Android pay at which stations. Android Pay guide: paying for purchases with a smartphone

And how to tell if the phone supports Android Pay we will explain in this article.

Android operating system

V modern world there is a constant growth in the sale of mobile devices from different manufacturers. In Russia, devices running on the Android operating system are especially popular. The official logo of the Android OS and its trademark is a bright green robot, easily recognizable on many devices and even smartwatches. Today, devices under control Android are the most popular in the world.

Which manufacturers are launching their Android smartphones? The list of companies is very large. This includes manufacturers such as:

  • Samsung;
  • Xiaomi;
  • Acer;
  • Sony;
  • Lenovo;
  • Alcatel;

and many other well-known brands. When choosing a mobile device to guarantee Android Pay, you need to pay attention to it specifications.

Features to support Android Pay

For you to be able to use the contactless application using your phone, your smartphone must meet the following conditions:

1. Version operating system Android. OS must be at least Android 4.4. Android Pay will also not work on devices with installed version Android for developers.

2.The presence of the NFC module in the phone. The NFC module is designed to transfer data from a smartphone to a payment terminal. If you are just going to buy a smartphone, then it is advisable to check its availability with the seller or look it up yourself in the phone settings menu, in the section " Wireless networks". For further work with Android Pay, the NFC module must be activated; you can also do this in the "Settings" - "Wireless networks" - "NFC" menu.

3. Official version Android. Phones and others Android gadgets with a third-party operating system installed or superuser (root) privileges will not work with Android Pay. it required condition by which Google is trying to protect its customers from potential fraudulent schemes. If you are not worried about this, then on our website you can find information on Android installation Pay to a rooted phone.

Android Pay doesn't work

If Android Pay does not work then check the list of other possible problems why billing android service Pay does not work on the phone:

  • Android bootloader must be unlocked;
  • Android Pay does not work if installed Samsung app My Knox;
  • A smartphone to work with Android Pay must be certified by Google. Android Pay is not supported on non-certified by Google phones.

What devices does Android Pay not work on?

Despite the suitable specifications, some phones will still not support the Android Pei contactless payment system. Android Pay not supported on:

  • Samsung Galaxy Light
  • Samsung Galaxy S3
  • Samsung Galaxy Note III
  • Nexus 7
  • P9000 Elephone.

Phones supporting Android Pay

Almost any modern phone with an installed NFC module and modern version Android OS (above 4.4) will work with Android Pay. Apple and Samsung also released analogs of contactless payment service Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Check the specifications mobile device... If everything is in order, you can, and then you can start making convenient contactless purchases!

If you have any problems with Android Pay, leave comments!

After yesterday's material, readers have a few questions about the service, in this article I will try to answer them.

How do I connect Android Pay?

To use Android Pay, you need a smartphone with NFC support and Android 4.4 version, a card of one of the banks listed below and an installed application of the same name.

Important clarification: the service does not work if there is a root or an unlocked bootloader. Interestingly, on some Xiaomi devices with official firmware and the closed bootloader Android Pay still did not work. Also, one of the owners complained about the inaccessibility of the application. Huawei Honor 8 Pro (certified version from the online store).

Interesting fact: If you have already linked any cards to your Google account, you can immediately connect them to Android Pay. If there are no such cards, then you will have to fully enter the card details. By the way, the built-in data reader incorrectly determines the card number in half of the cases, so I recommend entering it manually.

Before adding a card, make sure you have a PIN or a key or fingerprint lock set. Without this, the service will not work.

You can confirm the card either by text message or by calling the call center.

Then we accept the conditions using Android Pay together with the selected bank and set this default payment method.

How to pay?

If you have connected several cards, then initially the payment is made with the one that is selected by default. If you want to pay with another card, then you need to open Android Pay and select it manually.

To pay for purchases up to 1000 rubles, you just need to turn on the smartphone screen and attach it to the terminal, the payment will take place automatically. To pay for your purchase on large amount, you first need to unlock your smartphone and enter the pin code in the terminal. I liked that for small amounts, the included screen is enough, there is no need to call the payment window double tap on the button, as on iOS and then hold your finger on the scanner to make the payment go through. The owners of iPhones wrote yesterday that you can attach an iPhone with the display turned off, hold your thumb on the scanner and the payment will pass, but the fact is that on older iPhones the scanner works slowly, as a result, more time is spent on payment, and sometimes you have to even try on twice.

