What does edge mean in the phone. Mobile Internet: now twice as fast

This article will help you figure out what the Edge option means in the phone.

If you use the Internet through your phone, then you may be wondering: what does Edge mean on your phone? This option helps to increase the speed of information transmission in GSM networks. So that you can use it, your operator mobile communications must support this option.

A large load of network lines, the level of data supply, the amount of free information in the network database - all this affects the operation of Edge. But using this option has its advantages over gprs:

  • Highest speed of information transfer.
  • The ability to go to global network from anywhere in your locality.

Currently, such a seemingly modern, but already slightly outdated option is gradually being ousted from the global mobile communications market. Evolution of standards cellular moves forward. This is necessary for consumers who live in the rhythm of a big city. After all, Internet access is needed not only at home or at work, but also in the subway or in a minibus on the way home.

Users often ask the question: what does Edge mean in Samsung? In phone Samsung Galaxy The S7 edge prefix speaks of a curved screen. This version is much more popular than the previous model.

It's rare to see a user with Edge on a phone these days. This technology is being replaced by 3G and 4G networks. They have an even higher data transfer rate and a better signal.


Historically, life modern man every year it becomes more and more information-rich. It is not always possible to extract interesting news, a description of technological innovations, or just a recipe for a new dish from “old” products in the daily bustle of the information flow.

Today we're going to talk about EDGE (pronounced edge). What is EDGE Network? In fact, this combination of letters GPRS / EDGE refers to mobile communications. More precisely, we are talking about a technology for transmitting data over long distances without the use of wires. Besides voice communication operators provide the opportunity with the help mobile phones transfer data.

*** Brief information: all familiar mobile phones are able to transmit / receive data (information in digital form) in addition to voice - photos, music, video, text. In addition, the ability to transfer data allows you to use the version of programs for communication (SKYPE, ICQ), using a browser to view the pages of Internet resources.

The subscriber pays not for the time spent on the network, but for the amount of downloaded / transmitted information (traffic). The use of packet data does not interfere with voice communication - the line is not busy, you can talk and transmit / receive data in parallel.

Initially, data was transferred to operators using GPRS technology (transmission speed up to 171.2 kbps, real - within 30 kbps). These speeds are clearly not enough for comfortable work with data. In 2004, several US cellular operators began using the new EDGE standard for data transmission. What is EDGE? The standard in which it was three times higher than when using GPRS. This has significantly increased the attractiveness of their offerings in comparison with competitors.

EDGE gradually moved overseas and spread among European mobile operators. The question of what is EDGE is still relevant today. There is a simple explanation for this. Today, the EDGE network is successfully operating where much higher data transfer rates (3G networks) have not yet reached. Thus, EDGE is the “today” of our mobile communications.

Why is data transfer important? After all, mobile communication is intended for voice communication... At first glance, this is certainly true. But in business there is such a thing as "average income per subscriber." Subscribers already use voice communication. If, in addition to voice communication, we add mobile traffic with good speed and at a "pleasant price" to the package of services provided, this will significantly increase the amount of money that subscribers will spend on communication every month.

Due to the massive demand, which was successfully formed by the players of the telecommunications market, services based on GPRS / EDGE began to bring significant income and significantly increased the amount of money that the average subscriber spends on cellular communications. If we are still considering what EDGE is, then the potential of the mobile Internet has not yet been fully revealed, we have something to strive for.

An overview of the services provided by mobile operators today reveals a noticeable increase in the consumption of mobile traffic. Given the availability of relatively inexpensive unlimited internet and not very developed 3G coverage, it can be predicted that the EDGE standard will not be released very soon. Numerous "smart" gadgets and the trend of "mobility" among the population from 5 to 35 years old provide a steadily growing demand for mobile traffic.

In the West, work with fourth-generation networks is already in full swing, and the third generation has not yet taken root in our country. Normal stable operation and 3G coverage is still available only in megacities, and even then not in all. However, this is not a reason to lament about unfulfilled dreams and hopelessly lost prospects. The question of what is EDGE, we have safely considered. And everything else is still "very likely" - globalization and the search for new sales markets make us very attractive to the specialists. Specialists firmly believe that we will not be bypassed by the benefits of scientific and technological progress. It just happens a little later than the rest.

Users of mobile phones or tablets with SIM card support may have noticed that the icon next to the antenna, symbolizing data transmission, can change to one of the following: G, E, 3G, 3.5G, 3G +, H, H +, 4G, L or LTE ... Let's try to figure out what each of them means.


