Figure 1 Personal Cabinet official. Personal Captain Cabinet CIFRA1: Registration and Entrance

Internet, TV, telephony, mobile connection And even housing insurance and civil liability, all this are services from the company "Almato" (figure 1) - a reliable international operator. Convenient I. effective tools For a wide range of tasks are available to individuals and legal entities. For business - Internet with data transfer speed up to 10 Gb / s, public access to the Internet with authorization through social networks or sms virtual PBX, video surveillance behind objects and adjoining territory, radio, creation of universal cable systems for buildings, etc. - Official site "Figure 1"

Individuals when connecting services are obtained:

  • Connection speed up to 1 Gbit / s;
  • Up to 170 TV channels with view from the network of any provider, the function "Video on request";
  • Stationary wireless communication;
  • Wide tariff line;
  • Reliable operation of all systems.

Control for active connections It is made from the personal Cabinet number 1. Application for services is submitted on the website or during a personal visit to the company's office. Checking the availability of services is carried out from the main page of the site. In the form, specify the city of residence, street and house number, click "Check the address".

Personal Cabinet "Figure 1"

Login B. personal Area Figure 1 is available for company subscribers. For them to become, go to the site, select the service of interest, click "Connect". Check out the tariffs: data transfer rate, number of channels, cost. Select the "Detailed Tariff Information" tab for complete information. Re-click "Connect" and in the menu that opens, specify:

  • City, street and house of residence;
  • Contact number;

Send an application and wait for the operator's call. Consider all the details, visit the office to conclude a contract or call a specialist at home.

Personal Cabinet Internet "Digit 1"

Entrance to your digit list 1:

  1. Enter the address in your browser search bar. or at main page The company's website in the upper right corner click "Log in";
  2. Specify the login consisting of 10 digits. The login is the number of the personal account or the contract, which you concluded with the company;
  3. Enter the password you create during the service connection.

The number one is a telecommunications company that offers an extensive range of services and corporate, and private clients. The geography of the network covers over 50 cities, and the number of its active users is increasing every year more than 1 thousand people. Personal Cabinet number 1 In this case, not so much a luxury as needed, because it gives the client the company the opportunity to remotely control the connection in online mode.

To register on, it will be enough to conclude an agreement with the company itself for connecting the Internet or the provision of other services. As a result, you will receive a contract in which data for authorization will be indicated.

  • To take advantage of them:
  • Go to the official website of the provider.
  • Click the "Personal Account" button.
  • In the window that opens, enter the login (ten-digit number) and password.

If the listed actions are fulfilled correctly, the system will redirect you to the page - in your personal account.

Note! During authorization, you can not switch between the tabs "Home Users" and " to corporative clients" If you click on the "Personal Account" button, then you will be forwarded to the same page on both of them:

How to enter your personal account

Re-entering the CIFRA1 personal account is made according to the same scheme as the first. You click on the button, enter the data for authorization and click "Log in". Then you will redirect you in your personal account, where the whole functionality is concentrated account.

If you forgot your password, it will be enough to specify the number of your contract with a number one and the phone that is specified in it.

If you forgot the login, and there is no contract for your hand, to restore access to the personal account you will have to contact the office of the company personally along with the document certifying your identity.

Note! If you can not authorize, check the correct data entered. If everything is true, but authorization does not happen, contact the provider's technical support immediately. High risk that some kind of system failure has been hacked or occurred.

The official site "Number one" and the possibility of a personal account

Personal Cabinet Function 1 Differs and Multiple. With it, you will be able to quickly manage accounts and services from anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet. The main services available on the site includes:

  1. Balance control and facial account replenishment various methods (map, through mobile phone or online wallet etc).
  2. Access to information about the tariff plan and the ability to change the tariff.
  3. Acquaintance with company information products, the ability to connect / disable individual services.
  4. Direct dialogue with a specialist technical support, registration of the application to call the master.
  5. Acquaintance with the news ribbon of the list of the number one, participation in the promotions and events held by him.

And this is not a complete list of features that suggests the availability of a personal account on the official website of the figure 1. What is the features of the account, then specialists include:

  • Optimization. The site is adequately displayed both on computers and on mobile devices, smooth transitions, braking is practically absent.
  • Intuitive understandable interface. To understand the managing a personal account on the site of the number one, you do not need to be seven spans in the forehead. Information is applied in such a way that it will be able to deal with her even far from the Internet.
  • Convenience. Lack of registration procedure, the possibility of a momentary recovery of the password, the color and dimensional allocation of important elements - all this makes the client's stay on the site more convenient and comfortable.
  • Extensive functionality. The company listens to the wishes of users and adds those functions to the personal account (within reasonable) they are asked about. Thanks to this today we have the opportunity to manage practically all the services of the company remotely.

