How many units of binary recording 64. How many units

1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 6

1) 11111001 2 2) 11011000 2 3) 11110111 2 4) 11111000 2

  1. Calculate A81 16 + 377 16. Result Imagine in the same number system.
1) 21B 16 2) DF8 16 3) C92 16 4) F46 16


  1. The automatic device has transcoding the information message in Russian long in 20 characters, originally recorded in 16-bit code 8-bit encoding Koi-8.. At the same time, the informational message decreased
1) 320 bits 2) 20 bits 3) 160 bytes 4) 20 bytes

  1. Considering that each character is encoded by one byte, appreciate the information volume of the following sentence:
White sail is lonely in the fog of the sea blue!

1) 352 bit 2) 44 bits 3) 352 byte 4) 88 bytes


  1. Decimal number Mark 16. What is the minimum number of zeros at the end of this number after it is translated into a binary number system?

  2. Indicate how much time the figure 1 is found in the recording of numbers 12, 13, 14, ..., 31 in the number system with the base 5.

  1. Traveler came at 08:00 on the bus station of the village of Forest and saw the following bus timetable:
Departure from arrival in Departure time Arrival time

^ Forest lake 07:45 08:55

Meadow Forest 08:00 09:10

Field Forest 08:55 11:25

Field meadow 09:10 10:10

Forest field 09:15 11:45

^ Lake field 09:15 10:30

Forest meadow 09:20 10:30

Lake Forest 09:25 10:35

Meadow field 10:40 11:40

Field Lake 10:45 12:00

Determine the earliest time when the traveler can be in the field Polevoy according to this schedule .

1) 10:30 2) 11:25 3)11:40 4) 11:45

  1. In some directory stored file Spur.tht.. In this catalog created subdirectory and moved the file to it. Spur.tht.. After that, the full name of the file has become
    D: \\ Documents \\ Chemistry \\ Control \\ Spur.Txt
    What is the full name of the directory in which the file has been stored before moving?
1) D: \\ Documents \\ Chemistry \\ Control

2) D: \\ Documents \\ Chemistry

3) D: \\ Documents

4) D: \\

  1. In the spreadsheet value of the formula \u003d SRVNOV (A1: B4) equal to 3. What is the value of the A4 cell, if the value of the formula \u003d Sums (A1: B3)equal to 30, and the B4 cell value is 5?
1) -11 2) 11 3) 4 4) -9

  1. Determine the value of the variable b. After performing the fragment of the algorithm.

  1. How many seconds will need a modem that transmits messages at a speed of 14,400 bits / s to convey color raster image The size of 640 per 480 pixels, provided that the color of each pixel is encoded by 24 bits?

  2. Data transfer rate via ADSL connection is 128000 BIT / s. How much time (in seconds) will take the transfer of a 625 Kbyte file to this channel?

  3. What condition you need to use to search on the Internet information about colors growing on Taiwan Island or Honshu
1) flowers & Taiwan | Honshu)

2) flowers & Taiwan & Honshu

3) flowers | Taiwan | Honshu

4) flowers & Island | Taiwan | Honsen)

  1. Specify the values \u200b\u200bof the variables k, l, m, n, in which logical expression
(K.M)  (L  k)  ¬n

falsely. The answer is recorded as a string of four characters: the values \u200b\u200bof the variables k, l, m and n (in the specified order). For example, string 1101 corresponds to the fact that k \u003d 1, l \u003d 1, m \u003d 0, n \u003d 1.

  1. What is the greatest integer positive number which a false statement:
(8 · x - 6 → (X · (x-1)\u003e 65)

  1. In some country car room 6 characters long is composed of capital letters (A total of 19 letters are used) and decimal digits in any order. Each symbol is encoded in the same and minimally possible amount of bits, and each number is the same and minimally possible by bytes. Determine the amount of memory required for storing 40 car numbers.
1) 120 byte 2) 160 bytes 3) 200 bytes 4) 240 bytes

  1. To transmit signals on the fleet, special signal flags are used in one line (the sequence is important). How many different signals can pass the ship using five signal flags if there are flags of four different types on the ship (each species flags of an unlimited number)?

  1. In the process of converting a raster graphic image, the number of colors decreased from 64 to 8. How many times did the volume occupied by them in memory decreased?
1) 2 2) 4 3) 8 4) 64

  1. To coding the color page, the Internet page uses the BGColor \u003d "# xxxxxxx" attribute, where hexadecimal values \u200b\u200bof the color component intensity in the 24-bit RGB model are set in quotes. What color will be close to the color of the page given by tag
1) Red 2) Yellow 3) Purple 4) Blue

  1. What a logical expression is equivalent to expression ¬ (a  b)C?
1) ¬A  b  C 2) A  B  C 3) ¬ (a  b)  C 4) ¬A  ¬B  ¬C

  1. Dan fragment spreadsheet In the display mode of formulas.

After copying the range of AZ cells: Diagram (graph) was constructed to the A4 range: E6, a diagram (graph) was built by the values \u200b\u200bof the columns of the B2: E6 cells.

