Internet for a tablet without a monthly payment mts. MTS "Tablet" tariff: description

Along with a new package for laptop users, MTS presented a completely new and beneficial tariff "For a Tablet". This is a very relevant proposal today, because most people already have a tablet device and everyone uses it primarily for surfing the Internet, and there can be no talk of any mobility with a tablet PC if a SIM card is not installed in it with the correct selected internet tariff.

And today we propose to consider "far and wide" a brand new TP, having learned about its conditions, advantages and methods of connection.

Briefly about the Internet tariff for a tablet on MTS

Of course, when it comes to using specialized tariff package intended primarily for tablet computers, it becomes obvious that the highest priority service is Internet access. And so it happened with the "For Tablet" package, which offers subscribers uninterrupted high-speed Internet access on very favorable terms.

Of course, many subscribers planning to connect a tariff for a tablet expect unlimited Internet from MTS. We hasten to upset them, because in the terms of the tariff, such an advantage is not provided. However, even despite this, the package has very favorable conditions, and more on them below.

Tariff "Mobile Internet for Tablet" on MTS: detailed description

The new package is designed specifically for fans of Internet surfing with tablet devices... It offers the following conditions:

  • Subscription fee: 550 rubles per month;
  • Internet traffic quota: 10 gigabytes per month;
  • Disabled traffic for any one line of action.

In Crimea and Sevastopol, standard tariff conditions do not apply. Details.

Quite an expected question from any potential user of the new package will probably concern disabled traffic for one unlimited direction. This is a new advantage that MTS offers its customers to use for free and unlimited 1 option from the following list:

  • Television in the MTS TV application;
  • YouTube video content;
  • Social networks (VK, OK and FB);
  • Messengers (Skype, Viber, Votsap).

Based on what type of applications you use most often, as well as what content on the Web you systematically consume, you can choose one direction for which traffic will be turned off.

Video: comparing tariffs for a tablet and choosing the most profitable

Personally, I would recommend social media or YouTube. To explain such a choice is very simple: TV from MTS, frankly, is a "pass-through" option, and messengers already "eat up" not so much traffic. As for YouTube, watching videos eats up much more traffic than any other activity on the network (with the exception of torrents), and social networks already have, perhaps, everything.

In addition, the use of social. networks means not just opening the pages of the corresponding sites and text correspondence there, but also watching video, listening to audio. With a choice in favor of one of these two offers, the subscriber gets the opportunity to significantly save traffic.

Do not forget that in addition to access to the Internet and other advantages described above, within the framework of the "Internet for Tablet" package from MTS, you can also use standard mobile services... And the conditions for their tariffication look like this:

  • Calls in the area of ​​connection: 1.50 and 3 rubles. per minute to numbers of MTS and other operators;
  • Domestic calls to MTS and other operators: 3 and 14 rubles. in a minute;
  • Internet package operation: throughout the country;
  • Messages (SMS) at home and around the country: 1.50 and 3.80 rubles;
  • MMS: RUB 9.90

As you can see, using this package for systematic calls and messages is not the most rational decision. However, the tariff intended for tablets should not differ favorable conditions for calls and text correspondence, and sometimes it is quite possible to use such services on the existing conditions.


Judging by the price and volume of included traffic, I recommend connecting to this tariff only for those who love MTS and do not recognize other operators. I am writing this because the MTS “For Tablet” tariff is the most expensive in terms of traffic cost among all tariffs from the leading telecom operators in the table.

How to choose a free option within the "For Tablet" tariff on MTS

Finally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the question of how the choice of the service that will be used by the user of the considered tariff without causing "damage" to the provided quota of 10 gigabytes occurs. And the choice can be made when you first log on to the Internet: when you start your browser and try to open any site, the first thing you will see is the options selection page. Make your choice wisely, as it will be possible to change it only when the tariff is disconnected and reconnected.

"MTS Tablet" - mobile Internet in every tablet!

Use the Internet and TV all over Russia - connect "MTS Tablet".

