How to get rid of computer addiction? Computer Upgrade: What to change and when why it is possible to replace the personal computer devices.

I came to the office and suddenly remembered that I forgot my laptop at home - the main working tool. What to do? Go behind him, then back - for a long time, this is two hours from working time. I looked at my smartphone, which, it seems, is almost the same as a computer, if we talk about functionality. Well, look - the screen is there, you can typing text, the Internet comes out, multitasking is available, a bunch of applications with practically some kind of functionality can be downloaded, including for free.

And I immediately remembered all these promises and the deceased Steve Jobs that the era of post-PC would ever come, when it was the computer to people will not be needed. I remembered the advertising posters of the Symbian-smartphone Nokia N95 with the words "I know the computer" (and, because, this smartphone did not even have a QWERTY keyboard!). Looked once again on his ultra-functional smartphone on one of recent versions Android ... And went to look for a free laptop in the office. Because enough to believe in illusion - the smartphone did not replace the PC and will not replace it already, apparently, never.

And no, it's not in refusing to QWERTY. Smartphones with a physical keyboard are still still released, and connect a third-party, even full-size is not a problem.

Smartphones with QWERTY do so far, but it is not easier

It's also not a small screen. First, it's not so small (yes, the laptop is far away, but still). Secondly, the conclusion of the picture on the external screens is also possible.

What, in fact, prevented the smartphone to become a full-fledged PC?

Well, firstly, the form factor. I will clarify - not it is the dimensions or lack of a keyboard, but a form factor, as a combination of all parameters. Just imagine a set of all kinds of adapters and accessories that you have to carry with you to use a smartphone as a PC. It is just inconvenient - at least. This will never be at hand, when it is necessary to "suddenly", and when systematically - you can forget the houses in the same way as a laptop. Moreover, since the accessories themselves will be greater - then you can forget something one (for example, keyboard), and everything - the computer "crumbled".

The hybrid from the smartphone and the laptop case is forgotten

Secondly, if there are no problems with the keypad, displays and printers, then some specific peripherals are usually not working with mobile phones. Of course, not every work requires such a periphery, but this is another item that does not allow smartphones to turn into a PC. In our office, for example, screens are tested by colorimeters that we can connect only to a computer.

Thirdly, operating system. Do you remember numerous attempts to make a PC on Android? Prior to that, there were still projects with Mobile MeeGo (it was not even possible to create user profiles!).

You may not agree with me by conclusions in this article, but with which it is difficult to argue, so it is with such facts: no one needs a PC on mobile operating systems. The "desktop" OS, ported to mobile phones, are quite quickly dying.

Canvas, oil.

The only successful porting of the "full-fledged" OS into Mobile Format is MacOS X from which the iPhone OS (iOS) was made. Yes, and then it is rather marketing trick - With the same reliability, you can say that Android is Linux. That is, it seems to be true, but the difference is obvious to everyone. The kernel of the operating system can still be equivalent to the operating system itself. For the user OS, the same if you can run the same applications equally. That is, if you need an emulator on another device to run some native programs - this is no longer the same OS from the user's point of view.

Nevertheless, such a long time tried to do. And, as we see, unsuccessfully.

Computers - from Mars, smartphones - from Venus

Smartphones have another iron, and completely other requirements for them. Watch - a laptop should work autonomously, say, hours 10. It would seem - a smartphone, because, too? But no. In the permanent screen mode, not every smartphone will work so much.

But the smartphone performs many tasks in the background even when it seems to us that he sleeps. Some laptops are also able, but not all, and even those that know how to do it badly. That is, we need a smartphone to work for a long time in the hibernation, and with an active screen and in the mode of increased energy consumption, we are quite enough and hours 5-6 (better more, of course, because autonomy never happens a lot).

Pocket computer which no longer do

But the autonomy of the laptop by default includes a constantly working screen and at least a "office" user activity. No one needs a laptop that can all day with the screen turned off to download letters from the mailbox.

The next moment is the applications themselves. It would seem, yes - you can print the text even on the smartphone. Well, but we still need to choose images for an article, cut them under the desired aspect ratio and the width of pixels, and then insert CMS to the admin.

