Calling up help on the keyboard. Keyboard Key Assignments

We have already learned. Now it's time to explore the keyboard. To write a letter, or a request to search engine the Internet, we cannot do without a keyboard. Plus, if your mouse doesn't work, you can use the keyboard. It is enough to know a few simple commands. Real programmers and hackers don't use a mouse at all. For them, the main tool is the keyboard. Perhaps you will also work this way sometime, but for now we will learn the basics of working on the keyboard.

Key layout

The entire keyboard, depending on its functions, can be visually divided into several groups:

  • Function keys (F1-F12)- are used for special tasks. If you press the same key again, the action is canceled. F1 key - calls the help of the program in which you are at the moment;
  • Alphanumeric- these are keys with letters, numbers, punctuation marks and symbols.
  • Control keys- These include keys HOME,END,PAGEUP,PAGEDOWN,DELETE and INSERT.
  • Cursor keys- are used to move the cursor through documents, web pages, edit text, etc. Control keys (modifiers) (Ctrl,Alt,CapsLock,Win,Fn) - used in various combinations and separately.
  • Numeric keys- to quickly enter numbers.
  • Editing keysBackspace, Delete.

The keyboard layouts may vary slightly. Often on modern keyboards there are also multimedia keys. Such as mute / unmute, volume control, go to mailbox etc.

Keyboard Key Assignments

Each key performs a specific action:

  • Space bar is the longest key on the keyboard. Located at the very bottom in the middle. Apart from its main function, doing
    space between words, it also removes the "selected" object.
  • Esc- cancels the last action (closes unnecessary windows).
  • Print Screen - takes a "screenshot" of the screen. This screenshot can be pasted into Word or Paint. This screen shot is called a "screenshot". And also this key prints out the contents of the screen.
  • Scroll Lock- serves to scroll information up and down, but not on all computers this button works.
  • Pause / Break- suspends an active computer process, but also - does not work on all computers.
  • Insert- serves to print text over the already printed. If you press this key, the new text will be printed, erasing the old one. To undo this action, you must press the Insert key again.
  • Delete(often abbreviated on the keyboard Del) - delete. Removes characters from right side blinking cursor. Deletes "selected" objects (lines of text, folders, files).
  • Home- go to the beginning of the filled line.
  • End- jump to the end of the filled line.
  • Page Up- turns the page forward.
  • Page Down- turns the page back.
  • Backspase- deletes characters to the left of the blinking cursor while typing text. And returns to previous page in browsers and in Windows Explorer, replacing the back arrow in the upper left corner.
  • Tab- tabulation fixes the cursor at a certain place in the line.
  • Caps lock- toggle between uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Shift- short pressing of this key - gives capital letter... In order to print a capital letter, you must first press the Shift key and hold it down and press the desired letter. The Shift key can be pressed both to the right and to the left, as you prefer.
  • Alt- to switch to the opposite language (from English to Russian and vice versa) - press the Alt key and keep the Shift key pressed. Pressing and holding AltGr ( right Alt) is used to go to the second level of the keyboard.
  • Ctrl- right and left. Opens additional features programs.
  • Nut look- includes an additional numeric keypad.
  • Enter- the key for entering information, confirms the command "yes", or go to the next line.
    Cursor keys - (up), (down), (right),
    (to the left). With the help of these arrows, you can move not only through the text that you are typing, but also open pages sites and programs.


You've probably heard this expression. " Hot"They are called because when you press a combination of these keys, you can quickly call some program or menu.

Each program has its own set of these keys. You don't need to memorize them. If you are constantly working in a program, then it makes sense to memorize them. Gradually, we will study many of these combinations.

In many windows of programs, when you open any menu, in front of a particular command, keyboard shortcuts are indicated for calling the same command.

Keyboard shortcuts

Usually such combinations are indicated with the sign + (plus). For example, Win + E... This means that you must first press the key Win and then the key E.

Letters mean Latin, no matter what layout you have at the moment.

