Make a lamp from LED light bulbs. We collect LED lamp at home

If you are wondering how to make a LED lamp with your own hands at home, then we will provide several step-by-step instructions With photos and video examples that will allow you to collect LED light bulb no more than an hour. All ideas provided below will be listed on the easiest to more difficult, which will allow you to choose the appropriate option depending on the skills of handling the soldering iron and electrical circuits.

Idea number 1 - upgrade halogen light bulb

The easiest way to make a LED lamp from the distilled halogen light bulb C - GU4. In this case, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • LEDs. Number themselves, depending on how bright the LED lighting should be. Immediately draw your attention to the fact that more than 22 diodes are not worth choosing (it will complicate the assembly process and also make a light bulb too bright).
  • Super-glue (suitable and usual, but it will wake longer, which will not allow you to do Led Lamp fast).
  • A small piece of copper wire.
  • Resistors. Their quantity and power will calculate the online calculator.
  • A small piece of leaf aluminum ( alternative option - An ordinary can from under beer or a carbonated drink).
  • Internet access. You will need to open a special online calculator To calculate the LED lamp circuit.
  • Hammer, soldering iron and hole punch.

Prepare all materials can be moved directly to the assembly of a diode light bulb. Instructions for creating self-made, we will provide step by step, with the photo examples of each stage so that you can clearly see the installation process.

So, to make a 12 volt LED lamp, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Remove the top glass from the old halogen light, as well as a white gaze near the pin base (as shown in the photo below). To do this, it is best to use a screwdriver.
  2. Turn over the baseside lamp and neatly with the help of a hammer to select the pins from the landing place. The old halogen light should fall out.
  3. According to your chosen amount of LEDs, come up with the scheme of their location, on the basis of what makes a paper stencil. You can use the already existing billet and print one of the finished schemes that are provided in the picture:
  4. Stick stencils to the aluminum sheet using super-glue, cut the sheet on the shape of the stencil, after which it is a hole package for the LEDs.
  5. Generate on the Internet a drawing of the LED lamp assembly for your conditions. In our case, to create a LED bulb at home from 22 diodes, you need to collect the following scheme:
  6. Put an aluminum disk on comfortable stand And insert the LEDs into the seats, as shown in the photo. To simplify the process of soldering, pushe the leg of the cathode of one diode to the leg of the anode of the other.
  7. Gently proceed all the LEDs by making them a single design. Important moment - the glue should not get on the legs of the diodes, because When soldering, it will be extremely unpleasant smoke.
  8. When the glue freezes, proceed to soldering legs. By the way, for this we recommend that you, which will not take much time. According to the scheme, smear LED LED diodes, leaving only one plus leg and one minus to connect power. The leg "-" is recommended halfway to trim so that in the subsequent does not confuse the polarity of the contacts of the self-made LED light bulb.

  9. According to the scheme, sucking resistors to minus contacts. As a result, according to our example, 6 positive conclusions and 6 minus (with resistors) should be obtained.
  10. Safety resistors according to the generated scheme.
  11. Sold down to the two contacts formed by the same piece of copper wire, which will result in the LED LED pin at home. By analogy with the previous advice, one leg for a while do shorter (minus) so that it does not confuse anything and correctly connect.

  12. So that in the future did not happen, carefully proceed the space between the removed legs.
  13. Perform the finish assembly of the LED light bulbs: Place the disc on the reflector and carefully proof.
  14. Sign the marker on the housing of the collected LED lamp where "+" and where "-", also designate that the homemade light source is designed to connect to 12 volt power, and not 220.

  15. Check the collected homemade. To do this, connect the LED light bulb to the automotive battery or 220/12 volt power supply.

Here is this simple way You can make a LED lamp with your hands from the girlfriend. As you can see, nothing is difficult and there is no particular time for the assembly to spend it! We recommend to view several best ideas To create a light bulb at home that we provided in the video gallery:

Idea number 2 - "Economy" in move!

The second, no less interesting idea is to assemble a light bulb from the energy-saving lamp. There is also no particularly serious work and with the assembly to cope not even a very experienced electrician.
To begin with, you must prepare the following materials and tools for assembling the LED lamp with your own hands:

Prepare all materials you can go to the assembly. This instruction More creative, so if you decide to make a diode light bulb from burnt housekeeper, look carefully photo examples.

Stages of work:

According to this instruction, you can easily make a LED lamp from a luminescent or halogen light bulb!

