How to change the protective glass on your smartphone yourself. How to remove protective glass from iPhone

When replacing a protective glass on a smartphone, few people do not worry about observing the rules and perform re-gluing with improvised tools. As a result: there are scratches on the phone, the coating is uneven, covered with bubbles, or simply does not hold tightly.

We have prepared a short instruction manual for those who want to install the glass on their own. The article contains basic information, but for the sake of completeness, we recommend watching the video with detailed description stages of installation.

Removing old glass: what is important to remember

You have to understand that glass does not stick to the screen because of a special adhesive coating. The adhesion of the film to the smooth surface of the touchscreen is due to static. An attempt to remove it by prying it with a fingernail or (much worse) with a knife will result in damage to the screen and the phone case.

Even using a special suction cup can lead to unpleasant consequences. Remember, do everything smoothly. Pressing firmly on the Velcro, you risk damaging the cables or ripping off the screen module. A vacuum is formed between the glass and the film, which will resist the adhesion of the coatings. But even if the suction cup adheres well to the film, there is a chance of damage to the sensor when removing the protective glass. Therefore, proceed consistently and carefully.

What to prepare for installing a protective glass:

  • a pick (or a thin plastic card) - it is better to take 2 pieces;
  • silicone suction cup (if you already have experience with reinstallation, you can do without Velcro);
  • a napkin or a piece of lint-free cloth;
  • an alcohol-based glass cleaner (pure alcohol or perfume will also work);
  • medical gloves (silicone or rubber).
  • Once armed with these tools, the job will take less than two minutes.

Brief description of the process

Make sure your hands are free of dust or lint before starting work. It is impossible to see the smallest particles on your fingers, so play it safe and wear medical gloves. They are thin and fit snugly on the arm, so they will not interfere with your work.

Next, install the suction cup on the area of ​​the phone with damaged glass, where there are fewer fragments and cracks. Gently attach the Velcro to the corner of the screen, and then press down slightly, glue it to the glass. Take the pick and pull the suction cup towards you, only gradually increase the force, otherwise the glass will come off along with the screen.

As soon as you feel that the glass is peeling, deepen the pick.

When the glass around the perimeter peels off ~ 80%, feel free to pull the suction cup and tear off the old screen.

We glue new glass

Remove dust and fingerprints before applying new coating. A lint-free cloth is suitable for this: first moisten the screen with glass cleaner and degrease the surface with a prepared cloth. Next, we move according to the scheme:

Carefully remove the adhesive protective surface on the film (keep the glass near the phone, otherwise air dust will stick while you carry the film).

Place the glass as close to the screen as possible (align with the center, make sure that all openings for buttons, connectors and the camera pass through the film).

Slowly lower the protective cover onto the screen, press down and smooth from the center to the corners at the same time. Use a dry, lint-free cloth or a thin plastic card to do this.

Remove the shipping protection tape.

It is not always possible to glue the glass to the phone without getting dust and lint. If you see that there are debris under the film, peel off the glass exactly to the place where there is dirt. You can also use a compressor, a technical vacuum cleaner, or a can of compressed air to blow out dust particles. If you don't have anything at hand, use tweezers. Once the dirt is removed, stick the glass back.

The decision to replace the protective plastic with chemically hardened glass was made during the development first iPhone... It is believed that Steve Jobs himself asked the directorate of Corning to resume the curtailed Chemcor project within which it was developed. Since then, all Aplle smartphones, without exception, have been equipped with Gorilla Glass.

Its different generations are used to protect screens in the iPhone 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, in their intermediate modifications with the index "S" and in the newest "X". The glass is strong enough to stay intact in 8 out of 10 drops and resist scratches. Nevertheless, when buying, you are almost always offered to stick an additional plate on the screen.

This article will show you how to remove from an iPhone. safety glass when you decide to get rid of it, or when, while fulfilling its function, it crashed.