Essential keyboard actions

  • To switch to another language, it is necessary to press simultaneously the key Shift + Alt or Shift + Ctrl.
  • To print large (capital) letter, you must hold down the key Shift and click on the desired letter.
  • To print all text only in large letters, press Caps Lock and let it go. And to switch to small letters again, press this key again.
  • In order to print a comma, you must press the key Shift and a semicolon key. They are usually located next to each other on the right.
  • Point in English layout located next to, to the left of the point of the Russian layout.
  • To quickly bring up the menu Start, you can press the key Win... It usually has a window icon (Windows logo) drawn on it.
  • Key Fn designed for laptop. If you press it and any of the keys F1- F10 , then you can enable or disable additional functions. Usually on the keys F1- F10 a small icon is drawn that shows what exactly this key does.

While this knowledge about the keyboard is enough for you. Find each key on your keyboard and try it out.

Good day.

Have you ever wondered why the same operations in Windows are different users spend different time? And it's not a matter of the speed of mastering the mouse - it's just that some use the so-called Hotkeys(replacing several mouse actions), while others, on the contrary, do everything with the mouse (edit / copy, edit / paste, etc.).

Many users do not attach importance to keyboard shortcuts (note: several keys pressed at the same time on the keyboard) , meanwhile, with their use - the speed of work can be increased significantly! In general, there are hundreds of different keyboard shortcuts in Windows, there is no point in remembering and considering all of them, but I will give the most convenient and necessary ones in this article. I recommend to use!

Note: in the various key combinations below you will see the "+" sign - you do not need to press it. Plus in this case indicates that the keys must be pressed at the same time! The most useful hotkeys are marked in green.

Keyboard shortcuts with ALT:

  • Alt + Tab or Alt + Shift + Tab- window switching, i.e. make the next window active;
  • ALT + D- selection of text in the address bar of the browser (usually, then use the combination Ctrl + C - copy the selected text);
  • Alt + Enter- watch "Object properties";
  • Alt + F4- close the window with which you are currently working;
  • Alt + Space(Space is the space bar) - call the system menu of the window;
  • Alt + PrtScr- take a screenshot of the active window.

Shift keyboard shortcuts:

  • Shift + LMB(LMB = left button mouse) - selection of several files or a piece of text (just hold down the shift key, put the cursor in the desired place and move the mouse - files or part of the text will be highlighted. Very convenient!);
  • Shift + Ctrl + Home- select to the beginning of the text (from the cursor);
  • Shift + Ctrl + End- select to the end of the text (from the cursor);
  • Shift key held down- blocking of CD-ROM autorun, the button must be held down while the drive reads the inserted disc;
  • Shift + Delete- deleting a file, bypassing the trash (be careful with this :));
  • Shift + ←- text selection;
  • Shift + ↓- selection of text (to select text, files - the Shift key can be combined with any arrows on the keyboard).

Keyboard shortcuts with Ctrl:

  • Ctrl + LMB(LMB = left mouse button) - selection individual files, individual pieces of text;
  • Ctrl + A- select the entire document, all files, in general, everything that is on the screen;
  • Ctrl + C- copy the selected text or files (similar to the conductor edit / copy);
  • Ctrl + V- paste the copied files, text (similar to the conductor edit / paste);
  • Ctrl + X- cut a selected piece of text or selected files;
  • Ctrl + S- save the document;
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete (or Ctrl + Shift + Esc) - opening the "Task Manager" (for example, if you want to close an "not closed" application or see which application is loading the processor);
  • Ctrl + Z- undo the operation (if, for example, you accidentally deleted a piece of text - just press this combination. In applications in the menu of which this option is not indicated - mail and always support it);
  • Ctrl + Y- cancel the operation Ctrl + Z;
  • Ctrl + Esc- opening / closing the "Start" menu;
  • Ctrl + W- close the tab in the browser;
  • Ctrl + T- open new tab in the browser;
  • Ctrl + N- open a new window in the browser (if it works in any other program, a new document will be created);
  • Ctrl + Tab- moving through the browser / program tabs;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab- reverse operation from Ctrl + Tab;
  • Ctrl + R- refreshing the page in the browser, or the program window;
  • Ctrl + Backspace- deleting a word in the text (deletes the left);
  • Ctrl + Delete- deleting a word (deletes on the right);
  • Ctrl + Home- moving the cursor to the beginning of the text / window;
  • Ctrl + End- move the cursor to the end of the text / window;
  • Ctrl + F- search in the browser;
  • Ctrl + D- add the page to favorites (in the browser);
  • Ctrl + I- show the favorites bar in the browser;
  • Ctrl + H- the history of visits in the browser;
  • Ctrl + mouse wheel up / down - increase or decrease the size of elements on the browser / window page.

