Guarantor - Safe sale or purchase of a World of Tanks account. Guarantor - safe sale or purchase of an account World of Tanks History Google PageRank change

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Deal chat

The transaction chat is a place where the general dialogue between clients (parties) and the guarantor takes place. In the transaction chat, the main points of the transaction are specified and the terms of the transaction are regulated. A deal chat opens only for clients who have applied for a deal.

Main deal chat Material deal chat Contract deal chat

Guarantor services

This is primarily an organized Garant Service that complies with the regulations and its policy of safe transactions. Our guarantor service will analyze your transaction in detail, help you make a purchase, sale or exchange on the Internet of absolutely any product or account. Any risk arising during the transaction is explained to the parties, the risks are also sorted out, detailed advice is given, the transaction is thoroughly checked and controlled by the guarantor site. You order not just a secure transaction, but also a thorough analysis of the amount transfers, a high-quality check, an explanation of all possible options, and all this in the shortest possible time for both parties. The guarantor service vigilantly monitors the transaction and answers all your questions, we are very responsible for our clients. Our resource represents colossal guarantees that you will not find from any of our competitors. Our priority is conscientious and high-quality work for our clients. Any complexity of the transaction is as safe as possible only through the service of the guarantor. Choose only professional services on the Internet and get the best result.

By ordering the service you get:

  • Transfer of the amount in a convenient way for you;
  • Verification of compliance with the terms of the transaction;
  • Checking the goods for compliance;
  • Control of the entire transaction;
  • Explanations and advice during the transaction;
  • Checking the parties for being on the Black Lists;
  • Checking the IP address and other details;
  • Deep verification of product / account details;
  • Checking the transfer for the presence of "Black Money";
  • Verification and compliance with the moments of a unique transaction;
  • Study and explanation of risks;
  • Help with questions during the transaction;
  • Re-registration and transfer of goods / account;

It is important to know that the guarantor is not responsible for events after the transaction:

Attention! The guarantor helps you protect yourself from fraudsters by checking all the moments and risks and gives you all the nuances; in certain cases, the guarantor can take an identity document from one of the parties to make sure that the data is valid, as well as for other confirmations, depending on the type deals and their needs. For the parties, special checks can be carried out about which the guarantor can notify only during the transaction, this contributes to the effective identification of fraudsters and unscrupulous users.

Before working through a guarantor:

  • It is important that the guarantor is an open person and does not hide behind a fictional character, our resource is open to communication and we do not hide behind a screen of invented personalities;
  • Be sure to familiarize yourself with the guarantees provided by the guarantor service, we have the most iron guarantees on the entire Internet;
  • Fair work guarantees
  • When transferring funds, be sure to check the details on the site so as not to be mistaken with the wallet to which you are making the transfer;
  • Ask the guarantor to conduct a transaction on the site, this will protect you from fraudsters posing on our behalf;
  • If you have any doubts, check the authenticity of the guarantor;
  • How to check the guarantor for authenticity

Guarantor and Safe Operations:

The guarantor of the transaction on the Internet, online. Safe guarantor services online, guarantor service, freelance, domain names, sites, online games, youtube, twitter, facebook, instagram, classmates, vkontakte, accounts, characters, dispute resolution, conclusion of agreements, contracts.

Site - Safe transfer, exchange, purchase, sale, cash and virtual values! Every year of successful work, the number of completed transactions / transactions / contracts continues to grow. Most of which are made on an ongoing basis with regular customers, a number of transactions / contracts are made once with complete strangers. Carrying out such operations is performed remotely and carries certain risks with a chance of losing virtual valuables or money. Therefore, only the trusted GARANTMARKET service can protect you from scammers and swindlers.

Sooner or later, many are faced with the issue of secure data transmission or ordering freelance services, disputes or bets, buying or selling certain goods / services / values. Trading in virtual assets is not a secure process, in which mistrust usually arises between the parties. The guarantor will help you buy any virtual and tangible product on the Internet, transactions through the guarantor are performed regularly.

Every day, many people in the Internet world buy or sell their virtual assets, such as sites, domain names or game accounts, sometimes even sell their pages and social media groups. Every minute people exchange, buy and sell various goods, both virtual and tangible. But the very fact of a transaction, trade, conclusion of a contract takes place remotely on the Internet. And this, in turn, already speaks of the risk. Everyone understands perfectly well that the Internet is dangerous world where there are a lot of unscrupulous people. You should also be aware that the safe transfer or compliance with the terms of your transaction / contract can only be guaranteed by an uninterested person, an intermediary between the parties. You will need an impartial mediator / arbitrator to help you guide and supervise the entire procedure.