Idea number 3 - LED tape for the basis

If you do not speak so well a soldering iron and at the same time you have no idea how to collect a scheme on a fiberglass, it is better to make a LED lamp with your own hands from LED ribbons. In this case, instead of the driver, you can use the power supply, which converts 220 volts in the network in 12. The only weighty flaw this method - Large dimensions of the power supply, so this option is recommended to be used if you decide to make LED lighting point lighting in the room. You can try to collect all the light bulbs with your own hands and connect to a single power unit, which hides without problems in the ceiling.

So, everything you need to do is:

Here is the whole instruction on the assembly of the LED lamp from the tape. As you can see, everything is much easier than even make a light bulb on the generated scheme. On this ours simple instructions Ering and now you know how to make a LED lamp with your own hands from an energy-saving light bulb, a diode tape and a halogen source of light! We hope that the ideas provided for you are useful and understandable!

Similar materials:

It is possible to say with great confidence that LED lighting is very perspective direction in the development of electrical products. LED lamps compared to their older brethren (incandescent lamps) have many advantages.

They exceed more familiar sources of artificial lighting in many characteristics, ranging from high efficiency and a huge service life and ending with high strength and safety in use. LED lightening Today, everyone is heard, but many still do not imagine what the principle of operation of these devices is in question. Mostly the consumer pushes the price of this kind of product, because it is not very budget. In this article we will look at how it is manufactured lED lamp do it yourself. Also we will analyze some nuances of operation of this type of artificial lighting.


In order for the LED lamps to make with their own hands, it is not enough to have a desire just enough. Those who have no idea about electrical engineering will help to explore the basic concepts in this direction. Anyway, you need to be patient and allocate time to make LED lamps with your own hands (220V). It is worth noting that the products are familiar (ordinary light bulbs) in a few years will go back in the past, so the result will pay you and will save on accounts from electricity suppliers.

What do you need for self-making LED lamps?

  • First of all, it is necessary to find the hull from the "halogenki". The exorbitant light bulb is suitable or simply. Well, if there are no such, you can buy a new one. In any case, your investment will pay off.
  • Naturally, the LED lamp, with their own hands made, involves the purchase of diodes. Their amount depends on your desire and needs. It is worth saying that the more LEDs are used to create a source of lighting, the more difficult the manufacturing process will flow.
  • You need a calculator. It will make it possible to correctly calculate the number of LEDs for the lamp. Also, the electrical circuit should also be created, on which the LED lamps will be collected with their own hands.
  • For work, you will also need glue. You can buy both super-glue and polymer. The only thing that is worth paying attention is to the ability of the adhesive composition quickly and tightly grab the two glued surfaces.
  • Sheet aluminum (little). The thickness of the metal must be about 0.2 millimeters, therefore, the usual beer or soda can fit.
  • Resistors (resistance). Here it is necessary to find out what type and nominal product must be purchased. All this is calculated based on the composed scheme.

Assembly. Step by step

  1. First of all, we must get rid of the halogen lamp fillings. To do this, with a screwdriver or knife, it is necessary to remove a white smear near the contacts. It shrinks perfectly, and it will not need much difficulty to remove it. The main thing is not to overdo it - the halogen lamp is a very fragile product, and from the too strong pressure can be spoiled.
  2. After these manipulations, it is necessary to put our light bulb on the smooth surface of the contacts up. Then the hammer must be hit by the latter. The strike should be applied without much enthusiasm and neatly. After that, the bulb will fall out of the reflector.
  3. The next step will be the manufacture of an aluminum disk for fastening LEDs. First you need to make templates from paper on LED lamps. This is done using the program on the computer.
  4. The printed element must be glued to an aluminum substrate and cut holes using the stationery hole. Mostly templates are calculated under the LEDs with a diameter of 5 millimeters.

Everything, a scheme describing our future products, ready.

What's next?

