to the first: in an article published on Telegraph, you can create a table of contents. For each title, a certain identifier is enshrined, which is used as hyperlink.

Simply put, the service makes it possible to attach to each header link-anchorfor a quick transition to them.

Enough to push anchor to move to the publication site with this heading.

It is just done: in the right place of your text, write the word "table of contents" or, for example, "content". And under it, position the headlines.

But when forming an anchor, the headlines will need to be slightly formatted - instead of spacers to put a dash.

  • Create content - we list all the headers from the article at the beginning of the material;
  • We highlight the word header in the content and click on the link icon (looks like links chains in the appeared editor);
  • In the link to enter links put the icon # And write the title name, replacing all the gaps on the short dash. Be sure to consider the register;
  • Press ENTER.

Important: Check the headers do not repeat, otherwise the reference in the content will work incorrectly.

We'll figure it out for example

The overall structure of the anchor looks like this:<название статьи>#<заголовок>

If our article is called "Telegraph", and one of the headers "All about Telegraph", the link-anchor for a quick transition to this section will look like this: #<Все-о-Telegraph>

Open one secret: There is a special link to return to the top of the page: #_tl_Editor. Just post it at the bottom of Longrid, it is very convenient.


The third tool is indispensable when folding accents. Choose yourself what font use for important information - Italic or bold.


And the telegraph makes it possible to use and draw quotes. And this can be done in two in different ways.

In order to switch between different species Quote, highlight the text, and then click one or twice on the quote icon.

  • If you click once in the editor on the quotation icon (two commas on the right), the citized piece of text will be in italics with a black vertical line on the left.
  • When you repeatedly click on the icon, the text will be located in the center and will also be in italic.

Switching between quote types occurs when you click on the appropriate icon on the formatting panel


The fifth point in the list of features concerns visual content. If you want to dilute the publication of pictures or video from YouTube - please.

To add an image to the material, click on camera pictogramwhich is displayed on the left of the text entry line in the computer version and on the right.

To insert video from YouTube or Vimeo, as well as posts with Twitter, you need to click on a special icon.

Insert a video or tweet in the Telegram editor is very simple - click on this icon and insert the link


And finally, for lovers to organize information available to the listing of lists.

You can create both ordinary numbered and expressive marked lists.Form a list you can two ways:

  • Classically - adding numbers before the beginning of the point;
  • Putting short dash or asteriskand then the space before the start of the point to make a marked list.

The service provides a good set for creativity, is it? Look below, as it all looks with a detailed consideration.

How to start using Telegraph

To write a beautiful article, go to the . It looks very simple. You will be almost a clean sheet, where you need to specify the header and write the text of the material.

Attention: After the recent failure of Pavel Durov, to provide the keys to the data of users Roskomnadzor blocked all the resources associated with Telegram.

It affected the telegraph.

Our advice: In order to go to the editor's website ,.

Tell in order.

  • So, the first thing to do is to register Title. This is the name of your publication.

By default, this title along with the date will fall into the link in which users will read your material.

  • Second field - Your Name. - Fill not necessarily if you want.

But sometimes there are situations where the indication of the authorship is necessary. In this case, you can specify real data in the field or use nickname.

  • The third field creates the text of the material itself.

All listed formatting types are already available here. After the material is written and decorated, do not forget to clickPublish so that the article published.

By the way, edit it (Edit. ) Some time, it will be possible only from the same device and browser from which you wrote material.

Attention: If you are not logged in in the bote @telegraph, you can change the publication only on the condition that you are not cleaned cookies files In the browser.

Otherwise, the change material will not be changed.This is a kind of minus editor for those who have already used to personal Accounts On sites. Read more about working with this bot below.

How to add a post from Telegram to Telegraph

This problem is solved simply. You need to go to Telegram and find the post you want to transfer to the editor.

Then just click on it right-click (or tap on a special icon in mobile version) and select item"Copy link to the message".

To insert a post in an article, you first need to copy the link to it. In Telegram Desktop you need to click on the post right-click
In the mobile version to copy the link click on the right icon
Inserting posts from Telegram to the editor takes the most simple as possible: it is enough to insert a link and press ENTER

Interesting: In the telegraph you can copy the post as a record.

When copying posts from Telegram to the editor, be sure to remember several nuances:

  • If you copy an article from, make sure that it is not private, but open;
  • The chat must have status to automatically authorize you in the telegraph, which gives the ability to further edit articles;
  • Make changes in the name of the author, which is displayed in the articles.

