How to check the balance of MTS bonus points. How to check points on MTS

Each operator mobile communications Provides a system of bonuses to attract new subscribers and encouraging valid. Often, bonuses are an integral part tariff planThey are credited automatically or need to be ordered, for regular subscribers there are loyalty programs for which everyone can count on their bonuses. In any case, you need to know how to check bonus account MTS, because after the expiration of bonuses, subscribers automatically switch to the use of services at the rate that is not always beneficial. Therefore, the state of the additional account should be monitored.

How to check the MTS bonus account

MTS subscriber bonuses are charged on an additional cash account. These funds are used mainly they are only suitable for calls, SMS inside the country. On the service of content, calls abroad, the use of bonuses in roaming are not spent. Also, bonuses are limited in terms of validity: they need to be used for 30 days from the date of charge. When paying for communication services, the funds from the bonus account are written off first, and then money from the main account is collected.

If you want to know how to check the bonuses on, type the combination * 101 * 10 # and in response you will receive a message describing the bonus account status.

How the bonuses on MTS Ukraine are checked in the loyalty program

Subscribers who actively use the services of this operator regularly replenish the account, make and accept calls, provided the MTS-Bonus loyalty program. According to its conditions, the funds spent on your mobile services have been calculated and bonuses are charged for this - 1GRN \u003d 1Bonus. You can spend these bonuses on subscriptions, special offers, or simply exchange them to replenish a monetary bonus account.

For MTS on the loyalty program, dial the combination * 777 * 1 # or send a free SMS message to the 20172 number.

MTS is one of the leaders among the mobile market operators of our country. This result was possible, thanks to a competent policy, which is oriented, first of all, on the consumer. Every year, the company pleases its subscribers with various promotions and projects that help save and distribute their spending on mobile communications. In this article we will tell about one of these projects, namely about mobile bonuses, for which they are charged and where they can be spent.

"Bonus from MTS" - what is it?

Bonuses are virtual money that is credited to the subscriber for using communication services (send SMS, calls, use of the Internet). In order to receive them, the subscriber must register in special ProgramAvailable at

Check the number of bonuses

In order to find out how much you have access to, you need to make a number of actions, their choice depends on what you are more convenient:

  1. Go to the site
  2. commit USSD query by number * 111 * 455 * 0 #
  3. If you are a smartphone owner, use the MTS Bonus special application.
  4. You can also send an SMS with the text "Bonus" to the number 4555

Use options for MTS bonuses

It is doubly more pleasant than earning, such is the law of nature and there is no need to argue here.

Better will try to find out what to use bonus tools.

  • The first, this is the order of various services, with the list of which you can find on the site of the program. However, it should be remembered that all services ordered in this way have a validity period.
  • The second is the ability to list funds for charity. In the world and in our country, in particular, many children who need your help. If you wish to help the needed, you can translate funds to their needs.
  • And the third, you can make a pleasant friend, sending some bonuses on their subscriber account. You can fulfill this action by using the "Bonus from MTS" service, or sending an SMS to 4555 with the text "Gift number of the subscriber to whom you send a bonus and directly the amount of the bonus."

It is important to remember that over time, accrued bonuses burn. Therefore, it is important to use them on time. You can get acquainted with the terms of their actions. You can on the personal page of the Internet service "Bonus from MTS".

MTS company is one of largest operatorsproviding mobile services in Russia. This operator Carefully approaches the issue of the conquest of the market and increasing its client base, which is why MTS Bonus loyalty program is one of the most attractive customer motivation systems.

Thanks to the action within mobile networkThe subscriber can receive bonus points that can be exchanged for goods and services provided by the Company or partners of the company. It is enough just to be a member of the loyalty program.

However, not all participants in the bonus system know how to control their bonus account and misuse important nuances.

If the subscriber is in roaming, then for sending an SMS message to the number 4555 An additional fee will be charged in accordance with the service tariff in roaming. You can find out your bonus balance with a set USSD teams *111*455*0# .

