Mac COM mail entrance. How to enter ICLOUD (ICloud) from a computer

Many people have a question how to enter the iCloud account from the computer and from the phone if the failure occurred. In this article I will tell you everything about the entrance to Aiklaud.

Download the file, wait for the download, install the application to the computer (it will be in the form of icloudsetup.exe. ) And, first, enter your ID. After that, you will need to "enable" the device, i.e. Go through the activation and click the "Apply" button.

There is an entrance and work in ICLOUD online.

This will require:

1. Open the official website
2. In the window that appears, enter your Apple ID and click "OK",
3. You will open the cloud, but know that this is only a Web version that provides the ability to work only with some functions of ICloud.

To change the "Clouds" settings for yourself, open the settings -\u003e iCloud. Move the sliders in various options (contacts, music, photo, etc.) You can disable and include the functions you need.

This information Suitable for Apple brand owners. And what to do those who use the Android platform, but does he need to log in to ICloud? This method also exists! To do this, download Google Play applicationsthat support IMAP and SMPT. After installing the application, you enter your address. email and password. And when the "Username" row appears, you will need to enter @ This will allow you to go to the icloud with Android.

Failure when entering iCloud

Nothing can work forever, so people often face malfunctions when working with applications. Consider some of them.

1. If you cannot go to ICloud, try moving on , Where you can see the status of the system. This will show whether any works that can affect the application of the application are being carried out.
2. Check if you update your gadget to the latest version.
3. Carefully enter your ID again, if it is not automatically saved and every time you enter it again. You may not pick up the password or you are enabled Caps Lock.
4. Make sure you enter the password from ID in ICloud!
5. Check your icloud settings maybe they just got lost and you, for example, came out from your account. You need to re-enter the password and login.
6. It happens that when trying to go to ICloud a message appears like " Account Not confirmed "or" Failed to log in. " But this problem is easy to solve! You need to change the password by resetting the old settings. This can be done as follows:

Go to the site → Type your ID in the window that appears and click "Continue" → Select a convenient way for you to reset the password and click "Continue" → After that, come up with and enter a new password. Usually this method eliminates the problem.

7. It may be that the amount of storage memory is overflowing. In this case, you will be offered a memory expansion function or you can "clean" your storage yourself, deleting old files.
8. One of the most common problems is a message that the ICloud service is not available for your region. If you think this is incorrect and there was no such problem before, contact the service apple support.

How to restore access to icloud

Using ICloud is not too simple function, but, a little fed, you will begin to understand all the subtleties. Good luck!

I categorically welcome! Today, the conversation will go about such an important service of Apple as ICloud Mail. Domain @ began its functioning in 2012 and from now on each owner of the iPhone, iPad or iPod can "charge" to itself electronic mailbox On the server of an apple company. Cool? Not that word!

But immediately the question arises - why do you actually need? And what exactly can this mail service boast in comparison with others? In fact, ICLOUD mail is full of advantages - to list them everything will be very hard. And, probably, no need. I will dwell only at those positive moments that immediately come to my mind.

  1. Whole is completely lacking advertising.
  2. Integration with Apple devices at the maximum level.
  3. It is possible to create virtual mailboxes (pseudonyms).

Also, in small pluses you can apply an unusual name (if Gmail and other Rambler-s are tired). Well, of course, the unemployed is login, since in Russia Aiklaud has no popularity, it does not increase the likelihood of making a "registered part of the address".

By the way, for those who use the "clouds", registration of ICLOUD mail allows you to synchronize notes.

How to create an ICLOUD mail?

To begin with, we need:

  • (Do not know what it is? We read).
  • One of iPad devices, iPhone, iPod. The fact is that the creation of email comes from the settings menu of your gadget. Even having an Apple ID by going to the cloud storage management site at, when you click on the Mail icon, we see the sign:

Which says what you need to proceed to the device settings. There and go. Select the desired menu item. If you are here for the first time - we enter an Apple ID. If not, you move the slider opposite the Mail menu. In the window that appears, click Create.

It remains to come up with a beautiful name, and all - the email address is registered! The password is your password from icloud. Now you can check, receive, send letters using:

  1. Login from a computer at ICloud COM Mail.
  2. Mobile device. To do this, click on standard application Mail () and ... you can start working with electronic correspondence!

Now consider a few questions that will certainly arise in the process of use.

How to rename (change) ICLOUD mailbox?

None :) Because the address is attached to your Apple ID account. And for its shift, you need to create a new account. However, there is still an exit if login [Email Protected](specified as an example) you are tired. To do this, there are so-called pseudonyms, you can create them in the number of three pieces. And already these pseudonyms indicate as their email address on forums, sites - yes anywhere!

