Mach 3 MIL with Russified control panel. Setting Mach3 for your machine

Setting Mach3 for your machine

If you bought a machine with a computer and installed on it Mach3, then this section may turn out to be skipped (or read simply out of interest). The supplier could already install Mach3 and configure it and / or give you a detailed instruction on setting up. We recommend to make sure that you have a piece with the described Mach3 settings in case you need to reinstall the program after a problem. Mach3 stores this information in an XML file available for viewing.

5.1 Strategy settings

This section contains many details. You can see that the configuration process is quite simple if you make it step by step by checking as the settings. A good strategy will view the section and then work with it on your computer and machine. We assume that you have already installed Mach3 for dry launch described in section 3.

Theoretically, the whole work that you will do in this chapter is based on dialogs available from the settings menu. They are indicated as settings-\u003e logic (config-\u003e logic), which means that you should select the logic from the settings menu.

5.2 Initial setup

The first dialog used is settings-\u003e ports and legs. This dialog contains many bookmarks, but the initial is shown in Figure 5.1

5.2.1 Defining the addresses of the port used (s)

Figure 5.1 - Bookmark Selection of ports and axes

If you are going to use one parallel port, and it is the only one on your motherboard, then the default address of the port 1 0x378 (hexadecimal 378) is almost certainly faithful.

If you use one or more PCI expansion cards, then check, on which address is answered by each of them. There is no standard settings here! Run the Windows Control Panel from the Start menu. Double click on the System icon and select the Equipment tab. Click Device Manager. Expand the list for the "Port (COM & LPT)" element. Double click the first LPT or ECR port. Its properties will be displayed in a new window. Select Bookmark Resources. The first number in the first line "I / O range (I / O)" is the address used. Record the value and close the properties window.

The note: Installing or removing any PCI card can change the address of the parallel port PCI card even if you did not touch it.

If you are going to use the second port, repeat the actions described above for it.

Close Device Manager, System Window and Control Panel.

Enter the first port address (do not write 0x to indicate a hexadecimal value, it is so implied). If necessary, put a tick near the ENABLED (enabled) line 2 and enter its address.

Now click Apply to save these values. It is very important. Mach3 will not remember the changes made when switching between bookmarks or closing the port and leg dialog if you do not click Apply.

5.2.2 Engine Frequency Definition (Engine)

The Mach3 driver can work at a frequency of 25,000 Hz (pulses per second), 35,000 Hz or 45,000 Hz, depending on the speed of your processor and the level of loading during Mach3 operation.

The frequency you need depends on the maximum required number of pulses in order to move the axis at its maximum speed. 25,000 Hz should be enough for systems with a stepper engine. With a driver for 10 microshop, you will receive about 750 revolutions per minute on a standard 1.8O step engine. High values \u200b\u200bare needed for servo drives with high shear resolution encoders. Look more in the chapter dedicated to the engine setting.

A computer with a frequency of 1 GHz is almost certainly pulled by 35,000 Hz, so you can safely use if you need such speed. The demo version is launched only at 25,000 Hz. In addition, if Mach3 was forcibly closed, then when you restart, it will automatically drop by 25,000 Hz. Current frequency is shown in standard window Diagnostics. Do not forget to click Apply before continuing.

Determine special abilities

You will see Chekboxes for various special settings. If your system has appropriate equipment, their appointments should be obvious. If not, it is better not to include them.

Do not forget to click Apply before continuing.

PWM Control

A PWM Signal Is a Digital Signal, a "Square" Wave Where The Percentage Of The Time The

signal Is High Specifies The Percentage of the Full Speed \u200b\u200bof the Motor At Which It Should Run.

SO, Suppose You Have A Motor and Pwm Drive With Maximum Speed \u200b\u200bOf 3000 RPM Then

figure 4.12 Would Run The Motor AT 3000 x 0.2 \u003d 600 RPM. SIMILARLY THE SIGNAL IN FIGURE

4.13 Would RUN IT AT 1500 RPM.


how high a Frequency The Square Wave Can Be. IF The Frequency IS 5 Hz The Mach3 Running

with a 25000 Hz Kernel Speed \u200b\u200bCan Output 5000 Different Speeds. Moving to 10Hz Reduces

this to 2500 Different Speeds But This Still Amounts to A Resolution of One or Two RPM.

A Low Frequency of Square Wave Increases The Time That It Will Take for the Motor Drive To

notice That A Speed \u200b\u200bChange Has Been Requested. Between 5 and 10 Hz Gives A Good

compromise. The Chosen Frequency IS ENTERED IN THE PWMBASE FREQ BOX.

Many Drives and Motors Have A Minimum Speed. TYPICALLY BECAUSE THE COOLING FAN IS VERY


Minimum Pwm% Box Allows You to Set The Percentage of Maximum Speed \u200b\u200bAt Which Mach3

will Stop Outputting The Pwm Signal.


setting and That Mach3 Pulley Configuration (See Section X.x) Allows You to Set Minimum


PWM% OR Hardware Limit As This Will Clip The Speed \u200b\u200band / Or Give A Sensible Error Message

rather Than Just Stopping It.


This May Be An Variable Speed \u200b\u200bDrive Controlled by Step Pulmes or a Full Servo Drive.

You can Use the Mach3 Pulley Configuration (See Section to Define A Minimum

speed \u200b\u200bIf This Is Needed by The Motor or Its Electronics. Modbus Spindle Control

This Block Allow The Setup of An Analogue Port On A Modbus Device (E.G. A HOMANN

Modio) to Control Spindle Speed. For Details See The Documentation of Your Modbus GENERAL PARAMETERS.

These Allow You to Control The Delay After Starting or Stopping The Spindle Before Mach3

will Execute Further Commands (I.E. A Dwell). These DeLays Can Be Used to Allow Time for

acceleration Before A Cut Is Made and To Provide Some Software Protection from Going

directly from Clockwise to Counterclockwise. The Dwell Times Are Entered in Seconds.

