Charger for 10 69. A selection of reference books from the "Auto Electronics" series

Name: Charging device. Issue 1: Information Review for motorists

The year of publishing: Moscow, 2005.

Number of pages: 192

Description: This handbook contains data on different chargers. The material is systematized in such a way that the reader can provide competent operation, use, repair and even the manufacture of chargers at home. The book also presents schemes and printed circuit boards of industrial production chargers. Private developments will help motorists to improve and upgrade already available industrial instruments, make one of the proposed options or on the basis of a huge number of circuit solutions to collect its original device, combining the most suggested nodes and blocks from several proposed chargers. The book will be useful to a wide range of motorists and radio amateurs, as well as workers in repair services and plants manufacturing electrical equipment for cars.

Section number

Section name

Number of pages

Abbreviations adopted in the directory


Car power supply system




Chargers working under the law of Woodbridge

Rectifier for charging batteries

Rectifiers of semiconductor type "VPM" and "WPA"

Charging device

Rectifier for charging batteries "Va-2"

Rectifier Charging "Voice"

Device charger "UZ-S-12-6.3"

Rectifier device "Wu-71m"

Charger "Burst-10-69-U2"

Universal Charger Uza

Charger device "charge-2"

Device feeding multipurpose "Cascade 2"

Rectifiable devices like "BCA"

Modernization of simple chargers

Chargers with incandescent lamps

Charger-stabilizer voltage

Charger on Toroe from Latr-2

Adjustable power source for repair of automotive electrical equipment and charging batteries

Source for repair of automotive electrical equipment and charging batteries

Charger for starter ab

Simple Thyristor Charger

Powerful Laboratory Power Supply for Electrical Repair and Battery Charge

Low power charger

Universal rectifiers for charging AB with electronic regulation


Uncomplicated Charger on TS-200

Charging rehabilitation device


Desulfating charger

Advanced device "Electronics-ABC"


Battery charging machine

Simple automatic charger

Electronic Protection Charger

Automatic charging device car batteries

Automatic charger

Automatic charger

Automatic charger

Automatic charger


Charging and power supply with advanced operational capabilities

Pierce machine for charger

Refinement of the charger

Automatic battery recharge "PAA-12/6"

Charger with a quenching capacitor in the primary chain

Advanced device


Simple charger

Charger option

Simple charger



Automatic charger for ab


Charger for AB

Automatic charger for car battery

Battery charging device

Instrument for charging batteries "asymmetric" current

Automatic charger

Automatic charger

Device charging and rectifier "velvet"

Automatic charging device With incandescent lamps


Automatic charger

Automatic charger

Machine for charging AB

Electrical Elemental Instruments Magnetoelectric System


In a long tourist campaign (walking or cycling), do not do without lighting. Flashlights that are recharged from the mains will not be enough for a long time, and tourist routes are mainly in places where power lines are missing. Charger will help solve this problem device "Tourist". To do this, take out two lanterns a small-sized battery type D-0.25 and to be done in the charger device. 1...

Charger for small-sized elements

Power Supply Charger device For small-sized elements V. Bondarev, A. Mr. Migvishnikov. Moscow, SC-21, SC-31 elements, and others are used, for example, in modern electronic wristwatches. To recharge and partial restoration of working capacity, which means extension of service life, you can apply the proposed charger device (Fig. 1). It provides charging current 12 mA, sufficient for "update" of an element 1.5 ... 3 hours after connecting to the device. Fig. 1 On a diode Matrix VD1, a rectifier is made to which the mains voltage is supplied through the limit resistor R1 and the C1 condenser. R2 resistor promotes the discharge of the capacitor after disconnecting the device from the network. At the exit of the rectifier, the smoothing capacitor C2 and the VD2 stabilitron, limiting the straightened voltage at 6.8 V. Next, follow the charging current source, made on the resistors R3, R4 and the VT1-VT3 transistors, and the charging signaling signal consisting of the VT4 and LED transistor HL). As soon as the voltage on the charging element will increase to 2.2 V, part of the collector current of the VT3 transistor will flow through the indication circuit. The HL1 LED will be lit and signals the completion of the charging cycle. Instead of transistors VT1, VT2, you can use two successively included diode with direct voltage of 0.6 V and a reverse voltage of more than 20 to each, instead of VT4 - one such diode, and instead of a diode matrix - any diodes on the reverse voltage of at least 20 V and straightened current More than 15 mA The LED can be any other, with a constant direct voltage of approximately 1.6 V. Condenser C1 - paper, on a rated voltage of not lower than 400 V, oxidic capacitor C2-K73-17 (can be K50-6 to voltage not lower than 15 V). Details of the device are mounted on a printed circuit board (Fig. 2), which is placed in a polystyrene housing. The housing is fixed with the XP1 network plug and contacts are installed to connect an item. (Radio ...) 1 ...

Charger for car batteries

Automotive electronics Charger for car batteries K. Selyugin, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory. Acid batteries "do not like long stay without work." Deep self-discharge is destroyed for them. If the car is put on the long-term parking lot, then the problem arises: what to perform with the battery. He is either given to someone to work, or sell that it is equally uncomfortable. I suggest pretty simple devicewhich can serve both charging batteries and for their long-term storage in working condition. From the secondary winding of the T1 transformer, the current in which is limited to the inclusion in series with the primary winding of the ballast capacitor (C1 or C1 + C2), the current is fed to the diode-thyristor bridge, the load of which is the battery (GB1). As an adjusting element, a car voltage controller (RNG) is applied to 14 in any type designed for generators with a grounded brush. I was tested by a regulator of type 121.3702 and integral-I112A. When using the "Integral" conclusions "B" and "B" are connected together and with "+" GB1. The output "sh" is connected to the chain of the control electrodes of thyristors. Thus, on the rechargeable battery, a 14V voltage is maintained at a charging current determined by the capacitor C2, which is approximately calculated by the formula: where Is the Charging Current (A), U2 - the secondary winding voltage with the "normal" transformer (B), U1 Network voltage. The transformer is any, with a capacity of 150 ... 250 VA, with a voltage on the secondary winding of 20 ... 36 V. Diodes of the bridge - any at a rated current of at least 10 A. Thyristors - KU202 V, G, etc. S1 serves to switch charging and storage modes. Charging current is selected equal to 0.1 on the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the battery capacity, and the storage current is 1 ... 1.5a. If there is probability, then periodically, about once every two weeks, it is desirable to produce a discharge of the battery with a current 2IZ with the control of the electrolyte temperature. Settings device Prak1 ...