All letters to be sent to them will get to you on the main mail. By the way, a great way to combat spam. For large quantities It is enough to erase the alias.

How to delete email address icloud?

But also in no way :) the only option, just stop using it (here is also all the case in the notorious binding to Apple ID).

For this, in settings icloud. Move the slider into an inactive position. Now the mail will not be synchronized with the repository, but it will be possible to continue to use the email address. It turns out that it is impossible to get rid of it.

As you can see, the mail is the iCloud COM in addition to obvious advantages, no less obvious flaws are not deprived. But to use it, or not - to solve only you. By the way, if you get yourself a box on Aiklaud, then why? For what? Share in the comments!

P.S. Be sure to place "Likes", press the buttons social networks And then no your question remains unanswered!

For modern Internet users, email - not just a means of instant sending letters and communication, but also a means of active life online. It is also a data warehouse, and registration on sites, and a means of doing business on the Internet, etc. Therefore, today, people are looking for such an Internet resource to register an e-mail, which can offer them the maximum functionality and ease of use. In 2012, such a service called Aiklaud offered Apple.

It is available to all owners of the iPad, iPhone, iPod and computers under the operating mAC system. It allows you to register ICLOUD mail in the domain zone of the same name and use it on a par with all other cloud storage features. How to do it?

How to become an E-mail owner from Apple?

Becoming the owner of a smartphone or tablet brand Apple, the owner passes the registration of the device in cloud storage Aiklaud. After the procedure, the phone is assigned a personal Apple ID number that will continue to act as a login for all cloud services. The registration procedure guarantees the automatic creation of the ICLOUD mail, if you do not skip the menu item "Get free e-mail to Aiklaud". In this case, the email address will end on @, @, @ (depends on what kind of device is made to create an account).

If, when receiving an Apple ID, the "current email address" was used, then the user will have to go through an additional uncomplicated procedure for activating the drawer on the cloud. Enroll as follows:

  • Go to the "settings" of the gadget. If the input is performed for the first time, then you need to enter the number ID received.
  • Select from the list of the "icloud" menu.
  • In a new window, find the menu "Mail".
  • Move the slider to the right from the "Mail" icon in an active position.
  • Come up with a beautiful name for e-mail addresses.

Personal mailbox is registered. The password from it will be invented by a person alphanumeric cipher, when registering a device in a cloud storage. It is also worth considering that the procedure creating e-mail Only NA apple devices With the IOS 5.0 and above operating system, OS X Lion 10.7.4 and above. Therefore, before the procedure, the Specialists of the Epplovskaya Support Service are recommended to renew the software. You can log in to iCloud mail from a computer for OS X Lion and Windows, from a smartphone and tablet.

Important! You can not create electrone on computers running under the Windows operating system. But go to the mail created on iOS and OS X Lion, you can no problem.

How to access a Windows PC?

Many tablet owners and apple smartphones personal Computer Uses operating system Windows. Consider how to go to your electronic box with PC. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • Contact link
  • Fill out the requested forms - Apple ID (it is e-mail) and password.
  • Press the arrow to the right in the "Password" field.

If a free (with the end @, @, the address, then there will be no problems when registering. If not, then the service will require installation special applications Mail. To avoid misunderstandings, you can immediately download the client for Windows on the official website. Run activation of the iCloud box from the computer using the application is also easy. The main thing follows the instructions of the "assistant" customer settings.

What is so good e-mail from Apple?

The fact that the EPL Corporation has envisaged the ability to increase the repository up to 1 TB. Initially, up to 5 GB of free space is distinguished. To increase the volume, it will be necessary to make a symbolic fee. Hacking an ICloud mail with an 8-character password and confirmation ID is much more complicated than an account on Mail.Ru, and other domains.

In addition, the Internet service gives other advantages:

  • 100% lack of advertising. It is possible to to hide with the service from Cuppertinov. Here it is a bit, but still advertising makes certain inconveniences.
  • Easy operation of the application, friendly interface and settings. Even if the user has never dealt with Apple services, problems with the entrance to the mail, password recovery and the settings of its operation will not arise.
  • Full integration with devices.
  • Using Push technology notifications.

Password recovery from drawer

If the user has forgotten the password from electronic drawer, It is not difficult to restore it. The service offers two ways - response to a test question or with another mail. You must fill in the field with the device identification number and click "Forgot your password?". Next, select the appropriate option of resetting the old access code - the question or through another account. It should be borne in mind that when choosing a recovery in the box, it had to be specified by the user during the registration of the device in the cloud. It is also the case with the control question.

