Webmoney keeper classic how to get a key file. Key file for WebMoney Keeper Classic

Disable SMS confirmation of transactions, if necessary.

By default, after registering in Keeper Classic (regardless of how exactly you registered - did a "clean registration" or connected Classic to Mini) you have enabled confirmation of transactions by SMS. It works like this: for any transfer of web money or payment with web money in online stores, to confirm the operation, you will be sent a one-time code by SMS, which you must enter in the program or on the site. This is an additional security measure that allows you to avoid stealing money from wallets.

However, for a transfer that was confirmed by SMS, the minimum commission is not 0.01 WMZ, but 0.05 WMZ (and equivalents in other currencies). In other words, on microtransfers up to several WMZ - SMS confirmation can be considered paid service. In addition, confirming the operation by SMS is additional time. Again, you need to have a mobile phone handy.

Therefore, you MAY WANT to turn off SMS verification. Or you may not want to - everything will be determined by the balance of convenience and safety in your particular case. If you still want to disable it, then go to the page https://security.webmoney.ru/asp/transconfirm.asp , log in with your Classic Keeper, click the button Disable opposite the item "SMS-confirmation":

Follow instructions. Confirm your wish with an SMS code.

Be sure to save the key file

What's happened key file?

The key file contains your electronic signature in the WebMoney system. V daily work You won't need this file, Keeper Classic will only ask for it the first time you log in to this WMID on this computer, for example, when you want to connect to your WMID from a new computer, or the first time you've reinstalled Windows.

BE SURE to save the key file. To do this, in Keeper click Tools -> Program Options -> Security -> Save keys to file. Follow the instructions. At one of the stages in the window you need to specify the path to save the file (at the same time, we note that the key file has the extension .kwm) and assign access code to the key file.

  • Remember or write down the access code! You should distinguish between the access code and the password for entering the Keeper. It's not the same! An access code is like a password for a key file. Using the key file without an access code will be impossible!
  • Copy the key file to some reliable and inaccessible medium that you will not lose or damage, for example, on a CD or USB flash drive. It is better not to save the key file on the hard drive, because someday you will definitely forget to copy the key file before formatting the hard drive.
  • It is better to have several copies of the key file on different reliable media.

    Further, if you connected the Classic to the Mini, then you now need to "present" your key file, which you just saved, to the computer. To do this, close Keeper Classic and launch it again. In the start window of the program, select Access key storage location - This computer, enter your WMID and login password:

    Now select item This is the first attempt to enter the program with this WMID on this computer. And then - I have a key file and a password for this file:

    Now you need to specify the path to the saved key file and enter the access code:

    Everything, Keeper will be launched. Recall that this procedure should be performed only when connecting to WMID on this computer for the first time. From now on - and until you want to connect to your WMID on another computer or reinstall Windows - to enter, in the start window of the program you will simply need to specify the WMID (or rather, just select it from the list) and the password to enter . Everything! It is very comfortable.

    Change the path to the wallet file, if necessary

    The history of transfers, accounts, messages, as well as a list of your contacts is stored on the WebMoney server. But for faster operation of Keeper Classic, this data is duplicated in wallet file(it has the extension .pwm), which is stored locally on your computer, CD or flash drive.

    When you connect to a WMID on another computer, your Keeper Classic retrieves events from the server that are not in the "local" wallet file. As you understand the loss of the wallet file does not entail any catastrophic consequences. However, due to this synchronization with the server, on each new computer you will see again transfers, invoices and messages that you have already received and viewed before on another computer. This forces you to re-review events and figure out which of them you have already seen / read, and which ones you haven’t yet. It's stressful.

    So, if you use the same WMID on several computers (at work, at home, etc.), then it is convenient to have ONE wallet file and transfer it, for example, to a flash drive. Now we will learn how to do it.

    Keeper automatically places the wallet file in some system folder on the local disk, for example, C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\WebMoney\, where user is your username on the computer. You can see the exact path in Tools -> Program Options -> Security:

    Click the [...] button in this window and save the file somewhere on a flash drive. Now, when the first time you connect to WMID on a new computer, Keeper will prompt you to specify the path to the wallet file, do it. Insert a flash drive and indicate where your .pwm file is located on it.

  • Key file is a special file for the program. It contains secret data and is intended for access to WMID using one of the options for entering Keeper - a way This computer. It has a kwm extension (characters after the file type, as well as dots). Its size is always 164 bytes. To provide additional security measures, the user closes the key file with his own password, which he sets personally.

    There are also earlier versions of the WebMoney Keeper Classic program, where the key file was required and served to enter the Keeper. V this moment the main way to enter wallets is considered E-num Storage, and the key file is just one option.

