Android drinks on Xiaomi Mi6 does not work. How to set up Android Pay on the Xiaomi smartphone in Russia

Android Pay.modern technology Presented in 2015 by Google and gradually gaining popularity worldwide. The main task is to make purchases in stores without the traditional use of plastic cards. How does all this work and how to configure Android Pay on Xiaomi?

A bit of history

In general, the technology of contactless payments is not Nova. Visa has PayWave, and MasterCard - PayPass. In the event that your plastic card supports contactless payment, and the terminal in the store is configured to receive it, all you need - at the time of the map you expect a terminal to attach it to the reading module for a few seconds and wait for authorization with the payment system server. In some cases, depending on the terminal settings, the PIN code may be required.

That is how everything worked until the Androd Pay technology appeared. In fact, it only takes your card data (even if it is not equipped with a contactless payment module) and transfers them to the terminal with its own means. The basic requirement of the smartphone is the presence of a NFC module. It is thanks to him that the exchange of data between devices occurs.

How to configure Android Pay

It is worth noting that Android Pay is not supported on Xiaomi budget (and sometimes a medium) segment that do not meet certain rules:

  • android 4.4 operating system and above;
  • module is present wireless communication NFC;
  • you must have a Google account;
  • on the smartphone should not be issued root rights (admin rights);
  • you live in a country in which it works this service.

For example, the Xiaomi 4x Android Pay will not be configured precisely because of the lack of an NFC module, although the smartphone is good enough and very popular in Russia. The same also applies to popular Xiaomi Mi 5x and Xiaomi Mi A1 models. But if all items are executed, go to Google Play. And download the Android Pay application.

After that, you need to configure the device to work correctly.

First of all go to the settings of the smartphone and in the section " Additional settings Activate the switch near the NFC item.

After that, the element "Location of the Security Element" will be available. We are convinced that the item "Wallet HCE" is selected.

The next step will be the issuance of all access and maximum permissions app.

To do this, go to the settings of the smartphone and in the section "Permissions" click on the item "Auto Action". Among the available applications are looking for Android Pay and activate the switch near it.

In the same place, in the "Permissions" section, click on the item "Other Permits" and choose in it android app Pay.

A list of all necessary permissions is available. Click on each of them and give full access.

The last thing is to do on the smartphone settings - make some changes to the power section.

We are looking for an item "Battery and Performance" and choose in it on the "Activity of Applications".

In the list that opens, you must choose "no restrictions". This will allow you to not save the energy used by this program in the background, and therefore it is always ready to keep it ready.

Flagship 2017 from Chinese techmanigant. It has top characteristicsElegant appearance And two excellent cameras. As it believes the flagship, the device is literally filled with all the latest technologies! Double camera with optical zoom, fast uSB-C port, powerful iron in the form of Snapdragon 835 with Adreno 540 and 6 GB random access memory. But this phone has one feature that is extremely rare in Xiaomi smartphones - this is a NFC chip. So that you understand how rare this chip - Mi 3, Mi 5, Mi 5S, MI 6, MI MIX and MI NOTE line from the second model. Only about ten Xiaomi smartphones have an NFC chip at their disposal. Against the background of the total number of smartphones that released and releases Xiaomi, it is really a very small figure. What gives an NFC chip? Well, firstly, this chip allows you to pay a phone as a card, as a card, and secondly, using NFC you can exchange data, but such an opportunity is almost not used.

On the Xiaomi Mi 6 Android Pay should work without any problems, because he has a NFC chip, but, unfortunately, everything is not as good as you might think. I propose to deal with Android Pay Payment Working Problems smartphone Xiaomi. MI 6 and find ways to solve this problem.

Android Pay.

Android Pay is an electronic payment service from Google, who from February 20 wears a new name - Google Pay. It is this service that allows payment at the box office using the phone on Android 4.4 and the newer. Payment is performed via the NFC chip smartphone and requires a purchase confirmation using biometric authorization methods (fingerprint scanner) or using a regular password. Payment through Google Pay is considered safer than through the familiar plastic card, because the terminal does not receive any data about your card, instead the payment passes through the generated payment token. But Google Pay allows you to pay for online purchases using all the same cards that you pay at the checkout. Another feature is the ability to add discount and gift cards. There are no competitive services such a possibility. As a result - Google Pay (Android Pay) is fast, convenient and safe!

Google Pay and Xiaomi Mi 6

Unfortunately, problems when paying through Android Pay there is almost all Xiaomi smartphones. Probably, Google considers Xiaomi smartphones not enough safe for the service, although Xiaomi devices are certified to obtain the right setup Google Play Services. Perhaps this is a temporary problem, but now it gives serious inconvenience. If your Xiaomi Mi 6 does not work Android Pay, it is fixable, but for this there are several mandatory requirements:

1) Your phone bootloader must be blocked.