You can make purchases without the Internet, but all information about purchases is stored on the network, and not on the internal storage, therefore, after several such transactions, AP will still ask to connect to the network. And this is its disadvantage, in comparison with Apple Pay and Samsung Pay.

In theory, you can also pay from the watch, but mine Huawei watch 2, despite the presence of NFC, for some reason this feature was not supported.

In addition to offline purchases, Android Pay can also be used for in-app payments. On this moment it is already available at Uber, Delivery Club, OneTwoTrip and Rambler Checkout. Later, the possibility of payment on the sites of online stores should also appear.


The main security question, which was asked many times: what about the fact that you don't need to unlock your smartphone to pay up to 1000 rubles? I read on iGuides that the maximum number of payments without unlocking a smartphone is limited to three, but I saw this mention too late, so I'll check it myself tomorrow. But in principle, such a limitation looks logical, and in the event of a loss of a smartphone, an attacker will be able to spend no more than 3,000 rubles.

Another horror story is people in public transport, walking around with terminals and invisibly touching them to passengers' smartphones. In my opinion, this is also an implausible story, because it is not so easy to get a payment terminal and with such a fraud it will not be difficult to find a thief. Plus, for such a payment, at least the smartphone screen must be turned on, which means it is in your hand, and accordingly you will see a fraudster with a terminal.

I will say this: any payment instrument, from a regular cash wallet to Android Pay, is always a small risk. In most cases, convenience justifies the mythical possibility of theft or fraud, but if you are very worried, you can either tighten the limits in the Internet bank, or not use cards at all.

Loyalty cards

In addition to bank cards, you can add loyalty cards to AP. The main stores are already in the service database, though it came out funny with the Victoria map, I seemed to find it in the list, entered the number, and then it turned out that if you go to the store's website, then you will not be taken to the supermarket page at all.

What are online banking purchases like?

Advanced banking users asked to clarify if the MCC code changes when paying with Android Pay? The answer is that it does not change, the transaction is the same as if you were paying from the card. Some banks, for example, Tinkoff, put a small wireless payment icon next to such purchases so that you understand what you were paying through.

Potential Return Issues

Since a separate token is generated for each purchase, problems may arise when returning an item. If you go to return something, then the return must be carried out exactly through the terminal through which the purchase was made, because for other terminals the token will be different. In general, I recommend not to be lazy and for large purchases still get a bank card out of your pocket, and not show off with a phone payment.

Promotions and discounts

All Android Pay promotions work as follows. You pay for the purchase, and then immediately part of it is returned to the card.

The most famous promotion for the launch of Android Pay is trips to the metro and the MCC for one ruble. Rather, initially they were supposed to be in rubles, but later the conditions were changed to a 50% discount, and even later it turned out that the action would be valid from June 23 at all.

Another promotion - 50% discount when paying for Aeroexpress ticket via Android Pay. It works only for the first 3000 participants and works great, my friend has already managed to use it. It is important to use the linked card of the Mastercard payment system.

The third promotion gives a 50% discount on any Burger King sandwich, but is also valid for Mastercard cards only.


Some users complained about some irregularities in the work of Android Pay, personally, I tend to write them off to specific terminals and smartphones, since in my case there were no problems, the payment was instant.

The real problem is the location of the terminals at some points. For example, KFC in Prinz-Plaza keeps all the terminals near cashiers and you have to reach out to them in order to pay with your smartphone, while Victoria does not display an offer to pay by contactless method at all, although it actually works.

Most recently, in May of this year, Russians were able to familiarize themselves with the technology of contactless payments on phones running the Android operating system. The main competitors Apple Pay and Samsung Pay started six months earlier, but the huge coverage of devices that support Android Pay can play into the hands of Google and help it win a new audience. In this article, we will consider a new application for Android smartphones... How does Android Pay work, how it differs from its competitors, is it safe to use it, and what difficulties users of the service have to face.

System requirements

First, you need to find out which devices Android Pay works on. Google's requirements are not too high. An NFC chip must be installed on your phone (for making payments) and Android version 4.4 (to install the Android Pay application). Everything seems simple, but in fact there are a number of restrictions that can prevent you from enabling Android Pay:

  • Firstly, the service works only on those gadgets that operate under the control of the official firmware (versions for developers and unpopular assemblies are not supported).
  • Secondly, there is a list of smartphones on which Android Pay cannot be enabled. These are Elephone P9000, Samsung Light and S3.