Keyboard shortcuts with Win:

  • Win + D- minimizing all windows, the desktop will be shown;
  • Win + E- opening "My Computer" (Explorer);
  • Win + R- opening the "Run ..." window, very useful for launching some programs (more details about the list of commands here:)
  • Win + F- opening a search window;
  • Win + F1- opening the help window in Windows;
  • Win + L- computer lock (convenient when you need to move away from the computer, and other people may come up nearby and see your files, work);
  • Win + U- center opening special features(e.g. screen magnifier, keyboard);
  • Win + Tab- switching between applications in the taskbar.

Several other useful buttons:

  • PrtScr- take a screenshot of the entire screen (everything that you see on the screen will be placed in the clipboard. To get a screenshot - open Paint and paste the image there: Ctrl + V buttons);
  • F1- help, instructions for use (works in most programs);
  • F2- renaming the selected file;
  • F5- update window (for example, tabs in the browser);
  • F11- full screen mode;
  • Del- delete the selected object to the basket;
  • Win- open the START menu;
  • Tab- activates another element, moving to another tab;
  • Esc- closing dialog boxes, exiting the program.


Actually, that's all for me. I recommend the most useful keys, marked in green, to remember and use everywhere, in any program. Thanks to this, you will not notice how you will work faster and more efficiently!

By the way, the listed combinations work in all popular Windows: 7, 8, 10 (most of them in XP). Thanks in advance for the additions to the article. Good luck to all!

Probably, each user on his way to the heights of computer mastery asks questions: How can you speed up the system? How can you make your work more comfortable? And here in the course are numerous "picks in the registry", tweaks, boosters and optimizers. Some users who are hijacked by this process even gain the very valuable experience of reinstalling an optimized system to death.

But for now, let's put aside such entertainment for a while and try to look at the problem from the other side. On the other hand. For example, two people have cars (no, not Pentiums or Athlones, but the cars they drive). These two people get behind the wheel and race. And it turns out that some of them go faster. You can, of course, say that his car is more powerful. But let's put them in the same car. Someone will pass faster anyway. Because he CAN drive fast. It is the same with those machines that are computers. Someone barely presses the buttons, performing one useful action in five minutes. And some have their fingers just hovering over the keyboard, the windows on the screen change at such a speed that less sophisticated users do not even have time to understand what is happening.

So, we conclude: in order to increase the productivity of your communication with a computer, you must masterfully master the means of this very communication. And what means do we have? Mouse and keyboard. There are not so many buttons on the mouse, and their purpose is immediately clear. But the keyboard ... A bunch of keys, usually 105 or 106, and if everything is clear with letters and numbers, then everything is not so simple with the rest of the keys. But there are also key combinations! Here, even an advanced user may not know some of the secrets.
Let's say right away that any self-respecting computer technician must master the blind ten-finger method of typing. Why is it so categorical? Simple arithmetic: how many times in a day do you have to press keys on your keyboard? It can be assumed that quite a lot, even if you do not type several sheets of text, but limit yourself to typing Internet addresses in your favorite browser or entering a network password. Count how much time you spend looking down at the keyboard, finding the key you want, bringing your finger to it and pressing. Now imagine how much this procedure will be shortened if you do not have to look at the keyboard and search for the desired key. Teaching a blind ten-finger requires a week or two daily sessions of several hours. And for the rest of your life, you gain the ability to work with the keyboard much faster and, undoubtedly, more comfortably than before. Draw your own conclusions.

Now let's figure out WHAT you need to press, or, simply put, what key combinations are and what you can do with them. V help system Windows says, "When using Windows, use keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse. Using keyboard shortcuts, you can open, close, navigate the Start menu, desktop, various menus and dialog boxes as well as web pages. Using keyboard shortcuts will make it easier to interact with the computer. ”And this is undoubtedly true.

Now let's finally get down to business and start exploring these very combinations. The first table lists the most commonly used ones. If you still do not use them, urgently take them into service.

Note for first-time users: the "+" sign between the key labels means that these keys should be pressed together, and in the order in which they are indicated. So, for example, if you see the inscription "press CTRL + C", this means that you must first press the CTRL key, and then, without releasing it, press the C key and then release them in reverse order... If you first press the C key and then CTRL, something completely different from what you intended will happen ...

