Jawbone up 24 sports bracelet. Jawbone UP2

Due to numerous requests from customers, we decided to write and put the instructions for the Jawbone up 2 electronic bracelet into the world. Although at the first start, the UP by jawbone program guides the user through all initial settings, which are necessary to use the bracelet, but still some questions remain, and seemingly obvious things do not always lie on the surface. This is the first part step by step instructions- on activation, use of the bracelet. In it, we will also look at modes, switching between modes, and the difference between them. In the second part, we will take a closer look at the program itself.

So, the first nuance that you may encounter is:

How to open the jawbone up 2 box.

As it turns out, it would be such an obvious question, but there are several nuances in it. As we know, the packaging can be opened in two ways: simply tear or break, depending on the material, or gently open. With the first method, you should not have any problems, but for the second you need to know a couple of secrets, which we will reveal in the instructions below.

1) To beautifully and correctly open the box of an electronic bracelet, first peel off the two seals that are located at the junctions of cardboard and plastic.

2) After that, you can safely stick out the plastic box from the carton

3) Do not immediately try to separate the transparent "cap" from the bottom - you can break it. To do everything neatly, you need to pull the etiquette down, and the “cap up”

4) Last action which separates you from the bracelet is to get the jawbone up 2 from the special mounts

First launch of the bracelet

For the normal functioning of the bracelet, you need:

  1. or iPad
  2. Installed software UP by jawbone on your device. If it is not there, you need to download it from the AppStore. If you don't have account in the AppStore we recommend reading the article

After you made sure that you have everything you need, it's time for the first launch of the bracelet and the first synchronization. For this:

1) Run the UP by jawbone program and click the "I have a bracelet with me" button, then connect the bracelet to the phone.

3) Enter your last name, first name and the desired name of the bracelet.

4) For a more accurate record of the distance traveled, calorie consumption and optimal loads, you will be asked to enter:

  • date of birth

5) After entering the data, the program will tell you how many other people of your configuration walk on average - the same jawbone up 2 users. As you can see from the picture below, they walk very little.

6) This completes the personalization of the bracelet. But then we will be asked to set the planned load. Why is it necessary? So that the bracelet can show whether the plan is completed or not. We recommend setting the "recommended parameters" because they are not taken from the ceiling, but this is the recommendation of experts.

7) The next step we will be asked to include GPS data to track the dependence of mood and physical activity on your location. In principle, this does not affect the calculations of the bracelet, but it will be useful for you to understand which places affect you badly and which ones are better. If you think that this is obvious, then we hasten to assure you - you will be surprised.

This completes the initial setup of the bracelet. The program will give you a quick tour of the buttons, functions, and settings. We advise you to look at them, they will greatly help you get used to the new gadget.

Jawbone UP features

At first, you will have enough of those brief instructions, which the UP by Jawbone program gave you, so initially we will consider the functions of the bracelet itself, and only then we will move on to the software functions.

In fact, to control the bracelet, it is enough to set it up once, and then only charge and change modes. To see what modes there are and how to enable them, you need to:

1) On the home screen, click on the icon in the left upper corner to open a list of possible actions

2) Then go to Help-> Examine your bracelet. In this menu, you will be shown in pictures how to switch between the different six modes.

By pressing once on the bracelet button, you can see what mode your gadget is currently in, waking or sleeping.

3) You can switch between sleep and wake modes using the same single button on the bracelet. To do this, simply press and hold it.

4) To turn on the “recovery sleep” mode, so to speak, take a nap at work after lunch, you need to make three clicks. The first two are short, the third is long (hold until the green moon flashes). After that, taking into account your nighttime sleep, wake time, and daytime activity will give you an optimal sleep time ranging from 27 minutes to 45 minutes

5) On the fourth page of a small instruction, you will be shown how to turn on the stopwatch mode. This will require two clicks. One is short, the other is long. We need the stopwatch mode in very rare cases, which we will consider in the second part of the instructions.

6) On the penultimate page of the excursion into the modes, we will be given, in fact, unnecessary information - how to turn off the stopwatch mode. Logically, we can make a conclusion, in the same order of clicks as turn on, and we turned out to be right. To turn off stopwatch mode in Jawbone UP 2 you need two clicks. One is short, the other is long.

