The difference between GPS and GSM. What is better - GPS or GLONASS? What is GPS and GPRS

GPS against GPRS

Although there is only one letter separating GPS and GPRS, they differ from each other when you study their technology and functions. GPS is a positioning service that can define any location on Earth through a process called trilateration, from here and name Global Positioning System. On the other hand, GPRS is a data transfer technology that allows 2G telecommunications networks to provide services other than voice calls. These services include access to e-mail, multimedia messages and several limited access to the Internet.

As indicated above, GPS and GPRS play certain roles and do not compete with technology. GPS is an old military technology that is now starting to develop in the market, as it was not so long ago, when the US government provided full civil access. Full-purpose allowed receivers accurately determine their location within 10 feet, which makes it a viable tool for tracking locations and navigation devices used in airplanes, boats and its most popular use today. Accuracy allows navigation devices to give you a direct time direction. GPRS is part of 2G technologies and quite old. In most parts of the developed world, GPRS has been replaced with excellent 3G technology. It can be viewed as an equivalent of switching access for mobile phones.

The works of both are also significantly different, as GPS receives information from satellites at a low near-earth orbit, while GPRS is associated with ground cell tower. For proper operation of GPRS, only one cell tower with an adequate signal is required. GPS, on the other hand, needs three or more satellites due to the basic principles of trilaterals. Due to the extremal height of orbital satellites, you can use your GPS device almost anywhere in the world, even in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. GPRS is limited to cellular towers located on land.

1. GPS - positioning service, and GPRS is a data service used in mobile phones.

2. GPS is used to determine your location on Earth, and GPRS is used to access emails And to view the Internet.

3. GPS is associated with a combination of satellites that rotate around the Earth, and GPRS communicates with the ground tower.

4. GPS requires to work three or more stations, and for GPRS only one.

5. GPS can be used wherever you can see the sky while GPRS is more limited in the range.

In the characteristics of mobile phones, you can find many incomprehensible terms and abbreviations. One of these abbreviations is GPRS. Users who are actively used by mobile internet from the mid-2000s know the meaning of this term. But, there are many people who used the phone only for voice calls and SMS. If you also do not know what GPRS is in the phone, we suggest familiarizing yourself with this small article.

What is GPRS in the phone

The GPRS abbreviation is decrypted as General Packet Radio Service, which can be translated into Russian as a public packet radio. This technology is an expansion of technology. mobile communications GSM and allows you to transmit data through a mobile network. Thanks to this, the GSM user has the ability to exchange data with other GSM network users, as well as with external networks, for example, with the Internet.

The principle of operation GPRS is to combine data into packages and sending them to unused in this moment GSM voice channels, which allows you to more efficiently use GSM network resources. At the same time, the mobile operator can choose which type of gear is more priority, voice or packages with data. In Russia, traditionally mobile operators Preferring voice traffic, so the speed of connection via GPRS strongly depends on the load of the operator's network.

Theoretically, the data transfer rate for GPRS can reach the value of 171.2 kbps, but due to various restrictions in practice, the speed is usually much less. For example, the Mobile Phones of the 2000s, when GPRS was actively used, could receive data at no longer than 85 kbps.

GPRS is part of the second generation mobile networks and now this technology is almost not used in practice. At the moment, most mobile phones support mobile networks 3 and 4 generations in which the data transfer rate is much higher. Therefore, if you notice the support of GPRS in the characteristics of a mobile phone, then you can not pay special attention to this, you will no longer use this technology.

Separately, let's say a few words about GPS, which is often confused with GPRS. Despite similar names, it is completely different technologieswhich are responsible for solving various tasks. As already mentioned, GPRS is a batch data technology through gSM networkswhich is used mainly to access the Internet. While GPS is a satellite navigation system that allows you to determine the exact location.

You can often hear strange questions: "I have a GPRS in me in such a phone, what should I do to see where I'm on the map?" Or "I have a GPS in my phone, but I can't configure Internet access." Such cases are the costs of technical speech, replete similar abbreviations.

GPRS and Internet access

GPRS (GENERAL PACKET RADIO SERVICE) - superstructure over mobile technology (cellular) gSM connectionsallowing you to carry out batch data transfer. GPRS allows the user of the mobile phone to go online and send email messages.

GPS - satellite location system

GPS (Global Positioning System), global system Positioning - Created by the US Department of Defense Satellite System for determining the location of objects. The principle of work is as follows - the device on Earth taking a signal simultaneously from several satellites, determines its exact location on Earth. Initially, GPS was developed as a purely military project.

In 2000, the United States removed restrictions on the use of civilian GPS system. Today, the whole world enjoys this service provided by the United States absolutely free. Today there are 28 satellites, of which 24 satellites are constantly in working condition. Alternative systems are russian system Glonass and European Galileo.

GPS navigators with GPRS module

To receive traffic information, the GPS navigator must have access to the Internet ( ). The most convenient way to download traffic information is Internet access.built-in GRRS module C SIM card operator cellular communication.

One of the most sought-after and useful featureswho possess modern devicesIt is an opportunity to accurately set your own location with great accuracy. This allows you to use many functions based on accurate coordinate definition. The operation of these functions is based on the use of a satellite navigation system, which allows to determine the coordinates of a particular device with a sufficient accuracy.

