How to change search parameters in Yandex. Secrets of the correct search in Yandex

Hello dear friends. Today I want to talk with you about another webmaster tool that the Yandex search engine provides us. And this tool is called Yandex search for the site.

I'm sure you've had to use the search on a particular site more than once. As a rule, such a search can be organized in different ways, by different means. And in content management systems (CMS) and in WordPress, including this feature, this feature is embedded in the design template. Or it could be plugins.

In any case, all these standard solutions do not have such features as site search from Yandex. And let's look at the main features of Yandex search:

Accounting for the morphology and vocabulary of the language

Users are used to using search engines and are used to the fact that search engines correct errors, typos, recognize input regardless of the keyboard layout, organize the selection of synonyms, offer different spellings key query. That is, the search, already by the first words, understands what the user needs and gives the necessary result.

By the way, you can add synonyms, taking into account the specifics of your site.

Yandex search customization for the site

You can even at the stage of creating a search, use the constructor and create a view suitable for the design of your site. Or you can create a search in the usual way for Yandex users. Well, if this is not enough for you, then you can use your own CSS styles and create a search view individually for your needs. If your knowledge is not sufficient in and - I advise you to take Evgeny Popov's free courses.

And also, if your article uses an image or video, you can customize the preview of images and videos in the search results.

Hints on request

Search Yandex selects the most relevant materials from your site and, even before entering a search query, offers hints on the available materials on your site. Let's say a visitor is looking for information about . And already at the stage of entering a search query, it will receive the entire list of tips from the materials of your site.

Refine search results

You can create categories, add the ability to specify the time period and format of the material you are looking for. So your visitors will be able to find the necessary material much faster. You can also add keywords that most closely match the theme of your site.

Combining sites into one theme

If you have several sites on similar topics, for example, gardening. Where on one of them you write about tomatoes and cucumbers, and on the other about watermelons and melons. Then you can combine two of your sites in the search and organize a search on one topic. But, the list of sites of the same subject must be moderated. Well, this is not to confuse cucumbers with computers or something like that.

Advertising in search results

Quick Index

For quick indexing and updating information about your site, Yandex search creates an additional index. So information about new articles and changes in old ones will be quickly delivered to the Yandex search robot. Indexing will be very fast. And for WordPress there is a plugin that does all the work.

search statistics

- You can increase the indexing priority no more than 100 pages per day.

You have two options to choose from, manual and automatic via plugin or HTTP request. We will consider the option with a plugin for WordPress.

After entering the IP, it will become available to download the plugin file for the WordPress platform. We press the button "Download" and download the plugin.

By installing and activating the plugin, your work ends here. The plugin will then do all the work automatically.

So, we figured out the installation and configuration of the site search from Yandex. Now your visitors can easily find the information they are interested in. And the indexing of your materials in the Yandex search engine will be faster.

I also advise you to look at additional search settings from Yandex. So you can set up a more detailed search on the site. If that's what you need of course.

An example of my search form from Yandex, you can see in the sitebar. Do search query and see how the search results page is designed.

Well, friends, that's all for me, implement the knowledge gained and use another Yandex search engine tool for the benefit of your site.

Also watch the video version of the article:

That's all for now, good luck to everyone! See you friends.

Comfortable enough on its own. However, it has a wide range of interface customization options, which we will discuss in this article.

Many Internet users (more specifically, the Runet segment) do not even realize that the Yandex search page can be customized for themselves. But this allows you to derive necessary information, delete unnecessary ones, and arrange it the way you want! Let's take a closer look at this possibility.

Yandex is configured on the page installed on the computer. This site is wholly owned by the service itself.

Let's start at the very top: Setting up the city. By clicking on the link, we set the city to "Default". You can also check the "Do not specify my location" checkbox so that the site no longer asks if you are in a particular city.

"Setting the interface language" - everything is clear too. There is only one point here, select the language and return.

"Setting search results" - sets the output of search results by default. Automatically here are the most optimal settings, but you can substitute them for yourself.