7) And finally, last page, tells us not about the bracelet mode as such, but about charging the battery. So, when the sun flashes three times on the bracelet, this will serve as a signal that it is time to recharge it. But this signal would be extremely rare to see. Why? We will talk about this a little lower in this part.

Charging the Jawbone UP 2 bracelet

As the manufacturer tells us, we need to charge the bracelet once every 10 days, but according to our practice, we have to charge it once every 8-9 days. We wrote above that you will rarely see a triple flashing of the sun. Why? Because during synchronization the program will not show:

  • % charge
  • How long is the bracelet supposed to "live"

By the way, the manufacturer recommends synchronization every two days. But in practice, for ourselves, we considered that it is necessary to synchronize the bracelet twice a day:

  • In the morning to see if we completed the sleep plan. If not, we schedule all important and difficult tasks for the morning, because we know that we will be tired in the evening. And it would be nice to take time for restorative sleep during the working day.
  • In the evening, leaving work, to see how much we went in a day, and how much more is needed before the norm is met. If more than 50% - it would be nice to plan a walk for the evening.

We have to warn. If you put the bracelet on charge, and after a while you want to see how many percent it is recharged, then for the first half hour it will show with honest eyes that it is 100% charged, but after about half an hour it will show real information.

Jawbone UP 2 manual

Jawbone UP 2 manual

Written by: Vladislav Sikorsky

Date Published: 04/17/2013

Instructions for using Jawbone UP 2. How to charge the bracelet, how to switch modes, what other functions the accessory has

What has changed in one of the best sports bracelets on the market? The design has been slightly changed, new colors have been added, the main function is the possibility of wireless synchronization. In the material, we will talk not only about UP24, but also about using it with Android, the Up Coffee program, and other things.

Design, construction

It so happened that I used bracelets in two colors, orange and black. It seems to me that black is more popular in Russia, which is understandable - it just so happened historically that people in our country do not favor bright colors. Not much has changed since the first Up, the removable cap is in its place, the grooved button too, the indicator light has not changed. When the battery runs out, the bracelet vibrates. So what has changed? I'll try to go through the most important things for me. Now the connection is via Bluetooth, which is a big plus for me, since I don’t have to remove the cap often, there is no risk of losing it. The pattern on the bracelet has changed, the waves have changed direction. There is not much difference, but at least something new compared to the bracelet of the first version. Basically, that's all. I have been going with UP24 for a very long time, during this time there were no failures, glitches, the bracelet did not freeze, I did not have to reinstall the program. In general, there were no problems, it was only necessary to charge the bracelet and that's it.

On the this moment The device is available in four colors: black, orange, coral, yellow.

There is also a limited edition navy blue version, along with yellow and coral, coming soon to retailers selling official Jawbone products.

The packaging is much better, it's made from recyclable materials - some people like plastic boxes more, I like Jawbone's approach. The box has a special overlay made of transparent material, with its help you can measure your wrist and understand which size is right for you. The bracelet is available in three sizes, S, M and L, M suits me personally. The cap has a matte plastic coating, when I wore it on my left hand, next to the watch, there was a small abrasion from the bracelet. Under the cap is a 2.5 mm plug, it is needed to charge the gadget.

The design is nice, in my opinion, among others similar devices Up looks the best. But the same Nike FuelBand is more comfortable to wear, it does not have "horns" at the bottom, they cling to the sleeves. By the way, UP24 is not afraid of water, you can wash your hands with it or get into the shower. This is a plus. The bracelet is made of hypoallergenic thermopolyurethane, there was no allergy or discomfort when wearing.

I want to give a couple of tips on how to use it. there is an instruction for choosing the size of the bracelet. In addition, Up is recommended to be worn on a less active hand to avoid false positives from the sensor. For right-handers, this is the left hand. But I personally wear a bracelet on right hand and I do not think that this seriously affects the readings in the application.

The vibration of the motor in the bracelet feels very good, I note that Up starts to vibrate when the battery is discharged, when you are without movement for more than the time you set, when the alarm goes off.


