Vodafone Light Conditions. Vodafone Light - tariff for unlimited communication within the network

On the official website of the operator mobile communications Vodafone Ukraine has information about changes in two Vodafone Light + and Vodafone Red XS tariff packages, which will come into force on October 30, 2017.

The monthly subscription fee in the Vodafone Light + tariff rises from 35 UAH to 40 UAH. After using a package of services for a month or within day rates, the cost of a minute for calls to other networks of Ukraine will be 0.50 UAH / min, while in this moment It is half smaller - 0.25 UAH / min. At the same time, if the subscriber uses daytime tariffs, the fee for unlimited calls in the Vodafone network of Ukraine will be 2 UAH per day and will be removed independently of use.

The subscription in the Vodafone Red XS tariff rises from 40 UAH to 50 UAH per month, but at the same time the Internet package will increase to 2 GB per month (now 1 GB). After using the package of services for a month or within day rates, the cost of each Internet package of 100 MB, which is valid until the end of the day will be 5 UAH. The maximum number of packages of 100 MB to the end of the day - 20 pcs. (At the moment, 15 UAH for every 500 MB, a maximum of 10 packages).

The cost of calls to other networks of Ukraine will be 0.50 UAH / min, while now they cost 0.25 UAH / min. If the subscriber uses daytime tariffs, the fee for unlimited calls in the Vodafone network of Ukraine will also be 2 UAH per day and will be removed independently of use.


Representatives of Vodafone Ukraine as follows commented on raising tariffs:

"We have long preserved current tariffs against the background of significant increasing increasing mobile operators. The company of the latter among telecom operators has adjusted tariffs, taking into account the continuous growth in the cost of services. Even taking into account changes, Vodafone rates will remain the most attractive on the market. "

Mobile operator Vodafone Ukraine regularly announces interesting tariff plans that attract many of his subscribers. The tariff line is inexorably expanding, and one of the plans, decent attention - Tariff Vodafone "Light +". After it is connected, Vodafone clients will be able to gain complete freedom of choice at quite a budget value. Tariff The Waterfon Light Plus has no analogues, and this is of interest. About what is the benefits of supply, as well as how to go to the Vodafone tariff "Light Plus", find out from this material.

Tariff Waterfone "Light +" ("Light Plus")

Important! The tariff from Waterfon Light + works for most of the territory of Ukraine, and exceptions are only areas in which almost all population is serviced by MTS and Waterfon. A tariff proposal is not available to people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, as well as in Kherson, Poltava and Sumy regions.

The "Light +" rate from Vodafone is primarily intended for those who constantly use mobile services, in particular, makes calls to subscribers of the Waterfon and MTS affiliate company. The tariff will also be appreciated by subscribers, almost never use roaming and rarely overlooking the Internet from a mobile device.

Tariff Waterfone "Light +" - prepaid, for the month of use it is necessary to pay thirty-five hryvnias (standard package).

Terms of use of the "Light +" tariff from Vodafone:

  • no restrictions on communication within its network. When making calls to other subscribers, the waterborne operator will not leave the balance from the balance sheet;
  • on calls to customers of other Ukrainian companies are provided with sixty minutes. After this volume is spent, the subscriber will pay 0.25 hryvnia per minute;
  • 3G Internet package per 500 megabytes. After its exhaustion, the client can use the 2G network. Speed, naturally, will become below, it will be provided without traffic on traffic;
  • payment of roaming is charged in accordance with the cost-established operator in the amount of three hryvnia per minute;
  • the tariff "Light +" includes fifty messages by half the hryvnia per day. Payment is charged after sending SMS or MMS. After writing off the rest of the forty nine messages are sent for free.