Advantages of MTS Tablet:

  • Mobile Internet
  • MTS TV
  • operates throughout Russia in the MTS network
Tariff option Services provided Coverage area Base traffic quota per month Monthly payment How to connect
MTS Tablet Mobile Internet All Russia 4 GB RUB 400

Transfer to daily write-off does not apply to subscribers with the Corporate Budget service activated "class =" b-hint ">?
MTS TV Watching TV channels without restrictions on traffic and speed

    How to connect

    To enable / disable the "MTS Tablet" option:

    • dial * 111 * 835 #;
    • send to number 111 SMS with the text:
      • 835 - for connection;
      • 8350 - to disable;
    • use your Personal Account
    • go from your tablet with an MTS SIM card to the site and click on the button "Connect MTS Tablet"

    To watch MTS TV, download and install the MTS TV application (from the application store for your tablet model, follow the link, or dial * 111 * 720 #)

    Launch the "MTS TV" application and select a TV channel to watch.

    For users of the "MTS Tablet" option, MTS TV is provided free of charge only on mobile devices... For users of the "MTS Mini tablet»The payment for MTS TV will be 15 rubles per day.

    For users of the "MTS Tablet" option, MTS TV is provided with limited functionality and only on mobile devices. To connect the full functionality and get access to the service on other devices, you must additionally connect the MTS TV service on a paid basis for 15 rubles per day or 300 rubles per month

    The “MTS Tablet” option can be activated by subscribers of all MTS tariff plans, except for the tariff plans “MTS 3G router”, “Navigation”, “Business online”, “Corporate Online”, “Telematics” and all their modifications.

    The cost of an outgoing SMS to number 111 is 0 rubles. while on the territory Russian Federation in the MTS network and in international roaming.

    How much is

    • The monthly fee for the option is RUB 400 / RUB 17. per day (on “Business Connect” tariff plans), 450 rubles / 17 rubles. per day (on other tariff plans, except for "Business Connect")
    • Internet traffic during the period and in the coverage area of ​​the option - 0 rubles / Mb.
    • Disabling a tariff option is free.

    At the moment of activation of the "MTS Tablet" option, the connection fee is charged in the amount of a monthly fee. Starting from the second month of using the option, a monthly fee is charged on the day corresponding to the date of activation of the tariff option.

    If at the time of debiting the monthly fee there are not enough funds on the account, then the option fee is debited daily in the amount of 17 rubles. per day until the balance becomes sufficient for a one-time write-off of the full monthly fee.
    The date of the next monthly charge is determined by the last date of the full monthly charge.
    When changing from a monthly fee to a daily fee and vice versa, automatic SMS notification occurs. When the date of charging the monthly fee is changed, the date of renewal of the Internet traffic quota is also shifted.

    Transfer to daily write-off does not apply to subscribers with the "Corporate Budget" service connected

    If at the time of debiting the number is blocked, the fee will be debited at the moment of exiting the blocking for the current month in which the blocking was canceled. There is no monthly fee for the full calendar month in which the subscriber was actually blocked.

    With a daily charge of the fee, additional traffic is provided provided that there are sufficient funds in the account to write off the cost of an additional 500 MB

    All prices are inclusive of VAT.

    How to disable

    • dial * 855 # or * 111 * 855 # on your tablet;
    • send an SMS with the text 855 to number 111;
    • use your Personal Account.

    To refuse additional traffic on the "MTS Tablet" option, send an SMS with the text "1" (without quotes) to 8353 from your phone or tablet, to restore again - send an SMS with the text "2" (without quotes) to 8353