And then the same iOS flies immediately. Now K. iPad Pr. Trying to fasten and multitasking and multi-influence, but the number of applications having a frame to trim pictures for the desired number of pixels is extremely small, and the work itself with the images in this operating system is a day blood pressure. I have to find a picture, save it in the photo gallery (and otherwise it will be in any way), it will break through the cloud on all my devices with the same Apple ID, occupying a precious place in memory, after which I need to find an application that helps me to cut everything (here It is best to do this with a stylus, but on the mouse or touchpad is still 10 times more convenient), save back to the same gallery, and then pray that the CMS administrator can open the Gallery on the IOS to download the pictures.

Nokia N97 also did not become a computer

And I somehow tried to mount the video on the iPad. Apple constantly tells how it has now become better and faster - they say, 4k videos at 100500 FPS is not a problem at all. Yes, not a problem, and yes, the editing of the video on the iPad is possible. But what if I need to make a background soundtrack? Music itself on the iPad do easily. And video mold easily. But the transfer of the file from the music application into the video editor is a nightmare. When you hear that in iOS, each application works in your sandbox - understand it literally. Any actions between applications are maximally complicated, and sometimes simply impossible. Well, that, but IOS for the era post-PC does not fit completely.

Android is really easier - there the file system is open as on PC. But again - with an incredibly large number of applications for processing pictures, and even with the possibility of trimming, literally units allow you to do so with an accuracy of the pixel.

Kuts operating systems

Even in the piggy bank - the lack of windows in mobile operating systems. Yes, already android and iOS on iPad Pro support the mode of two windows (they seem to be mocked called "multi-cycle"), but this is not enough. If you are currently working and impede a minute to read the article on our website, simply consider the number of application windows. And how it is convenient that it is not necessary to ride between programs even just to answer the question of colleagues in the working chat!

In general, yes, in the mobile phones try to do something similar, but so far it is not at all. And the windows are completely small, and not all applications with them work correctly, and "remove" a window with an application to any screen location cannot be (where it is possible, the windows are extremely non-functional).

Once ASUS Transformer Worked on Android, but today - only Windows

The computer consists of system Block and peripheral devices (monitor, mouse, keyboard). In this post, I would like to disassemble the computer in detail to each bolt, consider the computer device as a whole, which is there and for what each item is needed.

System unit

The system unit is the computer itself. In the system unit are located: BP (power supply), HDD ( hDD), motherboard, RAM, processor, sound card, video card, network card, drive and other components that are needed to expand opportunities. Let us now consider each device here and learn what function it performs.

System Block Housing

The enclosures are different: compact, transparent, backlit, but the main task is to fit all the computer devices. Of course, it would be possible to do without it, hang the motherboard on the wall, and everything else was folded next to the table, but it is stupid, inconvenient and dangerous.

During the enabled system unit, it is impossible to touch its components. Inside the high voltage, which may even kill. This is always used housing, it is convenient and safe.

BP - power supply

Almost all the wires that have in the computer go out of the power supply. It provides each device in the system unit of electricity, without which nothing will work. BP weighs near a kilogram, and has a size approximately as.

The power supply provides: 3.3V, 5V and 12V. For each device, separate voltage. Also, so that the power supply does not overheat, it is equipped with a radiator and cooling fan. From here and publish the sound of the work computer.


The main task of the motherboard is combined all computer devices. It in the literal sense will unite everything: mouse, keyboard, monitor, USB drives, HDD, processor, video card and everything else. More details with the holes / connectors and ports of the motherboard can be found in the picture above.

CPU - Central Computer Card

The processor provides and calculates all operations on the computer. If compared with the person's organs, the computer processor can be compared with the brain. The more powerful microcircuit (CPU), the more computing it can do, in other words: the computer will work faster. But this is just one of the main devices responsible for the speed of your computer.


RAM is an operational storage device. Also called RAM, rAM and RAM. This small fee is required to store temporary data. When you copy something, this information is temporarily stored on RAM, it also stores information system files, programs and games. The more you put the tasks to the computer, the more it is necessary to need RAM. For example, at the same time a PC will download something, play the audio file and the game will be launched, then there will be a large load on RAM.

