The browser window twitches. The browser is twitching while driving

11 Apr.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today the article will be quite small, but suddenly someone will help. In one of the past articles, we talked about the problem of the background regime.

Today a colleague called and reported a strange thing - when the mouse pointer moves along the links and elements of the Internet pages, the browser window slightly twists up and down that is terribly annoying. Google browser Chrome.

With such a problem, it was necessary to encounter earlier, especially on Windows 10, although, honestly, only with this version and had problems.

Everything lies in one setting - hardware acceleration. If briefly, the operating system in the presence of such an opportunity removes part of the load from the processor and transmits its video card. But because of the "curves" of video card drivers, flaws in combined systems (laptops where the video is first processed by an integrated card, and the external connection is connected only at an increased load), incorrect settings - the entire charm of the hardware acceleration is lost. What happens in this case.

Scroll or scroll bar - This is a tool by which a page with content is scrolled to display those of its zones that are out of sight of the first screen.

The appearance of the scrolling in ordinary practice occurs by a browser solution when all the contents of the page are not placed in the visible area of \u200b\u200bthe user. The scroll bar may be the appearance of the vertical and horizontal. When the band appears, the entire page is slightly shifted to the left side (depending on the side of the occurrence of the scroll), as it reserves a certain place. Typically, the standard bandwidth does not exceed 20 pixels.

Such an effect on professional slang is called "jerking the site", remember this and do not lose when they come across this specific term again. In the opinion of this effect is visible when moving from the page without scrolling to the page on which it is. It looks really like a slight twitch.

The proposed solution

Typically, the versalists do not bother over the problem of jerking. However, if your eyes are already a very corp, this is a phenomenon, then we offer a simple solution. To remove the effect it is necessary to bring all pages to one width to do this. cSS file We prescribe a property that will add a scroll bar on all pages of the resource (even for which it is not required).

hTML (Overflow- y: scroll;)

What browsers work?

6.0+ 6.0+ 10.5+ 5.0+ 3.6+ - -

Derring in the browser is differently called scrolling. This problem is known to Google developers for a long time. However, its decision was delayed. The only thing that is available to users is extensions, built-in features and third-party tools that allow you to configure smooth scrolling of pages.

Setting the scrolling in Google Chrome

Google is tested by many functions that allow you to configure the browser for the most comfortable work. Among them there is a function for setting up scrolling. In order to activate it, you need to perform the following actions:

  • Run the browser. In the search string, enter Chrome: // Flags.
  • Will appear new page With test functions. You need to enter the "scrolling" request in the search string.

  • Among the results of issuing, we find "Smooth Scrolling" (smooth scrolling). Set the value "Enabled".

  • Or B. local line You can immediately enter # smooth-scrolling request and enable this option.

It is important to note that this option is a test and for its normal operation you need to make a couple of changes in the mouse settings, namely:

  • Click "Start", "Control Panel", "Mouse".

  • A small window will appear. You need to open the "Wheel" tab. For the quantity of the wheel turns, you need to set the value "4".

  • We save the settings and test the smoothness scroll in the browser.

Also in the Google store you can find the CHROMIUM WHEEL SMOOTH SCROLLER extension. It allows you to achieve a little smooth scrolling of pages and a slider in the program itself. In order to install this extensionIt is worth performing the following actions:

  • Click on the browser menu button and select "Settings". Next, in the menu on the left you need to click on the "Extensions" button.

  • A new tab will appear. You need to click on the link "Go to the Google Shop ...".

  • In the search bar, enter the desired query.

  • Next, click "Add to Chrome".

  • Confirm the addition of expansion to the browser.

  • Turn on the extension with the button that is located on the toolbar.

Few of the users use the side strip of scrolling. Most are used to using wheel or touchpad. However, if you use a scrolling in the browser, then for it proper setting You can use the Overlay Scrollbars feature. To do this, in the section test functions, you need to enter # Overlay-scrollbars. You need to enable all the functions you find. Depending on the version of the operating system and the browser version of such functions can be from one to three.

After activating the Overlay Scrollbars, when you hover over the side scroll bar, you can see that it is expanding, it is narrowed for convenience of capture and movement.

It should be noted that third-party expansions can be used to configure the smooth scroll. For example, you can install the smoothscroll tool. It is available in Chrome Store. All you need to add an extension to the browser.

A small window will appear. Here you need to specify the scroll parameters. Configure yourself.

There is also such an extension as Touch & Drag Scrolller. It allows you to implement this option as a screen joystick in the browser. In essence, such an extension is convenient for devices with touch screen. After installing it, a small circle appears in the browser. By clicking on it with the left mouse button and, holding it, the user can scroll through the pages.

If you are on the contrary, you want to hide the scroll bar, then minimal scrollbar can be installed among extensions. This extension will adapt the scroll bar for each specific site. And if you do not want to engage in the scrolling setting, you can install the Scroll Buddy extension. It is intended for automatic scrolling.

It is important to note that all of the above methods work on all operating systems, Including on Mac OS, Linux and Android. However, to implement a smoother scrolling, you still need to configure the mouse. Only in such a combination of jerking in the browser during the scrolling of pages will not be.