If the outer plate is broken or cracked, the user's task is simplified. When installing such protection, the physical properties of polished surfaces are used, which in this case are glass. In fact, they just stick to each other, so no additional adhesives are required. Cracks reduce the strength of the connection and all that remains is to gently pick up the damaged corner to let air in and remove the damaged coating. This must be done with a sufficiently strong and thin object.

  1. At the initial stage, dental floss is quite suitable, which needs to be brought under the damaged edge.
  2. Having lifted it, we consolidate the success by placing a strip of paper or a plastic card so that part of it remains outside the body of the smartphone. This will prevent the glass from dropping and sticking again.
  1. After that, it remains to gradually raise the plate, completely separating it from the screen. This can be done with a plastic card, which we placed in the resulting slot.

Whole glass

The smartphone screen has a special oleophobic coating that allows your finger to easily slide over the surface, providing gesture control. Good safety glass also has a coating that wears off over time. If a iPhone screen is able to maintain it throughout the entire service life, then additional protection does not possess such properties. After a while, old glass no longer provides the required sensitivity, which is necessary for tactile control.

In this case, the only way out is to remove it to restore the screen's ability to perform one of its main functions. Removing the whole, not damaged by cracks, the outer coating is somewhat more difficult. The adhesion force holding it to the surface of the screen is not compromised, so considerable effort is required to separate it. In the service, specialists use tools for this that are not available at home. No one will buy a special rubber suction cup to perform a one-time operation.

  1. Here again, dental floss or a thin film of film will come to the rescue. Their convenience lies in their high strength, while there is a flat profile that facilitates its penetration between two tightly contacting surfaces.
  1. Beforehand, you will have to carefully examine all four corners to find a weak point in the joint. After that, we use a thread or a piece of film to lift one of them. During the passage of the next side, the previous one can stick - to prevent this from happening, fix it with a plastic card.
  1. Further actions do not differ from those described above. Having launched air between the surfaces, we gradually raise the protective surface, increasing the gap, until it is completely detached.


One of Apple's patents provides for a change in the spatial orientation of the smartphone when it is dropped to prevent impact contact with the surface. It is assumed that part of this will also require software implementation. In iOS 11, these technologies are not used and are unlikely to appear in the next. Apple promises to improve stability in the next version of the mobile OS without introducing new revolutionary features.

It should be understood that the additional protective glass itself is not a panacea. Regularly dropping your smartphone on a hard surface will sooner or later damage it. With careful handling, such a precaution will be more useful to the fair sex in order to protect the screen from constant exposure to jewelry during conversations. Earrings, especially with precious stones, to cover a smartphone is more dangerous than a handful of metal coins sprinkled on it accidentally.

Video instruction

The video below shows you how to properly remove the screen protector without damaging your iPhone screen. This is the main task of the user. If, after viewing, you are not sure of the successful completion of the operation, it is better to contact the service. The cost of installing a protective glass is not high, and it fully pays for the risk of damage to the device due to incorrect or inaccurate actions.

The main function of the protective glass is to provide the smartphone screen with maximum protection from all kinds of negative influences and unwanted contacts. As a result of a fall or impact, the glass cracks, deforms and becomes completely unusable. And here you can no longer do without replacing it. But how to peel off the protective glass, what is required for this and in what order should the work be carried out? There are a lot of questions and each of them requires a competent answer. Let's talk about removing and replacing glass in a little more detail and in detail.

Removing the glass - what you need to remember

Quite often, glass is not used to protect the display, but protective film, which has a smaller thickness and is characterized by very weak strength indicators. But the choice in its favor is extremely unjustified and impractical in situations that require maximum screen protection.
Here, one cannot do without a solid and reliable one. But when replacing it, you should be extremely careful and careful. The smartphone screen has a perfectly flat base, and this provides the glass in close contact with the surface. Moreover, retention is carried out not due to glue, but under the influence of electrostatic forces. Therefore, removing the glass may not be as easy as it seems to some initially.
You should not use all kinds of cutters and knives for this. And one silicone suction cup is also indispensable. If it is weakly adhered, it is impossible to obtain a vacuum, and excessively tight contact can lead to other problems. In this case, not only the damaged glass can be ripped off, but also the sensor module located under the screen. To remove the glass, the utmost care and caution should be exercised.