Keyboard shortcuts. Table 1

CTRL + C, CTRL + INSCopying
CTRL + XCutting out
SHIFT + DELWhen working with text - cutting, when working with files - deleting without placing in the trash
CTRL + ZCancellation last action
Hold down CTRL while dragging an itemCopying a dragged item
Hold down CTRL + SHIFT while dragging an itemCreate a shortcut for a dragged item
F2Rename the selected item
CTRL + RIGHT ARROWMove cursor to the beginning of the next word
CTRL + LEFT ARROWMove cursor to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL + DOWN ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL + UP ARROWMove the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL + SHIFT with any arrowHighlight a paragraph
SHIFT with any arrowSelect multiple items in a window or desktop, or select text in a document
CTRL + ASelect all
F3Open search box
ALT + ENTER, ALT + double clickLaunching the Properties Window of the Selected Object
ALT + F4Close active window
ALT + SPACEBAROpen the system menu of the active window
ALT + minusOpen the system menu of a child window in a program that allows simultaneous work with multiple windows
CTRL + F4Close the active document in a program that allows simultaneous work with several documents
ALT + TABMove to next window
ALT + SHIFT + TABMove to the next window in the opposite direction
ALT + F6Move to the next document in a program that allows simultaneous work with several documents
ALT + ESCSwitch between items in the order in which they were opened
F6Switch between screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F4Displaying a list of the address bar in My Computer or Windows Explorer
SHIFT + F10Open the context menu for the selected item
CTRL + ESCOpening the Start Menu
Alt + underlined letter in a menu titleDisplay the corresponding menu
Underlined letter in a command name on an open menuExecuting the appropriate command
F10Activating the menu bar current program
F5Refresh the active window
BACKSPACEView the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer. When working with text, deletes the character to the left of the cursor. "
DELETEWhen working with files - deleting the file to the trash. When working with text - delete a character to the right of the cursor
ESCCanceling the current action
SHIFT when inserting a CD into the driveRefusal to start automatically

Now let's see what you can do with the keyboard in dialog boxes.

Keyboard shortcuts. table 2

For those who prefer to work with Windows Explorer ( Windows Explorer), the following table will be useful, which shows how to work with the directory tree.

Keyboard shortcuts. Table 3

Up and down arrowsNavigating the Explorer Tree
END and HOMEMove to the bottom and top positions of the tree, respectively
"*" (asterisk) on the numeric keypad. Num Lock OnDisplays all folders nested in the selected directory
Plus sign on the numeric keypad. Num Lock OnExpands the selected branch
Minus sign on the numeric keypad. Num Lock OnCollapses the selected branch
Left arrowCollapses the selected branch, or navigates to the parent branch
Right arrowExpands the selected branch, or navigates to the first subfolder

Among other things, your keyboard most likely has special keys that open up additional options. This is the Windows key, the context menu key, and the Turbo or Fn key. The Turbo key (aka Fn) in combination with the F11 key locks the keyboard. And, accordingly, unlocks by pressing the same combination again. The purpose of the context menu button is clear from its name. Alternatively, you can use SHIFT + F10. For those who have not yet understood: using this button, they call up the context menu, that is, the menu that is usually invoked by right-clicking on an object.

Now let's deal with the Windows key.

Key combinations. Table 4

WinOpens the start menu "
Win + DMinimizes windows, press again - maximizes
Win + MMinimizes windows other than dialog windows
Win + SHIFT + MMaximizes windows
Win + ELaunching File Explorer
Win + RLaunching the Run Dialog Box
Win + FSearch
Win + CTRL + FFind your computer
Win + F1Starting Windows Help
Win + UOpening the Utility Manager
Win + BREAKOpening the system properties window
Win + LFor Windows XP - lock the computer, or, if the computer is not included in the domain, switch users
Win + TABSwitch between buttons on the taskbar. By going to any button, pressing Enter, you can expand the selected window

Now let's talk about quick start programs. First, you can use the Run window, which, as you already know, opens with the Win + R keyboard shortcut. Below is a small list of the most frequently used commands entered in the Run window.

