How to activate bonuses on beeline money. Features of using beeline points for replenishing an account

Program " Happy time» allows subscribers to accumulate bonuses and then exchange them for services or goods offered by the provider.

Bonus program "Happy time" from the Beeline company makes it possible to make communication more profitable. Everything that is required from the subscriber, or rather, was required (service on this moment is in the archive) is to connect and, as usual, call, send SMS, surf the Internet and accumulate points. Beeline bonuses give you the opportunity to choose where and on what to save.

Description of the "Happy Time" option

Points are small signs of attention from the provider, the amount of which depends on two indicators:

  • The amount of money debited from the number for purchased tariff plans, extra minutes, SMS and traffic from Beeline.
  • Connection time to the provider's network. Longtime customers can count on the maximum number of bonuses.

Note: The consumption of points is carried out at the request of their owner. When, on what and how much to spend - you decide. These may be goods offered by a mobile operator, or its services.

Bonus interest is calculated as follows:

  • if you have been online for less than six months - 5%;
  • 6 months - 1 year - 8%;
  • 1-2 years - 10%;
  • 2-3 years - 12%;
  • 3 or more - 15%.

As you can see, the number of pleasant rewards for the Happy Time program from Beeline directly depends on the length of service in the system. What tariff you have also matters. The more expensive the TP, the more points will come to the number.

If you don’t know how to check your experience, all answers to questions can be found in the My Beeline application or in the Personal Account on the provider’s website.

How the Happy Time service is connected

You can activate the program within a few minutes. Regardless of which tariff you have connected, you can use one of the proposed methods:

  • set the command *767# ;
  • call 0767;
  • go to the Personal Account and use its tools;
  • using the mobile application "My Beeline".

Before connecting the option, check out how to spend Beeline bonuses for your number and tariff.

When the money spent turns into a sufficient number of bonuses, call 0641868, relevant for those who want to use the accumulated points and arrange discounts within the limits of their tariff and beyond it. You can receive minutes, SMS, traffic, etc.

Bonuses can be given to other subscribers using the *767# command. They can also participate in the purchase of goods at the sales offices of the mobile operator. With their help, the cost of the gadget you like can be reduced by up to 10%.

Unfortunately, on currently the tariff is in the archive. Only those subscribers who have connected before can use it.

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It's always nice when the operator cellular communication offers subscribers bonus programs and conducts various promotions. An interesting proposal is the program "Happy Time" Beeline. essence this service is that the operator returns part of the funds spent on communication in the form of bonuses to the account. Points are accumulated and they can be spent on any purchases in stores that fall under the affiliate program.

Service "Happy time" from Beeline

The bonus accrual program is connected to any provider's tariff. The offer has been valid for a long time, however, in 2015, significant changes were made to the service. Previously, bonuses were accumulated with each account replenishment, now deductions are made from any expenses for cellular services.

Any tariff is available to connect the offer. "Happy time" from Beeline is activated in the following ways:

  • "Personal Area". After authorization on the provider's portal, you need to find the "Promotions" section and select the appropriate menu item. After the "Connect" command, the subscriber's number will receive a service activation code, which must be entered in the "personal account" dialog box.
  • USSD request. To do this, you can use the short command *767#. It should be noted that the service is activated immediately after the request.
  • Call. The operator offers to use the special number 0767 to activate the offer.

Important! The service is valid for 30 days from the moment of activation, after which the accumulated points are frozen. To use bonuses, you need to reactivate the service.

To opt out of participating in the promotion, you must use the following instructions:

  1. USSD request. In this case, you need to send the command *767*1# to the operator.
  2. "Personal Area". You can disable the program in the "Promotions" section on the operator's official portal.
  3. "My Beeline". Given system application helps to manage the tariff by enabling/disabling various programs and paid subscriptions.
  4. Technical support. You can contact a consultant at 0611.

Important! If you refuse to participate in the program, previously accumulated bonuses are canceled.


Benefits of the Happy Time program

The bonus program works on a cumulative principle: the more a subscriber spends on communication services, the more he receives. However, the amount of bonuses is calculated as a percentage of the costs. This feature directly depends on the experience of the subscriber in the Beeline network. It looks like this:

  • 6 months - 5%.
  • 1 year - 8%.
  • 2 years - 10%.
  • 3 years - 12%.
  • Over three years - 15%.

It is worth noting that Beeline bonuses are awarded only for expenses for cellular services in Russia. Accordingly, paid subscriptions, payment for services, calls to other countries and international roaming costs do not fall within the scope of the program.

How to spend Bonuses? There are two ways to dispose of savings: payment for communication services or purchases in salons and stores. To use the first option, you need to dial *789# from your mobile. Bonuses can be spent on minutes and sms packages in international roaming, Internet traffic extension. How to use bonuses for subscribers of tariffs with a postpaid settlement system? To do this, there is an activation command *805#.