Important! Problems may arise if the owner has forgotten the password from the backup e-mail or does not remember what answers made questions when creating an account. Therefore, employees of the EPL support service recommend using existing email addresses, correct personal data and to control the questions, the answers to which will not be able to change over time.

Is it possible to delete an e-mailbox?

The service allows you to delete mail and account on the cloud. But before removal it is worth thinking about all stored data clouds. Pressing the "Delete" button will result in their complete loss. Yes, and access to other services (purchases, registration on the network, games, etc.) will no longer. Consider how to delete the user's account on the cloud. Need to do the following:

  • Log in to "Device Settings".
  • In the Mail menu, select "Accounts".
  • Select unnecessary more alias.
  • From the menu list, select "Delete".
  • Press "OK".

Removal performed. In order not to lose the data, you first need to be either saved on the PC, or use iTunes. Before pressing "OK", it is worth checking whether everything you need is saved and will not suffer. Restore information (photos, video, documents) will not work.


The article discovered in detail the question of how quickly and without confusion to create a mailbox for iPhone or Apad. For those who are familiar with American smartphones, difficulties will not arise exactly, the procedures are logical and easy to perform. For owners of other brands of smart phones, a video instruction with clear directions will be posted, which and where to press. Enjoy your viewing to the meeting on the site pages!

Video instruction

Email - an integral part of all Apple services.

Registration in the postal service cloud service Apple is available only to the holders of the devices of this manufacturer. This feature became available since July 2012.

Here it is necessary to mention that owners postal addresses With the domain @ or @ is automatically supplied with addresses on the @ domain.

At the same time, the first part of the address remains unchanged.

On Point is registered as follows.

Create an account

In the device settings, you will need to select "Mail, addresses, calendars" and add new account With which it is possible even in the mail to enter the computer.

In the list of supported services, you will need to select icloud.

After that, you will need to start.

First of all, it is proposed to specify the date of birth. Subsequently, it will be useful to restore access to the account.

The next step is to specify your own name and surname.

The following item appears to use an existing and mail or register it on icloud.

The procedure for creating such an email differs little from other. First you need to choose a login

Then enter and confirm the password. It is extremely important to choose a complex, but easily memorable password.

To restore lost access to the account, you will need to take advantage of the secret question.

Now you can confirm / reject the receipt of advertising mailing.

Then you can read the user agreement, and accept it (otherwise the account will not be created).

Upon its completion, the account will be finally created. New account Immediately ready to use.

Account ID can be corrected at any time.

This is completed on this process. Now I can use VOTIPRI help just created account.

Mail Setup

The new account is immediately ready to receive letters. However, there are several parameters that are able to do work with email convenient.


To begin with, you will need to open mail on your Apple device. In it all addresses are grouped.

There is a group "All drawers", which displays correspondence from all email addresseswhich authorized the user of the device.

Also, there is one folder on each account, and the VIP folder in which letters come from separately specified addresses.

The most convenient will be the use of the "All Boxes" folder, since it accommodates incoming mail in all addresses.

Consequently, some unused folders can be hidden. This is done as follows.

In open by mail client You will need the "boxes" menu, at the top of which the "Change" button is located.

Pressing it opens the folder display settings.

So flexible settings appeared in the seventh version of iOS.. In this menu, you can enable sorting letters in different criteria.

The "Attachment" item will allocate all letters with attached files and other attachments to a separate group.

Also owners of several mail addresses will appreciate the ability to group all sent letters to one folder so that they do not have to seek recent mail among accounts.

Here it is also possible to disable unused groupings.

Thus, using the display menu, each user can configure functionality. postal service Specifically for yourself.

Adding your own folders

Each mailbox has several subfolders (sent, obtained, drafts, etc.). Navigating on them is a very time consuming and requiring a lot of time.

The benefit that in the email manager from Apple, there is an opportunity to make some subfolders in the main menu of the mailer.

To do this, you will need to change the list of folder list from the past subparagraph. In its lower part there is a "Add folder" item.

This action will open a list of all accounts and subfolders that are available in them.

Simple addition of "checkbox" opposite the desired subfolder, it is transferred to the main menu.

These simple actions allow you to configure the display of folders in an optimal way.

Setting up filters of letters

Each box can be equipped with a separate filter of letters. To do this, you will need to open in the browser with help.

It will take to open the mail application and highlight the letter that will serve as the basis for the filter.

