What is the best CMS? What is the best CMS for an online store.

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Content management system(content management system - CMS) is a special software mechanism, which is also called "Website Builder".

The site builder usually consists of two parts - the administrative page and the site editor.

On the administrative page of the site builder, the user edits the general data - password, domain name binding, sees the statistics of the space used and can add files and images to the library of his site.

In the site editor there is a direct work with the content of the site - adding and changing information on it.

Website Engines (CMS) in PHP

  • Joomla is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems. Russian support sites: joom.ru, joomlaportal.ru. Requires a MySQL database, Takes up 8+MB on disk.
  • WordPress, Russian-language site - a powerful blog or news site management system. It is possible to publish using third party programs and services. High flexibility of the system is ensured by the possibility of using plug-ins (plug-ins). Theme support makes it easy to change how appearance, as well as data output methods. On thematic sites and forums you can find huge libraries of themes and plugins. Requires a MySQL database, Takes up 10+MB on disk.
  • Textpattern is a powerful young blog or news site management system. Suitable for both the user and the experienced web developer. Has the ability preview a published note, a comment system for articles and anti-spam tools, a built-in statistics system, as well as an integrated image management system, and much more. Experienced users will appreciate the extensible architecture that allows the use of plugins, thus increasing the functionality of the site to suit their needs. Requires a MySQL database, Takes up 1+MB on disk.
  • Mambo Mamboserver.ru Ru-Mambo.ru Mamboserver.com - the engine - the progenitor of Joomla 1.0
  • WebDirector is a commercial system focused on the creation and search promotion of corporate websites.
  • Drupal is a powerful system for creating websites of any kind.
  • hostCMS is a convenient modern content management system. The content of the site is adjusted using an intuitive interface.
  • phpBB , phpbb2.ru - a forum for your site. Powerful, fully scalable and easily customizable software to create conferences.
  • Gallery - image gallery. This tool will allow you to upload and manage your images with ease and convenience.
  • nano CMS- simplest CMS. PHP.
  • MODx is a professional website development tool that allows you to manage content, and the website itself, absolutely 100%! This system is open source (open source), and therefore free. Unlike most free CMSs On MODx, you can build a site of any complexity, with almost any set of functions, while the system will not affect your html code in any way. Requires a MySQL database, Takes up 6+MB on disk.
  • AmiroCMS - most recently, developers have opened the source code of this engine, which allows you to use not only the engine within its extensive functionality, but also create any non-standard solutions. And given the good "sharpening" of the engine under search promotion, then this is a worthy choice for professionals who look to the future.
  • osCommerce" - online store.
  • Mediawiki is a website engine designed to create resources where everyone can make their own edits and freely write articles. The most popular resource on this technology is Wikipedia.
  • RunCMS is a universal engine designed to create websites of varying complexity and thematic focus.


  • Symfony offers rapid development and management of web applications, making it easy to solve the routine tasks of a web programmer. It was developed using the modern web programming language PHP5. It also supports many popular databases. Does not require a MySQL database, takes up 9+MB on disk.
  • Smarty is a compiling template engine for PHP, one of the tools that allows you to separate application logic and data from presentation in the spirit of the Model-view-controller concept. It supports page caching, which greatly reduces the load on the server. Does not require a MySQL database, takes up 1MB on disk.
  • CodeIgniter is a well-known PHP framework, which is essentially a ready-made framework for developing complex web applications. It is well-deservedly popular with web developers around the world.
    Its main advantages include:
    • use of the MVC (Model-Display-Controller) model, which has proven itself in the development of applications of various kinds;
    • support for many databases, including MySQL and PostgreSQL;
    • rich documentation;
    • great performance.
    Does not require a MySQL database, takes up 2MB on disk.
  • Yii is a highly efficient component-based PHP framework for developing large-scale web applications. It allows you to apply the concept to the maximum reuse code and can significantly speed up the web development process.
    Russian-speaking community Yii

How to choose a CMS

In the vast majority of cases, you should be guided by the use of CMS. Indeed, a few years ago, in order to obtain a satisfactory CMS, it was necessary to spend a significant amount of money to purchase a license and pay for the services of a specialist who configures the system. And not for every site such expenses look justified. Now the situation has changed dramatically: free CMS have appeared that are easy to set up, while installing modern systems takes a little time and does not require special skills.

The only type of sites for which the use of CMS looks ineffective is static business card sites, consisting of several pages that indicate what the company does, postal address and telephone number. Such a site does not require any operational updates or a developed information structure, so any CMS will simply be idle.

In all other cases, CMS will greatly facilitate the life of the site owner. If only you choose the right CMS. For the right choice, first of all, you should decide on several questions.