At the moment, two navigation systems, GPS and GLONASS are used, the importance of which is very difficult to overestimate. To date, no use does not do anything that requires the preparation of the route, determining the exact location, distance calculation, search for people and other actions where cards are used. Navigation modules have become part of a plurality of systems and household devices making the lives of many people easier and comfortable.

  • Navigation equipment. Professional and domestic navigation equipment that is used to lay the route by electronic cardsRequires the definition of the exact location. It is the navigation modules in professional equipment allow you to accurately follow the route ships and aircraft, in everyday life they are widely used in cars, pointing out the road and allowing you to build a route special applications In the event that the user does not know exactly how it gets to the destination
  • The same function navigation module performs in a mobile phone, allowing you to find the road on the map, the desired address Or pave the route to the desired point. Many manufacturers use such technical capabilities to create interactive games, Fitness applications, interactive maps and other, allowing the location data on the basis of the location data to build an interesting and cognitive process.
  • The question is why the navigation module needs, it also does not arise in the commercial sphere, where cargo transportation, passenger transportation and the delivery functions of various goods and goods are used. Here the location definition function is used to calculate the path made, the schedule of the employee, its employment, control over the compliance of the schedule, fuel consumption, and to obtain others, no less useful for data logistics planning.

In household devices, the navigation module is embedded in the design itself, like mobile phones, tablets or navigators, or can be performed as a separate device. It allows you to expand the functionality of the system by adding the function of determining the current coordinates. The presence of the navigation module has long been standard for most mobile devices.

When you buy any device that uses the navigation module, the only problem occurs - how to choose a device to fully use this function. To decide on the solution of this issue, it is necessary to imagine the principle of operation of the positioning system. It is based on the use of satellites. Both types of positioning system have almost identical principles of operation and methods for obtaining the necessary data, so in their characteristics they are very similar. Meanwhile, there are several significant differences. The Russian positioning system uses three planes to work soup, American - six. These and some other differences allow the American positioning system to obtain greater accuracy in determining coordinates. In addition, technical capabilities allow you to further increase the accuracy as soon as the appropriate equipment appears.

Now most of the gadgets are equipped with both positioning modules, so the question of what is better, disappears by itself. If for some reason you have to use the device in which only one module is installed, it is best to prefer the one that is more accurate. This will fully appreciate all the capabilities of the positioning system. Most of the users prefer to acquire devices in which both modules are installed for work and from the Russian, and American positioning systems. Modern gadgets Created in such a way that both of these modules are used simultaneously. At the same time, they do not conflict with each other, but complement. This possibility significantly increases the accuracy of determining the coordinates compared to how both systems were used separately.

Using the Positioning system opened great opportunities to many users. But at the same time it is necessary to take into account some subtleties of its work. For example, it is possible to obtain accurate data in an open place. Even trees can interfere with the receipt of a stable signal.

Now many of us can not submit their lives without any devices that have been born using newest technologies. A vivid example is all sorts of gadgets intended for calculating the location. They may be anti-theft devices, portable navigators or even entire tracking systems. All of them have a number of features and differ from each other with a set of functions.

But the most important difference that the potential buyer is most often drawn, is the accuracy of determining location coordinates.

All devices of such a plan can be divided into three groups, depending on the technology, which is used when they work - GPS, GPRS and GLONASS. The device of each type has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Already quite a long time between lovers satellite Systems disputes are underway. Some believe that the Russian GLONASS system is the riding perfection, while others are confident that at the moment there is no technology that is capable of competing with GPS. Is it so?

To give the correct answer to this question, you need to go deep into history. In the field of location, with satellites, there is an effect of the Doppler, which is known to each person from the course of high school physics. The essence is that the frequency of the satellite signal depends on the distance on which it is from the ground.

Do not forget that the GLONASS system is much younger than GPS. This is confirmed by historical dates. At the time of launching the first navigation system Between GPS and GLONASS existed a gap of eight years. However, our scientists and engineers conducted colossal work, so currently both systems are direct competitors. At the moment, the error in determining the location coordinates in GLONASS is slightly larger than that of GPS. However, representatives of the domestic company promise that by 2020 will be able to catch up and overtake GPS in many respects.

What is the difference between GPS from GLONASS

Apparatus using the GPS system is very picky for the availability of active satellites. For the most accurate determination of the coordinates, the device must catch the signals from six to eleven. But the GLONASS navigator is enough to have six or seven active satellites to determine the location with the same error.

What exactly is GLONASS or GPS? Do not forget about those devices that have both systems on board. Their indicators are among the best. Such "double" devices cost a little more than normal, so it is best to gain them to increase their effectiveness.

What is the difference between GPRS? There is another technology, thanks to which the ability to locate appears. It is called GPRS. This abbreviation is well familiar with all users. mobile InternetAfter all, it was with her help until recently exit to the worldwide network.

The main difference between these two systems is that GPS accepts signals from satellites, and GPRS uses Internet access. That is why lighthouses used to determine only GPRS technology often issue data with a large error. It is also worth noting that such tracking systems are imperfect, since they are more often found in the coverage zone.

To improve the level of safety follows GPS. Its cost is not very different, but the level of efficiency is much higher. GPRS technology has taken place very well in GLONASS GPS systems. That is, the device receives data on the location immediately in three technologies, which significantly reduces the error.

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