How to overclock the processor on android 4.4 2. Accelerate the frequency of the processor on android

Surely many users of devices on Android came across the system speed. For example, the tablet may not cope with several at the same time running applications, or in a freshly installed game begins to slow down the graphics. In addition to volume random access memoryThese indicators significantly affect the clock frequency of the processor of your device. The best for overclocking are third-party applications.

Even if some time ago, your Android tablet was the flagship in its niche, progress does not stand still, and new programs and games require more and more equipment resources. On the other hand, it is not a reason to change the device to faster (and expensive!), Therefore, it makes sense to think about the acceleration of the processor.

Increased processor frequency using programs

For this procedure, special applications have been developed, they can be found and downloaded in Google Play. Or on our website. Programs for Android, on the example of which we will tell, how to overclock the CPU, are quite simple to use, but for their correct work is needed root-right - the right of superuser to change engineering settingsAccess to which is usually limited to users.

Antutu CPU Master program

Available on Google Play both paid and in free version. The first functionality is a little wider, but for our main task it is quite suitable and free option - Download Antutu CPU Master. After installing and starting the program, we immediately see the main window.

The value on a green background is the current frequency. Below are sliders regulating the maximum and minimum values. To speed up the operation of the operating system as a whole, you need to increase the minimum frequency value. The maximum number of this program will not be able to change.

After installing the desired values, you must save the settings and restart the tablet to apply them.


Similarly, the application works Setcpu. For Android. When you start it, we see two buttons: standard acceleration CPU and transition to advanced settings. The main function is implemented about the same as in the previous example: the value of the current frequency, changing in real time as it starts or stopping any processes, and the ability to adjust the threshold values.

In addition, the SETCPU program has several more accompanying useful features. It can not only disperse, but also create frequency profiles that the processor will use. You can switch if necessary to switch between pre-stored profiles, and also set the profile change depending on the terms of use: for example, reduce the frequency at a low battery charge.

Enjoy the advanced features of this program better only experienced users Android, since it is possible to adjust the level of power consumption for each specific frequency only if the user pays for itself to what each effect can lead to.

For and against the acceleration of the processor

The pros of this procedure can be attributed to:

  • undoubtedly, improving the performance and speed of the device;
  • fast I. smooth work Residential games and programs.

But there are some disadvantages that can do the work of your tablet less comfortable:

  • increasing the frequency will inevitably lead to an increase in power consumption, so be prepared for unusually quickly discharging the battery;
  • the heat transfer will also increase, that is, the device will warm the usual, even with not very high loading.

Precautions for acceleration processor

Remember - each device is individually, and before thinking about the acceleration of the CPU on Android, look for information regarding your model: maybe it is precisely it will not work out. For example, if your tablet is equipped with a single-core processor with a low frequency, then its acceleration will not give notable results. In general, a reasonable increase should be not more than 20-25% of the initial digit. Unnecessarily high values \u200b\u200bmay damage your device.

The processor acceleration in any case will reduce the battery life of the device: working at high frequency, the processor will spend more energy. However, this factor has the other side: with the help of the same programs you can extend the battery life if you drop the threshold values \u200b\u200bof the frequency. It is relevant for those who do not use resource-intensive programs, infrequently plays the game, but highly appreciates autonomy. After all, most standard processors on our android devices are quite capable of working on average frequency values \u200b\u200bwithout any acceleration.


So, if you have decided to speed up the work of your device, any of the above programs will help you in this - of course, provided. Moreover, they can be useful even for those who do not decide on this procedure: because with their help you can not only increase, but also reduce the frequency, thereby saving energy consumption.

Active development tablet computers and operating systems It requires new working conditions from software and the very "iron". And for their execution requires advanced technical data of gadgets. This does not mean that the old "iron" can be safely sent to the trash. Is it possible to disperse a tablet that is morally outdated or hopeless? Even the device that has served a certain time after the "reconstruction" can be used for 3D games.

Overclocking: What are the cons and advantages?

