Can the processor fail. Broken processor in the computer what to do

The easiest way to find out if the processor is working is to turn on the computer and see if it starts loading. Of course, this option will allow you to check only if all other components of the system unit are in order. At the same time, with a faulty processor, the computer can boot, but work unstable.

Another way to find out if the CPU is working is to check its heating. To do this, lay the unit on its side, open the cover and remove the cooling fan from the processor. Now you need to put two pieces of paper on the CPU. This is done in order not to burn your fingers during the test.

normal temperature the processor is 60-70 degrees (together with cooling), and in the event of a failure, this figure can rise above 150. And if you touch the processor at this moment, you can get severe burns.

Let's go to the test - press your finger to the processor (with paper on it) and turn on the computer. Within 3-4 seconds, heating should occur gradually, which is a sign of the health of the equipment. After that, turn off the computer so as not to spoil the CPU. If the temperature of the processor after turning on has risen sharply, then this is an obvious symptom of a malfunction.

Another option - listen to speaker PC. When turned on, it usually beeps. If everything is normal, then one signal sounds and loading in progress farther. In the event that loading does not occur, several beeps usually sound. By their number and duration, you can determine the malfunction.

If there is no sound, but computer won't boot, then you can try to pull out the processor and start the PC. In this case, a beep should sound indicating the absence of the CPU. In this case, it is recommended to lubricate the processor with thermal paste and reinstall it.

If the computer continues to be unstable, you can try to install the CPU on another computer, or check it with specialized testing applications.

Processor performance test

Processor performance depends on many factors, not just frequency. For testing, you can use specialized programs, some of which we will consider.

PC Wizard

Lets hold comprehensive testing all PC components. In addition, you can check the performance of many system components, as well as find out many inaccessible standard means parameters.


Able to determine many parameters of equipment and system, and also allows test, both overall performance and individual components.


A program that is specifically designed to measure performance. It contains more than 40 tests, and also sets the number of points after verification.

These are the most popular apps, but not the only ones. On the web you can find a large number of similar software for any needs.

Carrying out a stress test

The stress test allows you to check the necessary components of the PC. This is not a normal test, but with maximum load That's why it's called a stress test. Why is this necessary? And then to check the stability of the equipment.

For example, there is suspicion incorrect work processor. Can run powerful program or a game, and “by eye” try to determine at what point and which component of the system unit starts to fail. Or you can run a stress test that will simulate the maximum load and it will immediately become clear whether the processor is to blame or not.

There are many applications for such a procedure, but we will consider 3 of the most popular and well-known.


An application that has in its arsenal a huge number of tests and other useful additions. Unfortunately, the application is paid, but for stress testing the functionality trial version enough.

To start testing, you need to open the menu " Service", where to find " System stability test».

Here we choose required parameters, setting the checkboxes and running the check. When the temperature rises above 70 degrees, you should pay close attention to the operation of the CPU. And if the temperature reaches 90 degrees, you should immediately stop the application and pay attention to the health of the processor or cooling system.


Another application that will help to cope with the task. Download the application and run it. Then expand the menu Quick test, find item CPU coverage and start execution.

The only thing left to do is to observe the test. It is worth noting that in parallel, you can monitor the temperature so that there are no unpleasant consequences.


The last of the considered programs. Able to test various equipment, up to to the power supply. It also boasts great functionality and advanced settings.

There are really a lot of parameters here and you can safely call it the best of all three applications.