    Terms of the option

    • Mobile Internet as part of the option is valid for subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region throughout Russia in the coverage area of ​​the MTS network.
    • If the base traffic quota is exceeded, an additional 500 MB is provided. After running out of 500 MB, the next 500 MB is automatically provided, etc. until the base quota is updated. The fee for each additional 500 MB is 75 rubles. The rest of the unused additional traffic is not carried over to the next month. If the subscriber has not exhausted the basic Internet package within a month, additional traffic is not provided for that month. Within a month, an additional 500 MB can be provided no more than 15 times, after which the subscriber is redirected to, where you can extend Internet access by connecting the one-time option of the "Turbo Button" line.
    • The subscriber can refuse to provide additional traffic.
    • The base traffic quota is updated monthly at 00:00 hours of the day corresponding to the connection date.
    • For the convenience of the most active Internet users, the option includes a service that helps to quickly remove speed limits when the traffic quota is exhausted. It is enough to use the button on the dialog page, which will be displayed automatically when the available traffic threshold is reached.
    • When located on the territory of the Taimyr MR, Norilsk and Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the maximum speed is limited to 128 Kbps within the monthly traffic quota.
    • The actual speed may differ from the declared speed and depends on technical parameters the network mobile communications MTS and from other circumstances affecting the quality of communication.
    • The traffic quota within the option is uniform and is consumed in 2G / 3G / 4G networks.
    • Access point (APN): or
    • The Internet option does not work when accessing sites with premium rates.
    • Automatic transition between 4G LTE (TDD / FDD) and 3G / 2G networks is possible only from 4G LTE (TDD / FDD) networks in 3G / 2G networks; the reverse jump without breaking the connection is not possible. Automatic switching between 4G LTE TDD and 4G LTE FDD networks without disconnecting the connection is not possible. The 4G network lacks the ability to make and receive a voice call and send / receive SMS. When making and receiving a voice call and sending / receiving SMS, the device automatically switches to the 3G / 2G network.

    Simultaneous connection with other options

    Option is mutually exclusive with the options "Internet 2014", "BIT", "BIT + Mobile TV", "BIT +", "BIT-Promo", "SuperBIT", "Internet Mini / Maxi / VIP", "Unlimited for 15 days", " MTS Tablet, Internet for Tablet, Internet for Apple, Budget Unlimited, Unlimited Online, Internet Lawlessness, Unlimited for a Day in Russia, Ipad Mini / Maxi / Super, Internet + "," Internet optimization "," Unlimited night Internet "," Internet for a penny "," Internet without borders "," Unlimited Internet ", as well as with Internet traffic packages and all modifications of the listed options.

    Option is not mutually exclusive with "SuperBIT Smart", "MiniBIT", "Internet for the day", "United MiniBIT", "BIT Smart" and all their modifications.

    How to find out the rest of the traffic?

    All subscribers of the MTS mobile network, who have the MTS Tablet tariff option activated, by default, upon reaching the monthly traffic quotas, receive SMS notifications about the connected option, the current limit and the time remaining until the speed is restored.

    How to remove the speed limit? - Options "Turbo button"

    Extend internet access with "Turbo Button" options

MTS tariffs for the tablet are presented in a very small amount... You can also activate the standard plan, but you will have to purchase special options. Therefore, it is worth considering the options.

The company has a special plan for the Tablet. It is suitable in the following cases:

  • You are actively using the device.
  • You often take it with you on the road, to study or work.
  • You need internet access via mobile networks.
  • You need to visit various sites, view information.
  • Want to use high-speed internet.
  • The tablet is used for entertainment.
  • This is one of the working tools.
  • Various applications are used that need network access.

Today MTS has the best mobile Internet. The company has created the largest network in Russia. It was possible to achieve a huge coverage area, to exclude the possibility of a sharp disconnection of communication and a decrease in speed.

Of course, even on networks this operator there may be problems with access in certain areas. But as the experience of subscribers shows, the company's situation is much better than that of other firms.

MTS tariffs for a tablet for unlimited Internet

Important: now operators do not have a full-fledged unlimited Internet... Companies offer various solutions to help customers save traffic. But the likelihood of the return of fully unlimited access in the near future is extremely small.

Why did the firm impose restrictions?

  1. The number of subscribers using mobile Internet is growing.
  2. The company is trying to reduce it in order to maintain stable access for all customers.
  3. For the company, the mobile Internet is becoming one of the main ways to make money.
  4. By selling packaged solutions, you can get more funds.
  5. The costs of maintaining the network are constantly increasing.

It is difficult to expect a subsequent change in conditions. In the next couple of years, the operator will support optimal prices and offer services for unlimited access to various resources. But one should not hope for a complete lifting of restrictions.

MTS tariffs for mobile Internet for a tablet

The company has one special plan. MTS Internet tariff for a tablet was created for the owners of these devices. Experts have developed conditions that should attract customers.