If there is an amount in the account that is not enough to make a regular subscription fee by default, the daylight + "Light +" tariff is activated on the following conditions:

  • the size of the subscription fee is two hryvnias per day for providing the minimum required set of services;
  • making calls within the Vodafone and MTS network is not limited, as in the case of a standard tariff;
  • internet is only unlimited 2G;
  • the cost of communicating with subscribers of the remaining Ukrainian networks remains the same;
  • the conditions and cost of sending messages also do not change.

additional information

Those who decided to connect the Light + tariff from the Vodafone operator, will be interested in information about the options, bonuses and other suggestions provided:

Subscribers connected to "Light +" from the fall of 2016 in the spring of 2017, had the opportunity to make a reduced subscription fee of twenty hryvnia. All other conditions are identical to the standard;

New customers who have just activated basic tariff "Light +" Vodafone, for the first seven days after that, without any problems, change it to any other proposal included in the Vodafone Red Rule. The transition will cost much cheaper - it is necessary to supplement only the difference in the regular subscription;

The fairytale "Light Plus" acts a function called "Year without subscriber circuit board". You can replenish the bill at once twelve months and for this period not to remember about making regular payments. This ensures a significant savings to the subscriber.

How to go to Light Plus

There are three ways to connect the tariff "Light Plus" from Vodafone in 2019:

  1. Buy basic package "Light +" at the point of service and sales of waterfon. This is a convenient option for those who have never used the services of this company. All you need to do is a call to number 111 to activate the "Light +" tariff.
  2. Go with another Vodafone or MTS tariff line. Actions are similar to those described in the previous paragraph. The balance must have a sum sufficient for the primary replenishment and payment "Light +".
  3. Connect on the Vodafone operator portal.

If any difficulties arise, here you can instantly appeal to a consultant working online.

The tariff from the waterborne called "Light Plus" is a new and advantageous offer, extremely attractive for subscribers who receive excellent maintenance conditions for budget value. Not only young clients will appreciate the "Light +" tariff plan, but also older people are mainly using the phone to make calls, and not in order to go online. The complex "Light +" tariff includes everything you need.

So, running in 2016 new tariff Waterfon Light Plus Company made it possible for low price Use all services for subscribers. There is also a separate option - regional for just waterfood Light for certain territories of Ukraine.

Activation of Tarifa Waterfone Light Plus

Go to Waterfone Light + simple enough, but also have your moments to pay attention. If you are in the area of \u200b\u200bthe regional tariff area, then you must first go to the regional light, and then on the national one. Or immediately activate the desired package in another case.

Transition * 250 * 20 # per pack

Another popular way to simply purchase the SIM card with the tariff of Waterfon Light Plus and make the first call to the operator number 111, to start the room. Remember if you want to save the number when moving from MTS is possible.

Terms of Tariff Plan Waterfon Light Plus

Super price offer for 20 UAH / month has conquered all users, thanks to the combination of all services. Unlimited communication within the MTS / Waterfon network, 100 MB per month and I think very by the way for 30 minutes on other mobile operators of Ukraine.

To check the account * 101 #, and to check the services * 101 * 4 # and call.

As well as the whole line of red, during the first seven days you can go for free on the tariffs of the waterfone with more subscription boardIf your tariff does not suit you.

Additionally there is a package of services for a day if there is no suction for a monthly fee. Which will allow on the day of use for 2 UAH / day to get unlimited inside the network and the Internet 2G without restrictions.

the Internet

Provided by volume 100 megabytes is used using 3G technology, after the use of which will operate unlimited by 2G technology. The speed after spent megabytes will reach 150 kbps.

Changes conditions Waterfone Light Plus from March 2017

As I did not want, but the rise in price of all mobile operators of Ukraine, influenced Vodafone and in particular to this tariff plan.

If you activated your tariff from 10/21/2016 to 04/02/2017, and then use Light + then you will receive 500 MB / month for 3G. If you have made the first call until October 21, 2016, then there will also be 500 MB / month for 3G technology, but subscription fee Will be 35 UAH / month.

Check the date of activation of the number can be through a combination * 777 * 3

For savings there is a year without subscriptions, as well as a loyalty program Waterboron Bonus.

Changes since October 2017

From October 30, the subscription fee will be 40 hryvnia, on other operators of 50 kopecks per minute, as well as the fee for the daily package will be removed regardless of whether the subscriber will call or not.

For subscribers who purchased the starting package from 10/30/2017 there is a unique proposal, in it the cost of subscription per month will be 35 UAH !!!

Competitors Kyivstar and Life:

If you choose the proposals within the company then analogue - waterfood Red XS.

