Privacy policy and terms of use. Information from other sources

Our services can be used different ways– seek and disseminate information, communicate with people, and create new information. When you provide us with data, such as by registering for a Google account, we use it to improve our services. With this data, we show you more relevant search results and ads, facilitate your communication, and enable you to share information quickly and easily . At the same time, we want you to be clear about how your data is used and how you can protect its privacy.

The privacy policy explains:

  • what data we collect and why;
  • how we use the data we collect;
  • what options exist for accessing data and updating it.

We've tried to keep the information as simple as possible, but if you don't know what a cookie, IP address, pixel tag, or browser is, check out the list of basic terms first. Google takes your privacy seriously, so whether you're new or experienced user Please be sure to read our rules. If you have any questions, please visit this page.

What information do we collect

We collect information to help improve our services, starting with language settings and ending with more complex things like or people on the internet.

We collect information from two sources:

    Information from users. To use many of our services, you must have a Google Account. When creating it, we ask you for personal data, such as name, address Email, phone number or credit card details . Those who want to use all the possibilities sharing, we also ask that you create a public Google profile where you can enter your name and add a photo.

    From the services you work with. We collect information about how and which services you use. This happens when you, for example, visit websites advertised in AdWords or AdMob, or view and interact with our ads or content. This data includes the following:

    • Cookies and anonymous identifiers

      To receive and record data on how Google services, we and our partners use different technologies. Some of them send data to the user's device: one or more cookies or anonymous identifiers. This data is also required when the user interacts with services for our partners. It can be AdWords, AdMob or Google features hosted on third party websites.

How we use the collected data

The data we collect helps us maintain, protect, improve our existing services, create new ones, and keep Google and our users safe. Among other things, this data is needed to more accurately personalize content, including improving the relevance of search results and displayed ads.

The name that a user enters on their Google profile can be used on all of our services that require a Google Account. However, any previous names associated with your Google Account may be changed to ensure the consistency of our services. If your email address or other identifying information is already known to other people, they will also be able to find your public google profile, including name and photo.

When you contact Google, your messages may be saved so that we can resolve the issue faster. We occasionally send email notifications to users about upcoming changes or improvements to the services.

Data collected through cookies, web beacons and other technologies improves the functionality and overall quality of our services. For example, knowing the language preferences of users, we will offer them to use the services in these languages. When choosing personalized advertising, we do not associate information from cookies or anonymous identifiers with highly personal data such as race, religion, sexual orientation or health status.

How to find and change your personal information

If Google is involved in a merger, acquisition or sale of assets, we will continue to maintain the confidentiality of all personal data. We will also notify all interested users that their personal data will be disclosed or are now subject to a different privacy policy.

Data protection

We do our best to protect Google and our users from unauthorized attempts to access, modify, disclose or destroy the data we hold. In particular, we do the following:

  • We actively use SSL encryption in our services.
  • We provide two-step authentication to access Google account and function Safe Browsing v Google browser Chrome.
  • We are constantly improving the way we collect, store and process data, including physical security measures, to counter unauthorized access to our systems.
  • We restrict access to personal data to our employees, contractors and agents, as well as impose strict contractual obligations on them, for the violation of which serious liability and penalties are provided.

When does this privacy policy apply?

Our privacy policy applies to all services provided by by Google and its subsidiaries, including services available on third-party sites (such as advertising), but not those that have their own policies that are not based on this one.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to services provided by other companies or individuals (including products or sites that may appear in search results), sites that use Google services, or other resources to which we link. Also, the privacy policy does not cover the information practices of third-party companies and organizations that advertise our services and use technologies such as cookies, pixel tags, etc. to display relevant ads.

Compliance with the law and cooperation with government authorities

We regularly check how the privacy policy is observed by us. In addition, we use several self-monitoring systems. When we receive a written complaint, we contact the complainant and look into the issue. If we are unable to resolve any issue regarding the transfer of personal data directly with the user, we will seek assistance from local government agencies relevant profile, including authorities with competence in the field of personal data protection.