As for the terminals, everything is pretty simple. Any terminal that supports PayPass or PayWave technology is suitable for payment. Such terminals are installed in almost any, even not the most prestigious store or point of sale.

What banks and cards does it work with?

As in the case of other payment systems, Android Pay was launched with only a part of banks operating in Russia. Fortunately, among them are all the most popular institutions that are in great demand: Raiffeisen Bank, Russian Standard, Rocketbank, Otkritie, Sberbank, Tinkoff, a number of other less well-known organizations and a payment service from Yandex ". The situation with stores is no worse. Almost all popular retail chains showed interest in new technology and pledged to support her work. This is quite natural, since these same networks are already working with Apple and Samsung.

How to connect?

We figured out which phones Android Pay works on, now you need to connect this service. If you have already paid for any of Google services and linked your bank card to account Google then by setting Android app Pay, immediately find them on the list. If there are no linked cards, you will have to enter all the details yourself. You can use the built-in credit card scanner, but it often makes mistakes with the number (it is not clear why Google could not bring the technology to mind).

Before you add a card, do not forget to set a password on your device, otherwise Android Pay will respond with an error and prevent you from paying anything. After adding the card, you will need to confirm it. You can confirm the card using an SMS code or by calling the bank's technical support service and confirming that you are connecting your card to a mobile payment system. You will be charged 30 rubles for confirmation, but after a while they will be returned.


Your card details are stored on Google servers and are securely encrypted on them. For payment, not your real details are used, but specially formed sets of numbers - tokens. This does not mean that you need a constant connection to the servers to work. No, tokens are created on servers, but then uploaded to each individual device and stored there until some payment is made. Apple and Samsung devices have a separate physical space for storing tokens, which significantly increases the level of security. Plus, Android Pay, one way or another, will ask for access to the Internet when the device runs out of tokens, which is a significant drawback.

To make each purchase, you will have to enter a password, key-code or put your finger on the fingerprint scanner (it all depends on which security method is used on your phone). If you disable any of the blocking methods, then all data relating to your bank cards will be destroyed. If the gadget is lost or stolen, you can remotely erase the information about the linked cards. In general, you shouldn't worry about safety.

How does Android Pay work?

When working with terminals and paying for purchases in the amount of 1,000 rubles or less, it is enough to turn on the display of the gadget and attach it to the terminal. In the case of larger amounts, you will need to enter a password or put your finger on the fingerprint sensor. You can also use smartwatches to pay.

Android Pay works like in physical retail outlets and online. Many people do not go to stores at all and make purchases on websites or in apps, so Google has taken care of introducing the technology there as well. For Android work Pay on the site requires technology support from the resource owner. The buyer needs to find a button with green robot and the inscription Pay and click on it. Immediately after that, it will be redirected to the application itself, where, as in the case of payment in real life you will need to release the lock and confirm the operation. That's all, the site or the application will instantly understand that the order has been paid and will issue it.

Possible problems

The most popular question that has been floating around the web after the launch of the payment system is "why Android Pay does not work for Xiaomi." The problem really exists, and all owners of Chinese gadgets faced it. Yes, Android Pay doesn't work on Meizu either. The reason lies in the international firmware that users install in order to translate the interface language into Russian.

Another problem faced by users is the return of goods. The fact is that the token hiding your details will be saved only for one terminal, and in order to make a refund, you will have to look for exactly that terminal.

Promotions and discounts

The launch of each payment system is accompanied by discounts and promotions that are designed to popularize the service among the masses and make people try it at least once. Among the promotions known today, it is worth highlighting a 50% discount on travel in the Moscow metro. 50% discount on the Aeroexpress ticket and the same discount on the purchase of any burger in the Burger King fast food chain. It all works in the following way - you pay the full cost for a ticket or any other product, and after some time, half of the amount is returned to your card. This means that in the absence of the required amount, you will not be able to use the promotion.

How do I enable Android Pay on a jailbroken phone?