Such an assistant will have to very much by the way who leads several channels or groups in Telegram, since using the bot can be quickly switching between accounts.

To start using a bot, just go to a direct link or find it by name@telegraph and run. To start work, you will need to enter account With the help of the team"Log in ...".

Interesting: To learn more detailed viewing statistics, try using @tgstat_bot.

He will show the total number of watching your post and will signal numbers by date. And the bot will tell me how many channels mentioned an article.

Secrets of articles in Telegraph

It seems that all the possibilities of this editor lie on the surface, but there are still a few steep chips, about which we will tell below. Take them to armared and forward, create cool and competently decorated articles!

  • Dividing lines.

There is a telegraph fast way Share text into semantic parts and chapters. Just dial three stars On the keyboard and press ENTER. The editor draws lines, effectively separating non-related parts of the text.

Write three stars and click on ENTER to add a separation strip
  • For breakdown on paragraphs and strings correspond to two keys:SHIFT and ENTER.

To create new string, press both keys together. If you want to issue a paragraph, then the usual tap on ENTER will work here.

  • A link to the article in the telegraph can be made short and memorable.

And no, it will not be about services to reduce links. Everything is simple. Before pressing the button"Publish" , let the article short name in field"Title".

Then publish the material and then change the name to the desired Use the button"EDIT" . Since the reference is formed once, it will remain prescribed a short Name of publication.

  • Make an article more colorful and expressive using gifok..

To add the gif, simply copy the link to it, insert into the editor and press ENTER. The second way: save the image to your device, and then add it through the camera icon.

Do you use Telegraph?

I developed from 1,000 subscribers to 8,000. Since then, I understood what mistakes I made in the first stages of the promotion of my channel and how to avoid novice. Many of the beginner authors in Telegram ask what I can advise. Therefore, I decided to update my old article and make advice more relevant and correct.

This is an update of the article on October 2016

What to publish?

In Telegram, as in any other social network, first of all, it is important what you write about. It is worth considering one important moment. Here people do not want to read repipes, copy-paste and other types of content that everyone has. Subscribers choose channels where there is a copyright opinion, a unique look at the popular news or niche subjects. However, the subject can be popular, but it is still worth writing about your.

Long posts are better not to publish. Even in ordinary social skins rarely read further header. Personally, I strive to write in "Twitter" format. Short post with picture and reference with source. Ribbon of my canal looks like a catalog useful services and programs. Therefore, I created a list of tags for which subscribers can easily find the necessary program. It looks like this:

When it is best to publish in Telegram

Select the correct publication time for the post - the main task in any social network. It seems to me that for telegrams it does not matter and there are several reasons for it:

  1. Your subscribers have a different time zone. Want to post a post at three in the morning? You are welcome.
  2. Some subscribers for your channel is disabled the sound of alerts.
  3. Subscribers and so much darkness channels.

Of these three points you can make one simple conclusion. Telegram is like an RSS tape. Your post will read when it is convenient to subscribe. Therefore, you should not publish too much information per day. "Sheet" out of 10,500 posts no one will read. What I personally do not do. And on this moment I think about solving the problem - so that the tape is updated often, but the subscribers did not suffer from the number of posts.

Most Russian-speaking users Telegram are Moscow and Peter. Therefore, if you want to choose the most optimal time, then choose Moscow.

There is another trick. Posts can be sent without user alert. To do this, it is enough to switch the "bell" icon and the message will go to the channel without alerts.

Delayed posting

To think even less on the day on the content of the channel content, use tools for posting planning. For example, Kuku.

Thanks to the planning of the posts, you can predetermine the publications for your tape and engage in your loved ones during the day.

How to format posts

Messenger himself does not support any formatting. Links look like http: // Links, fatty Text as fat, and so on. Such bots like @Markdownrobot come to the rescue. With this bot, you can format your posts in the Markdown markup.

With a good ability to handle the bots, you can create posts with almost any design. For example, in a channel-aggregator of various products with Aliexpress @aliexpressAll buttons add to the posts:

It is important to remember that not all Telegram customers support such marking. Therefore, some subscribers can not see messages at all. In addition, you can add votes, husks, polls and more.