That there is a guarantor service is the last and safest frontier between the parties in concluding a deal or contract of any kind. The first frontier is you yourself, because you personally choose the setting of the milestone as a guarantor service that will protect you from fraudsters and swindlers. Before ordering a guarantor service, discuss all the terms of the transaction / contract with your opponent. Only the service of the guarantor will help you to order services / goods safely on the Internet, the guarantor checks and controls all conditions in detail. Be vigilant and beware of scammers. For you, only safe transactions with an intermediary in the person of the guarantor.

For example, in online games, buying / selling / exchanging is very common game accounts/ characters / things and other virtual values. But there are also a lot of young people who are trying to deceive everyone. Against the backdrop of trade and transactions in online games, the guarantor is simply necessary, because online games are the most fraudulent. The guarantor service in online games is especially popular, because the parties, against the background of frequent fraud, simply do not trust each other, namely, in online games, exchanges / transfers of various game things, including the accounts themselves, take place, and it is the guarantor who will help to carry out the safe transfer of absolutely any virtual values. Let it be a character in any online game, or a sharpened sword, a rare pet, or even an ingredient for creating some rare thing, the guarantor will help to transfer absolutely any product / value, in any online game on a secure basis. Freelance services are special cases for ordering a guarantor service, namely, services for the creation or development of various sites or software for sites. Often, customers do not trust freelancers, because not all of them are bona fide, but the problem with freelancing services is not only honesty, but also the quality of the services provided. By ordering a guarantor service for a freelance transaction, the guarantor will carefully monitor the terms of your transaction. After all, the customer does not always know what the freelancer is doing and how it should actually work, for example, the functionality may look like a worker, but inside it can create an additional load, or any errors that the customer cannot check. And the guarantor, in turn, will not only check the terms of the transaction, but also be sure to report any risks during the transaction.

By ordering the guarantor service in a freelance transaction, you are actually ordering high-quality functionality that you really want, and not the one that can be copied from the site for free, because you need to know what you are buying. Often, experienced freelancers will not even do their job, but simply find ready-made code on the Internet. Without the service of a guarantor, you can actually buy a product that is already on the Internet, or that has copyright, of any company, which may well harm your website / business in the future. Therefore, it is important from all sides to remember about security and the conditions of a specific transaction, and whether or not to use the guarantor's service is everyone's business.

If you need to buy a website / domain name or buy some other product on the Internet, or you are selling something to a buyer, then GARANTMARKET will help you carry out the transaction as a guarantor. We, as an intermediary of safe transactions, will ensure the proper transfer of goods and receipt of funds, while a detailed check of the terms of the transaction and the correspondence of values ​​will be carried out, the funds are additionally checked for the presence of "Black Money", namely the moment that the funds are clean and not subject to blocking. And a wide range of guarantor services, in almost any Internet sphere, allows us to cooperate with any kind of freelancing, both in the online games industry and in creating websites, concluding agreements, transferring documents and other transactions. In the event of risks or claims during the transaction, only our guarantor will help resolve complex issues until a successful outcome, for both parties. The guarantor of the service of secure transactions, the site is the result of reliability and confidence in receiving the transferred values ​​/ funds! The conclusion of transactions / contracts agreements, through a guarantor, is a modern security on the Internet, which is very popular among people who do not want to be deceived.

What is the risk of buying / selling / exchanging without the service of a guarantor?

It's simple, because when buying or selling any product / service on the Internet it is difficult to trust your opponent, knowing only his contact details. Nowadays, it is dangerous to trust only words via the Internet, and detailed verification of details is not a simple process and in case of distrust of the parties, it is especially difficult, every word can be doubted. There is always a risk that you will not receive your goods or by giving the goods you will not receive the agreed amount. When exchanging, this risk is doubly dangerous, there is a possibility that one of the parties simply will not give up its goods and you will in fact be left with nothing. In addition to all these risks of concluding a transaction without a guarantor, there are risks when transferring goods under the terms and conditions, one of the parties may slip you a completely different product, not the one you agreed on. Concluding a contract / transaction or agreement via the Internet, without a guarantor, is a very risky process, because it requires detailed verification and various confirmations, everything of course depends on the specifics of your transaction. If you want a safe transfer of values, detailed control of the transaction / contract / agreement, you will need a specialist who will be able to control all the stages and explain all the points that come into question. After all, only the service of the guarantor can guarantee the safe transfer of funds and virtual values.

How effective is the guarantor, does he help in the safe transfer of goods and funds, does he check all the conditions voiced on the transaction?

It is important to remember that the Internet is a realm of quick money for scammers, and scammers, in turn, are becoming more sophisticated every year and use not only tricks, but also methods of psychological influence, which will clearly lead you to a mistake. Only an experienced specialist, after a series of checks, can say with confidence whether the transaction is safe in your case, or whether there are a number of risks that you need to pay attention to. The services of the guarantor of our service are not only professional work, but also work that corresponds to the principle of price = quality. Our resource was created for your safety, if you do not want to be deceived, if there are any doubts or the likelihood of risks in your transaction, we will definitely help you and thoroughly analyze your situation.