Terms of the Light + Tariff Plan

Conditions after removing the subscription fee

Subscription fee

40 UAH / month (2 UAH / day from 09/20/2017)

Calls to MTS / Waterboron


Calls to other mobile operators of Ukraine
Calls to other networks after 30 minutes

0.50 UAH / min

the Internet
Connection fee


SMS / MMS in Ukraine

50 pcs for 1.50 UAH / day

Day service package


2 UAH / day

Inside the network


Internet 2G.


On other networks

1.50 UAH / min

Checking a package of services * 101 * 4 #

A very convenient tariff plan that contains minutes both within the network and to other operators, and even the Internet. Given the cost of analogues among the tariffs of Kyivstar and Lifeselle. But, as it was necessary to guess from the words of the operator: "The cost and mutual settlements with contractors are committed in the currency equivalent, as well as inflation of the national currency affects the pricing" - nothing eternally and increasing prices cannot be avoided.

The ability to connect is available.

Mobile operator "Vodafone" is a European telecom-brand number 1. Waterbor Ukraine provides services for all segments of the population that are profitable, first of all, its low monthly subscription and high quality services provided.

The "Vodafone Light +" tariff plan is perfect for the "working class".

What is included in the package

Below is information about what will be included in the Light Plus package:

ServiceCost within the packageAdditional cost outside the tariff plan
Package Waterfone Light Plus40 hryvnia month-
Calls through the territory of Ukraine in the Vodafone networkUnlimitedAbsent
Services Internet 2G / 3G500 MB, at a speed of 3G, after graduation - unlimited at 2G speedAbsent
Calls to other operators, including stationary on the territory of Ukraine30 minutes per month + 30 min (in the first 3 months)0.25 UAH. For 1 minute
Calls beyond Ukraine3.00 UAH. For 1 minuteAbsent
SMS / MMS on any operator, through the territory of Ukraine50 pcs. for 1.50 UAH. in a day0.50 UAH. For 1 SMS.

Unlimited 2G implies a provision unlimited Internet, the speed of which does not exceed 150 kbps.

If you can't save your money, you can order the service "".

How to activate Tariff Waterfone Light Plus

  1. At the points of sale ( branded shops Networks "Waterfon") to purchase the starting package "Vodafone" on the terms "LIGHT +". To activate, it is enough to call to 111 and follow the instructions or contact consultants at the car maintenance points.
  2. To activate this tariff you need to make the first call to number 111, the number is free for subscribers of the Vodafone network and MTS.
  3. After that, you need to replenish your SIM card in the amount of 50 hryvnia in one payment. If the account replenishment was not implemented, the use of the services of the Vodafone network will occur according to the basic tariffs.
  4. Enjoy all the advantages of the Tarif "Vodafone Light +" now.

ATTENTION The service will not be activated when replenished through the service "".

How to go to this tariff

If you are an existing MTS client or waterfone, to go to this tariff plan, you just need to dial the following combination * 101 * 444 #, the cost of changing the tariff plan 0 hryvnia. Already after a few minutes you can enjoy the new tariff.

Additional Information

If you are not enough to write off the prepayment, you automatically connect the day rate.

Not even by users of the services of this company, most of us are familiar with the bright and memorable logo, name and reputation among customers and business partners.

Abundance of information about tariff plans, changing customer service conditions, novelties of tariffing or hot promotional proposals can put in a dead end of those who want to make the most optimal choice Services from Vodafone. The company conducts an active information policy, placing information not only on its official website, but also in the form of outdoor advertising in large settlements.

This article contains in structured form a large information content related to the company's activities in terms of providing services to individuals. With this article, you will be easier to understand what services is provided by the company, what new tariffs, fresh stocks, profitable offer And another, which relates to the company's activities.

Vodafone Ukraine: information about the company, basic information

Vodafone is a British brand of technological services, which leads its history since 1984. Since the foundation, the company wore another name, had a different legal status and the composition of shareholders. We will not delve into the specific details of the company's transformations, we note only that in 2015 the company entered the Ukrainian market of mobile operators.

To date, the legal name of the company operating in Ukraine - PJSC "VF Ukraine" was registered in Kiev and was recorded in the register of telecommunication services operators under No. 47. The company's activities are carried out in the legal field of the current legislation of Ukraine, including the law "On Protection Consumer rights. "

For two years, Vodafone's popularity has reached high marks, won a multi-million-dollar user audience, as well as strengthening its position in the market among competitors. As of today, the total capitalization of the company is estimated at $ 21.7 billion, which makes the brand most expensive in the UK. Vodafone services in Ukraine enjoy 20.9 million subscribers.