    When WebMoney Keeper Classic works in normal mode, it does not request a key file. Enter WMID, password and work begins. However, in cases where you:

    • reinstall Windows, or change your login account;
    • change the technical parameters of the computer;
    • change the computer at the entrance;
    • etc,

    then the program, with the exception of the WMID, as well as the login password, will ask you for a key file and a password for it.

    The key file and the password to it can be compared with a civil passport that every person has. It does not need to be constantly shown, carried with you, but there are times when it is necessary.

    It is very important that your key file and the password to it cannot be captured by any of their strangers. We advise you to use such reliable removable media as a CD or a Flash card for storing information. Copy data to multiple media at once.

    No less careful should be stored and password to this file, because without it the key file loses its meaning. Since the password can only be set locally, the WebMoney Transfer system does not display it. Therefore, no one will help you restore it.

    What do you need to create/get a key file?

    1. Run the program WebMoney Keeper Classic and select "Tools/Program Options..." from the menu.
    2. In the window that appears, select the "Security" tab and click the "Save keys ..." button.
    3. Select a seat on removable disk where to save the key file. Store the key file carefully and carefully!
    4. Enter key file password and click the "OK" button. Save this password in a safe place, it will be used to decrypt the key file.

    General information about the webmoney key file. For the convenience of the user and maximum efficiency in working with payments in the WebMoney system, it is recommended to use the WebMoney Keeper Classic program after downloading and installing it. Security when working with a keeper is ensured by using the webmoney key file. A key file is a special file for the Keeper classic program that contains secret information. It is required to open access to the WMID. This file has a kwm extension and its size is strictly fixed - 164 bytes. For additional security, the webmoney key file is closed with its own password, set personally by the owner.

    Until quite recently, without a key file, secure entry into the keeper was simply impossible, but today there are alternatives. The most common and in a safe way is the entrance to the keeper using the E-num Storage service. The E-num program can be downloaded from the official website of WebMoney.

    Today, users do not have to necessarily use a key file when making any payments. To access webmoney keeper classic, it is not needed, but it is enough to enter only a password and WMID. But if the user suddenly has, for some reason, the need to reinstall the OS on his PC, then he will definitely need to apply the key file. Also, this file will be required when logging into the WebMoney system from another PC or from another account. In such cases, only entering the WMID and password is not enough.

    In general, this is an analogue of a civil passport for a person - a person needs it only in exceptional cases. Exactly the same situation is with the key file: certain situations require its mandatory presence.

    Where to store? How to get a?

    Like a regular civil passport, do not trust strangers. And it’s not worth keeping it on your computer because of the possibility of it being stolen by some scammers: in our 21st century, such cases are no longer uncommon. In case of loss of the key file, you risk losing all your electronic money stored in electronic wallets.

    The best place to store the key file is on a flash drive that only you have access to. It is also desirable to do the same with respect to passwords for accessing this file, since it cannot be restored if you simply forget it. To obtain a key file, you need to find and click the "" tab in the "Program Settings" section of webmoney keeper classic.

    Where can I find the key file on my computer to create a backup?

    By default - the path to the files on the PC:

    C:Documents and SettingsUserApplication DataWebMoneyYour_WMID.kwm - for Windows XP

    C:UsersUserAppDataRoamingWebMoneyYour_WMID.kwm -for Windows 7/Vista

    When saving these files on a flash drive, the following paths must be specified when starting the keeper for the first time:

    F(flash drive): save folderYour_WMID.kwm - for the key file
    F(flash drive): save folder Your_WMID.pwm - for the wallet file

    If the webmoney key file is lost..

    Loss webmoney key file is a fairly common problem. The reasons for the loss are different: breakdown hard drive, the OS was reinstalled, the computer was hacked by hackers or picked up by viruses. This will make it impossible to manage your electronic money. But in the webmoney system, this problem is solvable: control over your data is completely restored here, regardless of the reason for their loss.

    Transferring a webmoney (webmoney) wallet to another computer

    When you install the webmoney wallet "WebMoney Keeper Classic" on your computer, it is tightly tied to the hardware, i.e. the program "remembers" the configuration of the computer. This was done for security purposes, which on the one hand is good, but on the other hand, it sometimes causes a lot of difficulties for novice users. These difficulties arise, as a rule, in two cases:

    1. It is necessary to transfer the webmoney wallet to another computer;
    2. The operating system needs to be reinstalled.

    In a specific case, a second hard drive was installed on the computer, and an operating system was installed on it. Windows system 7. It was necessary to transfer the webmoney wallet from old tough disk (OS Vista) to a new one.