Values \u200b\u200bd2: d6 matches the schedule

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

  1. All students of high school (from the 9th to the 11th) participated in the school sports department. According to the results of the competition, each of them received from 0 to 3 points. The chart 1 shows the amount of classes, and on the chart 2 - the number of students who scored points from 0 to 3.

Chart 1.

Chart 2.

Which of these statements is followed from the analysis of both charts?

1) Among the students of Grade 9 there is at least one who scored 2 or 3 points.

2) All students who scored 0 points can be 9-graders.

3) All 10-graders could score exactly 2 points.

4) Among the scores of 3 points there are no 10-graders.

  1. On the game website there is the following information on games and the number of players:

The game

Number of playing







Cheerful farm








Snowy riddles


Gift factory








Determine how type games are most popular with players (in what type of game play the greatest number of people)?

1) arcade 2) logical 3) verbal 4) sports














  1. On server File is list.txt, access to which is carried out by the protocol fTP.. Fragments Addresses this file Encoded by letters A, B, C ... G (see table). Record the sequence of these letters that encodes the address specified File in the Internet.

  1. Determine the value of integer variables X and Y after the execution of the program fragment:
x: \u003d 19;

z: \u003d y * 2;

y: \u003d x MOD y;

x: \u003d x - z;

y: \u003d y + z;

1) x \u003d 10, y \u003d 9 2) x \u003d 13, y \u003d 7 3) x \u003d 16, y \u003d 8 4) x \u003d 18, y \u003d 2

  1. Artist Calculator has only two teams that are assigned the numbers:
Multiply to 2.

Prost 1.

Performing the number 1 command, the calculator multiplies the number on the screen to 2, and performing

team number 2, adds to the number on the screen 1. Write a program containing not

more than 5 commands, which from among 6 receives number 33. Specify only command numbers.

For example, the program 12122 is a program:

Multiply to 2.

Prost 1.

Multiply to 2.

Prost 1.

Prost 1.

which converts the number 5 to the number 24.

  1. Rows (chains of symbols of Latin letters) are created according to the following rule. The first line consists of one symbol - the Latin letter "A". Each of the subsequent chains is created by such actions: the letter first records the letter whose sequence number in the alphabet corresponds to the line number (on i-m step "I" is written by the letter of the alphabet), the previous line is attributed to it to the right twice in a row. Here are the first 4 lines created by this rule:
(1) a

(2) BAA



Latin alphabet (for reference): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy

How many letters "C" in the seventh row?

This problem is apparently typical in the EGE on computer science, the algorithm of its solutions in the general case is as follows: to translate a binary form (for example, here - and calculate the number of units - zerule calculator and units in binary recording numbers

However, in some simple cases, you can try to decompose the sought number in the amount or difference of degrees of the two, and do the calculations in the mind.

To do this, you need to remember the few first detects of two and binary records at least some numbers from 1 to 15:

1024 = 2^10, 512 = 2^9, 256 = 2^8, 128 = 2^7, 64 = 2^6, 32 = 2^5, 16 = 2^4

15 = 1111, 14 = 1110, 13 = 1101, 12 = 1100, 11 = 1011, 10 = 1010, 9 = 1001, 8 = 1000, 7 = 111, 6 = 110, 5 = 101, 4 = 100, 3 = 11, 2 = 10, 1 = 1.

Some amounts can also be useful.

Here are some standard examples.

How many units in the binary recording of the number 1025?

1025 \u003d 1024 + 1 1024 \u003d 2 ^ 10 This is a degree of twos, and the unit will be the unit, therefore,
in total, in the binary recording of the number 1025 exactly 2 units.

How many units in the binary recording of the number 519?

519 \u003d 512 + 7 512 \u003d 2 ^ 9 This degree of two, and 7 is recorded in the binary system as 111 and contains three units,
consequently, in total, the binary recording of the number 519 contains exactly 4 units.

How many units in the binary recording of the number 514?

514 \u003d 512 + 2 The terms 512 \u003d 2 ^ 9 and 2 \u003d 2 ^ 1 is the degrees of two, therefore, in binary recording of the number 514
exactly 2 units.

How many units in the binary recording of the number 127?

127 \u003d 128 - 1 Number 128 is a whole degree of two and equals 2 ^ 7, requiring this way
for your record, exactly 8 bits: 10000000 10000000-1 \u003d 1111111 Consequently, there are 7 units in the number 127 records.

How many units in the binary recording of the number 195?

195 \u003d 192 + 3 \u003d 128 + 64 + 3 128 \u003d 2 ^ 7 64 \u003d 2 ^ 6 3 \u003d 11 in the binary system and contains 2 units. Thus, in binary recording of the number 195
contain 4 units.

How many units in the binary recording of the number 173?

173 \u003d 160 + 13 160 \u003d 128 + 32 \u003d 2 ^ 7 + 2 ^ 5, and 13 \u003d 1101 in the binary system. Then we all get 5 units.

How many units in the binary recording of the number 3458?

3458 \u003d 2048 + 1410 1410 \u003d 256 + 130 130 \u003d 128 + 2 Thus, 3458 \u003d 2 ^ 11 + 2 ^ 10 + 2 ^ 8 + 2 ^ 7 + 2 ^ 1 and there will be 5 units.