I mainly use the bracelet paired with the iPhone 5S, there were no problems with pairing, the UP24 uses the Bluetooth 4.0 version, and this is the main difference from the regular Up. There were no problems with synchronization, when you open the program, it starts automatically. I want to tell you a little about the program. The main screen displays the most important information how much you slept and how much you walked. I'm fine with sleep, so I use Up only to measure the distance traveled. I note that as a smart alarm clock this is one of the best devices, I will try to talk about it separately in the next “Mixture”. When you click on the arrow with steps, a detailed graph opens, when and how much you walked, activity time, how many calories burned, what was the calorie consumption. In my opinion, the data here is incorrect, too many calories are consumed for a simple walk. Below is a graph by day, the bars show your records. I note that during installation you need to enter your Jawbone account details, in the personal information settings you can change weight, height, there is also gender and date of birth. I also recommend changing goals more often, for example, I need to walk 10,000 steps daily, when you start walking so much every day, you can move on to 15,000 steps. All this can be viewed in the "Trends" tab.

Another part of the application, something like social network. Members of the “team” are added to you, you see their results, they see yours, you can leave impressions about the activity. To be honest, I personally know only two members of the team, but this does not prevent getting extra motivation - especially when you see that someone has run twenty kilometers (and you only walked one).

In the app gallery, there are Up compatible titles from the familiar Run Keeper and Withings (yes, Up works in tandem with a wireless scale). At the top right of the main screen is the bracelet icon, when pressed, a menu of various actions appears - this is switching to sleep mode, a stopwatch, daytime sleep, setting an alarm (a very sensible thing), inactivity. A little about the last point, set the time here, and if you sit at the computer without moving for more than 20 minutes (or fifteen, or forty), the bracelet starts to vibrate and urge you to act. There are also reminders, for example, that it's time for you to go to bed.

If you scroll down the feed of the main screen, you can see who and how many steps have been taken, if you scroll up, your recent actions will be displayed. From time to time, useful tips appear in the application, for example, about smoking. Mood emojis have not disappeared anywhere, you can select the one you want by swiping up or down on the emoji. Food data can also be entered into the application, but I personally do not have time for this.

Together with Android

Not so long ago, the UP application for Android devices appeared, I used the bracelet for quite some time paired with Sony Xperia Z2. Everything works fine, synchronization happens automatically, even if the bracelet is currently working with the iPhone - that's what I really liked. I leave the house with one or another device, I change SIM cards. You can do nothing with the bracelet, the information is updated by itself, Bluetooth would be turned on. On the big screen it is much more convenient to view the chart, the functionality of the application is the same as for iOS. It seems to me that the appearance of a program for Android can seriously affect the popularity of Jawbone Up of all versions, because earlier this accessory was available only for people with an iPhone. Another question is that owners of Android devices need to be told about this somehow, to convey information.

Jawbone UP Coffee

Here I will tell about very interesting program, called Jawbone UP Coffee, allows you to control the amount of caffeine - the interface looks very interesting, a kind of flask with some kind of substance inside. It clearly shows whether you are ready to go to sleep or not. You can get acquainted with the program in more detail, I like that Jawbone diligently builds an entire infrastructure related to health and self-knowledge around one accessory. I myself do not have enough time to use the application - and I can’t call myself a coffee lover, I drink a maximum of a couple of cups a day. Considering that I have long ago given up excessive consumption of espresso and cigarettes, I do not experience any problems with sleep.


The declared working time is about 7 days, in fact, the bracelet works about that much if you wear it daily. Sometimes even longer, for example, in May, UP24 accompanied me for ten days in France and did without recharging - and it could not have been, since I forgot the cable. With charging, the story is the same, you need to remove the cap, connect the cable from the kit, leave it in USB connector for a couple of hours. Apparently, in the next generation, the scheme will be changed to a simpler one, but for now, this is how it is. A 32 mAh battery is used.