Charger for 3-6 volt batteries

Offered Charger device Designed for charging with a stable current primarily mining batteries, called the "Konogonka". Self-discord from these batteries is very large. And this means that in a month, moreover, without load, the same battery should be charged. The device is easy to finalize and for charging 12-volt batteries, it is suitable (without refinement) and for charging 6-volt batteries. The charger circuit is very simple (see Figure). Rectifier and transformer in the diagram are not shown. The secondary winding provides current in the load of more than 3 A at a voltage of 12 V. Bridge-type rectifier on D242A diodes, filtering capacitor - 2000 IFC50 V (K50-6). Field transistor type KP302B (2P302B, KP302BM) with the initial current of the runway 20-30 mA. Stabilitron VD1 type D818 (D809). CT825 type transistor with any letter. It can be changed by the Darlington scheme, for example, KT818A and KT814a, etc. Resistor R1 type MLT-0.25; R2 type R2 type-14, but fully suitable with graphite coating; R3 - wire (nichrome - 0.056 Ohm / cm). The VT2 transistor is placed on an edible heat sink with a cooling surface of approximately 700 cm. Electrolytic condenser C1 of any type. Constructive scheme is made on a printed circuit board located near the VT2 transistor. To charge and 12-volt batteries, you should provide a possibility of an increase of 6 V aC voltage On the secondary winding of the network transistor of the charger. This scheme was used in the same way as the prefix to the power supply (not a stabilized voltage source). The advantage of this scheme is not afraid of short circuits to exit, since it is actually a stable current generator. The magnitude of this current depends primarily from the offset, which is set by variables R2 resistors. The diagram is similar to the inclusion with a common base in the power frequency power amplifiers. Sometimes KT825 type transistors go to generation mode. Therefore, with a long conductor, leading from the VT2 transistor base to the R2 resistor engine, the surplus resistance resistor should be enabled to 1 com. It is soldered directly to the dance of the VT2 transistor base. A.G.Zimyuk, Lotch. one...

Automatic charger for NI-CD batteries

Automatic charger power supply device For Ni-CD-batteries Huynh Trung Hung, Paris, France Although many ways to effectively charge nickel-cadmium (rechargeable batteries), the scheme described is unique in that it combines almost all of their advantages. So, it produces a constant charging current, the role of which can lie in the range of 0.4-1.0 A. Scheme can work either from the network alternating current 220V, or from 12-in batteries. The charged battery is protected from reloading thanks to the automatic shutdown of the circuit when the specified voltage level is reached on the battery. Moreover, the same level can be adjusted. Finally, the diagram is inexpensive and protected from short circuits. If the battery is discharged, the voltage on the inverting input of the operating amplifier U1 will be below the voltage on the non-converting input, which is installed by the R1 potentiometer (see Figure). As a consequence, the output voltage U1 will be approximately equal to the positive supply voltage, which will lead to unlocking the transistor Q1, as well as the transistor Q2, which will operate in the constant charging current generator mode. The level of this current can be found from the ratio (VD-VBE) / R6, where the VD voltage between its base and the emitter. This current flowing further through the Diode D8, and the NI-CD-battery is charged. In this case, the D7 LED will be flaming, thereby inflicting the flow of the charging process, and being an indicator of the working mode. As the battery is charging, the voltage on it increases, which leads to an increase in the voltage in the inverting input U1, until it comes with VIN. At that very moment, the output voltage U1 drops to the potential of the Earth, and the transistors Q1 and Q2 are locked up, thereby preventing the battery reload. The set limit of the output voltage, VOUT, can be calculated from the VOUT \u003d VIN ratio (R7 + R8) / R8. With the values \u200b\u200bof the components, the scheme produces 400 mA charging current, which can be changed by selecting R6 to achieve maximum valueequal to 1 A. The required level of charging voltage should be installed when the battery is disabled. Diode D8 prevents discharge in reverse direction In case of disabling the network or 12-in power source. For 7,2-in Ni-CD-Batteries, the role of 1 ...

Shakhternsky lantern

This charger device (Memory) is calculated for charging batteries with a capacity of up to 10 A-h. The "heart" of the device is an integral voltage stabilizer DA1 and transistors VT1 and VT2, forming current generator. The current is set by resistors R3 and R4. SA1 switch can be changed the current value (1 or 0.08 A). At the specified SA1 position, a current is set to 1 A, which is a charging (0.1 of the tank), and 0.08 A - rechargeable for battery 10 Ah. VT3 and VT4 together with HL2 and HL3 form the chain of the indication of the corresponding mode. Details. Diodes - CD202 or any other average power. Instead of KT817, you can install KT815, CT604; instead of kt805a - kt805am, bm or any other p-R-P Powerful Transistors. Transformer - any with a secondary winding by 15 ... 18 V, designed for current 2 ... 4 A. VT2 to be needed on the radiator. Establishment. Instead of the battery, an ammeter is connected to the GB1 terminals and climb R1 and R2 before getting the desired current value. I.Sagida, S. Khra, Dagestan, 1 ...

Repair charger for MPEG4 player

After two months of operation, the "Unnamed" Charger device To the MPEG4 / MP3 / WMA pocket player. Its schemes, of course, was not, so I had to make it on the circuit board. The numbering of the active elements on it (Fig. 1) is conditional, the rest correspond to inscriptions on the printed circuit board. The voltage converter node is implemented on a low-voltage high-voltage transistor VT1 type MJE13001, the output voltage stabilization unit is manufactured on the VT2 transistor and the VU1 optro. In addition, the VT2 transistor protects VT1 from overload. The VT3 transistor is designed to indicate the end of battery charging. When examining the product it turned out that the transistor VT1 "went to the cliff", and VT2 is broken. The resistor R1 also burned down. Not more than 15 minutes left for troubleshooting. But with competent repair, any radio-electronic product is usually not enough to eliminate malfunctions, it is necessary to further know the reasons for their occurrence so that this does not happen. As it turned out, at an hour of operation of the charger, moreover, with a disconnected load and an open case, the VT1 transistor, made in the Case-92, was heated to a temperature of approximately 90 ° C. Since, nearby there were no more powerful transistors suitable for replacing MJE13001, I decided to glue a small heat sink to it. The photo of the charger is shown in Fig. 2. Duralumin radiator sizes 37x15x1 mm glued to the transistor body by telelop conducting radial glue. By the same glue, you can stick the radiator and to the circuit board. With the heat sink, the temperature of the transistor housing decreased to 45 ... 50 ° C. The reason for the initially severe heating of the transistor VT1. Perhaps, lies in "simplification" when assembling its damper chain. The drawing and topology of the printed circuit board give reason to believe that instead of the R10 resistor resistance 100 kΩ in the collector circuit of the VT1 transistor should be two capacitors and a diode. This is a charger device At idle, it consumes from the network 220 in the current of approximately 3.5 mA. And with a load current 200 mA - approximately 18 mA. After simple calculations, it can be seen that its efficiency is approximately 25%. Properly designed low-power line1 ...

