U LAN Personal Cabinet. Login

U-LAN (Ulan) - licensed supplier of telecommunication services serving subscribers of the Moscow region. The company offers to connect to high-speed Internet, digital telephony, cable television. The operator has the official website where you can independently apply for connection. Soon a potential subscriber will call a company employee to confirm the possibility of connecting and coordinate the time of arrival of specialists.

In addition to reference materials, a personal account is present on the official U-LAN portal. Here, subscribers are able to remotely manage connected services without the need to visit the company's representative offices. It is convenient - now to pay or change the tariff, it is enough to turn on the computer and log in in the personal section of the site. Thanks to such an opportunity, users save personal time and time of employees.

To log in in the U-LAN office, you will need:

  1. Open portal;
  2. Find the tab "Subscribers";
  3. Enter login with password and confirm.

Personal Cabinet functions

The main task of the U-LAN personal account - view statistics without the need to appeal to technical support. Authorized on the portal, the user can:

  • View contract number;
  • Check the balance;
  • View the cost of connected services;
  • Find out the payment time;
  • Familiarize yourself with profitable offers;
  • Accumulate bonuses
  • Pay for card services;
  • Correspond with support.

Also, the following features are available in the personal section:

  1. Independent connection of additional services;
  2. Formation of payment receipts for payment in banking offices;
  3. Booking a static IP address;
  4. Setting interactive television and view more than 120 channels on the computer;
  5. Temporary acceleration of the Internet speed by means of the "Turbo-Knight" function. Allows you to quickly download large files;
  6. Temporary shutdown of services for a month. Write-off of money fully stops. Suitable for users who regularly travel on travel or business trips;
  7. Enabling mailing list.

Registration of personal account Ulan

To register in the Personal Account, the user will need to connect to Provider Ulan. For this, the visitor leaves an email on the official portal. Here you will need to specify the address of the connection, your name, telephone for communication.

The application must fill out the following items:

  • Equipment;
  • The desired tariff plan;
  • Necessary varieties of services;
  • The source from where you learned about the provider.

After consideration of the application, employees will retain confidential information in the database. Then contact the potential subscriber to clarify important details of the connection and coordinate the most convenient time for the arrival of the specialist.

To make it easier and accelerate the procedure for obtaining state and municipal services, a special service has been developed - civil servants with a personal account, enter into a personal account of individuals in Ulan-Ude (Buryatia) after independent registering on the portal and verify the indicated information. About this in more detail we told below.

Methods of authorization on the portal

Login by personal page Available from the main section of the Site Services site.ru or for a direct link https://lk.gosuslugi.ru/. To view information and carry out operations, you must enter login and secret code (Unique password), obtained as a result of registering. In addition to standard fashion Two alternatives are available - through the insurance number SNILS and the mobile number.

Alternative to the standard input to the portal through SNILS

If there is a typical (standard) or lost verification account (Visit through SNILS is impossible for the owners of the simplified account) on Gosuslugi, the input to your personal account can be carried out through the insurance number of the Citizen's personal account. To do this, entering the site, you need to choose the option "Login through SNOW" and enter the required information.

Entrance to the state services by phone number in Ulan-Ude (Buryatia)

When registering a new user, a mobile number or e-mail is used instead of standard login. Therefore, it is possible to authorize on the Internet resource by introducing mobile numberattached to the account.

Solving the difficulties of authorization

Sometimes due to a bad Internet connection, the service faults are not successful to enter into, so to solve the problem you need to contact technical support.

This can be done in such ways:

  1. From a landline phone number 8 800 100-70-10 (for free in Russia and in Ulan-Ude (Buryatia)).
  2. FROM mobile device - by numbers +7 495 727-47-47 (The cost of the call to the operator tariffs) and 115 (free of charge on the territory of the Russian Federation).
  3. Via the Internet - write a letter on email [Email Protected] .

The support service will help in solving any user problems associated with obtaining public services in online mode.

Features, Opportunities and Benefits of the Personal Cabinet of the User

Adult citizens of the Russian Federation can remotely use the website of the State Service and Personal Cabinet at the place of residence or stay. This means that a person who is temporarily located in the Moscow region, with registration in Novosibirsk, may apply for help from the Moscow Office. An improved ultra-modern resource makes it possible to create an online application for the creation of a passport, a driver's license, to deal with a child in a place in a pre-school institution.

Advantages of www.gosuslugi.ru and personal cabinet for residents of Ulan-Ude:

  1. The possibility of round-the-clock use.
  2. Operational consideration of submitted appeals (in accordance with the rules of the department).
  3. Avoiding queues and personal energy savings.

