Resources for posting articles. List of professional publications in which a publication can be placed

Teachers and educators can publish an article for free in the journal Pedagogical Experience. Various materials are accepted for publication in the journal, these can be the development of specific lessons, teaching materials, extracurricular activities, generalization of pedagogical experience, etc. The journal publishes only original articles.

Publication in the journal "Pedagogical experience" equivalent to publication at the national level and is confirmed by an all-Russian diploma. The Pedagogical Experience journal is registered with Roskomnadzor and has a mass media registration certificate No. EL No. FS 77 - 64783.

Secure your copyright to the material

Take advantage of the program "Authority Guarantee" journal "Pedagogical experience". V Within the framework of the program, your article will be indexed by search engines even before publication, which will secure your rights to the material.

Copyright Guarantee Program it:
- automatic entry of data on articles into sections of the original texts of search engines,
- guaranteed storage of published articles on the site,
- confirmation of authorship with a personal numbered diploma of the all-Russian level,
- publication of only previously unpublished copyright materials with their check for plagiarism

Articles in the magazine published free of charge.Paid only checking articles for plagiarism, making and sending a diploma.

How to publish an article

To publish an article send an email to the editorial office with the subject “Article publication”.
Three files must be attached to the letter:
- article for publication,
- request for publication (),
- a copy of the payment of the registration fee (scan or photo), payment methods are indicated in the "Payment" section.

Plagiarism Checker

Accepted for publication Exclusively author's materials not previously published. Before submitting the article, we recommendcheck for uniqueness and plagiarism.You can check your work yourself on free anti-plagiarism services or . If the uniqueness of the work is less than 35%, then such material will not be selected for publication in the journal Pedagogical Experience.

After the publication of the article in the journal "Pedagogical experience" its full or partial republishing by the author is possible in any other publications and Internet resources.

Author's Diploma

Upon receipt of the application by the editors, you will be sent a confirmation of receipt of the materials. The term for the publication of the work is three working days. Immediately after publication, you will sent Diploma on the publication of the article in the All-Russian journal "Pedagogical experience". The diploma is sent to electronic or paper form.

Dear colleagues!

We invite undergraduates and students of institutions of higher and secondary vocational education to publish articles in the scientific journal "Student".

The journal is assigned ISSN, UDC and LBC. The magazine is published 4 times a month. Metadata of articles published in the journal are placed on the eLIBRARY.RU platform.

All articles are checked for plagiarism (using the service). The originality of the text should be at least 70% of the volume of the article.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), registration number EL No. FS 77 - 77221 dated November 20, 2019.
The founder of the journal is SibAK LLC
Editor-in-Chief - Natalia Dmitrieva

Journal headings

Article formatting requirements

  1. Articles are accepted for publication in the following languages: rus, eng, ger, kaz, ukraine, bel. The volume of the article is not less than 3 pages of typewritten text. The originality of the text must be at least 70%. If, when checking the article by the service, the percentage of the author's text is below 70%, then the article is returned to the author for revision and will not be published until the comments on the originality of the text are eliminated.

    It is not recommended to use methods to bypass anti-plagiarism: formula words, replacing Russian letters with Latin ones, etc. These violations are detected using software and the article is returned for revision

  2. The article should not have been previously published, and should not be submitted for consideration and publication in another publication.
  3. For typing text, formulas and tables, you must use the editor Microsoft Word for Windows. Before typing, configure the following settings text editor: margins of 2 cm; font Times New Roman, size - 14; line spacing- 1.5; width alignment; paragraph indent 1 cm; sheet orientation - portrait. Figures made in MS Word are not accepted. All figures and tables must be numbered and provided with titles or captions.
  4. Header styling:(uppercase, bold letters, line center alignment) ARTICLE TITLE; on the next line(font bold italic, right justified) - Full name ; on the next line (italics, right alignment) - student, undergraduate, name of the department or faculty, name of the university or college (in full), country, city (abbreviations are not allowed); on the next line (italics, right alignment) Email for contacts. If the article was written jointly with the supervisor, it must be indicated as a co-author- full name; on the next line (italics, right alignment) - academic degree, academic title, name of department or faculty, name of university or college, country, city 1 line later - the text of the article. If there are several authors of the article, then the information is repeated for each author. If the article is framed with an annotation and keywords, the Design Requirements from the section of scientific conferences apply.
  5. List of references is required. It is issued in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 - 2008 in alphabetical order (). References in the text should be made in square brackets to the corresponding source of the list of references, for example. The use of automatic page links is not allowed.

