PBOX is a simple Windows Packet Manager (written and used in CodeForces).

So, for work it is constantly required access to the console, Git, Node, Jade. I would like to illustrate a little work with Chocolatey in context (on the example) preparation for the development under NODESTER.

Installation Requirements:

Windows XP / Vista / 7/2003 / 2008
.NET Framework 4.0.
PowerShell 2.0

It is simply set, the execution of such an uncomplicated command (in CMD.exe in PowerShell is not processed):

@Powershell -Noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "IEX ((New-Object Net.WebClient) .downLoadstring (" http://bit.ly/pSchocinstall "))"

After that, it is automatically installed in C: \\ Chocolatey, in C: \\ Chocolatey \\ libs will be describing packages, libraries. The basic modules of default programs are installed in Program Files (x86).

All major and necessary, for the developer, packages are present. Interpretable languages, type PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js. BD - MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite. Control of versions of Git, Mercurial, SVN. NotePad ++, sublime. Calcre to handle books under Kindle.

1. Installing the Node.js package with NPM


This command is similar to the following

Chocolatey Install nodejs.install

True, the console will have to close and re-open that recorded paths in Path have become available.

2. When the node is installed, you can already develop, install modules through the package manager. Here is a bag for Nodstra

3. Without Git-A on Nodester, you will not be able to make a deploy, so I install it with chocolatey

Here is a list of what I additionally installed.


We try to putty, the team opens the program window and look at, the fact that Git has been successful (let's remind you that you have to close the console and open anew).

4. Here you see that the nodester can freely contact

Then the routine process remains, installing on a local machine via NPM required in the project modules, such as ExpressJS, Jade, testing on a local web server that loads the node. All this is done in Git, comes, after which Push is performed in the reap NODESTER. The nodester-e (command list) will also need to install NPM modules via NODESTER NPM Install Appname.

Not for all fits chocolatey. The ideology of Windows and the applications created under the platform is leaning towards the fact that they themselves must climb into autoloads and with each convenient case without permission to climb. So, there are chrome in the packages, but we know about googularupdater.exe which and so everything updates. So, about notepad ++ that can be climbed by updates. Skype and update yourself. However, if you initially put everything in a chocolate, a quick update of one command will be pleasure, especially if this applies not to GUI tools.

Finally, apply a video clip with the office. Site.

In the comments asked to add the Slik Subversion package (SVN). I think it will be useful to illustrate how simple it is done. Also clearing the principle of work "Chocolate".

The main description and installation script for the simplest case. All packages can be collected yourself, here are examples.

1. Create a C: \\ SLIKSVN \\ SLIKSVN.NUSPEC file with the appropriate text (source dummy):

sliksvn. Sliksvn. 1.7.4 Slik Company. anatool

Slik Subversion Reliable Version Control Starts Here We Provide A Standalone Command Line Subversion Package for Windows. The Installer Contains All Command Line Tools (SVNADMIN, SVNSYNC, SVNSERVE, SVNMUCC, ETC.) But No Application Bindings Nor Apache Modules. The Tools Are Fully Side-BY-Side Compatible with Other Packages. IDEAL FOR AUTOMATED BUILD AND DEPLOY SCRIPTS http://www.sliksvn.com/ sliksvn SVN Subversion. Slik Company. false

2. After that, create an installation script C: \\ Sliksvn \\ Tools \\ chocolateyinstall.ps1

Install-ChocolateyPackage "Sliksvn" "MSI" "/ Quiet" "www.sliksvn.com/pub/slik-subversion-1.7.4-win32.msi" "" http://www.sliksvn.com/pub/slik-subversion -1.7.4-x64.msi "

Write-Chocolateysuccess "Sliksvn"
) Catch (
Write-ChocolateyFailure "Sliksvn" "$ ($ _. Exception.Message)"

It becomes clear from the code. What downloads from the office. Website or 32-bit, or 64 bits of the installer and will be put in a quiet mode without distracting with questions.