The acceleration procedure is also called overclocking. This is a compulsory increase in processor components, extension of the speed and response so that the updated device has parameters above the standard (provided by the manufacturer). The advantages of the procedure can include such criteria:

  • Increased power, which directly affects quick response and answers to user commands. This is especially noticeable when the gamer starts a 3D game.
  • The gadget will be able to work even with programs that require large processor resources than provided by the standard version.

The disadvantages of the procedure can be attributed to the need to charge the tablet more often. A dispersed gadget (namely the processor) has a smaller margin of safety, and therefore can quickly fail, and the tablet will be warm enough during operation. However, all the same industry specialists are advised to perform such overclocking, since the risk of outputting the processor is minimal, and no attention should be paid for use at all, since the device will simply obsolete after a certain time.

How to overclock the processor on the tablet?

It must be remembered that all the work that is performed independently, without the help of specialists, is in charge of a certain risk and danger of the conclusion of the tablet. Therefore, such criteria should be taken into account:

  • Overclocking procedure is performed slowly and smoothly. To analyze work used special programs.
  • Dual-core processors in a frequency of 1GHz does not make sense to overclock.

Acceleration is possible to conduct exclusively on the tablets that have the root option. If there are no such, you need to get a paw root before overclocking. For work, special programs will be required, downloadable on the market. Among the proven Antutu CPU Master and CPU TUNER. Both will be able to show awesome results when proper setting and careful use.

Technical progress does not stand still and almost daily engineers are developing more and more powerful and more powerful processors, one, two and four-core processors in tablets are no longer uncommon. There are rumors about the development of tablets that have six cores. All this is available only in new models of gadgets, which naturally cost a lot.

But what to do with the old device? Not every person has finances for permanent update His gadget. There are many reasons why there is no desire or opportunity to update the gadget. To date, there are ways with which you can squeeze the maximum from your device, will help you in this presence of modern software management software. This article will consider the question: how to overclock the processor on androidand extend the life of your old man.

For tests, outdated today by configuration, but not the functionality of the tablet from Samsung model whom Galaxy Tab. P1000.

Antutu CPU Master - Maximum overclocking

To begin with, a basic testing was performed before overclocking using Antutu CPU Master, which is provided for free download with the Play Market.

The score assessment was 2708 points.

Results before and after overclocking

Now with the help of our program will produce acceleration of the processor to maximum valuewhich the program independently determines

Now the scan estimate is 3409 points. The difference between the initial value and the value after overclocking supplies as much as 700 points, which is approximately 125% of the initial check.

Now make a comparison of the results that we received before the start and after the acceleration of the processor.

The diagram shows that the tablet rose into two lines up the points, ahead of gadgets Samsung Galaxy S, as well as Google Nexus S, which is a good indicator.

According to the table, it can be seen that the value central processor and RAM increased, and also increased the value of numbers having a floating point, which confirms the benefit of the effect of acceleration of the processor on the speed of the system of your device.

e under Android.

No matter how fast our phone s, we always wish they to be a little faster. Fortunately, Android allows you to do it. This process is called "acceleration" - it means that the main processor will work a little faster than usual. Overbabbing the processor is very easy, and this will allow you to get an additional 30 percent to its power. Below are the tips on how to make your Android overclocking phone and so that it becomes really powerful ohm phone.

How to dispersed Android

Before starting this

First of all, we want to give you a standard warning. Overclocking the main processor of your phone A is associated with certain risks. Increasing the processor clock frequency will cause large quantity Heat and increased energy consumption. Of course, you should not believe that your the phone will resemble a device covered in the fire, or your battery will be spoiled, but the release of excess heat can cause instability and affect the battery life.

The main point is to stockday. Do not attempt to increase the frequency of the processor at once by 30 percent. Do this slowly, and after each increase, evaluate the stability of the system. If Android works without complaints, and the level of allocated phone OM heat and battery life is acceptable, and plus there is no hang or strange behavior, then you can continue to increase the processor clock frequency. If things went somehow strange, go back to the last stable clock frequency.