Question one: What is the information structure of the site?

This is the most important question. The fact is that even the most powerful and flexible "universal" CMS has its limitations on displaying the hierarchy of materials.

For example, suppose that you have planned to make a catalog of goods, where several hundred items of heterogeneous products will be presented, each type of which will correspond to two to three dozen quality characteristics. Most likely, not a single "universal" CMS will allow this to be implemented. You will either have to pay attention to specialized systems for online catalogs, or consider the option of ordering CMS development "for a specific site". On the other hand, a CMS focused on Internet directories is hardly suitable for a corporate or thematic site.

So before choosing one of the proposed CMS, it would be good to make a sketch of the structural organization of the site content and a list of requirements for converting this content.

Second question: Who will update the information on the site and how often?

The fact is that the CMS should provide convenient work site administrators. And if it is planned that several authors will work on the site, then the CMS should provide sufficient opportunities for teamwork. If the author is one, then some multi-user functions are not required.

How often the information is updated affects the choice of functions for adding new data to the site. After all, if you plan to conduct live reports with every minute "hot news", then the CMS should also provide a convenient "operational" interface for instantly adding texts "with one click", without unnecessary actions - this will greatly save the editor's time. If a thematic site is being constructed, where new pages appear once a week or less often, then paying attention to how many actions within the CMS must be performed in order for the article to appear on the site is hardly justified.

  • Translation

In recent years, the Internet has taken the public by storm so rapidly that it has not only become a significant part of human life, but also a key factor in business development. The Internet plays an essential role and is a great help to companies in doing business and its development, gives bread to programmers, and is also an excellent means of communication for all people. But what would the Internet be without the so-called virtual information space? This space is made up of millions of websites.

Whether you're a beginner with no knowledge of website building or a seasoned pro, you can become part of the virtual world by creating a website. There is only one big question - how? Naturally, you can hire a team of professional designers, programmers and SEO managers to bring your idea to life, or you can use CMS (content management system).

Of the huge mass of websites that fill the Internet, about 31% use CMS. Below is a graph showing the historical evolution of the share of websites on CMS from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012. The graph shows a clear positive trend towards an increase in the share of sites with CMS, and all because these tools make your life easier. There are many CMS, and you can choose the most suitable for you, depending on the goals and specifics of your website.

Figure 1 The dynamics of the use of CMS in websites for the period from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012.

There are many reasons to create your own website. It can represent your business (corporate website), serve as an online store, be a social network, information portal, gallery, blog, forum and so on. At the same time, as we have already said, there are many different CMS, each of which can be more or less useful for each type of site. It is worth mentioning that today the so-called open source CMS, that is, free ones, have become widespread. As a rule, these systems have quite powerful communities that ensure the constant development of CMS and filling them with various "features".

In this article, we intend to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the five most popular CMS.. It is possible that this information will help you make the right decision when you want to create your own website. So...

Figure 2 Percentage of use of different CMS

The diagram shows the market shares of various CMS at the present stage. As we can see, over half of the CMS sites use WordPress. And now you will understand why.

WordPress: Rules the Internet!

It's hard to say something new about WordPress. This CMS initially established itself as an innovative blogging platform with high usability. But the development of the system's functionality has ensured its high popularity among other website formats as well. Today, the web design industry is backed by a high demand for WordPress development services. WordPress is used everywhere from personal blogs to e-commerce sites.


  • This is the most popular CMS: more than half of the users prefer WordPress. Perhaps this statistic is already strong evidence for the advantage of this system;
  • The widest set of plugins, themes, widgets for galleries, forums, multilingualism, various catalogs, stores, and so on;
  • WYSIWYG editor will make life easier for those who have problems with HTML markup and other languages;
  • Technical experience is not required. The admin panel is much simpler than other CMS: PHP and CSS files can be edited directly in the admin panel. For example, you can easily insert text from any text editor, unlike Drupal or Joomla;
  • Also WordPress is a pretty strong tool for developers and designers who create websites for clients.
  • The system gives a huge field for choice, so the main problem is how to use all its features correctly? This CMS will work much better if you customize the settings correctly;
  • If you are a beginner, you may encounter some installation problems, despite the popular belief that the installation process is the easiest.
The best solution:

This CMS can be the best option if you need an easily administrable website. Using this system provides a wide, but at the same time simple functionality. WordPress is ideal for news sites or blogs, but as we have already written, it is used for other types of sites as well.

Joomla: cute but small, like your brother's girlfriend

Joomla the next most popular CMS, which is used by 9% of users. It's somewhere between the rich features of developer-centric Drupal and the simplicity of WordPress, but with more development options. Despite this, Joomla has a user-friendly interface.