Remove glass - what is required for work

For work, you should prepare in advance such a set of devices:

  • A mediator or a narrow plastic card - it is better to take 2 pieces for greater convenience;
  • Silicone suction cup is optional;
  • Napkin with a lint-free surface;
  • Glass cleaner - a preferable choice in favor of a composition with an alcohol content;
  • Medical gloves are an optional choice.

How to peel off a protective glass - the sequence of actions

Remove the protective glass from the smartphone, subject to the following sequence of actions:

  • Initially, you need to thoroughly wash and dry your hands to prevent the appearance of marks and stains on the surface of the touchscreen;
  • Next, you should determine on the basis of the glass the angle that is least susceptible to damage;
  • Fix a silicone suction cup in this place;
  • Using a pick or a piece of plastic, pry off the corner to detach it from the surface of the screen. To do this, you can additionally pull the suction cup towards you;
  • Advance a pick or a plastic card into the formed space and move it along the base until the glass is completely peeled off;
  • Remove glass from the screen using a suction cup or by grasping it with your hands.

Protective glass from a smartphone - put a new one

At this, the work can be considered completed. The protective glass is removed and you can proceed to installing in its place a whole and serviceable module. This process is not particularly difficult, but it requires careful observance of all requirements and nuances.
First of all, you should clean the display with an alcohol-based composition. After that, you need to remove the film from the new protective glass. This should be done from the side that will contact the screen. mobile phone... In this case, the glass should be held as close to the display itself. Careful alignment of its position is necessary to ensure that all cutouts and holes match up accurately. When full compliance is achieved, the glass is lowered onto the screen.
All bubbles that appear are removed without problems and difficulties with a dry napkin. It is enough just to run it over the glass. Finally, remove the film that covers the glass from the outside.
Removing the protective glass is not particularly difficult. You just need to be careful and strictly follow the recommendations presented above.

Is a fragile and very important thing. You can say in the style of "Captain Obvious" that if it is damaged, the phone becomes impossible to use, but people are more interested in something else: is it possible to replace the screen on the phone by yourself? Considering that in service center for this procedure, they usually take at least 1000 hryvnia (even for a budget device) - the issue of savings becomes acute. We will try to find out about the intricacies of the replacement below.

Any material should start with theory. If you came here from a search engine by entering the query "how to replace the screen on a phone with your own hands" - new knowledge will definitely not hurt. If the purpose of reading the material is to obtain some new information, in addition to those learned earlier, this subheading need not be studied.

Touchscreen modern smartphone is a complex device consisting of several functional elements... The main ones are the matrix and the touchscreen, frames, keys, backlighting elements and, of course, loops, in the amount of 1 to 3-4 pieces, can also be present.

The matrix- a liquid crystal or light-emitting diode panel, which contains an array of pixels that form an image. On the front side it is covered with a very thin layer of glass, on the back it has a stainless steel case. It is also equipped with a ribbon cable for connection to the board, it may have other small elements on it.

Touchscreen (sensor)- a transparent glass touch panel that covers the entire front of the smartphone. It is a thin sheet of glass (less often - plastic), on which from the inside is applied transparent layer conductive material, from the outside - oleophobic spraying (optional).

IN individual cases(lately - more and more often) the touchscreen and the matrix of the smartphone are one whole. They are delivered as a single module and change together. This design is called OGS.

OGS screen(from the English one glass solution - a solution with one glass) - a type of smartphone screen, in which the sensor and the matrix are connected together in the form of a "sandwich". A distinctive feature of OGS-matrices is a very thin layer of coating that protects the pixels, since the main element of their protection is the sensor.

Whether it is possible to replace the phone screen on your own depends on the reader's ability to work with tools and the type of matrix. Some smartphones lend themselves very well to home repair, while with others - not even every SC master can handle it. We will discuss below which screens can be replaced even without experience, and which ones should be entrusted to a specialist.

