Does not see a flash drive in bios what to do. BIOS does not see the boot flash drive

You decided to install Windows: recorded a digital copy to the USB flash drive, configured the BIOS, restart the computer or laptop, and for some reason the installation starts. What the heck? Why doesn't the BIOS sees the boot flash drive? It seems to be done right ....

There are 2 most likely reasons here. The first - BIOS does not display the USB flash drive, because it is not booting. The second - you did not quite well configured the BIOS.

Although there is another nuance - you have too old BIOS. It does not support USB carriers, and therefore does not see them. IN this case You can install windows from the disk.

As for the first two reasons, we will look at them in more detail.

And you correctly recorded the loading flash drive?

The fact is that it is not enough to copy no files to it. In this case, it will not be considered boot. That is why BIOS does not see your flash drive. It is necessary to record it only with special programs. There is plenty of them, but I personally use Ultraiso. Why? Because she:

  1. Free (with a trial period of 30 days).
  2. Records both Windows 7 and Windows 8.
  3. Easily records images on a USB flash drive 4 GB (some programs support only USB carriers from 8 GB and higher).

And most importantly: create a bootable flash drive in Ultraiso simpler simple. To begin with, you need to install the program (link to the developer's website) and connect a USB flash drive to a laptop or computer. And after that, it remains to perform only a few steps:

During recording, all information from the USB flash drive will be deleted. The program will also warn you about this. Therefore, if it has important data, copy them to another place.

Correct BIOS setup

If you did everything according to the instructions, then be sure - the USB flash drive is recorded correctly. And now she is really booting. Try - maybe you can start installing Windows.

Therefore, restart the laptop or computer and go to the BIOS. To do this, press a certain button several times. Most often it is Del or F2, although it may be different (depends on the model motherboard And the laptop brand).

Next, you need to go to the tab, in the title of which contains the word "boot". It is here that the priority of loading devices is configured when the PC or laptop is turned on. By default, the first boot device is loaded, the hard disk is loaded, then the drive goes. In this case, you need to put a USB flash drive (USB-HDD) first place, and the hard disk is temporarily omitted to the second.

When leaving BIOS, be sure to save the new settings! For press the button that is responsible for the "Save and Exit" item.

That's all. Now, if the USB flash drive is connected to a computer or laptop, and the BIOS is configured correctly - it will start installing Windows.

P.S. If this is all too difficult for you, then you can go to Boot Menu. This is one of the BIOS options, which is intended just to quickly adjust the download from the flash drive.

P.S. If the BIOS does not want to recognize the USB flash drive, then it may be damaged. But before throwing it out, read. Perhaps everything will turn out, and it will last a couple of years.

The development of technology made it possible to significantly increase the volume of flash drives. During this time, CDs completely disappeared from our life, even Microsoft began to distribute Windows 10 on flash drives. But what to do if the BIOS does not see the boot flash drive on which there are installed by you.

Causes and ways to eliminate them

There are not so many reasons, they are almost all connected with bIOS setup.

Important! To begin with, it is necessary to make sure that the flash drive is good. By connecting to another computer or laptop, check whether it is displayed.

Incorrect image recording

The installation flash drive is created using special programs, it is not enough just to throw the file to the drive, it needs to be recorded correctly.

If you want to record image of Windows. 7, use the Microsoft branded utility.

For others versions of Windows And other programs are better to use Ultraiso.

Settings in bios.

What if the flash drive is written correctly, and the download does not happen to it? Most likely, the problem is in the BIOS settings.

Procedure for launching devices

Tip! Connect the USB port drive before performing the following. This will facilitate its detection.

Download mode

The second reason may consist that the flash drive is not visible in Boot Menu due to the inconsistency of the loading mode. Most devices are supported by two download modes: Legacy and EFI. If a legacy-mode is installed in the BIOS, and the flash drive is recorded for EFI (or vice versa), the system will not be able to recognize it.

The only thing you need to do in this case is to specify the desired mode through Basic Input / Output System.

USB port support

Sometimes situations occur when the PC does not see a flash drive through the USB port 3.0 when you try to install the system from it. Most likely, this is due to the BIOS configuration. To solve the problem, it is enough to rearrange the flash drive in USB 2.0.

- Hello!

- Hello...

"You will not tell you, already broken an hour I wake with installing Windows and I can't get the BIOS to boot from the flash drive - he simply sees it !!!

- Well ... try to remove the invisibility cap from her😊...

Here, I recently had such a dialogue with one of the acquaintances, the problem of invisibility, of course, was eliminated, but the conversation was long.

In general, most often with this problem face reinstalling Windows, and solve it, sometimes, not just. The causes of invisibility, in fact, not a little, but the most basic I will allocate in this article. Walking on them, I think you can easily configure and install a new Windows ...

The main reasons, because of which the BIOS does not see the boot flash drive

1) recorded incorrectly boot flash drive With Windows.

Perhaps this is the most common cause. Many users create bootable flash drives by one scenario: simply copy files from a Windows CD / DVD to a USB flash drive. At the same time, some of the users says that everything works ...