Charger for Sealed Acid Lead Batteries

Many of us for lighting in the event of power disconnection use imported lights and lamps. Power supply in them - sealed acidic lead batteries of a small capacity, to charge which embedded primitive chargers are used that do not provide a normal mode. As a result, the battery life is importantly reduced. Therefore, more advanced charging devices are needed, eliminating possible reloading batteries. The overwhelming majority of industrial chargers are targeted together with automotive batteries, so their use for charging low-tank batteries is impractical. The use of specialized imported chips is economically unprofitable, since the price (y) of such a chip sometimes exceeds the price (y) of the battery itself. The author offers its own version of the charger for such batteries. Power allocated on these resistors, P \u003d R.IZAR2 \u003d 7.5. 0.16 \u003d 1.2 W. To reduce the degree of heating, two resistors on 15 Ohm with a capacity of 2 W connected in parallel are applied. We calculate the resistance of the resistor R9: R9 \u003d URB VT2. R10 / (izar. R - URB VT2) \u003d 0.6. 200 / (0.4. 7.5 - 0.6) \u003d 50 ohms. We choose a resistor with the nearest to the calculated resistance of 51 ohms. In the device, imported oxide capacitors of the JZC-20F relay with a voltage of the response 12 V. can also be applied to another relay available, but in this case you have to correct the printed circuit board. 1N4007 diodes (VD1 - VD5) are replaced by any, withstand current, at least twice the greater charger. The transistors listed on the diagram is permissible to replace any of the KT503 (VTI) and KT3I02 (VT2). Instead of the KR142En12A chip, you can use an imported analogue of LM317T. In any case, it is necessary to need to be needed on the heat sink, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich depends on the charging current, the voltage on the C1 and AB condenser. The copyright is used heat sink with dimensions of 60x80 mm. The T1 transformer must provide an alternating voltage on the secondary winding 14 ... 17 V with a load current of approximately 0.5 A. Perhaps the use of a transformer with a large output voltage, 1 ...

Ancient charger

I recently managed to run inward a small box made (for inscriptions on the details) of about 1970. It was a good memory for the 6-volt battery of the Izh-Jupiter motorcycle (see drawing)! Why stump has been preserved, because many schemes of 80-90 gg. Manufacturing Davophonko burned? The power transformer T1 is included "Classically" - with a voltage switch S1. The secondary winding T1 has a removal from the middle and is connected to a two-wire rectifier on selenium rectifier diodes VD1,2. The total point of diodes ("minus" exit) is connected to the housing, so the rectifier washers are fixed directly on the metal case, which significantly facilitates their thermal regime. Note that the selenium washers after the overload could "heal" the overheating areas, which is not typical for modern semiconductors. After rectifiable diodes The chain of wire resistances performed by winding on the two-speech resistances of the aircraft type is included. This innovation defended the memory of the failure with the inevitable KZ and cords! The straightened current passes through the R1 resistor and the signal lamp connected to it parallel to it. Further, the "positive" wire chain includes a R2 resistor, which can be shunted by the S2 switch. When charging the batteries of batteries (6 V) S2, it should be closed and the current is limited only to the R1 resistor. When charging one battery (2 c) element, the S2 switch bursts the shunt circuit and the current is limited to two consecutively connected resistors R1 and R2. Such a mode of operation allows you to "bring" each ingredient battery to a nominal charge (earlier the terminals of each element were available on the batteries), which helped to increase battery life. In both modes, the lamp indicates the passage of the current, this allows without an ammeter to diagnose the quality of contacts or the absence of voltage in the network outlet. Such a diagram is an intermediate link between the combined ("scolding") and reliable structures. It was created, apparently after the Khrushchev "thaw". For what reasons, later began to multiple the designs of the memory without restrictive elements after the rectifier (such schemes were damaged as with the CZ of the exit, and when the ransom is moreover without inclusion in the power grid)?! The reasons were not only economic (selling large1 ...

Charger for Starter Battery Batteries

Automotive Electronics Charger for Starter Batteries Batteries Simplest Charger device For automotive and motorcycle batteries, as a rule, consists of a lowering transformer and connected to its secondary winding of a two-wire rectifier. Consistent with the battery includes a powerful retail to install the required charging current. However, such a design is obtained very cumbersome and excessively energy intensive, and the other methods of charging current control usually complicate it significantly. In industrial chargers to straighten the charging current and change its value, the KU202G trinistors are sometimes used. It should be noted here that the direct voltage on the trinistores included with a large charging current can be achieved 1.5 V. due to this, they are very hot, and according to the passport, the temperature of the trinistra body should not exceed + 85 ° C. In such devices, you have to take measures to limit and temperature stabilization of the charging current, which leads to their further complication and appreciation. Described below relatively simple charger device It has wide range of charging current control - almost from zero to 10 A - and can be used to charge various starter batteries batteries on a voltage of 12 V. To the base of the device (see the scheme), a simistory regulator is laid, published in, with an additional low-power diode bridge VD1 - VD4 and resistors R3 and R5. After connecting the device to the network with its positive half-period (plus on the top according to the wire scheme), the C2 condenser via R3 resistor, VD1 diode and the connected resistors R1 and R2 are started charging. In the minus half-period of the network, the same capacitor charges through the same resistors R2 and R1, the VD2 diode and the R5 resistor. In both cases, the capacitor charges to the same voltage, only the polarity of charging is changing. As soon as the voltage on the condensate-re will reach the Ignition threshold of the neon lamp HL1, it is lit and the capacitor is quickly discharged through the lamp and the control electrode of the SMISTOR VS1. At the same time, the simistor opens. At the end of the semi-version, the simistor closes. The described process is repeated in each half aode 1 ...

Regeneration of electroplating elements and batteries

Power supply Regeneration of galvanic elements and batteries I. Alimov Amur region. The idea of \u200b\u200brestoring discharged galvanic elements is similar to the battery is not Nova. Restore elements using special charger. It has practically established that the most common cups of manganese-zinc elements and batteries are better than others, such as 3336l (KBS-L-0,5), 3336x (KBS-X-0,7), 373, 336. Highlights are worse Manganese-zinc batteries "Krona Mz", Basg and others. The best way to regenerate chemical power sources is transmitting an asymmetric alternating current through them having a positive constant component. The simplest source of asymmetric current is a single-alpapid rectifier on a diode, a smoky resistor. The rectifier is connected to the secondary low-voltage (5-10 V) winding of a lowering transformer feeding from the AC network. However, such a charger device It has a low to. p. d.- Approximately 10% and, in addition, the charged battery in case of accidental disconnection of the voltage supplying the transformer can be discharged. Better results can be achieved if you use the charger device, performed according to the scheme shown in Fig. 1. In this device, secondary winding II nourishes two separate rectifiers on diodes D1 and D2, which are connected to the outputs of which two charged batteries B1 and B2. Fig. 1 parallel diodes D1 and D2 included C1 and C2 capacitors. In fig. 2 shows the current oscillogram passing through the battery. The shaded part of the period is an hour during which the discharge current pulses occur through the battery. Fig. 2 These impulses obviously have a special way affect the course of electrochemical processes in the active materials of electroplating elements. The processes occurring at the same time are not yet sufficiently studied and described them is not in popular literature. In the absence of discharge current pulses (which happens when disconnecting the condenser included in parallel diodes), the regeneration of the elements has practically stopped. Experienced1 ...