Immediate Relay Off Before Delay, If Checked Will Switch The Spindle Relay Off AS Soon As The

M5 is executed. If Unchecked It Stays on Until The Spin-Down Delay Period Has Elapsed. Pulley Ratios.


through The S Word. The Mach3 Pulley System Allows You to Define The Relationship

between These For Four Different Pully or Gearbox Settings. IT IS Easier to Understand How It

works After Tuning Your Spindle Motor SO IT IS Described in Section BELOW. Special Function


by The Feedrate ..

Use Spindle Feedback in Sync Mode Should Be Un-Checked.


to Match The Actual Spindle Speed \u200b\u200bSeen By The Index or Timing Sensor WITH THAT DEMDEDED

by The S Word. The EXACT Speed \u200b\u200bOf The Spindle Is Not Likely To Be Important So You Are Not

likely to Need to Use This Feature in Mach3Turn.

If You Do Use It Then The P, I and D Variables Should BE Set In the Range 0 to 1. P Controls The

gain of the Loop and An Excessive Value Will Make The Speed \u200b\u200bOscillate, Or Hunt, Around The

requested Value Rather Than Settling On It. The d Variable Applies Damping SO Stabilising

these Oscillasts by Using The Derivative (Rate of Change) of the Speed. THE I VARIABLE TAKES

a Long Term View of the Difference Between Actual and Requested Speed \u200b\u200band So Increases The

accuracy in the Steady State. Tuning These Values \u200b\u200bIs Assisted By Using The Dialog Opened By

Operator\u003e Calibrate Spindle.



You Might Find IT Useful With A Very Low Inertia Spindle Drive Or One Where The Control Tends

to Give Short-Term Variations of Speed.

5.3.7 Mill Options Tab

The Final Tab On Config\u003e Ports & Pins Is Mill Options. See Figure 5.9.

Figure 5.9 - Mill Options Tab

Z-inhibit. The Z-Inhibit ON Checkbox Enables This Function. Max Depth Gives The Lowest Z

value to Which The Axis Will Move. The Persistent CheckBox Remembers The State (Which Can

be Changed by a screen Toggle) from Run to Run of Mach3.

Digitising: The 4 Axis Point Clouds CheckBox Enables Recording Of The State of the A Axis

as Well As X, Y and Z. The Add Axis Letters to Coordinates Prefixes The Data with the Axis

name in the Point Cloud File.

THC Options: The Checkbox Name IS Self-Explanatory.

Compensation G41, G42: The Advanced Compensation Analysis CheckBox Turns on A

more Thorough Lookahad Analysis That Will Reduce The Risk Of Gouging WHEN Compensating

for Cutter Diameter (Using G41 and G42) on Complex Shapes.

Homed True Will No Home Switches: Will Make the System Appear to Be Referenced (I.E.


Ports & Pins Inputs Tab.

Configuring Mach3.

Rev 1.84-A2 USING MACH3MILL 5-9

Your Software Is Now Configured Sufficiently for You To Do Some Simple Tests With The

hardware. If It Is Convenient To Connect Up The Inputs from the MANUAL Switches Such As

Home Then Do So Now.


logic Level of the Inputs and Outputs. Ensure That The External Emergency Stop Signal Is Not

active (Red Emergency Led Not Flashing) And Press The Red Reset Button On The Screen. Its.

Led Should Stop Flashing.

IF You Have Associated Any Outputs with Coolant or Spindle Rotation Then You Can Use the

relevant Buttons on the Diagnostic Screen to Turn the Outputs on and off. The Machine Shld.

also Respond or You can Monitor The Voltages of the Signals with a Multimeter.

Next Operate The Home Or The Limit Switches. You SHOLD SEE THE APPROPRIATE LEDS GLOW

yellow When their Signal Is Active.

These Tests Will Let You See That Your Parallel Port Is Correctly Addressed and The Inputs and

outputs Are Appropriately Connected.

If You Have Two Ports and All The Test Signals Are On One Then You Might Consider A


connected Via IT So That You Can Check Its Correct Operation. Don "t forget the apply button

wHEN DOING This Sort of Testing. IF All Is Well That You Should Restore The Proper

If You Have Problems You Should Sort Them Out Now As this Will Be Much Easier That WHEN

you start Trying to Drive The Axes. IF You Do Not Have A Multimeter Then You Will Have To Buy


state of ITS Pins. In Essence You Need to Discover If (a) The Signals in and Out of the Computer


getting Between The D25 Connector and Your Machine Tool (I.E. A WIRING OR CONFIGURATION

problem with the Breakout Board or Machine). 15 Minutes Help From A Friend Can Work

wonders in this Situation Even If You Only Carefully Explain to Him / Her What Your Problem IS

and How You Have Already Looked for It!

You Will Be Amazed How Often This Sort Of Explanation Suddenly Stops With Words Like

"...... Oh! I See What The Problem Must Be, IT" S ... .. "

5.4 Defining the Setup Units

With the Basic Functions Working, It "S Time to Configure The Axis Drives. The first Thing to Decide Is Whether You Wish to Define Their Properties in Metric (Millimetres) or inch units. You Will Be Able to Run Part Programs in Either Units Whichever Option You Choose. The Maths for Configuration Will Be Slightly Easier If You Choose The Same System As Your Drive Train (Eg the BallScrew) Was Made in. So a screw with 0.2 "Lead (5 TPI) IS Easier to Configure in Inches Than In Millimetres. SIMILARLY A 2MM LEAD SCREW WILL BE EASIER IN MILLIMETRES. The Multiplication and / or Division BY 25.4 Is Not Difficult But Is Justhing Else to Think About.

Figure 5.10 - SETUP UNITS Dialog

There Is, On The Other Hand, A Slight Advantage In

having The Setup Units Be The Units in Which You Usually Work. This Is That You Can Lock The

Dros to Display in this System Whatever The Part Program Is Doing (I.E. Switching Units by

So the choice is yours. Use Config\u003e Setup Units to Choose MMS OR INCHES (See Figure 5.10).