Our privacy policy may change from time to time. However, we will never restrict the rights of users without their express consent. All privacy policy updates are reflected on this page, and the most significant ones are announced separately (in the case of some services, by e-mail). In addition, for the convenience of users, all previous versions of this document are archived.

Which unscrupulous site owners can use for personal gain. And let this information be minimal, but the very fact that mailbox full of spam with a wide variety of offers, suggests that the privacy policy on some site is a little lame.

Legal basis

Not so long ago, the privacy policy for the site was something completely incomprehensible and optional. But the legislative framework has changed the view on the privacy of personal data of Internet users.

Today, there are laws that regulate the activities of most resources that work with personal information. In Ukraine, this is the law "On the Protection of Personal Data", in the Russian Federation - "On Personal Data". These regulatory documents establish that any personal information collected, including by sites, should not fall to third parties.

In addition, the resource is obliged to inform for what purpose the information is being collected, how it will be used and how the owner will protect it from getting to third parties. This document, referred to as the "Data Privacy Policy", must be published in an accessible form and in a conspicuous place so that anyone who accesses the site can read it before leaving any information about themselves.

What data is covered by the privacy policy?

We will answer immediately: to everything. On the Internet, people leave a variety of information about themselves during registration on sites: from name to card number or All this is considered secret information that should not fall into the hands of third parties. And if everything is not so scary with the name, since you can’t check it in any way, then bank details are secret information, the disclosure of which can cause financial losses on the part of the user.

When collecting any data about a person visiting your site, remember that the name, surname, patronymic, address, date of birth and even the dog's name are secret information that a person shares with you in order to receive the service you offer at the proper level. If such information falls into third hands, the credibility of your resource drops. In addition, it may give rise to legal action for

Why is information collection necessary?

The Internet is replete with many interesting sites, but a person often loses an interesting resource as soon as he closes a tab in his browser. To prevent this from happening, site owners collect data about visitors in order to periodically remind themselves of news and interesting promotional offers. Google's privacy policy is an example of how to integrate multiple resources owned by the same company. So, leaving their personal data, the user will meet them on related sites. This is done in order to meet the needs of people as much as possible.

Retaining visitors and satisfying their needs - for these purposes, sites collect email addresses and names. In online stores, everything is a little more complicated, since a person will need to complete a financial transaction. Therefore, more data will be required here, but the privacy policy for the site should also be stricter.

Rules for compiling a document

To begin with, it should be clear that a privacy policy is a legal document that has undergone expert analysis by specialized specialists, confirming the right of the site owner to collect, process and store personal data of Internet users.

Therefore, the preparation of the document carries a great responsibility and must be strictly observed according to the rules. Fortunately, there are no clear regulations on what and how to write. But there are still some features.

The style of presentation should be official and businesslike, since this is a legal document that can be taken into consideration even if it is necessary to submit all information in a clear and understandable language. A correct document is one that does not contain any ambiguous or not entirely clear language.

A good website privacy policy, a sample of which should be familiar to the owner of any Internet resource, is concise and not voluminous. It is not necessary to paint to the smallest detail how personal information will be processed and stored. But also reduce important points also not recommended.

Stages of compilation

To ensure that your privacy policy, the text of which is located on the site, is understandable and logical, first study the legal framework in order to know what you are entitled to and what it is better to refrain from.

It is better to look at samples of this document on authoritative resources owned by serious companies. The fact is that in them, according to the state, it is supposed to have a lawyer who draws up such documents.

Write down all the points that you need to include in the document. At the same time, at the initial stage, try to do it without prompts and outside help. Clearly describe when and how you will use the data received, how a person can require you to destroy information about yourself.

It is important to indicate your responsibility, if suddenly the information gets to third parties. It’s also better to include a clause about what will happen to the data if the site is sold. If you use third-party resources, such as payment systems, for example, do not forget to mention this as well, since your users' data will also need to be indicated there.

Re-read the finished document and compare it with the samples, correct it and publish it in the most prominent place on the site.

Qualified help

Of course, privacy experts know best. If your resource requires the collection of a large amount of information about customers, it is recommended that you contact them for help. For a simple site, a typical document is sufficient, which guarantees that its email address will not fall into the hands of third parties. For online stores and serious portals, it is better to play it safe from all sides, especially if you have to deal with rather personal information. Lawyers will quickly and easily create such a document that will affect all areas of your activity, make sure that there are no ambiguous expressions and gaps in the privacy policy.