  1. To do this, the aluminum disk is placed on the stand, since the LEDs must be played for it. The elements are inserted into the holes in such a way that the leg of the cathode with the leg of the anode of the adjacent LEDs was located nearby. This recommendation will make it easier to facilitate the process of soldering. What is the normal supply voltage for such a light source, as the LED lamp manufactured with their own hands? 12V - precisely on such a voltage is mainly calculated similar electrical products.
  2. What to do next? After all the LEDs are in place, you can proceed to the sickness. You can pour them right to the legs, it will allow the design to be stronger. Before proceeding to the next step, it is necessary to wait when everything is completely dry.
  3. The next step will have a soldering of LEDs. As noted above, the anode one must be near the cathode of the other, the main thing is not to confuse them. For large quantities LEDs are recommended to save four successively connected elements. If you take a separate 4-diode chain, then it is better for the first LED to leave a longer anode, and the latter is a cathode, since these legs will then connect with power. To subsequently not confuse plus and minus, it is best to leave the plus legs longer, and the minuses do shorter.
  4. After soldering LEDs, you need to connect resistors. Suppose we collect a lamp of 22 LEDs. Based on this, after soldering, we should get 6 long anodes and, respectively, 6 shorter cathodes. Resistors should be soldered to cathodes, but before this it is necessary to deal with the plus legs. All six cathodes must be connected together. Make it is required carefully to prevent closing positive conclusions for minus. After all manipulations, we must receive a plus output from LEDs and minus - with resistors. They need to solder small pieces of copper wire, it will turn out a kind of imitation of the base. In conclusion of this stage, it is recommended to fill the places between the cathodes and the anodes of the adhesive composition, in order to prevent short circuit, which will certainly be repaired by the LED lamps.

Final assembly

The next step is the direct assembly. To do this, the assembled filling is attached to the reflector with the help of glue. The adhesive compound must be reliable, since these two elements will be held only on the glue. After everything gets dry, it should be marked with each of the conclusions, as well as specify the nominal voltage of our lamp. Copper wire pieces need to be cut in accordance with the length of the electrodes of the halogen lamp.

Checking performance

Everything, the LED lamp is ready, you can connect it to rechargeable battery And check the operation of all components or connect through the LED lamp driver. With your own hands, the collected products, by the way, will have a different light in different ways.

It all depends on the diodes applied. For lamps, the assembly of which we looked at higher, it is best for products that have a scattering light. The item, as noted above, must be connected to the network through a special driver. Without it, you will not get a working product.

Advantages of "LED"

LED lamps, with their own hands, have a lot of advantages, namely:

  1. Economical use of electricity.
  2. Large service life (with proper operation can reach 72 thousand hours). In the middle of the LED, it is enough for 10-15 years.
  3. The ability to use different spectral characteristics.
  4. Ability to receive directional radiation.
  5. No inertia in switching.
  6. It is possible to control brightness.
  7. High security. Unlike incandescent lamps, the diode does not heat up to colossal temperatures, which eliminates the possibility of getting a burn.
  8. Small dimensions compared to other analogues.
  9. High strength. The diode ribbon is not so easy to smash, not the fact that the incandescent lamp.
  10. Ecology.
  11. Low temperature.

Should I believe written on the package?

Buying LED lamps in the store, we pay attention to their characteristics specified on the package. Plants manufacturers often chat, talking about the power of light, which radiates the lamp.

This turns out because manufacturers fold light streams from all LEDs, but do not take into account the loss of light from the reflector or lens.


Knowing all the nuances of manufacturing such products, you can not be afraid of deception. By independently producing the assembly process, you can eliminate the repair of LED lamps. With your own hands, the lamp made will allow you to be confident as a product. The service life is measured for years, if not decades.

So, we found out how the LED lamp is done with their own hands. 220 V is not the only network from which it can work. The diode shines and with 12 volt voltage, and also works from ordinary batteries.

The 220 volts LED lamp saves 1.5-2 times more electricity than the daylight lamp, and 10 times more than the incandescent lamp. In addition, when assembling from the distorted lamp, the cost of manufacturing such a lamp will be significantly lower. The LED lamp is going to be quite simple, although you can only work with a high voltage if you have relevant qualifications.

Advantages of homemade lamp

In the store you can find many types of lamps. Each type has its drawback and advantage. Incandescent lamps gradually pass their positions due to high energy consumption, low light output, despite the high color rendering index. Compared to them, luminescent light sources are a real miracle. Energy-saving lamps are their more modern modernization, which allowed to apply the advantages of fluorescent light in the most common lamps, with E27 grounds, devoid of unpleasant flickering of the old representatives of this family.

But both daylight lamps have shortcomings. They quickly fail due to frequent turning on-shutdown, to the same pair of poisonous pairs contained in the tubes, and the design itself requires special disposal. Compared to them lamp on LEDs (LED) - the second revolution in the field of lighting. They are even more economical, do not require special disposal and operate 5-10 times longer.

LED lamps have one, but a significant drawback is the most expensive. To reduce this minus to a minimum or wrap it in a plus, you will need to build it from the LED tape with your own hands. In this case, the cost of the light source becomes lower than in luminescent analogues.