For Aliph, the Up bracelet became the most popular product and turned Jawbone into a recognizable brand - now the company simply cannot cope with orders for this device. Here I would like to think about which Up to choose. The second-generation model is now on sale for 4,990 rubles, while the UP24 costs about 6,990 rubles. Naturally, bracelets can be found both cheaper and more expensive, I just wanted to show the difference in price, it is quite serious. At the same time, for the regular Up there is more choice of colors, it works with the same application for iOS/Android. It seems to me that this device should not be written off, the second generation Jawbone Up will be relevant for at least another year or even two. After all, you don’t need to synchronize the bracelet with your smartphone all the time, it’s enough to do it in the evening or even in the morning the next day. Data in Up will not be lost anywhere. So, if you want to save a couple of thousand, feel free to buy a simple Up and do not get hung up on the pursuit of new products. And one more thing, Bluetooth “kills” the battery very quickly, this should also be borne in mind when buying. I especially advise owners of Android devices to think about it.

In Jawbone UP24, I liked the stable synchronization via Bluetooth, the work of the program as a whole - even if I do not use all the functions of the device. The gadget encourages you to move more, increase your results, go an extra lap around Novodevichy after work or run on the track for more than fifteen minutes.

And therefore, it is not so important which bracelet you choose - rather than discussing sneakers, it is better to use them for their intended purpose.

It may seem like a very simple bracelet that has limited purpose functions (like some sports gadgets). In fact, Jawbone UP24 is worth the attention of both professional athletes and people who just decided to change their lifestyle and start taking care of their health. This assistant will help you monitor your physical condition throughout the day, it has interesting features and is very easy to use. Well, first things first.

Appearance bracelet UP24

The new version of the bracelet pleased with only two colors - black and orange. The body remained the same moderately wide, and on its surface the creators of the gadget left the same proprietary wave, making it even a little softer than in earlier models. The bracelet itself is made of hypoallergenic rubber, therefore, it is very practical to wear: it is not afraid of shocks and is waterproof. On the other hand, you should not get too carried away with checking the bracelet for resistance to moisture, and, during classes in the pool, it is better to remove the bracelet

The most important thing when buying a Jawbone UP24 is to get a tight fit on your wrist, so you should always pay attention to the wrist meter on the box. The bracelet is light, almost weightless, so it will not interfere with training and sleep, but it must be worn constantly.

What's inside?

In the new version of the bracelet, communication with your smartphone takes place using wireless communication, so contact and data transmission takes place in automatic mode. Compared to previous versions of the bracelet, where activity data was transmitted using a plug that had to be connected to the bracelet and smartphone, then this implementation has a huge number of advantages. Yes, the bracelet has a plug, but it is needed only for recharging (via a USB cable).

How does it work?

Jawbone UP24 acts as a transmitter for all collected information, which is loaded into the UP application. Here you need to pay attention to the fact that before buying a tracker it is always better to check the compatibility of your smartphone with UP24. The bracelet works in two modes - sleep and wakefulness (displayed on the screen as the moon and the sun), which are switched by one button. Each mode switch is accompanied by a slight vibration of the bracelet. To check the current mode of the tracker, you need to make a short press on the button (long press will switch the current mode).

To get started, you need to synchronize and register in the application. This requires data on the weight, height, gender and age of a person, so that in the future the application works in accordance with the current analysis of averages. First, UP24 must see the person's goals, which he will constantly monitor. If you set the desired physical activity at the level of 10 thousand steps a day, then the tracker will definitely remind you of the need to move if you are, for example, in a sitting position for a long time.

Each workout will be recorded by the bracelet if you determine the type of upcoming activity before starting it. After the end of the load, the bracelet will show you how effective it was and how many calories were burned. Jawbone UP24, using the analysis of the entered indicators, will be able to calculate the recommended loads, choose the time for the most beneficial sleep, it will remind you of the need to take vitamins and medicine on time. The UP program has many features: you can enter data about your diet and it will display the calorie content of meals and their benefits to your health. In addition, the bracelet monitors sleep phases to calculate the best moments to wake up.

Key features of the Jawbone UP24

Your UP 24 has the unique ability to track your mood. How you rested at night, how deep and healthy your sleep was when you woke up - your physical and emotional state throughout the day depends on this. UP 24 will track your sleep phases and wake you up only in the light sleep phase, so that the process of waking up is very easy and fast. Even a short daytime nap will be doubly beneficial: press the bracelet button before going to bed, wait for the vibration and the appearance of the moon so that your assistant wakes you up at right time. The JawboneUP 24 lasts seven days without recharging.