How to replace the glass on the phone screen yourself

The touchscreen of a smartphone is the first to take a hit when dropped, so it suffers more often than a matrix. Therefore, the number of calls to the SC caused by glass damage is greater than the number of cases of a broken matrix. However, this is not always encouraging, since replacing one touchscreen sometimes costs more than a complete module. This situation is caused precisely by the use of OGS screens.

To divide the OGS-display into a touchscreen and a matrix, to replace a damaged sensor, you will not be able to do with simple tools (suction cup, screwdrivers, knife, pick). Replacing the sensor on the OGS screen in the SC conditions occurs in approximately the following order:

  1. Disassembly of the phone.
  2. Removing the module from the smartphone case.
  3. Fixing and warming up the screen on a special stand.
  4. Separation of the matrix and the touchscreen with a special thin nylon thread.
  5. Cleaning the matrix from glue.
  6. Placement of the matrix in a special stencil, application of photopolymer transparent glue.
  7. Installation in a stencil touch screen, removing excess glue between it and the matrix.
  8. Irradiation of the gluing with a UV lamp to polymerize the glue.
  9. Installing the module into the case.
  10. Assembling a smartphone.

As you can see, without special equipment (a heating stand, stencils, a transparent photopolymer and a UV lamp), it will not be possible to replace glass on an OGS screen on your own. Unfortunately, now such screens are installed in most Samsung smartphones, LG, Sony, Xiaomi, Meizu and, in general, almost all devices, more expensive than UAH 3000. Apple has been using OGS displays since the iPhone 4S. Therefore, independent attempts to change the sensor (without a matrix) on these devices are justified only if there is a lot of time, a desire to learn and if the phone is not a pity.

The video shows how a person with experience changes the sensor on the OGS display using a minimum of tools:

For the desperate: how to replace the glass on the OGS screen yourself

If the budget is limited and you don't want to overpay for the damaged matrix - this section worth reading for general information only. It is better to immediately purchase the complete OGS screen module, and not risk it. The editors are not responsible for broken screens, torn cables and other consequences of unsuccessful experiments.

Owners of some flagship smartphones(HTC One M series, Samsung Galaxy released after 2015, and not only) self-intervention is contraindicated. Disassemble them without experience, without damaging the body parts, impossible.

Disassembly requires the following tools and equipment:

  • Curly screwdriver set(cross and star), for disassembling a smartphone.
  • Plastic card or guitar pick, spatula.
  • Hair dryer, capable of heating the screen to a temperature of 70-90 degrees (normal for hair is suitable).
  • Thin nylon thread or string to split the module.
  • Gloves(workers and medical).
  • Rubber suction cup with ring.
  • Metal flat surface with holes(perforated sheet).
  • 6-8 bolts with nuts(the diameter depends on the diameter of the holes in the sheet, the length is 2-3 cm).
  • Photopolymer glue hardening under the influence of UV radiation.
  • Transparent glue that cures in the atmosphere(for example, B-7000).
  • Ultraviolet lamp(You can use a regular carrier with an E27 ultraviolet lamp, or you can take a UV manicure camera for nail extension).
  • Glass cleaner, alcohol, wipes.

Screwdrivers, picks, paddles and a suction cup are often included with the new touchscreen as a bonus. You can use them to replace them.

To independently replace the glass on a phone with an OGS screen, the procedure is as follows.

Phones often fall, glass, as the most fragile part, breaks first. It would seem that there is no problem to go to replace the glass on the phone, but in practice everything turns out to be not so simple.

Previously, the glass on the phone was changed separately, and the glass cost a penny. They are still inexpensive, but with the advent of the era of touchscreen phones, the procedure for replacing glass has become much more complicated. What is the current cost of replacing glass on a phone, taking into account the work?