On the official website Vodafone www.vodafone.ua sets out full information about the company's activities. In particular, in the section "About company" you can find a detailed description:

  • Stories of the company
  • The composition of the leaders
  • Conditions and rules of service (provision of services)
  • Licenses on the basis of which activities are carried out
  • Contacts

Basic services Vodafone Ukraine

Vodafone service is extensive and diverse and has several directions. In particular, services are divided into consumer specifics for services for individuals (private clients) and corporate clients. In our review, the focus is on services for ordinary users who use daily mobile communications and need access to the mobile Internet. Vodafone services for physicals include:

  • Voice communication via mobile calls
  • Data transfer and Internet access on 3G, 4G technologies
  • Sending and receiving SMS / MMS
  • Roaming and calls abroad
  • Fixed Internet access
  • Monetary operations (account replenishment, money transfer, Vodafone Pay)
  • Entertainment (Vodafone TV, -Books, -Music, Good "OK)

Vodafone Tariffs Ukraine: Basic plans for customers prepaid

Tariffs operator telecommunication services depend on market conditions, state of the economy, current course currencies and many other factors of influence.

Vodafone Ukraine does not perform a monopolist in the telecommunications market in Ukraine, because new Vodafone tariffs are not a way to dictate their conditions, but by the usual practice of all major companies that are suppliers of various services.

Vodafone Ukraine provides high level Service and modern technical capabilities for uninterrupted mobile operation in all corners of Ukraine. A report on the quality of telecommunication services of the company is posted on the official website in the "On Vodafone" section - quality standards.

Geographical coverage of services Vodafone Ukraine extends to the entire territory of Ukraine. Practically, in all major cities and settlements there is a coverage of the Vodafone network.

Tariffation of telecommunication services Vodafone Ukraine occurs from the first second, the price includes a second duration of the conversation. The amount of tariffs includes VAT and a pension collection of 7.5%.

When choosing a certain type of tariff plan, the duration of its action is at least 28 days. For a shorter service life is not provided. Detailed information about the Tarif Vodafone (conversations, mobile Internet Both) in open access It is set out on the company's website in the section "Tariffs" - "Prepay".

The submission of information is made so that the client intuitively can find his information. If assistance is required, the subscriber can contact through an interactive online messenger with a company operator.

The client receives Vodafone tariff information online or by contacting the phones specified on the site.

For private clients today, the following plans operate:

  • Supernet
  • Family.
  • Unlim 3G Plus.
  • Red Extra
  • Device.
  • Light +.

For Vodafone Red Extra and Vodafone Device provided special tariff linewhich are similar by types of services, but differ in volume: the more minutes of conversations or access to online services, the higher the price of such a tariff plan. What is included in these packages, what favorable Vodafone rates are in the next section.

Vodafone Supernet: Modern Tariffs for Active People

Feature tariff plans Vodafone Supernet is absolute freedom Communication for subscribers using mobile communications and high-quality Internet. Depending on your needs, you can choose the optimal cost for your tariff plan. Please note that all the plans are equal to 4 weeks or 28 days. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions using the table below.

Mobile Communication (Prepayment) Vodafone Supernet Start Vodafone Supernet Pro. Vodafone Supernet Unlim
Subscription for 4 weeks 65 UAH. 85 UAH. 115 UAH.
4G / 3G / 2G Internet (200 MB / 7 UAH over Package) 4000 MB 8000 MB Unlimited
65 minutes 100 minutes 150 minutes
50 (for 1.50 UAH per day) 50 (for 1.50 UAH per day) 50 (for 1.50 UAH per day)
Calls abroad (10mine for 5 Us over the package) 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes

Vodafone Family Plus: Affordable Communication Each

This tariff plan is created for people who do not need a lot of Internet and others. additional services. His target audience is older people from 50 and higher.

Vodafone Unlim 3G Plus: New Popular Service Package

A tariff package worth 90 UAH (for 4 weeks) provides unlimited calls within the network, 1 hour 40 minutes to other phones, non Lim Internet and calls abroad cost 1 UAH per minute.