The innovation is particularly relevant for people with disabilities, women on maternity leave, older retirees. On the portal of the services of the RU, both citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners may be included in the personal account of the user after the registration procedure.

Opportunities for individuals

The first thing that the person receives when visiting the online page - detailed description Services, services and departments that provide them. After the user gosuslugi.ru exercises in a personal account, the following features are available to it:

  1. Drawing, sending and viewing the status of appeals to receive service services from the state, lawsuits.
  2. Monitoring the personal history of interaction with government instances, the state of requested service assistance.
  3. Checking unpaid accounts (penalties, judicial and tax debts), their payment in the online mode.

Also, the private office of the site of public services for individuals living in Ulan-Ude allows you to track pension savings. For a comfortable use, a citizen can independently configure notifications.

Personal Cabinet

Portal State Services is the official website, the personal account of the user can function according to human requirements. To meet the user's requirements, you should correct the options:

  1. Mix the page.
  2. Limit access to foreign resources to the account, as well as the use of personal data mobile applications and electronic devices.
  3. Connect or disable information about the input to the account from other devices (an alert comes in the form of an SMS information or as an email).

Also residents of Ulan-Ude on the Gosuslugi RU website can be logged in to your personal account after two point checks or using an electronic signature. To make it possible, you need to mark the necessary fields with a check mark when setting up an account. As on other similar portals, in social networksA citizen can add (change) a photo (avatar), delete an account.

Protection option on the online portal

On the resource of the State Services Personal Cabinet should be as protected from unauthorized visits.

For this you need:

  1. Put a tick near the "Login of someone else's" option when visiting the individual page with a public PC (for example, a computer club).
  2. Do not transmit login and password to other persons.
  3. Use licensed software to authorize.

Also for the security of the Gos Services portal, in particular, a personal account - you need to use a PC with a valid antivirus program. The fact that individual information will fall into other people's hands from the site by the fault of the ESIA citizens may not worry: the federal state information system Protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Protect the page from hacking to state services of the Russian Federation, your personal account can be at any convenient time.

Recent Actions

A special section of the Site allows you to check the entrance to the personal account at government services, more precisely, to see the history of visits to the portal from an authorized page. It helps to know whether it was not performed by breaking the page. If a citizen sees an unknown IP address in the history of visits, then he will need to change the password.

Features and advantages of the integration of the account for public services with ESIA

The Internet portal of civil servants allows residents of Ulan-Ude to use a personal account not only to track payments and the provisions of applications, but also transport their own data to other sites. This can be a portal of the tax service, a bank, a medical institution. That is, at the entrance to the specialized website, the citizen introduces the login and password from the personal account of the public services, and the personal data is automatically transferred from one resource to the second. Thanks to this option, do not need to enter data.

Terms of Use of the Personal Account for Legal Entities in Ulan-Ude

Through the GOS portal Services RU to a personal account can be logged in registered legal entities - companies, organizations. For this, the representative of the company (individual) is obliged to conduct a registering procedure, then provide the right to act on behalf of the enterprise. If the enterprise is owned electronic signatureThanks to her, it can be confirmed by a particular (physical) person and authenticity of the company.

Ulan is a regional digital service provider. It works in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Southeastern District of Moscow and the nearest Moscow region, both with individuals and organizations. The company offers high-speed broadband Internet connection, IP telephony, viewing more than 150 channels digital television And several other interactive services. Performs full PC Park Service for legal entities. Firm belongs to the store computer equipment and a service center where you can get help in repairing and configuring a purchased or used equipment from the client. A variety of services can be carried out in the Personal Cabinet Ulan, in the service center and at home.

In order to connect to the Ulan network, you must perform two simple steps:

  • check the territorial possibility of connecting. Information about service areas is on the site;
  • apply for connection. This can be done on the Internet - via electronic form or by contacting an employee by contact phone.

Registration in the Personal Cabinet Ulan

To register in the Personal Cabinet Ulan, refer to the company's employee. When making a subscription service agreement, the client issues registration data for logging into the system and service management. A user memo is also issued, with which it will be easier for it to deal with the extensive functionality of the system. What a client can do in a personal account:

  • connect / disable Internet options;
  • set up distribution wireless network Wi-Fi;
  • adjust the number of TV channels;
  • connect additional digital channels;
  • customize IP telephony services;
  • carry out equipment;
  • pay for services online;
  • print receipts to pay through banking institutions;
  • establish a temporary freeze service;
  • check the account balance;
  • enjoy the entertainment portal Ulan;
  • activate the credit option;
  • produce independent setting programs and service characteristics;
  • communicate on the forum;
  • and much more.