Important! When spending communication bonuses, points are accumulated on the account for 6 months, after which they expire.

You can pay with bonus points in Beeline stores and other stores that fall under the affiliate program. The calculation of savings is carried out at the rate of 1:1, respectively, each point is equal to one ruble at face value. It should be borne in mind that it is not possible to fully pay for the purchase with bonuses. The program provides only 10% non-cash payment.

Additional features

Subscriber using bonus points can always check the status of his savings account. This can be done using the USSD request *767*2#. Calling the service, as well as other commands for managing the service, is not subject to tariffication on the territory of Russia.

In addition, bonuses can be shared with other subscribers, regardless of the tariff used. The operation is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Sending the command *767*#.
  2. Specifies the user number in ten-digit format.
  3. Confirmation of the operation by sending the received code.

The subscriber using the donated points can dispose of them within the framework of the program.

Important! When transferring points to another user, a number of restrictions apply. In particular, the minimum number of bonuses sent cannot be less than 10. The daily limit for a transaction is set at 3,000 points.

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"Happy time" Beeline is original way make purchases by simply paying for cellular services. Points spent at partner stores can become nice gift for the holiday, and will significantly save on purchases.

Mobile operators allow subscribers to participate in bonus programs. Beeline was no exception, as a result of which the Happy Time service appeared. This option reduces the cost of mobile communication.

The service is available for postpaid and prepaid subscribers. Since 2016, the program has been moved to the "archived" section, so new customers cannot take part in the promotion. For detailed information, it is recommended to check with the operator - "0611".

The program is designed to reduce the cost of tariff plans. Thanks to the service, subscribers can spend Happy Time points on:

  • Payment of the TP subscription fee;
  • Purchase of equipment in Beeline offices at discounted prices;
  • Connection of additional options.

The amount of interest provided by the program on postpaid tariffs depends on the period of use of the number:

  • Less than 6 months - 5%;
  • 6 to 12 months - 8%;
  • From 1 to 2 years - 10%;
  • From 2 to 3 years - 12%;
  • More than 3 years - 15%.

In order to take advantage of the discount, just dial the command "*805#". As soon as the service is activated, the amount of the invoice will be reduced by the percentage provided to the subscriber.

Customers using prepaid plans receive points that are spent on Internet, calls and SMS. If you wish, you can spend bonus units for additional minutes or traffic. Mobile operator allows you to give the accumulated points to another subscriber. To transfer bonus units, the command “*0767#” is typed, after which telephone number Beeline client. Only 3,000 units are transferred per day.

You will not be able to use "Happy Time" on:

  • Content services (horoscope, weather, etc.);
  • Payment of a monthly fee for a city number;
  • Communication services in roaming.

To find out the amount of the discount provided or the accumulated points, you need to log in to your personal account on the website It is possible to specify the number of accumulated units through the operator.

How to connect

Since the end of 2016, the service has been moved to the archives. New subscribers cannot use the option. Those who previously managed to activate the program continue to use the discount. The bonus is provided every month.

To check the number of available points, you need to dial the USSD command "*0767#". The result of the verification will be sent as an SMS message. The same can be done using the mobile application or the website.

How to disable

Subscribers who do not need free bonuses or discounts may refuse to participate in the program. For this you need:

  • Enter Personal Area on the Beeline web resource. In the "Services" section, find the current promotion. After that, it can be deactivated;
  • Call those. support. by phone "0611". The operator deactivates the option;
  • Contact the nearest office of the company. The consultant will help turn off the program, provided that the subscriber provides the owner's passport number.

The option is deactivated within 10 minutes. The subscriber will receive an SMS message with a notification about the termination of the program. There is no commission charged by the operator for turning off the option.

It is important to remember that the service has been archived. This means that reactivation is not possible. Therefore, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth deactivating it.

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Who is suitable for

The program will be of interest to all subscribers who want to reduce communication costs. It must be remembered that the service works differently for prepaid and postpaid tariffs. Subscribers can give bonus points. Customers who want to transfer money are advised to use the option. For more information, please contact the operator.

Many mobile operators There is a system of bonus savings. Usually, bonuses are accrued when you replenish your phone account or when you spend money on connecting additional services. Vimpelcom also has its own Beeline Happy Time loyalty program. When the client activates this service and will replenish the balance of his phone with any possible way, then bonus points will be credited depending on the amount of replenishment.

By collecting Beeline bonuses, the subscriber will gradually be able to use them to pay for cellular services or individual services that are provided to Beeline subscribers. In other words, they can pay for various additional services, and buy special equipment or mobile gadgets in salons and offices of Beeline. In this review, we will take a closer look at how you can collect and spend Beeline bonuses.