Once You Have Made A Choice You Must Not Change It Wife Going Back Over All The

fallowing Steps or Total Confusion Will Reign! A Message Box Reminds You of This WHEN YOU

use Config\u003e Setup Units.

5.5 Tuning Motors.

Well After All That Detail IT "S Now Time to Get Things Moving - Literally! This Section Describes

setting Up Your Axis Drives and, If Its Speed \u200b\u200bWill Be Controlled by Mach3, The Spindle Drive.

The OVERALL STRATEGY FOR EACH AXIS IS: (a) to Calculate How Many Step Pulmes Must Be Sent To

the Drive for Each Unit (Inch or Mm) of Movement of the Tool or Table, (B) to Establish The

maximum Speed \u200b\u200bfor the Motor and (c) to Set The Required Acceleration / Deceleration Rate.

We Advise You to Deal With One Axis AT A Time. You Might Wish To Try Running The Motor

before it is Mechanically Connected to the Machine Tool.

So Now Connect Up the Power To Your Axis Driver Electronics and Double Check the Wiring

between The Driver Electronics and Your Breakout Board / Computer. You are about to mix

high Power and Computing So It Is Better To Be Safe Than Smoky!

5.5.1 Calculating The Steps Per Unit

Mach3 CAN Automatically Perform a Test Move on An Axis and Calculate The Steps Per Unit But

this is Probably Best Left for Fine Tuning So We Present Theory Here.

The Number of Steps Mach3 Must Send For One Unit Of Movement Depends On The

mechanical Drive (E.G. Pitch of Ballscrew, Gearing Between The Motor and The Screw), The


electronic Gearing in The Drive Electronics.

We Look At These Three Points in Turn the Bring Them Together. Calculating Mechanical Drive

You are Going to Calculate The Number Of Revolution of The Motor Shaft (Motor Revs Per

unit) to Move The Axis by One Unit. This Will Probably Be Greater Than One for Inches and

less Than One for Millimetres But This Makes No Difference to the Calculation Which is easy

done on a Calculator Anyway.

For a Raw Pitch of the Screw (I.E. Thread Crest to Crest Distance)

and The Number of Starts. Inch Screws May Be Specified in Threads Per Inch (TPI). The Pitch Is.

1 / TPI (E.G. The Pitch of An 8 TPI Single Start Screw IS 1 ¸ 8 \u003d 0.125 ")

IF The Screw Is Multiple Start Multiply The Raw Pitch By The Number Of Starts To Get The

effective Pitch. The Effective Screw Pitch Is Therefore Distance The Axis Moves For One

revolution of the screw.



If The Screw IS Directly Driven from The Motor Then This Is The Motor Revs Per Unit. IF The.

motor Has A Gear, Chain Or Belt Drive to the Screw with Nm Teeth On The Motor Gear and NS

teeth On The Screw Gear Thatn:

motor Revs Per Unit \u003d Screw Revs Per Unit X NS ¸nm

For example, Suppose Our 8 TPI SCREW IS Connected to the Motor WITH A TOOTHED BELT WITH A

48 Tooth Pulley On The Screw and An 16 Tooth Pulley On The Motor Then The Motor Shaft Pitch

would be 8 x 48 ¸ 16 \u003d 24 (Hint: Keep All The Figures on Your Calculator at Each Stage Of

calculation to Avoid Rounding Errors)

As a Metric Example, Suppose a Two Start Screw HAS 5 Millimetres Between Thread Cresses (I.E.

effective Pitch IS 10 Millimetres) and It is Connected to the Motor WITH 24 TOOTH PULLEY ON

the Motor Shaft and A 48 Tooth Pully On The Screw. SO The Screw Revs Per Unit \u003d 0.1 and

motor Revs Per Unit Would BE 0.1 x 48 ¸ 24 \u003d 0.2

For a Rack and Pinion Or Toothed Belt or Chain Drive The Calculation is Similar.

Find the Pitch of the Belte Teeth or Chain Links. BELTS Are Available in Metric and Imperial


bELTS and for chain. For a Rack Find Its Tooth Pitch. This Is Best Done by Measuring the Total

distance Spanning 50 Or Even 100 Gaps Between Teeth. Note That, Because Standard Gears Are

made to a Diametral Pitch, Your Length Will Not Be a Rational Number As It Includes The

constant P (pi \u003d 3.14152 ...).

All Drives We Will Call This Tooth Pitch.

If The Number of Teeth On The Pinion / Sprocket / Pulley On The Primary Shaft Which Drives The

rack / Belt / Chain Is NS THEN:

sHAFT REVS PER UNIT \u003d 1 ¸ (Tooth Pitch X NS)

SO, for example with a 3/8 "Chain and a 13 Tooth Sprocket Which Is On The Motor Shaft

the Motor Revs Per Unit \u003d 1 ¸ (0.375 x 13) \u003d 0.2051282. In Passing We OBServe That This Is


torque Requirements. In this Case You Multiply The Motor Revs Per Unit By The Reduction Ratio

motor Revs Per Unit \u003d Shaft Revs Per Unit X NS ¸nm

For example a 10: 1 Box Would Give 2.051282 Revs Per Inch.

For Rotary Axes (E.G. Rotary Tables or Dividing Heads) The Unit is the degree. You Need To.

calculate Based on the Worm Ratio. This is often 90: 1. So with A Direct Motor Drive To the

worm One Rev Gives 4 Degrees So Motor Revs Per Unit Would BE 0.25. A Reduction of 2: 1

from Motor to Would Give 0.5 Revs Per Unit. Calculating Motor Steps Per Revolution

The Basic Resolution Of All Modern Stepper Motors IS 200 Steps Per Revolution (I.E. 1.8O per

sTEP). Note: Some Older Steppers Are 180 Steps Per Rev. But You Are Not Likely to Meet Them IF

you are Buying Supported New Or Nearly New Equipment.