Starting charger

Running the car engine with a worn battery in winter requires a lot of time. The density of the electrolyte after long-term storage is significantly reduced, the appearance of large-crystalline sulfate increases the internal resistance of the battery, reducing its starting current. In addition, the viscosity of the engine oil increases in winter, which requires greater starting power from the source of the start current. Outputs from this position are several: - heat the oil in the crankcase; - "Seek" from other cars with a good battery; - to start "from the pusher"; - Expect warming. - use start charger device (ROM). The latter option is most preferable when storing a car on a paid parking or in the garage where there is a lining of the network in addition. The ROM will allow not only to run the car, but also accelerated to recreate and charge not one battery. In most industrial ROM, the starting battery is recharged from a low power supply unit (rated current - 3 ... 5 A), which is not enough for direct selection of the car starter, although the capacity of the internal starter batteries ROM is very large (up to 240 Ah), after several starts they All the same "sit down", but it is impossible to accelerately recreate their charge. The mass of such a block exceeds 200 kg, so drove it to the car is not easy and together. Start-up charger device (Pzv), proposed by the Laboratory "Automatics and Telemechanics" of the Irkutsk Center for Technical Creativity of Youth, differs from the factory prototype with a small mass and automatically supports the operating status of the battery, regardless of the storage time and time of use. Even in the absence of an inner battery, the pzv can briefly give the starting current to 100 A. The regeneration mode is an alternation of current and pause irregulation, which accelerates the restoration of the plates and reduces the electrolyte temperature with a decrease in hydrogen sulfide and oxygen emission to the atmosphere. The scheme of the start charger (Fig. 1) consists of a semistor voltage regulator (VS1). power transformer (T1), rectifier on powerful diodes (VD3, VD4) and starter battery (GB1). The buffer recharging current is set by the current regulator on the Simistor VS1, the current of which, depending on the accumulation capacity of ACC1 ...

Application of an integrated timer for automatic control voltage

Power supply Application of an integrated timer for automatic voltage control when charging McGouen batteries Stoelting Co. (Chicago, PC. Illinois) Based on the type 555 integral timer, you can collect automatic charger device For batteries. The assignment of such a charger is to maintain a reserve battery in a fully charged state to power a measuring device. Such a battery remains constantly connected to the AC network, regardless of whether it is used in this moment To power the device or not. In an automatic charger, both comparators, a logical trigger and a powerful output amplifier are used from the integrated timer scheme. Supported Stabilion D1 When the internal resistive divider, existing in the Timer, supplies the reference voltages on both comparators. The voltage at the timer output (output 3) switches between the levels 0 and 10 V. When calibrating the circuit instead of the battery of nickel-cadmium batteries, includes an adjustable DC voltage source. The "shutdown" potentiometer is installed on the desired finite battery charging voltage (usually 1.4 V per element), into the "Turning on" potentiometer - to the desired initial charging voltage (usually 1.3 V per item). The R1 resistor holds back the operating current of the scheme is less than 200 mA under any conditions. Diode D2 prevents the battery discharge through the timer when the last dwells in the "off" state. The capacitor serves to block the oscillations at the speed of the circuit transition to the "off" state. If required, the divider in the chain feedback It is possible to unleash the capacity to improve the noise of the circuit in the transition hour. one...

Desulfating Charger Scheme

Automotive electronics The desulfative charger circuit diagram of the desulfating charger is proposed for samunji and L. Simeonov. Charger device A scheme of a contempidation rectifier on a VI diode with parametric stabilization of the voltage (V2) and the current amplifier (V3, V4) is performed. The H1 light bulb is on when the transformer is enabled. The average charging current is approximately 1.8 A is regulated by the selection of the resistor R3. The discharge current is set by the R1 resistor. The voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer is 21 V (amplitude importance of 28 V). The voltage on the battery at a nominal charging current is 14 V. Therefore, the battery charging current occurs only when the amplitude of the output voltage of the current amplifier will exceed the battery voltage. In the time of the same period of alternating voltage, one impulse of the charging TO-ka is formed during the TI time. The discharge of the battery occurs during the TK \u003d 2Ti time. Therefore, the ammeter shows the average value of the charging current equal to about one third of the amplitude value of the total charging and discharge currents. In charging, you can use the TC-200 transformer from the TV. The secondary windings on both transformer coils are removed and the wire of the PEV-2 1.5 mm is wound up a new winding consisting of 74 turns (37 turns on each coil). The V4 transistor is mounted on a radiator with an effective surface area of \u200b\u200bapproximately 200 cm. Details: D242A d242a diodes. D243a, d245a. D305, V2 one or two connected stabilion D814A, V5 type D226: Type CT803A type transistors, V3 type Kt803A or KT808A. When configuring the charger, select the voltage based on the transistor V3. This voltage is removed from the potentiometer engine (470 Ohms) connected parallel to Stabitron V2. In this case, the R2 resistor is chosen with a resistance of approximately 500 ohms. The movement of the potentiometer engine is achieved so that the average value of the charging current differed 1.8 A.1 ...

