Why wifi does not connect on the tablet. Your laptop, phone or tablet does not see Wi-Fi? The solution is

The question "why the tablet does not connect to WiFi" sooner or later "puts in a dead end" of almost every active user of android devices. At the same time, no obvious "symptoms of the problem" is not observed: the router, both worked, and works, the tablet itself looks quite "viable", the Internet is paid for stationary computer It happens normally, that's just the tablet does not connect to the Internet via WiFi.

And in this article we will look at why such a problem arises, and what to do to the user if the tablet does not see WiFi.

Why the tablet does not connect to WiFi: the main reasons

So, the most common reason that the tablet does not connect to Wi Fi, is in other words, incorrectly entered.

To eliminate the error, you need to carefully check the correctness of the entry key entry: language, register, "layout" virtual keyboard etc. In extreme cases, you can remove and re-on.

Among other "popular" reasons why the tablet does not see WiFi, you can note:

  • 1. Nonsetting of encryption types
  • 2. Restricting access to the network by the MAC address of the device
  • 3. Quantity limit active connections online
  • 4. Flaws in the router

The tablet does not connect to Wi Fi: what to do?

After checking the connection parameters no additional settings On the tablet itself you do not need to do - further "diagnostics" is carried out through the web interface of the router.

Setting network connection It is more convenient to carry out through a stationary computer.

So, if the Lenovo tablet does not connect to WiFi, you need. To do this, enter the personal IP address of the router to the Internet browser search string and click "ENTER".

As a rule, the ip address of the router is specified on the device label - in most cases it is a combination of or

Here you need to check the following parameters:

  1. 1. Type of encryption.

Most tablets are supported by 2 types of encryption: WPA and WPA2 Personal. If you change the data encryption type in the router settings, the tablet will not be able to verify and connect to the router.

Encryption type is specified in the protection settings WiFi network - This is the Wireless Network or WLAN tab.

  1. 2. The right to access the network for the MAC address and the number of active connections in the wireless network.

This feature can be found in the DHCP settings section, where it is shown which devices in this moment Connected to your router.

Also in this column marked all MAC addresses of connected devices. If in front of the MAS-address of your tablet is a tick in the "Lock" point, then it means that you will not be able to connect to the network.

In order for the tablet easily to connect to Wi-Fi, you need to remove the check mark and save the changes made.

Also here you can see if the number of active users of your WiFi network has been set. So, if two is installed for the maximum permissible number of active connections, then when you turn on the laptop and cell phone, you should not be surprised that the tablet does not see Wai Fi - it is simply not "free space" for him.

The number of active WiFi users can also be determined using, and best protection From virtual vorays will be a reliable and unique password.

In addition, the solving global question "Why does not connect the tablet to WiFi", do not forget about the standard "treatment" of electronics: restart the router using the ON / OFF button and re-connect to the network through the search for available devices.


To date, wireless networks help not fall out of sight and constantly stay in touch, opening access to the Internet and providing a reliable connection to various devices. And although during its existence, Wi-Fi has almost made perfection, but still remained quite a capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in connection with this are practically identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without access to the Internet, there is no access to sites if there is a connection and a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi Router.
To date, wireless networks help not fall out of sight and constantly stay in touch, opening access to the Internet and providing a reliable connection with various devices. And although during its existence, Wi-Fi has almost made perfection, but still remained quite a capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in connection with this are practically identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without access to the Internet, there is no access to sites if there is a connection and a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi Router.
How to properly connect the tablet to a Wi-Fi router? To do this, make the following actions:
1. Check Wi-Fi settings on the router itself, making sure that the wireless network is activated, and the DHCP is connected. This will avoid the need to prescribe an IP address with each subsequent connection.
2. Go to the tablet settings, turn on Wi-Fi, cluster the Wi-Fi icon for a few seconds and go to the wireless network settings.
3. In the list network available Select the router (I will enter a password if necessary).
4. Click "Connect".
If for some reason there was a need to manually register the IP settings, you must put a tick in the "Advance" string. This will open access to the advanced settings. Over the opposite "IP settings", choose "Custom". In the window that opens, you must specify the IP of the router, which in this subnet will act as a DNS server. After that, you can connect.
If you did everything right, but tablet Samsung Or the other does not connect to the WiFi router, that is, several ways to solve this problem.
If the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi before contacting the service center, you can:
1. Check whether Wi-Fi is connected on the tablet itself.
2. Check if the power is powered.
3. Check whether the filtering function is activated by the MAC address in the router settings.
4. Connect to an open access point. After turning off WPA encryption.
There are situations where the tablet "loses" communication with a Wi-Fi point. Of course, for each user, this is a rather unpleasant situation. As a rule, it happens at the most inopportune moment. Several recommendations will allow the user to independently cope with this problem.
If the connection between the tablet and the Wi-Fi point is broken by:
1. Switch to another wi-Fi point. If after that the problem will disappear, then the cause of trouble lies at your access point. In this case, you can change the network settings or update the firmware of the connected device.
2. Connect to any other open access point, for example, to a neighbor or choose a less used channel.
3. The reason may be in the device adapter. In some cases, the faulty adapter creates interference, which is the cause of the "loss" of the connection between the router and the tablet.
We hope that these recommendations will allow you to avoid the situation when the tablet does not connect to WiFi zyxel router, Rostelecom, Beeline or Asus, and if such a trouble happens, to cope with it.

Just bought a tablet. Joy from the new gadget immediately causes satisfaction on the face. We turn it on, install and try to connect to home network Internet via Wi-Fi network. And here a problem appears. Our device finds a network ( wi-Fi Router), connects to it (password entered correctly), all at first glance looks as it should be.