It is quite easy to receive bonuses under the Happy Time program. To do this, you need to replenish your phone account in a timely manner. Bonuses will be accumulated on the support account on a monthly basis, on the date of activation of the program. The highest percentage of deduction is equal to 15 %.

What determines the percentage of bonuses

The value of this rate depends mainly on the period of registration of the subscriber with the Beeline operator, and is in the range from 5 before 15% , in proportion to the period of service of the subscriber in the Beeline network:

  1. Service period up to 6 months - 5 %.
  2. Deadline up to 1 of the year - 8% .
  3. Service time up to two years - 10% .
  4. Beeline registration time up to three years - 12% .
  5. Service period over three years – 15% .

As a result, when a client uses cellular services from the Beeline operator for a long time, then the number bonus points will accumulate a lot. Who connected to Beeline recently, there will be few bonuses.

Under the terms of the loyalty program, all bonus points are credited to a special Beeline client account. From this account, the subscriber can use bonuses at any time to pay the subscription fee, connect various services or extend their operation.

For prepaid settlements for all transactions made from the account, bonuses are accrued according to the percentages described above. If money is constantly credited to the account, but paid procedures are not performed, then bonuses are not accrued.

For postpaid payments, bonus points are also accumulated for all transactions made by the subscriber on a monthly basis. They are calculated at the beginning of the monthly period for the previous month, when an invoice for payment is issued.

Subscriber registration and bonus check

To participate in this loyalty program from Beeline, the client needs to make a call from his phone to free number 07-67 . In addition, you can act differently and use the sending of a special character request that the operator has created for this purpose. On the phone keypad, dial * 767 # , then click on "call". This command allows you to activate the Happy Time program. It is valid for all Beeline customers, and does not depend on the type of tariff plan, settlement system.

Before using bonuses, you need to check their number on your account. This is done in simple ways:

  1. Use the Personal Account on the operator's website or in mobile application"My Beeline", where the status of the balance and auxiliary account with bonuses will be displayed on the client's individual page.
  2. Applying the query command. In this case, on the phone you need to dial a combination of characters in the form * 767 # , and then you need to send a call.

Service features

The loyalty program has several features that distinguish it from other functions in Beeline. The uniqueness of this program from VimpelCom is as follows:

  1. The accumulation of bonus points is made taking into account the time of using Beeline services.
  2. The moment of registration in this program does not affect the amount of monthly accruals to the account, the main thing is the duration of work in this network.
  3. Subscribers with different payment systems can participate in this offer.

Where can you spend bonuses?

When accumulating bonus points, the user of cellular services needs to decide on what needs they will be spent. In this case, an individual solution is required. For example, if you do not use any services or options from Beeline, but only send messages or make voice calls to home network, and sometimes you use access to the mobile Internet network, then the accumulated points in automatic mode will be used instead of money, and debited from the account to pay for options.

If necessary, you can connect bonuses to pay for sending SMS services in international roaming, or My Country services and other options. Their pay is:

  1. An option called "100 SMS in international roaming" - the cost of a monthly payment is equal to 295 bonuses. To connect such a payment, the subscriber must make a call by phone 0674-0459 . This call is not paid.
  2. Option "My planet" - for the month of its use will require payment 25 bonuses. To activate this option, you can make a call to the phone 0674-0458 .
  3. The service "My intercity" - the monthly cost is equal to 55 bonuses, activation is performed by a phone call 0674-0455 .
  4. The service "My country" for the month of work will be debited from the account 25 bonuses. To activate the service, you need to make a phone call 0674-0457 .

Additional payments

You can pay with accumulated bonuses in Mobile Internet if there are enough bonuses, and additional service, with which you can add mobile traffic:

  1. "Extend the speed of 1 GB" - the price is equal to 100 points, to connect it you need to make a call on free phone 0674-0465 .
  2. "Extend speed 3 GB" - the cost for activation is equal to 200 points, and connection is made by phone call 0674-0466 .

If you need to connect additional services with subsequent payment through bonuses, then you should make a phone call 0641-686 . According to this loyalty program, you can pay for purchases in Beeline communication stores, but no more 10% from the purchase price.

Attention: for customers with postpaid settlements, bonuses are used as a discount for the settlement time, services are paid, except for paying for a city number, entertainment, roaming and services on short numbers.

Transfer of bonuses to another client

Bonus points for the program in question from Beeline can be transferred to other subscribers of the network. To do this, enter the request on the phone keypad * 767 # "recipient's number without the eight" "number of bonuses" and click on the call. Then you will receive a notification in the form of SMS, which you need to confirm in a response message.

This operation has its limitations:

  • the smallest transfer amount is 10 points;
  • the largest total amount of all transfers - no more than 3 thousand points per day;
  • the validity period of the transferred bonuses is one month.