  • Although simple compared to Drupal, Joomla is a complete development tool;
  • Support for access control protocols (OpenID, LDAP, Gmail.com);
  • The presence of a convenient admin panel with a wide range of functions: templates, styles, menu management, and so on;
  • Easy installation process for experienced users;
  • And it's impossible to miss the fact that this CMS is quite beautiful.
  • The system is rather superficial and weak, despite all its versatility;
  • More paid plugins and themes than WordPress. Be prepared to pay;
  • For inexperienced users, it may seem that Joomla has a lot of unnecessary features, and for advanced users, it is too simple.
The best choice:

Joomla- it the best solution if you are looking for a CMS with advanced features and functionality. It provides a richer and more flexible website structure than WordPress.

You can use Joomla to create a corporate, community or e-commerce website.

Drupal: Strength and power!

About 7% of users prefer Drupal. Developers love its all-encompassing power and developer-friendly interface that allows you to create complex websites. And, like other "cool" tools, Drupal requires some technical skills that you could do without using Joomla or WordPress.


  • The presence of so-called hooks (hooks), which allow you to avoid almost any problems in the system;
  • The CCK and VIEWS modules allow you to construct arbitrary data types and display them;
  • With each new release, Drupal is getting easier to use;
  • This system is known for its Taxonomy module, which allows you to organize content by levels, features and categories;
  • Drupal has an active and large community;
  • A huge number of modules that will allow you to add a lot of features to the site, such as user blogs, OpenID, forums, profiles, and so on, increasing functionality.
  • Because of its complexity, Drupal is definitely not suitable for the inexperienced user. In order to customize modules in Drupal, additional programming skills are required. But you can hire a specialist for these purposes.
  • Drupal requires state of the art technical hardware, otherwise some performance issues may arise. So you need to make sure that your servers can handle the load of such a complex system.
The best solution:
  • It's a good but technically complex tool for building highly functional, versatile and rich websites.
  • Typically, Drupal is used for sites that require complex data organization: for forums, online stores, web blogs, corporate websites and communities.

vBulletin: Bull power for your forum!

This CMS is preferred by about 4% of users. But speaking of popularity, it is worth noting that this system has been losing its market position in recent years. vBulletin provides the user with tools for creating and administering forums and blogs.


  • vBulletin is an advanced and innovative solution for creating forums;
  • Wide range of blog plugins;
  • - Lots of skins and clean code;
  • Simple and nice admin panel;
  • A high level of security, thanks to which a large number of forums have been created on this platform;
  • Lots of SEO components.
  • This CMS is not free;
  • The system has a lot of options, which can be a problem for an inexperienced user;
  • If you need to import data from other bulletin boards, you will need to install a separate modification patch.
The best choice:

vBulletin is an advanced forum creation and content publishing tool. This is definitely a good solution if you decide to make a forum on your blog. vBulletin makes it easy to manage your website.

TYPO3: last but not the loser

TYPO3 used by 2% of websites using CMS. Demand for this system has grown significantly since the release of version 4. It is a professional and powerful tool, rich in various features and options.


  • The system provides a wide range of features that can be customized or extended;
  • Easy to install;
  • Effective management of content and graphic elements;
  • Improved login for users and administrators;
  • You can easily add content, pages, documentation, images, even if you are an inexperienced user who knows nothing about HTML and web markup.
  • Requires good hosting as the system is large;
  • TYPO3 is pretty hard to learn;
  • There are many holes in the code that the developers suggest to eliminate by hashing, but in fact this does not solve the problem in any way.
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  • Drupal,
  • joomla,
  • TYPO3
    • Translation

    In recent years, the Internet has taken the public by storm so rapidly that it has not only become a significant part of human life, but also a key factor in business development. The Internet plays an essential role and is a great help to companies in doing business and its development, gives bread to programmers, and is also an excellent means of communication for all people. But what would the Internet be without the so-called virtual information space? This space is made up of millions of websites.

    Whether you're a beginner with no knowledge of website building or a seasoned pro, you can become part of the virtual world by creating a website. There is only one big question - how? Naturally, you can hire a team of professional designers, programmers and SEO managers to bring your idea to life, or you can use CMS (content management system).

    Of the huge mass of websites that fill the Internet, about 31% use CMS. Below is a graph showing the historical evolution of the share of websites on CMS from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012. The graph shows a clear positive trend towards an increase in the share of sites with CMS, and all because these tools make your life easier. There are many CMS, and you can choose the most suitable for you, depending on the goals and specifics of your website.

    Figure 1 The dynamics of the use of CMS in websites for the period from September 1, 2011 to September 19, 2012.