How to conclude a deal if the parties different systems payment and different currencies?

Our resource not only provides the services of a guarantor, but also completely free of charge, without charging an additional commission during the transaction, will help you transfer the amount from one system to another. For several years now, we have reserved verified wallets with maximum limits, all wallets have links to each other, which indicates the possibility of multifunctional transfers between different money systems. We will help you make even the most complex transfers with foreign banks. GARANTMARKET has been specializing in money transfers for a long time, so you have nothing to worry about if you have different Currencies or different payment systems.

A number of specific transactions through the garantmarket guarantor, which are especially popular:

  1. Ordering logos and design elements for sites, groups, channels, publics, pages, teams, clans.
  2. Purchase of services for working with Internet directories Google, Yandex, DMoz.
  3. Ordering services through a guarantor, for pumping accounts and characters in all online games.
  4. Conclusion and resolution of disputes in various situations, with an analysis of the guarantor of transactions.
  5. Conclusion of contracts for services through the Arbitrage WebMoney system.
  6. Guarantor services for taking and returning a loan, with a full analysis of the contract / agreement.
  7. Conclusion of a dispute in various kinds of situations, through the guarantor of transactions.
  8. Work through a guarantor for the services of betting game bets on PVP battles, in all online games.
  9. Ordering the services of a guarantor to control the transaction on sports betting and various kinds of forecasts.
  10. Integrated promotion of social media, with a contract for the result.
  11. Creation and promotion of sites, projects with the conclusion of a deal through a guarantor.
  12. Guarantor services for the teaching method.
  13. Deals on the order of consultations of various types.
  14. Various types of material transactions.
  15. Multi-stage, long-term transactions / contracts under the control of the guarantor.
  16. Conclusion of a deal on cooperation with projects / companies.
  17. Buy / Sell trades gaming applications android / ios / VKontakte applications.
  18. Transactions with the participation of the guarantor for ordering freelance services in mobile applications android / ios / VKontakte applications.
  19. The guarantor of transactions, as an intermediary in the conclusion of a contract for pumping an account in mobile applications.
  20. A transaction through a guarantor for the purchase / sale / exchange of game accounts from the Google Market.
  21. Conclusion of a contract for the transfer of accounts in various online gaming projects.
  22. Transactions in online games for the exchange of virtual values ​​in game currency / accounts / characters / things.
  23. Services of a guarantor of transactions as an intermediary in freelance transactions for website / application redesign.
  24. The guarantor, as an intermediary in the transaction for the purchase of high-quality hosting services.
  25. The guarantor, as an intermediary in the transaction for the creation of sites with telecommunications services.
  26. Purchase / sale / exchange, through the guarantor of promo codes / codes / keys / gifts in various services, online games.
  27. The guarantor, as an intermediary in the transaction between the game clans.
  28. Guarantor services for the transfer / exchange / withdrawal of funds.
  29. Conclusion of a transaction for the purchase / purchase of goods from stores.
  30. Transactions to check sites / resources / companies for the question of honest work on the Internet.

What should be the terms of the deal and what they include:

Before the transaction, the guarantor specifies a number of conditions of your transaction, which should be noted.

  • The main condition of the transaction is, of course, the product itself, which is involved in the transaction, namely account / value / service / website / others. You must clearly and clearly know what you are buying / ordering;
  • In the terms of your transaction, specify what should be included in the purchased product / service so that the guarantor during the transaction checks all the points of interest to you, because often the parties may not understand each other, or the fraudsters are trying to sell a completely different product;
  • When ordering freelance services or any remote work through the guarantor, specify in detail all the points of the work, so that after the end of the work the guarantor can check if all the work items have actually been done;
  • During the transaction, be sure to specify the amount of transactions / contracts and the currency in which the transaction will take place, and do not forget to take into account the commission between the systems;
  • Specify which receipts / documents / emails should be attached to the product;
  • The condition of the transaction / contract / order of services is a number of points that you would like to note, focus on and clarify all the little things, because if you specifically specify all the points that relate to your purchase / order, the guarantor will definitely check them;
  • Before contacting the guarantor, the parties need to discuss the terms of the transaction between themselves;

The terms of the transaction are, first of all, those conditions that are set between the parties of the buyer / seller / customer / contractor, namely, what exactly is involved in the transaction / contract and what conditions the goods / value / service must comply with.


