What if bodies fell into the water. Fell the phone - what to do? The main order of action

Modern mobile devices do not get along with moisture. But since it is almost always with us, at work, walk and in the bathroom, protect it from contact with liquid, it does not always work. Puddle, washing machine, tea, pond ... All this is capable of separating us with your favorite gadget. We usually do not want to solve, so it is logical to wonder. How to save the phone dropped into water?
If your phone fell into the water, and the option to throw out and forget is not considered at all, you will have to save it.

What if the phone fell into the water

  • After the phone fell into the waterHis from there must be removed immediately. The less time he spent in a puddle or in the washer, the greater the chances for his recovery. If the device did not turn off itself, after contact with the liquid, it must be turned off urgently. The fact that he works now does not guarantee that he will not "die" in 20 minutes.
  • You can still save the buying device, the main thing is not to panic and know what and how to do it.
  • After disconnection, it should be removed from the surface all the liquid. Use the napkins towel, toilet paper, everything that is at hand is not before the selection. Next, it is necessary to remove all the details that it is possible to remove. First of all, pull out the battery. You can still save it from the impact of moisture and from oxidation.
  • In addition, you must remove the protective film from the screen and get the SIM card.
  • The map usually does not suffer from moisture, but so as not to lose the information stored on it, it is better to dry it too. Also pull out the memory card (if any) and try to maximize the machine. Remove all that is possible without damaging the chip.

IMPORTANT! If the phone fell into water and does not turn onYou can "congratulate" you, you lost it. Include the device until its complete drying is categorically impossible. Thrust the contacts that it may not have time to overdo it. If the phone fell into the water and does not work, besides, it was tried to turn it on wet, it would have to be carried out.

The phone fell into the water, how to dry

Dry the device will have to be at least a day. Quickly dry the gadget with a hair dryer, not best idea. A powerful hot air flow can drive the fluid inside the apparatus, even if she did not get there. Yes, and the hot air itself destructively affects the sensors of the mobile device.
The battery can be placed not far from the heater turned on. It is better not to place the battery or the entire device directly on the heater. The device itself can be placed in any moisture-absorbing material.

There is an opinion that if the phone fell into the water, it can be immersed in alcohol. Alcohol solurate moisture in the mobile, without damage to microcircuits. You can also place the device in a bowl with rice or Selico gel, which is put in a box with shoes. In this position, the gadget will need to be left for 2-3 days.

After a day of drying, you can try to turn on the affected device. Most often, the time taken in time is enough that the tube "came to life." If this did not happen and the phone does not turn on, it is worth thinking about visiting the service center or buying a new one.

How to fix the phone that fell into the water

In the case when all resuscitation actions to save the cellular, did not bring the result, the mobile does not work, or the screen does not work, the question arises - is it possible to repair the phone that fell into the water. It is possible, provided that you understand the gadgets device, and after your repair will not remain unnecessary parts.

If the phone fell into water and does not react the screen, but the device turns on, return it to drying another day. If fell into the water touchscreen phone And after drying, the sensor does not work, most likely it will have to be changed. Based on the rates for replacing the affected parts, you can already think about buying a new gadget.
If the phone fell into water and the speaker does not work, while the remaining functions are normal, the contacts were most likely oxidized there. You can try to disassemble the device, and clean the contacts. The same can be done if the phone fell into the water and does not charge. When you can make it possible to disassemble and collect your device. If you are not sure about your abilities, it is better not to risk.

If you disassemble the gadget yourself for you problematic, it is worth attributed to him in service center. The competent wizard will professionally eliminate the consequences of "bathing" inside the apparatus. In any case, the master of knowledgeable repairs will eliminate the problem better than the most valid user.
Immediately it is worth noting that to give warranty repair, Mobile visiting water, fail. Now the majority of firms producing phones have equipped with moisture sensors. Yes, and any wizard will determine this immediately disagreeing the device. When the phone fell into the water, repair Guarantees are not provided.
In general, even if you save the device, neither to you nor the master in the service center, still no reason to be upset. What is not a reason to purchase a new mobile, with improved features. In addition, while reanimated by the drowned device, you used to use another gadget and not particularly worried about this. It is better to perceive it as a reason to change life for the better.

This breakdown is repaired, usually, only replacing the entire phone board, which is essentially you can equate to buy a new phone. From the old phone there is only a case, screen, loops and speakers with microphones. But this is profitable, because Some models have the main cost of the phone asks the screen. But there are exceptions, some boards manage to restore.

According to external features it is very difficult to determine such a breakdown.

  • Less terriblewhat can happen to the phone at easy fall - it beat some microcircuitwhich are not small in the phone, from the processor, flash drives, power controllers, to radio players and high-frequency chips, which are responsible for the connection of the telephone with the network.