  • Description of the document: either standard or extended with additional information;
  • Open found - in the search window, or in a new window;
  • Documents per page - how many query results will be returned: 10 (default), 20, 30 or 50;
  • Graphics - whether it is necessary to show graphic banners and pictures or site icons. Necessary to save traffic;
  • Interface language - choose between Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian and Tatar;
  • Interface - standard or without AJAX - scripts;
  • The language of the documents found - either any, or selectively - Russian, English, French, German, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tatar or Kazakh;
  • Page filtering - family search is the most strict filter, does not produce any "forbidden" pages for children, moderate filter - standard, no restrictions - results are not filtered at all;
  • Correction of the request - automatically, or with a hint of options;
  • Search results - whether or not to take into account the search history in Yandex;
  • Search suggestions - whether or not to show queries or favorite sites in suggestions;
  • Whether or not to record the history of the My Finds service.

Got it sorted out. We return.

Now - the settings of the "My Finds" service, which is responsible for storing requests to Yandex. Here you can either turn on the history recording, or stop the recording.

In the "Search suggestions" menu, you can check "Search suggestions", "My queries in search suggestions", clear the history of queries, and also enable "Favorite sites in suggestions".

In the menu "Show banner on home page" can be turned on or off advertising banner on the home page. Advertising, as a rule, is formed from search queries, which means it can be useful. Disabled by default.

Now Yandex search has become more personalized, which means more convenient! Use on health!

Among the billions of pages of Internet content, only search engines can help the web user and help him find this or that information. But only a few have at their disposal the knowledge of effective search in major search engines Google systems and Yandex, because everywhere there are secrets and features.

I already wrote about the Google search engine in a post. And today we’ll talk about the Yandex / Yandex search engine.

Yandex is a search engine that can, at your request, find the most relevant web pages, news, pictures, encyclopedia articles or products in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet, answer a question about the weather or cultural events.

It is enough to type a question - just as you would ask a librarian or a know-it-all polymath. For instance, where do crayfish hibernate? or brightest star in the northern hemisphere

Yandex is just program, not a person. No need to endow him with omnipotence: they say, there is everything, just say it.

No matter how hard its developers try, no one on the planet has yet managed to create artificial intelligence. Keep this fact in mind and don't try to ask Yandex "human questions". There is little sense from this - they will not understand.

Therefore, let's start with the most important subtleties of information search. The most important and basic here is the correct formulation of the query in the search engine line. The request should clearly describe what you need to find in the bowels of the Internet. For example, for one non-specific query "apple", we notice in the search engine results the website of a political party, and explanations of the term "apple", and various recipes, and many other pages (useful and not very useful). So in each of your requests, you must clearly answer the question: what is the object that you want to find information about on the issuance pages.

By the way, when typing a query, Yandex itself will offer you the most relevant options - search suggestions.

Now about the query: a very long query can both improve the accuracy of the search and worsen it.

It is better to search in Yandex for phrases,
consisting of two or three words.

After receiving the results, wait to click immediately. Take a look at the suggested links. Evaluate: is this exactly what you are looking for? If not, then just refine your query by adding new words.

If the subject of the query is specific, for example, regarding the “digestive system of the Spanish hedgehog”: o), then the query should consist of no more than 5-6 words (in most cases) When, regarding your long (several words) query, the search engine gives nonsense, then you need to reduce the number of words in the query in order to expand the search area, in the extreme case - it's better than not finding anything at all. Perhaps in this version you will not get 100% what you wanted, but alternatively approximate information is also good, for lack of a better one.

Advice: in the case of very incorrect issuance of your request, the method of selecting synonyms and rephrasing your request helps. Sometimes, this significantly helps to find the information you need, because search engines are guided by the entry keywords in the text of the page, and if you change the query, then the output changes accordingly.

By the way, there are a couple of secrets here.


Search engines have such an interesting feature,
as "Advanced Search".

Advanced Yandex search is available at:

In the window of this most advanced search, you can manipulate the output a little by setting certain parameters, thereby narrowing the search area.

As you can see, in the Yandex advanced search window, we can set up a specific region, word arrangement, page language, page format, date added, and much more. Similar and intuitive clear interface the Google search engine also has advanced search

Second, know:

Yandex generates the result taking into account
geographic region in which
the user is located.

Most of the time it's really convenient. But what to do, for example, if we want to order the delivery of roses to a girlfriend who lives in Ufa, while we ourselves are in Murmansk? This mode will interfere.