Safe and reliable, the best guarantor services:

  • We are the only one and best service on the Internet for the conclusion of transactions / contracts. Only our resource deals with all types of transactions on the Internet at once, namely, such as: transactions / contracts for loans, purchase / sale of sites, exchange / purchase / sale of accounts of any services / social media / online games, transactions / contracts for the conclusion of freelance services , transactions for the resolution of disputes, for the purchase / sale of gifts / keys / promotional codes, purchase / sale / exchange of real funds / game currency, other transactions of any kind. All of the above in their totality speaks of a colossal experience in conducting a transaction / contract.
  • Only our resource provides such an extensive list of guarantees, having studied which you will be convinced of the 100% conscientious work of the guarantor. You will not find such iron guarantees on any site as we have. After reviewing the guarantees, you will understand that our resource has extensive experience in the field of the guarantor.
  • Only our resource has a huge number of different verified and identified details, which indicates the wide mobility of working with various payment systems / banks. Our resource is closely engaged in money transfers, which indicates a large experience in verification in the field of money.
  • We guarantee a safe transaction, with a detailed check of all points regarding a single transaction.

Service guarantor for the provision of specific services:

  • Guarantor services as an intermediary in any area, including any transactions and contracts;
  • Work with many types of currency and a wide range of payment systems / banks;
  • Scanning sites for fairness;
  • Rental services and sales of valuables;
  • Work with material transactions / contracts;
  • Various consultations on security / ordering / shopping / advertising and others;
  • Services of drawing up appeals and getting out of difficult situations;
  • Values ​​realization services;
  • Work with all online games and gaming services;

If you need the most experienced guarantor and the best price / quality ratio, then GARANTMARKET is at your service.

Benefits of working through a guarantor:

  • Working with the guarantor, you will receive a clear and clear explanation of the entire transaction, which will give you an idea of ​​how secure the account / value / product / service you are purchasing;
  • When concluding a transaction through a guarantor, if the parties have different payment systems, the guarantor does not charge an additional commission for complex transfers, you pay only for the transaction / contract;
  • The guarantor will check the goods in detail and explain all the points of the goods you are purchasing, not only the goods are checked, but also the parties to the transaction, funds. Working through a guarantor, you can be sure that even the slightest fraud will be noticed;
  • In case of difficulties, it is the guarantor who will explain to you the options and options for action, depending on the situation;
  • Working with the guarantor, you can ask any questions, and you will definitely get answers to them, the guarantor does not charge additional fees for consultations during the transaction;
  • We work at the prices of 2013, the commission for services did not increase, our resource provides a high-quality guarantor service at the lowest price;
  • By ordering the guarantor service, at your request, the transaction can be carried out on the website, which allows you to complete a more detailed verification of the parties in the secure chat of the transaction;
  • Convenient system of communication between buyer / guarantor / seller, secure private and general chats for secure data transfer;
  • Detailed study of transactions and contracts with many ways to warn the parties;


Purchase through a guarantor

Buying a product / value on the Internet is safely carried out only through a guarantor who will check the conformity and conditions for receiving the purchased product / value. It is important that the party not interested in the product checks in detail all the nuances agreed upon between the parties. By buying value through a guarantor, you actually guarantee yourself the safety of funds and the receipt of value. During the purchase works with you real person, who will check in detail all the conditions of your purchase, in case of risks or doubtful points, the guarantor will immediately notify you, while protecting you from a risky purchase. A very big plus when buying through a guarantor is the ability to transfer funds to almost any system, while saving as much as possible on commission between systems, this is very important if the seller needs funds in a particular system.

Sale through a guarantor

When selling goods through a guarantor, you can be sure that the guarantor is not an interested intermediary. The guarantor has the appropriate regulations, therefore your product cannot be of interest to the guarantor, and you can not worry about its safety. It is very unsafe to sell your valuables on the Internet, because no one wants to make the transfer first, before receiving the value to be sold, and even if the buyer makes a money transfer before receiving the value, there are no guarantees that the funds will not be blocked or will not end up. " By black means. " Selling goods through a guarantor, if the funds turn out to be black, or the buyer sends funds with a blocking, the guarantor will certainly notice all these points when checking. Therefore, a safe sale can only be through the guarantor of Internet transactions, who, having received the funds, will scan them and perform a safe transfer for you.

Conducting a transaction with the participation of the guarantor

By concluding any kind of transaction in the dangerous world of the Internet using the service of a guarantor, you actually guarantee your safety. Most of the fraudsters do not reach the deal itself, and if they do get involved in the deal, they will certainly be exposed. A deal through a guarantor is a fact safe work, with a detailed passage of a separate transaction, according to special rules that do not allow the party to commit dishonest actions. The guarantor helps and explains to you the passage of all stages of the transaction, while the guarantor's priority is neutral, preferences are not given to one of the parties, the good faith actions of both parties are carefully checked. Only an experienced guarantor can check the purchase or funds in detail. No automated service will give such guarantees of a safe transaction as the guarantor of our site. Conclude your transactions only with the participation of an experienced guarantor who will help you carry out absolutely any transaction on the Internet.