    There are many reasons to create your own website. It can represent your business (corporate website), serve as an online store, be a social network, information portal, gallery, blog, forum, and so on. At the same time, as we have already said, there are many different CMS, each of which can be more or less useful for each type of site. It is worth mentioning that today the so-called open source CMS, that is, free ones, have become widespread. As a rule, these systems have quite powerful communities that ensure the constant development of CMS and filling them with various "features".

    In this article, we intend to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the five most popular CMS.. It is possible that this information will help you make the right decision when you want to create your own website. So...

    Figure 2 Percentage of use of different CMS

    The diagram shows the market shares of various CMS at the present stage. As we can see, over half of the CMS sites use WordPress. And now you will understand why.

    WordPress: Rules the Internet!

    It's hard to say something new about WordPress. This CMS initially established itself as an innovative blogging platform with high usability. But the development of the system's functionality has ensured its high popularity among other website formats as well. Today, the web design industry is backed by a high demand for WordPress development services. WordPress is used everywhere from personal blogs to e-commerce sites.


    • This is the most popular CMS: more than half of the users prefer WordPress. Perhaps this statistic is already strong evidence for the advantage of this system;
    • The widest set of plugins, themes, widgets for galleries, forums, multilingualism, various catalogs, stores, and so on;
    • WYSIWYG editor will make life easier for those who have problems with HTML markup and other languages;
    • Technical experience is not required. The admin panel is much simpler than in other CMS: PHP and CSS files can be edited directly in the admin panel. For example, you can easily paste text from any text editor, unlike Drupal or Joomla;
    • Also WordPress is a pretty strong tool for developers and designers who create websites for clients.
    • The system gives a huge field for choice, so the main problem is how to use all its features correctly? This CMS will work much better if you customize the settings correctly;
    • If you are a beginner, you may encounter some installation problems, despite the popular belief that the installation process is the easiest.
    The best solution:

    This CMS might be the best option if you need an easy to administer website. Using this system provides a wide, but at the same time simple functionality. WordPress is ideal for news sites or blogs, but as we have already written, it is used for other types of sites as well.

    Joomla: cute but small, like your brother's girlfriend

    Joomla the next most popular CMS, which is used by 9% of users. It's somewhere between the rich features of developer-centric Drupal and the simplicity of WordPress, but with more development options. Despite this, Joomla has a user-friendly interface.


    • Although simple compared to Drupal, Joomla is a complete development tool;
    • Support for access control protocols (OpenID, LDAP, Gmail.com);
    • The presence of a convenient admin panel with a wide range of functions: templates, styles, menu management, and so on;
    • Easy installation process for inexperienced users;
    • And it's impossible to miss the fact that this CMS is quite beautiful.
    • The system is rather superficial and weak, despite all its versatility;
    • More paid plugins and themes than WordPress. Be prepared to pay;
    • For inexperienced users, it may seem that Joomla has a lot of unnecessary features, and for advanced users, it is too simple.
    The best choice:

    Joomla is the best solution if you are looking for a CMS with advanced features and functionality. It provides a richer and more flexible website structure than WordPress.

    You can use Joomla to create a corporate, community or e-commerce website.

    Drupal: Strength and power!

    About 7% of users prefer Drupal. Developers love its all-encompassing power and developer-friendly interface that allows you to create complex websites. And, like other "cool" tools, Drupal requires some technical skills that you could do without using Joomla or WordPress.


    • The presence of so-called hooks (hooks), which allow you to avoid almost any problems in the system;
    • The CCK and VIEWS modules allow you to construct arbitrary data types and display them;
    • With each new release, Drupal is getting easier to use;
    • This system is known for its Taxonomy module, which allows you to organize content by levels, features and categories;
    • Drupal has an active and large community;
    • A huge number of modules that will allow you to add a lot of features to the site, such as user blogs, OpenID, forums, profiles, and so on, increasing functionality.
    • Because of its complexity, Drupal is definitely not suitable for the inexperienced user. In order to customize modules in Drupal, additional programming skills are required. But you can hire a specialist for these purposes.
    • Drupal requires state of the art technical hardware, otherwise some performance issues may arise. So you need to make sure that your servers can handle the load of such a complex system.
    The best solution:
    • It's a good but technically complex tool for building highly functional, versatile and rich websites.
    • Typically, Drupal is used for sites that require complex data organization: for forums, online stores, web blogs, corporate websites and communities.

    vBulletin: Bull power for your forum!

    This CMS is preferred by about 4% of users. But speaking of popularity, it is worth noting that this system has been losing its market position in recent years. vBulletin provides the user with tools for creating and administering forums and blogs.