The main symptoms of a processor malfunction
The processor, by virtue of its design features, is one of the most reliable and durable computer components. Any malfunctions with it occur extremely rarely.
The main cause of all malfunctions is overheating, which occurs as a result of:
1. The cooler radiator is clogged with dust. As a result, air flows do not get into the "fins" of the heatsink and, accordingly, it cools poorly, and therefore does not provide processor cooling. The fan either does not rotate at all, or rotates slowly, which again does not provide the desired heat dissipation.
You can check the processor temperature either in the BIOS (the temperature of the processor is indicated here in a calm state, i.e. without load), or special programs, such as Core Temp.
In addition to overheating, the processor can fail as a result of:
1. Breakdown of the power supply, as a result, the processor is supplied with over or under voltage.
2. Physical damage to the processor itself or its pins. This can happen as a result of not carefully installing it on the motherboard, or the cooler heatsink.
3. Another cause of the malfunction can be extreme overclocking of the processor, but we'll talk about this in the next article.
Remember that the processor is beyond repair, so be very careful while installing it and keep an eye on its temperature.
Processor symptoms:
So how can you still determine that you are having problems with the processor, and not, for example, with hard drive? The following symptoms will help diagnose a processor malfunction:
1. The computer began to work very slowly, almost constantly the processor load reaches 100%, although you do not run "heavy" programs and games.
In order to check the processor load, press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, a window with a list of tasks will open in front of you (for windows 7), select the “Task Manager” item and you will see the following window: The processor load is indicated at the bottom of the manager .
2. Spontaneous shutdown of the computer. There is no periodicity here, as a result of overheating, the processor protection is triggered, and the computer turns off.
3. BIOS signals, for example, AMI BIOS has five short ones. For a list of all signals and their decoding, see the article: “Why doesn’t the monitor turn on?”
4.The operating system is not working (but the power indicator is on normally). If the system does not boot or hangs during the boot process.
5. The OS starts normally, but freezes when you start any program or game.
These are the main symptoms of a processor malfunction and most accurately point to problems with the processor. Remember, some symptoms may not only be possible problems with the processor, but also with other components. For example, if your system crashes during the game, you may have a faulty video card or power supply, so for accurate troubleshooting, it is better to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis.

When a computer turns into a lifeless machine, the user understands that repairs will be expensive. After all, many workshops tear up money as soon as they can. With the exception of specialists with fanaticism, for whom repair is primarily a pleasure, and not a way to earn money. These can be found here.

But, before contacting the workshop, you must independently determine the cause of the breakdown. So that there is no situation when you will be billed for the replacement of the entire PC stuffing.

Checking the processor

Processors burn very rarely, but, nevertheless, this happens. Therefore, first of all, we check the chipset for its serviceability.

Let's start the PC first. Listen to the signals that the BIOS will emit. To do this, you need to read the instructions for the meaning of signals. It can be found on the Internet, it is freely available.

The thing is that almost all BIOS versions do not notify about the processor burning. Therefore, if you do not find a suitable signal, beware. This is another fact indicating a chipset malfunction.

If the coolers work during startup, but the screen is not backlit, do not rush to conclude that this is a video accelerator. When the video card burns out, the system notifies with a certain type of signal. If it is not, then the problem is not in the video card.

Next, we disassemble the system. A cooler must be installed on the processor. We take it off. Then we remove the processor. Now we are guided by visual principles. Inspect the area around the chipset. If it is blackened, then the processor is likely to burn out. Also, you can smell it. If it smells burnt, then the chances of a malfunction increase. Now you need to replace the thermal paste and reassemble the structure. We impose it with a thin layer (you cannot put a thick layer) and close everything with a fan. Let's try to turn it on. If the monitor started up, then most likely the problem was insufficient cooling (often happens with powerful processors). If it didn't start. We remove the chipset and look for another PC to test it.

The best way to check the health of your kernel is to install it on another hardware. But, you can't be a fan. If you turn on another PC, but it still does not start, turn it off immediately in order to avoid burning the motherboard.

This is how the chipset is simply checked for serviceability. It is easier for masters to do this, because they have special devices, alas, which most users do not have. Therefore, if you trust your master, take the device to him for a test. It will pinpoint exactly what is wrong. If the masters are new, then try to determine the cause of the malfunction of your computer yourself, and only then visit the service.

The central processing unit (CPU), also known as the processor, is considered the heart of computer system. Despite what the title of this post says, it is very rare for a CPU to fail. And if he does, then there's nothing a normal user can do about it, anyway. Now we will consider all processor malfunction signs and symptoms.