The Basic Resolution of A Servo Motor Depends on the Encoder on Its Shaft. The Encoder.

resolution Is usually quoted in CPR (Cycles Per Revolution) Because The Output Is Actually

two Quadrature Signals The Effective Resolution Will Be Four Time This Value. You Would

expect A CPR in the Range of About 125 to 2000 Corresponding to 500 to 8000 Steps Per Calculating Mach3 Steps Per Motor Revolution

We Very Strongly Recommend That You Use Micro-Stepping Drive Electronics for Stepper

motors. If You Do Not Do This And Use A Full- or Half-Step Drive Then You Will Need Much

larger Motors and Will Suffer from Resonances That Limit Performance At Some Speeds.

Some Micro-Stepping Drives Have a Fixed Number of Micro-Steps (TYPICALLY 10) While Others

can Be Configured. In this Case You Will Find 10 to Be a Good Compromise Value to Choose.

This Means That Mach3 Will Need To Send 2000 Pulses Per Revolution For a Stepper Axis

Some Servo Drives Require One Pulse Per Quadrature Count from The Motor Encoder (Thus

giving 1200 Steps Per Rev for a 300 CPR Encoder. OTHERS INCLUDE ELECTRONIC GEARING WHERE

you can Multiply The Input Steps by An Integer Value and Sometimes, The Divide The Result by

another Integer Value. The Multiplication of Input Steps Can Be Very Useful With Mach3 AS

the Speed \u200b\u200bOf Small Servo Motors With A High Resolution Encoder Can Be Limited by The

maximum Pulse Rate Which Mach3 Can Generate. Mach3 Steps Per Unit


Mach3 Steps Per Unit \u003d Mach3 Steps Per Rev X Motor Revs Per Unit

Figure 5.11 SHOWS THE DIALOG FOR CONFIG\u003e Motor Tuning. Click a Button to Select The Axis



much Accuracy AS You Wish. To Avoid Forgetting Later Click Save Axis Settings now.

Figure 5.11 - Motor Tuning Dialog


Still Using The Config\u003e Motor Tuning Dialog, As You Move The Velocity Slider You Will See A

graph of Velocity Against Time for a short Imaginary Move. The Axis Accelerates, Maybe

runs At Full Speed \u200b\u200band then Decelerates. Set the Velocity to Maximum For Now. Use the

Acceleration Slider to Alter The Rate Of Acceleration / Deceleration (These A Always The Same

AS You Use The Sliders The Values \u200b\u200bin The Velocity and Accel Boxes Are Updated. Velocity is in

uNITS PER MINUTE. Accel IS IN UNITS PER SECOND2. The Acceleration Values \u200b\u200bIs Also Given in GS To

give You a Subjective Impression of the Forces That Will Be AppLied to A Massive Table OR

The Maximum Velocity You Can Display Will Be Limited by The Maximum Pulse Rate Of

Mach3. Suppose You Have Configured This to 25,000 Hz and 2000 Steps Per Unit Then The

maximum Possible Velocity IS 750 Units Per Minute.

This Maximum IS, However, Not Necessarily Safe for Your Motor, Drive Mechanism OR

machine; IT IS JUST MACH3 RUNNING "FLAT OUT". You Can Make The Necessary Calculations or Do

some Practical Trials. Let "S Just Try It Out First. PRACTICAL TRIALS OF MOTOR SPEED

You Saved The Axis After Setting The Steps Per Unit. OK THE DIALOG AND MAKE SURE THAT

everything is Powered Up. Click The Reset Button So Its Led Glows Continuously.

Go Back to Config\u003e Motor Tuning and Select Your Axis. Use the Velocity Slider to Have the

graph About 20% of Maximum Velocity. PRESS THE CURSOR UP KEY ON YOUR KEYBOARD. The Axis

sHOULD MOVE IN THE PLUS DIRECTION. If IT Runs Away Then Choose A Lower Velocity. If It Crawls.

then Choose a Higher Velocity. The Cursor Down Key Will Make It Run The Other Way (I.E. The

Minus Direction).

If The Direction Is Wrong Then, Save The Axis and Either (a) Change the Low Active Setting

for the Dir Pin of the Axis in Config\u003e Ports and Pins\u003e Output Pins Tab (and Apply IT) OR (B)

check The Appropriate Box In Config\u003e Motor Reversals for the Axis That You are using. You.

cAN AKSO, Of Course, Just Switch Off and Reverse One Pair of Physical Connections To the

motor From The Drive Electronics.

If A Stepper Motor Hums or Screams Then You Have Wired It Incorrectly or Are Trying to Drive

iT MUCH TOO FAST. The Labelling Of Stepper Wires (Especially 8 Wire Motors) Is Sometimes Very

confusing. You Will Need To Refer to the Motor and Driver Electronics Documentation.

If a SERVO Motor Runs Away at Full Speed \u200b\u200bOR Flicks and Indicates A Fault On Its Driver That Its

armature (or Encoder) Connections Need Reversion (See Your Servo Electronics

documentation for more details). IF You Have Any Troubles Here Thatn You Will Be Pleased IF

you Followed the Advice To Buy Current and Properly Supported Products - Buy Right, BUY

Most drives will work normally with a minimum pulse width of 1 microsecond. If you have problems with testing (for example, the engine is very noisy) To start, check whether the stepper pulses are not turned over (active low is incorrectly configured on the legs tab of the ports and leg windows), then you can try to increase the width of the pulse before, say, 5 microseconds . The step interface and directions are very simple, but since this is an important part, with incorrect setting it will be very difficult to detect a problem without a rolling or very detailed recheck. Calculation of maximum engine speed

If you want to calculate the maximum engine speed, then read this chapter.

There are many factors that determine the maximum speed of the axis:

The maximum allowable engine speed (possibly 4000 revolutions per minute for a servomotor or 1000 revolutions per minute for stepping)

The maximum allowable speed of the screw (depends on the length, diameter, etc.)