Also, Ulan is a participant in the peer's network, which allows its subscribers to use the resources of other local networks - members of the SVAO-IX project.

Entrance to Personal Cabinet Ulan

When entering the Personal Cabinet, the Ulan, the Subscriber needs to pass individual identification. For this, the company issues a login and password to the login. If the data is entered correctly, the client receives access to the functions of the Personal Cabinet.

It is necessary to ensure that the identification data does not become accessible to third parties. Especially children who are conscious or not, can connect unnecessary services or access the TV channels prohibited for children's viewing. If the entry data is compromised or lost without recovery, the subscriber must contact the company's office. With it, he must have a document certifying personality (passport). Ulan will give new data to identify in the Personal Account.

If the client has problems with the entrance, then a 24-hour support service will help him. If the problems are related to the computer, a specialist will come to the rescue. Departure to the house and solving such problems is made for a fee.

Connecting to the network Ulan is absolutely free. Everything tariff plans On the Internet connection are unlimited, with the installation of the maximum connection speed. Postal and SMS mailing is free for all subscribers.

Personal account U-Lan

The U-LAN network provides digital telephony services, network connections and digital television. However, access to your personal account is provided exclusively to users. home network. Subscribers connected by phone or TV do not have their own LC on the operator's website.

Available services

Current tariff plans for home Internet u-LAN network Include use digital television. Users of archival tariffs can connect the TV service in the Personal Account.

Connecting Wireless Television Allows you to view available channels on any device and from anywhere in the world that has access to the Internet LAN / WiFi or 3G / 4G. This is not necessary to be a subscriber of the U-LAN network. At the same time you can:

  • use the second, the third screen;
  • to drive the ether to rewind, stop, return, look after the pause;
  • watch ether in records;
  • plan leisure using the electronic program.

In addition to digital television for users Home Internet Other complimentary services and resources are provided - temporary increase in the speed of the Internet, the entertainment portal, the DirectConnect file sharing network is a program configured to the internal Hub server and including a number of the largest peering hubs, connecting to resources of other networks, etc. Connect and disable services Personal office U-Lan.

Payment of services through LK

In the Personal Account you can replenish the balance of the facial account with bank cards Visa, MasterCard, Maestro. According to the links to the service, you can go to partner payment systems:

  • Sberbank of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Standard Bank";
  • electronic payments QIWI, Rapida, Webmoney, EUROPLAT.

Also in the Personal Account you can print the receipts about the payment of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and the "Russian Standard". Access to the QIWI wallet is available at a negative balance. In the case of a financial lock, you need to make a payment not less than a monthly subscription fee.

Ulan is a modern and widely popular provider among the population. Clients are invited to use a number of services and connect:

  • - broadband Internet connection;
  • - digital telephony;
  • - Interactive TV, as well as other services.

The company has a relevant license to provide services and join the number of subscribers can residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. The provider keeps up with the times and uses modern means when working with clients. The prime confirmation is the implementation, using which you can follow the state of the current service, connect new, make payment and use a number of other advantages.


The main task of Urana Personal Cabinet is to simplify customer service. Going to the created account you can:

  • find out the number of the personal account, and after paying services;
  • become a member of the affiliate program;
  • find out the balance of finances on the user balance;
  • familiarize yourself with the cost of available services;
  • become a participant in the action and the first to learn about the favorable sentences;
  • earn bonus accruals;
  • pay for services according to the set tariffs.

Along with this, when using Ulan personal account, any client has the ability:

  • order Activation of new services without visiting the company's office;
  • make payment using a bank card or electronic wallets;
  • order receipt, and after it will pay for services in the banking department;
  • reserve IP address;
  • test TV viewing on a PC to 120 channels in digital format;
  • increase the speed of the Internet;
  • use the prolongation service at zero balance (24 hours);
  • block the use of services for a period of 1 month in order to save funds (relevant when traveling or traveling on vacation);
  • activate notifications and receive current news and information regarding the subscriber account in SMS or by mail.

check in

Customers can go to the provider's website and start filling the questionnaire in the electronic version. It will require you to specify the name of the future subscriber, contact informationThe address of the accommodation and the name of the plug-in option. Along with this, it will be necessary to mention such information as:

  • purchased equipment;
  • rate;
  • selected package of services;
  • the personal account of the person who advised this company.

When considering your application, the specified data will be registered in the company's database. After this procedure, the employee will contact you in the telephone mode and will ask you to confirm the request for activation of services to the address specified in the questionnaire. Also, the conversation will discuss the time and details of the connection. After you get access to a convenient and modern tool titled Ulan personal account and can manage online services.