GPRS (General Packet Radio Service - "general packet radio communication") - an add-on over the technology of mobile GSM communication, carrying out packet data transmission. It is one of the first implementations of the mobile Internet. Today, an outdated way of connecting to the World Wide Web. The theoretical maximum data transfer rate is 171.2 Kbps (depending on the GPRS class).


EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution) or Enhanced GPRS is a digital technology for wireless data transmission for mobile communications, which is an add-on over 2G and 2.5G (GPRS) networks.

Connecting to the network via EDGE is about 3 times faster than via GPRS, namely, the maximum data transfer rate can be 474 Kbps. In the picture above, the connection speed measured by the application is in KB / s (kilobytes per second). To convert to kilobits per second, multiply the displayed value by 8, that is, 17 Kbps x 8 = 136 Kbps.


3G (from the English third generation - the third generation) - mobile communication technologies of the 3rd generation - a set of services that combines both high-speed mobile access to the Internet, and radio technology, which creates a data transmission channel (voice, messages, etc.). Currently, this term most often refers to UMTS technology with an HSPA add-on (hence the "H" or "H +" icon on the phone).

3G networks operate at frequencies slightly higher than traditional GSM (850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz), namely 1900-2100 MHz, which, in addition to other serious differences from GSM and improvements, allows you to increase the bandwidth and , respectively, the data transfer rate.

Varieties of 3G


The maximum theoretical data transfer rate according to the HSPA standard is 14.4 Mbps (the data transfer rate from the base station to all local subscribers) and up to 5.76 Mbps from the subscriber. The first stages of implementation of the standard had a speed of 3.6 Mbit / s to an HSDPA subscriber (D - downlink). After the introduction of the second stage of HSUPA (U - uplink, that is, accelerating the transfer from the subscriber), the entire technology was abbreviated to be called HSPA.


HSPA + (English Evolved High-Speed ​​Packet Access, "developed high-speed packet access") is a mobile communication standard, modernization of the third generation of mobile communication, with high speed comparable to 4G.

It is customary to refer to HSPA + technologies that allow for packet data transmission with download speeds up to 42.2 Mbps and upload speeds up to 5.76 Mbps. In practice, the connection speed is lower and amounts to 10 - 20 Mbps (in the picture above 1.6 Mbps x 8 = 12.8 Mbps).

This technology is considered to be a transition between third (3G) and fourth (4G) generation networks. Sometimes it is also called "3.5G".


If you have an L, LTE or 4G icon on your phone, congratulations! First, your device supports LTE-A standard and WiMAX, and secondly, you are in the network of the newest and latest generation available in our country at the time of this writing with download speeds up to 173 Mbps and upload speeds up to 58 Mbps!

World telecommunications have been experiencing a powerful leap forward for 80 years already. A lot of time has passed since the appearance of the first means of communication. Now, we have the opportunity to communicate not only using telephone networks, but also Internet telephony, which, for an hour, is several times cheaper than conventional types of communication. Of course, the cheapest form of communication is communication with a person during a conversation in one space-time segment. Let's talk about new technologies. What is edge and what is it eaten with? So:

Edge. What it is?

Edge first appeared in North America. It was then, in 2004, that the first add-on to the GSM mobile communication system appeared among the Americans.

What is edge? it new system communication that works in mobile communication... It is used in GSM networks... Edge is spoken of as a digital wireless long-distance data transmission system.

So, as said, edge came out in 2004 in North America. Many operators, however, were very skeptical about the introduction of edge technologies into their communications system. Many thought that the next step in their development was the use of UMTS networks. As they went on, mobile service companies realized that creating UMTS networks is an expensive and unprofitable undertaking, and therefore many mobile operators have reconsidered their positions and turned to edge technology. Gradually, the influence and use of edge spread to the European part of the world. In Russia, the Big Three operators started using edge by the end of 2004. People started using edge on their phones. The "Big Three" mobile operators include Megafon, Beeline and MTS.

Thus, we can conclude that the development of edge technology is moving forward by leaps and bounds. It is important to note that the types of communication of the third and fourth generations are receiving great development in our time. For example, Apple is already making phones based on 4G technology, that is, fourth-generation technologies. When we talk about edge, we mean 2G and 2.5G technologies. This is the second and second and a half generation of communication. It makes no sense to especially mention that edge will gradually be ousted from the market. But this is a natural passage of time, which requires a quick reaction of manufacturers and scientists to all the new needs and requests of users around the world. Despite the aforementioned facts, edge has firmly established itself as a leader in mobile communication technologies. Only recently has a really powerful competitor to edge emerged, namely Apple iPhone 3G. It quickly gained popularity among users all over the world and is gaining momentum by leaps and bounds. What will happen next? We will see very soon.