Key combinations. Table 5

CommandWhat starts
cmd, commandCommand line
wordpad Text editor WordPad
mspaintGraphic editor Paint
regeditRegistry editor
winmineMinesweeper game "
controlControl Panel
x:Explorer window with a table of contents of the drive directories (x - drive letter)
excelElectronic Excel tables
winwordWord processor

If you are too lazy to type commands, you can do the following. Create a shortcut to a program or document that you intend to launch frequently. Open the properties of the shortcut and in line " Quick call"specify the key combination by which this shortcut will be launched.

Since you are using the Windows operating system, then most likely you also have the package Microsoft Office... And, probably, you sometimes (and maybe quite often) have to create text documents using Word. But the text must not only be created, it must also be formatted. And to do this, you have to tear yourself away from the keyboard and use the mouse to poke at the buttons and menus: alignment, underline, font size ... And if you type quickly (did you not forget that you absolutely need to master the blind typing method?), Then be distracted by You don’t want a mouse at all, because it wastes a lot of time. So for self-optimizing yourself, it would not hurt to learn how to use the keyboard to format text.

By default, keyboard shortcuts are already configured for the most frequently used commands. If you want to see which combination is used for which command, or even reconfigure to your own combinations, you can go here: Tools - Settings - Commands tab - Keyboard button.
Well, below are some default combinations. Explore and use.

Formatting characters

Key combinations. Table 6

CTRL + SHIFT + FFont selection
CTRL + SHIFT + PChoosing a font size
CTRL + DChange font format window
SHIFT + F3Changing the case of letters
CTRL + SHIFT + AConvert all letters to uppercase and back
CTRL + BAdding bold face
CTRL + UUnderline text
CTRL + SHIFT + WUnderline words, but not spaces
CTRL + SHIFT + DDouble underline text
CTRL + SHIFT + HConverting to Hidden text
CTRL + IAdding italics
CTRL + SHIFT + KConvert all letters to small caps
CTRL + "=" (equal sign)Converting to subscript
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + XConverting to superscript
CTRL + SPACEBARRemove additional formatting from selected characters
CTRL + SHIFT + QDecorating selected symbols with the Symbol font
CTRL + SHIFT + 8Displaying non-printable characters
SHIFT + F1 (then click the text of interest)Displaying Character Formatting Information
CTRL + SHIFT + CCopy formatting
CTRL + SHIFT + VInsert formatting

Formatting paragraphs

Key combinations. Table 7

CTRL + 0 (zero)Increase or decrease the spacing before the current paragraph by one line
CTRL + EAlign a paragraph to the center
CTRL + JJustify a paragraph to the width
CTRL + LAlign a paragraph to the left
CTRL + RRight-align a paragraph
CTRL + MAdding padding to the left
CTRL + SHIFT + MRemove left indent
CTRL + TCreate a protrusion
CTRL + SHIFT + TReducing the protrusion
CTRL + QRemove additional formatting from selected paragraphs
CTRL + SHIFT + SApplying a style
CTRL + SHIFT + NApplying a style
CTRL + SHIFT + LApplying a style

Editing and moving text and pictures

Key combinations. Table 8

BACKSPACEDelete one character to the left of the cursor
CTRL + BACKSPACEDelete one word to the left of the cursor
DELDelete one character to the right of the cursor
CTRL + DELDelete one word to the right of the cursor
CTRL + X, SHIFT + DELRemoving the selection to the clipboard
CTRL + ZCancel action
CTRL + YRepeat action
F2 then move the cursor and press the ENTER key
SHIFT + DOWN ARROWOne line down
SHIFT + UP ARROWOne line up
CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN ARROWUntil the end of the paragraph
CTRL + SHIFT + UP ARROWBefore the beginning of the paragraph
SHIFT + PAGE DOWNOne screen down
SHIFT + PAGE UPOne screen up
ALT + CTRL + PAGE DOWNUntil the end of the document
CTRL + SHIFT + HOMEBefore the beginning of the document
CTRL + ASelect entire document
CTRL + SHIFT + F8, then - arrow keys (to exit the mode - ESC key)Select a vertical block of text
F8, then - cursor movement keys (to exit the mode - ESC key)Select a specific fragment of the document

Work with documents

Key combinations. Table 10

The expression "Computer is frozen" is very popular among users. It means that in operating system there were some problems caused by such phenomena as an overflow of the internal memory of the hard or local disks, an incorrect sequence of specified commands, entering the wrong key combination, infection of program files with a dangerous virus. In such a situation, you will need to follow a few simple steps on how to restart your PC.