Maximum strap drive speed or gear reduction

The maximum speed supported by the drive electronics without issuing a message about failure

Maximum speed providing machine salad lubricant

For you the most important first two points. It will be necessary to refer to the manufacturer specifications, calculate the allowed screw and engine speeds and relate them to units per second axis movement. Set this maximum value for the desired axis in the Velocity window (speed) of the engine setting. Automatic set of steps per unit

You may not be able to measure the speed (gearing) of the axis drive or find out the exact feed of the screw. You can measure the distance to which the axis moves, and then allow Mach3 to calculate the desired value of steps per unit.

Figure 5.12 Shows the button on the settings screen that you want to click to start this process. You will ask which axes need to be used.

Figure 5.12 - Automatic setting Steps per unit

Then you need to enter the nominal distance of the movement. Mach3 erupts this distance. Be prepared to press the emergency stop button. If the axis comes too far. Finally, you will be offered to measure and introduce the real distance that was passed. This value will be used to calculate the real value of steps per unit axis of your machine.

5.5.3 Determination of acceleration Inertia and Force

No engine is capable of instantly change the speed of the mechanism. Torque is necessary to set the angular momentum to rotate parts (including the engine itself) and the Torque converted by the mechanism (screw, etc.) into force should be accelerated by the parts of the machine and the tool or the workspace. A certain amount of strength is also spent on overcoming friction and actually in order to force the tool to work (cut).

Mach3 will speed up (and slow down) the engine with a specified level. If the engine provides more togor than necessary for work (cutting), overcoming friction and inertia at a given level of acceleration, then everything is in order. If Torque is not enough, then either the engine will stall (if walking) either increase the error of the servomotor position. If the error becomes too high, then the drive may not report a malfunction, but even if it does not inform the accuracy of the cutting will suffer. This will then be explained in more detail. Testing of different values \u200b\u200bof acceleration

Try running and stop the machine with a different settings of the acceleration runner in the engine settings window. With a low value, you can hear how the speed increases and decreases. Why should I avoid serious servomotor errors

Most of the movements specified in the subroutine involve the simultaneous movement of two or more axes. So when moving from x \u003d 0, y \u003d 0 to x \u003d 2, y \u003d 1 Mach3, the axis x is twice as fast as the Y axis. It not only coordinates the movements at a constant speed, but also ensures that the required speed is used when accelerating and slowing The acceleration of all movements is performed at the speed defined by the slowest axis.

If for this axis you select a too high acceleration value, Mach3 will assume that this value can be used, but since in practice the axis is delayed after receiving the command (i.e., the error is high) The position of the cut during operation will be inaccurate. Sewage of the speed of acceleration

Taking into account all the moments of inertia of the engine and screw, friction force and the engine torque it is possible to calculate what acceleration can be achieved with this error.

If you do not require much performance from the machine, we recommend asking such a value in which the test start and stop sounds normal. Yes, this is not entirely scientifically, but usually gives good results.

5.5.4 Saving and testing axes

Now you should check your calculations using MDI to make a specific G0 movement. To accurately check, you can use the steel ruler. A more accurate test can be carried out using a Disk Test Indicator (DTI) / Watch and Plane Bruck. In fact, it should be mounted in the tool holder, but for an ordinary machine you can use the machine frame.

Suppose that you are testing the x axis and use a 4-inch bar.

Use the MDI screen to select inches and absolute coordinates. (G20 G90) Install the clamp on the table and select the axis so that the dipstick dti touch it. Guarantee the completion of the movement in the negative direction x. Install the scale on zero. This is shown in Figure 5.13.

Figure 5.13 - Setting zero position

Now use the MDI Mach3 screen and press the G92x0 button to set an indent and consequently reset the DRO axis. Move to the X \u003d 4.5 position using G0 x4.5. The gap should be about half an inches. If not, then something is wrong with the meaning of the steps per unit that you calculated. Check and correct it.

Put the bar and move on x \u003d 4.0. This is a movement in the negative direction along x as well as a run, so the reverse filing effect will be repaid. DTI value will show positioning error. She must be thou or something so. This is shown in Figure 5.14.

Remove the bar and make G0 x0 to check the zero value. Repeat the test to get a set of about 20 values \u200b\u200band look at how much positioning varies. If you get sequential errors, then you can adjust the value of steps per unit to achieve maximum accuracy.

Figure 5.14 - Larker in position

Now you need to check whether the steps are lost on the axis in the repetitive movements at speed. Remove the bar. Run G0 x0 and check the zero value to DTI.

Use the editor to enter the following program:

F1000 (this is faster than possible but Mach3 will limit the speed)

G20 G90 (inches and absolute)

M98 P1234 L50 (Launch subtask 50 times)

G1 X0 (move back and forth)

M99 (Return)

Click Running a loop. Make sure the movements sound smoothly.

After the end of DTI, of course, it should show 0. If something does not work, it will be better to adjust the maximum level of acceleration of the axis.

5.5.5 Repeat the settings of other axes

Using the experience gained, you can quickly repeat the entire process for the other axes.

5.5.6 Installing the Spindle Engine

If the engine speed of your spindle is fixed or manually controlled, then this chapter can be skipped. If the engine turns on and off in any direction using Mach3, it will be set using the conclusions relay.

If Mach3 is used to control the spindle speed or through a servo receiving step pulses and directions either through the PWM engine controller, then this chapter will tell how to configure your system. Engine speed, spindle speed and pulleys

Step and direction and PWM equally allow you to control the speed of the engine. When working and you and the subprogramme rely on the spindle speed. Of course, the engine speeds and spindles depend on the pulleys or the mechanism of their binding them. We will use the term "pulley" to indicate both types of drive.

Figure 5.15 - Spindle drive on pulleys

If you do not have control over the speed of the engine, then choose a pulley 4 with a high maximum speed, such as 10,000 revolutions per minute. This will prevent Mach3 complaints if you run the program with the word S, requiring 6000 revolutions per minute.

Independently, Mach3 can not find out what pulleys level is used at a certain point in time, so this task is on the machine operator. In fact, the information is given in two approaches. When the system is configured (this is what you do now) you define up to 4 possible pulley combinations. They are set using the physical dimensions of the pulleys or levels of the mechanical head. After when the subroutine is launched, the operator determines which pulley (1-4) is used.