Thus, the sports bracelet more than justifies the title of the most popular tracker. It is also the best in reading rest and sleep information. We can say that this bracelet is perfect for people who strive to come to a healthy lifestyle without a heavy change in established stereotypes. It will be a great gift and support in the quest to be healthy.

You no longer need a personal trainer and no need to study a large number literature on fitness and literature on proper nutrition. The bracelet will become your guide to the world of health. It has long been proven that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. And the success of all other human affairs depends on the health of the spirit. The bracelet will become your constant companion in all matters. You will notice how your lifestyle changes, and it will begin to change, because you want it to. It will become clear to you which things in life are superfluous and unnecessary, and which ones strengthen your body and self-confidence.

The number 24 in the title means that you will not want to part with it even for a minute.

I wore the Jawbone UP24 fitness tracker bracelet for a week to keep track of my exercise and food during the day and the quality of my sleep in my sleep. UP24 is a flexible band that wraps around your wrist and is more new version Original Jawbone UP: It automatically connects to your iPhone or iPad for automatic synchronization, which is a must-have feature for a fitness tracker if you don't like plugging things together multiple times a day. But the improvement comes with a $20 price increase, making the UP24 one of the more expensive trackers on the market at $149. [Best Fitness Tracker Groups] While the UP24, like all fitness trackers, certainly has room for improvement, some of its features were certainly one of the best compared to other fitness trackers I've seen in this seemingly exploding product category. Here's a look at how it performs across multiple categories. Overall rating: 6/10 The advantages of the Jawbone UP24 over other fitness trackers are that it provides useful data on several aspects of your daily life, it is easy to use and it allows you to scan product barcodes. Depending on your style, you can find UP24 among the trendiest others. wrist watch tracker. For those who like to check their information without accessing their phone, the screenless UP24 will be one of its drawbacks. Also, frequent swimmers and people who live or work near water may want to look for a water-resistant tracker like the Misfit Shine. Design / Comfort: 4/10 The Jawbone UP24 was a winner for me in terms of how it felt and looked. This was the most comfortable bracelet I have tried and I have tried many. It was easy to put on and take off, and so easy that I could barely feel it on my wrist. The UP24 is a nice accessory to wear on any occasion - it's not a bulky rubber band that will only fit your running shoes. I found its sleek design stylish, and the textured rubber band and snakelike fold looked sophisticated. The UP24 comes in black and orange, and in three sizes, and I find it pairs better with other accessories you might wear on your wrist compared to larger trackers like the Basis B1 or even the Fitbit Force. [Photos of Jawbone UP24] The app had an attractive design. The colors were pleasing and the data was presented in a clear manner. However, the app only works with iOS devices. One major downside of the device is that while some water on it wouldn't damage it and you can wear it in the shower, it's not completely water resistant. This means you cannot use it while swimming. It's also probably not the tracker you want to take to the beach with you next summer. User friendliness: 7/10 I found learning to use the UP24 quite simple and easy. The first time you use the app, it will guide you through simple instructions and ask you basic questions about yourself. The bracelet itself has only one button on one of its ends, with which you can put the device into day or night mode. The UP24 has Bluetooth capability and automatically connects and syncs with the app, which is a big improvement over the original UP. But unlike some other trackers - like the Nike Fuelband and the Basis tracker - the UP24 doesn't include a screen, meaning you need to open an app on your phone whenever you want to check your moves. But once you have the app, the most important information is there. You can see how many steps you have taken and how far you have reached your goal for today. With a single tap, you can enter more detailed sections and see how many calories you've burned, or how long you've been inactive. Similarly, with one click on home page, you can enter the food section and sign up for the lunch you just had. Information cost: 6/10 UP24 monitors your physical activity during the day and gives you an estimate of your sleep step at night. The app has a lot of functionality. In addition to tracking daily activities, you can set up alerts to remind you to get up from your desk, and you can even let you know if you're feeling like today or just "meh" or if you're completely wiped out. You can log the food you have eaten and the app will calculate your calorie intake. The app also allows you to scan a food barcode to enter nutritional information. You can also see how many calories you've burned just by moving - your body's baseline output. The device is also designed to record how much sleep you get each night, how many times you wake up and how much of your sleep was spent in "deep" and "light" sleep. But like all other personal sleep trackers available on the market, your sleep patterns are interpreted from your movements while you sleep, which may not reflect the exact quality and quantity of your sleep.