Article text template


Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
Student, Department of Regional and Sectoral Development Strategies,
Kemerovo State University,
Russian Federation, Kemerovo
E-mail: economist

Petrova Tatyana Ivanovna
cand. economy Sciences, Associate Professor, Kemerovo State University,
Russian Federation, Kemerovo


Ivan Ivanov
student, Department of Regional and Sectoral Development Strategies,
Kemerovo State University,
Russia, Kemerovo

Tatiana Petrova
Candidate of Sciences in Economics,
associate professor, Kemerovo State University,
Russia, Kemerovo


Brief information reflecting the main content of the article.


A summary reflecting the subject matter of the article.

Keywords: word, word, word.

keywords: the word, the word, the word.

Figure 1. Figure title

Table 1.

Table name

Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text
Text Text Text Text

Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. "Quote" . Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text.


Current scalar measure of fatigue damage;

The current value of the endurance limit of the material, MPa;

Effective frequency of the process, Hz;

Coefficient in the correlation between endurance limit and Eichinger tensile strength;

Threshold factor.

Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text. "Quote" . Article text. Article text. Article text. Article text.


1. Berezovin N.A. Fundamentals of cryptography: textbook. allowance. Mn.: New knowledge, 2004. - 336 p.

2. Mizherikov V.A., Yuzefavichus T.A. Introduction to Information Technology: studies. allowance. M.: Informatics, 2005. - 352 p.

3. Sabirov V.Sh. The subject of information security research // Judicial Bulletin. - 2004. - № 6. [electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 12.12.2012)

Examples of designing a list of references

A single format for the design of referenced bibliographic lists in accordance with GOST R 7.05-2008 "Bibliographic reference" (Examples of the design of references and reference lists of references)

Glukhov V.A. Research, development and construction of a system for electronic delivery of documents in the library: Abstract of the thesis. dis. cand. tech. Sciences. - Novosibirsk, 2000. - 18 p.

Analytical reviews

Economy and politics of Russia and neighboring countries: analyt. review, Apr. 2007, Ros. acad. Sciences, Institute of World Economy and International. relations. - M. : IMEMO, 2007. - 39 p.


Fenukhin V.I. Ethnopolitical conflicts in modern Russia: on the example of the North Caucasian region: dis. … cand. polit. Sciences. - M., 2002. - S.54-55.

Internet Documents

Official periodicals: electronic guide / Ros. nat. b-ka, Center for Legal Information. [St. Petersburg], 200520076. URL: (date of access: 01/18/2007)

Loginova L.G. The essence of the result of additional education for children // Education: researched in the world: Intern. scientific ped. Internet magazine 21.10.03. URL: (date of access: 17.04.07)

Novosibirsk training market: its own game [ Electronic resource]. – Access mode: (date of access: 10/17/08)

Litchford E.W. With the White Army in Siberia [Electronic resource] // Eastern Front of the Army of General A.V. Kolchak: site. – URL: (date of access: 23.08.2007)

Conference materials

Archeology: history and prospects: Sat. Art. First Interregional Conf. - Yaroslavl, 2003. - 350 p.

Maryinskikh D.M., Development of a landscape plan as a necessary condition for sustainable development of the city (on the example of Tyumen) // Ecology of landscape and land use planning: abstracts of reports. Vseros. conf. (Irkutsk, September 11-12, 2000). - Novosibirsk, 2000. - S.125–128.


Tarasova V.I. Political history of Latin America: textbook. for universities. – M.: Prospekt, 2006. – P.305–412.

It is allowed to replace the prescribed dot and dash character separating the areas of the bibliographic description with a dot:

Philosophy of Culture and Philosophy of Science: Problems and Hypotheses: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / Sarat. state un-t; [ed. S.F. Martynovich]. Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. un-ta, 1999. - 199 p.