3. Extras. Installation file (may be absent), and this case is not fundamentally c: \\ Sliksvn \\ Tools \\ install.ps1

Param ($ InstallPath, $ ToolSpath, $ Package, $ Project)

Write-Host "This Is Not A Package with DLLS to Reference In It."
Write-Host "Please Install Using Chocolatey"
Write-Host "Chocolatey Install Sliksvn"
Write-Host "Removing This Package ..."
Uninstall-Package Sliksvn -ProjectName $ project.name

4. Collect the package. It can be collected by nuget. Sink access to it in Path, or contact through the full path. Lies in C: \\ chocolatey \\ chocolateyinstall \\ nuget.exe

\u003e CD C: \\ Sliksvn
\u003e Nuget Pack

After that, we obtain C: \\ Sliksvn \\ Sliksvn.1.7.4.nupkg local package. You can already install it, check the CINST SLIKSVN -Source C: \\ SLIKSVN (on the way only the path to the folder where the package is lying, without its name). Installed locally. Then you can download the package to the site. There is a post moderation mode, so the package will be visible immediately and becomes available through the CINST SLIKSVN.

How does everything work when installing a package? When installing, all that is packaged in the NUPKG package - installation scripts, description, and other files, binary archives (there is something there may be) falls into the folder C: \\ Chocolatey \\ lib \\ name_pack, but the actions are prescribed in the script, in our case Silent installation is performed by default, that is, SlikSVN I have a 64-bit system, which means it is placed in C: \\ Program Files \\ Sliksvn \\ and itself is prescribed in Path. But in fact, the installation can be any unpacking from its own archive, which will be included in the package, or some other actions with its incoming libraries. It all depends on the fantasy.

How to remove it? SLIKSVN itself through the installation-deletion, like any standard installed program, and from C: \\ chocolatey \\ lib \\ name_pocket hands.

Update 2012-08-15:

In the latest versions, there was already a deletion of packages through chocolatey Uninstall. The command deletes the contents of the package from C: \\ Chocolatey \\ lib \\ the name of the package, that is, the utilities that are installed by unpacking this folder are completely removed. What was installed in the system and in Program Files - does not touch.

The list of installed, as it would be logical to assume the chocolatey list of packages - no. But this can be easily corrected as an option to such hack:

Diff --Git "A / C: \\\\ Chocolatey \\\\ ChocolateyInstall \\\\ Functions \\\\ Chocolatey-List.ps1" "B / C: \\\\ Chocolatey \\\\ ChocolateyInstall \\\\ Functions \\\\ Chocolatey-List.ps1" index 67c2ECC ..aa67027 100644 --- "A / C: \\\\ Chocolatey \\\\ ChocolateyInstall \\\\ Functions \\\\ Chocolatey-List.ps1" +++ "B / C: \\\\ Chocolatey \\\\ ChocolateyInstall \\\\ Functions \\\\ Chocolatey- List.ps1 "@@ -15,7 +15,12 @@ Param ($ parameters \u003d" list "if ($ selector -ne") ($ parameters \u003d "$ parameters" "$ selector" "" -) + ) ELSE (+ $ Packagefolders \u003d Get-Childem $ nugetlibpath | Sort Name + $ Packages \u003d $ Packagefolders -replace "(\\. \\ d (1,)) +" | GU + WRITE-Host $ Packages + Exit +) if ( $ allversions -eq $ true) (Write-Debug "Showing All Versions of Packages"
Now by Chocolatey List we will get:

7Zip 7Zip.Install Chocolatey Console2 Curl Foobar2000 Git Git Git.Install Miranda MSYSGIT NODEJS.Install Notepadplusplus notepadplusplus.Install php PHP5-DEV Putty Sliksvn Sublimetext2 Warmup Wget

Once upon a time the installation of the program in Linux turned into a whole rite. It was not enough to find and download the source, it was necessary to manually collect it, satisfying hated dependencies. Now it is not necessary to even download the distribution kit - it is enough to choose a program in the package manager and click on the "Install" button. In Windows, still has to look for distributions and then manually install the software. Fact!

There are many reasons why Microsoft has not implemented anything similar to the package manager. You can discuss this question for quite a long time, but why? The occupation is ungrateful and hardly useful. Instead, we suggest to do business and try to equip the system, akin to the one that is used in any modern Linux. Package manager allows you to quickly find and install applications, later set updates, and if necessary, it is necessary to delete software correctly. The task is clear, and since there is nothing like that, we sell something similar to third-party means.

Primary installation of software

There is nothing more tedious and boring than the primary installation of programs on a nine clean system. No, true! Even if you do not rush to the quarry, installing the entire necessary software at once (although there are such fetishists), and it is gradually such a fetishist, then the basic set of prog, without which, well, do not do it, will still make yourself feel like the third category. Three operations: "Opened a site", "I downloaded the distribution", "put the program" - and so twenty times for shifting.

