Sabvofofer concept VSD 10 or. We make a powerful subwoofer and install it in the car do it yourself: instructions, tips

Buying a good amplifier and the subwoofer for a car can pull a few hundred dollars. On the other hand, if you have at least initial knowledge in electronics, you can do all this with your own hands. And the simplest version of the automotive amplifier for the subwoofer is a multiplely proven scheme for the UMR TDA1562.

Here specifications TDA1562 microcircuits:
Supply voltage - 8..18V;
Peak output current - 10a;
Current in rest mode - 0,15a;
Load resistance - 4 ohms;
Output power, with harmonic coefficient
-0.03% - 1 W
-0.06% - 20 W
-0.5% - 55 W
-10% - 70 W
Voltage gain - 26 dB
Range of reproducible frequencies - 16 ... 2000 Hz
Input resistance - 10 com
The price of TDA1562 is approximately 6th.

This microcircuit is with a volt tailor, the essence of which is reduced to the fact that when playing sound signals, High output power is required for a short period of time, and the rest of the time the output power remains small. Therefore, while the output power does not exceed 18W, the device functions as an ordinary UHH with power from 12V source. When the output power is exceeded 18W, the internal supply voltage increases briefly with the help of the converter in which the volt supplied capacitors are included. Such a solution allows you to get a large peak power on the load with a standard power supply of the auto-12B.

The contact of the contacts is carried out by the translation of the microcircuit from the duty regime into a working and vice versa. The amplifier is not recommended to connect to subwoofers with built-in filters containing significant containers. The TDA1562 chip is quite sensitive to power voltage, so do not apply on it more than 18V. Develops the output power 70W on the load 4Ω with diet from a unipolar source with a voltage of 15V.

Use thick wires for mounting the chips, as there is a current consumption of up to 10 amps. This also applies to the wires going to the dynamics of the subwoofer, because even a small increase in line resistance will lead to loss of power.

A homemade subwoofer amplifier chip must be installed on a heat sink of at least 500 cm2. As a radiator, you can use a metal housing or chassis of a car. As an option, you can use forced by blowing the chip 12-volt cooler from.

The case of the subwoofer is made of sufficient thickness from the fiberboard - so as not to have a bounce and pride. Outside, glue it with a soft cloth for vibration absorption. As connectors, we use standard tulips and spring pedal.

For the indication of the subwoofer modes serve two. Green shows the supply of the supply voltage of 12V on the circuit, and the red signals about overloads and triggered protection in TDA1562

12V nutrition must be screwed with screws - to improve contact and reduce losses. Tests of the finished subwoofer showed that the sound is not worse than branded sabs of the average price range, and it is quite possible to collect a good bass - a system in a car for just 35 and two evenings. Material sent - in_sane

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Amplifier for a subwoofer is a necessary part of a good speaker system. Without it, it is impossible to achieve normal reproduction low frequencies. However, buying this device is not necessary: \u200b\u200bhaving sufficient knowledge in electronics - it can be made independently.

How the sound is played - and why do you need a subwoofer with an amplifier?

To begin with, it should be remembered why the amp is required for a subwoofer. The subwoofer itself is a separate acoustic element (and simply speaking - speaker), designed to play low frequencies. It is not the necessary detail: good and large columns are quite capable of high quality reproduce sounds from 20 to 120 Hz on their own. However, such columns have two inevitable drawbacks:

  1. Dimensions. Against banal physics will not object: the lower the frequency - the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe radiating the sound of the element should be. By the way, that is why the ultrasound generator can be issued as a keychain, but for infrasound, the device is already required for several times a few meters. If we are talking about automotive acoustics - then two (for stereo sound) such columns in the cabin usually simply have nowhere to put.
  2. Price. Good speakers that optimally reproduce all frequencies, cost a lot and not everyone by pocket.

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The best way out here is to highlight low frequencies on separate elementwhich can be placed anywhere. The physiology of hearing in humans is such that the sounds from the subwoofer are not recorded in the direction, and there will be no stereo visation.

The subwoofers themselves are divided into two types:

  • passive, powered by system audio outputs, as ordinary speakers;
  • active, equipped with its own amplifier, where from the playback system requires only to send a signal - and the energy on the "split" diffuser will go from a separate source.

The first type is good because it does not require additional devices - However, the massive diffuser of low frequencies "eatens" a fair part of the power. In the end, or the bass do not really reproduce, or the high frequencies sound "fall" and dirty. That is why for high-quality sound it is best to use the subwoofers of active type with an amplifier.

Types of amplifiers suitable for installation in the car

In practice, the amplifier for the subwoofer in the car can relate to one of the following types:

  • Mono - nourishes one speaker, that is, only the subwoofer itself. The remaining speakers are satisfied with the signal from the audio output of the radio.
  • Two-channel - energy goes to two ordinary speakers and one subwoofer.
  • Four-channel - supplies two low-frequency and four ordinary speakers.