2) You must use only Global Stable firmware, preferably latest version.

3) The smartphone must have a configured screen lock: PIN, password, graphic key or fingerprint scanner. This is sure to require, and if you do not have a screen lock, then turn it on in the security settings.

If you satisfied all these requirements, but you still do not work Android Pay on Xiaomi Mi 6, then you will have to deal a little in the subject.

There are several "modes" of the card emulation work: HCE and SIM WALLET.

HCE (Host-Based Card Emulation) - technology allowing contactless payments to Android smartphone. It was presented during the presentation Android Kitkat. In this mode, the data required for the transaction is stored in the phone itself.

SIM WALLET - about this information mode is extremely small. It is known that before the HCE appears, the data for transactions through the NFC chip smartphone can be stored in several ways: on the SIM card (SIM CENTRIC NFC), in a special secure telephone element (Embeded Secure Elements) or on a special microSD card. Specifically, there are almost no information about SIM WALLET.

In order for your MI 6 to start working Android Pay, you need to select SIM WALLET mode in the "Location of security elements" setting. Open the settings and choose the item " Additional functions"Where NFC must be turned on. In the same menu, open the security setting of the security element and select "Use SIM Wallet" there. In the same menu, select the main means of payment Google Pay (Android Pay) and use it always.

After these manipulations you will have android worker Pay, which will pay for purchases up to 1 000 rubles. Good luck shopping!

It is no secret to anyone that from recently on the territory of the Russian Federation, a service for contactless payments Android Pay began to work. So far, only eleven countries have received the right to enjoy this advantage. But the payment system from Google is constantly expanding the boundaries of its use. Mi Pey in Russia became a real hit. This application Almost immediately installed millions of users who were tired of using uncomfortable and unsafe programs.

The essence of this service is very simple. Man uses Android Pay and can make payment for goods in outletsthat are equipped with special terminals. And there is no need for a credit card, because in its quality is your smartphone on which installed special program Mi Pay for Xiaomi. And download this program Maybe every interested user who has smartphone Xiaomi. Although this does not mean that the program is suitable exclusively for the smartphones of this manufacturer. We just make a review of a program suitable for the gadget of the brand under consideration.

Before you think about installing a program for financial transactions on your smartphone or not, you need to make sure that it will be at least some sense. The fact is that due to the features of the hardware, not all smartphones can adequately work with the program. And the case is not at all in the software part of the smartphone, but in hardware features.

In other words, installed program It is not a guarantee that Mi Pay will work. In order for the program to earn, you need to use devices that support the NFC module. If this module is not in the design of the smartphone, the program will remain a beautiful icon on the desktop that does not bring any benefit.

Let's look at the list of gadgets where NFC equipment works, and which can be an excellent platform for the program:

  • Mi2a;
  • MI3 and MI5;
  • MI5S and MI5S Plus;
  • MI Note 2;
  • MI MIX.

Simply put, NFC module is on the flagship part of the Xiaomi Mi line. Exactly the same parameters have a new miix curious smartphone. Since the NFC module can be a problem if a smartphone in a metal case, Mi5, MI Note 2, MI6 and MI MIX are made of specially treated ceramics and glass. But MI5S and MI5S Plus aluminum. But despite this, the manufacturer did everything so that NFC can be used on them, and therefore use the program in question.

And if there is no signal, then it may be in the settings. In this case, you need to go to the menu and find Settings → Wireless Networks → More → NFC (Check the box if it is not there) → Security element location → HCE WALLET. As a rule, after that everything should earn.

Give gifts

How to connect a map

The next step that the user must execute is to download the application. You download it on Google Play:\\u003dru. An app, who forgot, is called Android Pay. Installation on the smartphone is standard, therefore we will not even consider. Just press the pop-up windows in time and execute commands that the application will require.

When the application is already installed on your smartphone, you need to make sure that it works. To do this, synchronize it with google account And spend the manipulation described below:

  1. The first step is to open the application.
  2. The second step requires the user to open the menu "Scan card".
  3. To scan, you need to make a smartphone on the front side of the card.
  4. Look, whether data from the card was successfully scanned. The card number must be registered, the name of the owner and the date that is written on it. Sometimes it happens that even correctly working programs do not want to read necessary information. But it's not a problem. In this case, it must be written independently.
  5. You will also need to specify the CVV code. It is located on the reverse side of the card. Well, of course, do not do without the user's address.
  6. The sixth step from you does not depend. In it, the bank must send an SMS with the operation confirmation code. This means that the settings have passed successfully, and now you can pay for the purchase with your smartphone.