The machine pulleys are set in the ports-\u003e ports and legs (Figure 5.6) where the maximum speed of four pulleys sets is determined along with the default. The maximum speed is the speed on which the spindle will rotate when the engine operates at full speed. The total speed is achieved 100% of the pulse width in PWM and on the installed speed value on the settings of the spindle axis engine for step and direction.

As an example, suppose that the position we call "pulleys 1" is the ratio (descending) 5: 1 from the engine to the spindle, and the maximum speed of the engine is 3,600 revolutions per minute. Maximum pulley 1 in settings-\u003e logic will be installed on 720 revolutions per minute (3600: 5). Pulleys 4 may be a ratio (ascending) 4: 1. With the same engine speed, its maximum speed will be equal to 14,400 revolutions per minute (3600 x 4). The rest of the pulleys will be somewhere in the middle. The pulleys do not have to be placed as speed increases, but some logical connection to facilitate the control of the machine should be present.

The minimum speed value is applied equally to all pulleys and is expressed as a percentage of maximum speed and the minimum percentage of the PWM signal level. If the speed is lower than the required (expression S) then Mach3 will ask you to change the pulley level. For example, at a maximum speed of 10,000 revolutions per minute on the pulley 4 and the minimum percentage of 5%, the expression S499 is requested to be another pulley. This is done to prevent the engine or its controller at speed below the minimum level.

Mach3 uses the problem of pulley as follows:

When the subroutine executes the S command, or the value is entered into the speed dro, the value is compared with the maximum speed for the current pulley. If the requested speed is more maximum, an error occurs.

Otherwise, the percentage of maximum for pulleys, which was requested, and this is used to set the PWM width or the step of the maximum mode of the engine generated to obtain this percentage of the maximum engine speed as specified in the engine settings for the "spindle axes".

For example, the maximum spindle speed for pulley # 1 1000 revolutions per minute. S1100 issues a mistake. S600 will display a pulse, 60% width. If the maximum step rate and direction of 3,600 revolutions per minute, then the engine "step-up" is 2160 revolutions per minute (3600 x 0.6). PWM Spindle Controller

To configure the spindle motor to control using PWM, check the ticks to turn on the spindle axis and control PWM on the ports and legs, the printer ports and the axis selection page (Figure 5.1). Do not forget to click Apply. On the tab of the output signals selection page (Figure 5.6), determine the output foot for the spindle step. This leg must be connected to the engine PWM control electronics. You do not need a spindle direction, so install this leg in 0. Apply changes.

Determine external activation signals in ports and legs and setting-\u003e Output devices To enable / disable the PWM controller, and, if required, set the direction of rotation. Now open the settings-\u003e ports and legs of the spindle settings and find the PWMBase Freq. The value here is the frequency of the square wave, the width of the pulse is modulated. This is a signal supplied to the foot of the spindle step. The higher the frequency you selected, the faster your controller will be able to respond to speed changes, but the smaller the selection of speeds. The number of different speeds is the engine pulse frequency / PWMBASE FREQ. For example, if you work by 35,000 Hz and set PWMBase \u003d 50 Hz, then 700 different speeds are available for selection. This is almost certain enough on any real system, since the engine with a maximum speed of 3,600 revolutions per minute may, theoretically, is controlled in less than 6 revolutions per minute. Step and Direction Spindle Controller

To configure the spindle motor to control via step and directions, check the ticks to turn on the spindle axis on the ports and legs, the printer ports and the axis selection page (Figure 5.1). PWM control do not mark. Do not forget to apply changes. Determine the legs of the outputs on the tab of the output signals selection page (Figure 5.6) for the spindle step and spindle directions. These legs must be connected to the engine drive electronics. Apply Changes. Determine external activation signals on ports and leg and settings and settings-\u003e Output devices for turning on / off If you want to de-energize the engine-run spindle stops on M5. It will certainly and so will not rotate since Mach3 will not send stepper pulses, but, depending on the drive design, it may also contain residual energy. We now turn to the settings-\u003e The engine setting for the "spindle axes". Units for him will be one turn. So steps per unit are the number of pulses per revolution (2000 for a 10-fold microbrog drive or 4 x number of rows of the servomotor encoder or similar to electronic filling).

In the speed field, you need to enter the number of revolutions per second at full speed. So, it is necessary to introduce 60 for the engine for 3,600 revolutions per minute. This is not possible with an encoder with a high number of rows on the tact of the maximum pulse level from Mach3 (an encoder with 100 rows allows 87.5 revolutions per second on a system with 35,000 Hz). The spindle will need a powerful engine, the electronics of the drive of which presumably includes an electronic stuffing that can exceed this limitation.

Acceleration can be configured experimentally so that the start and stopping the spindle is smooth.

Note: What if you want to enter too small in the acceleration field, this is done using manual input Not a slider. Time about 30 seconds to start the spindle is quite possible. Testing Spindle Drive

If you have a tachometer or a strobe, then you can measure the speed of the spindle of your machine. If not, it will come to evaluate it on the eye and experimentally.

On the Mach3 settings screen, select the pulley, which allows 900 revolutions per minute. Set the belt to the appropriate position. On the startup screen, set the spindle speed that meets 900 revolutions per minute and start rotating it. Measure or rate the speed. If it does not match the desired, you need to double-check the calculations and settings.

You can also check the speed of all pulleys in the same way but with the applicable set of speeds.

5.6 Other settings

5.6.1 Setting Homing and Program Limiters Related Speeds and Direction

Dialog Configure-\u003e Home / Softlimits (initial position / program limiters) allows you to determine the response to the implementation of the calibration operation (G28.1 or the button on the screen). Figure 5.16 shows a dialogue. % Speed \u200b\u200bis used to prevent the axes in the foot of the axes on the full speed of the search for the calibration switches.