Renowned sports accessory brand Jawbone was one of the first manufacturers of fitness or smart bracelets. The debut of the company failed, their original product did not conquer the markets due to incorrect work, but Jawbone also has a successful product: the model Up24.

Jawbone Up24 smart bracelet: description

Unlike most similar products, the model does not attract attention, designed for everyday wear. The product is suitable for both active sports and parties, it looks stylish, but does not catch the eye. The Jawbone Up24 is also pleasant in tactile terms, because the case is covered with small ribs that add uniqueness to the model.

The design of the bracelet is original: there are no clasps at all, the smart product is wound around the hand like a ribbon. Users note that this design is more comfortable when worn 24/7, does not interfere with anything, does not make noise and does not stick out. The bracelet is monolithic, with it you will feel comfortable in the gym, at the computer, the dimensions are small, so the bracelet on your hand does not interfere with typing. The charging connector is harmoniously located at one of the ends of the product, it is closed with a cap and is not conspicuous.

The band type design has the added benefit of not breaking the clasp because it is simply missing! In order for you to wear the device comfortably, you must order a bracelet of the appropriate size: there are 3 options, marked S,M and L. The first are suitable for children and girls, and the last two are designed for the stronger sex. The mass of the device depends on the size: 19-23 gr. Lightness allows you to wear a smart bracelet during the day and night, not paying attention to it.

Produced tracker from hypoallergenic polyurethane. The material has already established itself as durable and practical, so it is not surprising that the manufacturer settled on it. The color scheme is represented by a trio of colors: orange, blue and black. Compared to other manufacturers that offer a lot of colors for interchangeable straps, the Jawbone Up24 leaves no choice, but all 3 options look pretty, so the drawback is forgiven.

Ergonomics of the bracelet

The Jawbone smart bracelet slips on like a ribbon and is elastic and pliable, but the device should not be constantly bent or handled harshly and roughly. This is wearable electronics, so you should not abuse elasticity: you can damage the “stuffing”.

If most similar devices are charged using a standard 3.5 mm jack, Jawbone Up24 is powered by a cable on 2.5mm, which is very specific. The refusal of a more classic version is explained by the fact that the need to connect the device to a smartphone with via USB Finally disappeared, synchronization occurs exclusively via Bluetooth. A smaller connector allows you to make the bracelet itself more compact.

At first it seems that the tracker is not equipped with either buttons or a screen: a monolithic bracelet is on a person’s hand. In fact, the device is endowed with a pair of indicators (demonstrate the mode of operation), as well as a button located at the opposite end of the connector. In terms of ergonomics, the manufacturer did their best!

Critics complain that they lack a clock screen, but people confuse a fitness tracker with a chronometer. The functions of the devices are different, the display significantly harms ergonomics, adding nothing in terms of functionality.

So that the owner does not remove the fitness tracker at home and even in the bathroom, the device was equipped with water protection, it is designed for household wear, but not for deep diving, which should be taken into account.


The battery of the Jawbone Up24 has a capacity of 32 mAh, which is enough to work during the week. When the battery is low, warning signals are displayed in the application on the smartphone. It takes 80 minutes to fully charge, after which the device is returned to the user's hand. The main thing is that the owner does not lose the cap from the bracelet, since it is not easy to find it on sale.


For synchronization with smartphones, it is proposed wireless technology Bluetooth version 4.0. The bracelet works with devices on Android 4.3+, Apple with IOS 9+. C modern gadgets Jawbone Up24 syncs without problems!