Browser, messenger, codecs and audio / video player, reader for PDF, office package, antivirus, latest versions of Java / .NET Framework / Flash, Archiver - Gentleman's set no one has canceled. Here and for a whole working shift you can help! 🙂 There is a chance to fall asleep early if there is dailySoft from the last disk] [, but so the marriage can be skipped: what if the new version came out? In a word, the only option is to send this painted forest and look for the option better.

So add to the bookmarks online service www.ninite.com. This recently emerged resource has already managed to save me from several hours of torment and a mediocre time. How? The idea is very simple. On the only page, a list of different predominantly free or open applicationswhich is broken by groups: "browsers", "security", "development", etc. You need to choose from you required utilities And click on the "Get Installer" button. As a result, for several mouse clicks, we get a universal installer, which will install all selected programs. The installer itself weighs quite a bit and pumps all the necessary data directly during installation. Separate moments, of course, alarming. For example, who knows it, wings this installer? But how comfortable!

Unfortunately, the installer does not leave the data that downloaded for installation, therefore, alas, it will not work out to create an offline installer and write it on your flash drive, but this option is available in the paid version of the service.

We pump the idea

In addition to the absence of offline installations in free version Ninite has another drawback - the installer with such applications Every time you have to make a new one.
It is strange that the developers did not add simpler system Registration so that you can log and immediately download the installer for the ever already compiled a set of programs. Avoiding such a mistake managed to guys from France, which implemented a similar service - www.allmyapps.com. In essence it is the same Ninite, only with more large quantity Software and the ability to glue the list of applications to your personal account (free).

In addition to the system, you can install an additional desktop client, after which the utilities that are already available in the system will not be installed in the AllMyApps interface and do not need to be installed. However, even with this scenario, the universal installer is still not a package manager.

Slightly approach the idea of \u200b\u200bthe application manager allows Zeupp (blog.zeusoft.net/zeuapp) implemented in the form of a desktop application. Development also offers a wide list of free and open softwarethat can be quickly installed in the system. We choose the desired, click "Download" - and the program itself, downloading the distribution, starts the installation procedure. Alas, the installation procedure is not transparent and not automated: the user even has to manually select the folder to download the distribution. But it is not all. If online services could still be forgiven the lack of checking versions in the system and the ability to update the software, then in the desktop zeupp this possibility was quite possible to implement. So you have to look for a solution to support the relevance of versions additionally.

Updating installed programs

In the case of the Windows applications, when new public long legs appear almost every week for different browsers, Adobe Reader and other client applications, the update issue is especially relevant.

Fully automatic systemwhich would track the emergence of new versions and herself carried out an update, I did not find it. But this, probably, even for the better, for from such automation in the conditions of the Windows-environment, it would be possible to wait for anything. It is quite another thing - a semi-automatic tool that would constantly track the presence of updates and offered to install them manually using standard installers. The development of such tools and is engaged in the Western Security SECUNIA company. We will not take serious corporate solutions aimed at a centralized update on the network, and take free utility for personal use - Secunia Personal Software Inspector.

The lightweight utility quickly and with the knowledge of the case scans the entire system and gives a detailed report which of the programs need to be updated. For each obsolete program, a threat rating is issued (in accordance with the extensive base of Secunia descriptions of vulnerabilities) and, most convenient, direct link to download the latest version of the distribution. One click - and you can already start updating. In addition, the presence of updates for the Windows itself is checked, and whenever you establish not the same last version Some software, the appropriate warning will appear in the tray. Special attention is paid to the security of browsers and plugin enclosed to them ( Adobe Flash. Player, QuickTime, Sun Java, etc.), as well as client software for network Services (for example, Skype). A detailed report, let's say, the ActiveX components becomes available if you translate Secunia PSI to the advanced interface mode.
Before starting scanning utilities, download the set of rules on a safe HTTPS-puncture, in which it is indicated how to check the relevance of the application. It is worth saying that on my car is installed just a huge amount of software, from which I do not have time to get rid. At the same time, Secunia can find updated versions for many of them. Seeing information about the updated in its RSS feed java versionsThe experiment for the sake of I launched PSI - information about the need to update immediately appeared on the screen. It is here and you begin to feel that the support of the product does not do a couple of enthusiasts, but a whole team of Security Specialist. By the way, at any time, PSI issues the updated SCUNI System Score rating. I have this value after a long lack of updates amounted to 86%. And you have?