Let's study the parameters according to the program:

  • The size subscription fee is 550 rubles per month.
  • The client receives 10 GB of internet traffic.
  • You can choose one unlimited direction.
  • The cost of calls is 1.5 rubles to MTS and 3 to other operators.

Unlimited direction - resources for which no traffic is consumed. Several options are offered for clients:

  1. Videos from YouTube.
  2. Television in the operator's application.
  3. Social networks - OK, VK and FB.
  4. Video calls through instant messengers and video calling applications.

The subscriber can choose one of the presented directions. How to identify among them? Examine the tablet usage scenario. Find out which resources are used the most. Based on this, activate a specific option.

This is the most profitable plan for a tablet today. For a relatively small amount, you can get a traffic package and remove restrictions for one of the resource types. Many clients have already appreciated all the advantages of this option and are actively using it.

Dignity of the program:

  • Availability of unlimited directions.
  • Big internet package.
  • Optimal subscription fee.
  • The program is specially designed for use on a tablet and covers all user needs.
  • Simple and understandable terms are offered.

MTS Internet tariffs for a tablet without a monthly fee

The company does not have programs with the Internet without a monthly fee. Think about it, access to the network is a very demanded service. What's the point of a company providing packages for free when you can make money from it?

In the near future, such solutions will not appear. The company will not even theoretically create offers with free internet... For the operator, this option is very unprofitable.

Alternative solution

For tablets with a communication module, you can connect a program without AP Super MTS... The conditions for it are as follows:

  1. Cost per month - 0 rubles.
  2. Provided 100 minutes within the home network.
  3. Calls after the packet is exhausted - 1.5 rubles.
  4. To other numbers - 2.5 rubles.
  5. You will have to pay 2 rubles for one message.

The program is suitable for people who call from a tablet. Considering that making calls is not very convenient, there are not so many such clients. The advantage will be the absence of a monthly fee and 100 free minutes within the network.

You can additionally activate packages. Several options are available:

  • SuperBIT - 3 GB per month for 350 rubles.
  • Internet Mini - 7 GB for 500 rubles.
  • Maxi - 15 GB for 800 rubles.
  • VIP - 30 GB for 1200.

It is important that night unlimited is valid for Maxi and VIP. No traffic is consumed from 0 to 7 o'clock. At this time, it is possible to download various large files and use all the capabilities of the network.

About prices

All prices presented are relevant exclusively for the capital and Moscow region. Settings may vary by region. They are influenced by a number of factors:

  1. Average salary.
  2. The company wants to make offers as accessible as possible.
  3. Competition level and programs from other operators.

The cost is calculated for individual regions and is subject to change. How do you know the exact parameters for your subject?

  • Visit the website
  • The system will automatically detect the location and suggest a region.
  • If it is incorrect, then open the section at the top and select the subject.
  • Go to the item with tariffs or Internet services.
  • In the corresponding tabs, you can find out the information of interest.

Not only the price can differ, but also the content, the amount of traffic and minutes. Therefore, carefully study the parameters and make a decision on connecting a tariff or service.

The best app for tablet owners is the special "For Tablet" plan. But customers can choose a different option based on their needs.

Reading time: 2 min.

Wireless Wi-Fi points are not always at hand, and in such situations, tablet owners need high-speed and stable Internet access. But for subscribers mobile operator MTS absence wireless network no longer a problem, because there is the MTS Tablet tariff, which includes 4 GB of Internet traffic per month, available anywhere in Russia, and unlimited mobile TV.

Description of the tariff "MTS Tablet"

The tariff plan allows subscribers to get high-speed access to the network and use the MTS TV application for free, which allows them to watch television channels.

Go to tariff plan"MTS Tablet" is free, the monthly subscription fee is only 400 rubles. In order to successfully change your tariff to MTS Tablet, you must have at least 410 rubles on your account - the amount of the first installment and the guarantee payment. A nice bonus will be 20% of the cost of funds that are returned back to the account at this rate.

Please note that you will not be able to cheat - you can activate the "MTS Tablet" tariff only on tablet computers, this tariff plan will not work on any other devices.