This post is meant to be an introduction to things to look out for, not specific steps to get a failed processor working again. If you are looking for more technical guidance on how to resurrect a failed processor, we recommend that you look elsewhere.

Processor failure symptoms

By design, modern computers won't load operating system, if such an important component as the processor does not work. In other words, the normal boot process cannot be completed because the POST or Power-On self-test will indicate that a critical component is missing from the system.

Other components such as fans, HDD and the motherboard as a whole will continue to work, but the boot process will eventually end with a blue screen of death error. However, there are other observable symptoms before and during a CPU crash that you should be aware of. Knowing them will help you identify the problem faster and reduce downtime.

Blocking and overheating just before turning off the PC If you notice that your computer had blocked instances before the final crash, you should consider that you have a bad processor. It may have overheated, causing automatic shutdown systems to prevent further damage.

The processor has a built-in fan that keeps it cool, but if the fan fails for any reason, the processor may temporarily overheat. This is one of the reasons why you should check and clean all fans on your computer once a year.

Dust can sometimes suffocate ventilation, so storing it regularly can lead to the destruction of the system. If your processor suffers from frequent overheating, consider cleaning its fan first. If that doesn't work, check your BIOS to see if you have a way to lower its RPM. This can have a significant impact on performance,

Keep in mind that prolonged overheating can cause permanent damage to the processor. If you are 100% sure that the processor is overheating (some motherboards have diagnostic tools to monitor the temperature of the processor). Here, just find a way to lower the temperature or consult a specialist how to fix it.

Common Symptoms of a Processor Failure

Beeping on startup. As mentioned above, your computer is performing a self-test (POST). Just to check if everything peripherals work or not. If the test detects that the processor is not working, the boot process will be aborted and the motherboard will beep. The beeps are actually codes that help the technician identify the problem. And so make sure you notice how many beeps there are. You can then search Google for what the beep code means.

Charred motherboard or processor. Severe overheating can melt or leave a charred appearance How on motherboard, and on the processor itself. Try removing the motherboard from the tower and unplugging the processor to see if this is the case (steps below).

If the overheating was severe, the processor could be permanently damaged. In this case, there is nothing you can do about it. Just replace it and get on with your life. Depending on the damage, the motherboard may also be rendered useless, so make sure you fix it afterwards.

Reasons for CPU failure

Like any other electronic component, the processor can die for simple reasons. Below are the items that you should minimize in the system if you want to prolong the life of the processor.

Heat and overheating. A running processor generates heat, but if the heat level goes beyond the normal threshold, the processor can die from it. Again, never underestimate the power of fans. There's a reason why extensive cooling systems are expensive. If possible, place the computer in an air-conditioned room so that heat build-up becomes slow.

Aging. Some processors may outlive all other components, but in most cases you can expect old cpu just crash at any time. If you have more old system(over 5 years), the processor may suddenly die. Even if it's taken care of properly.

The first component in the CPU assembly that is usually covered is the fan. Over time, this moving part simply reaches its natural limit. And there's nothing you can do about it. There are millions of transistors in a processor. And if one of the two stops working, the processor may malfunction if it performs a certain task. This is difficult to check directly. So if you have excluded all possible reasons, the only thing you can do is to replace the processor.

What else can cause the processor to crash

Excessive voltage or overclocking. Processors are rated based on their clock speeds. Some processors are designed to provide higher clock speeds for better performance, but it's worth the price. Overclocking can put more stress on the device, shortening its overall lifespan.

In other words, you're trading CPU longevity for more processing power, which isn't entirely a bad thing. If you have the finances to get a faster processor, we advise you to change it instead of overclocking.

Power surge or unstable voltage. Many of modern processors so reliable that they can work continuously for years without breakdowns. However, if you are in an area with frequent thunderstorms or unstable power lines, a power surge can effectively kill the CPU, if not the rest of the motherboard components.

Avoid connecting your computer directly to a power outlet. If possible, use network filter to protect your computer from sudden power surges.