There are many ways to check the current bonus account - from sending text message, To special applications on social networks. We will analyze the basic ways to check the balance, thanks to which each participant of the bonus system can stay up to date with any changes on his bonus account.

As mentioned above, bonus points are accrued as any subscriber's activities that entail costs and may be pleasant gift from MTS company. To control the bonus balance, it is enough to use one of these ways!

Checking the balance of the bonus balance with a personal account

Perhaps this is the most convenient way if the subscriber has a computer or telephone with an internet connection at hand. You need to go to the site, authorized in the self-service system - specify mobile number and password. As a rule, the bonus balance is displayed in the upper corner of the screen, or you need to hover the cursor to the inscription "MTS Bonus" after which the window should open with the current bonus balance.

Checking the balance of bonuses through a special USSD command

In order to find out how many bonus funds remained on the account of the subscriber, it is enough to type one of the following commands. *111*455*0# or *100*2# . Over the next few seconds, the Subscriber will receive an SMS bonus balance alert.

SMS message with the bonus team on the short number 4555

Subscriber must send SMS with text "Bonus" on the room 4555 . All actual information About active on this moment Bonus points will be specified in the response SMS message.

Call to the hotline of the MTS Contact Center

Perhaps this is the longest and time consuming way to find out the bonus balance. To do this, the subscriber needs to make a call by number 8 800 250-08-90 , wait for the response of the operator and receive advice from it on its bonus balance.


For information you need to dial short number 0890 And in the Automatic Information Service menu, select Receive information about the current bonus balance. If necessary, clarify any information subscriber can press the key «0» And get additional advice from the operator.

Mobile application "MTS Service"

For MTS subscribers who are owners of technology on iOS or Android platforms, there is another convenient way to follow your bonus balance - the MTS Service application. To download this application Go to or and install it according to the instructions. Next, you should disable the connection from Wi-Fi and run the program. On the page that opens, you must put a mark next to the "Get an activation code" and wait for an SMS of the alert with information. The resulting code must be entered in the corresponding graph on the page. To find out the number of active at the moment bonus points You need to go to the "Personal Account" section.

Checking the bonus account through social networks

Now MTS subscribers can control the balance of the bonus account and through social networks! To do this, the subscriber needs to set the complement "Personal Cabinet MTS". The bonus balance will be displayed as well as when switching to the site This method Fits account holders in such networks as "VKontakte", "Odnoklassniki", "Facebook".

Visiting MTS Communication Salon

In any communication salon, MTS, the bonus program can provide information on accumulated bonus funds. For this method, you need to provide a passport consultant and the phone number so that it can provide the most accurate information.

As you can see, control the accrual of bonus points is not difficult at all - to check the bonus balance just to have a phone at hand, or a computer on which is actively connected to the Internet and a little free time!

Special programs for further attracting customers are developing many companies. Among mobile operators In this direction succeeded MTS. For a long time, the company has the opportunity to get bonus rubles for the use of services. But how to find out how many points on MTS?

If you are interested in how to find out how many points on MTS, then to begin with, it should be understood in some nuances of this offer. The list of options and commands for checking will be provided later.

The bonus score system was introduced by a company with several goals:

  • Attracting new customers who will start using the services.
  • Promotion of other companies from a huge corporation.
  • Formation of regular customers.
  • Creating a loyalty program to reduce the likelihood of transition to another operator.
  • The company tries to bring off the client to its system, where, in addition to mobile services, he will be able to pay bank card, buy equipment in MTS salons, use home internet and TV from a child provider, acquire products from partners.

Such a program is beneficial not only for customers, but also for the company. In the conditions of acute competition and in the presence of several types of services, it is quite difficult to promote and develop. The creation for this purpose of its own system is a unique solution. Many organizations go on this path, and it is most effective in the current market conditions.

Why can you get points?