Conclusion of a contract with the participation of the guarantor

Concluding a contract is not a simple process in which it is not safe without the participation of a third party, namely an intermediary in the person of the guarantor. By concluding a contract with a performer, for example, you may miss important points or points without which the performer can do the job not the way you would like. The guarantor carefully studies the contract and clarifies all possible points that may affect the execution of the order. By concluding your contract with the guarantor service, you can be sure that not a single moment will pass by, and all your conditions will be met. The guarantor will not only monitor compliance with all the terms of the contract, but will also explain in detail all the features of its implementation in case something is missed. In this case, additional sub-clauses are added to the contract for more detail and specificity. Apply for such services only to an experienced guarantor who carefully organizes the contract and its implementation.

Guarantor priority

"Through a guarantor" - any operation is safe, this is our priority. The guarantor will help you with the purchase, while saving your money. It will help with the sale, keeping your virtual values ​​with you. Whatever kind of transaction, for example, the exchange of virtual values, or a complex contract with many conditions, the guarantor fully controls the process and monitors security. Each transaction is unique in its own way, and only an experienced intermediary in the person of the guarantor will help formulate the optimal conditions for your particular transaction. The guarantor carefully checks the terms of the transaction, while explaining all the possible difficulties. Each transaction is risky in its own way, and it is the guarantor who can protect you from fraudsters and swindlers of the dangerous Internet world. After all, only an intermediary who is not interested in your values ​​can conduct a transaction in good faith! By concluding a deal through a guarantor, you get an exact answer to the question asked, because only the guarantor can be sure of the good faith of the parties by carefully checking all the conditions. In the world of the Internet without the participation of a third party, there is no guarantee that you will come across a bona fide opponent. Years of work show that more and more scammers are trying to cheat even during the transaction, we have already exposed more than one hundred scammers who tried to cheat. Working through a guarantor, all risks come to naught. It is important not to lose vigilance, and impeccably fulfill the instructions of the guarantor, and observe the precautions that the guarantor explains during your transaction. You can always contact the guarantor even with the most complex transaction, we will definitely help you to save virtual values ​​and money. Safety and conscientious work are our two most important priorities. As a reward, we receive the gratitude and trust of customers, which have been accumulated over the years of practice in conducting various transactions. Only on our website you will find such reliable guarantees of conscientious work. By concluding a deal / contract through the site, you actually guarantee yourself professional work for a minimum commission. Prices haven't gone up since 2013! And all this is just for your convenience!

Areas of activity of the guarantor of Internet transactions

The guarantor, as a confidant for different types services

Due to the great mobility and versatility of the guarantor, the availability of professional wallets, work experience, the method and possibility of transfers, the guarantor service is ordered in completely different areas. Some systems require certain limits, obligations and other things that, as a rule, only the guarantor has, so the guarantor is considered as a trusted person and for a certain commission the guarantor helps. For example, this is a purchase of goods in a store where only a certain system is used, or it is an absolutely specific service in which the guarantor can be considered as a trustee.

Guarantor services for exchange, withdrawal, transfer of funds.

The guarantor service for exchange, transfer and withdrawal of funds is very popular. If we consider the systems of exchangers, they charge a large commission, the exchanger does not always have the necessary funds, or not all transfer options. The guarantor, as a trustee, for a small commission withdraws funds to the details you need, this applies to almost everyone possible systems in the Internet. For example, to withdraw WMB in the WebMoney system, a Personal Passport is required, the guarantor can withdraw to any cellular communication Belarus. Many users do not have connections between cards, wallets and banks, the guarantor and in these cases acts as an intermediary for the money transfers you need.

The guarantor as an intermediary of massive transactions for the purchase of game servers

What do we refer to as a bulk deal? This is a deal between a lot of people, for example, a team buying a game server. Often, programmers sell some kind of functionality for individual teams, organizations, where between the side of the developer and the side as a team, you need a guarantor and his services. In such a deal, they usually order a separate Skype conference service, where there is a long-term check of difficult working conditions, functionality game server, clarification and analysis of controversial points. Such transactions usually take more than 3 days, because you have to carefully analyze many nuances, it all depends on the terms of the transaction and the complexity of the verification. Usually these are complex transactions, where a thorough check for the originality of the goods is required, which the guarantor must carry out.