In general, the procedure is very simple and accessible literally everyone. Now it remains to approach the terminal or go to the store, and even pay the credit card from the wallet.

How to use mi pay

Since this app is a relative novelty for the Russian market, people are not yet sure that they can be used without risk for themselves. But you can not worry - it is really safe, comfortable and fast. Also, do not everyone know where you can pay with the application. Answer this question is simply - where there are terminals that support contactless payments. In Russia, there are such in all major supermarkets and shopping centers.

Payment is as follows:

  • Unlock your smartphone;
  • Bring it to the terminal for a couple of seconds;
  • The message should appear on the screen, and the picture with the card;
  • Sometimes you need to sign a check or enter the code, but it depends on whether you indicated this operation in settings.

In terms of security, it is better not to save, because the phone can steal or you lose it, and access to money will be opened. Therefore, it is advisable to be renounced so that then not enough for the head not only because of the loss of a smartphone, but also money, access to which is open there.

Mobile Application Rules

The one who enjoys the support of Android Pay when performing financial transactions should take care of its own security:

  • In mandatory, use the verification of your personality. For example, install PIN, use a graphic key or fingerprint;
  • Carry with me normal map. In Russia, due to the recent appearance of this service, until all terminals are configured to use NFC.

The second point is the most controversial, but it is temporary. We hope that after a couple of months, the situation will still improve in Russia, and the program can be fully used.

September 2015: google Company Runs your own contactless payment of Android Pay. Russia is one of those countries where this technology is supported. Today is 2018, and Google holds rebranding. Now the company's own payment system is called Google Pay or even shorter: G Pay.

So, it's time to go to tell how to set up Android Pay on the Xiaomi smartphone. Unfortunately, it is immediately necessary to warn owners of smart phones Xiaomi - not all of them are available to this technology. Next will be described why this happens.

The necessary conditions

The main and prerequisite for using Android Pay technology on the smartphone is the presence of a NFC module intended primarily for contactless payments, as well as official firmware from version Android not lower than 44, without activated use root rights User.

  • If there is no NFC module, further learning information will only expand your horizons, but download and install the application - meaningless;
  • It is worth thinking about buying a more modern gadget;
  • It is necessary to decide what is more important: a smartphone with root-rights or the possibility of using a modern payment system.

Such strict phone requirements and settings operating system Jouvenified by the fact that it is about your cash, and the company is worried about their preservation.

Life-hack for hackers, as well as for those who are not afraid to experiment with their phone. You can put the Magisk utility, which allows you to "not show" Android Pay open access to the administrator rights of the system ...

Typically, a password, a blocked loader and the lack of root-license, the blocked loader and the lack of root-rights of the phone make it possible to guarantee the inviolability of personal data and the unavailability of their attacker. Find out if the Xiaomi Android Pay smartphone supports, very simple.

NFC Support Smartphones

Below is a list of Siaomi's smartphones, which will work Google Pay:

  • MI 2a.
  • MI 5, MI 5S, MI 5S Plus
  • MI Note 2.

As you can see, the Redmi models are not alone, unfortunately.

Banks operating with Android Pay

In addition to the need for a NFC module, the payment system must also support the bank itself serving your card.

For payment, Visa and Mastercard are suitable, the world map is not supported.

The list of banks operating with the Google payment system is as follows:

  • Sberbank
  • Alfa Bank
  • Raiffeisenbank
  • Bank opening"
  • Point
  • Tinkoff
  • Rosselkhozbank
  • Binbank
  • Russian standard
  • Promsvyazbank
  • "Ak Bars" Bank
  • MTS Bank
  • Yandex money

This list is not final and most likely have already ceased to be relevant. So if you did not find your own bank in the list - call hot linemaybe he already supports G Pay.

Installing and configuring by


First you need to download the same application from Play Market-A. Do not forget that today it is Google Pay (G PAY).

Next, in Smarts Siaomi, you need to move a pair of "sliders" in the settings. So, we find the menu: "Settings" - section " wireless networks"-" More "(additional functions)," NFC ". After that, we are looking for the item "Location of the security element". Here you need to select the "Use HCE Wallet" parameter.

It will not be superfluous to check whether the autorun of the newly installed application is configured.

On this installation software can be considered finished. The next step will be setting.


Configuring Android Pay implies entering information about existing payment cards. So, run the application. Now the program will request information about Google Account, which is planned to be used. If the operating system database contains information only about one account, it will be used by default. From the data account The program receives information about the payment card, and when registering requests, as confirmation, CVV payment card code. If, when registering a Google account, data bank card Did not start in the system, it's time to do it now!