You will need

  • Restart button. Keys "Ctrl", "Alt" and "Delete".


To restart your computer from the desktop, go to the Start menu. It is located at the bottom left of the screen. Next, a service list of commands will appear, where you should press the "Shutdown" button. After that, a new small window will open, in which there are three buttons - "Standby mode", "Shutdown" and "Restart". Click the last right "Restart" button. It is framed in bright green with a symbol inside, reminiscent of the scale of a round mechanical watch. After clicking on the button, the computer will restart. It will take less than one minute.

There is another way to restart your PC. The "Restart" button is located on the front panel of the computer system unit, next to the "Power" button. Most often, the reset button is located directly below the "Power" button and is half the size, as well as an equilateral triangle emblem. Click this button to restart the operating system. In about one minute, your computer will boot up again and the desktop will appear. Errors and glitches, most often, will be eliminated. After that, you can continue to work further.

The third method of restarting your computer, but not the last, is to restart using the keyboard. Press the following key combination at the same time - "Ctrl + Alt + Delete". Then click the Alt button again and release it. Next, using the arrow keys, navigate the headers of the commands "File", "Options", "View", "Windows" to the item "Shutdown". Then, in the same way as in the first options, restart your computer. V individual cases you should restart your computer using the command line. This method works best for literate programmers, not amateur users.

Minor laptop glitches are often resolved by rebooting. But what if it freezes and the usual methods of restarting the system do not work, or the touchpad does not respond to your requests? You can try to reboot using the keyboard. The main thing is to know which buttons to press to restart the laptop.

Standard reboot

First, you need to make sure that the laptop is frozen, and you will not be able to reboot it in the standard way. Standard reboot done through the Start menu or the Charms bar if you have Windows 8.

  1. Open the start menu.
  2. Click on the arrow next to the Shutdown button and select Restart.

On Windows 8, the order is:

If the laptop does not respond to mouse or touchpad input, it is most likely frozen. However, there is another option: you may have accidentally turned off the touchpad by pressing a combination of buttons on the keyboard (for example, Fn + F7 on an ASUS laptop). If the touchpad is not working or the laptop is really frozen, try restarting it using the keyboard.

If the laptop is not responding, then it is indeed frozen. Wait a bit, the computer may start working on its own again. If it continues to hang, try other ways to reboot the system.

Other ways to restart

You can call the "Shutdown" window not only through the "Start" menu. If you press Alt + F4, the active windows will be closed first, and then a list of options for shutting down Windows will appear. You need to use the arrows to highlight the "Restart" item and press Enter. The laptop will restart if, of course, it still responds to requests from the keyboard, and does not hang completely.

Another combination that will help you restart your laptop if it does not work correctly is Ctrl + Alt + Delete. If you press these buttons at the same time, a blue screen appears with available options for further behavior of the laptop. What can you do here:

  1. Locking the computer is not suitable, it is already frozen.
  2. Change user - it can help if there is another account with administrator rights.
  3. Logging out is an effective way to fix small mistakes in work.
  4. Changing the password and launching the task manager are practically meaningless options in this case, although through the manager you can see which process has loaded the laptop so that it freezes.

If you want to restart your system from a blue screen, use the arrows or Tab key to highlight the shutdown button in the bottom corner. You can simply turn off the laptop and then turn it back on. If you don't want to, highlight the arrow next to the shutdown button: there is a "Restart" option in the drop-down menu.

If the keyboard works, you can restart the system through the command line. It is easy to do this:

Perhaps there are other ways to restart the system from the keyboard, but if the listed methods do not help you, then there is no point in using other keyboard shortcuts.

Emergency shutdown

If the laptop freezes and cannot restart the system using the keyboard, you can perform an emergency shutdown. It can be done in two ways: by long pressing the power button or by completely disconnecting the laptop from all power sources. Both methods should only be used as a last resort, when other methods have been tried and found to be inappropriate for solving the problem.

To perform an emergency restart, press and hold the power button for about 5 seconds. You should hold it until the laptop screen turns off and its coolers stop making noise.