Guarantor services in the field of fulfilling the terms of the transaction

The service of the guarantor is also used by the site in the field of fulfilling the terms of the transaction. For example, a contract is concluded between the parties to fulfill certain conditions, let it be writing a book about modern account trading. For a high-quality and safe transaction between the parties and compliance with all the conditions for writing the book, which we have taken as an example, the parties need a guarantor. There are cases of non-compliance with the transaction: not timely payment, fraud with wallets and cards, delaying the deadline for the execution of work, an attempt to sell a publicly available product from the Internet to the customer instead of a unique product ... For this, a contract is drawn up, which stipulates all the terms of the transaction, and the guarantor, in turn, controls all clauses and conditions of compliance with the contract.

Often, many users of the Yandex Direct system sell promotional codes and for a safe purchase you will need a guarantor service that will protect you from fraudsters. The code is not always working. The guarantor carefully checks the promotional codes during the transaction. In the case of working through a guarantor, the seller does not run the risk of being left without money and suffering from fraud. All the terms of the transaction are specified between the parties, and the guarantor, in turn, carefully checks them. If you want to buy YAD promotional codes, for a safe transaction you will need a market guarantor website

The service of the guarantor of multi-stage transactions.

The services of the market guarantor are also used by the site in multi-stage transactions. For example, this is a credit purchase with payment in several stages. For 100% security, the terms of the transaction are worked out in more detail not only by the parties, but also by the guarantor himself, in order to identify lending shortcomings. After the conclusion of an agreement, a contract and a thorough check of the points of the transaction, the guarantor makes transfers of funds throughout all stages and makes sure that the conditions agreed by the parties are fulfilled.

Purchase of goods at the expense of the capabilities of the guarantor.

The service of the guarantor is very popular, as a proxy in the purchase of goods. It would seem that you yourself could buy something on the Internet, but alas, this is not always the case. For example, foreign sites mainly use the PayPal payment system, and the user urgently needs a purchase of a certain value, but he does not have a PayPal wallet and does not want to mess around and deal with the system's features. And since the procedure for registering with PayPal is complicated and too confusing for a standard user, he can simply abandon this venture, choosing an easier and more rational way. The buyer turns to the guarantor, transfers the amount to convenient details for him, and after that the guarantor makes a purchase minus a small commission. This method is very common for sites using foreign payment systems. This also applies to foreign users who have poor knowledge of the Russian language and payment systems in Russia.

The guarantor, as control over the fulfillment of requirements in online games.

Consider an example from the game War of Thrones, Rules of War, or Sparta War of Empires. The genre of the game is strategic; here, too, the widespread service of the guarantor is often required. It's about ordering troops to defend or attack. The parties discuss among themselves the time of protection of castles, sectors, stipulate the number of defense ones, or in the event of an attack by attacking troops, after which they turn to the market guarantor, the website. The guarantor, having carefully studied the conditions of protection or attack of certain locks, controls the transaction. After the execution of the defense / attack service provider, the guarantor verifies that the ordered defense / attack has been completed and transfers the funds to the service provider. These deals stretch from one day to a whole month. Since powerful players accumulate a good army, they begin to provide services to their army, and the guarantor service helps to secure both sides and check the conscientious work of the parties.

Market guarantor service as an intermediary with the conclusion of a contract through Arbitrage.

For the most correct transaction, a high-quality contract is drawn up through WebMoney Arbitration, after which all points are discussed between the parties and the guarantor thoroughly. Confirmation of the contract by the guarantor is sent. All conditions are met in fact high level... All issues are resolved thoroughly to each point. In the event of a dispute, the arbitrators study the contract, and the party who violates the terms of the contract is punished up to criminal liability. Ordering a guarantor service will provide you with a quality contract, a safe transaction for the duration of the contract. Such transactions are usually ordered by programmers and their clients, and the guarantor, in turn, conducts a high-quality transaction taking into account the AW Contract.

Purchase of virtual values ​​and game currency.

On the Internet, they often sell game currency in online games, but this is not a problem, the seller may turn out to be dishonest, or the buyer will turn out to be such. In such a transaction, the site's guarantor service is also used as an intermediary in order to protect the parties from fraud. The guarantor fully controls the process of transferring funds and game currency. Such deals include deals for the purchase of in-game items in games. The process of transferring things and funds is closely monitored by the guarantor of the market site. If you have doubts about the buyer / seller, the guarantor service will protect you from fraud and help you complete the transaction.

The guarantor as a social mediator.

Guarantor services are often used on social media. In particular, this service is very popular when buying, selling or exchanging social pages VKontakte, Odnoklassniki or other social networks. networks. Many people have good social resources, such as VK groups, pages with large quantity followers on Instagram, groups on Odnoklassniki, groups and pages with a large number of followers on Facebook or Twitter. So, these pages are very often bought, sold or changed, and it is an experienced guarantor who can help you safely transfer this or that social product to the buyer. The guarantor will protect your money and virtual values, because a safe transaction is possible only with the participation of a third party acting as an intermediary as a guarantor of transactions.

