Games are not on the whole screen what to do. How to make a full screen game

If you have a window with a game in the frame, you will most likely help you a combination of keys that allows you to deploy all system windows in full screen mode. On the keyboard simultaneously clamp the ALT and ENTER keys and look at the game response. If it did not help, then go to another way.

The second way to deploy a full screen

Runing the game in the window mode, do not hurry to go to system settings. To begin with, try to find the change mode in the settings of the game itself. Go to the menu, then go to "Settings". It should have a graph "Graphics" or "screen" (depending on the game names can change, but the essence remains the same). Select full screen mode and apply changes. In most cases, it is not even necessary to restart - the system will automatically deploy the game to the full screen.


If the methods described above did not help, we use the third method. Sometimes the parameters are prescribed in the properties of the start file. For startup in the window responds to the appointment of Window. Go to the label properties and check if the "Object" field is added. Next, pay attention to the point "Window". It should be the inscription "deployed full screen". Now you know how to remove a small screen in games using properties settings.

Problems of the game itself

Perhaps the game you need starts in a low resolution, which does not allow it to stretch throughout the monitor area. In this case, turn back to in-game settings. Select the resolution of the window, which is the main on your monitor. In this case, a small screen in games will no longer be a problem for you. Even in the window mode, the game will be stretched throughout the area. This method is most likely not suitable for old projects that have no support for modern permits.

How to expand the game to the entire screen by setting the driver?

In solving the problem, you will be helped by branded utilities from the video card manufacturer. In it, you can upgrade the drivers to latest version And adjust the resolution of the game for your screen. This is done by scaling in the properties of the video card. After finishing gameplay You should return the standard settings.

If a general description How to deploy the game to the whole screen, you did not help, then contact forums that specialize in the project you need. Each program has its own characteristics. This is especially true of the old games, so the described methods are not solving all the problems with the window mode for any occasion.

Master's answer:

Often, users love to pass a couple of minutes for an exciting game in the workplace. In the case when a person needs to constantly meet customers on a chat, on the forum, ICQ or follow letters by mail, it is more convenient to open the game in the window. In addition, in the window mode it is convenient to play old games in which the graphics look too square, if you deploy the application to the entire screen.

You need to run the game, and then click simultaneously on the keyboard of the ENTER and ALT button. For many games, this key combination is a transition to the window mode. This method The easiest to perform the opening of the game in the window, but, many games, unfortunately, do not support it.

Another option is to create pictograms on the desktop, if it is not there. Then you need to click on the shortcut of the right mouse button. In the menu that opens, select "Properties". In the field containing the path to the program, you need to add -Window. For example, if earlier was - C: \\ ProgramFiles (x86) \\ lary \\ lary.exe should be - C: \\ ProgramFiles (x86) \\ lary \\ lary.exe -window. Then you must click on the "Apply" button and close the "Properties" setting. After that, the game that is running data label will start in the window. It is important to know that a number of games will continue to open in the window mode, even if the user is eaten -Window in the program path line. To fix this problem, instead -window need to set -full screen.

You can also start the game and see the settings. Many games have a built-in running function in the window mode. Then the user needs to be taken only, the search for the corresponding line in the game settings and check the checkbox. The transition back to full screen mode will be carried out in the same row by removing the checkbox.

You can contact the help of various Internet resources if the user fails computer game Open in window mode. On the developer's website, as a rule, entering "open in the window" in the search bar, you can find information about starting the toy in the window mode. In the case when the game is quite old, and the developer company has long changed the name or ceased to exist, you can search for information on game forums.

You need to return to the full-screen mode, in case the game began to slow down. No matter how surprisingly open in the window, the game can consume more resources than running in full screen mode. The toy sometimes slows down in window mode, because the developer has not optimized on the window.
You must not forget the game to save before the Close window. If this user does not do, all game progress will be lost.

Almost everyone windows user knows that in order to deploy the window to the full screen just click the left mouse button on the middle icon in the right upper corner This window is left of the cross, which closes it. But sometimes there is a need to do the same action, but without the involvement of the mouse, connecting only the computer keyboard.

In this article, we will tell you how using the keyboard combination on the keyboard, deploy the window to the entire screen in any version of the Windows operating system.

What buttons to use?

Everything is simple here. You need to press the "Windows" key, which is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard and looks like this:

"Windows" key on the keyboard

And without releasing it click the "Up Arrow" button. Immediately after that windows window will unfold on the full screen.

Combination "Windows" + "Up Arrow" to go to full screen mode

If you press the "Windows" + "Down" window in full-screen mode, then you will return it to the initial state.

Combination "Windows" + "Down Arrow" to exit the full screen mode

You can also use the F11 button. It also activates and deactivates the full screen mode, but in this case the taskbar disappears.

Many are trying to deploy the "Alt" + Enter combination window. " But with Windows OS windows, it does not work. It can only be used in and applications.