How to keep channel statistics

To maintain channel statistics, a useful bot @controllerbot was invented. After connecting to your channel, you can request statistics for the last month. Bot in response to you will provide text data and beautiful growth schedule.

Mutual PR

As I wrote at the very beginning, it is difficult to go to my audience in a telegraph. Therefore, one of the tools for finding two "lonely hearts" will be mutual PR. Find similar on the subject of the channels, preferably with the same number of readers as yours. After that, feel free to write admins with a proposal of mutual piano. Many happily agree.

How does such a PR look like? You are published in your channel post with an advertisement of someone else's canal. Admin will publish your advertising in response. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to overdo it with such posts. Otherwise, all existing readers run away from spam. I am public one advertising post per day.

The main points you need to know:

  • VP - mutual PR;
  • "Mega" is very similar to VP. In this case, all channels wishing to participate are going to common list, and advertising goes at the same time in all;
  • An hour or other time in the top - after the publication of the advertising post, should pass at least an hour before the next publication;
  • 24 hours in the tape - the advertising post is not removed from the ribbon during the day. Yes, the advertising post can be removed.
  • Views. Some admins leave the post until it dials the desired number of views.

Prepare in advance short description Channel, picture and private link. When you go on this link, the visitor automatically becomes a subscriber. You can get a link in the channel settings\u003e Exhibit the type of channel to "Private". After that you will receive a private link. Do not forget to change the channel status to the "public".

It is important to immediately start tracking the conversion from the VP and advertising for your channel. It will be difficult to do this due to a lack of tools for collecting and analyzing statistics. But it is necessary to do it, and the sooner, the better. So you will immediately know with what channels you need to cooperate in the future.

For this I use a table in Google Documents:

Channel catalogs

Channel catalogs are another great way to declare yourself. It is partially similar to mutual PR. Because you are most likely asked to publish advertising catalog at home. Someone will publish your channel for money, and someone "Thank you." In any case, get to the catalog is much easier than to agree on a mutual pian. Directors in the Telegraph of the Darkness-Dirty and find them is not difficult.

Here, for example, a list of useful directories from @tginfo, from which it is worth starting your search:

  • @CatalogTelegram is a structured catalog of chats, canals and bots.
  • tGCHANS.COM - Channel catalog with advanced statistics and repost tracking.
  • is indexing chats, channels and bots in real time.
  • - site with channels sorted by headings.
  • is the oldest catalog of the channels.
  • - chat rooms, channels and bots.
  • tLGRM.PRO - Chat rooms, Channels and bots.
  • storegram.Ru - bots and channels ranging.
  • - channel rating and bots.
  • - Channels of Uzbekistan.

If you want to promote your bot, then you will need the catalogs of bots:

  • @Obzorchik - bots every day, as well as sites with bots;

Of course, they did not forget about the catalogs of groups. For example, @groupsguide and, where the most collected popular groups According to the statistics of @comstatbot.

Of course, if I do not want to delve into yourself, you can order the service of promoting telegrams on this site, where for a small percentage will do everything for you.

In addition to directories, there are copyright channels aimed at publishing everything related to telegram. With the help of such channels, you can also "reach" to your audience. For example, in the channel Your Telegram publishes news about Messenger and advice on its use. Therefore, advertising in such a channel will be interesting to its subscribers. They initially came here for finding interesting channels and news about Telegram.

The main thing, consider the audience of the channels, with which you plan to cooperate.

Purchase subscribers

The most expensive, but also the easiest option to attract readers is to "drive" them for money. There are people in Telegram who will gladly attract live subscribers to you in the channel for money. Usually it is a few rubles for the "head".

You can order this type of promotion in some directories. Starting with @user_administration, which will help dissemble the message about you in more than 30 Telegram channels. At the same time, the coverage radius will have a versatile orientation and affect most of the audience.

Tell me about yourself in other social networks

The main location of the location of my posts is my blog. Then go social networks And the mail. You probably also. Therefore, do not neglect your readers in Twitter or on the site. Tell us about your channel in my own social groups And people to stretch to you.


I told only the main tricks of the channel promotion in Telegram. Thanks to them, I can easily keep the existing audience of my channel and attract new subscribers.

You should not stop only at these councils. Always look for new techniques for attracting subscribers. To stay "in the topic" of marketing in telegrams, and in other networks, I subscribed to several channels:

  • You can also read the Telrgram Channel promotion on our friends from EpicStars - Blogger Exchange.