May not be used square brackets for information not borrowed from the prescribed source of information.

Raizberg B.A. Modern economic dictionary / B.A. Reisberg, L.Sh. Lozovsky, E.B. Starodubtsev. – 5th ed., revised. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2006. – 494 p.

The title of an entry in an article can contain the names of one, two, or three authors of the document. The names of the authors indicated in the title are not repeated in the statement of responsibility. So:

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 5th ed., revised. and additional M.: INFRA-M, 2006. - 494 p.


RF patent No. 2000130511/28, 04.12.2000.

Eskov D.N., Bonshtedt B.E., Koreshev S.N., Lebedev G.I., Seregin A.G. Optoelectronic apparatus // Patent of Russia No. 2122745. 1998. Bull. No. 33.

Article from magazines or collections

Adorno T.V. To the logic of social sciences // Vopr. philosophy. - 1992. - No. 10. – P. 76–86.

Crawford P.J. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works / P.J. Crawford, T.P. Barrett // Ref. Libr. - 1997. Vol. 3. No. 58. – P.75–85.

Crawford P.J., Barrett T.P. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works // Ref. Libr. 1997 Vol. 3. No. 58. P.75–85.

Kornilov V.I. Turbulent boundary layer on a body of revolution with periodic blowing/suction // Thermophysics and Aeromechanics. - 2006. - T. 13, No. 3. – S. 369–385.

Kuznetsov A.Yu. Consortium as a Mechanism for Subscribing to Electronic Resources // Russian Foundation for Basic Research: Ten Years of Service to Russian Science. – M.: Nauch. world, 2003. - S.340-342.

Electronic resource

Art Encyclopedia of Foreign Classical Art [Electronic resource]. – M. : Bolshaya Ros. encycle. [et al.], 1996. - 1 electron. opt. disc (CD-ROM).

Examples of designing references and reference lists

Publication cost

Payment details for the article are sent only after the article is accepted for publication.

Publication of an article with a volume of 3 pages or more
(printed magazine is paid separately)
95 rubles/page.
(per repost) *
100 rubles/page
Certificate of acceptance of the article for publication
(v in electronic format)
Is free
Electronic journal (v pdf format) Is free
Certificate of publication in the journal "Student"
(all authors of the article are indicated in the certificate)
150 rubles / piece

How to put text on the Internet?

From now on I will tell how to put your text online and I'll show where to post it.

Note. By "lay out the text" I mean exactly lay out the text. Why do you post it, before publication, on your own text and so on - will remain outside the brackets of today's conversation. I will describe only the technical side question..

And one more clarification. The text that is on your computer is available only you. Other Internet users will not be able to read it. Of course, if you are familiar with the words “raise a server”, “round-the-clock access”, “wide channel” and “root folder”, then you can make any text on your computer available to everyone, but it’s unlikely that in this case you will ask questions about the publication of the text on the Internet. Therefore, we will assume that the text that is on your computer is available only to you.

In order for other Internet users to see your text, you could give a link to it, it was indexed search engines so that you, in the end, on your text, you need to put it on the Internet.

I know 5 Ways to Get Your Text Online. This is also the answer to the question where to post your text.

  • one). Your site.

    If you place text on the site through the control panel, then the link to the page with it will be available immediately after publication on the same screen (in different engines, the specific location of this link is different, but, as a rule, this place is in plain sight) and will appear in general list site materials (its location is also different in different engines).

    If your site is without an engine and to publish your text you create new page, then you already know her address. After all, you invented it yourself.

    If your text was posted by the site administrator, then the address of the page with the text must be obtained from him.

  • 2). Social networks.

    With even easier. You register in them and post your text on your wall or publish it in notes (if any). The address of the page with the text is recognized in the same way as in the case of your site: go to the page and look in the address bar of the browser:

  • 3). blog services.

    They work on the principle of a site with an engine. After registration, a control panel is available to you, with the help of which your texts are posted on the blog. The address of the page with the text is recognized immediately after publication on the same screen or in the list of posts.

  • 4). Forums.

    Text is laid out on forums in the same way as in blogs or on sites with an engine. The only difference is that before publishing, you need to select the appropriate section. Everything else is the same.