More complex systems designed for a large number of sounding elements like a car
Power amplifier for subwoofer is impractical and almost never used.

In addition, you can choose the power of the amplifier for the subwoofer. In relation to the power of the Sab (RMS), they are divided into the following types:

  1. Lower power. It is not recommended because it will not fully use the capabilities of acoustics.
  2. RMS equal. Safe for Saba, but not automotive. The fact is that the voltage of the usual on-board network with 12 volt outputs may vary. If there will be more electrical appliances while working amplifier, the system will easily go into the clip. This term designate the situation when the amplifier is trying to get more voltage than in the power system. A clippoint signal is a quick death of the sound column.
  3. Exceeding RMS. There are swelling stones here: if you constantly listen to the "heavy" music with an abundance of low frequencies - such an amplifier is also Sab Sabit. However, with careful use, this option is still the safest.

Is it possible to make a simple amplifier for a subwoofer with your own hands?

Usually, the sound amplifier for the subwoofer is purchased in specialized stores. However, this is absolutely not necessary. Possessing certain knowledge of electrical engineering and skills of working with a soldering iron, you can collect almost any design yourself. With modern availability, microcircuits and transistors acquire any details simple.

In order to make an amplifier for a subwoofer with your own hands, you will need:

  • chip;
  • resistors;
  • capacitors;
  • transistors.

Depending on the scheme used, additional elements may be required (for example, a ready or self-made transformer), but the simple amplifier for the subwoofer these parts should be enough.

12 volt auto secreter diagram

In order to collect an amplifier, you must first decide on the scheme for it. There are several options here:

The easiest option based on the TDA1562 chip. Her advantages:

  • ease of installation;
  • low power consumption.

The disadvantage of the scheme is that the power of over 50 watts will not stretch out of it.

A more complex scheme of the amplifier for the subwoofer is an option based on TDA7294. It includes a converter for a subwoofer and a NC filter mounted on a common printed circuit board.

Finally, here is a scheme that allows you to collect an amplifier for a subwoofer 1000W on the basis of TDA2500. Two channels approximately by kilowatt for each. However, this option is recommended to be used only in extreme cases: in order to use such a powerful amplifier for the subwoofer, you will have to additionally solve food problems.

Finally, a slightly simpler amplifier for the subwoofer 800w. Here is the diagram of its power:

How to collect an amplifier?

For reliability and compactness, assembly installation must be done on pCB. This will require:

  • A computer.
  • The program "Sprint-Layout" (or similar) for calculating and designing boards.
  • Laser printer.
  • Foil textolite.
  • Chlorine iron solution.

The sequence of actions here will be as follows:

  1. The program creates a circuit board.
  2. The board is printed using laser printer. It is extremely desirable to use the photo paper and the corporate cartridge - the toner density can be too low. It should be approximately the following:
  1. The resulting pattern is neatly cut along the contour and is superimposed on the textolite billet. The billet before it should be shaken by shallow sandpaper (in order to remove the oxides) and degreased with acetone. Then covered down the paper sheet of paper is stroken by a hot iron. This is the most responsible operation, the quality of the board depends on it. In proper work, it turns out a workpiece with a toner wiring pattern. Temperature must be maximized so that the toner is re-melted and bought to foil.
  2. The billet cooled after the iron is soaked in water, after which it is carefully removed by the splashing paper.
  3. Figure is checked. If some elements are not pricked, they can be drawn by a permanent marker. However, it is not necessary to abuse this: the marker is not so reliable as toner.
  4. Then the workpiece is rushing in the chlorine gland. As a result, it turns out a clean textolite with copper, preserved only where it was protected by a layer of toner or marker.

On the resulting card, you can already mount the chip and other parts in accordance with the selected design. But before this you need to decide on the meal. Here you will need a computer and a program to calculate transformers: it is necessary to transform 12 to convert at least 80. After calculating the winding is mounted on the core with the insulation of each layer. An excellent option for a homemade car subwoofer is the use of old transformers from the TV with an appropriate overtake of the winding.

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Last queue Mounted Filter LF. Without it, high frequency signals will go on Sab - and then the use of a subwoofer is meaningless. The filter is mounted as well as the other parts of the amplifier, and then you can proceed to testing on the onboard network and the radio.

Important: When testing the amplifier, it is necessary to connect it only through resistors and an incandescent lamp! Otherwise, there is a risk to burn details even before the design is ready.

Installing the amplifier into the housing and the use of wires

After the electronic part is ready, you need to think about the case and wires for nutrition and signals. There are many options for execution depending on which materials are available. In particular, you can use:

  • phaneur;
  • aluminum profile;
  • Fiberboard, etc.