The owners of some devices, on which an unstable or jailbroken version of the operating system is installed, encountered a number of problems when entering bank card details. The fact is that Google (for security reasons) prohibits the use of financial applications on any Android system other than the original one. The problem can be solved by cheating Android program Pay. To do this, you need to hide information about the hacking of the system from her. So, first you need the Magisk Manager utility, which will allow you to install and update the Magisk program. After opening the Magisk program, find the Magisk Hide item in it and activate it. Restart the gadget and re-enable Magisk Manager. A list of programs from which you can hide the fact of hacking will appear. Find Android Pay and turn it off. Once you do this, restart your device and try using the payment system again. Just in case, check if Android Pay works with your phone (maybe Magisk won't help).

Instead of a conclusion

So what do we have? Another payment system that was launched too late, or is it really a decent product that people will love? Rather, the second, because with its army of fans, Google can easily compete on an equal footing with Apple and Samsung (given the fact that Android Pay works both on Google's own devices and on devices from Samsung). And people themselves are ready for a new step in this direction. Bank cards this is convenient, but the younger generation is much more likely to hold a smartphone in their hands, which means that they will be more willing to pay with it. Discounts also played an important role, it is possible that promotions will be repeated, and the interest of users will be actively heated up for a long time.

Service advantages:

  • A huge number of devices working with Android Pay.
  • Various payment protection options.
  • Discounts and promotions.

Cons of the service:

  • Doesn't work on jailbroken devices.
  • Payment tokens are stored only on Google servers.

You've probably heard about a special service for paying for contactless payments. To actively use this useful application, it is worth dealing with the question of which terminals it supports.

Terminals for Android

Before starting to deal with specific recommendations, let's briefly define what kind of equipment it is. Such devices include merchant reading machines for payment through payment systems and (other options are possible) with a contactless sensor for reading information.

The most important question that worries users - what terminals does Android pay work on? The service functions to accept payments on all trading terminals with specific graphic icons. It could be a green android with PAY written in a circle. Or the logo may look like this: a brush with a map stretches to the oval, in which curved lines are located (such an icon usually denotes a link). The image is made in black and white. The logos described are referred to as Pay Pass or Pay Wave.

How do I know which terminals accept Android pay? To facilitate the search for available payment points, the application provides a function to search for valid reading devices and determine their location. To do this, go to the Android pay service and click on the corresponding icon (a gray circle with an inverted drop, in the center of which is a dot).

Conditions for possible compatibility of a smartphone or tablet with contactless payment equipment:

  • Device OS version KitKat 4.4 and higher;
  • the presence of an NFS sensor;
  • inactive status of the Knox service on Samsung models;
  • official firmware, activated bootloader lock, disabled root rights.

The sequence of actions when buying through the terminal:

How do I bring my phone to the terminal?

When performing the action, hold the phone as follows:

What if the payment terminal does not see Android pay?

  1. We take the phone out of sleep mode and unlock it to start the active mode of operation. You don't need to open a contactless payment service.
  2. The short-range radio chip is located on the bottom or top of the smartphone body. It is possible that the terminal does not read data due to the wrong location of the chip. Changing the position of the device, by smooth movement, will allow you to place the NFC antenna in the desired position.
  3. Hold the device for a longer time.
  4. Check the settings according to which the Android pay application should have the default payment status. To do this, go to "Settings", "NFC", "Contactless payment".
  5. Check the information on accepting payments in the store through the service.

Bank cards have imperceptibly entered our life, have become a part of everyday life. Until a few years ago, payments without the use of cash seemed unusual. And today at least 2-3 cards are in use by everyone.

At the same time, progress does not stand still. Contactless payment services are becoming more widespread every day. With their help, you can aggregate all the necessary cards in your smartphone, which is always with you. In the meantime, the original plastic can be stored in a safe place to avoid damage or loss.

On May 23, 2017, Android Pay, a contactless payment service from Google, launched in Russia. Unlike competitors, the new application supports all smartphones and tablets with OS version from Android 4.4 KitKat, as well as watches on Android Wear 2.0! To make payments, the device must be equipped with NFC.

How to install Android Pay

Installation and Android customization Pay is a simple procedure that even a novice user can handle.
  1. First, make sure your smartphone is equipped with NFC using a dedicated app.

  • Read carefully the terms and conditions of the issuing bank.

  • To use the service, you need to activate a secure screen lock.

  • The last stage is to confirm the card using SMS or a call to the call center.