Ulan personal cabinet entrance

Authorization in account is carried out using a login and password. You can find them in the user received when the user's reminder is connected. To go to the authorization page you will need to follow the simple instructions:

  • opening a browser and transition to the company's website;
  • go to the section "Subscribers";
  • selecting in the left menu of the transition option to Ulan personal account and making the data required.

If access to the account was lost, you will need to get a new user memo. Respectively to restore the password from Ulan personal cabinet entrance You have to visit the office of the company and contact the operator. Be sure to have a passport with yourself.

  • Address: http://u-lan.ru.
  • LC: https://stat.u-lan.ru.
  • Hotline: + 7-499-674-06-74 running 24/7

U-LAN is one of the most authoritative providers of the metropolitan region. Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region are actively using the services of this company: plug in high-speed Internet, digital TV, video surveillance, telephone, etc.

The provider was licensed to create an optical network in the region. Using newest technologies allowed U-LAN to improve the quality of services. Another initiative to improve the interaction of the company and the Subscriber was the implementation on the official web portal of the provision of users of the service personal account Ulan.

u-lan.ru. - Official website of the U-LAN provider

check in

To register personal account Ulan on the site u-lan.ru. It is necessary to fill out an electronic questionnaire. The form is made by the name of the subscriber, contacts, accurate address and name of the desired service. In addition, you need to specify:

  • the name of the acquired equipment;
  • tariff plan;
  • the User's Contract number recommended by the potential U-LAN client.

The electronic questionnaire enters the provider's base, where it will be read and register an employee. After registration, the specialist will call the number specified in the questionnaire, asked to confirm the information specified in it, in particular, a request for connecting services.

https://stat.u-lan.ru. - Personal Cabinet Ulan

An employee will offer a potential subscriber to appoint a deadline for connecting the equipment and signing the contract. After the fulfillment of all these procedures, the client receives a memo with a login and password from the personal office of Ulan.


  1. in the browser open main page web portal;
  2. in the top menu we find the item "Subscribers", click on it;
  3. on the page that opens is the vertical menu, at the bottom of which is the item " Personal Area»;
  4. opening the authorization page, enter the login and password.

Entrance to the Personal Cabinet Yulant

Access recovery procedure personal Cabinet Quite difficult: for this you will have to visit the company's office center, presenting a passport or another document certifying.

Possibilities of a personal account

The toolkit of an individual account allows you to solve 90% of the emerging issues yourself, without the involvement of technical support. Opening your personal account, the user learns the following information:

  • personal account;
  • the amount of money on the balance sheet;
  • activated services: their name, description, subscription fee;
  • deadlines for payment services;
  • information about the shares held by the company;
  • the number of bonus points obtained;
  • requisites.

In addition, with the help of a personal cabinet, Yulan can independently perform the following procedures:

  • departing an application for activating a new service or option;
  • payment of services in remote mode from the "Visa" bank cards, "Maestro", "Mir", "Master Card"; With E-Wallets "Web Mani", "Yandex Money", Pei Pal; payment terminals "Kiwi" and "Eurotala";
  • getting and printing on a payment receipt printer for a bank;
  • booking IP addresses for entering the Internet;
  • setting up digital television, obtaining a detailed program for channels 120 channels;
  • using the Turbo Knight tool, which allows you to increase the speed of connection 2 times (the service begins to operate at night hours);
  • the ability to use all connected services throughout the day after the cash resources exhaustion on the balance sheet (the "Promised Payment" option);
  • monthly deactivation of all services to save money;
  • obtaining SMS notifications about all events in the Personal Account;
  • news from U-lan.ru.

By connecting the Personal Cabinet Ulan, the subscribers gets access to numerous shares and bonus programs Companies. U-Lan regularly offers discounts, bonuses for connecting a friend, timely make money, use of those or other services. Bonuses can be spent on connecting any options, pay with their help Internet, telephone or digital TV.

Using the "Promised Payment" option, the subscriber will remain on the network even after zeroing the account. The company went to meet customers, implementing a deferred payment tool. The day of the user can use connected services for free: It is assumed that this time he should have enough to repay the debt.

ULAN personal account is an excellent customer support tool. The subscriber constantly receives links to articles about the latest products, on making changes to tariff plans.

With an individual account on the U-LAN website you can quickly contact a subscriber support specialist. This is usually required in cases where the client could not independently deal with the settings of the system and equipment. An employee in the online mode will provide the user with detailed instructions.

Separately, it is worth noting the level of protection of user information. Web masters U-LAN used the most reliable plugins, antivirus programs And encoding: The subscriber can be sure that his personal data will not be minced hackers.