Separately, you need to take care of the wires. They must be qualitatively measured to avoid electromagnetic filing and signal distortion.

In this article, consider in detail how to make a subwoofer do it yourself, if not professional knowledge In the field of electroacastics and there is no desire to use previously unknown and incomprehensible schemes, although of course some measurements still have to do.

What is a subwoofer and for what purposes is it used?

The subwoofer in the people is called simply subwoofer, and if you translate this word literally, then it sounds quite funny - the boa. In fact, this is the real bass speaker, characterized by a low frequency, decorated in a special box with an extremely complex device.

Today, if you see a photo of a subwoofer with your own hands, then you can see that they are used in a huge number of different places, ranging from simple household situations when it is installed at home and ending with today, many use Saves in their cars.

If you manage to find a good sabwofer drawing and make it properly, it can definitely be taken in almost any complexity of the AC, since it is precisely the playback of the NF is one of the most difficult points in the world of electrical panels.

It is only important that the subwoofer scheme fully meets your idea of \u200b\u200bperfect acoustics.

A little about bass

Reproduction of various bass in principle is a rather difficult process. In general, the LF region absolutely any spectrum of the existing waves of sound differs depending on its psycho-physiological strong impact on several areas.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a bass, truly high-quality dynamics, and subsequently the box for a subwoofer managed to perform quickly enough, first of all, it is necessary to mean their key value and the corresponding boundaries.


For various types of winds in specially renovated for musical instruments, there is a significant impact on how sound will be subject to the voice. It is for the sounds of nature and various technogenic cataclysms, such as unexpected explosions, quite strong sub-use components are characteristic.

It is worth noting that most people are subbasy or not hear at all, or hear, but not good enough. For example, if the filtering is fundamentally different in the nature of the sounds of the nuclear explosion and a strong hurricane, like a tornado in the tropics from everything, with the exception of subabases, then with one hundred percent confidence it can be said that it is unlikely that someone from the students will be able to understand that same is actually happening.

It is for this reason that the subwoofer for the house almost everything is optimized solely on Midbas.

How to choose a speaker?

When choosing, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the full calculation of the entire acoustic design is always made only according to the known parameters of the Tila-Small.

When creating a good subwoofer, it is important for its own only to take into account the absolute state of the head on its main resonant frequency. This is due to the fact that it takes the choice of an ideal version for future acoustic design.


If you are interested in car subwoofers, then in this case it is necessary to have necessarily in mind that they are most often installed either directly under the driver's seat, or in the trunk compartment.

When placed by the second option, the autosabvofer may take quite a lot of useful space, so it is not so often resorted to it. However, in the case of placing a subwoofer under the seat, some risks arise related, for example, with the fact that it is easy enough in this case to damage the legs.

It is worth paying special attention to all important momentThis consists in the fact that in a fairly close cabin, the car can not do without the obligatory effect of masking various noise.

It is for this reason that almost all car subwoofers are optimized mainly on subabas.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it can be done independently an amplifier for a subwoofer in principle, any person and it will be a fairly funny occupation, useful not only for the development of skill, but also a mind.


Photo subwoofer do it yourself


Here we will look at the classic high-quality 100-watt amplifier for the subwoofer for cars. This car amplifier for Sabe is much more powerful than everyone known, which are hard to give 50 watts. The base is a very worthy of the TDA7294 chip-proven by many plus a converter 12 - 2x40 V. There is a built-in LF filter, and everything is located on one single-sided circuit board 75 x 125 mm. Here are drawings. The scheme consists of three blocks:


This converter based on TL494 (KA7500) drivers. There is protection against overvoltage - shutdown if the voltage exceeds 15 volts to the input. Safety protection will be protected from a strong battery discharge - the driver will be disconnected if the voltage drops to 9 V. Current protection to take care of the transistors of the output and overall security of the entire circuit. Green diode means normal operation, red diode - one of the protection disabled the driver. The smooth start circuit allows you to slowly start the converter despite the large containers at the output.

Transformer You can make your own or take one of the ATX block (in the computer power supply). Use 5V and 12V lines, there will be a 2,4x transformation coefficient. This means that if we give 14 in the battery voltage of 5 in the line, we get 2,4x more voltage to 12 in the line - approximately +/-33 in to feed the amplifier chip. This is a very good and simple solution. Switching frequency - 50 kHz. You can change it by installing a condenser on PIN5 TL494. For example, 1NF will give a frequency of about 50 kHz, 1,5NF - 30 kHz.

You can replace the field IRFZ44N to other transistors, you only need to provide more than 100 W output power, and IRFZ44N to 300 watts.