Charging stable current

Power supply Charging with a stable current There are several methods for charging batteries: a constant current with voltage control on the charging battery; with constant voltage, controlling the charging current; By Lubridge (rule of amper-hours), etc. Each of the listed methods has both advantages and disadvantages. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the most common, and reliable, still charging a constant current remains. The appearance of stabilizers of voltage that allows operating in current stabilization mode makes the use of this method even more attractive. In addition, only charging constant current provides best recovery Battery capacity when the process is broken, as a rule, two steps: charge the rated current and twice as smaller. For example, the rated battery voltage of four batteries D-0.25 with a capacity of 250 mA-h - 4.8 ... 5 V. Nominal charging current is usually chosen equal to 0.1 from the capacity - 25 mA. They charge such a current until the voltage on the battery does not reach 5.7 ... 5.8 V with connected terminals of the charger, and then for two or three hours continues to charge a current of approximately 12 mA. Charger device (see the scheme) nourish the straightened voltage of 12V. The resistance of the current-limiting resistors is calculated by the formula: R \u003d Ust / I, where Ust is the stabilization voltage of the microcircuit stabilizer; I -Figric current. In the case under consideration, UCT \u003d 1.25 V; Accordingly, resistance of resistors - R1 \u003d 1.25 / 0.025 \u003d 50 Ohm, R2 \u003d 1.25 / 0.0125 \u003d 100 ohms. In the device you can apply chips SD1083, SD1084, ND1083 or ND1084. Stabilizer should be installed on the heat sink. You can reduce the supply voltage of the charger and thereby reduce the power released on the stabilizer, but it is advisable to feed in such a voltage in order to have the probability of charging and other types of batteries. From the editorial The close analogue of the stabilizer SD1083 is the domestic chip KR142EN22. Apply and stabilizer KR142EN12. V. Sevastyanov, Voronezh (Radio 12-98) 1 ...

Charging batteries asymmetric current

Automotive electronics Charging batteries asymmetric current significantly better performance of batteries can be achieved if the charging is performed by an asymmetric volume. Charging Device Scheme implementing such a principle is shown in the figure. With a positive half-period of the input voltage, the current flows through the elements VD1, R1 and stabilizes the VD2 diode. A portion of the stabilized voltage through the variable resistor R3 is fed to the VT2 transistor database. Transistors VT2 and VT4 The lower shoulder of the device work as a current generator, the value of which depends on the resistance of the R4 resistor and voltage based on VT2. The charging current in the battery circuit proceeds along the elements VD3, SA1.1, RA1, SA1.2, the battery, the collector differential transistor VT4, R4. With a negative semiportion of alternating voltage on the VD1 diode, the work of the device is similar, but the upper shoulder works - VD1 stabilizes the negative voltage that adjusts the current flow in the reverse voltage (discharge current). The Milliammermeter of RA1 is shown in the scheme initial setupIn the future, it can be disabled, transferring the switch to another position. Such a charger device It has the following advantages: 1. Charging and discharge currents can be adjusted independently comrade from each other. Investigatively, in this device Can be used batteries with different energy intensity. 2. With any disappears of alternating voltage, each of the shoulders is closed and the current does not flow through the battery, which protects the battery from spontaneous discharge. In this device, from domestic elements, you can apply as VD1 and VD2 - KC133A, VT1 and VT2 - KT315B or KT503B. The remaining elements are selected depending on the charging current. If it does not exceed 100 mA, the KG815 or CT807 with any letter indexes should be applied as VT3 and VT4 transistors (located on the heat sink with an area of \u200b\u200bheat-insulating surface 5 ... 15 sq. Cm), and as VD3 and VD4 diodes - D226 , KD105, too, with any letter indexes. 1 ...

Live and dead water

I was convinced of myself in the advantages of the "live" (treatment of a runny nose, angina) and "dead" (polyarthritis) of water. However, if we use tap water (chlorinated), then when processing it boils and forms a brown-green foam (mineral salts + chlorine) one type of which is capable of "sink" the idea. True, immediately dividing water on the fraction ("live" and "dead"), it can be filtered each separately and get rid of this foam, but it still causes doubts as the water obtained. To do without foam, it is better to use well or mineral water (not carbonated) and in extreme cases, boiled (cold and profiled) tap water. You drop the precipitate is a normal phenomenon. For the storage of moisture should be interpreted (in separate vessels), after which it is necessary to gently sleep. Store the finished water is best in the refrigerator. The method itself, in principle, eliminates the use of distilled or rain (snow) water, as it does not contain dissolved salts. To obtain a "alive" and "dead" water by electrolysis by a rather current of 5 mA. Therefore, the installation may feed from the network (Fig. 1a), batteries (Fig. 1b) or galvanic elements (Fig. 1 c). Dimmering capacitors C1.S2 (Fig. 1 a) are used types K73-17, K40U-9 or BTT-2. Capacitors can be changed by one resistor (43 com, 2.2 W). Constructive use of the device is shown in Fig.2. It uses "flawed" ("unacceptable") glass bank 9 with a capacity of 1 l with a suitable lid 1. For fastening the bag 4 with "dead" (* + ") water serve" crocodiles " 3. The bag 4 can be changed with a glass of burnt but unglazed clay. 8 cover 1 Holes 6 are provided, which allows you to pour water into the collected device Alternately (first at the advantage, then in a minus electrode) through the watering can and provides the yield of gases formed during electrolysis. The top cover 2 protects against random touch to high-voltage chains. The strut 7 is necessary so that the polyethylene cover 1 does not be down when pressed with the fingers to the "crocodiles" 3. It is also attached to a screw cover 2. Other structural elements are fastened with 02.5 mm self-taps into picked holes in a polyethylene lid 1.1...

Automatic memory for small batteries

Designed automatic charger device (AZU) Allows you to charge small-sized batteries of MPZ players. digital cameras, lanterns, etc. from the network. Application It allows you to abandon multiple chargers and make a complete discharge of batteries with the task of eliminating the "memory effect", which are spaciously common nickel-cadmium (Ni-CD) batteries. Azu sells Patent of the Russian Federation for utility model No. 49900 dated 04.08.2006 by the prototype for him was the charger device From. The main features of the AZU are ensured by using the TL431 (adjustable stabilion) integral chip and the use of an AC generator based on the reactive element (in this variant - condenser). Azu provides the charge of "finger" batteries of AAA and AA and AA stable currents of 155 mA from the network (220 8, 50 Hz). It can also be used with smaller network voltage values \u200b\u200bwith a proportional reduction in charging current. The stability of the charging current is entirely determined by the stability of Figure 1 of the AC voltage supply. In the beginning of the charge of battery batteries, the signal LED lights up, before the charge, it starts flashing, and then it turns off completely. Azu provides an automatic reduction in charging current (no less than an order) when the charged battery is achieved and the light indication of this mode. IN offline mode Works (without network connection) is performed automatic battery discharge to a voltage of approximately 0.6 V with a light indication of the process. With a fully charged battery, this discharge begins with a current of about 200 mA. The discharge of the entire battery of batteries is non-degenerate, because It may exacerbate the non-identity of the components of its batteries. The AZU scheme is shown in Fig.1. The device comprises: - Claus-limiting capacitors C1. C2; - protection resistors R1, R2; - Bridge rectifier VD1; - Chains of regulation and indication of the SZ, R3. HL1, R4, R5, VD3, DA1, VS1, VT1; - unleashing diode VD2; - Chain charge R6. R7 | C4, G81; - discharge chains K1. R8. HL2. SB1. GB1. Works AZ as follows. Capacitors C1 and C2 for AC are reactive ballast resistances and due to this, the current is approximately 155 mA. To discharge capacitors, after turning off the device, a resistor R1 is served, shunting capacitors. R2 resistor restrains the amplitude of the start current at 1 ...