The more RAM, the better the computer works faster (as in the case of the processor).

Video card (video adapter)

A video card, as well as it is called a video adapter is necessary to transfer the image from the computer to the screen / monitor. As mentioned above, it is inserted into the mat. fee in your connector.

In general, the computer is so arranged that for each device there is no one to insert something in place and even rough strength.

The harder image (HD video, game, graphic shell and editor), the more memory should have a graphic card. For example, 4k. The video will not be normally played on a weak video card. The video will slow down, and you might think that the weak Internet.

Modern video card Catain contains a small cooler (cooling fan), such as BP and CPU cooling. Under the cooler is small graphic processorworking on the principle of the central processor.

HDD (Hard Disk) Hard Disk Drive

HDD - It is: hard drive, hard, hard drive, screw, drive. As if him, he was not called, his task is alone. He keeps all the information and files. Including OS (operating system), programs, browsers, photos, music, etc. In other words, this is the computer memory (as a flash drive in the phone).

There is still SSD.. The essence and principle is the same, but SSD works at times faster and an order is more expensive. If using SSD as system Disk For OS, then your computer will work much faster.


If you need to look / copy information from the disk, then you need a drive. In the present time, the new computers will rarely meet this device, USB drives (flash drives) arrived at the drive's shift. They occupy a much less place than wheels, it is easier to use, and they are reusable. Nevertheless, drives still use, and I could not write about it.

Sound card

The sound card is needed to play audio files. Without it, sound in the computer will not. If you return to the "Motherboard" section, you will see that it is already built into each motherboard.

As you can see in the photo above, there are additional sound cards. They are necessary for connecting more powerful acoustic systems and provide better voicing in contrast to integrated (embedded).

If you use ordinary small columns, then the difference will not even be noticeable. If you have a subwoofer or a home theater, then of course you need to put a decent sound card.

Additional computer devices

Everything that I told the above necessary for the system unit, and now let's look at additional devices Computer, which expand its capabilities and add functionality.

External hard drive

Unlike HDD, outdoor hard Portable disk. If the HDD and SSD need to be installed in the case and secure it there, then the external is connected with only one USB wire. It is very convenient for all cases of life that does not make sense to describe. Outdoor HDD it's like a flash drive only with large quantity Memory.

Uninterruptible power system

Absolutely every computer is afraid of voltage drops, I would even say more than any other technique. A source uninterrupted power Provide stable tension and keeps your BP from jumps.

Voltage can jump for various reasons, and it is not always noticeable. For example, if you have a weak wiring, then during the inclusion of other techniques in the house the voltage can jump. Or the neighbors are something powerful ... In general, I strongly recommend everything to use a shine.

TV tuner

TV tuner is a special microcircuit that allows you to watch TV on your computer. Rather here, as in the case of a drive, it still works, but no longer relevant. To watch TV on the computer, it is not necessary to insert special fees, we now have in my blog there is a whole section dedicated to this topic.

Peripherals of computer

As Wikipedia says:

Peripheral devices are an instrument that allows you to enter information into a computer or output it from it. Peripheral devices are not binding system and can be disconnected from the computer.

But I disagree with her. For example, without the monitor, we do not need a computer, but without a keyboard, not everyone can turn on the computer, only the most experienced users will be able to do without a mouse, and you will not see anything without speaking and do not listen. It is still not all devices, so let's look at each of them separately.

Monitor personal computer

We repeat a little - we do not need a computer without a monitor, otherwise we will not see what is happening there. Perhaps in the future will come up with some hologram or special glasses, but so far it is only my sick fantasy).

The monitor is connected to the video card with a special cable, which is 2 types of VGA (obsolete connector) and HDMI. HDMI provides the best image, as well as parallel to the image transmits the sound. So, if there are built-in speakers in your monitor and it has a high resolution, you must use the HDMI cable.


The keyboard is needed to enter information, call commands and perform action. Keyboards are different: ordinary, silent, multimedia and gamers.

  1. The usual is the simplest keyboard, on which only standard buttons.
  2. Silent - rubber / silicone keyboards, when working with not a single sound.
  3. Multimedia. In addition to standard buttons, the keyboard has additional keys To control audio / video files, volume, touchpad (possibly), and the rest.
  4. Gamers - Additional buttons for different gamesThe main buttons for the game have a different color and other buns.