You can search in Yandex without taking into account the region through the advanced search form -

The form is convenient to use for a one-time operation. If you are making a series of requests, then first set the region using the link in the upper right corner.

Thirdly, before searching in Yandex:

decide what exactly you want to find:
links to websites or the answer to a specific question.

With the first option, everything seems to be clear. We entered the words, got the result, then, we begin to methodically explore the proposed sites. Usual, but long.

The second option is not so obvious. By the way, many (the same 85%) do not know about him.

Look, Yandex visits per month almost all sites Runet, even not very well-known and rarely visited, and downloads all the pages somewhere to itself (on a dimensionless HDD). When you enter a query, then Yandex searches not on sites, but in its already downloaded pages, on that very dimensionless disk, or, as experts say, in the cache.

What does this mean? But the fact that

you can get an answer right away search results,
quickly and without bypassing sites

For example, we want to know the year of construction of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. It is enough to enter the query "saved on blood" and the results will be:

"The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (architect A. Parland) was built on the orders of Alexander III and the decision of the Synod in 1907 on the site of the tragic death of Emperor Alexander II."

Answer received? Yes.

This is a simple example. Complex requires knowledge special teams and dexterity. With the first I will help, the second will come with experience.

In order to effectively master the search on the Internet, you need to know at least basic principles functioning of search engines.

So, Yandex commands for searching:

1. If needed search whole phrase, enclose it in quotes.(By default, the search words can be found anywhere on the page or not at all, and the quotation marks force Yandex to look for the exact phrase.)

Example: "Red roses"

2. If Search words must be in the same sentence and it is admitted that there may be other words between them, then insert an ampersand character.

Example: Red Rose

3. If you need to withdraw pages that must contain some word, then add it to the request and put before it plus sign.

Example: "red roses" + Ufa + prices

4. It is convenient to use the plus sign when you need to search taking into account the preposition, by default the preposition can be ignored.

Example: "red roses" + in Ufa

5. If you put before the word space and two tildes, then pages containing this word will be removed from the results.

Example: "red roses" + Ufa + prices ~ ~ Russia ~ ~ wholesale

6. If the word has synonyms or other words that are close in meaning, then they can be listed through the vertical line, while the entire enumeration is framed with parentheses.

Example: "red roses" + Ufa + (prices | cost) ~~ (Russia | wholesale | wholesale)

In this example, the result will include pages containing "ufa" and one of the words "price" or "cost", while none of them should contain: "russia", "wholesale", "wholesale".

The entire list can be viewed in the Yandex help or in the memo, a link to it is in the advanced search form.

What is morphology consideration in search?

I'll show you with an example...

In Russian, words can have different forms (cases, singular and plural, etc.). In whatever form the word is in the page text (even if it is different from the form of the word in the query), Yandex will find it. For example, if the query "go" is given, then the search will find documents containing the words "go", "goes", "walked", "walked", etc. The request “window” will return information containing the word “windows”, and the request “revoked” will return documents containing the word “revoked”.

Please note that when choosing word forms for search, Yandex distinguishes between parts of speech. For example, if you search for "computer" (noun), then pages with the words "computer" or "computers" will be found, but not "computer" (adjective).

Basic search queries.

It is very important for websites and blogs to have a good and practical navigation, but how to implement it, this will be the subject of today's article.

If you read my article by clicking on the link above, you can decide on a search and start implementing it, or give a task to brainy programmers. The first option requires a lot of knowledge and the second a lot of money, fortunately there is an alternative that I can't get enough of, and its name is " Yandex.Search for the site". Let's analyze step by step the entire procedure for installing this tool, the end result will please you, I'm almost sure of this).

Getting Started Installing Yandex Custom Search

So, the dampness in the article is over, now only on the case. First, visit Yashkin's blog search at this link, here the big orange install button immediately catches your eye, click.

Yandex custom search settings

Now we need a little time to set up and install the search from Yandex.