In this case, the main difficulty is to find, which specifically beat off which chip.

External signs that this is exactly what it happened to your phone is that after the phone is shocked, or he will knock on it, or you will bend somehow, or go somewhere - it works, but it is not always. It happens that the chip has deployed, but on this basis it is not possible to determine this.

Complexity The elimination of such a breakdown lies in the fact that, in modern phones, trying to restore the lost contact, you need to warm up the phone or disappear into the microcircuit, and then re-solder it. As a result of such actions, the phone may finally fail, i.e. "die".

In this way, repairs phone with chopped microcircuits Crescent in me danger that the phone will die.

Truth, probability that phone umret Top below than experienced master Repairing phone. If you do everything slowly, in a relaxed atmosphere, when you can think about the possible side effects, the likelihood that the phone will die - decreases .

However, if the phone was given to repair in workshop And him there did, but did not, but later give it to B. other workshopso that it was done there, probability that phone umret highly increases . It's so because new master Does not know what the previous one did, and it is difficult for him to take into account all the factors and actions of the previous master, which may have been superfluous or damaged the phone. The bowl of all such phones die during the repair, and for the master it is not possible to even return it to the state before repairs. This happens because it becomes not known, what could fail? Or the new master was mistaken, making certain actions, or got out the oversight of the old master, who, trying to pate his missions, introduced his know-how, which gave itself to know when repaired, since the new master did not know about him.

For this reason, many masters do not take to repair the phones after someone's repair, saving the client's misunderstanding that the phone died with you, and not they. Therefore, it is important customer workshops understand, what with each new workshop probabilostb that phone umretincreases And it's good to immediately give your favorite in good proven hands.

First of all, after the phone's sign, you need to check:

1. Externally inspect whether there are no cracks on the screen and the case.

2. Does the phone turn on?

3. Does the phone sees the SIM card?

4. Do the necessary buttons work to enter a password?

5. Does the phone sees the network?

6. Do the buttons work for a dialing and call?

7. Does the phone dial up to someone?

8. Do you hear what you say?

9. Do you hear what are you talking about?

10. Does the loud connection work?

11. Does the phone work steadily when talking if unexpected communication occurs?

12. Do everything work, not yet proven, buttons?

13. Does the video camera work, Bluetooth (bluetooth), external screen, side buttons, flash card?

14. Is the phone from charging infect?

15. Does the phone not heaven in some mode more than usual?

16. Does the headset work?

If everything works fine, and within 1-2 days nothing got out of it, then nothing happened to you.

Modern person is difficult to imagine without cell phone. Unfortunately, no one is immune from the fact that juice or tea will be frightened. He can also fall into a puddle or bath. Few people understand what to do if the phone fell into the water. If you follow a simple instruction, the device can be saved on your own.

Salvation phone

It does not matter how much water falls on the phone. Sometimes it is enough to drop the device on the wet floor, and it ceases to function. There are cases when the phone works, even after falling into a puddle or bath, although it is a rare phenomenon.

So, if the touch phone fell into the water, it must be obtained as quickly as possible from there. Deletion, deploylessly affect the state of the smartphone and most likely it will not be able to reanimate it. It is important to note if the mobile phone remains in water or wet as half an hour, it will be possible to throw it.

As soon as the mobile phone is extracted from the water, it is necessary to turn off urgently. After that, you need to remove:

  • Battery;
  • SIM card;
  • SD card.

Does not matter touch or push-button phone Before you, as recovery procedures are similar. First you need to delete. The phone dropped into the water must be fully disassembled to increase the chances of recovery.

How to dry the phone

After your phone fell into water and the details of the wet, you need to carefully dry. First, each element is cleaned with a paper napkin. All movements must be neat so as not to damage the chips. It is worth noting that instead of napkins you can use alcohol. In the process of evaporation, he eliminates all moisture.

Then you need to make it all dry. Best way Drying is air flow. It is not necessary to grab the hairdryer, as the hot air will spoil the device. It is recommended to use a small vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle.

The device is included on the minimum speed. Then each hole is blown. With chips, you need to be careful that they are not taken away during purge. Every detail should be dried for 10 minutes. Remember that the vacuum cleaner should not touch the components of the smartphone. The device must be kept at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the surface of the phone.

Folk Methods

Those who dropped the phone into the water or other liquid should be aware that there is a people's way of drying the phone. One of these means is Fig. If you wish, instead of cereals, you can use the absorbent material that is added to the boxes with footwear or leather bags.