Obtaining the desired kernel for overclocking

Are you satisfied with the results? Let's continue. The only thing you need to configure the parameters of the main processor of your Android phone A is the so-called OS kernel supporting a higher clock frequency. It should be noted that the processor acceleration is the main element in the modding community, so that there will definitely not be in good nuclei. So, you just need to choose the right kernel for your specific model phone a.

Spend a little time to search for the desired kernel for your device.

First of all, find out the model number of your phone a. To do this, go to the "Settings" section, then in "On phone E "and see what is said there. Also, you probably want to write data about the version of Android installed on your phone e. Important nuance: to overclock the main processor your the phone should have root rights!

See also: 14 useful Soviets and tricks for Android Marshmallow

Of course, this process will not be covered by a guarantee, so you will act at your own risk. Among other things, you will also need to install in phone Custom recovery mode (also known under the name "Castom Recavor"). Read more about this below.

You need to install a custom recovery mode, for example, TWRP or CWM

Replacing the kernel and processor acceleration takes not so much time, but it is worth spending some time on the search for the desired kernel. Some sites, such as XDA developers, can be considered a beautiful platform for the start. There are four aspects that you pay attention to the kernel: 1) so that this core supports the processor acceleration; 2) To make it compatible with your model phone A; 3) To work in your version of Android; 4) So that it has positive feedback.

The biggest popularity will have the kernel, the easier it will be to get help from the community if necessary, or find any proposed parameters (if you prefer to receive knowledge from the efforts of other people, and not spend your knowledge). In general, than more reviews It will be about the kernel, the more informed solution you can take.

Overclocking software for your kernel

Some nuclei have the appropriate softwarewhich was designed specifically in order to help you get a maximum benefit from the kernel. In such a software, a regular slider may include, regulator of the main processor settings, options to reduce voltage, etc. If the kernel you use, there is an additional application, you can use it. If not, then look in Play Store app for general overclocking (or manager for the main processor) with good rated and positive feedback.

Some custom kernels have software by which you can easily change the clock frequency of the main processor.

After you have a kernel for your specific model phone A and you made sure that it is compatible with your version Android And supports processor acceleration, you can move on. For this practical lesson, we will do the acceleration of the rutted Nexus 6 with the stock version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow, using the Elementalx kernel.

Note that many custom Rom nuclei initially support the overclocking of the main processor, so if you use a custom Rom core, then learn it better to determine if you need to change the kernel of your OS.

We set the elementalx kernel on our stock nexus 6

How to overclock your Android telephone

Your the phone must have root rights to install the user kernel. You also need to establish a custom recovery mode (due to the fact that you will not be able to install the kernels using the stock recovery mode). If you need help, use our manual how to set the user recovery mode. Despite the fact that the manual in this reference is designed for Nexus 5, but the process is used the same.

  1. Make sure you have backup copy Your data. You can make such a copy with a custom recovery using any application or PC basic solutions.

First download the kernel on your Android

  1. After you have chosen a suitable kernel, download it (as well as any software that accompanies him) on your Android (downloading can be done in the download folder). You can also download the kernel to your computer and then copy the zip file in your root directory phone A (if there is such a desire), but it is simple to do on your phone E and through recovery.

Make a reboot to log in to the "Fast Download" mode, then go to Restore mode

  1. Disable yours phone and log in to the "Quick Load" mode. This can be done by clicking simultaneously on the "On" buttons And "volume down", although some manufacturers define another key combination.
  2. Being in " Fast loading", Use the volume keys to highlight the recovery mode and click on the" On "button. For his choice.

Click on the Install icon

  1. Now you can enter your "caste recovery." We use TWRP type.
  2. Click on the "Install" icon (or "Install ZIP" in CWM) and go to the folder where the saved zip file is located.

Find the kernel you downloaded before

  1. Install the zip file and wait for the message that the installation has passed successfully. Some kernels (for example, Elemental X in our case) will run through the series dialog boxes, like Install Wizard applications on your computer.