The guarantor, as an intermediary for the parties in the purchase, sale of a website, domain, hosting.

Often, hosting accounts, beautiful domain names, or even various sites (of an entertainment nature, or as a ready-made business) are sold on the Internet. So, because the Internet is a dangerous world and scammers do not comply with the fair conditions of sale or purchase, for a correct purchase / sale you cannot do without a guarantor. The guarantor, in turn, checks all the terms of the transaction, clarifies all the points and explains all the risks that have arisen during the transfer of funds or a website, domain, hosting. The party selling the site does not always provide real statistics of the resource, and vice versa, the buyer of the site does not always transfer money at all, and if it does, it may turn out to be black - (the amount from the fraudster's wallet to be blocked in the future).

Buying, selling local currency in social networks.

Very often they use the service of a guarantor in the purchase of domestic currency in in social networks... For example, you want to buy VKontakte votes, or it is OK in Odnoklassniki, and any other internal currency. As you understand, without the involvement of a third party, any transaction contains the risk of fraud. To protect yourself, your money and virtual currency for such a purchase or sale of virtual currency, you will need an experienced intermediary as a guarantor of the market, a site that will protect you and explain all the risks, if any.

The guarantor as a mediator for the conclusion of the dispute.

This kind of transaction is often used by parties who argue about something and each of the parties confidently stands on its own. The guarantor in this transaction acts in order to settle the dispute and guarantee the transfer of funds to the winner of the dispute, because not every loser will want to give his money. The guarantor of transactions will carefully check the fulfillment of all conditions that the parties clarify before entering into a dispute. If you want to argue for money, then it is not safe to conclude such a transaction without a guarantor, there is no guarantee that you will receive your winnings.

If you want to perform any operation on the Internet, even if it is a purchase, exchange, transfer, withdrawal, order, deal, contract, but you doubt the conscientiousness of the resource, party, performer, opponent, order the service of a guarantor who will protect you and your values, money from fraudsters ... Best regards, administration of GARANTMARKET.

This graph shows the approximate number of website visitors for certain period time.

Analyzing website backlinks

The graph shows the dynamics of growth external links to this site by day. Backlinks are one of critical factors affecting the popularity of the site and its place in the search engine results.

Website reputation

The reputation of a site is 4 main indicators calculated using a certain amount of statistical data that characterize the level of trust in the site on a 100-point scale.

HTML layout and analysis of website content

The main HTML elements which can affect search engine rankings.

Parsing the HTML Meta Tags of a Website

Meta tags are special HTML elements that are placed between the opening and closing heading tags (inside ... section) in the HTML code of the page.

content-typetext / html; charset = UTF-8
viewportwidth = device-width, initial-scale = 1
generatorPowered by Slider Revolution 5.1.5 - responsive, Mobile-Friendly Slider Plugin for WordPress with comfortable drag and drop interface.

These websites belong to one or more categories closely related to Of course, the main factor is that the content of the site should be unique and interesting for users, however, you can learn something new from the experience of others. Every site always has a circle of competitors, and to grow above them, research them and stay one step ahead.

Web site PageRank Alexa rank Site cost
0 out of 10 - -
0 out of 10 #5,978,854 $ 662.40 USD
0 out of 10 #894,659 $ 3,945.60 USD
0 out of 10 - -
0 out of 10 - -
0 out of 10 #8,574,654 $ 475.20 USD
0 out of 10 - -
2 out of 10 - -
0 out of 10 #5,806,368 $ 684.00 USD
0 out of 10 - -
0 out of 10 - -
Expand "

Server information

Detailed information about the server that hosts this site. The information includes: the server location address used by software and other information.

Server geographic location

The server serving this site is geographically located: Novosibirsk 53 in Russian Federation

Server response HTTP headers

HTTP headers convey basic information between the client and the server about the connection being established and about the information transmitted over this connection.

Server response header

HTTP / 1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx / 1.14.1
Content-Type: text / html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
HTTP / 1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx / 1.14.1
Date: Fri, 10 May 2019 16:58:22 GMT
Content-Type: text / html; charset = UTF-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age = 31536000;
Content-Encoding: gzip

Analysis of social activity

Links (even if they have nofollow attributes) from large social networks is a "human" signal for search engines, which has some influence (not determining) on ​​the position of your site in the search results.

Do you have a Web site? Have interesting content? Then start spreading it on social media, this will attract additional interested visitors.

Analysis of links on the main page

  • This site contains 2 outbound links. The maximum number of links in a given period of time is 2, the minimum number is 2, while the average number is 2.
  • This site contains 117 internal links. The maximum number of links for a given period of time is 117, the minimum number is 117, while the average number is 117.