If you have a touchscreen phone, and the glass is broken on it, a replacement is required, then you need to know the following:

Modern touch phones there are two types: those phones in which the sensor is connected to the glass, accordingly changing the glass, you also change the sensor, and the cost of the touch glasses is already much higher, since in addition to the glass itself, there is also a touch panel with a loop, which has a connector on motherboard phone. Still, replacing the touch glass is not as expensive as replacing the glass itself on more expensive models.

The most advanced phone models, flagships of companies such as Iphone 4, Iphone 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Htc one, Nokia Lumia 920, Sony Xperia Z and others have a more complex screen design: the phone screen consists of an LCD display, which actually transmits the image, a sensor (touchscreen) responsible for pressing, and glass, which is protective and decorative. In this case, the screen module is one-piece, the components are glued together in an industrial way, and according to the manufacturer's instructions, the entire screen is changed.

Glass replacement procedure.

Nevertheless, the glass can still be changed. The procedure for replacing glass on top-model phones is as follows: the display module is heated using a special hair dryer, or a special heating pad, the glue with which the glass is glued to the sensor softens, then with a knife, a thin spatula, a plastic playing card, a special molybdenum wire and the like, the glass is detached from the screen. Then the remnants of the glue are removed using a special solvent, a scraper, napkins, soft cloth, etc. New glass is placed either on double-sided tape or on a special UV glue (similar to the factory one).

The description looks pretty simple, but in practice it is far from the case.

Firstly, it is extremely difficult to achieve uniform heating of the surface of the display module, there is a danger of overheating the display and the sensor, after which either the image will disappear or the sensor will not work correctly. This can manifest itself both immediately and after a while.

Secondly, it is possible to remove the glass without problems only if there are one or two large cracks on the glass, but in the case when there is a cobweb of small cracks on the glass, the glass will crumble, and it is easy to damage the sensor with fragments, as a result, you will still have to change the entire display module. Also, from a blow in the display, there may already be microcracks, which do not manifest themselves in any way before the procedure, but when heated and / or pressure on the glass can lead to failure of the LCD itself.

Thirdly, cleaning the sensor from the glue is also not useful for the phone, the glue is removed with a scraper, cloth, etc., the sensor is seriously affected, which can also lead to its failure.

And finally, in most cases, the masters put the new glass on double-sided tape glued along the perimeter of the screen, it is impossible to ensure a snug fit of the new glass, over time, dust will accumulate under it, and the tape itself may come off.

Not everyone knows how to put new glass on glue, not only special glue is required, preferably German, but also an ultraviolet lamp (the principle of glue hardening, like in a dental office, when a photopolymer filling is placed), and preferably special equipment for display and glass to provide 100 % exact hit of the glass in its place.

Glass replacement takes up to three hours, it is extremely painstaking and requires very high qualifications of the master. At the same time, if something does not work out, then the master is also responsible for this, it is impossible to explain something to the majority of clients. No guarantees can be given for the successful outcome of the operation.

That is why most professional workshops will tell you that the glasses do not change, and will suggest replacing the entire display module. Of course, you can find a master or a service where they will take it up, but be sure that the glasses are changed there in an amateur way, the probability of success is 50/50, the likelihood of further performance and preservation appearance phone even lower.

What our service center offers:

1. Professional replacement of Samsung Galaxy glasses at a price of 3000 rubles (including the cost of glass). Phone readiness 1-2 days.

Note: Experience shows that in 99% of cases the glass on the phone can be changed, while maintaining the appearance of the phone from 85 to 100%. Statistics on the further performance of the display and sensor have not yet been accumulated (there have not yet been secondary calls from people who were changed).

2.The glasses themselves for Samsung, Nokia, Iphone, HTC - you can buy glass from us and replace it yourself, or contact those who offer to change glass cheaper than ours.

3. We offer replacement of the display or touchscreen along with the glass: in this case, you are guaranteed to get the lowest price for a replacement screen in the city, using original spare parts and with full preservation of the health and appearance of the phone.

In any case, it's up to you! We hope that the above information will help you make the right decision.

So, in case you need glass replacement for Samsung, Nokia, Iphone, Sony, HTC, LG, Fly and other phone models, we are waiting for you in our service!