Homemade LED lamp has a number of benefits:

  • the service life of the device with proper assembly is a record 100,000 hours;
  • in terms of Watt / Lumen, they also exceed all the analogues;
  • the cost of the homemade lamp is not higher than that of luminescent.

Of course, there is one drawback - the lack of guarantees on the product, which should be compensated by the exact compliance with the instructions and the skill of the electrician.

Materials for assembly

The methods of creating a lamp with their own hands are a great set. The most common methods using the old base from the turbulent fluorescent lamp are most common. Such a resource is found in everyone in the house, so there will be no problems with the search. In addition, you will need:

  1. Castle from the distilled product.
  2. Immediately ice. They are sold in the form of LED tapes or separate LEDs NK6. Each element has a current strength of about 100-120 mA and a voltage of about 3-3.3 volts.
  3. A diode bridge will be required or rectaging diodes 1N4007.
  4. We need a fuse that can be found in the plug-in lamp.
  5. Capacitor. Its container, voltage and other parameters are selected depending on electrical circuit For the assembly and the number of LEDs in it.
  6. In most cases, the framework will be required to be attached by LEDs. The frame can be made of plastic or similar material. The main requirement - should not be metallic, conductive and must be heat-resistant.
  7. To reliably attach LEDs to the frame, superchalter or liquid nails will be required (the last preferred).

One or two elements from the above list may not be useful in some circuits, in other cases can, on the contrary, new chain links (drivers, electrolytes) are added. Therefore, the list of necessary materials must be compiled in each particular case individually.

We collect a lamp of the LED tape

We will analyze step by step creation of a light source by 220 V LED tape. To decide to use the innovation in the kitchen, it is enough to remember that the LED lamps collected with their own hands are significantly profitable fluorescent analogues. They live 10 times longer, and consume 2-3 times less energy at the same level of lighting.

  1. For the design, you will need two overloaded fluorescent lamps of a length of half the meter and a power of 13 watts. There is no reason to buy new meanings, it is better to find old and non-working, but not broken and without cracks.
  2. Next, we go to the store and buy LED tape. The choice is big, so for the acquisition, come responsibly. It is advisable to buy ribbons with clean white or natural light, it does not change the shades of surrounding items. In such ribbons, LEDs are collected in groups of 3 pieces. The voltage of one group is 12 volts, and the power of 14 watts per meter tape.
  3. Then you need to disassemble fluorescent lamps into composite parts. Caution! Do not damage the wires, and also do not break the tube, otherwise, poisonous pairs will break out and have to clean up, as after a broken mercury thermometer. Extracted insides do not throw away, they will be useful in the future.
    Below is a diagram of the LED tape that we bought. In it, the ice is connected parallel to 3 pieces in the group. Please note that such a scheme does not fit us.
  4. Therefore, it is necessary to cut the ribbon to the portions of 3 diode in each and get expensive and useless converters. Cut the ribbon to be comfortable with nipples or large and strong scissors. After soldering the wires, the diagram below should turn out.
    As a result, 66 LEDs or 22 groups of 3 ice in each, connected in parallel along the entire length. Calculations are simple. As we need to convert alternating current In a permanent, then standard voltage of 220 volts in the electrical network should be increased to 250. The need to "throw" the voltage is associated with the rectification process.
  5. To clarify the number of LED sections, you need to divide 250 volts by 12 volts (voltage for one group of 3 pieces). As a result, we get 20.8 (3), rounded into the biggest, we get 21 groups. It is advisable to add another group here, since the total number of LEDs will have to be divided into 2 lamps, and for this you need an even number. In addition, adding another section, we will make a common scheme safer.
  6. We will need a constant current rectifier, which is why it is impossible to throw out the extracted insides of the fluorescent lamp. To do this, we get the converter, with the help of buds, we remove the condenser from the total chain. It's easy enough to do so, because it is located separately from the diodes, it is enough to break the board.
    The diagram shows that it should, in the end, turn out in more detail.
  7. Next, using soldering and superclause you need to collect the entire design. Do not even try to fit all 22 sections into one lamp. It was said above that it is necessary to specifically find 2 half-meter lamps, because it is simply impossible to place all the LEDs. It is also not necessary to count on a self-adhesive layer on the back of the tape. It will not last long, so the LEDs must be fastened with superclone or liquid nails.