When you are sure that the laptop is shut down, press the power button again to turn it on (you do not need to hold anything as usual). Rebooting by holding the power button for a long time is implemented at the hardware level, so even if the laptop hangs tightly, in this way you will be able to turn it off.

Another emergency shutdown method is to remove power from the laptop. To do this, you must disconnect it from the mains and pull out the battery (turn the cover down and move the latches). After removing the battery, the laptop will turn off. To turn it on, replace the battery and press the power button. If restarting does not fix the problem with the computer, you need to look for a specific reason for the freeze or contact a service center.

Not so long ago, being an uninitiated person, I thought that not everyone can take a screenshot - whatever program is needed or something. Indeed, you can use "programs" (FastStone Capture, Paparazzi! And others), or you can "hack life", use the Lifehack.

When I decided to find out how this is done, what is the essence of this sacrament, I was pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of the procedure, its ingenuousness.

In order to take a screenshot, a screenshot, you just need to click on the button. This button is on the vast expanses of any keyboard, in the upper right part of it - Prt Scr, Print Screen. You naturally click on it. Nothing grand, with fireworks, is happening, but you thereby photographed your screen, the picture was transferred to the clipboard, my congratulations.

Please note that the site you want to take a snapshot must be fully expanded, similarly, the video must be expanded to full screen. Then you will get the best quality image, and you will have to crop less.

In the event that you need a screenshot not of the entire screen, but only of the active window, then you must use the combination Alt and Print Screen... This is also a good thing, it came in handy for me, and more than once.

Then everything is just as simple. You should go to any graphics editor you like. I like Gimp, for example, but Paint can also be used. Start - All Programs - Accessories - Paint... In Gimp, the dimensions of the new document must be the same as your screen resolution, otherwise you will only get part of the image. The dimensions of the new document, if you are working with Paint, must be smaller than the image you are pasting, otherwise there will be white pieces around. To insert a snapshot from the clipboard, you either press the key combination Ctrl and V or right mouse button - Edit - Paste.

The image is in front of you! Work with it, crop it, add labels, reduce, increase, change the brightness ... You will almost certainly have to do cropping, but you can do more serious work to improve the image. It all depends on the capabilities of the graphic editor and on your ability to work in it.

After you have made the changes you need in the image, select its format. File - Save As - File Type... This is usually GIF or JPEG. GIF weighs little without additional compression, as opposed to JPEG, in general I prefer it. There is also PNG image, also a worthwhile thing, use it.

It is quite natural that the picture will display everything... That is why it is important that your usernames, passwords and very personal information are not visible on the screen you create. Just for the sake of elementary security, so that an unscrupulous person does not use them, it is worth closing unnecessary windows or correctly cropping the image.

That's all I wanted to tell you about creating screenshots, or simply screenshots. Do not neglect this opportunity, the ability to make screenshots in everyday life will come in handy. Good luck to you!


If you are a novice user and you are a little scared by the abundance of buttons on a computer keyboard, you do not know which buttons to press to trigger the desired action and see the result on the monitor screen after that, then it's time to get acquainted with the additional functions of the keyboard.

Attentively. In addition to the numbers and letters familiar to you from childhood, you will see a large number of additional buttons. As you probably guessed, all of them are needed to enter the necessary data into a computer and to call certain functions of programs and utilities. Let's figure out which button or key combination to press in order to speed up the process of working at the computer. Of course, it will be difficult for a beginner to memorize all the useful key combinations for working at a computer, but it is advisable to memorize the most basic commands with which you can quickly display information on the monitor than with a mouse.

All these numerous buttons and keys help to enter information into the computer. To carry out a variety of computer control operations, you will definitely need a keyboard.

Let's take a look at the most common - classic keyboard. Stock up on a notepad to write down the functions of the keys we need most (or bookmark this page with a list of all the key functions and hotkey combinations on the keyboard). In addition to classic keyboards, you can find keyboards with various additional keys on sale. They help carry out the fulfillment auxiliary functions while working at the computer. Manufacturers of office equipment do not stop there, and come up with more and more diverse types of keyboards. Moreover, many "Claudia" have an unusual shape.

Now we will figure out in what combinations you can use the keyboard keys.

You've probably heard that in the operating room Windows system and its special application programs use certain keyboard shortcuts or combinations of these with mouse keys. They duplicate and expand the capabilities of the standard menu of all programs.