Press the "+" icon in the lower right corner and specify "add debit or credit bank card". Now you can either scan the card using the built-in camera, or enter (correctly and without errors!) Manual data.

Attention! To register, you need to enter a CVV card code. IN this caseThis is a reasonable need.

To complete the registration, it may be necessary to enter the code from the SMS message from the card owner.

Further, 30 rubles will be written off from the bank card account, which will return back to the account after a while. This is also the necessary authorization procedure, a similar mechanism is used in many global payment systems.

In the same way, you can "tie" to the G Pay other bank cards and choose them as needed to make payments.

After all the above manipulations, your smartphone received the function of performing contactless payments in stores, metro and other public places - naturally where the corresponding terminal is installed.

Short manual

The first question after installation and android settings Pay how to use the program. It is not at all difficult, but it is necessary to take into account the following circumstances:

  • You can pay only where there is a terminal of the appropriate type. In principle, now they are everywhere - almost in every supermarket, as well as the subway. But still ... Each rule is confirmed by the exception. Therefore, options are possible when the seller's terminal does not support the contactless payment method, or does not work correctly. Now in most cases at the box office there are certain stickers with a logo of supported payment systems;

  • If the program database contains data of two or more cards, one of them must be specified as the main one. By default, payment will be made from this card. Or - you need to choose the desired map, but only then bring the device to the terminal;
  • Of course, you first need to unlock your smartphone, and only then bring it to the terminal. Of course, it may be necessary to enter a PIN code, depending on the terminal settings and the requirements of the bank that has released the card. All this is the elementary rules for using the system of contactless payments, but they needed to remind them!

This information is enough to start using G Pay.

If something went wrong ...

It happens that there is no doubt whether Xiaomi Android Pay supports. In addition, the program has been successfully installed, the payment card data is entered, but for some reason it does not occur. In such a situation, we check the following, literally on the points:


We go into the settings of the OS, looking for the section "Security". Next, select the menu items: "Permissions", then other "permissions". Here you need to enable all "sliders" for the application G Pay.


We find the settings of the "Battery and Performance" section and remove all the limitations for the program you need.

Another possible failure in the application is the payment amount exceeds 1000 rubles. Such payments, so far, do not pass using the payment systemG.Pay.

If all comments are taken into account, try again to bring the gadget to the terminal and make payment.

However, considering everything that has been said earlier should not fully rely on the function of contactless payment in your smartphone. While this technology has not yet been widespread and should always be substruped by cash or bank card.

Protection and confidentiality

In conclusion, a few words about the protection of information and personal data. According to Google's command, the Google Pay system does not transmit real payment card data when making a payment. For a transaction, the virtual card temporary data is used, which, if they fall to an attacker, will not help him.

Xiaomi has rapidly increase its in many countries of the world, including China, India, Russia and Europe. She launches mobile devices from a wide variety of price categories, ranging from the most budgetary, like Redmi 5A, and ending with premium models - MI MIX 2S, which are 5-7 times more than the most affordable. By default, all the phones from this manufacturer work with the MI Pay payment system, but it does not function in Russia, so the inhabitants of this region have to use alternative methods Paying payments using smartphone.

Since May 2017, on the Russian territory Android Pay, which is recently recently, a few weeks ago ,. It, by analogy with Samsung Pay and Apple Pay, allows you to use a smartphone as a means to pay for purchases, but provided that there is a NFC module. On the joy of all owners of Xiaomi phones with this, use the payment system from the "search giant" can be officially and without any restrictions.

To include payment google system Pay on Xiaomi smartphones need to be updated miui firmware Until the latest version, after which, go to "Settings" and open the "Advanced Functions" section, where to activate the switch next to NFC. Then, just below, you must click on the "Non-contact payment" menu, thereby turning into it. You should select Google Pay as the main payment tool.

After these actions, again return to initial screen Programs "Settings" and open "all applications", following what to find in the list google program Pay. If it is not installed on the phone "out of the box", you can make it installing it manually from the application store (by reference below).

Opening the Card with the settings of the application, click on "Other Permissions" and give all four to access to Bluetooth, the lock screen and launch in the background. If you do not activate at least one of the switch, the payment system will start working incorrectly.

When setting payment system on the xiaomi smartphone is complete, you must run google app Pay, and then enter your bank card data, following the instructions on the screen. If everything was done correctly, then in any store you can now use mobile device As a means of payment, and all cash without a commission and any percent will be written off from a bank card tied to the payment system.

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