Let's summarize and find out the advantages of the assembled product:

  • The amount of light from the resulting LED lamps is 1.5 times more than in luminescent analogs.
  • Power consumption is much less than that of daylight lamps.
  • Server the collected light source will be 5-10 times longer.
  • Finally, the latter advantage is the direction of light. It does not dissipate and directed strictly down, thanks to which it is used by the desktop or in the kitchen.

Of course, the emitted light is no different high brightnessBut the main advantage is the low power of the lamp. Even if you turn on and never turn it off, then it will eat only 4 kW of energy for the year. At the same time, the cost of electricity consumed per year is comparable with the cost of a ticket in a city bus. Therefore, such light sources are particularly efficiently used where constant illumination is required (corridor, street, ottoman).

We collect a simple light bulb from LEDs

We will analyze another way to create a LED lamp. The chandelier or table lamp needs a standard E14 or E27 base. Accordingly, the diagram and diodes used will differ. Compact fluorescent lamps are now widely used. We will need one blown cartridge, also change common list Materials for assembly.

You will need:

  • blown base E27;
  • driver RLD2-1;
  • nK6 LEDs;
  • a piece of cardboard, but better - plastic;
  • super glue;
  • electric wiring;
  • and also scissors, soldering iron, pliers and other tools.

Let's start creating a homemade lamp:

The luminous stream of the assembled lamp is 100-120 lumens. Thanks to the clean white light, the light bulb seems substantially lighter. This is enough to illuminate a small room (corridor, directional). The main advantage of the LED light source is low power consumption and power - only 3 watts. Which is 10 times less incandescent lamps and 2-3 times - luminescent. It works from the usual cartridge with 220 volts.


So, having under-hands non-working linear or compact fluorescent lamps and several elements given above in this article, you can create a LED lamp with their own hands with a number of advantages. One of the main is low cost compared to lamps that can be purchased in the store. When assembling and installing, security measures are required, as you have to work with high voltage, so you should adhere to the installation sequence according to the scheme. As a result, get a lamp that will work for a long time and delight your eyes.


LED lamps are widely used in the organization of domestic, street, industrial lighting. Their important advantages is economy, environmental friendliness, unpretentiousness in service.

The manufacturer of the LED lamp will surely find its application in your home. Detailed instructions For the manufacture, as well as the assembly scheme you will find in the article submitted.

The basis of the LED lamp is a one-sided semiconductor whose value is several millimeters. It occurs in it a unidirectional movement of electrons, which allows you to convert an alternating current into a permanent one.

Consisting of several layers of the LED crystal are characterized by two types of electrical conductivity: positively and negatively charged particles.

The party containing the minimum number of electrons, received the names of the hole (P-type), while the other with large quantity These particles are referred to as electronic (N-type).

In the collision of the elements on the P-N-transition, they encounter, generating photon light particles. If at this time maintain the system in constant voltage, the LED will emit a stable stream of light. This effect is used in all designs of LED lamps.

Four varieties of LED devices

Depending on the placement of LEDs, such models can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Dip.. The crystal is compounded with two conductors over which the magnifier is located. The modification was widespread in the manufacture of signs and garlands.
  2. "Piranha". The devices are collected similarly to the previous option, but provide for four outputs. Reliable and strong structures are most often used to equip cars.
  3. SMD.. The crystal is placed on top, which significantly improves heat dissipation, and also helps reduce device dimensions.
  4. Owl. In this case, the LED is sold directly into the fee, which helps increase the intensity of the glow and overheating protection.

A significant drawback of COB devices - the impossibility of replacement individual elementsWhat is why you have to acquire a new mechanism because of the one-sole of the resulting chip.

The chandeliers and other household lighting devices typically use the SMD design.

LED lamp device

The LED lamp consists of six of the following parts:

  • light-emitting diode;
  • base;
  • driver;
  • diffuser;
  • radiator.

The active element of this device is the LED generating the flow of light waves.

LED devices can be calculated for various voltages. The most demanded small products for 12-15 W and larger luminaires by 50 watts

The base, which can have a different look and size, is used for other types of lamps - luminescent, halogen, incandescent. At the same time, some LED devices, such as LED ribbons, can do without this part.

An important element of the design serves as a driver that converting the power voltage in the current on which the crystal works.

The effective operation of the lamp largely depends on this node, in addition, a qualitative, having good galvanic junction, provides a bright permanent luminous flux without a hint of blinking.