    • vBulletin is an advanced and innovative solution for creating forums;
    • Wide range of blog plugins;
    • - Lots of skins and clean code;
    • Simple and nice admin panel;
    • A high level of security, thanks to which a large number of forums have been created on this platform;
    • Lots of SEO components.
    • This CMS is not free;
    • The system has a lot of options, which can be a problem for an inexperienced user;
    • If you need to import data from other bulletin boards, you will need to install a separate modification patch.
    The best choice:

    vBulletin is an advanced forum creation and content publishing tool. This is definitely a good solution if you decide to make a forum on your blog. vBulletin makes it easy to manage your website.

    TYPO3: last but not the loser

    TYPO3 used by 2% of websites using CMS. Demand for this system has grown significantly since the release of version 4. It is a professional and powerful tool, rich in various features and options.


    • The system provides a wide range of features that can be customized or extended;
    • Easy to install;
    • Effective management of content and graphic elements;
    • Improved login for users and administrators;
    • You can easily add content, pages, documentation, images, even if you are an inexperienced user who knows nothing about HTML and web markup.
    • Requires good hosting as the system is large;
    • TYPO3 is pretty hard to learn;
    • There are many holes in the code that the developers suggest to eliminate by hashing, but in fact this does not solve the problem in any way.
    • typo3
    • vbulletin
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    In the video, we will review the best CMS engines for 2017. These content management systems are in the TOP-5 around the world, they develop a huge number of sites from business cards to huge portals and services.

    We will spend comparative characteristics of their functional, we define the strong and weaknesses each of the engines and sum up their overall rating.

    A CMS review video will help a novice programmer or customer decide which system is ideal for him, and it will not be superfluous to understand their differences. After all, the success of the future site depends on the right choice of CMS, and the right functionality of the engine will ensure convenient and simple development of the resource.

    From the content of the article, you can objectively choose a suitable content management system for both a developer who plans to link his future career with programming, and a customer who wants to optimally choose a platform for their business processes. Well, if you already have a website on one of the CMS, then you will find out how correct your choice was, and so, let's go ...

    In order to choose for ourselves the engine that will optimally solve our problems, first of all, we will sort by popularity. Let's take a look at three popular services that provide such statistics, and select five top CMS systems for further comparison.

    1 - Service CMS Magazine

    1 service CMS Magazine resource offers a complete list of popular CMS in Russia. They can be sorted by TCI, total TCI, but to a greater extent we are interested in the amount of work performed on a particular CMS.

    So, in the Russian Runet, 1C-Bitrix leads quite by a wide margin. In addition, note that the figure is not quite small.

    The service collects statistics based on the market data of the CMS Magazine Web development service, in principle, it makes no sense to consider it, since this resource has been considered in more detail before.

    2 Ruward:Track service

    Let's move on to the next popular service Ruward:Track , 12 years of experience and over 600 projects. This is a major ranking of control systems recognized as reliable by the majority of developers.

    Collects analytics not only for CMS systems, but has a rating of other indicators. The rating results are presented for June 2015, of course, they are already a bit old, but I will leave links under the videos of these services, maybe you will watch and these indicators will be different, but now we focus on them.

    There are also statistics of popular and free CMS systems, and rightly so, since a large share of popularity is played by its availability to the end user.

    Of the free CMS, WordPress is in the lead, Joomla, which broke away from most engines, while the development trend of WordPress is obvious, but if you take the Russian Runet, Bitrix breaks out to the first positions.

    Let's use SEO-AUDITOR, this is the largest data collector using installed counters on sites such as Yandex.Metrika, LiveInternet, [email protected], Hotlog and a number of other services.

    We go down to the statistics of CMS systems, here we see a report for January 2016. which is fresher in relation to the track. We will select five top CMS.

    In principle, the statistics are similar, almost everywhere WordPress is in the lead, and this is not surprising given its popularity not only in Russian Runet, but also abroad. Then comes 1C-Bitrix, Joomla, Drupal and ends the MODx list of the top five CMS.

    In 2015, MODx was still leading the market, but in 2016 Drupal overtook it.

    To summarize, we have identified two main leaders - WordPress and 1C-Bitrix, as well as the other three, these are Joomla, Drupal and MODx, but how easy these platforms are to use, meet the basic requirements of consumers, and most importantly, are safe, read on ...

    Engine characteristics

    MODx content management system

    This system has two more modern versions, Evolution and Revolution, it serves as a good base for creating different types of store sites, portals, corporate sites, blogs. Such a content management system is strongly tied to layout. In the Revolution version, the developer can emphasize the object-oriented approach.

    The MODx system is free and quite flexible because a large number of modules can be implemented into it.