Using optocoupler in voltage stabilizer feedback chains

Power supply Using the optocoupler in the feedback circuit of the voltage stabilizer or the charger L. A. Cherkason. MT. ISA MINES L\u003e TD. (Queensland, Australia) A simple inexpensive scheme, which simultaneously performs the functions of the stabilizer and charger for low-speed batteries, can be collected without the use of complex voltage sensors. In this scheme, the diode (emitter) of the optocoupler included in the simple feedback circuit perceives changes in the output voltage. The scheme forms a stabilized output voltage of 12.7 V at a current of 50 mA and can be used to charge the batteries with the preservation of current and voltage values, which are quite simply changed. Optron is optimal devicem in terms of its use as a voltage sensor. The diode perceives the output voltage, without loading the diagram and without disturbing the normal operating mode, and the voltage on it does not change and has a relatively small role with any changes to the charge currents or load. As shown in the diagram, the diode bridge and the C1 condenser rectifted and filter the input voltage of the AC. Suppose the scheme works as a charger device. With incomplete charge of the battery voltage on it below 12.7 V (VZ + VD). This tension is set by selecting the appropriate silicon stabilion, which is turned on sequentially with the optocoupled diode. In this case, the 1N2270 serial transistor opens and skips the current into the battery. The current 1a is limited mainly by the 220th resistor. When the battery voltage exceeds the role (VZ + VD), the stabilodus turns on, and the IZ current flows through the optro diode, including the phototransistor and locking the serial transistor Q. In the absence of a battery, when the scheme works in the stabilizer mode, the current enters the load at a voltage of 12.7 B. In this case, of course, the output current depends mainly on the load resistance. Pulsation voltage is 25 MV in stabilization mode and 1 mV in charging mode. The scheme provides a stabilization of 30 mV / V when changing the voltage and 8 mV / MA when the load changes ranks from 5 to 301 ...

A little about accelerated charging

Recently, on sale appeared a large number of Different charger (memory). Many of them provide a charging current. Nutritively equal to 1/10 from the battery tank. Charging does not last 12. ..18 hours that many do not sue many. Specifying charging devices are developed to meet market requirements. For example, the memory "Focusray". Model 85 (Fig. 1) is an automatic charger device For accelerated charging, mounted in a housing with a power plug and allows you to charge two batteries of type 6F22 simultaneously ("Nick") or four NiCDs or NiMH battery AAA or AA (316) current sizes up to 1000 mA. On the housing, opposite each battery socket, there is a LED in the cassette. Indicating memory mode. In the absence of the battery, it does not shine, when charging - flashes, at the end of the charging shines constantly. Naturally, the most complete operation of battery batteries occurs when the batteries are the same. At the same time, the charge and discharge occur at the same time, and their resource is fully used as a power source. In practice, such an ideal situation is almost never found, and it is necessary to either pick up batteries for the battery, using devices, or "teach" accumulators to joint work. For this it is necessary: \u200b\u200b- take the same type of batteries with the same capacity and, preferably, from one batch; - charge them and fully discharge on real load; - repeat the charge-discharge in the battery several times, i.e. produce its "molding". Feed the batteries buddy to a friend can be in personal charge. By installing the batteries in the battery pack holders. Turn it on the network. Indicator LEDs begin to flash, signaling a successful charge. Otherwise, you need to check the battery that is against the non-working LED. There may be several reasons here: - the battery is spoiled and does not take charge; - short circuit between its conclusions; - The voltage on the outputs of the battery dropped below 1 V. In the first two cases, you need to change the defective battery, in the last - connect the "guilty" battery to the usual "long-playing" memory. For example, this, as in Fig. 2, by 30 ... 60 minutes, and even then make it in the "accelerated" memory, producing must

Charging and desulfating machine for automotive batteries

Automotive electronics Charged desulfating automatic machine for automotive batteries A.Sorokin, 343902, Ukraine, Kramatorsk-2, A / Z 37. It has long been known for the fact that the charge of electrochemical power sources asymmetric current, with a ratio of izar: irazre \u003d 10: 1, in particular acid batteries, leads to the elimination of sulfate plates in the battery, i.e. To restore their capacity, which, in turn, extends the battery life. It is not forever there is a chance to be near the charger and all hour to control the charging process, so often either systematically underwhelm batteries, or recharge them, which, of course, does not prolong their service life. It is clear from the chemistry that the potential difference between the negative and positive plates in the battery is 2.1 V, which at 6 banks gives 2.1 x 6 \u003d 12.6 V. during charging current equal to 0.1 of the battery capacity, The end of the charge voltage rises to 2.4 V per can or 2.4 x 6 \u003d 14.4 V. Increased charging current leads to an increase in the battery voltage and increased heating and boiling electrolyte. The charge of the current below 0.1 of the tank does not allow to bring the voltage to 14.4 V, however, the long-lasting (up to three weeks) is charged with a small current contributes to the dissolution of lead sulfate crystals. Especially dangerous dendrites of lead sulphate, "sprouted" in separators. They cause a rapid self-discharge of the battery (from the evening charged the battery, and in the morning I could not start the engine). Wash dendrites from separators only with dissolving them in nitric acid, which is practically unrealistic. By long observations and experiments was created electrical circuitwhich, according to the author, allows you to trust automation. Experienced operation has shown the effective operation of the device for 10 years. The principle of operation is contained as follows: 1. The charge is made on the positive half-wave of secondary voltage. 2. On the negative half-wave there is a partial discharge of the battery due to current flow through the load resistor. 3. Automatic inclusion when the voltage drops due to the self-discharge to 12.5 V and automatic shutdown From the network 220 V when the voltage is reached on the battery 14.4 V. Disconnection - contactless, through C1 ...