The usual LED produces a directed beam of light. To change the angle of its distribution and provide high-quality lighting, the diffuser is used. Another feature of this component is to protect the scheme from mechanical and natural effects.

The radiator is designed to remove heat, the excess of which can damage the device. Reliable operation of the radiator allows you to optimize the operation of the lamp and extend your life.

The smaller this item, the greater thermal load will have to withstand the LED, which will affect the speed of its burnout.

The advantage and disadvantages of the homemade lamp

Specialized stores offer big choice LED devices. However, sometimes in the assortment it is impossible to find a device that meets the necessary parameters. In addition, LED devices are traditionally distinguished by high cost.

The disadvantages of products include the lack of a guarantee from the manufacturer. In addition, with a negligent assembly, such devices may have an unattractive appearance.

Meanwhile, it is quite possible to save money and get an ideal lamp by performing an assembly yourself. Make it is easy and enough of the elementary technical knowledge and practical skills.

The LED-device performed with its own hands has a number of significant advantages over the analogue purchased in the store. They differ in economy: with a neat assembly and the use of high-quality parts, the period of operation reaches 100 thousand hours.

Such instruments show a high degree of energy efficiency, which is determined by the ratio of power consumed and the brightness of the developed light. Finally, their cost is an order of magnitude lower than factory analogs.

Problems of independent manufacture

The main issues that have to be solved in the manufacture of LED lamps is the transfer of an alternating electric current into the pulsating and alignment to constant. In addition, it is necessary to limit the power of electric stream 12 volts, which is necessary to power the diode.

To independently create a luminaire on LEDs, you can use the details purchased in specialized stores, or elements from distilled instruments.

Thinking device, you should also solve a number of structural tasks, namely:

  • how to arrange a scheme and LEDs;
  • how to isolate the system;
  • how to ensure heat exchange in the device.

Before assembly, it is desirable to think over all these problems taking into account the requirements that are presented to the homemade light source.

LED lamp diagrams

First of all, you should develop an assembly option. There are two main ways, each of which has its own pros and cons. Below we will look at them in more detail.

Diode Bridge Option

The scheme includes four diodes that are connected in multidirectional. Due to this bridge, it becomes possible to transform the power current of 220 V to the pulsating.

This happens as follows: when passing along two diodes of sinusoidal half-fell, they change, which causes the loss of polarity.

When assembling to the positive output, the condenser is connected before the bridge; Before the minor terminal - resistance to 100 ohms. Another condenser is installed behind the bridge: it will be needed to smooth the voltage drops.

Making a LED element

The easiest way to create a LED lamp is the performance of a light source based on a broken lamp. It is necessary to check the performance of the details detected, which can be done using a battery at 12 V.

Faulty items need to be replaced. To do this, pinch contacts, removing the distilled elements, put new ones in their place. It is important to observe the alternation of anodes and cathodes that are attached consistently.

If you want to change only 2-3 pieces of chip, it is enough just to solder them to the sections, where the components failed.

With complete self-assembly It is necessary to connect to a row of 10 diodes, observing the rules of polarity. Several circuits performed are soldered to wires.

When making a lamp, you can use LEDs with LEDs that can be found in distilled devices. It is important only to check their performance.

When assembling the schemes, it is important to monitor that the sword ends do not touch each other, as this can lead to a closure of the device and system output.

Soft light fixtures

To avoid flickering characteristic of LED lamps, the above scheme can be supplemented with several details. Thus, it should consist of a diode bridge, resistors per 100 and 230 ohms, capacitors for 400 NF and 10 μF.

To protect the device from voltage drops at the beginning of the circuit, a resistor 100 ohms is placed, followed by a 400 NF capacitor, a diode bridge is installed and another 230 ohm resistor, followed by a collected chain of LEDs.

Resistor resistance devices

A similar scheme is also quite accessible to a novice master. It requires two resistors 12K and two chains from the same number of LEDs that are soldered consistently taking into account polarity. In this case, one strip from R1 is connected to the cathode, and the other with R2 is anode.

The lamps performed according to this scheme have a softer light, since the active elements are lit in turn, due to which the pulsation of the flashes is almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

Materials for making homemade

In addition to the housing, other elements will be required to create a lamp. These are, above all, LEDs that can be purchased as LED tapes or individual elements of NK6. The current of the current of each part is 100-120 mA; Voltage 3-3,3 V.

The assembly of some schemes involves the use of additional links, for example, the driver, so the set of components for each specific case is considered separately

Rectaging diodes 1N4007 or diode bridge, as well as fuses, detect which can be found in the old instrument base.