Note that there are also such kernels that allow you to assign the clock frequency of the main processor during installation. Later you can enter where it is necessary, changes by means of the installed manager for the main processor. Read the instructions below how to do it.

Install the kernel

  1. Clean the cache after a successful nucleus installation.

Clean your cache

  1. Go to the "Advanced Settings" subsection in the recovery mode and click on the "Repair Empire Rights and Section" icon.

Icon "Fix access rights to files and sections" after installation

  1. Restart the system.

Changing the frequency of the main processor

If you have not changed the settings of the main processor while installing your custom kernel, now you can start the processor manager (or the kernel application). If you do not have an already installed compatible with your kernel, you will need to find the appropriate application in the Play Store.

In principle, there are many similar applications, and they work fine, but we use free app Kernel Adiutor. You will have to provide an application for the nucleus on the use of root rights, and also probably have to install the BusyBox application (which will also need root-rights).

As you can see, we installed the custom kernel

Find the settings responsible for controlling the clock frequency of the main processor. Depending on what application you use, you can select the maximum processor frequency from the drop-down menu, or use the slider. Remember that you need to use not rush. Use each clock frequency level for a while to see how it affects the stability, battery life and the level of heat released. To begin with, increase the clock frequency by 10 percent compared to your current frequency and in the future increase its little by little.

Choose the maximum clock frequency of the main processor and enjoy the increase in its power.

Do not be surprised if the frequency of your main processor does not reach the new parameter too quickly. What do you do when do the processor acceleration? Change its maximum clock frequency. So the processor will be able to achieve greater performance in the case when it is necessary.

By the way, you can also change the minimum frequency, although it creates an unnecessary load on the processor and your battery phone a. But, in the end, there is no need to overtake the processor for, say, reading letters.

If you encounter any instability with your new parameters, just enter back and slightly reduce the processor clock frequency, and then see how things go.

As you can see, our Nexus 6 is now running 20 percent more powerful than usual

If you encounter some of the row of outgoing problems, visit the forum or the site from which you downloaded your kernel and read the information with the aim of finding out if anyone else has already solved your problem. If you didn't find anything useful, contact the community for help. If nothing helps, then you can set the old original kernel, which was installed on your device earlier.

Tell us about what you have achieved, and how much better than your discern android now

How to overclock and raise the clock frequency of the processor in the phone or tablet running Android.

Today we will talk a little about the acceleration of the processor on the Android apparatus. Initially, we will analyze what it is, and how can it come in handy? As they themselves were able to notice, almost no bought flagship remained at the top in the performance ranking for more than a year. Constantly appear new models with more powerful characteristics. Similarly and with all sorts of games: each a new game or the Android system itself is all demanding of the "filling" of your device with each new version. Therefore, I want to tell today how to overclock the processor on the Android tablet or the smartphone, increasing the maximum frequency to increase productivity.

How to find out information about your Android processor: video

Acceleration of the processor: advantages and risk factors

Let's determine what we get after the CPU acceleration?


  1. The most important thing is to rise. total performance Gadget.
  2. It will become smaller and comfortable work in some applications, and especially in games.


  1. By increasing the power of the device, you first donate autonomous work. That is, the device will be significantly faster. On some models, after overclocking the battery may not be enough for one day.
  2. The device will also begin to warm up harder when it seemed normal operation, even without a special load.

Overclocking android processor: video

Instruction on acceleration

So, I will describe step by step how to overclock the processor on the Android devices.

Note: To successfully execute this procedure, the device must have ROOT rightsmi, otherwise nothing will work.

Note: this application I do not know how to independently increase the maximum frequency.

If you need, let's say, overclocking the Android tablet above the passport characteristics, you need with a special core in which the maximum frequency of the Android processor will be increased, and after using Antutu CPU Master adjust the upper and lower value. All the kernels are looking for forums in the topics of the name of your model, because for each device its core and its own firmware. Such kernels are put through custom Recovery.

After changing the values, click "Apply" and restart the gadget so that the settings apply.

How to get root rights: video