Perhaps this is the case, but it is not entirely right. To create loading flash drives - it is best to use special utilities (Especially since they are not enough!).

Example: how to burn the loading flash drive in rufus

1) First action: insert a USB flash drive into a computer USB port. Copying all the important data on the hard disk (if any). After that, it can be formatted (not necessarily).

2) Second Action: RUFUS program must be launched on behalf of the administrator (To do this, it will be enough to click on the right mouse over the executable file "rufus.exe", in the context menu that appears to select it);

3) Now go to the RUFUS settings (screen below + explanation to it for each item):

  1. count "Device": Choose our flash drive to record;
  2. Under figure 2. In the screenshot, a button that sets iSO file image with Windows OS, designed to record on a USB flash drive (simply point it);
  3. count "Section scheme": "GPT for computers with UEFI" (If you have a new PC / laptop, more about it here: ) ;
  4. count "File system" : Choose Fat 32 (Usually, it is installed by default);
  5. The last button ("Start") - start recording process.

Before recording RUFUS, by the way, you will be preserved that all data on the flash drive will be deleted. If you did not have time to save something - save, after formatting a flash drive - the data will be restored not so simple ...

Here, in fact, everything, the flash drive, written in this way, should work 100% and be visible, practically, in any modern version of the BIOS (UEFI) ...

2) Loading priority in BIOS (UEFI)

To get from the flash drive to boot and start installing Windows - it is necessary to correctly configure the BIOS / UEFI (and there are always difficulties with it, especially at novice users).

First you need to enter the BIOS settings.

To help!

BIOS has a load priority (Sometimes, it is called the download queue): For example, the diskette is first checked for the presence of boot records if it is not, then the hard disk, then the CD drive, etc. As soon as boot records are found on some carrier - the computer will boot from it.

Our task: change the load priority so that first of all the computer checked the boot records on the USB flash drive, and then on the hard disk.

To do this, there is a BOOT section. For example, the screenshot below illustrates the following loading priority:

  • CD / DVD discs;
  • HDD.

Naturally, with such a setting - no matter how much you inserted into the USB port flash drive - the computer will not see her!

BIOS will not see a flash drive

Change the priority of downloads to your own - i.e., putting a USB on the first place, instead of a CD / DVD drive, you can boot from the flash drive (Do not forget to save the settings - the F10 key, or EXIT: SAVE AND EXIT) .

Now BIOS will see a flash drive

Boot Section - Download Setup (UEFI Settings Example)

What else want to mention: A variety of BIOS versions can vary with menu, sections, outdoor at all.

In the screenshot below the settings are presented " Award Software Advanced Bios Features"- in it to boot from the flash drive, it is necessary opposite item" First Boot Device." (approx.: First boot device) - Stop USB-HDD. (This is a flash drive). Next Save Settings (F10 key).

In BIOS, laptops, usually, always have a section Boot. Going into it, it is also necessary to set the device to first place: USB Storage Device, USB-HDD, USB Device. etc. (depending on your model laptop, BIOS versions).

3) not turned off Secure Boot In the BIOS (or not the flash drive)

Secure Boot - This is about new featurewhich is designed to prevent the launch of undesirable software while turning on the computer. In all modern laptops and computers this option is available (approximately 2013 - it almost never met). Secure Boot support Windows 8, 8.1, 10.

There are two ways to solve:

  1. Create uSB flash drive UEFIThus, you do not have to turn off the Secure Boot in the BIOS. How to create such a bootable flash drive here:;
  2. Disable Secure Boot in BIOS and install Windows OS ( by the way, for example, Windows 7 does not support this feature at all.).

To disable Secure Boot - you need to log in to the BIOS and open the section Boot (in most cases it is so, but sometimes this feature contains the "Advanced" section).

Typically, you need to change the following (on the example of the Dell laptop):

  • Boot List Option: UEFI Change on Legacy;
  • Fast boot: enabled Change on disabled (i.e., turn off the "fast" loading);
  • do not forget to change the priority of the download (see the indicative screenshot below).

Enabled / Off Secure Boot

4) USB 3.0 or USB 2.0

On new computers and laptops, part of the USB ports are made in the old "format" - USB 2.0, the other in the new - USB 3.0. When copying files on a flash drive - there is no big difference, which USB use (Well, with the exception of data transfer rate).

But when installing Windows - the choice of USB port plays a key role! The fact is that Windows 7 does not support installation with USB 3.0! Those. By inserting the boot flash drive to such a port - install Windows 7 you will not be able!

How to distinguish the USB port 3.0 from uSB ports 2.0

Everything is very simple - USB 3.0 is marked with blue (or blue) color: and, marked both plug and ports. Pay attention to two photos below - everything is clear about them ...

Note: Windows 8, 10 - can be installed using uSB ports 3.0 (USB 3.1).

5) Whether a USB port works ...

Without going far from USB ports, I would still like to stay at such a moment: Does the USB port work at all? If you have a "old" Windows OS installed, and it still "somehow" works (and in most cases it is) - try downloading the computer and check the port.