Bad motherboard. The motherboard is a complex interconnection of many different components, and sometimes even one faulty capacitor can cause another component to fail. Try a visual check of the hardware on the motherboard. And watch out for a leaking or swollen capacitor. If you find one, there is a high chance that it is causing the CPU crash.

How to Troubleshoot Your Processor

The processor either works... or it doesn't. At correct installation the processor will keep running until it dies, unless something drastic happens. Such as power surge, lightning strike, serious damage to the motherboard. However, if the processor is no longer working, the best thing you can do is to replace it. Dot.

Check if the system is overheating. Before considering physically removing the processor and installing a new one, you should double check for signs of overheating in the system. Here are some of the specific steps you can try:

  • Make sure the airflow is free. Sometimes extra cables inside the case can block important openings.
  • Keep the number of fans under control. Too many fans doesn't necessarily mean it's better.
  • If you can still access the BIOS, make sure you have installed on it latest version firmware. The upgrade process depends on the board you are using, so be sure to check the documentation that came with it. You will usually find out BIOS version by checking the BIOS line that appears during boot. Other motherboards may display their firmware version differently. And so do a little Google search or use the guide.
  • Check fan or heatsink. This step is applicable only if you know how to remove and replace the processor. If you do, make sure the push pins are in the correct position. And that the heatsink is properly attached to the motherboard. At the same time, it is necessary to check whether there is a heat-insulating material on the bottom of the radiator. If they are not present, this may be the cause of the computer overheating. Thermal interface material often comes in the form of thermal paste.

If there is silence during loading ...

Faulty processor signs and symptoms. If nothing happens during boot, i.e. the display stays blue or black and you suspect a processor failure, you should follow these steps:

  • Make sure the power indicator on the motherboard is on or off.
  • If the LED is off, check the motherboard or power problems.
  • When the LED indicator is on, check if the CPU fan is spinning when the system is turned on.
  • If the CPU fan is spinning, you should perform a swap test using another running CPU. Make sure other devices are working properly.

How to prevent cpu crash

Despite its reliability, you want to make sure that your computer's processor is running at full capacity. Because overheating is often the most common cause of a CPU failure. And here's what you need to do to prevent it.

Monitor CPU heat levels. High-end motherboards provide a tool to monitor CPU temperature and fan speed in the BIOS, so be sure to use it. Again, how the monitoring tool is implemented depends on your motherboard. Therefore, for reference, use the accompanying documentation.

The monitoring tools in the BIOS are designed to be user friendly. Therefore, you can even use the mouse. Temperature readings are often displayed in a simple way so that you can understand them. And if you're lucky, there might be an indication of what's normal and what's not.

In case you cannot set the base temperature, you must determine it yourself. Just noting the temperature of the CPU when it's idle. After that, you need to boot the processor so you can also take note of its operating temperature. If you've run a motherboard monitoring program, set reasonable tripline values ​​for temperatures. And configure the program so that it notifies you when these temperatures are exceeded.

CPU Cooling

Use good CPU coolers . Processors bought from retail stores include stock coolers, but if you can afford quality third-party coolers, go for it. Aftermarket coolers tend to be more efficient than stock coolers. But they can also be noisier, so make your choice based on your needs.

If you're looking for good performance, go with the original coolers. If you are installing a cooler, make sure you properly clean the surface of the CPU before applying thermal paste. Also make sure the heatsink is tight against the processor.

Clean your system unit regularly. This speaks for itself. But again, we can't really stress the need to minimize dust inside the tower. Dust can clog the vents, reducing airflow to the processor and other components.

Use thermally enhanced chassis (TAC). TAC is a buzzword for a more advanced case designed to dissipate extra heat from internal components (outside). TACs can be expensive, but they can be effective method minimizing heat inside the case. If you have free finances, we suggest that you use them instead of the standard case.