To become a user of such a Vodafone service package, you should purchase a complete starting package for a month or (if you are already a user of another tariff plan) to pay the full package price.

From 01.02.2018, Vodafone Ukraine revised tariff plans to increase their value. Now the cost of the UNLIM 3G Plus tariff plan is 90 UAH. 28 days instead of the monthly fee 75 UAH, which was previously.

To update the service, you need to restart the phone by sequential shutdown and power on. Such a hard way to update information about the in-demand tariff plan.

Vodafone Red Extra: Basic Tariff Package

Vodafone Red Extra has several subspecies of tariff plans, which differ in the volume of traffic on the Internet, calls abroad or on the phones of other mobile operators. Calls on the network are unchanged for all tariff plans and are unlimited. As can be seen in the table below, the cost plug ranges from 55 to 170 UAH.

Mobile Communication (Prepayment) Vodafone Red Extra XS Vodafone Red Extra S Vodafone Red Extra M Vodafone Red Extra L
Camepland per month 55 UAH. 65 UAH. 105 UAH. 170 UAH.
Calls online Vodafone Ukraine Unlimited
4G / 3G / 2G Internet (100 MB / 5 UAH over the package) 2000 MB 5000 MB 10000 MB 14000 MB
Calls to other networks (0.50 UAH / min over the package) 60 minutes 75 minutes 150 minutes 300 minutes
SMS & MMS on Mob. Networks (0.50 UAH / pcs over Package) 30 in Ukraine 50 70 150
Calls abroad (0.50 UAH / min over the package) 3 UAH / min 25 minutes 35 minutes 75 minutes
Social School: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter 2000 MB Unlimited
Text in Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Telegram 2000 MB Unlimited

Vodafone Red Extra S: Tariffers

  • Internet (100 MB) - 5 UAH, for daytime tariffs The maximum number of packages of 100 MB to the expiration should not exceed 20.
  • Price 1 min. conversation with the subscriber of another network - 50 kop / min
  • Monthly need to replenish account by 70 UAH
  • For use (for daytime tariffs) charges for calls to the network of waterfood in the amount of 2 UAH independently, they were claimed or not.

Vodafone Red Extra M

  • Calls to phone numbers of other operators - 50 kop / min
  • For daytime tariffs, unlimited outgoing on the network will cost every day 2 UAH. The fee is charged independently of the use of the service.
  • The number of calls to other networks 2 hours 30 minutes. Monthly package costs 105 UAH

Vodafone Red Extra L

To connect the Vodafone Red package, the client or acquires a new package, or transition to a new plan according to conditions. The transition to a new tariff plan can be made independently by calling the * 101 * 444 # number. Check the correctness of the connection client can by number * 101 * 4 #.

It is important for the correct calculation in a new way to complete all open internet surfing sessions or other online operations. If this is not done, the system will keep a calculation according to the old algorithm.

Vodafone Device: Tariff Plan for Smart Device Users

The Vodafone Device tariff plan in the company has developed with an emphasis on widespread access to the Internet. This service pack includes:

  • Internet access 2G | 3G | 4G.
  • Ensuring access to the most popular social network
  • Phone calls inside the network Vodafone Ukraine
  • Outgoing outside the network on other phones
  • Outgoing outside Ukraine
  • Messages (including abroad)

Vodafone Device has three packages, the cost of which depends on the completeness and duration of the service. Vodafone Device (S, M, L) will cost users 45, 50 or 90 UAH.

Mobile Communication (Prepayment) Vodafone Device S. Vodafone Device M. Vodafone Device L.
Camepland per month 45 UAH 80 UAH. 130 UAH.
3G / 2G Internet (500 MB / 15 UAH over the package) 50 MB / day further 2G 5000 MB 10000 MB
Social School: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter 50 MB / day further 2G Unlimited
50 MB / day further 2G 50 MB / day further 2G Unlimited
Calls online Vodafone Ukraine 50 min / day 0.50 UAH / min
Calls to other networks 0.50 UAH / min
SMS & MMS on Mob. network of Ukraine 50 pcs / day 0.50 UAH / PC.
Calls abroad 10 UAH / min
SMS & MMS on Mob. Networks abroad 3,00 UAH / PC.