As you can see the procedure for transferring the window to full screen mode without mouse involvement, is quite simple. To do this, use the key combination "Windows" + "up arrow". For the output of the full screen mode, the combination of "Windows" + "the down arrow is responsible.

Note that this key combination is currently relevant to Windows.

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In casual or ind-games, as well as in old low-resolution games, the question of how to make full Screen, it is difficult even to experienced users.

Sometimes it is fairly easy to turn the game to the full screen, you should simply change the resolution, press the keyboard shortcut on the keyboard or remove the checkbox from the window mode in the game settings, but it does not always work.

In order to start the game in full screen mode, it is necessary, first of all, update the drivers on the video card. Outdated or built-in VGA drivers may be the impossibility of running the game in normal resolution.

You can start the game full screen in several ways. Below, we, we describe all the well-known ways to start games in full screen mode.

In many applications, you can try to click "Alt + Enter" on the keyboard. It can translate the game in full screen mode.

Through the game settings

In many games, full-screen mode can be done through the menu graphic settings. You should simply select the desired mode: window, or full-screen.

Running without additional parameters

In order to run the game without additional parameters, it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Click PCM on the game icon and select "Properties".
  2. Make sure that there is no "-Window" in the "Object" row. If it is - remove it.

Setting through the video card driver

The first thing you need to do if there are problems with a graphical display of the game, it is updated or reinstall the video card drivers. Then go to the graphics settings menu and set the image scaling. Depending on the map manufacturer, the menu will look different.

  • : Enter the "Adjust the size and position of the desktop" menu and turn on the scaling.
  • : In the "Screen Properties" menu, select "Properties" and configure scaling there.
  • For kart INTEGRAL INTEL GRAPHICS:in the "Display" menu, select "Basic Settings" and set the scaling options. If they are not available - to lower the screen resolution, configure the scaling and return the original resolution.

Fitting screen resolution

Sometimes old games simply cannot open in full screen mode due to too low permission, and even if they unfold in full screen mode, black stripes appear on the sides or the picture looks very bad.

If everyone previous methods did not help, it is worth doing the following:

  1. Look in the game settings, what permission is for it maximum.
  2. Set the same permission through the computer settings.

Of course, the desktop and all programs will then look worse, visually increase, and other games created under more a high resolution, will not allow you to fully enjoy graphics, because after completing work with old game Screen resolution must be returned to the original value.

In this article, I will show you how you can deploy the window to the entire screen and which key combinations for this use on Windows 7, 10 and Mac. Widespread computer mouse became a revolutionary innovation, significantly simplified using personal computer. Today, most users use this device to navigate through the system and the introduction of simple commands. However, all common operating systems allow you to perform these necessary tasks without using the mouse.

As practice shows, knowledge of certain key combinations allows you to deploy the window to the entire screen with a greater speed, which positively affects overall productivity Labor. It is only a little used to get used to it, and the fulfillment of familiar tasks with the help of short keyboard combinations will seem more convenient than moving the mouse.

Advantages of a combination of keys

The transition to the use of the keyboard to perform routine operations is most often distributed among programmers, webmasters and representatives of other professions, whose work is associated with the need to introduce large number information. Among the significant advantages of this approach, it is worth highlighting the following.

When using "hot keys" in order to deploy the window to the entire monitor, attention does not have to be transferred to the mouse, which significantly simplifies the task, especially in the long run. This is that the input of text or commands using the keyboard requires the involvement of a certain section of the brain. The use of the mouse uses several other zones, because it works fundamentally differently. Therefore, there is not only a waste of time on physical transfer of the hand to the side, but also switching attention to another area of \u200b\u200bactivity. From the point of view of an ordinary user, this is not critical, but for a professional, conducted by a computer, may have a rather significant value.

How to minimize / deploy the application window

As an example of such manipulations with the keyboard, you can consider folding / deploying the application from the window mode to full screen and back. At the same time, due to the features of the functioning of a particular operating system, the key combinations will be somewhat different, while the principle itself will be about the same.

Open on Windows 7 and Windows 10

Windows Windows 7 and 10 are the most common versions of the operating system, and therefore the consideration of the issue is worth starting with them. So in order to collapse or deploy the window of any running application You must use the simultaneous press of the " WIN."(With an image of the system logo, it is located closer to the lower left corner of the keyboard) and the up / down arrow. The application will change its display from the window to fullscreen.

The same effect can be achieved in another way. He is somewhat longer, but someone may seem more convenient. It is necessary to press simultaneously Alt + gap, in the appeared context window using the arrows to select the desired action, then confirm its key ENTER.

Deploy a window in Mac OS

On the operating system Apple's algorithm will be approximately the same. You must simultaneously press the keys Command + Power. Depending on the situation, the combination will either turn the active application into the window mode, or turn it into a full-screen version of the display.

Using the hotkeys described above, you can significantly simplify the deployment of the window to the entire screen, as well as increase the efficiency and speed of the action. By the way, there are quite a lot of similar combinations, so there is always where to develop.