  • Operator services. For 5 rubles - 1 point.
  • Per mGTS services and MTS provider. The course is the same - 5 to 1.
  • For purchases in the salons. If you purchase goods with a company icon, then 1 score is provided for 3 rubles. Otherwise, the course is different - 30 K 1.
  • For the use of a MTS card when the amount of all expenditure operations is exceeded in 3000 rubles per month. For 30 rubles spent from the card - 1 bonus.
  • Shopping via the Internet in partner stores. The calculation occurs according to special formulas, the maximum may be accrued to 1500 points. Today, the company has concluded cooperation with dozens of online playgrounds.
  • In special bonus application You can get points for completing tasks.

Where to spend? Several options:

  1. MTS operator services, a variety of solutions are presented.
  2. Mobile content.
  3. Computer games.
  4. Exchange for a specific technique.
  5. Products from partners and various discounts, coupons.
  6. Payment of services of the MTS Bank.
  7. MGTS.
  8. Installing the melody instead of the beeps.
  9. Getting books.

In the future, you can activate points in several ways:

  • Use a special command to activate.
  • Through personal Area.
  • After sending a message to the number 4555 with the appropriate code.

To view all options and immediately go to activation, you can go to the site!/catalog/. The catalog contains several categories and it is easy to determine what to spend bonuses.

Some nuances:

  1. Bonuses are stored on the score within one year, after which they are written off. This fact should be taken into account when they accumulate.
  2. You can give them to another subscriber.
  3. Points can only be used to obtain content, packages and goods. Translate them into real money is impossible!

How to check points on MTS via phone

To see the rest, you can use in a few ways:

  • Through the Internet.
  • Through a request.
  • SMS.

The easiest way to view the balance in the personal account. To do this, you need to go to the website in your mobile browser. Specify the number and the password received. On the portal you can view all the information, learn about the number of points, immediately activate them if you wish.

Another option - through special Team. Enter * 111 * 455 * 0 # and send a request. In response, you will receive the current balance sheet balance, for some people such a way will be most convenient. But its disadvantage - you need to remember the code.

How to find out how many bonuses on MTS from the phone? You can send Bal to number 4555. In response, you will be sms with information interested. The method is also simple and there will be no problems.

You can go to your personal account not only from the phone, but also from the computer. But modern smartphones Allow to completely replace the PC and provide you at no less opportunity.

How to check bonuses on MTS in Ukraine

This program is also valid for subscribers from Ukraine. The conditions there are somewhat different if you want to know them, then it is better to go to the website of the Ukrainian branch -

You can check the bonus balance in several ways:

  1. Through request * 777 * 1 #. In response, you will receive information about the remainder of the points.
  2. Send a message to the 20172 number.

Checking the balance on the points is free both in Russia and in Ukraine. The operator does not charge additional funds For these operations. If you go to your personal account for viewing the balance and bonuses management, then traffic fees at your rate.

We no longer present our lives without television, the Internet and, of course, without cellular communication. And although large mobile operators are not so much now, each of them seeks to get as many subscribers as possible, offering users of attractive conditions, cheap tariffs and additional services. As part of this article, we will talk about the proposal of one of the largest operators in Russia. It will be about the program "MTS Bonus". We will tell, for which points are charged on MTS, how to check their number and, of course, how to spend them.

What is MTS Bonus

If you speak briefly, then this program Allows you to save on communication services and mobile entertainments, paying no money, but accumulated bonus scalle.

What bonuses are charged for?

MTS points can be treated with several ways.

  1. When registering in the program, filling out the questionnaire and confirm address email You immediately get 100 bonuses.
  2. Additional MTS bonus points you will receive if you invite to participate in a friend's program.
  3. The main way of accumulation is the use of communication services from MTS. This includes phone callsmessages, mobile Internet.
  4. Purchases in the online store of MTS or specialized communication salons will also bring a certain number of points.
  5. Expenditures on home Internet And television serves as another source of replenishment of the bonus account.
  6. Another way is to pay for your purchases in various stores with plastic cards. Here are their list: MTS Money, MTS-Raiffeisenbank Visa, MasterCard "MTS" Sberbank of Russia, MTS-Citibank MasterCard, as well as MTS-Bank Cards "Russian Standard"
  7. AND last method MTS bonus points are the conversion of "pros" and bonus rubles of such systems as a "connected club" and "Ural Airlines".