How to deal with beta versions?

Despite the presence of obsolete programs, the system also gets along a huge amount of beta versions of software, which is still far from the release. In general, it is pleasant to get pleasant bonuses much earlier than others, but to help developers in finding a few bugs - not such a big fee for such an opportunity. Alas, secunia psi no betakes recognize - it is also clear if there are full of bugs in the releases, then what to expect from beta or even alpha versions? How to be? Tracking the release of fresh programs to me help the resources fileforum.betanews.com and www.filehippo.com. If the first simply publishes news about the newly released version versions, then FileHippo is a huge catalog of software, which is scrupulously updated as soon as it turns out a new version Programs - probably this is done automatically. Moreover, everyone is invited to download FileHippo.com Update Checker, which is as well as the SECUNIA program checks the program installed in the system for updates. But at the same time ... in a separate list, it offers to install also available beta versions of programs, indicating direct links to load distributions. It's funny that after installation just downloaded FileHippo.com Update Checker Psi immediately unsubscribed that for this program there is a version of the newer. After all, it is clearly lying, offended or what? 🙂

Proper removal of programs

When the "Start" menu grows to unreal dimensions, you begin to think: "Perhaps a lot of superfluous here." My rule is approximately such - every time, running a regular Windows manager for installing and removing programs, you can get rid of at least five unnecessary utilities :). That seemed to be the only feature of the batch manager, which removes the program, and which Microsoft seems to be implemented, there is. Use - I do not want. But no! The program, of course, with sin in half removes, but if you take a snapshot of the registry and file System before installation and after removal, then detected interesting Facts. Excess registry keys, some temporary files ... Why they remained - it is not clear.

There are many utilities that magically promise to correctly delete programs from the system, use intelligent algorithms to search for left keys in the registry, etc. In fact, most of them are complete shoes, but not ashampoo Magical Uninstall (www.ashampoo.com). What is different from all others? Principle of action. The idea is that the program works all the time with the background and as soon as it detects the start setup.exe, install. EXE and other installation binaries, begins to carefully monitor their actions and changes in the system. In the course of the case, a database is compiled in which all the actions of the installer are recorded: what keys in the registry registered, what files and where it placed - everything is clearly in fact. Wanted to delete the program? Ashampoo Magical Uninstall breaks it through the database and roll back all changes. The approach works correctly. Moreover, if you mistakenly deleted the wrong program or tritely changed, then any operation of uninstalling can be canceled for some time using the built-in Reinstaller utility. Magical Uninstall is still distributed free, but license key You have to request on the developers website.

Alas and ah!

Package manager as in Linux? Alas, until nothing comes out. As long as there is no standardized mechanism for installing, updating and deleting an application, a program storage repository, you can not even talk about any analog of APT-GET. MICROSOFT cant? Of course. But after all, the developers of the open software will not be very scratched on this. Carefully hosting your projects on Google Code, SourceForge and other resources, it has long been possible to figure out something like that.

Just think: a convenient application manager, in which there will be only open software - what is the bonus for the entire opens, and? In the meantime, you will have to be content with scattered utilities, which even in the tandem sometimes do all of what package managers in Linux are capable of.


You can take note of other good programs to search for updates for software installed on the computer. This is Sumo (www.kcsoftwares.com) and appupdater (www.nabber.org/projects/appuppdater).

A few years ago, enthusiasts tried to create a Linux APT-GET port - Win-get () appeared on the light. The system written on Pascal allowed to establish some utilities through the console, but, unfortunately, the development quickly stalled. The same fate has been deposited by other beginnings: appsnap, AppUpdater and even trying to combine all the available GETIT solutions (www.puchisoft.com/getit).

Install and update the drivers

Perhaps the most unworthy thing after reinstalling the system is not even the installation of all programs. Not! There is a monster much worse - drivers. When I first saw Windows 7, I wanted to scream: "It happened!". Yes, the system through Windows Update. Pulls almost all the necessary firewood, and I have already convinced more than once. As a result, no longer has to break the head, which unknown devices are prescribed in the device manager - everything is installed automatically. But how to be with early versions Windows and how in principle update the drivers? Our answer is DRIVERMAX (www.innovative-sol.com/drivermax).