    The process of transferring a Webmoney wallet consists of two stages: saving the necessary files and installing the wallet on a new computer (or after reinstalling the OS).

    Stage I. Saving the files necessary for transferring the Webmoney wallet

    In order to transfer a webmoney wallet, you need to save two files:

    1. Wallet file (pwm extension)- contains all the history of operations and internal correspondence on a particular WMID(Webmoney member ID);
    2. Key file (.kwm extension)- contains secret data for accessing the WMID.

    Program Options

    After that, a window will open Program Options in which you need to go to the tab Safety and click on the button Save keys to a file.

    Saving kwm and pwm keeper files

    Creation confirmation backup keeper's keys

    Since the security of Webmoney is at the forefront, it is necessary to confirm the actions by entering a confirmation code that will be sent to the number cell phone specified at registration.

    To save a copy of the keys to a specified location you need to know the password for accessing the key file, which does not match the webmoney keeper access password.

    After the steps taken, two files should be saved in the specified location: one with the pwm extension, the other with the kwm extension. For example, if your WMID 377025179357(12 digits), then these will be files 377025179357.pwd and 377025179357.kwd.

    Do not forget that these files must be stored in a safe place for security reasons. We can recommend this trick: pack the folder with the keys into a RAR archive, closing it with a password. The main thing in this case is not to forget the password from the archive 🙂

    After you have saved the key files, you can proceed to the second stage.

    Advice! It makes sense to store the key file and the wallet file not on system drive"C", but, for example, on the disk "D". In this case, at reinstalling Windows, you will not need to create copies of these files. To change the storage location of the wallet file, click Tools - Program Options. Go to the "Additional" tab and specify the path to the wallet file.

    Stage II. Installing a WebMoney wallet on a new computer, or after reinstalling Windows

    Step 1. We go to the site webmoney.ru and download the necessary software. In our example, we chose WebMoney Keeper Classic.

    Step 2

    After installing the keeper, we launch it and enter our identifier (WMID) and the password for accessing the wallet

    Step 3

    Step 4. Choose an option I have a key file and a password for this file.

    Select the option I have a key file and a password for this file

    Step 5 We fill in all the necessary details of the WebMoney user and indicate the path to the key file (file with the extension kwm).

    Fill in all the necessary details of the WebMoney user and specify the path to the key file (file with the kwm extension)

    Step 6 Specify the path to the wallet file (extension pwm).

    Step 7. After pressing the OK button, we immediately receive an error message, because WebMoney Keeper was connected from previously unactivated equipment.

    Error message and the need to enter the WebMoney wallet activation code

    Actually, you need to wait for the activation code that was sent to your e-mail or phone and enter it on the specified page.

    In our case, the WebMoney wallet activation code was sent to the e-mail.

    Step 8

    We confirm the need to activate the webmoney wallet on new equipment

    Now you need to press the F5 key to update the information in your WebMoney wallet.

    Step 9

    Step 10. At this step, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the "holes in the defense."

    Evgeny Mukhutdinov

    A key file is a special file for the WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) program, which contains secret data and is needed to access the WMID in one of the Keeper login options - the method This computer. Has in its extension kwm(characters after the file name and a dot) and a fixed size 164 bytes. For additional security, the key file is closed with its own password, which is set personally by the participant.

    With more early versions WM Keeper WinPro program, the key file was created without fail and was required to enter Keeper. Now this is only one of the options, and the main way to enter wallets is E-num Storage.

    In normal mode, WM Keeper WinPro works without asking for a key file. You enter WMID , password and work. But if you:

    • reinstall Windows or log in with another account;
    • change technical specifications computer;
    • log in from another computer;
      then the program, in addition to the WMID and the login password, asks for a key file and a password for it.

    If we draw an analogy - a key file (along with its password) is essentially similar to a general passport. You do not need to show it all the time, but you need to have it at hand and be prepared for the fact that it may be required at any time.

    On the other hand, you should take care that no one outsider takes possession of your key file and password for it. Therefore, store your files on reliable removable media (such as a CD or Flash card). It is appropriate to make several copies on different media.

    Also keep the password to this file carefully. Without it, the key file is meaningless. The password is set locally and is not displayed in the logs of the WebMoney Transfer system, i.e., no one can help you recover it.

    How to get a key file?

    1 Launch WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) and select "Tools/Program Options..." from the menu.

    2 In the window that appears, select the "Security" tab and click the "Save Keys..." button.

    3 Select a location on the removable drive where the key file will be saved. Keep the key file carefully!

    4 Enter the password for the key file and click OK. Save this password in a safe place, it will be used to decrypt the key file.