Search area- here we set up the base part. In the first line " technical name Yandex search" enter any word you like, this is only for display in the "My searches" tab if you have several of them, so as not to be confused. Next, enter a name for browsers that support Opensearch, come up with a name so that it would be clear that the search is on your site, add one word that best matches the subject of the site, so the person will understand what query to enter in the search bar. For example (Search on the culinary site

Next comes the so-called family filter”, I left the average “Moderate filter”, but here you already define it yourself, according to your subject. In the "Search area" line, if you want to search only your resource, then click "Add sites and exclusions" and add to top line your site. To add several URLs, keep the list in a column, in this case the entered search query will be processed for all added sites, in the future you can turn on and off unnecessary sites without deleting them. You can also broaden your search by adding relevant categories from Ya.Catalog.

search technology- you are given a choice standard search" or " SaaS search". Below is a short description of each:

Standard is a search in which a person searching for a specific query on your site can only find information that is already indexed in Yandex (big search). Unindexed pages will not appear in your search results!

SaaS is a fast indexing search option, with SaaS technology your newly published posts will be available in your site search almost immediately. By enabling "SaaS" you do not need to wait for indexing in Yandex!

Attention: Big dictionary and log hints are not searchable on SaaS

To receive notifications about various changes, add your E-mail confirmed in Yandex.

Search Form- with the first stage finished, now go to the second step. Choose the shape of your search you like, there are three options to choose from (no background, with an arrow and a rectangle), choose a design with a search button or a magnifying glass, customize the colors to your taste and are more applicable to the design of the site. In the request field, you can enter your name, for example, "Search ...", just an empty field, or leave the Yandex logo displayed. Customize font size, color, add italics or bold.

Below, in real time, all the changes you make to the Yandex search form will be shown.

Step three, output " searching results» You can set up the display (output) of future search results directly on the Yandex page, in which case settings such as Basic page properties, Logo and header, Search results, Sorting results, Links and navigation, Footer will be available.

When choosing to display results on a page of your site (I think you will choose it), you can configure the same above functions with the exception of the footer and logo with a header. You can put ads from Ya.Direct on the right side or in one line with the results (ads will not be displayed if you do not earn money with advertising network from Yandex). Check the box "Open results page in separate tab» if you want the results to open on new page, remove to display on the same.

All changes can be seen below in live form without refreshing the page.

At the fourth step, you can finally test performance newly created custom search Yandek.

The fifth and final step is insert custom search code to your site. The first part of the code is for the form itself search string, which we set up at the step, here you can choose the site encoding or leave “auto-detection” (I left it as it is), well, everything is clear with the language.

The second code will be visible if you chose to display the results on your page at the step, if you preferred the output on the Yandex page, then there will be only one search form code. The second code must be inserted on the page that you entered in the results display field.

Select the type of results insertion you need, checking the box in the CSS result code is needed if you are going to customize appearance search from Yandex.

Yandex custom search results are not displayed on DLE

It's sad, but fixable. So-like my site on the engine Data Life Engine then I ran into a problem with showing requests, the output just didn't load. The solution was found within half an hour, which was implemented in 2 minutes.

There are not many problems why Yandex custom search results are not displayed, the first one is simple, maybe you have a new site and the pages are not yet indexed in the Yandex search engine, maybe the query (word) that you enter is not on your site, and the third option that I encountered, this is the "Handle invalid CNC URLs" feature turned on, turning it off will work, BUT I strongly do not recommend doing this, you can go the other way and get around the problem.

In the static.php file located at engine/modules/static.php, you need to find a part of the code (I had it on line 59, in DLE 10.3) and delete it, save it and throw it back.

Header("HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: ($re_url)($static_result["name"]).html"); die("Redirect");

After the operation, everything should work.

Additional functions and settings Yandex search for the site

After all the actions that we have taken, the search is already working in standard mode, but it can be configured and improved for more comfortable use.

Statistics- after your visitors start using Yandex.Search, in this section you will see mini statistics of queries entered by site users.

This function pushes me to write an article that is not there, but people are trying to find it on my blog, this is another motivation and unexpected.

All requests can be filtered by the period for yesterday, last week, month, and even the previous quarter. In the list, you will see the number of a specific request, how many results were shown and the number of clicks.

Indexing- using Yandex search, you can speed up this process. There are three rules for using this function, but it seems to me that every Webmaster has already made them.

There are also special plugins that will increase the indexing speed for popular CMS - Drupal, Joomla, K2 for Joomla, MODx, TYPO3, WordPress. Select your engine, its version and download the plugin. Installation instructions are included.