The spent traffic is rounded up to the nearest kilobyte. A new package of 4 GB is connected every new billing period, which is 30 days. The traffic is updated at 3:00. You can control the rest of the Internet using the * 217 # call command.

It is recommended to connect the "MTS Tablet" tariff to the "Connect-4" tariff plan - it will be more profitable this way. Subscription fee will be 400 rubles per month, while on other tariffs it will be 450 rubles. In addition, the tariff provides several profitable solutions at a reduced price, which include additional options:

  • Internet for a day (payment only for using the Internet - 50 rubles per day).
  • Internet Mini (3 GB of Internet traffic without speed limits).
  • Internet Maxi (12 GB at night and 12 GB for 30 days unlimited).
  • Internet VIP (unlimited access at night and 30 GB for 30 days).

How to activate the MTS Tablet tariff?

You can connect the option as when buying a new SIM card through an online store or in one of the operator's salons, or activate the service at any other tariff.

Activation of the tariff option is possible only for tablet computers. Before connecting to the "MTS Tablet" tariff, you need to make sure that there is a sufficient amount on the account (410 rubles). You can activate the tariff option in one of the following ways:

  • Send USSD-command * 835 # call.
  • Send SMS with text 835 to short number 111 .
  • Go to your personal account on the official website and activate the option there.

In order to disable "MTS Tablet", you need to send the command * 111 * 835 * 2 # call from your tablet. Also, in order to quickly disable the MTS Tablet tariff, you can go to your personal account and do it there.

The "Connect-4" tariff plan can be "turned" into a child package - for this it is necessary to connect the "Children package", which will be useful not only for the child, but also for the parents.

Almost every user of the operator uses the mobile Internet cellular communication MTS... Thanks to this, you can go online at absolutely any time and place. When using a tablet in work, it is best to provide an appropriate tariff offer for a profitable service. Tariffs will depend on the subscriber himself (an individual or a corporate client), which is reflected in the basic terms of provision, cost characteristics.

Tariff "For tablet"

Corporate clients can implement all the possibilities on their device through a tariff plan "For a tablet"... The subscription fee for it is 550 rubles. But at the same time, the user receives not only 10 GB of Internet traffic, which can be used at his own discretion, but also additional features, which are already included in the monthly payment. These include:

  • Secure data transmission. There is no traffic charge when using a Private Enterprise APN.
  • Cloud storage together with antivirus program Kaspersky Labs. The service "Second memory" is included in the work, which allows you to store up to 50 GB.
  • Unlimited TV on MTS TV. If you view it as the second and other option, the monthly fee will be 150 rubles.
  • Option "Mobile employees". Able to control SIM cards of employees. For the "Economy" tariff in normal mode the fee is 120 rubles per month.
  • No surfing restrictions social networks... It should be noted here that traffic will begin to be consumed when using additional services, for example, "Vkontakte", "Odnoklassniki". This applies to watching videos on YouTube, opening Yandex.maps and so on.
  • Removal of restrictions on video calls. You can choose Skype, WhatsApp or Viber as the main programs for use.
  • Unlimited in the YouTube application. That is, the main Internet traffic will remain unchanged under all circumstances.

Read also

SIM card as a gift when buying a tablet in MTS

If the provided traffic quota is not enough for surfing the web resource, an additional 500 MB is automatically turned on, costing 95 rubles. But you can turn it off yourself and then use the Turbo button. To switch to the specified corporate tariff, you can perform all actions in the user's personal account or through the USSD command. In the latter case, on the tablet keyboard you need to type the combination *111*745# and press the call button.

MTS Tablet

Previously, a tariff plan worked "MTS Tablet" which was intended exclusively for individuals... On the this moment(since 06/02/2017) it is closed for a new connection, but remains operational for those who have not disconnected it yet. For this reason, it will not be superfluous to talk about it to think about whether to continue using it on your tablet.

The monthly fee for the offer is 400 rubles per month. This amount includes 4 GB of Internet traffic for use, as well as mobile TV without any restrictions. IN MTS TV channel viewing is enabled, not limited by the maximum connection speed, and there is no effect on the main traffic quota.

The option is valid throughout Russia. That is, you can safely go on trips around the country and continue to watch television or surf the web.