Bracelet functionality

The user will enjoy the benefits of Jawbone Up24 after downloading the UP smartphone app. Before him opens a mass useful features, from which the shortcomings of the bracelet fade into the background. The device is multifunctional, it is able to please the user with such features:

  • A phenomenal smart alarm clock that only premium products are equipped with. The bracelet monitors both the phase of sleep and the minimum movements of the user in bed, thanks to which it clearly determines the optimal time to get up. Therefore, you need to start it for a period with a window of a couple of tens of minutes. The device will wake up the user at the optimal moment using vibration. This method helps to wake up without waking others. Function smart alarm won't let the wearer of the bracelet sleep longer than the body needs. A fitness bracelet with a smart alarm clock will allow you to fully relax and wake up easily not only at night, but also during the day, the device is equipped with an appropriate mode.
  • The user is available integrated system from the bracelet application, which will allow you to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are many personalized tips available in the app. They will help to properly distribute energy, rationally rest and eat for the benefit of the body.
  • The owner receives daily information about the distance traveled in kilometers, calories burned and other data that allows you to track the balance of energy. The device is able to remember information for the last 3 months, so the user can compare performance and draw conclusions.
  • The application offers a daily report with detailed information about the user's activity, here you can also find tips to increase the productivity of training or lose weight. The owner sees exactly those useful data that will help in achieving his goal.
  • If the user is not too lazy to enter full information about the products consumed per day, he will see the number of calories extracted from food. The application will tell you how to get the optimal amount of necessary components from food.
  • The user has access to information about the activity of friends and relatives, he can compare the results.
  • The bracelet motivates the owner: if a person does not move for 10-15 minutes, the accessory will offer to warm up with the help of vibration. If the owner has walked 5 thousand steps, the device will let you know about the achievement in a similar way. The user will not forget about walking and sports!
  • The calculation of physical activity is made as accurately as possible, just select the appropriate sport or fitness and start training. After the activity is completed, it remains to indicate its intensity, and the device will tell you about the number of calories burned.

The functionality of the bracelet is rich, so the user will receive all the information for the effective organization of activity and a healthy lifestyle.

Application Benefits

Soft and bracelet immerse the owner in the world of health and statistics, synchronization takes place on the highest level! The application is visual and convenient, the information is presented in numbers and diagrams with icons, without unnecessary data. There are so many possibilities that the owner will spend the first couple of weeks exploring them.

With the help of Jawbone Up24 on the smartphone screen, the user will be able to observe his life in the form of statistics, as well as useful information to increase activity and improve health. Thanks to the long-term saving of results, it is easy to monitor progress, compare performance and plan workouts. The tracker is universal: suitable for both athletes and people who want to lose weight. improve your health.

Individualization will provide an opportunity to get really useful advice, and not read meaningless lines of motivation. When registering in the UP program, the user enters full information about himself, after which the software works in the appropriate mode.

Ability to work with third-party applications

In addition to the UP application, the fitness tracker is also synchronized with other specialized software. Cycling enthusiasts will appreciate the opportunity to work with Wello and Strava, and for runners, the application will be indispensable RunKeeper. The sports bracelet gives you maximum opportunities to achieve the set results without being tied exclusively to the "native" software!


With such high functionality, the cost of the bracelet is reasonable and liberal. It is cheaper than most products from other manufacturers, which did not come close either in terms of functionality or in terms of the quality of the models. For their money, Jawbone Up24 has few competitors, the costs will justify themselves!

A smart bracelet will facilitate the organization of recreation, help you lead a healthy lifestyle and harmoniously complement the image of an active person. Jawbone Up24, with its smart alarm clock and other features, is the perfect choice for those who want to make their life more active and healthy. The device costs the declared money, the software is free and available on modern smartphones.

In the past few years, wearing a fitness tracker has become a “Trend”. Fitbit is known for Bluetooth headsets and pocket wireless speakers, decided to also take its place in the class of these devices. We checked out the Jawbone UP24 bracelet.

Jawbone UP24 Reviews

Fitness tracker - a device designed to correct the lifestyle of its owner (nutrition, sleep, relaxation, fitness, etc.) for a more correct and healthy using the device itself or mobile application.

Fitness trackers from FitBits, samples of simplicity that lack a display instead of vibrations for basic notifications. While most competitors experimented with smaller screens, the company continued to improve its smartphone apps.