Client Support

The company number 1 works in cities such as Moscow and the Moscow region, Tver. It provides telecommunication services to the population and legal entities. They include both cable and digital television, so high-speed Internet access and telephony. The company has a website where you can apply for connecting the Internet or television to your address. Enough to leave your contact details and exact address. In addition, the site has a personal account of users.

Personal Cabinet functionality

In the personal account of the company number 1 you can:

  • change the connection rate to the Internet;
  • receive information on Internet traffic or by phone;
  • temporarily suspend access to communication services, cable television and the Internet;
  • pay bills for the services provided by the number 1;
  • apply for maintenance;
  • receive information about discounts and promotions held at the moment.

Registration in the office

Registration in the Personal Accord is not required. When concluding a contract, each client gives login out of ten digits and password to enter the office. Nothing more needs. If the service contract is lost and the password is not saved in order to restore access, it will be necessary to contact the company's office personally, using the phone or through the official website.

What should I do if you really do not work? First you need to check if the data is entered correctly. If the problem persists, then you need to contact the technical support of customers.

Authorization in a personal account

To get into your personal account number 1 you need to go to the website of CIFRA1.RU. Next, you should find on the left inscription Personal Cabinet. It remains only to enter your data. If the browser remembers passwords, it will not even need to enter anything.

Personal Cabinet Mobile App

Today there is no separate mobile applicationWith which customers can enter your personal account. But since many other major organizations provide their customers with this opportunity, that is, the probability that the company number 1 will soon do it.

Customer Support through the Cabinet

In order to quickly solve emerging difficulties and answer customers' questions hot line.

  • customer support service;
  • hot line.

How to turn off your personal account?

While subscriber or entity Enjoy the services of the company, access to your personal account will be constantly active. When terminating the contract for the provision of services, access to the list of digit 1 will be suspended. Especially do to disconnect nothing.

Security and Privacy Policy

Taking advantage of the private account, the user automatically consent to the transfer and processing of its personal data to employees of the company. It must be remembered that access to the personal account is individual and it is necessary to be sure that access to it does not have extraneous persons. Password If necessary, you can always change. Figure 1 guarantees that unauthorized persons will not access personal data of customers. The client, when signing the contract for the provision of services, gives his written consent to the processing of its data.

The company "Number One" provides high-tech telephony services, digital television, as well as a set of services uniting television and the Internet, in the Moscow region. Information on the full spectrum and cost of service is presented on the official website of the figure 1. Today, the company is positioned as a unified telecommunications organization, which includes 5 companies operating in two countries of the world. For the organization of convenience when monitoring its facial accounts and connected options, the company has created a personal account number 1, which allows users to receive operational information On the company's new proposals and changes in its work.

Possibilities of a personal account

The range of features of the personal cabinet number 1 is quite wide. Of the features you can highlight the simplicity and convenience of registration procedures, as well as the interface. The main feature of the personal account:

  • Control of the balance state of the account.
  • Access to information about connected tariffs and options, as well as the possibility of connecting new features and changes in tariff plans.
  • Setting up the most convenient option for payment for services from available methods.
  • The possibility of operational communication and registration of applications for the visit of the master to the technical assistance service and customer support.

Personal Cabinet Nigal 1 has a complete set of features that provide users with the possibility of operational remote communication with company specialists and account management.

Registration and entrance to your personal account

Registration for the login Personal Cabinet number 1 is extremely simple. The client is enough to know the number of the personal account provided at the conclusion of the contract and the password, which is formed by the client independently when connecting services.

The entrance to your personal account is carried out through the official website of the company number 1, where in the user field you need to enter a login - the number of the personal account, and the password specified when connected. This information Additionally duplicated in contracts.

In the company's number one you can connect all major telecommunication services for your own use. It can be high-speed Internet, television, home telephony or entire packages of services.

All connected to the number one subscribers also receive a personal account at their disposal. They can be used to solve important issues of using services without referring to specialists. Work is working in the service quickly and simple.

How to register a personal digit account one and enter it

You do not need to register an electronic personal account. It is enough just to connect to the services of the company and start using them. Access to the service will open from the first second, after you sign the contract, and the company's staff will issue a technical connection.

As for the entrance, it can be done on the site You will only need to specify a login with a password, and then click the "Login" button. You can use any browser what you think comfortable and familiar to you.

Putty Digit Cabinet One

The set of features of the personal account can be called wide. After connecting the user online can not only view the balance and information at the rate, but also to solve more important tasks. The service has a change in some service parameters, the choice of the new tariff plan, Fast change of personal data, payment for services and much more.

Personal Cabinet Number one -