For other CMS, the following functions are provided. If, for example, you need to inform Yandex about new articles automatically, then you need to use the message to the robot function using HTTP request. There are instructions for use.

And if you want to send posts manually, then use manual addition URL. Just enter the address (link) in the form and submit.

Search Suggestions- very useful feature, a person entering a query on your site may receive hints that are not relevant to your topic. For example, your site is dedicated to recipes and a person wants to find some " cooking recipes” enters the query “coolie ...” and the “battle of Kulikovo” is shown to him in the prompts, somehow it’s not logical, right?

That's what this tool is made for. In a special field, start typing a word and on a certain (for example, incomplete) word, click on the green plus sign and complete the word or sentence, you can add several hints for one word. After that, save, now the search will not send your visitor to battle).

Synonyms- a function that allows you to synonymize queries entered by your visitors. For example, a person wants to find cutlets and, in addition to them, schnitzels, zrazy, langets, etc. will be added to the search results. To add a synonym in the left column, enter the requested word and in the right column, the completed synonym that will be displayed as a result.

Clarifications- if you want to restrict visitors in the search, for example, in a certain category, by keyword, by format, by article publication date, language. Then this function will help you realize your whim.

Snippets- this is what will be displayed after a certain request on your site as a result. The function can be configured so that the results displayed in Yandex search on the site are displayed with fragments of pictures and video files. There is nothing to add here, everything is written in great detail in this section, and there should be no difficulties with setting up. Personally, I have not yet used the "snippets" function, and I have nothing to add.

Well, finally, that's all, such a very large-scale article turned out for a small but very important and functional tool for your site. I hope you will not be disappointed in Yandex search for the site, and will please your users convenient search by your resource. See you!

Going out to search engine on the same computer, but from a different browser, you will have to create the settings again. When you reinstall the browser, the settings are reset.

When you enter Yandex search, a window opens:

There is no settings button on the main page, but it is enough to press the "search" button even with an empty search bar, as the look of the search engine will change and additional buttons will appear.

To start the search engine settings, just click the button, which is located to the right of the search bar. After that, a settings menu appears under the line.

On the left is the mode selection button, the default is "safe" - that is, it removes sites with erotic content, unless, of course, there is a direct request for such sites. The "for children" mode, in addition to the erotic nature, also removes sites using obscene language and obscene language. Instead of a mode for children, you can use a direct entrance to the search engine at "family search". The "no protection" mode shows all sites without any filtering.

The next button can filter outdated material, set the time interval for creating or updating the site page with the necessary information. The default is “for all time”, but there is also “per day” - only those pages that were updated no more than 24 hours ago will appear, that is, the latest information. Next comes “for two weeks” - the information was updated no more than two weeks ago, “for a month”, “for a year”. This setting gives the choice to choose the "freshness" parameter of the information from the entire database.

Site language format - allows you to select sites that are written in a specific language. The default is "any language" - no restrictions, but you can select one or more languages ​​from those offered in the menu. After unchecking all the checkboxes, there will be “any language” again.

File format button - sets the file format in which information is searched. That is, if, for example, you need an abstract, then it is better to enter a topic or necessary information in the search bar, and choose a text format. So sites with such information will not be displayed, but only text documents stored on the Internet. You can select one or more formats, or all at once, but sites with such information will still not be displayed. Only text, graphic or spreadsheet documents. To return to the usual site search, you must uncheck all the checkboxes in this section.

"On the site" - selects the site on which to search. Only that site's information will be shown. This line must be entered email address site.

"Select region" - select the region to search. First you need to start typing desired city, and then select it from the list in the menu that appears. If you enter a random city, or one that is not in the list, the result will remain unchanged.

The buttons on the left are also a search filter. The picture button puts the search engine into the search mode for any photo or image. Search by video switches the search engine to search by video file. top badge in the form of a circle with the caption "search" - returns the system to the normal search mode.

The plus sign under the icon with the inscription "video" opens additional services Yandex, among which you can search. That is, to search among news sites or search among sites with online stores, and the like. Each service defines its direction. The same function is performed by the button in the upper right corner. Whichever button is pressed, the result is the same.