Late last year, Jawbone released the Jawbone UP24 Health Sensor, the most significant update to the line in three years. by the most big change, from a hardware point of view, is the transition to Bluetooth synchronization. The update release also brought version 3.0 of the software, with better real-time tracking and more targets.

In terms of motion tracking, calorie counting and existing sleep gaps, the Jawbone UP24 aims to be a complete all-in-one solution.

Fitness tracker Jawbone

The UP24 is almost identical to its predecessor, except for the thin stripes of the pattern on the front. As before, the Jawbone UP24 bracelet is a flexible band, with a hole at one end, with metal caps to limit the length, saying that no one size fits all.

The size must be selected individually, the large ones seem to be created for the wrists of sumo wrestlers and will easily wrap around the trunk of a small tree. So that the bracelet does not cut off the blood supply during exercise, do not take small ones.

The appearance of the UP24 bracelet

The removable metal cap on the end is designed for a 2.5mm jack and is used to charge the device via the rubber USB adapter included in the kit.

The other end of the bracelet is equipped with a small metal button that you press and hold before going to bed to mark a given period of time and track your sleep, which is indicated by a flashing moon icon on the Jawbone UP24 - next to the button.

Use and work

More sophisticated smartwatch-based devices can do this automatically, thanks to a built-in thermometer and heart rate tracker that can tell you exactly when you're sleeping. The Jawbone UP24 Fitness Band needs you to manually trigger it, but on the other hand, it's a lot more comfortable in bed than a big, bulky fitness watch.

Using Jawbone

The trekker is naturally water resistant, so you can shower and wear it in the rain without taking it off without body sweat ruining it, and it's not exactly designed to go swimming with you.

When the battery is low, the bracelet will vibrate and the sun icon will flash five times. The same icon will report notifications. There is also a life indicator battery. Even with all these notifications, I still managed to miss the warning the first time, and swiped the device for half my usual distance.


Without a display, you will need to use the Jawbone app to view data from your UP24. With all the extra tracking, the company has added a lot of information control capabilities to a single app in three years. Fortunately, the application itself is clear and uncomplicated.

Software UP24

There are two bars on the main page - sleep and movement, purple and orange, respectively. How to eat, how many times per day, and a percentage of your recommended daily goal. As soon as you have completed your goal, the bar will notify you - at least it tries to do so. You can also adjust both of these defaults by clicking on the bar.

Fitness enthusiasts will complain that the Jawbone UP24 wristband doesn't have more specific tracking for activities like running, cycling and swimming.

Jawbone Software

Just below that is a slider to check your progress against other days of the week, and there are flash cards that offer health tips, fitness motivations, and random goal-related trivia.

Once you have reached a certain goal, motivators encourage you to increase your goals. It's a bit like having a personal trainer.

Scrolling down you will find many different graphs of how much you walked and slept during the day. Clicking on any of them will lead to a full-screen distribution of these activities. For walks, you get how many steps you took, how many miles you walked, and how far behind your target. The app will also show you the time you've been active, the number of calories you've burned, and how much time you've spent idle.


For a more complete overview, the application has many other charts and measurements of activity, hours, path, trends, histograms for comparing activity, etc., etc.

Logging is done manually. You need to look up your food in the database and figure out how much you ate. If you eat a lot of packaged foods, you can scan their barcode, so it's a little shorter.

There are actually a lot of benefits to using apps to keep track of things like this, and of course there are much more reliable ones out there. offline applications counting calories.

The same goes for weight. You must manually add all the data, and the application will start plotting your progress charts (or show no progress).

All this may be related to third party applications interesting ways.


Bluetooth, of course, is a big improvement over previous version. The Jawbone UP24 sports bracelet is incredibly handy for tracking real-time information. Even with these and additional software improvements, the Jawbone UP24 health sensor is inferior to similar devices.

Jawbone fitness tracker review

If you are looking for a simple, out-of-the-way tracker, Jawbone is still a good choice, for those who want more insight beyond basic counting and regime or lifestyle tracking. There are far more options now than there were when the company first entered the device market in 2011.


  • Light
  • Comprehensive stat tracking
  • Bluetooth sync


  • Dimensions
  • No screen
  • Too many statistics requiring manual entry