The condenser, the capacitance and voltage of which must be configured to correspond to the electromochem used and the number of LED elements used in it.

If the finished fee is not used, you need to think about the framework to which LEDs are attached. For its manufacture, heat-resistant material, non-metal and non-conductive electric current suitable.

As a rule, a similar part is performed from durable plastics or dense cardboard. For fastening LED elements, liquid nails or superchalters will be needed to the frame.

Collect a simple LED lamp

Consider the execution of the lamp in the standard basement from the fluorescent lamp. To do this, we have to change the above list of materials.

In this case, we use:

  • old Socol E27;
  • nK6 LEDs;
  • driver RLD2-1;
  • a piece of plastic or dense cardboard;
  • super glue;
  • wiring;
  • soldering iron, pliers, scissors.

Initially, it is necessary to disassemble the lamp. In luminescent devices, connecting the base to the plate with tubes is carried out using a latch. It is important to detect the location of the fastener and pour the elements with a screwdriver, which will make it easy to disconnect the cartridge.

The process of assembling homemade LED lamps is simple. A driver is inserted into the housing from the old instrument, on top of which the board with LEDs is installed.

Viewing the device, you need to comply with limit caution, so as not to harm the tubes, within which a poisonous substance is located. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the electrical wiring connected to the basement, as well as to save the items contained in it.

We use the top with connected gas discharge tubes to perform the plate required to connect the LEDs. It is enough to remove the tubular elements, and in the remaining round holes secure LED parts.

For their reliable attachment, it is better to make an additional plastic or cardboard lid that will serve to isolate chips.

NK6 LEDs will be used in the lamp, each of which consists of 6 crystals with parallel connections. They allow you to create a rather bright lighting device at a minimum of electricity consumed.

To connect each LED to the lid, you must perform two holes. It should be calculated in strict accordance with the scheme.

The plastic part allows you to firmly fix the LED elements, while the use of cardboard requires additional fixing of the LED to the base using liquid nails or super block.

Since the device is designed to use six LEDs with a capacity of 0.5 watts each, in the diagram you need to provide three parallel connected items.

A spectacular lamp can be performed using LED tape. This element is inserted into the tube applied to luminescent lighting

In the design that will work from 220 V electrical network, you need to provide the RLD2-1 driver to be purchased in the store or deny yourself.

To avoid short circuit before the start of the assembly, it is important to exhibit the driver and a fee from each other using plastic or cardboard. Since the lamp is almost not heated, you should not worry about overheating.

Feed all the components can be collected design according to the scheme, and then connect it to the power grid to check the glow.

A device operating from standard nutritional cartridge 220 V has low power consumption and power equal to 3 watts. The last indicator is 2-3 times less than in luminescent devices and 10 times less than that of incandescent lamps.

Although the light flux is only 100-120 lumens, thanks to the dazzling white color, the lamp seems much brighter. The assembled lamp can be used as desktop or to illuminate the compact room, such as a corridor or chulane.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the video below, you can see a detailed story of a specialist about an independent assembly of the LED lamp:

LEDs on LEDs performed independently possess high technical characteristics. They are almost not inferior to factory models for qualities such as durability, reliability, durability.

Assembly similar devices It is available to almost everyone: for successful execution it is necessary only to strictly follow the schemes and gently perform all prescribed manipulations.

Perhaps you have already had to collect the LED lamp with your own hands and can you give valuable advice to visitors of our site? Or after reading the article questions appear? Please leave your comments below the block below.

As elements of lighting devices, the LEDs appeared on the market relatively recently. The first LEDs were created in 1962, they radiated a weak red light. For lighting, such devices were not used due to the fact that a very narrow spectrum of light was erupted, and the price of them was quite high.

LED lighting at home

With the development of the technology of manufacturing LEDs, other colors of the visible radiation spectrum appeared, the cost of production was decreased, the range of use of light-emitting devices was expanded. But they still have been far from economical lighting systems. It was used mainly to indicate in electro, - and radio breaves. Positive qualities were small energy consumption and durability.

LEDs of different color and shape

Pluses of LED lighting

Lighting with LED panels began to be widely used when the LEDs with the efficiency of more than 50% appear, while the incandescent lamp produces 3.5-4% efficiency. Advantagesa E.that lighting system:

  • small energy consumption;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • service life of about 30000 hours;
  • reliability;
  • unlimited number of shutdowns;
  • big light output;
  • wide working range of ambient temperature;
  • small geometric dimensions;
  • the possibility of obtaining the desired emission spectrum (red, yellow, green, white);
  • the ability to regulate the power of the light flux;
  • low operating temperature.