Automatic discharge-charger (arza) Ni-CD battery

A large number of equipment with autonomous power supplies in the consumer requires the last cost of battery power sources. It is much more profitable to operate Ni-CD batteries, which, with their proper use, are able to transfer up to 1000 discharge-charge cycles. However, to the battery pack (ABP) it is necessary to further have a charger device, and the tester to quickly determine the shelf life of batteries. Over the past decade, a considerable amount of automatic chargers appeared in popular radio broadcasting literature. Using minimal material and temporary resources, the radio amateur develops and manufactures semi-automatic chargers. They do not correspond to the full technological cycle for the maintenance of an ABP or his individual elements (Further, the product) approved by GOST does not provide their full charge, as well as reliable and long-term operation, especially in cases where the charge ends by the magnitude of the voltage at the outputs of the product. And as it is clear, systematic submractive leads to a decrease in the activity of the electrodes and a decrease in the capacity of the product. The specified GOST requires first to discharge the product with a normative discharge current up to the value at which there will be a voltage of 1 V on the PBU element, and then charge the current equal to the tenth of its container for a certain time. These modes allow you to charge an ABB without hazardous accumulation of an excess charge, without danger of shortness, without hazard overheating or explosion. The most closely performed functions offered device, Described in, but in contrast to it, it is made on an affordable elementary database, does not require the tuning chain while using the frequency meter. The author suggests device For element d-0.55c and battery from 10 pcs. The specified elements with a nominal voltage of 12 V, thereby eliminating multi-position switches, dimensions decrease and the price (y) arza. To work with any other Ni-CD, the arza described can be used by replacing several resistors that determine the discharge-charging currents and the voltage measuring divider installed at the input of the voltage comparisons node. Arza provides the following modes: 1) the discharge of the ABP 1 ...


This is simple device on powerful transistors is absolutely suitable not only for charging car batteries, but also for powering various electronic circuits. The voltage at the outlet of the device is adjusted from 0 to 15 V. The current depends on the degree of discharge of batteries and can be achieved 20 A. Since the cathodes of diodes and transistor collectors are interconnected, then all these parts are placed on one large radiator without insulating pads. If no specific requirements for voltage stability are presented, then the R1 resistor and VD3 stabilitron from the circuit can be excluded. By adding the containers shown in the dotted line scheme, you can use device As a power supply. V.Shin, Mr. Livny, Oryol region.1 ...

Protective device

Proposed protective device Automatically turns off the motor when switching from load mode to idle mode. This is especially suitable for electric pumps, if the well or well has a limited supply of water. The scheme of the protective device is shown in the figure. Works device in the following way. Pressing the SB2 button, the vs1 and VS2 thyristors include the M1 motor. In this case, the voltage on the R2 resistor is straightened by the VD5 ... VD8 brief and enters the thyristor Optocar U1, which blocks the SB2 button. If the load on the electric motor decreases (the current consumed is reduced, the voltage on the R2 resistor is also reduced and becomes insufficient to turn on the thyristor optopara U1, the thyristors VS1 and VS2 are disconnected by the electric motor. When the device is established, the selection of the R3 resistor may be needed. Thyristors VS1 and VS2 are installed on radiators. R2 resistor wire. V.F. Yakovlev, G. Sostka, Sumy region. one...

Switching device with automatic charger

Switching device diagram with charger devicem is shown in the figure. If there is a network voltage with contacts K1.1 and K1.2, the load is connected to the network, contact K3.1 The battery is connected to the charger. If the network is disappeared by contacts K1.1 and K1.2, the load is connected to the secondary winding of the voltage converter T1 transformer. Contacts K2.1 The converter connects to the battery. one...

Selection of references from the series " AutoElectronics"Contains data on various devices and devices used to check the electrical equipment of the vehicle. Schemes and printed circuit boards of charge and commissioning devices are given, their descriptions.

Information review for motorists, content:

Charging device. Issue 1: Information review for car enthusiasts.
M.: NT Press, 2005. -192 S.: IL. - (auto electronics)
ISBN 5-477-00101-1

The book also presents concepts and printed circuit boards of industrial charging devices. Private developments will help motorists to improve and upgrade existing industrial instruments, make one of the proposed options or on the basis of a huge number of circuit solutions to collect their original device, combining the favorite nodes and blocks from several proposed chargers.

The book will be useful to a wide range of motorists and radio amateurs, as well as repair service workers.


1.1. General

2. Charging device
2.1. General
2.2. Chargers working under the law of Woodbridge
2.2.1. Rectifier for charging batteries
2.2.2. Automatic charger
2.3. Rectifiers of semiconductor type "VPM" and "WPA"
2.4. Charging device
2.5. Rectifier for charging batteries "Va-2"
2.6. Rectifier Charging "Voice"
2.7. Device charger "UZ-S-12-6.3"
2.8. Rectifier device "Wu-71m"
2.9. Charger "BB-10-69-U2".
2.10. Universal Charger Uza
2.11. Charger device "charge-2"
2.12. Device feeding multipurpose "Cascade 2"
2.13. Rectifiable devices like "BCA"
2.14. Modernization of simple chargers
2.15. Chargers with incandescent lamps
2.16. Charger - Voltage Stabilizer
2.17. Charger on Toroe from Latr-2
2.18. Adjustable power source for repair of automotive electrical equipment and charging batteries
2.19. Source for repair of automotive electrical equipment and charging batteries
2.20. Charger for starter ab
2.21. Simple Thyristor Charger
2.22. Powerful Laboratory Power Supply for Electrical Repair and Battery Charging ...
2.23. Low power charger
2.24. Universal rectifiers for charging AB with electronic regulation
2.25. Charger
2.26. Uncomplicated Charger on TS-200
2.27. Charging rehabilitation device
2.28. Charger
2.29. Desulfating charger
2.30. Advanced device "Electronics-ABC"
2.31. Charger-machine
2.32. Battery charging machine
2.33. Simple automatic charger
2.34. Electronic Protection Charger

Charging and commissioning devices. Issue 2: Information review for motorists
Cost. A. G. Khodasevich, T. I. Khodasevich
M.: NT Press, 2005.-192 p.: Il .- (Auto Electronics).
ISBN 5-477-00102

This handbook contains data on different chargers. The material is systematized in such a way that the reader can provide competent operation, use, repair and even the manufacture of chargers at home.
The book also presents concepts and printed circuit boards of industrial charging devices. Private developments will help motorists to improve and upgrade already available industrial instruments, make one of the proposed options or on the basis of a huge number of circuit solutions to collect its original device, combining the most suggested nodes and blocks from several proposed chargers.

The book will be useful to a wide range of motorists and radio amateurs, as well as repair workers.