    The CMS itself is being developed in a decentralized manner. Of course, there is a command center, kernel programmers and all that, but the main thing in any CMS is extensions, and here they are written by users.

    MODx does not sell its add-ons through the official website or repository. All extensions are free, and on the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, there is no normal support, documentation, and no one guarantees the quality of extensions.

    As a result, we have a powerful popular system in which few people write add-ons professionally, do not guarantee their support, updates are not supported by developers. In general, if you decide to put decisions, then it is at your own peril and risk.

    Safety ModX Revolution much better than comparing with the same joomla. When installing it, we can change the entire folder structure with the Advanced package, even access to the admin panel, as a result, it is much more difficult for a potential hacker to decide what kind of CMS. It also has many security settings that help protect it from hacks.

    And yet it is difficult to administer, putting an image gallery on a page, displaying a menu using Wayfinder (vefender), or creating a “category blog” using getResourses (getresources) is not so easy to do. It takes a lot of time and effort for the average user to figure out how to create templates with chunks or call snippets.

    It is not demanding on the resources of the service, unlike Bitrix or Joomla, and this is its absolute plus.

    Drupal content management system

    Drupal- is a powerful open source CMS system. It is much easier to develop complex sites on it than to write them from scratch. The engine is very flexible and scalable.

    There are so many settings in the system itself that you can get confused. For developers, a great opportunity to form different types content, display a variety of fields from numerical parameters to video. Easily move blocks of content and the ability to create page templates, change tabs, and all this with a simple click of the mouse.

    Many modules have been written for Drupal, you can create different types projects from blogs and personal pages to social networks and corporate sites, huge portals.

    A well-thought-out and flexible architecture in the engine makes it possible to expand existing functionality and integrate with third-party services.

    Drupal is several times more complicated than joomla and MODx, for inexperienced developers it can be difficult to understand and complex system. The engine is aimed at professional developers, for this reason there are few bugs in it.

    Support from developers is carried out, as in MODx, the engine develops in a decentralized manner. There is also a programmers command center and all that, but extensions are written separately.

    Drupal's main advantage is that it's free. Therefore, you do not have to rack your brains over choosing the right one for you. financial opportunity assembly. You can always scale the process according to the tasks of your business.

    The CMS itself requires a lot of resources, but what we have to enter under the word A LOT, if earlier the hardware on which Drupat was installed was considered high and expensive, now they are almost the minimum configuration of the Web service and today is the standard of most hosting.

    Joomla content management system

    Platform Joomla is universal. With it, you can create both a small forum and a huge store. During the installation of the engine, all the functionality is installed without bells and whistles, which is very convenient for creating small sites.

    For this content management system, many ready-made extensions are implemented, which are mostly distributed free of charge, there are also paid extensions. The variety of templates, modules and add-ons is an absolute plus that every novice developer will appreciate.

    No service technical support developers of the platform itself, the CMS is developed by the user community.

    Many argue that joomla has security issues. You won’t deny it, but here is the fact that users themselves sometimes endanger projects by installing dubious extensions on the site, it’s not clear who wrote it and where it was taken, such a moment needs to be taken into account. On the other hand, the developers of the engine could have foreseen how it was done in 1C-Bitrix. The solution is published on the official source, and it would be checked by the platform developers.

    A simple site administration panel and a lot of useful functionality can be implemented with two mouse clicks, this is definitely a plus. With an integrated approach, this engine is easier to master than Drupal and MODx, but it still requires preliminary study, like any CMS in principle.

    The main PLUS can be noted that it is free, does not contain closed components and is distributed with open source. The only restriction is that you cannot change the joomla copyright and change the distribution license. However, you can simply hide this "Powered by Joomla" label.

    And yet, one cannot note a minus in terms of its “voracity” in relation to northern resources (load on the server and consumption random access memory). But if you correctly approach the settings, you can close this gap.

    The popularity of Joomla is due to its many advantages, which in turn are confirmed by thousands of users. The system allows you to implement any projects and does not require highly specialized professional knowledge.

    Content management system 1C-Bitrix

    1C-Bitrix- suitable for almost any project, it can be implemented as a one-pager and a large Internet portal.

    The product architecture implements the MVC principle, separation of logic from presentation. The structure is managed through infoblocks, they are comparable to a database, each infoblock is a kind of box that we can customize exactly for the information we want to store in it. The entire visual part is located separately, which gives flexibility in managing the design of the site.

    There are additional extensions, both free and paid. All extensions are in the Marketplace store, by purchasing a solution we get developer support and feedback.

    Bitrix technical support quickly solves problems, there is documentation and training material on managing the engine for both the user and the developer. Bitrix has its own community of developers, forums, blogs, where they will help to solve certain problems.