I recommend paying special attention to USB ports that are on the front panel system Block, on keyboards, adapters, etc. Often, the reason lies in this: for example, one of my friend could not install Windows, since I connected the bootable flash drive to USB ports on the keyboard, and these ports started working only after booting Windows.

USB ports on the keyboard

Therefore, a simple advice: Try to connect a USB flash drive to another USB port (preferably to USB 2.0), from the back side of the system unit.

6) "Brutal" Collection with Windows

It is particularly nothing to comment - any assemblies can be the cause of everything (I, of course, somewhat exaggerating, but still ...).

To help! How to download an ISO image from Windows 10 [officially and legally] -

7) "Old" PC, does not support download from flash drives

If you have old computer - it is quite possible that you can not at all keep the download option from USB flash drives (True, in this case you will not be able to configure the BIOS - it simply will not be a point for selecting USB-Flash Drive (i.e. that will be obvious)).

If you have an old PC and you want to install from a flash drive, there are several ways:

  • refresh bIOS version Up to a newer supporting download from a flash drive (if, of course, there is such an update on the manufacturer's website. Important! The BIOS update may entail the inoperability of the PC!);
  • use the boot manager, for example, Plop Boot Manager. In this case, you first boot in this manager (by the way, it can be recorded on the CD disc), and then select the download from the USB device and continue the installation.

Today we will look at:

Today, Windows installation is most often carried out using specially prepared flash drives that have almost completely replaced. optical disks. By itself, the installation process operating system It does not constitute anything complicated, however, it often happens that the old does not see the loading flash drive.

In this topic, we will tell you what reasons can lead to this malfunction and what to do if the BIOS does not see the flash drive.

Causes of the problem

One of the most common reasons why the BIOS does not see a USB flash drive is the wrong download mode.

Modern laptops and personal computers have two modes: UEFI and LEGACY. As a rule, the default mode is activated. If the boot flash drive was recorded for another mode, which this moment Disabled, then you will see such a mistake.

The second reason why BIOS does not see YUSB is an incorrectly recorded installation flash drive. The fact is that many users, recording windows installer on the USB flash drive, simply copy the ISO image. So you can not do. So you will not make a flash drive. Even worse - this is when the files are simply copied to the USB flash drive.

Activation of the correct loading mode

If everything is clear with an incorrect recording of the loading flash drive, then setting the loading mode can for many may be an unfamiliar procedure. Let's figure it out on a specific example, how to change the download mode.

Today you can meet at least three varieties of bios. And despite the old bios or new, menu items may differ from those that I will be listed below, however, they always have approximately similar names and nesting.

If the BIOS does not see the files on the flash drive, then the download mode can be changed as follows:

It may be that the boot drive you use supports only Legacy mode. In this case, it may be that the BIOS does not see a USB flash drive due to the enabled Secure Boot mode.

To find out if this mode is enabled, open the search box by pressing the Win + R keys, then enter MSINFO32. In the appropriate window, you can read, enabled or turned off this function.

Disable Secure Boot mode is very simple. Below is an example for ASUS laptops:

If you have a laptop of the HP model, this mode is deactivated a little differently: you need to go to the "System Conficuration" tab in the BIOS, where and disable this option.


We hope our material helped you figure out what to do if the BIOS does not see a flash drive and why it can happen. Leave your questions on this topic below, and we will help them quickly solve them.

How is it? These are very simple friends! On laptops Samsung last Models appeared a few new options in the BIOS ("Fast Bios Mode" and "Secure Boot"), which are directly related to the possibility of loading a laptop from a flash drive or disk. Samsung Corporation suddenly decided to protect the download of the new operating room windows systems 8 From some virus or from the owners of the laptop, it's like you like. Naturally, many users immediately have questions.

My friend, wished to download sAMSUNG laptop From the boot flash drive containing the program reserve copy Acronis to make Windows 8 backup, but he did not come out. The other decided and also stuck at the very beginning, he simply did not find his flash drive anywhere or in BIOS, nor in the laptop boot menu. After he tried five flash drives, he flew to me with scolded eyes and said that his new laptop could not be loaded from a disk or from a flash drive. In short, I had to understand everything and if you also got into the same situation, read our article.

Download Samsung laptop from flash drive

If you suddenly wanted download SAMSUNG laptop from flash driveYou will try to enter the laptop boot menu using the F10 key when loading and choose your connected USB flash drive, but you will not come out for anything, since first of all, you need to make small changes in the Bios Laptop BIOS parameters.
Turn on the laptop and immediately click the F2 when loading, we enter the BIOS, go to the Advanced section and set the "Fast Bios Mode" parameter to the Disabled position.

Then go to the Boot section, we are interested in the "Secure Boot" option,

we also put it in the "disabled" position and press "ENTER"

It turns out a warning about the possibility of downloading a laptop with an error.

We agree, click "ENTER". Below appears additional parameter "OS MODE SELECTION",

We put it in the position "CMS OS" or "UEFI AND LEGACY OS"

And click "ENTER". Again a warning is about the possibility of downloading a laptop with an error, "ENTER".

We save the changes made by us in the BIOS, press "F10" on the keyboard. To the question "Save the changes made and reboot?" Press "ENTER". YES.