Figure 5.16 - Homing (Calibration)

When you calibrate, Mach3 does not know the position of the axes. The direction of motion depends on the tick near Home NEG. If noted, the axis will move in the negative direction until the HOME will be active. If it is already active, the axis will move in the positive direction. Similarly, if the tick is not worth it, the axis moves in the positive direction until the input becomes active and in negative if it is already active. HOME switches

If there is a check mark near the auto zero, then the DRO axis will take the value of the HOME calibration / switch position defined in the HOME OFF column (instead of a real zero). It can serve to reduce Homing time on very large and slow axes. Of course, you must have separate limits and calibration switches if the calibration switches are not at the end of the axis. Setting up software limiters.

As mentioned above, most of the implementation of the limit switches includes some compromises and random, their hide will require the intervention of the operator, and may require restarting and recalibrating the system. Software limiters can protect against this kind of cases.

The program will refuse to allow the axis to move for the specified limit of the X, Y and Z axis limiters. They can take a value within a radius from -99999 to +99999 units for each axis. When the run movement will approach the limiter, the speed of movement will decline at the time of being in the slow zone (Slow Zone), which is determined on the table.

If the slow zone is too big, then you will reduce the efficient work space of the machine. If it is too small, then you risk hurt hardware limiters. Certain limits are used only when the Program button limitors are enabled.

If the subroutine is trying to move to the program limiters, it will provoke an error.

Software limiter values \u200b\u200bare also used to determine the cutting space if the tool path show is enabled. It may seem convenient for you even if you are not concerned about the real limits. G28 initial position

The G28 coordinates determine the position in absolute coordinates in which the axis will move when the G28 command is executed. They are defined in current units (G20 / G21) and do not change automatically when you change the units.

Mach3 is a program designed to control CNC machines. It is most often used to work with milling and turning equipment, laser machinery, plasma cutters and plotters. In fact, with its help you can turn the computer into a full-fledged 6-axis control station. For convenient use in production, the developers provided in the program support for sensory screens.

Mach3 interface is a bit archaic and can be launched exclusively in full-screen mode. But the location of the elements of the graphic shell can be changed at their own request. A non-zero appearance of the program is compensated by its rich functionality. Mach3 makes it possible to create macros and custom M-codes from VB scripts, exercise multi-level relay regulation and even monitor the operation of the machine using the remote camera. It also supports direct import files in DXF, JPG, HPGL and BMP formats (implemented through the built-in Lazycam program). This feature It is useful for downloading layouts when creating laser engraving. There is also a function generation function for G-codes.

Since Mach3 is a professional solution, it requires the acquisition of an expensive license. But before the purchase, you can use the demonstration version of the program in which the user is not exhibiting the most severe restrictions.

Key features and functions

  • the ability to use the computer as a CNC machine control station;
  • creating your own macros to automate the production process based on VB scripts;
  • video surveillance over production;
  • the use of manual impulse generators;
  • support for sensory screens;
  • ability to change the location of the elements of the interface;
  • work exclusively in full screen mode;
  • import files in HPGL, DXF, BMP and JPG formats.

Restrictions of the free version

  • the number of GCode rows (Mill / Plasm) is limited to 500;
  • the number of GCODE strings (TURN) is limited to 50;
  • the Kernel frequency is limited to 25 kHz;
  • the "Assign a function for the next line" function is disabled;
  • function "Run from here" is disabled;
  • the THC function is disabled.

Mach3 is a program that provides CNC machines. This software is suitable for various profile devices.


Mach3 is a narrow-profile program that needs specialists in a particular area. Software is used to work with CNC machines. In this software, you can control the machines of different types of specialization.

By installing Mach3, you will make a "management item" from your computer, which will make it easier to work with the machine and automates the process of setting up certain functions.

Technical features

Mach3 has several features. This program does not require a lot of space on the hard disk of the computer. For installation software you need only 1 GB of unemployed space on the computer section, as well as a little more than 500 MB random access memory.

No need to forget that software does not work on Windows OS, which are created after the "seven". In addition, the program is designed for commercial use. After buying a license and activate software, you can use additional features.
If you do not want to buy the official version of the software, you can test Mach3 in the demo mode, evaluating all the features and functions.

Graphic shell

The graphics shell of the program is not simple and contains a variety of buttons. If you are an inexperienced user, and especially, not familiar with technically software, then you will have to spend time on learning the interface. There is no Russian language in Mach3, so knowledge of a foreign language is useful for studying tools.

It does not matter if you understand the programs of this kind, you still have to spend time to figure out Mach3. Knowledge of English will not help to explore this software with a narrow specialization.

The full work of the program will be available only after a thorough study of functions. To start the software, it is preferably to turn off the background programs by optimizing the computer to work.

The Mach3 program can be run only in the "All Screen" mode. In the software, a convenient interface that allows you to rearrange the panels with different options. Use MACH and generate macros, as well as M-codes from VB scripts.

The program can conduct "adjustment" using several levels. If necessary, you configure the frequency with which the spindle will rotate. In the software you can create a tool that controls G-codes.

This program can import files in JPG, DFX and BMP format. If you need, you can activate the window that "displays" a picture from the video surveillance camera.


  • there is no Russian localization in the program;
  • soft tools - complex, not designed for novice users;
  • flexible shell for the user;
  • you can view the workflow using the camcorder;
  • the program works in full screen mode;
  • installation is available only on Windows C XP to 7.

Setting the torch height in Mach 3 for plasma

The torch height setting (THC MODE) is possible exclusively when current license Mach3!

To connect the control mode and the THC torch settings, follow these steps:

1. Go to the menu ( Menu.) -\u003e Management of plugins ( Plugin Control) -\u003e Basic configurations: ESS ( Main Config: ESS) -\u003e Activate the torch height setting mode by putting a tick opposite the "Torch height setting" window ( THC MODE.)

2. Go to the menu ( Menu.) -\u003e configurations ( Config) -\u003e Inputs / Outputs ( Ports & Pins.) -\u003e Incoming signals ( Input Signals.).