    A high degree of protection of the platform itself is provided by the built-in proactive protection module, it includes two-step authorization, session protection, IP restrictions, and many additional features that will not allow you to hack the site just like that.

    Sections and pages of the site have a clear structure, implemented on the principle of folders and files as on a computer. Thanks to Hermitage technology, it is possible to edit pages, change site settings directly through the visual part of the site, without going to the administrative section, which greatly simplifies its administration.

    Probably the most important disadvantage of this CMS is its cost, rather, not from cheap pleasures, each edition has its own price, but also, accordingly, wider functionality. It is desirable to renew the license annually in order to receive actual updates and still glad of her chips.

    The resource engine itself is expensive, it requires certain server settings, and it all depends on how big and visited your project will be, since compared to other engines, setting similar projects, the server must be much more powerful.

    WordPress content management system

    WordPress– this CMS was designed for creating blogs. Later, the content management system became easily updated and maintained. The system is very convenient to use in terms of backend and frontend connection, but we do not recommend using WordPress to create online stores, because this is not the intended use of this system.

    Modular programming helps to implement different site page designs, both for categories and individual posts. If you compare it with other competitors, then Joomla is less flexible, and Drupal requires more in-depth programming knowledge. The flexibility of WordPress is a definite plus.

    Due to the popularity of WordPress, it has formed a fairly large community and, as a result, a huge number of free and paid plugins have been developed, there are many themes to expand the boxed functionality. Which is an indisputable plus for a person who is starting to work with this engine.

    In case of any difficulties or gaps in its development, the network has a huge amount of materials, blogs, forums where they will quickly help you, but the minus is that this CMS does not have a developer support service, and it’s understandable why, because it is free and it is its most basic advantage among paid engines.

    Introducing its popularity, WordPress is the target of constant attacks, both for hackers and spammers. They can not only clog comments, but also infect the site with viruses. On the this moment this problem is significantly solved, but security sometimes suffers evenly.

    understandable and user-friendly interface, for the end user who develops a site on this platform, it is easier to deal with the admin panel than on the same drupal or joomla. It is enough to know the main points of system management and there will be no problems with the publication of posts, this is an obvious plus. According to analysts, this is the secret of the popularity of this CMS.

    WordPress is completely free and open source. We can modify the engine, make our own changes to its structure and this will not violate its license.

    This engine is not demanding on the server and its technical specifications. For trouble-free, stable operation, any server that has MySQL and support for several php modules is suitable, besides, any modern hosting will pull it out without problems, even for free. Let's put a plus, but do not forget that the installation a large number plugins will cause server load, as a result of which the provider can simply disable hosting for your site.

    I would like to add that a competent approach and subject-specific training are important in any business. It won’t work, just use one or another engine without mastering elementary things. Any project is a kind of huge work, and here I have only told about one of the stages. And it's far from the most important. Much more important is the ability to correctly use this tool.

    Summing up

    Remember that there are no ideal web development systems, the main thing to pay attention to is their development trend, and from this, therefore, the system will improve both for developers and strive to make life easier for the customer themselves.

    And you can end there. Other engines that are not included in the top 5 are less popular or significantly limited in functionality. I don't see the point in talking about them. Of course, my opinion can be overly subjective, so you should choose an engine based on your preferences and practical experience. I don't want to be wrong about this!

    Write in the comments what CMS you have and whether it fully satisfies you. If you liked the video, share it on social networks, put your finger up, Denis was with you, see you soon.

    The article was updated on 01/18/2018 and is fully up to date.
    Almost every beginner faced the issue of choosing a CMS for their website or blog. It is understandable, because it is impossible to know everything in advance. And a lot of different content management systems have already appeared. This review contains only free solutions. They are in no way inferior to paid counterparts, and sometimes even compare favorably against their background. After all, it is much easier to make amendments to open source, therefore, all vulnerabilities found are fixed faster. And also all new and bold ideas are the first to appear here.

    To begin with, it is necessary to conditionally divide the systems according to their orientation. There are CMS dedicated exclusively to creating blogs, as well as more flexible systems, allowing you to create full-fledged sites and media portals. At the same time, blogging systems can be designed to create a whole series of projects, for example, for an entire enterprise. It is also worth noting the platform development period (the longer it is, the better the system is developed and contains fewer errors), the presence of a community (it will help if you encounter difficulties in installing, debugging or using the system), performance (not all systems are suitable for high-load projects). So, Now let's look at each CMS in more detail.

    Official site .