Such combinations, or as they are also called - "hot keys", can be easily found in one of the search engines. For example, Google or Yandex. In the address bar, type: key combinations ... (program name), and the search engine will give you a lot of useful information. There are a lot of materials, lists and tips on this topic on the World Wide Web.

Let's analyze the keyboard shortcut for the software:

Hot key (English - keyboard shortcut);

The expression "Computer is frozen" is very popular among users. It means that the operating system has experienced some kind of malfunction caused by such phenomena as an internal overflow ...

Keypad buttons meaning

On the keyboard, with which we type text, there are quite a few buttons. Each of these buttons is needed for something. In this lesson, we will look at the keyboard buttons and remember those ones that will be useful to us for working with text.

Keyboard Keys

Key Esc... Its full name is Escape (pronounced "Eskipe") and it means "Exit". With this button we can close some programs. To a greater extent, this applies to computer games..gif "alt =" (! LANG: Function keys (F1-F12)" width="350" height="87">!}

Slightly below there is a row of buttons with numbers and signs (! "" #;%:? *, Etc.).

To print a character instead of a digit, press the key with the desired character while holding down the Shift key.

If the character printed is not the one you want, try changing the alphabet (bottom right) .. gif "alt =" (! LANG: English" width="19" height="22 src=">!}

On many keyboards, the numbers are also on the right side.


It so happens that these numbers do not work. You press the key with the desired number, but it is not printed. This means that the numeric keypad is turned off. In order to turn it on, you need to press the Num Lock button once..jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Letters" width="326" height="78">!}

As a rule, each button has two letters - one foreign, the other Russian. In order to print the letter of the desired language, it must be selected at the bottom of the screen..gif "alt =" (! LANG: English" width="19" height="22 src=">!}

The computer "selects" the letters of the alphabet that is installed on it.

Also, the alphabet can be changed by clicking on two buttons at once:

Shift and Alt

Shift and Ctrl

How to type a capital (capital) letter

In order to type a capital letter, you need to hold down the Shift key and press the desired letter with it.

How to print period and comma

If the Russian alphabet is installed, then in order to print a point, you need to press the last key in the lower letter row. It's in front of the Shift button.

To type a comma, press the same button while holding Shift.

When the English alphabet is selected, to print a point, you need to press the key that is in front of the Russian point. The letter "U" is usually written on it.

And the comma in the English alphabet is located where the Russian letter "B" is written (before the English dot).

The Tab key is used to indent the beginning of a sentence. This indent is also called a paragraph or red line. Click at the beginning of the text and press the Tab key. If the red line is configured correctly, the text will shift slightly to the right.

Below the key that makes the red line is the Caps Lock key. It is used to type large letters.

Press the Caps Lock once and release it. Try typing a word. All letters will be printed in large. To cancel this function, press and release the Caps Lock key again. The letters will be printed small as before.

The long bottom button on your keyboard is called the space bar. It is needed in order to make the spaces between words.

On the right side at the top is the Backspace button. Often it just has an arrow pointing to the left.

This button is needed in order to erase letters. It removes those letters that are printed in front of the blinking stick (cursor). Also the Backspace button is used to move the text up.

Below the key for deleting text is the Enter key.

It is designed to omit the text below and go to the next line.

Consider the buttons that are between the letter and numeric keypad... These are buttons such as Insert, Home, Page Up, Delete, End, Page Down and arrow buttons. They are needed in order to work with text without the aid of a mouse. "alt =" (! LANG: Print Screen" width="150" height="56 src=">!}

In this article, we covered the keyboard keys. Many of them, most likely, you will never need. But there are those keyboard keys that you will use quite often.

Keyboard buttons to remember "alt =" (! LANG: Caps Lock" width="78" height="42">- после нажатия этой кнопки все буквы будут печататься большими. Чтобы вернуть печать маленькими буквами, нужно еще раз нажать кнопку Caps Lock.!}

- indents (red line).

Space. With this button you can make the distance between words.

Drops one line below. To do this, put a blinking stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move down, and press the Enter button.

Deletes the character in front of the blinking cursor. Simply put, it erases the text. Also, this button raises the text one line higher. To do this, put a blinking stick (blinking cursor) at the beginning of the part of the text that you want to move up, and press the "Backspace" button.