  • 5). collective services.

    By collective services, I mean services like , question and answer services, Habrahabr, etc. That is, those services that are filled with the collective efforts of different people. The principle of publishing text on them is the same as in the case of a site with an engine.

In this way, you can put your text on the Internet. Now you know how to do it and where to post it.

With part to you, great health and wealth.

Welcome if:

  • You know how to create useful and high-quality content.
  • Love writing for a large audience and getting feedback.
  • You already understand and plan to further develop in Internet marketing.

We offer two formats of cooperation: for PR and for a fee. In the first case, we do not pay, but in the signature to the article we place a link to your account or website. In the second, we publish material without links, but we buy it for money.

There are at least three reasons to submit an article for publication on our blog:

  1. Large audience.

  1. Active promotion. We promote all publications in social networks, newsletters and using push notifications.
  2. Good fees. More on this later.

Content Requirements

It doesn't matter how many characters are in the article. The usefulness and presentation of the material is important. Do not set yourself the goal of typing a certain number of characters. We have both short notes and large longreads on our blog:

  • News and humorous publications like and "Everyday SMM-man in GIFs" can be studied in 5 minutes.
  • Small articles - like about the reform of Facebook, copywriters and entrepreneurs - are read in 10 minutes.
  • Serious materials, like a fact-checking guide or a complete guide to Google Docs, require half an hour or more.

Tip: write as much as you need to fully cover the topic.

Design requirements, writing tips, rules for communicating with the editors - all this is in the editorial policy. Use the document as a step by step guide.

Amount of monetary reward

The average author's fee is from 3,500 to 12,000 rubles or more. The exact amount is calculated after the delivery of the text, depends on the quality and completeness of the material provided. For those who work with us on a permanent basis, the rate may increase.

We make payment to Yandex.Money / WebMoney or a bank account / card.

Guest articles (from representatives of services, agencies, etc.) are not paid.

If the article is not accepted

If the article can be improved, we send the corrections to the author. But it may be that the article does not suit us in any way, it simply does not make sense to edit it. In such cases, we immediately give a refusal.

You must be ready for such a turn and have a plan "B" - understand what you will do with the material in case of refusal.

We respond to all applications, even if the material does not fit. If you submitted an article but didn't get any feedback, don't worry. Our editors check all articles within 10 working days, so you will definitely get an answer.

Have you studied statistics, article examples, red policy and are you ready now? Then write on marked "Diamond from the pile."

Please enable JavaScript to view the






Without waiting for the release of the printed version of the journal, immediately after the release of the electronic version, we send the following set of documents to the author.


1. Information about the publication + 2. Printed pages from the magazine with an article by the author. Documents with live (wet) seals and signatures of the editor-in-chief. At the request of the author, a printed certificate.

The magazine will not leave the printing house yet, and you will already have a set of urgent prints!

The cost of an urgent print is 90 rubles. Without delivery.

If you need an urgent impression, please select it in the application.

How is instant publishing possible?

Every major publication must have an international standard serial number(English International Standard Serial Number - ISSN) - a unique number that allows you to identify any periodical publication, regardless of where it is published, in what language, in what medium. Each of our publications is assigned an ISSN, but there is one an important feature that distinguishes our publications from others.

Printed ISSN
Electronic ISSN
Certificate of Roskomnadzor

Not only for all magazines international center awarded in Paris printed ISSNs , but also all sites were assigned by the Russian Book Chamber electronic ISSNs . This means that from the moment the article is published on the site, the author receives full electronic publication , to which he can refer in his scientific works, and at the time of the publication of the printed version of the journal - full printed publication .