  • Attention! After adding a new card, a test payment of 30 rubles will be debited from it. After a while, the money will be returned to the account.

    You can also add a new card. This will require all the details: card number, expiration date, security code and the holder's billing address. The room can be rented in automatic mode with the help of photography, however, the recognition quality is poor.

    Unfortunately, performance on some smartphones is not guaranteed. In particular, the service is not available on Xiaomi devices, including those with official firmware and a locked bootloader.

    How and where to use Android Pay

    Pay with using Android Pay is really convenient! The only requirement for the terminal is support for contactless cards PayPass / PayWave... Already today, terminals of the old type are the exception rather than the rule, and every day there are fewer and fewer of them.

    To pay you need bring the smartphone with the activated display to the POST terminal... The transaction can be carried out offline, without an Internet connection. In case the payment amount exceeds the safe limit of 1000 rubles, you will have to unlock the device and enter the traditional PIN-code.

    Unlike traditional maps, the service provides detailed information about each transaction, and information about the location of the terminal is also attached.

    The practical application of Android Pay is not limited to non-cash payments. Application developers can use a dedicated API to integrate new method payment. That in the future will simplify the payment for services online, the need to manually enter card data each time will disappear by itself.

    Residents and guests of the capital have the opportunity to pay for metro and MCC fares using their smartphones. Despite the fact that initially it was about tariffs at the level of 35 rubles per trip, the fare is 40 rubles, as in the case using Apple Pay. The Moscow City Hall also “Travel by metro or MCC for 1 ruble in the first month”, however, at the last moment, the conditions changed, the actual discount is 50% from 40 rubles. On practice, new function works unstable, presumably due to incompatible validators. And the lucky ones who paid for the metro via a smartphone report the invalidity of the proposed action.

    Extremely useful function- aggregation of discount and gift cards. The list of partners includes not only large chains, but also small regional stores. In addition to emulating contactless cards, the system is capable of simulating a barcode to be read directly from the display.

    How secure is Android Pay?

    After a cursory acquaintance with the capabilities of the service, a natural question arises about its safety. After all, the payment is carried out literally in one touch, it seems that illegal access can be obtained just as easily. But this is far from the case! Android Pay has been operating for over two years in the USA, UK, Australia and some other countries. When launching a service in our country, all the accumulated experience is used, which allows avoiding unforeseen situations.

    How Android Pay works

    The mechanics of the operation of such systems deserves special attention. Payment security is the foundation modern services! The data of the entered maps is not explicitly stored directly in the device's memory; a special remote storage has been created for them. The smartphone has only an electronic impression, which becomes useless separately from the mobile device, which eliminates the threat of data theft. Temporary tokens are used to communicate with the terminal, and any operation is confirmed by the issuing bank. Theoretically, the data intercepted during payment does not contain important information and is intended for one-time authorization.

    Also, do not be afraid of unauthorized payment by touching the portable terminal on the smartphone. The switched off smartphone will detect the terminal, which will notify it by vibration, however, in order to make a payment, you will need to activate the display. Or enter a password and PIN if the payment amount is more than the secure limit of 1000 rubles.

    No matter how reliable the system is, no one is immune from mistakes, including large corporations... Therefore, additional precautions do not interfere. The rule a separate card for online purchases fully applicable to contactless payment services. A special account with a small amount of pocket money is the best way out. Translate additional funds across Personal Area the bank, if necessary, is not so difficult, and the consequences of losing the main card may be irreparable!

    Superuser rights in combination with Android Pay completely shifts the responsibility for the safety of data to the user. By default, the application is blocked on jailbroken smartphones; security systems are used for verification SafetyNet... Therefore, bypassing the blocking in this situation is a matter of chance, there is no unambiguous methodology. Wherein, it is highly discouraged to use the service on jailbroken devices, the consequences can be unpredictable!


    Launching Android Pay on the territory of Russia is another confirmation of what is coming new era in the world of payments. Contactless payment is really worth trying on yourself, especially in the summer season, when you don't want to carry something unnecessary with you, including traditional means of payment.

    Android Pay looks quite attractive as a service, primarily due to the wide coverage of user devices at the start. It should be admitted that NFC is a common feature in the android world. In addition, in the near future, many promotional companies are expected to popularize, because each of us loves pleasant bonuses and discounts!