You need to resolve the following three incoming signals, assign the number of input and output, and activate a high / low state.

* THC ON. (Torch is connected). Incoming arc signal.
* THC Up. (Torch up). The signal that gives the z axis command to rise.
* THC DOWN. (Torch down). A signal that gives the Z axis command to descend.

Connect "Allow the control of the torch direction up / down even when the THC mode is turned off" ( ALLOW THC UP / DOWN CONTROL EVEN IF NOT IN THC MODE) Only if you control the height of the torch manually. Never choose this feature in the standard THC torch control mode.

4. In the pop-up Mach3 window, you will see the following:

Button "TORK ON / OFF" ( Torch ON / OFF) Allows you to turn on or off the torch (also this feature will be active when using the assigned spindle output or G-codes). The torch must be enabled if you want to allow it to be active, and the signal (switching from the on-off mode and vice versa) will proceed from the torch controller.

Function "MIN torch" and "Max torch" ( THC MIN / THC MAX) Allows you to set the minimum and maximum height of the Z axis. This means that when you reach the established limits, any commands indicating the direction coming beyond the maximum and minimum height will be ignored.

Mach3 CNC Machine Control Program is a program designed for autonomous control machinery with numerical control. The program is equally effective for all types of machine tools, no matter what purpose the device is used: milling, engraving or turning. This program is one of the most popular developments of this type.


The full name of the Mach3 artsoft program. It is used on computer devices connected to machines. To start the program, an operating system from Microsoft must be installed on the computer. The application and software were created by the American manufacturer. Its popularity is related to ease of use, which provides the possibility of applying both in production and in everyday life.

Preferring the control program, you can start the instruments:

  • seven;
  • engraving.

In order for Mach3 to be running on the computer, it must match minimum requirements. Windows operating system is not an old-year-old older year. The clock frequency of the processor is at least 1 gigahertz. The minimum amount of RAM is 512 megabytes. Video card memory is at least 64 megabytes. The volume of free memory on the hard disk is at least 1 gigabyte. The presence of the LPT port and at least two USB connectors.

Almost every modern device is compatible with Mach3, so it can be applied both at large enterprises and in domestic workshops.

The application is similarly controlled on the machine of different designs. The difference in the work may be associated exclusively with differences in the characteristics and dimensions of the instruments.


Mach3 interacts with any machines having a system of numerical software management. The program can be launched not only on stationary computers, but also laptops. To do this, it is enough to connect the unit to the machine. The Mach3 system is a driver rather than a complex application. After installation, you can independently create control programs on your computer.

After their creation is completed, they are loaded into the modular memory with which the numeric is connected. software Management. The main task of the computer is to configure the parameters to work with machine equipment.

Through the PC you can:

  • automate the work tool;
  • control his movement;
  • control movement on a given trajectory.

The program works as a conventional window application, and does not overload the operating system. Before using it, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the instructions. There is no time for training.

The main advantages of Mach3 are:

  • wide functionality;
  • intuitive interface;
  • competent management principle.

The instruction is available in various languages, including Russian. Thanks to this, it will not arise with training.


The application is able to control simultaneously by six coordinates at once. Soft is equipped with built-in softwarewhich allows you to download files directly. It is allowed to download files in four formats:

If necessary, the application interface can be changed. With it, the device controls the spindle speed. Relay control is carried out on several levels. Processing is recorded by a video surveillance system that transmits an entry into a special software window. For convenience, the window mode can be switched to full screen. The created program is also compatible with modern sensory devices.

On the screen there are:

  • program control buttons;
  • display management program;
  • axes controls;
  • "Masters" buttons;
  • screen control buttons.

"Masters" is one of the main advantages of the application. They are represented by minipograms to expand the possibilities of Mach3. They are intended to perform simple tasks that will allow the user to save time. It is allowed to independently create minipograms.

They are used for:

  • cutting teeth;
  • drills;
  • denial;
  • text engraving;
  • samples of grooves;
  • superficial processing;
  • processing ordinary contours.

All information about the working tool is displayed on the screen. To adjust the spindle speed, it is enough to use the "+" and "-" buttons. Buttons and modes are signed in English, but the instructions are written their designation.


Not only the accuracy and quality of processing, but also the safety of the equipment depends on the proper configuration of the program. If the setting is completed with errors, the result can be a broken controlled tool, a CNC module or other elements.

Preparation is performed in several steps:

  • it is necessary to fully connect the machines and check their performance (the check can be performed both with the help of standard diagnostics and using various programs);
  • then Mach3 is installed (before installation it should be convinced that the computer device meets the minimum requirements of the program);
  • it is recommended to use licensed versions of the application (due to the high cost of licensed application and English software, pirated Russified assemblies are often used - however, they may be damaged, and can harm machine equipment);
  • the operation of the operating system must be optimized (it is recommended to disable third-party applications, including those that work in the background);
  • when the program is running, it is not recommended to run other applications (especially for games, because they are able to load a computer).

If the computer is planned to be used not only to work with Mach3, the hard disk should be divided into subsections. This step is necessary if the PC will be applied to the creation of managers, or other purposes. You should install a separate operating system on which the application will be operated. Other applications put on this system do not need.


Before setting up the program, carefully examine the instructions, buttons and their value. Mach3 interacts with different machines, so for each type you should open your own tab with parameters. With the purchase of a licensed version, the instruction follows. If a pirated version is used, or the instruction was lost, it is possible to download it in free access on the Internet.

Before processing parts, it is required to turn on the machine and make sure it works fine. There will be no jerks and interruptions about this. Then the aggregate run is performed. The application allows you to run a run in automatic modeby clicking on a special button. With it, the trial mode can be turned on and off. You can manage the working mechanism of the device using a mouse.

Control happens two types:

  • step-by-step;
  • continuous.

When using the first type, the machine is driven to the operating state by pressing the key, and performs processing on a given segment. The second type is characterized by the operation of the machine until the operator clamp the key. If the key is released, the processing will stop.