The Happy Time loyalty program is convenient and useful service from Beeline, with which you can accumulate and spend bonuses on various communication services, which is beneficial for the subscriber.

Why bonuses are not awarded

The Happy Time program has such a feature that is associated with the accumulation of bonuses. Not all operations performed by the subscriber, and which are associated with the withdrawal of funds from the account, lead to the accumulation of bonuses on the account. There are several types of actions for which points are not awarded:

  1. Payments to outside firms, for example, for public Utilities, transferring money to content providers.
  2. Application of standard communication options in other regions abroad and within the country: voice calls, sending SMS, using mobile traffic.
  3. Payment of city number monthly.
  4. Sending text SMS, making calls to other regions of the country and abroad.
  5. Payment for telephony services, home access to the World Wide Web, television.
  6. Order entertainment content from VimpelCom.

The list of services includes the usual default operations performed from your number: Internet, SMS and calls. For clients on whose accounts tariff plans with subscription fee, it will be a positive thing that standing payments are also included in the list of services for which bonuses are accumulated. Therefore, to accumulate bonus points, it is enough to use cellular services in normal mode and accumulate points on the account, which can be used profitably in the future.

"Happy Time" is a loyalty program, a service for Beeline subscribers, with which you can receive bonuses and spend them at your own discretion (for example, on other services mobile network). It is also possible not to use bonuses immediately, but to accumulate a certain amount of them and get a big prize. There are many advantages, the key of which is saving up to 15% of funds per month on communications.

Tariff description "Happy time"

The number of points directly depends on the “loyalty” of the Beeline network subscriber (the longer the SIM card of this network is in use, the more points accumulate):

How to activate Happy Time?

To activate this program, you can use several methods:

  1. Log in to the website of the telecom operator, register (if this has not been done before), go to the user's personal account and click the button to connect the service;
  2. Call 767;
  3. dial command - USSD request *767# .

All requests, calls and other commands to connect the service are free for Beeline subscribers. Bonuses after accumulation will be automatically used after they are accrued.

When using this loyalty program, you can issue, to receive which over the past 3 months you need to spend an average of more than 1,500 rubles on communication services. This status is activated for 1 year, and then it automatic renewal if the costs correspond to the same characteristics.

If the subscriber no longer wants to be a subscriber of the "Happy Time" service, he can send a USSD request *767*0# or go to the site in the settings in your account.

How to check the amount of accumulated bonuses?

To check the bonus balance, you need to enter the request *767*2# or go to the portal in your personal account.

It is important to remember that bonuses are not awarded and will not be received for the following transactions:

  • if mobile commerce services are paid, in particular, payment of housing and communal payments, and other services of third-party organizations);
  • services "Beeline" informational and entertainment nature;
  • mobile transfers;
  • messages and calls to other states;
  • messages and calls in roaming;
  • when using the service "".

How to spend bonuses?

They can be used when using communication services: for calls, subscription fee, messages, internet. Free calls- the main direction of use of bonuses. In addition, bonuses can be paid at Beeline offices when purchasing equipment (part of its full cost). You can also pay for the fact of switching to another tariff plan with bonuses or give them to any subscriber.

The service is valid for 30 days, after which the write-off of bonuses stops and they accumulate again until the write-off option is reactivated.

If the bonuses are over, communication services are paid by the account balance. If, when the function of writing off bonuses is enabled, they accumulate again, then they are automatically spent on communication services.

Bonuses are written off in the order of their accrual, i.е. those that were previously displayed on the personal account are debited faster. Their life expectancy is 6 months after on the personal account (they will burn out after this period if they are not spent).

How to transfer bonuses to another subscriber?

  1. dial USSD request *767# ;
  2. indicate the phone number of the recipient of bonuses in the format 90XXXXXXXX and the amount to be donated;
  3. enter received via SMS secret code to confirm the transfer operation.

How to pay with Beeline bonuses for other services?

The following services are additionally paid with points:

  • "100 SMS in international roaming" (valid for 30 days, cost 295 bonuses): connected by number 06740487;
  • "1 GB" (cost 250 bonuses): connected by number 06740488;
  • "Extend speed 4 GB" (cost 500 bonuses): connect by number 06740489.

Subscribers with a credit method of payment can receive a discount on the issued monthly invoice, which is valid for 30 days in relation to expenses exclusively for mobile communications: calls, subscription fees, SMS, Internet. Discount must be activated before invoicing USSD request *805# , however, it applies to the closest invoice to be issued. It doesn't have to be used every month. If 3 monthly bills are not paid with a discount, then you can get one of the gifts: 500 Mb of Internet, 60 minutes for the local network, a 10% discount on the purchase of phones and smartphones at the Beeline office.