Articles comply with GOST

In the certificates of the journals: "Science, technology and education", "Problems modern science and Education”, “Bulletin of Science and Education”, states that

Magazines are sent out

1. Library of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation, Moscow. Address: 103132, Moscow, Old Square, 8/5;
2. Parliamentary Library of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Address: Moscow, st. Okhotny Ryad, 1;
3. Russian National Library (RNL). Address: 191069, St. Petersburg, st. Sadovaya, 18;
4. Scientific Library of Moscow state university. named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow. Address: 119899 Moscow, Sparrow Hills, Moscow State University, Scientific Library;
5. State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPNTB SB RAS), Novosibirsk. Address: 630200, Novosibirsk, st. Voskhod, d. 15;
6. Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BAS), St. Petersburg; Address: 199034, St. Petersburg, Birzhevaya line, 1;
7. Far Eastern State Scientific Library, Khabarovsk. Address: 680000, Khabarovsk, st. Muravyov-Amursky, 1/72.
full list >>>

Our contracts

Briefly and simply about eLIBRARY and RSCI. All scientific publications are divided into those included in the eLIBRARY and those included in the RSCI. The publications included in the RSCI are the more authoritative part of the publications on eLIBRARY. Publications on eLIBRARY and in the RSCI are taken into account as the result of the author's scientific work and in terms of his citation. The difference is that the authors have an H-index for all publications on eLIBRARY.RU, as well as an H-index for publications in the RSCI. On the this moment All editions of the publishing house "Problems of Science" are placed on eLIBRARY.

Exit Schedule

We review, edit, correct your work. If the editors receive the article on the last day, there is a high probability that we will not have time to process your article. Applications are considered in the order in which they are received, which means that the applications of authors who sent them before other authors are considered first of all. We kindly request that if you want to be published in the next issue, do not delay sending the application. Take one minute, fill out and send the application to the editor.

release date Journal name /
Paid articles up to

Urgent posting!

01/31/2020 Bulletin of science and education (instant publishing electronic/printed, high impact factor). 01/26/2020
01/26/2020 01/26/2020
01/26/2020 Problems of Science(simplified design) eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 01/26/2020
01/27/2020 690 rub. for the whole article 01/26/2020
01/28/2020 (high impact factor). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 01/26/2020
01/29/2020 (International scientific review of the problems of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the whole article 01/26/2020
01/30/2020 eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 01/26/2020

Upcoming publications

02/03/2020 (International scientific review of the problems of natural sciences and medicine). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the whole article 01/28/2020
02/05/2020 economics 01/30/2020
02/06/2020 eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 01/31/2020
02/07/2020 (Collection in the UK. 02.02.2020
02/10/2020 Academy(simplified format). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/05/2020
02/14/2020 (high impact factor). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/09/2020
02/17/2020 Domestic jurisprudence(special edition). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/07/2020
02/17/2020 Modern innovations(International Russian Conference). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/12/2020
02/19/2020 (mailing to foreign universities and research centers). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/14/2020
02/19/2020 (Collection in the USA. International foreign conference). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/14/2020
02/20/2020 (International scientific review of the problems of history, cultural studies and philology). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the whole article 02/15/2020
02/26/2020 Problems of Pedagogy eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/21/2020
02/28/2020 (International scientific review of the problems of law, sociology and political science). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the whole article 02/23/2020
03/12/2020 (International scientific review of the problems of technical sciences, mathematics and informatics). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the whole article 03/07/2020
03/25/2020 (International Scientific Review of the Problems of Economics, Finance and Management). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the whole article 03/20/2020

To start publishing publishing house "Problems of Science" you need to do one of two things:

  1. Or download application and the rules of registration, and then send the application and the article to the editor.
  2. Or fill out the application below.


By clicking the "Submit Application" button, you confirm your legal capacity, consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ and agree to The policy of Olimp LLC regarding the processing of personal data.

If you are unable to submit an application (for example, using mobile devices), write to the editor at Email: This e-mail address is protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it simple email, in which specify only the name of the journal. All instructions will be sent to you by email.

By downloading or filling out an application on the website of the publishing house "Problems of Science", the author accepts the terms of the Public Offer Agreement. The Founder and Publisher of Magazines and Sites is not responsible for the placement of Articles that violate the copyrights of third parties. Responsibility for copyright infringement is borne directly by the Author, who sent the Article to the Editorial Board, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Briefly about the publishing house

The publication of an article in the publishing house "Problems of Science" has become possible for you since 2009. Starting this year, our publishing house publishes not only scientific journals, but collections of conferences, as well as scientific monographs. We provide many scientific and practical services. The Editorial Board includes authoritative Russian and foreign scientists. All journals have all the necessary registration data (Russian Impact Factor - RIF, eLIBRARY, ISSN, Conference Diploma, etc.) to account for your scientific work. The publishing house "Problemy nauki" has an official agreement with the DOI Registration Agency and therefore has its own DOI-prefix - 10.20861 . This ensures that your articles are loaded into the DOI, get a real DOI ID, and never get lost from the DOI. The publishing house also has an official agreement with the Book Chamber of the Russian Federation and therefore the personal identification ISBN number is 9906595. VAK list and our journals.