Having paid once to a professional, you guarantee yourself an absolutely legal activity related to the databases of personal customer data. And user confidence will increase in the company that has a real document, and not a note like “I won’t tell anyone. Honestly!".

Conversion and privacy policy

Even the simplest privacy policy, a sample of which is on every site, helps to increase the conversion of the resource if it is well-written. These are the results of a study by one of the marketers who does testing. He found that the expression of guarantees that personal information will not get to third parties and will not be misused increased people's trust by almost 20%. On the scale of several thousand visitors a day, this is not a small indicator at all.

But, mentioning the guarantee of non-disclosure of data, you should avoid words with negative associations. In the study, it was the word "spam". After seeing it, almost 19% of people refused to leave their data on the site.

The guarantee of the safety of personal data always increases the credibility of the site. This is very important, because the Internet is a place where there are a lot of scammers, and it is not so easy to prove to people that the site is honest.

Who needs this document?

Ideally, everyone should have a privacy policy for the site. A sample drawn up by a competent lawyer will become the basis of a document that is a guarantee of user safety. But first of all, online stores should take care of it and social networks which have large databases. Also, do not forget about the document informational and educational resources, for which a very important element of activity is sending by e-mail. Simple sites can do without a privacy policy only if they do not collect information. Otherwise, you can run into a lawsuit.

Legal Consequences

In fairness, it should be said that the privacy policy is the most "dead" section of any site. Only a few users read it before taking any action. But it is very important, because it insures the owner of the resource from possible litigation.

Many samples have a clause indicating that the person automatically agrees to the terms of the document at the time they send their data to you. If there is no document on the site at all regulating your activities with personal information, this means that its owner can be sued for disclosing this very information. Therefore, by publishing the terms of the privacy policy on the site, you assure users that you will treat their data responsibly, and at the same time insure yourself against unnecessary red tape.

Please read the privacy policy of https://website
  1. By using the website, you agree to the following privacy policy. If you do not agree with any of the points, please refrain from using the site.
  2. When posting comments on the site, in order to protect against spam and illegal actions of users, as well as for feedback with them, the database stores the username you specify (any name can be used, including "disappear"), email address and IP address of the user. Data is not provided to third parties, except in cases where this is provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation. The site also saves a cookie (a small text file) to your computer so that you can see the comment you leave before it is approved by the administrator (if you disable saving cookies, comments will "disappear" until they are checked and approved).
  3. When subscribing to the site's mailing list, your email address is stored in the Google Feedburner database ( and serves to send site news to the site. The address is not passed on to third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking Unsubscribe Now in a mailing letter or by sending a request to the author of the site.
  4. Third party providers of advertising on the site, including Google ( and Ad network Yandex ( may use cookies stored on the user's computer and display advertisements based on stored cookies and/or your search history. You have the option to disable the use of cookies in your browser settings or on the websites of advertising providers. Google and Yandex have their own privacy policy, which is worth reading: Google Privacy Policy, Yandex Privacy Policy.
  5. Since May 25, 2018, ads personalization cookies for visitors from the EU are not used (non-personalized ads are shown) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  6. You can at any time request that any information about you be removed from the site's database or mailing list using the contact form.
  7. Website visitor statistics data providers ( Google Analytics, Livinternet) can also store in their databases data about the IP addresses of visitors, cookies or other non-personal information (for example, search terms by which the user came to the site).
  8. Anonymized information about visitors may be stored in the logs of the site's hosting provider.
  9. To clarify any details about the privacy policy, you can contact the author of the site using the address specified in the section.
Terms of Use
  1. All information on the site is personal experience and opinion of the author. The author does not guarantee that when using the described methods and recommendations, the result will be similar to that stated in the articles.
  2. The author is not responsible if the actions described in the articles on the site lead to any undesirable results, but he is ready to help with advice if this happens.
  3. Copying and reproduction of text and graphic materials is not allowed without prior agreement with the author.