A little rice is poured into a plastic container, the smartphone is placed there. Now it remains only to shove rice. Cropa must completely cover the gadget. The phone should be in rice at least 24 hours. It is worth noting that the device that fell into the liquid with high levels Acidness is not sufficient enough, as the destruction of the chip will begin.

After drying, the device should turn on. It is recommended to test all the functions of the device. Sometimes users ask what to do if the phone fell into water and does not turn on even after all the manipulations done? In this case, you need to refer to the specialists.

Error performed

Trying to repair the phone, most of the people immediately grabs the hair dryer, trying to get rid of moisture faster. Remember that such an operation can completely output the device. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Flow of hot air melts plastic phone details.
  2. Water droplets penetrate in hard-to-reach places.

Since it seems to fix the phone simply, the owners of smartphones do not think about the consequences. Another common mistake is to use:

  • Gas;
  • Hot battery;
  • Microwave oven.

Using similar tools will cause overheating of the phone and battery.

Fallen in water? With such devices, things are less complicated. It is not recommended to disassemble smartphones. You can incorrect movement, and the smartphone will be damaged.

How much would not wet the phone, you do not need to rush. Each step must be thought out. The phone should not be turned on. Otherwise, a closure will occur. It is necessary to get rid of extra moisture as quickly as possible.

In the shops household appliances Specialized bags are sold, which quickly absorb water and other liquid. It is recommended to purchase a similar substance in advance. Perhaps it will not be needed, but it is better to progress.

Despite the fact that there is a way to resuscitate the phone, nothing is worth doing anything. It is best to contact the specialists with the smartphone. If he fell into the water, its place in the service center.

Experts will complete full diagnosis and drying, and if necessary, replace the affected elements. It should be noted that sometimes the repair costs more than a new phone. If specialists managed to reanimate the phone, then it should turn on.

Video instruction: how to reanimate the drowned phone


You can fall into the water can any phone. It should be noted that you can cope with the push-button devices yourself. If we are talking about sensory devices, it is best not to risk. Service will cost no more than 800 rubles, and new phone It is much more.

If you wish and a certain skill, it is possible to reanimate even the smartphone, but then it is best to do everything according to the instructions. As for people's ways, they should not be too trusted.

IN emergency situations You need to act quickly and deftly. Knowing in advance what to do if the phone fell into the water, you can "heal" favorite device. It may suffer from your inaccurability or inattention. Often people leave a mobile phone in a jacket pocket, sending thing in washing machine. Even more often it falls into the toilet or in a blueberry manner with an open crane. The accident occurs not only when the phone is dropped into the water. A sufficient one inverted tea cup on the desktop so that the liquid penetrates into the housing, damaging the button or the screen.

The main rule to save the mobile device is the fastest extraction of the liquid. In the connector for charger, headphones and USB cables instantly penetrate moisture. The smaller the phone stayed in water, the greater the chances that after drying he will again work. After extracting, be sure to turn off the mobile phone so that a short circuit does not have time to occur.

If the phone was charged at the time of falling into the water, do not try to get it with bare hands.

No matter how frightened, do not panic. Hazardous actions may forever destroy the phone and cause damage to health. If the mobile phone fell into the water and at the same time it is charged from the network, when you try to seizure you can strike you. Water - best conductor For electricity. It is necessary to de-energize the entire apartment to avoid receipt of an electrical impact. Health and life do not stand salted device. When withdrawal, try not to press buttons and switches.

Procedure for the rescue of the sensory and the push-button

Immediately after selecting the device, blot it with dry napkins or dry towel. Then you need to remove rear panel And remove the battery. Some modern sensory devices have a solid body, and without a special screwdriver. rear cover Do not remove. The chances of salvation are slightly smaller. In the corner of the hole under the battery there is a small white indicator in the form of a square or a circle. On it, you can determine if a mobile phone suffered from water. The pink tint of the indicator says about damage.

Remove the SIM card. This will help save all or part of contact numbers. The device should flow the maximum amount of air, so you need to release all connectors and get a memory card. If the screen is pasted protective film Or glass, desirable to remove them. All you can unscrew and unscrew, you need to remove. The main thing is to know how to collect a touchscreen phone after drying.

Dry phone

Finding out what to do if the phone fell into the water, you need to know how to dry it safely. In order for the mobile phone again to work, moisture should not be as far as possible, but, on the contrary, blow out of the case. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle. Turn on the weakest mode and blow each hole and each removed item for 10 minutes. After sucking moisture, the chance that the phone will work again, very large. The main thing is not to lean the vacuum cleaner tube close to the connectors, follow the distance in one centimeter.