The main task computer mouse - This is the control / movement of the cursor on the screen. Also choose and open files / folders and call the Right-click menu.

Now there are many different mice for the computer. There are wireless, small, large, with additional buttons for convenience, but its main function remains the same decades later.

Acoustic system

As mentioned above, the acoustic system is connected to sound card. Through the sound to pass the signal to the speakers, and you hear what they say in the video and sing in the song. Acoustics is different, but without any, computer with all its capabilities becomes an ordinary working tool, which is boring time.

MFP - Multifunctional devices

MFP is more needed for office and study. It usually contains: scanner, printer, xerox. Although it is all in one device, they perform absolutely different tasks:

  1. Scanner - Does. precise copy Photos / document in the electronic version.
  2. The printer - prints the electronic version of the document, photos, pictures on paper.
  3. Xerox - makes an exact copy from one paper to another.

Gamepad or joystick

Gamepad is a joystick in the past. Need only for comfort in some games. There are wireless and vice versa. Typically contain no more than 15 buttons, and it does not make any sense in non-games.

Personal computers are an integral attribute of a modern person's life. The computer is used in all spheres of vital activity. From domestic use, mainly for simple computing and viewing media content, to serious work in economic, medical and scientific activities. It is difficult to overestimate how much computer Engineering Changed a person's lifestyle. How many serious discoveries were made thanks to computers.

In the life of a simple person, a lot has changed, the development of children of complex techniques, favorably affects their development. Thanks to the Internet, any information becomes available. It is worth saying how easy it was to conduct a business, pay for utilities and translate funds.

Why portable devices gain popularity

Recently, there is a steady trend on compactness and combination different technologies in one device. Technically, the tablet plays the role of a compact computer, replace digital Camera, MP3 player, video player and many other devices.

Even the laptop could not fully satisfy users with his compactness, which the tablet successfully copes. This device enough easy and placed in conventional folder. Unlike a laptop, the tablet can be regularly wearing with you on classes or work.

Recently, the sale of tablets has significantly fallen, but it happened not because of the failure of users from compact technologies, on the contrary, people more and more began to give preference to smartphones with big screens. Tablets also did not lag behind, releasing devices with built-in GSM modules. Thus, the line between tablets and smartphones began to blur.

Plates for games

Considering the tablets, immediately should be clarified, as an example, it is necessary to consider the most popular devices on the Android OS. The tablets are not worth considering on Windows, because in fact, they are a copy of a stationary PC.

The lack of high-quality game content, according to many analysts, is one of the main reasons that do not allow tablets to finally replace personal computers.

Games B. Play Market Absolutely, like other applications, however, the quality of the content is even closely reaches not to the personal computers, but even to portable consoles. In addition, computing power, even flagship devices can hardly be compared with the medium configuration computer. In other words, if computing equipment is purchased mainly for video games, video processing or working with 3D models, the choice is not inclined in favor of tablets.

Means of communication

In communications, the tablets will no doubt play computers. A lot of customers are written on Android for messengers, often better than their analogues for personal computers. In addition, the tablet originally possesses a webcam and a microphone, which is not in the personal computer. Setting gadget data will require a user of certain technical knowledge and cash costs for the purchase of equipment.

The presence of a 3G module will allow you to make video calls, being at any point in the world, not to mention the tablets in which the GSM modules are built.

Tablet for office tasks

The tablet is not better suited for office tasks. Dial text to send it to emailEdit Excel Document. All these tasks on the shoulder of any tablet.

Acceptable sizes The screen allows you to comfortably work with the text. As for the software, Microsoft has released free Office. on Android. In addition, there are other, no less convenient applications, such as Google Documents, with constant synchronization with online services.

For a text set, you can use both the touch screen and physical keyboardconnected via OTG cable or bluetooth technology.

Connecting office machinery

Continuing the discussion of office tasks, it is impossible not to mention the OTG cable function. Almost every tablet supports this featureThrough which almost any device can be connected to the device. Moreover, you can connect a USB hub to OTG cable and already through it, expand the device functionality by connecting the keyboard, a mouse, flash drive and other useful devices.