1. Car power supply system
1.1. General

2. Charging device
2.1. General
2.2. Automatic device for AB automotive radio stations ..
2.3. Timer for charger backup battery
2.4. Device recharge automatic "1P-12 / 6- UZ"
2.5. Device recharge automatic "spark"
2.6. Device Charger "Cedar-M"
2.7. Device Charger "Cedar-Auto 4A" and "Cedar-Auto 12V"
2.8. Device Charger "Electronics" UZD-P-12-6.3
2.9. Device Charger "Electronics" UZ-A-6 / 12-6.3
2.10. Device Charger "Electronics" UZ-A-6 / 12-7.5
2.11. Charger-discharge
2.12. Charging and desulfating machine for automotive batteries
2.13. Battery Charge and Forming Device
2.14. Automatic device for charging and restoring AB
2.15. Device for automatic battery training
2.16. Charger-machine
2.17. Charger to extend the battery life.
2.18. Simple automatic charger
2.19. Pierce machine for charger
2.20. Low power charger
2.21. Dual-mode charging device
2.22. Automatic console for charger
2.23. Charging and recovery device "UH31"
2.24. Pulse charger
2.25. Pulse charger
2.26. Pulse power supply based on PC BP
2.27. Charge meter
2.28. Condenser voltage converter with current multiplication
2.29. DC source "B5-21"
2.30. Adjustable current stabilizer
2.31. Adjustable voltage stabilizer with current limit
2.32. Laboratory power supply with current adjustment

3. Starting and commissioning devices
3.1. Latra-based launchers
3.2. Charging and starting device "UZP-C-6.3 / 100"
3.3. Automatic charging and starting device for car battery

Devices and instruments for checking and controlling electrical equipment of cars. Issue 3: Information Overview for motorists
Cost. A. G. Khodasevich, T. I. Khodasevich
M.: NT Press, 2005. -208 C.: IL. - (auto electronics).
ISBN 5-477-00103-8

This Handbook contains data on various devices and devices used to test the electrical equipment of the car. The material is systematized in such a way that the reader can provide competent operation, application, repair and even the manufacture of devices at home.
The book presents concepts and printed circuit boards of electronic products used to check the electrical equipment of cars.
The book will be useful to a wide range of motorists and radio amateurs, as well as workers in repair services and plants manufacturing electrical equipment for cars.


Electrical equipment for electrical equipment applied in the automotive industry
Equipment for controlling the technical condition of the electrical equipment of cars

1. Portable Arrower Devices for Technical Control
the state of electrical equipment of cars
1.1. High Voltage Circuit Feeper Indicator
ignition Systems and Ignition Candles
1.2. Ignition Candle Control Indicator
1.3. Indicator Certificate of Spark plug "Search-1"
1.4. Autoloker device from voltmeter
1.5. Universal Auto Guide Device
1.6. Car diagnostic device
1.7. Car tester
1.8. Driver tester
1.9. Avtostster.
1.10. Machine portable "Avtotester AT"
1.12. The device combined "Avtotester AT-1M"
1.13. Motor Guide "KPA-1".
1.14. Auto Guide Device
1.15. Simple device motorist
1.16. The easiest gauge zsc
1.17. Autoloker device "PA-1"
1.18. Motor Guide "Tor-01"
1.19. Motor Guide "SP6"
1.20. The device combined C4328.
1.21. The device combined 43102.
1.22. Combined device 43102-m2

2. Devices for checking generators and starter anchors
2.1. Model E236.
2.2. Model E202.
2.3. PPI model 533.

3. Consoles to digital multimeters
3.1. Multimeter - Car Tachometer
3.2. The ZSC angle meter is a prefix to the multimeter.
3.3. Digital Multimeter Prefix

4. Device for controlling electrical equipment
4.1. On-board indicator of the Angle Angle
4.2. The quality indicator of the mixture "X-1"


Name: A selection of reference books from the "Auto Electronics" series
Authors: A. G. Szhevich, T. I. SOBEVICH
Year: 2005.
Format: DJVU.
Number of pages: 192 + 192 + 208
Quality: Excellent
Russian language
Size: 12.1 MB (+ 3% Vost.)

Download a selection of reference books from the series "Autoelectronics"

This handbook contains data on different chargers. The material is systematized in such a way that the reader can provide competent operation, use, repair and even the manufacture of chargers at home. The book also presents concepts and printed circuit boards of industrial charging devices. Private developments will help motorists to improve and upgrade already available industrial instruments, make one of the proposed options or on the basis of a huge number of circuit solutions to collect its original device, combining the most suggested nodes and blocks from several proposed chargers. The book will be useful to a wide range of motorists and radio amateurs, as well as workers in repair services and factories manufacturing electrical equipment for cars.

1. Car power supply system
1.1. General
2. Chargers
2.1. General
2.2. Chargers working under the law of Woodbridge
2.2.1. Rectifier for charging batteries
2.2.2. Automatic charger
2.3. Rectifiers of semiconductor type "VPM" and "WPA"
2.4. Charging device
2.5. Rectifier for charging batteries "Va-2"
2.6. Rectifier Charging "Voice"
2.7. Device charger "UZ-S-12-6.3"
2.8. Rectifier device "Wu-71m"
2.9. Charger "Burst-10-69-U2"
2.10. Universal Charger Uza
2.11. Charger device "charge-2"
2.12. Device that feeds multipurpose "Cascade 2"
2.13. Rectifiable devices like "WEDN"
2.14. Modernization of simple chargers
2.15. Chargers with incandescent lamps
2.16. Charger - Voltage Stabilizer
2.17. Charger on Toroe from Latr-2
2.18. Adjustable power source for repair of automotive electrical equipment and charging batteries
2.19. Source for repair of automotive electrical equipment and charging batteries
2.20. Charger for starter ab
2.21. Simple Thyristor Charger
2.22. Powerful Laboratory Power Supply for Electrical Repair and Battery Charge
2.23. Low power charger
2.24. Universal rectifiers for charging AB with electronic regulation
2.25. Charger
2.26. Uncomplicated Charger on TS-200
2.27. Charging rehabilitation device
2.28. Charger
2.29. Desulfating charger
2.30. Protectory device "Electronics-LAN"
2.31. Charger-machine
2.32. Battery charging machine
2.33. Simple automatic charger
2.34. Electronic Protection Charger
2.35. Automatic device for charging car batteries
2.36. Automatic charger
2.37. Automatic charger
2.38. Automatic charger
2.39. Automatic charger
2.40. Charger
2.41. Charging-feeding device with advanced operational capabilities
2.42. Pierce machine for charger
2.43. Refinement of the charger
2.44. Automatic battery recharge "PAA-12/6"
2.45. Charger with a quenching capacitor in the primary chain
2.46. Advanced device
2.47. Charger
2.48. Simple charger
2.49. Charger option
2.50. Simple charger
2.51. Charger-machine
2.52. Charger-machine
2.53. Automatic charger for ab
2.54. Charger
2.55. Charger for AB
2.56. Automatic charger for car battery
2.57. Battery charging device
2.58. The device for charging batteries "asymmetric" current
2.59. Automatic charger
2.60. Automatic charger
2.61. Device charging and rectifier "velvet"
2.62. Automatic charger with incandescent lamps
2.63. Charger
2.64. Automatic charger
2.65. Automatic charger
2.66. Machine for charging AB
3. Elementary instruments of the magnetoelectric system