    This is one of the fairly old and well-established engines. It is great for e-commerce and online sales. Many plugins, such as VirtueMart, allow you to open a store very quickly and in a short time. True, in order to understand everything from scratch, you will have to sit a little behind the manuals, reading the documentation and forums. Fortunately, Joomla has very good support and a huge community in several languages, including Russian.

    The advantages of the system can be safely attributed to the presence of the following functions "out of the box":

    • user authentication, including through OpenID;
    • visual editor of articles;
    • convenient file management;
    • comment system and protection against spam in them;
    • plugin and extension manager.

    In fact, there are many more advantages, it is very difficult to simply list all of them in one article. That is why it occupies a leading position in the ratings and tops of CMS. But, it was not without its drawbacks: due to its flexibility and many settings, a beginner will have to spend more than one day to understand all this diversity. Also, its functionality may be redundant for many simple business card sites. But it is suitable for online stores and showcases of goods.


    Official site .

    Not so long ago, a rather old CMS - TYPO3 - began to gain popularity on the Internet, and now it is firmly seated in the TOP 5. The site structure here is represented by a tree of pages. Each of them can have standard elements content: text, pictures, tables, etc. This content management system is based on templates that you can either download ready-made or write your own in TypoScript.

    TYPO3 pros:

    • the ability to fine-tune user rights;
    • ease of maintaining several sites at the same time;
    • the ability to use extensions from TER (TYPO3 extension repository);
    • high safety requirements;
    • advanced text editor with spell check, preview, change history.

    The disadvantages of this system:

    • the complexity of editing the site structure using a template engine;
    • slow rendering of large pages with a variety of content (tables, pictures);
    • few ready-made solutions for online stores

    Recommended for use inside large industrial companies and banks. Young and small sites will most likely not be suitable, or the development and support costs will be incommensurable with the benefits of using it.


    Official site .

    Also a very popular and widespread CMS, which is used to create websites by very large enterprises, such as Sony Music. They choose Drupal because of the large set of features for building internal and external sites at once for corporate network. There is a huge database of tools for managing a single user base. Well suited for organizing a system of blogs, forums. Drupal has a very active developer community, a huge knowledge base, and a lively forum. It's easy enough to find answers to questions about installing, deploying sites and modules.

    Advantages of Drupal:

    • excellent support from the user and developer community;
    • more than 6000 modules that facilitate the expansion of functionality;
    • easy to manage user rights, create collective blogs and forums.

    System disadvantages:

    • can be overly complex for simple sites;
    • total lack of beautiful and functional themes;
    • difficulty in mastering for an unprepared user.

    For business card sites, choosing this CMS is categorically not recommended, but for organizing medium and large portals, where users will add their material and comment on it, Drupal is suitable like no other.


    Official site .

    One of the youngest CMS (developed since 2004), which appeared at the very beginning of the formation of the so-called Web 2.0. The idea was to involve users in editing and adding content to the site. For example, writing reviews, testimonials, and even entire articles. Therefore, there is good system user registration, site search on AJAX (without reloading the page), you can quickly deploy a news feed, a collective blog. The disadvantages include frequent problems with the Russian encoding, which have not been fully resolved, although they appeared a very long time ago; lack of ready-made modules and solutions for organizing a gallery, a forum, an electronic store.


    Official site .

    If anyone else doubts that WordPress has long outgrown the “blogging system” stage, then these doubts should be discarded. A great variety of sites are being developed on this CMS, including social networks, company sites, online stores and product showcases, forums, as well as simple business card sites.

    Thanks to thousands pre-made themes, plugins and even ready-made builds for different needs, WordPress takes a well-deserved place in the TOP 5. There is an active developer community that generates lessons and information materials.

    Pros of WordPress:

    • large developer community and well-structured documentation;
    • thousands of free plugins and themes for the site;
    • convenient admin.

    Disadvantages of WordPress

    • the starting functionality immediately after installation is quite modest, you need to supplement it with at least 4-5 plugins;
    • after a simple installation, a refinement in terms of security is needed.

    In fact, this is one of the simplest and most loyal to beginners system. It allows you to create websites without understanding anything in programming (read mine). Highly recommended as a first CMS. In the future, if its functionality is limited for you, then you can easily transfer the site to another engine of your choice.
    [ In most cases, it is these 5 CMS that I reviewed in this article that occupy the top.

    When answering the question “what CMS to choose for the site”, you should pay attention to the fact that popular engines are constantly under attack. Their code is open for use by everyone, including not entirely honest people who can look for vulnerabilities in it and use them for their own selfish purposes. The danger can be avoided if the engine is timely updated to latest version. At the same time, if you use a less common content management system, then if you encounter difficulties, you may not find help anywhere and you can only rely on yourself. Consider this factor as well. Good luck!