Then in the right side of the window, press the parameter button and select the "Filters" item. This will open the filter settings window.

The address of the selected sender will already be specified in the corresponding column.

Then you will need to assign a folder to which letters from a particular sender will be sent (or create a new one).

After these actions, the newly commercial filter will be listed.

Important! In the mail manager ICloud, it is possible to create correspondence filters at the recipient's address, the sender. Also, the basis for creating a filter can serve as the subject of the letter.

The most common sorting by such parameters (although each user can adjust it to itself):

  1. Promo - letters with commercial offers from shops of interest, services and other companies providing their services on special conditions.
  2. Spam is an advertising material that does not represent any interest for the user.
  3. "Favorite interlocutor" is an correspondence that you want to highlight into a separate folder for easy access.

What is icloud. Full Overview

In this video you will find out what Apple icloud.How to register in this synchronization system, configure and use.

E-mail from the tool for communication has become a matter of essentially: we use it to communicate with friends, to build and develop business, to register on various sites and access to payment systems and Internet banking. Modern user Without email, do not do, fan of devices and Apple services can not do without email address from @ at the end.

Under the catalog Information How to create iCloud mail on iPhone / iPad and Mac computers and activate account record icloud..

  • Next, select 3 control questions and respond to them. Again, I advise you to choose questions, the answers to which you remember well and specify the right answers. This guarantees you a successful password recovery to your account (there are 2 ways to change the password to Apple ID, one of them with responses to test questions).
  • Specify the backup email address to be used to identify or restore the password to the account and click Next. This e-mail is used to ensure security.
  • Turn on the update switch and get news and software updates Apple, as well as fresh information about Apple products and services.
  • Check out the terms and conditions. Without making them, you will not be able to register the iCloud mail, so if you have decided to use the products and services of the Apple document you can not read - click "Accept" and then confirm.
  • On this email address @ is completed. The backup email address must be confirmed, for this, follow the link from the appropriate notification and enter a registered e-mail and password.
  • Email address @ is both an Apple ID ID. It can be used to access functions and apple services: score App Store., icloud, find iPhone, Facetime, IMESSAGE, GAME CENTER and others. Full list of applications and Apple functions, access to which using apple ID is available on the link. In order to use the registered e-mail as an Apple ID, - Connect it in settings iPhone In the icloud menu.

    Apple ID ID, ending on @, is safer and in the case (will select the password), the attackers will not be able to change it (). Password can always be reset using the backup email address, responding to test questions, or using Apple's support service. When contacting support service, it is necessary to confirm your identity - specify the date of birth, name and surname.

    Connect the @ account in the settings of your iPhone, iPad and Mac computer in the "icloud" menu and no one, and can never be your device using the "Find iPhone" function and lock activation, and will not receive access To your photos, contacts, notes, calendar, key ligament and stored in ICloud.

    How to create iCloud mail on Mac computer

    In order to register an email address @ in OS X environment on Mac:

    1. Go to "System Settings" in the "ICLOUD" menu and click on the "Create Apple ID" inscription.

    2. Select the country of accommodation and specify the full date of your birth. Once again, I advise you to enter real data so that if you need to be able to confirm your identity when contacting Apple's support.
    3. In the "Apple ID" line, select "Get free e-mail to icloud", in the "E-mail" field, specify the "nominal part" of the mailbox, and then the name, surname and password to the account. If you want to subscribe to the newsletter on Apple products and services, check the box in the appropriate field and click Next.
    4. Select 3 control questions and give answers that you will not forget under any circumstances (necessary to access Apple ID and) security settings. Specify the backup email address and click Next.

    Email address @ will be successfully registered, which you will receive a corresponding notice. In order to confirm the backup email address, click on the link from the letter and enter the e-mail and password.

    If you want to use a registered email address as an Apple ID to download content from the App Store and iTunes Store., contact sync, photos, notes, calendar, bookmarks Safari., key bundles and functions "Find iPhone", connect the account on Mac to system settings In the "icloud" menu.

    How to register email address @ on Windows Computer

    Create an ICLOUD mail on a computer running Windows is not possible and not going anywhere. Pre-register mailbox @ on iPhone, iPad or computer MAC. (how to do it higher), and then through a web browser in windows Environment Go to to the Mail Web application (Mail).

    Create an ICLOUD mail can anyone, it is free (5 GB of free space on the Apple server), does not contain advertisements and effective in the fight against spam. The inconvenience only delivers you to register the address @ you can only on Apple devices: iPhone, iPad or Mac connected to the Internet.