Number of indexed pages in search engines

The number of indexed pages primarily indicates the level of trust of search engines to the site. Webmasters should strive to ensure that the number of indexed pages is close to the actual number of pages on the site.

If the number of indexed pages greatly exceeds the actual number, it may be caused by duplicate content on this site.

In some cases search engines consider duplicate content to be deceit and manipulation and may be subject to sanctions.

Last check by was done on May 10, 2019. We found that:

  • Google has indexed 144 pages. The maximum number of pages in the index over this period of time is 144, the minimum number is 76, while the average number is 110.
  • Yandex indexed 21 pages. The maximum number of pages in the index in a given time period is 21, the minimum number is 0, while the average is 11.
  • Yahoo has indexed 0 pages. The maximum number of pages in the index in a given time span is 0, the minimum number is 0, while the average is 0.
  • Bing has indexed 1,330 pages. The maximum number of pages in the index over this time period is 1,330, the minimum number is 0, while the average is 665.

History of Google PageRank change

PageRank ™ is one of the Google ™ link ranking algorithms. The algorithm is applied to sites or its individual pages linked by hyperlinks and assigns to each of them some numerical value that measures its "importance" or "authority" among other documents.

Last check by was done on May 10, 2019. We found that:

Google ™ has assigned a PageRank of 0 for this site. Maximum value The PageRank over a given time period is 0, the minimum value is 0, while the average value is 0.

Change history Yandex TCI

Yandex TCI - thematic citation index (TCI) determines the "authority" of Internet resources, taking into account the qualitative characteristics of links to them from other sites. This quality characteristic is called the "weight" of the link. It is calculated according to a specially developed algorithm. An important role is played by the thematic proximity of the resource and the sites linking to it. The number of links to a resource itself also affects the value of its TCI, but the TCI is determined not by the number of links, but by the sum of their weights.

Last check by was done on May 10, 2019. We found that:

Yandex assigned this site a TCI equal to 0. The maximum value of Yandex TCI for a given time period is 0, the minimum value is 0, while the average value is 0.

W3C HTML website validation

This validator is intended for checking HTML and XHTML code of a site by developers for compliance with the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

HTML markup validation is an important step towards ensuring the technical quality of web pages; however, it is not a complete measure of web standards compliance. You can get more detailed information on compliance with the standards of your site on the page:

Last check by was done on May 10, 2019. We found that:

  • 0 errors found on this website. The maximum number of errors in a given time period is 0, the minimum number is 0, while the average number is 0.
  • 0 warnings found on this website. The maximum number of warnings in a given time span is 0, the minimum number is 0, while the average number is 0.

Rules for appointing guarantors and their powers within the project.

Guarantee- an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, ensuring the success and financial reliability of the transaction.

Site guarantors are appointed by the administration manually.

The deal goes as follows:

  • the buyer transfers the full amount of the transaction to the Guarantor
  • the seller transfers the account to the Guarantor for verification
  • The guarantor checks the ability to bind a new phone, an account hangar and an attached mailbox.
  • after that the buyer verifies the account
  • if the buyer is satisfied with the account - the phone is tied to the account and mail, the passwords are changed and Secret Question mail.
  • after that, the money is transferred to the seller and the transaction is completed.
  • in case of cancellation of the transaction on the initiative of the buyer or if the guarantor spent more than 20 minutes on the canceled transaction, a commission of 100 rubles is charged. (depends on the value of the account)

If at any stage of the transaction problems arise (it is impossible to tie the phone, the hangar does not correspond to the declared one, etc.), this issue is discussed directly with the buyer. The deal is completed only if he agrees to this.

At upgrading your account the customer pays for the work of the quality worker in advance (in advance), and the worker receives money upon completion of the work. Payment is possible in installments, by agreement.

The Guarantor's commission is paid by the party to the transaction who has attracted the Guarantor. Or by agreement of the parties, or as indicated in the announcement.

The size of the commission depends on the amount of the transaction:

* Minimum commission 4 $
* Maximum commission size 21 $
** commission for exchanging accounts in double size, since in fact these are 2 transactions

Do not fall for the tricks of scammers

Transactions are carried out exclusively through the CHAT on the site. If the guarantor proposes to spend simply on Skype or VK, this is a scam.

If you are offered a guarantor of, this is also a scam. paymer is not a guarantor, but a payment system.

If you are thrown money in advance on webmoney, and webmoney writes that you need to pay a large commission - this is a fraud, you have been thrown off an invoice for payment with an arbitrary comment. Webmoney commission is strictly 0.8%

wot.accounts.name2015 - the scammer's skype, all the contacts of the guarantors on the Guarantor page.