Through OTG, the cable can be connected to a webcam if the camera is not characterized by special quality.

Unfortunately, connect the scanner or printer, eating exclusively from the USB connector, it is unlikely to succeed, because the outgoing power can, simply do not be enough to maintain the device.

Using a tablet to view web pages

What tablets are exactly good, so it is in the "surfing" of the Internet. Initially, the Android operating system itself was created mainly to work on the Internet. Messengers, clients social networks And other services help users more comfortably access any other services. In other matters, mobile browser Google Chrome. Practically nothing is inferior to the stationary version.

As for the touch screen, thanks to him, it became more convenient to work with the web interface of many sites, rather than using a mouse and keyboard. Instead of bringing through the cursor on the link, the user instantly moves to the resource you need by one touch of the finger.

Mobile Chrome supports flash player and streaming video. In addition, this browser has the opportunity to go to full versionAfter that, sites cease to optimize your interface for mobile devices.

Summing up, it can be noted that for most users, the tablet may well replace a personal computer. It is possible to attribute to minuses, except for the lack of highly specialized applications and the low quality of the gaming content.

Hello dear blog readers. Today in the article we will talk about such a popular topic as a computer upgrade.

Now, not many use the opportunity to upgrade a computer, so mainly when there is a question about the modernization of the computer - the opinions are disagree.

Personally, I treat the computer's upgrade is quite positive, so as proper approach Modernization of the computer can do relatively cheap and significantly increase the power of your computer.

2 Computer Upgrade

This is the story as an example. Of course, the upgrade does not always go so smoothly as in this situation. But learn more about the current computer and estimate the configuration for the upgrade never hurts.

Under the upgrade of the computer, we will understand the improvement of the component system block. , keyboard, mouse, columns, etc., do not take into account. The upgrade of the system unit implies the replacement of old outdated parts to new, more productive. First of all it: replacement of the processor, video card, adding RAM and replacement or adding hard disk.

Most often, to replace the processor, it is necessary to change the motherboard A when replacing the video card, you need to buy a more powerful power supply. Let's go for each moment separately.

1. Processor. Almost every upgrade begins with the replacement of the processor. Before replacing the processor, it is necessary to weigh everything thoroughly. Since the processor replacement most often requires the replacement of motherboard and RAM. And these are additional costs.

To begin, it is necessary to determine indeed lack the performance of the current processor and understand which processor will cope with your tasks by 100%.

If the very complex tasks Which handles the computer is the games, then you need to watch the tests of your processor and compare them with the tests of the model you would like to put instead.

Basically, when the two-core is not the worst processor, the replacement for a more powerful 4 or 6 nuclear does not give such an increase in games as a replacement for a more powerful video card for example.

In the case when the computer is used to work in which the high computing power of the processor is required, then here without replacing it is nowhere.

We choose the processor according to the criteria that I described in the article - and compare it in tests with my own. If without a new processor nowhere, then you may be able to choose the optimal processor model that will suit your motherboard.

Do not chase the most productive models. All the same after half a year it will be released better, and the price of the old will decrease. Became among old models there are still strong and powerful stones, which are able to give to buy even some new items.

Thus, you and the means save and increase the power of the computer.

2. Video card. Mainly changes to increase productivity in games. Less often to work in type programs maya. for example.

First, choose the desired video card in such criteria as: the price / quality ratio, the power consumption of the power supply, the power corresponding to the requirements of your games and the availability of the connector under the video card on the motherboard. I wrote more about this in the article.
Keep in mind that modern video cards are connected via the PCI-Express X16 connector. If you have another AGP 8x on your motherboard, then it is better to change the motherboard and put a new video card.

How to look for something better than your video card under AGP 8X. The AGP connector has already been dead, and computers with such motherboards are most often no longer a upgrade - it is necessary to change the entire systemist.

Selected video card check in tests on popular sites. On the this moment Self best models In the price / quality ratio, this is HD 6950 (better than 6930 but it is difficult to find it) and GTX 560.

Someone can argue with me, but these video cards are an excellent combination of excellent prices and performance.