But, then we discover that after connecting to the router, we do not have access to the Internet. There may be several reasons. We will consider those that are the most common and try to offer a solution to the problem.

The situation with the lack of connecting to the Internet, despite the fact that the tablet sees the router ( wi-Fi network) It most often happens in the case of devices (routers) of little-known Chinese brands. The first thing to be done in this case check the Internet connection on another Android device (smartphone, other tablet). If in this case everything works as it should - it means that the fault lies on the side of your new tablet.

The problem will be setting permanent IP Address. In the case of devices with the Android 4.x operating system, go to Settings > Net. Press and hold for a while setting Network And after the menu appears, select Edit Network. We enter all the necessary data: IP address, DNS and gateway. In the case of tablets with Android OS 2.3 and more early versions Go to B. Wi-Fi settings \u003e Menu\u003e Advanced and here we enter network data.

If it turns out that another device with the Android system also has problems connecting to the Internet, it means that the router is already to blame. The most common cause of this problem is the bad channel of the router.

To change it to the correct, that is, on Channel 5 (Channel 5 or CH5), you need to enter the router settings. As a rule, this is done by entering the browser to the address bar (on the computer) the IP address of the gateway (router), usually

The login window (login and password) should appear. But a new router Login: Admin and Password: admin. After logging into the system, we find the appropriate option and select the channel 5. Detailed instructions By changing channels should be in the instruction manual for your router.

Tablet computer is an incredibly convenient invention. You can not be attached to the workplace, as in the case of stationary computing systems, and also do not carry extra kilograms in the form of a full-size laptop. However, without accessing the Internet, the tablet loses significantly in the flexibility of use. However, it concerns all mobile devices. In the light of this, it is quite clear that if the tablet does not see WiFi, then a similar problem must be immediately solved.

Connection order

number tablet computersoperating under the control of the Android operating system, dozens of times more than their fellows managed by the appropriate windows version or iOS. That is why this article will be discussed precisely about massive devices. People who first encountered Android apparatus, can not always correctly use wireless communication. And since in the normal state the Wi-Fi module is turned off, then the newcomer has a question: "Why does not the tablet connect to WiFi?" In fact, everything is quite simple. The process of joining the existing wireless network includes several mandatory stages:

  • using the receiving-transmitting module of the tablet computer;
  • scanning range and select from the list of desired SSID name;
  • set of secret combination.

If the network to which the connection is performed is open (free), then the last item is not required.

How to connect the tablet via wifi

You must open the "Application Menu", which is on any Android device. Usually, to access it, you need to click on the image of the circle at the bottom of the screen. Next, carefully view all the icons and find the "Settings". After clicking on it, the window will open where there is a section "Wireless Networks".

If you specify the WLAN item, you can see the "Off / ON" switch. When you enable automatic frequency scanning and output of the list of detected networks. You can also see whether password is used, and where exactly. If the network is open, it is enough to click on its name, and the tablet will connect to it. In the case of protection (WEP / WPA / WPA2), a password request window will be issued when trying to join. Pointing it and pressing the appropriate button, you can connect mobile device with the network.

There is a faster way to access Wi-Fi. For this there is no need to search for "Settings". It is enough to spend your finger across the screen down, pulling the curtain, find the image of WLAN (Wi-Fi) and click on it. There will be activated module, scanning and issuing a network list.

Alternative nuances

Now many android device owners often replace official firmware Castomnaya (made by craftsmen). As a result, not all functions work as familiarly. For example, if you use a call through a curtain, then the tablet does not see WiFi. The list of detected networks is simply not displayed.
Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to include the Wi-Fi module through the "Settings". When used, it should be remembered that some of them have recognized errors in working with networks. At the same time, the newest "self-written" software updates Often integrate the most "fresh" versions of Wi-Fi drivers. The output is simple: before learn a lot of information about why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, sometimes changing the firmware.

Problem standards

In order for the devices to be merged into the wireless network, it is necessary that the protocols supported by them were compatible with each other. Thus, the first Android tablets can simply "not know", how to work with WPA2 protection, supporting only WEP. In this case, it can help the change of encoding type in the router settings. True: "Corywo" The configured access point can ruin the life of the most patient owner of the modern tablet.

Intermediate solution

So why does the tablet be connected to WiFi? There are a lot of reasons. We pointed up the most simple. Besides them, on the ability of the tablet to work with wireless network The power of its transmitter affects.

Very often, when scanning the desired SSID is determined, and even a password is accepted, but it is impossible to work with such a connection. This is due to the fact that, although the device and "sees" the router, the data packets sent to the addressee do not reach the destination. The solution is simple - to physically get closer to the access point. This "illness" often suffer inexpensive in which ampace transmitters are used.


But what to do if without visible reasons stopped the tablet to connect to WiFi, although until recently everything worked properly? You can try to take advantage of the wonderful. software solution, free distributed in the market, - Wi-Fi Fixer. After installing the application, you need to restart, and the subsequent connection to the network is performed through the interface of this program, which will be displayed in the curtain. In addition, sometimes it helps to solve problems with the transfer rate.

Work with settings

Disassembling why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, it is impossible not to mention possible failures in the operating system. Installation third-party applicationsMaking changes to the work of components, receiving root-rights - all this can affect Wi-Fi. Performance can be tried to recover through return to the factory parameters. To do this, proceed to "Settings - Personal Data" and use "Restore and Reset". At the same time, all user data (including a phone book that is not scorched to file) will be erased. Therefore, it is pre-prepare copies.