Pre-amplifier and low frequency filter

This is a simple scheme with one TL072 operating amplifier. It feeds on a symmetric two-polar stress + 12V / -12V, formed by stabilids by 12 V from the main.

Power amplifier on the chip

The TDA7294 microcircuit in typical inclusion, nothing special. Contacts Mute and ST-by are constantly connected to a plus through the necessary R-C chains.

  1. Use thick wires in power circuits. The input capacitor C4 should have at least 4700uf containers, the output power depends on its efficiency. Be sure to use 10 A fuse on the battery line. Warning - the scheme is not for beginners, the launch of the inverter requires some knowledge and equipment. When you make the first launch, use power to limit the current.
  2. The mass divorced successfully - feared that the background, noise, self-excitation will appear, but it turned out that everything is fine. At the beginning there were problems with a light hum in the filter, but it turned out that LM358 was to blame - this microcircuit is completely not suitable for high-quality audio. The usual TL072 or NE5532 is much better.
  3. The converter is resistant to a short circuit in the secondary winding and output power lines - instantly turns off, so do not be afraid to burn it with random KZ on the UMP board. There is nothing to say about the Uncle Corps for the automotive subwoofer - who wants what will apply - the main way to competently set the scheme itself, and then the affair then ...

To assemble an amplifier for a subwoofer with your own hands, you need to stockday and patience. Large funds will not need. First of all, you need to purchase a power amplifier made on an integrated circuit. Next, we will analyze how to assemble an amplifier for a subwoofer with your own hands on the basis of the TDA1562Q chip.

Below is presented schematic scheme amplifier.

This scheme, in addition to the power amplifier, has a preamplifier, made on a dual microcircuit of the operational amplifier, which also plays the role of the frequency filter.

With diet OT car battery The maximum output power of the amplifier will be about 50 W, which is quite enough to "dig" the average subwoofer.

Necessary equipment and components

So, in addition to the above chip, we will need:

  • operating amplifier TL 072 (can be replaced with TL 062, TL 082 or 4558 chips);
  • resistors with a capacity of 0.25-0.5 W;
  • electrolytic capacitors (new!);
  • non-polar capacitors - film;
  • isolated wires;
  • thermalcase;
  • radiator with dispersion area at least 600 cm²;
  • a sheet of one-sided textolite.

Of course, we will not do without a soldering iron, solder and some ability to contact all this.


The main fee of the amplifier

The index of the amplifier circuit board is shown below.

The printed circuit board can be made by etching the textolite with a copper substrate with a solution of chlorine iron. The drawing of the track tracks is easier to transfer to the board with a glossy sheet of paper on which this picture is printed using a laser printer. The nuances of this method can be easily found on the Internet on the respective electrical sites.

We produce pieces gently, removing excess flux. This is especially true of chips. The micrower of the operating amplifier can be installed through an eight-contact panel.

Remember: overheating semiconductor elements, can lead to their failure!

The inductors of the inductance L1 and L2 in the output filter of the amplifier are made of a copper enamel wire with a diameter of 1 mm, by screwing onto a cylindrical core with a diameter of 5 mm. The number of turns of the coil - 20.

The chip of the amplifier is installed on the heat sink. It must be area of \u200b\u200bmore than 600 cm². The role of the radiator can perform a car chassis.

After installing all the elements, the wires are connected.

Stabilization and communication unit

In the scheme described above, we used the most simple schema Powering the amplifier through the battery, however, for more stable operation of the amplifier, it can be connected via a stabilizer. This device You can collect yourself (the scheme for every taste on the Internet can be found very easily), but the easiest way is to use the finished block of stabilization from the old amplifier or buy a new one.

In addition, the stabilization unit saves the car battery charge.

The discharge prevention contributes to the relay with a separate REM terminal, operating under the voltage in 12 V. terminal, is set at the output of the car radio, so that the subwoofer starts working together with the music device.

To control the booster, you can set the LED into the device's power scheme.

Final build device

After installing the board, we carry out the final amplifier assembly and place it in the case. The housing can be made independently from ordinary plywood using a jigsaw. On the plywood, the scheme is drawn on the desired size, cuts out the jigsaw and is fixed with the sealant.

Also, the case can be purchased in the store or use an aluminum box, which will simultaneously perform the role of the radiator.

Placing all parts in the case, you need to provide in it free air circulation for better cooling parts.

The enhancer body must be securely secured in the car's cabin.

Before installing, it is important to make sure that the polarity of the power supply is correct, otherwise the device will immediately burn.

How to make an amplifier for a subwoofer we figured out, it remains to check its performance. This can be done at home, but in no case cannot be neglected by the safety rules, otherwise you can get a blow or spoil the device. Testing passes as follows: The amplifier is powered through the battery and plug in the resistance column in 20 ohms. The load is supplied to the amplifier and power is checked.