Decision №1

In order to find out how many units in the binary recording of the number 12F0 16, you must perform several actions. Translate from a 16-digit number system to binary directly difficult. Therefore:

  1. First, we transfer this number to the decimal number system (by multiplying).
  2. Then we translate the resulting result in the binary number system.

Step 1. Transfer to a decimal number system

(12F0_ (16) \u003d 0times 16 ^ 0 + ftimes 16 ^ 1 + 2times 16 ^ 2 + 1times16 ^ 3 \u003d \\ \u003d 0 + 15times16 + 2times 256 + 256times 16 \u003d 0 + 240 + 512 + 4096 \u003d 4848)

How faster working with degrees of 16?

It is much more convenient to learn the dual degree table (see at the end) and translate everything to the degree of twos, in this case the counting is made significantly faster:

(0times 16 ^ 0 + ftimes 16 ^ 1 + 2times 16 ^ 2 + 1times 16 ^ 3 \u003d \\ \u003d 0 + 240 + 2times 2 ^ (4 ^ 2) + 2 ^ (4 ^ 3) \u003d \\ \u003d 0 + 240 + 2times 2 ^ 8 + 2 ^ (12) \u003d \\ \u003d 0 + 240 + 2 ^ 9 + 2 ^ (12) \u003d \\ \u003d 0 + 240 + 512 + 4096 \u003d 4848)

Step 2. Translate from a decimal number system to binary

4848 = 1001011110000 2

Step 3. We consider the number of units

Considered, received 6 units. Total, the initial number of 12F0 16 in binary recording has 6 units.

Table degrees Two

(2^1 = 2 \ 2^2 = 4 \ 2^3 = 8 \ 2^4 = 16 \ 2^5 = 32 \ 2^6 = 64 \ 2^7 = 128 \ 2^8 = 256 \ 2^9 = 512 \ 2^10 = 1024 \ 2^11 = 2048 \ 2^12 = 4096)

New algorithms in interactive Task simulators №16 EGE 2020
Coding numbers. Binary view of information in the memory of the computer.

It's no secret that the tasks of the exam in computer science exist so-called " capps", not everyone will be able to get around. Creating algorithms, test programs containing such traps, the programmer is easy to drink in the created pit, which was applied in previous tests. Today it was possible to find shorter algorithms, and therefore containing Less error.

We offer a unique opportunity to test yourself for the ability to go around "Capps"In the issues of the exam 2020.And so, we offer to your attention tests built on new algorithms containing five tasks with non-repeating data ( repeat launch of the option generates new data and solutions to all tasks)

Option number 1.

Option 2.

Option 3.

Option 4.


Interactive simulator 16 EGE demo 2017
Coding numbers. Binary view of information in the memory of the computer.

Debriefing of the decision of the task 16 demo eg 2016
Coding numbers. Numbering systems and binary information presentation.

The value of the arithmetic expression: 9 ^ 8 + 3 ^ 5 - 9 - recorded in the number system with the base 3.
How many digits "2" is contained in this record?

DECISION: Transform set record Three numbers

9^8 + 3^5 – 9 = 3^2*8 + 3^5 - 3^2 = 3^16 + 3^5 – 3^2

For clarity, we make a table of degrees of the troika in the same way as it was done for a binary number system, not forgetting that the decimal trip 3 ^ 1, in the Tropic number system \u003d 10, therefore, 3 ^ 2 \u003d 100, etc.

3^16 + … + 3^5 + 3^4 + 3^3 + 3^2 + 3^1 + 3^0

1 (and 16 zeros) 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1

It becomes obvious that among the number 3 ^ 16 there is no bobbies, only one 1 and sixteen zolkov. It remains out of 3 ^ 5 subtract 3 ^ 2 in the Tropic Number System

- 100

Just in case, we will conduct a test by adding, remembering that in the Tropic Number System 2 + 1 \u003d 10

+ 100

Interactive Simulator 16 EGE Demo 2016
Coding numbers. Binary view of information in the memory of the computer.


How many units in the binary recording of the number 4 ^ 2016-2 ^ 2018 + 8 ^ 800-80


1) We give all the numbers to detects of twos, settling 80 as 2 ^ 6 + 2 ^ 4 4 ^ 2016 - 2 ^ 2018 + 8 ^ 800 - 80 \u003d (2 ^ 2) ^ 2016 - 2 ^ 2018 + (2 ^ 3) ^ 800 - 2 ^ 2 - 2 ^ 1 \u003d 2 ^ 4032 - 2 ^ 2018 + 2 ^ 2400 - 2 ^ 6 - 2 ^ 4

2) rebuild the components in order to reduce the detects of two 2 ^ 4032 + 2 ^ 2400 - 2 ^ 2018 - 2 ^ 6 - 2 ^ 4

3) Expression 2 ^ 2400-2 ^ 4 gives 2396 units and 4 talits at the end, from where they cross (replace on zero) a single one standing in the seventh place on the right (2 ^ 6) and, respectively, on 2019 on the right (2 ^ 2018) . Therefore, there are 2394 units

4) taking into account the fact that 2 ^ 4032 gives us one unit, as a result we get 2395 units