Our publishing house living people who make mistakes, nevertheless, we strive to do everything so that you consider our Publishing House the best, therefore:

  1. URGENTLY. We work as quickly as possible. Reviewing - up to 24 hours. Sending Certificate of publication of the article, issuance of the official Certificate of publication - up to 24 hours on business days. When ordering a Certificate / Diploma or DOI, the article is posted on the journal's website outside the collection up to 24 hours. We know how important the urgency of publication is, so the magazines are published every 1-2 days. What does post urgent mean?
  2. SIMPLE AND CONVENIENT. We have the most simple rules design of articles: size: 14; spacing: 1.5; all fields: 2.5; paragraph indent: 1.25, no hyphenation. The design work is done by our experts. However, decoration does not mean content. We cannot write your position, list of references, draw pictures for you. Your article must comply with the requirements of the VAK and the rules of eLIBRARY. On any issue related to the publication of works, our managers will consult you free of charge.
  3. LOYAL PRICES. Registration fee per manuscript page - from 90 rub. Convenient form of payment. I have an opportunity free publication and receiving free certificate.
  4. QUALITY. We actually correct and correct your works and bring them in line with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission. After reviewing and editing, we necessarily coordinate the changes made with the author. We have implemented a quality control system for the work of managers, and you can always express your opinion about their work to the management of the Publishing House: dyamaioa®yandex·ru , dyamaioa©mail·ru , dyamaioa®sibnet¸ru (Olga Viktorovna Lazareva - Head of Quality Control Department). We want to be even better and therefore we are waiting for your feedback and suggestions.
  5. TRANSPARENCY. We do not impose any additional services: paid peer review, pseudo-urgent publications, additional payment for a co-author, etc. We do not talk about discounts, while silently saying that they start with an article of 20-30 pages. Everything is simple, clear and transparent with us. Everyone can calculate the approximate cost of publication, focusing on our rates.

Briefly about magazines

We offer different journals: printed and electronic, domestic and foreign, interdisciplinary and specialized, journals and conferences

Scientific and methodological printed journals with an impact factor (3 impact factors)

Scientific and methodical printed journals with placement in eLIBRARY

  • RIF impact factor -
  • Registration - GOST.
  • Min. page
  • Orgvzn. - R. Discount - r.
  • RIF impact factor - 0.19.
  • The layout is simplified.
  • Min. 3 el./5 print. page
  • Orgvzn. - R. Discount - r.
  • RIF impact factor - 0.12
  • Design - eLIBRARY.
  • Min. 3 el./5 print. page
  • Orgvzn. - R. Discounts - r.

  • RIF impact factor - 0.17
  • Design - eLIBRARY.
  • Min. 3 el./5 print. page
  • Orgvzn. - R. Discounts - r.
  • RIF impact factor - 0.21.
  • Registration - GOST.
  • Min. 3 el./5 print. page
  • Orgvzn. - R. Discount - r.
  • RIF impact factor - 0.19.
  • Design - eLIBRARY.
  • Min. 3 el./5 print. page
  • Orgvzn. - R. Discount - r.

International interdisciplinary scientific and practical conferences

International scientific and practical conference"European Research: Innovation in Science, Education and Technology / European Research: Innovation in Science, Education and Technology". London. Great Britain. International Scientific and Practical Conference "International Scientific Review of the Problems and Prospects of Modern Science and Education". Boston, USA.
  • Date: see table above
  • Articles are accepted until see the table above
  • RIF impact factor - 0.21.
  • Registration - GOST.
  • Min. 3 el./5 print. page
  • Page : rub., with account. all discounts rub.