In tests, pay attention to how the video card behaves in the most resource-intensive games on maximum settings. If on the equal to competitors, it holds as worthy, then in your games the video card should show good results.

To respond to this question, you must calculate the power consumption of your play computer.

If not enough, then select a new power supply. I advise you to take with a reserve so that it is not changed in the future. Take the 600-650W power supply with 80 Plus certificate.

This also applies to the body, it is better to take a good big body once than then change the entire computer. How to choose .

4. Motherboard. I think from the first two points, you already understand when you need to replace the motherboard.

When replacing the motherboard, try to choose the model to which in the future it will be possible to put a more powerful, new processor and not buy a new motherboard. I wrote more about this in the article.

Of course, it is not always so possible to do, because you do not know when the next upgrade will be, but if we are pregnant, then after about 3-4, you can still buy a processor on the motherboard that you buy today.

5. RAM. When replacing the motherboard, most often you have to buy a new RAM. If the replacement of the motherboard did not take place, it is desirable to increase the volume of existing RAM somewhere up to 4GB.

Especially if the processor was replaced. It will be possible to put the 64 BIT system and perhaps get rid of.

I wrote more about RAM in the article -.

6. Hard disk. Last but I remember the hard disk. For game computers, another 500 GB hard disk or 1 TB is usually purchased. It is advisable to take the model tower with 7,200 o, 32-64 MB cache. More about that.

New hard drives Work faster, so after the acquisition it is desirable to reinstall the system on it. Thus speed windows downloads may increase. I already wrote an article on the topic.

3 Computer Modernization - Conclusion

Most often, with the upgrade of the computer, the budget is limited. Therefore, it is logical to start with the replacement of the most necessary.

If we are talking about game ComputerThis is the finitely replacement of the video card, adding RAM and replacing the power supply unit as needed. In case the performance is missing, you can already think about replacing the processor.

If you work in programs in which the main load falls on the processor. Then change the processor and add RAM. Well, finally, spend your computer laid out to full. Good luck to you 🙂

Any digital technique is told. This is caused by the constant growth of the resource intensity of the software, which is observed not only in the field of games. Even modern office programs refuse to run on personal computers with less than 1 GB of RAM!

Therefore, it is recommended to conduct a computer upgrade regularly. Best of all - every year. But "on a little bit", that is, replacing any specific components, and the entire "filling" of the system unit with a scope. What to change first?

More precisely, it is completely optional to change it. But gradually increase the volume installed in the computer - it is uniquely recommended. Software It constantly increases the appetites, so the RAM is worth expanding - by 1-2 GB per year.

However, sometimes it is worth replacing it. For example, DDR2 RAM is suitable for use in office computers (and other low-load systems) and is absolutely not intended for use in gaming configurations.


With an upgrade, it is better to purchase a "top" motherboard, and then for several years not to worry about its improvement. It is recommended to choose a configuration with an LSI 1150 socket and the presence of large number Connectors for peripheral components.


Processors can be changed quite rarely - a little more often than motherboards. The growth rates of their performance are not too large, so the annual upgrade will not bring much benefit.


Hard drives are subject to mechanical wear, and their service life is about 5 years. Of course, in most cases, the Winchesters "live" much longer, however, it is precisely for this importance to navigate when planning upgrades. An ideal configuration for the work is a bunch of an SSD drive for system files and an HDD media for user (photos, documents, etc.).

Video card

If the computer is used primarily for games (well, or for processing multimedia content), then the video cards should be changed as often as possible. That is, every year - approximately with such frequency of NVIDIA and AMD produce new configurations of their graphic accelerators. At the same time, one of the main questions in the upgrade is "how much a video card", and the answer to it does not always satisfy the user.

The optimal solution is to purchase a top video card (for example, NVIDIA TITAN) every 3-4 years.

Cooling system

The more often the cooling system changes - the better. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to upgrade it if the processor and the video card remained unchanged.


Various peripherals - Sound I. network cards, adapters and connectors, power supply, housing, optical drive drive - should be changed if necessary. In most cases, they are highly specialized and do not affect computer performance. Nevertheless, it is worth considering that they may be incompatible with new components that appeared in the computer after the upgrade - and then, of course, they will have to change them.