Another loyal way to save a push-button or touchscreen phone is to place it in the rice croup. Rice healthy absorbs moisture, which gives the chances of "recovery" of your mobile phone. A special absorbent material is suitable, which is in small bags in boxes with shoes or leather bags. Pour the content into the container and place the mobile phone in it for 48 hours. If it does not turn on after the specified time, try to charge it (perhaps he just discharged). If the phone still refuses to work, contact the service center.

Hair dryer can not be used for drying!

Errors when saving a mobile device

Many immediately grab the hair dryer and begin blowing the hot air flow into all holes, on the buttons or simply onto the touch screen. After such a drying, the device can stop working forever.

Why can not be used hairdryer?

  1. Too hot air can melt thin plastic mobile parts.
  2. A powerful stream of air poices droplets even further into the device body, which will result in further corrosion of individual components.

The second error is an attempt to hold the device over the gas, put on a hot battery or take advantage microwave oven. In the instructions for using mobile devices, it is clearly indicated that overheating harms the battery and other details.

The most difficult to save the touch screen. If the moisture got to him, then you will notice stains or divorces. Most often, the sensor immediately stops working. Do not attempt to independently disassemble the whole phone to clean from the inside. Without certain knowledge and skills, perform this procedure will not be possible. If, after complete drying, the device works, but the screen still contains divorces or stripes, this item is likely to be replaced.

Do not hurry and talk sensibly. If your favorite phone fell into the water, you need to act as quickly as possible and judially. The faster you get rid of extra moisture, the smaller the chance that the water penetrates under the touch screen or get to the inner elements of the phone, causing subsequent corrosion. If you clearly follow all the listed tips, your phone will work again.

In stores S. mobile devices Special bags for drying technicians are sold. Each owner mobile phone, cameras, player or tablet would not hurt to have a couple of these wonder bags. User feedback confirm that they as quickly and efficiently absorb excess moisture.

This article raised to write a large number of Appeals to our service center with questions "My phone fell into the water, what should I do?", "How much will it cost to repair a recessed phone?", "My phone is a wet, immediately worked, then stopped turning on", or "the phone was postponed in washing machine, the phone does not turn on, does it be repaired? "Or" fell under the rain and a spin of the phone, no longer works ", etc.

What to do in the first place?

  1. First of all, you need to remove the battery from the phone And do not insert it at least a day. Oddly enough, but kills elements inside the phone not how much water, how much electricitywhich oxidizes the elements inside and displays the radio elements and the device fee.
  2. Second business telephone you need to dry from the inside. But on the basis of the practice, I will tell you that the liquid gets inside the phone very quickly, but it can dry it for a very long time, not one day. And even if the entire fluid dry inside, salts remain dissolved in water, which corrupt the radio elements during the operation of the phone, since the salts are electrical current conductors.
  3. Because the third step in the salvation of the phone after the moisture I advise him contact B. , And it is better not to slow, the faster it is to do, the cheaper the repair will cost, and it may only be enough to prevent the elements of the phone.

But everything is not always so easy. Suppose water iPhone.And in it the battery is so simple not to get, without disassembled the device. In this case, if you can't contact the service center in the near future, I advise put iPhone in rice (just do not laugh, but it really helps! The most common food rice, at the beginning I did not believe, but after people brought recessed iPhone dried in rice, it was really clear that moisture exposure was minimal). The photograph shows a recessed iPhone 4, which was put in the rice, and then brought to the service. The board was perfectly clean, the only thing that oxidized is the connector touchscreen (marked with a red circle). Red Rhombic shows the indicator of fluid from entering the iPhone.

What can be with the phone after water getting?

The most harmless case, when the phone was dropped into the water, he continues to work, but there were divorces from water on the screen. It seems to be nothing terrible, but looks unpleasant, especially on a light background. The way out of such a situation is only. Even after the water dries, the traces of it still remain, and it is impossible to remove them from the old screen, since the display contains several layers of film scattering, and disassemble them without damaging unreal.

The worst case when the water fell into the phone oxidizes radio elements and displays them out. The degree of oxidation depends on the time of stay of the phone in water, from the amount of fluid that fell inside, from whether the battery from a recessed phone was stretched at once or after a while. If after entering the fluid to the phone immediately do not take action, then it will be approximately the same with the phone on the right. The elements are oxidized, the salt corps the parts of the phone, and the recessed phone becomes unsuitable for repair.

At the last picture, the phone board is photographed, which fell into the water and did not get the battery at once. The phone worked for a while, and then turned off and no longer turns on. Yes, it will not turn on, the phone is not subject to repair, as many radio elements inside just rotted. In this case, you need to fully change the board on the phone, which is usually comparable with the price of the software of the same model. Because to avoid it and extend your phone life after falling into it. Liquid immediately take the measures about which I wrote at the beginning of the article.