For subscribers of the Vodafone Device package, it is possible to use the Year without subscription service. Paying an advance service for a year, the client wins in price savings and eliminates the need for a monthly account replenishment. For each of the above tariff packages, the value of the annual service will be 450, 500 and 900 UAH, respectively.

Obviously, the client thus saves about 17% of the total annual cost of the package. To go to a new tariff, on the phone * 365 #. Check the transition and service status * 365 * 1 #. Connect to the Device tariff plan can be the same methods that were indicated above for other tariff plans. Go to the number * 500 * 7 #.

Vodafone Light +: Terms and Connection Rules

Simple and transparent tariffs, the minimum set of the most sought-after services are as follows the features of this tariff plan, which will have to do with young subscribers, students and schoolchildren. Price of this tariff package - 40 UAH.

If within seven days the subscriber decided to switch to Red Extra S, M, L, then it is enough for him to pay the difference in value. Starting from the eighth day, the rule of payment of the standard transition.

For users of Light + there is also an action "RIK without subscription", which was mentioned above. Advance payment for the year of use will be 350 UAH. Connect to the number * 365 #, check the relevance of the status * 365 * 1 #.

How to check your SIM card and phone ready for 4G LTE?

Subscribers of Vodafone Ukraine can check out mobile phone And the SIM card on the support of the fourth generation network. For this you just need to enter the USSD command: * 222 #

How to check your account and package service package?

Via USSD requests Vodafone subscribers can get a lot useful informationsuch as for example: the balance is mainly and bonus accounts, Tariff name and amount of services included in it, etc.

USSD codes for prepaid tariffs differ from contract.

Roaming Vodafone Ukraine: Tariffs for Europe, Russia, Egypt and UAE

The company for individuals offers several tariff plans for profitable roaming at a price of 60 to 150 UAH per month.

  • "Removing weekend" - profitable roaming in Europe for 3 days
  • "Roaming, like at home" - profitable roaming in 16 European countries for 7 days
  • "Poland, like at home" - roaming in Poland by favorable tariffs for 1 day or 1 month
  • Ukraine online - roaming in Russia for 7 days
  • Hot vacation - roaming in Egypt and UAE for 7 days

These plans include incoming and outgoing calls on the Vodafone Ukraine network and on other mobile operators, calls to phone numbers The country where the subscriber is located and calls to other countries. In addition, mobile Internet and SMS messages.

Vodafone roaming Revice weekend Roaming like at home Poland like at home Ukraine online Hot vacation
Camepland per month 60 UAH. for 3 days from 120 UAH. for 7 days 99 UAH. for 30 days 100 UAH. for 7 days 150 UAH. for 7 days
Countries Europe 16 countries in Europe Poland Russia Egypt and UAE.
All in. and exc. Calls online Vodafone Ukraine 30 min + 30 min 100 min. 200 min 100 min + 100 min 5 minutes
Exchange Calls to the numbers dr. operators of Ukraine 30 minutes 10 UAH / min 10 UAH / min 10 UAH / min 10 UAH / min
3G / 2G Internet 100 MB 120 MB 200 MB 100 MB 150 MB
SMS for all directions 10 pieces. 100 pieces. 200 pcs. 100 pieces. 5 pieces.
To order *600*9# *600# *600*480# *607# *600*4#
Check *600*91# *600*1# *600*480*1# *607*1# *600*41#
Disable *600*90# *600*0# *600*480*0# *607*0# *600*40#

Vodafone Ukraine: Quality Service, Social Initiatives

Vodafone Ukraine is a modern mobile operator. The quality of services is controlled by government agencies, in particular, the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of communication and informatization (NKRSI).

The company sells charitable social focus projects, providing assistance to children from low-income families, supporting hot line blood donors in Ukraine. The company has developed the Smart Routers program, which includes pedestrian routes (including excursion) in various cities of Ukraine.

Vodafone Ukraine carries out activities through the team of professionals, considers personnel resources as one of of essential factors In achieving success in the market. For those who want to start or continue the work career in Vodafone, Ukraine offers vacancies, the list of which is published on the site in the section "Jobs".

Vodafone Ukraine: contacts, customer feedback

Vodafone Ukraine has its own pages in social networksThat promotes closer communication with subscribers, solving emerging problems or publication of the company's news. A wide and open view in social networks also testifies to the transparency of business and customer focus.