There are many positive qualities, and they provide an advantage over traditional incandescent lamps and an energy-saving fluorescent lamp.


How to make a LED lamp? It can be made of separate LEDs. This will require piece emitting diodes. Connecting the sequentially required amount, you can get a predetermined power.

To protect against failure elements, the resistor is required, which will limit the current in the semiconductor chain.

Regardless of the supply voltage of such a lamp, 220 V or 12V from the car, the resistor is calculated so that the operating current does not exceed the passport values \u200b\u200bof the diode. After assembling and checking, you can build a construction in the conventional incandescent bulb. A homemade LED lamp is no worse than the factory, it even has an advantage - it is easy to correctly correct it, which cannot be said about factory products.

LED lights

Luminaires in which the LED is an active element is called LED lamps. You can use the existing chandelier, inserting a semiconductor lamp into it or make a diode lamp with your own hands to use it for home lighting. If you have skills, you can make a lamp from LED tape, applying developed concepts .

LED tape for the manufacture of the lamp

The tape is a set of LEDs connected properly in the factory. It can be cut in sections and connect to parallel and consecutive chains. The circuit is built in the limiting current resistor. The supply voltage is usually used 12, 24, 36 and 220 V.

Combining the number of sections, you can get the required illumination and power consumed. To connect to the network 220 V, you can assemble a voltage drop diagram if it is planned to use it for lighting a car. (on voltage 12V). When using a tape from LEDs on a voltage of 12V apply special DriversOr it is worth spending time on the manufacture of a self-made power supply device.

Lamp do it yourself

You can create a design of the ceiling, wall, floor or desktop lamp to your liking and under the existing interior. You can use any blowing materials: from balloons to iron structures.

It is necessary to determine the type of LEDs used or finished tape. If these are diodes - calculate the desired amount if the tape is the desired length.

This data will be needed to calculate the capacity consumed by the lamp.

The LEDs are connected successively by 3-4 pieces, depending on the operating voltage of the diode and the restrictive resistor is consistent with them, which prevents the cutting of the diode when the rated current is exceeded. If it is necessary to increase the light flux, in parallel, another 2-3 such blocks are installed. So you can do and desktop lamp, and lamp for the car.

Power consumption is known. One option is to purchase a driver. Its parameters must correspond to the parameters of the consumption of the lamp or be a bit large.

If the consumption parameters are greater than the parameters of the driver, it will fail and, that is likely to fail the LED design itself.

Power supply diagram for 12 V

Transformer T1 with parameters: Input voltage 220 V, Output - 9-12 V. You can use the finished transformer from the old TV. The next element is the diode bridge D1-D4. In the presence of a free diode bridge from charger Car, you can use it. The voltage on which the operation of diodes is calculated should be higher than 12 V, and the rectification current is greater than the current consumption current of the LED lamp.

Element A1 is any voltage stabilizer with an operating current exceeding the current consumption current, and the output voltage is 12 V. All schema elements are available at any store radio components. You can collect and locate the scheme using a soldering iron, securing all the parts into the plastic case. Printed installation here will be superfluous, suitable under the compliance with the rules of high-quality soldering.

The voltage of the input circuit 220 V is dangerous to human life. When working should comply with safety regulations.

After the installation is completed, you need to secure all the parts in the case and output two wires to connect the input voltage and two for 12V. Be sure to mark the wires input "+" and "-" exit to eliminate the ransom. From Practice: Red wire indicates a plus, blue - minus.

The diode lamp for the house is made, he pleases the eye and saves electricity.

Lamp for auto

Voltage car battery - 12 V. When the car is working on large revolutions, the generator generates more voltage - 14-14.5 V. This is necessary to charge the car battery. This information is important to consider in order to collect energy saving lamp For cars.

Backlight of the bottom of the car LED ribbon

If you use LED tape for this, then no additional scheme Do not apply. Take the tape to 12V, cut off the necessary size and, observing the polarity, connect it to the car network instead of a conventional light bulb.

Do it yourself. Video

How to assemble the LED lamp do it yourself for the suspended ceiling, tells the video below.

Using the tape to illuminate the bottom of the body, you can get a very beautiful effect. The resulting lighting system can be called energy saving, because the energy consumption of the auto will decrease significantly.