Where can I see your points on MTS?

How to check the bonus account? This question appears as soon as you decide to register in the program. After all, before starting to spend them, you need to know, and how many of them all. You can see the accruals in several ways.

What is the remuneration for accumulated points on MTS?

How to check the bonus account is not the only and far from the most interesting task with the participation in this program. It is much more fascinating to spend bonuses. So how to spend MTS points? Remuneration B. bonus program quite a bit of. These are communication services, such as moments of calls to MTS subscribers numbers home region, SMS and MMS messages, mobile Internet. For bonuses, you can also purchase access to mobile content catalogs. You can get discounts from MTS partner companies. These include such shops like Ozon, "Children's World", "M-Video", "L'Etoile", "Sportmaster", Foodpanda and others. In addition, MTS Bonus scores can be exchanged for gaming currency In online games. But that's not all. Participation in the program allows you to get certificates for the purchase of products in MTS stores. Those to whom the movie has not yet replaced reading, can take advantage of the case and purchase e-books in the online store "Litres", paying for them bonus points. But the remuneration described above is not constant. The list is expanding all the time, since the company seeks to cover the interests of as much as possible of its subscribers.

Give good children

Among the possibilities to spend points worth highlight another one. You will not receive any material remuneration, but thanks to your bonuses, you will have any help in saving the child's life. A separate item in the schedule catalog of the program is charity, where the number of points you donated are equivalent to the same amount in rubles. And who knows, perhaps, it is these to cure a serious crumb to cure. This item is not always present in the catalog, but only in those moments when the collection is opened for a particular baby.

What do you need to get a reward?

You can spend the accumulated bonuses again in several ways.

  1. First, it is worth going to personal page On the site "MTS Bonus". Go to the Reward Catalog page or "How to spend points." Choose what you like from the list, click "Add to Cart." In the window that appears with a brief information, you must check the box "with the conditions", return again "Add to Cart". After that, click "Place an order". During the day, the application will be processed (but, as a rule, it happens much faster), and you will receive your remuneration.
  2. Secondly, you can send to the number 4555 free (if you are not roaming) a message with the code of the required product.
  3. Thirdly, it is possible to send a USSD request.

Before you exchange points on MTS, it is worth remembering that certificates, MTS, technique options, mobile content, including good'ok, can only be ordered on the personal page of the MTS Bonus site. Through SMS and USSD request, it is possible to purchase only mines, messages and Internet traffic.

After the application is processed, the score from the bonus account.

Additional way to get / spend points

If you are a member of the MTS Bonus program, but so far no remuneration makes you up, you can give your accumulated points to a friend. And on the contrary, if you lack a little to order your remuneration, another MTS subscriber can transfer MTS scores to you.

There are two ways for this.

  1. Send a message to the number 4555 with the text "Gift Subscriber Number Size of Points." Example: "Dar 89105746655 500". Either the text may be like this: "Gift phone scores." Example: "GIFT 89105746655 500".
  2. With the second embodiment, the same personal page "MTS Bonus" will come to the rescue, where filling out a certain form and specify the recipient's phone number, you can transfer accumulated points.

After that, the subscriber who made a gift should take it. To do this, click on the "Accept" button on the Personal Page or send a message with the text "Accept the sender's phone". Example: "Accept 89155675435".


In completion, you need to mention another very an important moment. Once you can go to a personal page to check the balance of your bonus points, and see that there are somewhat less there than expected, although you didn't spend anything. The thing is that the bonuses are valid during the year from the date of charge. And after 365 days begin to gradually burn. That is, if you, for example, are accrued 50 points for September 2013, then in September 2014 they will not act. So we advise not to neglect the MTS Bonus program and take advantage of the opportunity to save on mobile communications or acquire pleasant gifts.