This small utility will allow you to quickly pull out the latest version of firewood for the most different devices. Forget about painting searches for a rare driver or a long disk of the "box" - just create a free account on the service and download everything you need. However, the program will be useful even if you do not trust this approach and prefer to download systematic software from official sites. Drivermax has another important feature - backup of all drivers in the system. Therefore, after reinstalling the system, the installation of all drivers will take just a couple of minutes and will require a minimum of effort. I would like to admit that I didn't find all the same as a driver for a driver with Drivermax, but quickly corrected the situation with another utility - Device Doctor (www.devicedoctor.com).

Auto-update from Google

If you have ever downloaded Google Chrome.You also know: instead of an offline-distribution of the browser, you only merge the envelope-installer, which is already, in turn, depending on the OS and other parameters, is downloading everything you need. And if you ever came to Pack.Google.com, then, probably, I did not pay attention to the program that once sets or updates in the system products from Google. Such an intelligent installation and autoappite system is called Google Update or Omaha. This project is developing under an open license and is always available with Code.Google.com/p/omaha. It is important that this is not just a program, and a system-thought out in the architectural plan, allowing you to easily install and update various applications - what is missing in modern Windows to make repository with software and a lainux package manager.

Good day.

Of course, batch managers in Linux do easier life and users and administrators. In the world of Windows with this much worse, although some developments are available (Progress is promised in Windows 10): Nuget, Chocolatey, WPKG and others.

Taking support of testing machines for CodeForces, computers of the Olympiad training center of the SSU programmers, the preparation of participants' workstations for different Olympiads, I finally tired of writing a variety of BAT files and decided to streamline this process. It turned out to be a good help, but in the details it turned out that it does not always suit me: in most cases it is impossible to specify the installation directory, there is no support for its repositories, there are no many packages for CodeForces, the SHOCOLATEY repository stores not installer programs, but only links to them - Several times it was that the site of the program was lying, and install the package was not possible.

For this reason, in December 2014, I allocated a few evenings to work on a user friendly convenient for our purposes (called PBOX, read as pi-box). I assume to use PBOX to install software-specific software (specific versions of compilers), and for programs general purpose Something and shocolatey.

In the next month, all the testing servers CodeForces (and many other computers of the Faculty of Knieit Saratov GU) I plan to reinstall using in particular PBOX.

I have already used it for personal purposes, it seems to me that PBOX can be useful to someone from CodeForces users. On the site http://pbox.me there are examples of use. Below is a bit explanation.


Go to http://pbox.me and in the Windows administrative console (find in cmd.exe and in the context menu on the right mouse button, select RUN ADMINISTRATOR) Run Code C main page. Pbox is written in Java if you don't have it, he himself rolls out JRE and put next to him. By the way, with each PBOX launch will be self-renewable, so you don't have to think about rolling up updates.

I usually turn off the UAC, if you do not want, then in the future it will have to always be launched into the admin. Console, and you can turn off the UAC when Pbox is installed simply by typing Pbox -uac.


Want to yourself exactly the G ++ that is used on CodeForces? Just type PBOX Install Mingw-TDM-GCC. By default, it will install in% homedrive% \\ Programs \\ MingW-TDM-GCC, you will write several directory in the path (including MSYS), add mingw_home to the installation directory. In general, to see what exactly it will happen just enough to find a package and click Show Pbox.xml.

PBOX packets are not much at all (but not enough, 73). Come on http://pbox.me/packages and see. From the useful console, I recommend PBOX Install Tools - this is an assembly of useful SysInternals utilities, Windows Resource Kit, Support Tools, as well as different CURL, WGET, IMDISK and others that are immediately added to Path. By the way, will be added and useful utility Runexe.exe, which can run processes and watch the time / memory used.

By the way, most default utilities and compilers will be installed in C: \\ Programs (actually in% homedrive% \\ PROGRAMS). It is quite convenient to have the path to them shorter and without spaces like "Program Files".

You can install with add. Keys, for example: Pbox Install Far --Homedir \u003d C: \\ Far --harch \u003d 32 --Version \u003d 3.0.4040. To delete a package, it is enough to execute PBOX Uninstall Far.

Here are more examples of accessible commands and their use.