Placement of the system unit. Placing a computer near a heat source in any form is a big problem. A cool, dry place is fine, but a climate-controlled room is even better. Computers would choose a cool room with no sun and air conditioning, so they should help a little with this :) Good luck everyone.

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How to determine that the processor burned out? What are the visual signs of a burnt processor? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

Firstly, I want to note right away that modern and motherboards have enough good protection from overheating, as well as systems for its timely warning. In my personal experience- in new computers, the processor should be the last thing to pay attention to (something else is more likely to fail) :) But, of course, the processors also burn out, so - to the point!

First, let's look at the most obvious signs of a burnt processor. I will scare you a little with various photographs illustrating this misfortune and share my experience and observations.

Quite often the question arises: what burned out, the motherboard or the processor? We talked about the computer in the previous series of articles. Now we will consider only the processor.

To begin with, open the system unit and carefully inspect the near-processor space for darkening, melting of the connector (socket) itself.

What I mean? This:

As you can see, you do not need to be an expert here to understand that it was the processor that burned out.

Always try to approach a problem in a thoughtful and methodical way, starting with checking the most banal options. Do not be too lazy to remove the cooling system (processor heatsink) and look under it. Perhaps (God forbid) :) Will you see something similar?

Pay attention to the darkening of the crystal itself (in the center of the photo), as well as to the melted sticker (sticker) at the bottom. By itself, she could not burn out. In general, the presence of any melted elements on the processor (not to be confused with the remnants of thermal paste) already indicates that it is operating in overheating mode.

Let's look at another photo:

In the photo above, we can observe the complete burnout of the crystal (in the center of the photo). We see that it has acquired a brown color and "went" in spots. Conclusion - cpu burnt out! And in the truest sense of the word.

Well, finishing our series of "unhappy pictures" - one more illustration. Here we see that even despite the protective heat-dissipating cover, the signs of a burnt processor under it are obvious.

If you look closely, you can see that the photographs show relatively old processors from AMD. At one time it was very strong, and relatively recently there were problems with them because of this. These devices, up to a certain point, had big problems associated with working in conditions of overheating. Their eternal competitor, Intel, already at that time had good system protection against this (the computer was simply forcibly turned off to avoid processor failure).

But these are all visual manifestations of a non-working processor. What other signs could there be? Many will say -. If you have subscribed to our mailing list and have read the previous articles, then you understand what we are talking about.

Unfortunately, as practice shows, in most cases, if the processor burned out, then you will not hear any sound signals. The point here is that sound signals(beeps) a program executed by the processor when processing the bios code. And if the processor burned out, then, of course, we will not hear any signals.

It should also be noted that some motherboards are able to detect processor errors and give a signal even if it is not in the socket. This function is implemented in them at the level of the system logic set (chipset) of the motherboard itself.

So how do you check if the processor is burned out or not? A 100% result here can only be given by transferring it to another (obviously working) motherboard with a similar socket (connector).

I remember we had a case at work: in a computer class on one of the AMD machines, the fan of the cooling system was clogged with dust. At some point, the cooler just stopped. How long the computer managed to work in this mode is unknown, but once it simply refused to start. Having opened it, we realized that the processor burned out (this was evidenced by the characteristic darkening on its surface). So - be vigilant, regularly do general preventive maintenance and inspection of the computer, do not take things to extremes!

In order to measure the temperature of the processor (and in general any other microcircuit and surface) there is one very simple and accurate device. It is called " pyrometer» or - non-contact infrared thermometer.

The model we use in our IT department is called "DT8380" and it looks like this:

This is a non-contact laser thermometer with an infrared "sight"! Sounds ominous, right? :) In fact, this is not a "sight", but a laser pointer, and non-contact means that the surface temperature is measured at a distance (without applying a device to it). But the power of the thermal radiation of an object is really measured in the infrared range.

The pyrometer is powered by a 9-volt "Krona" battery, which is located in its handle:

Even a child who was not deprived of playing “war games” in childhood by his parents will be able to use an infrared thermometer. Just "aim" at the point whose temperature you want to measure and press the "trigger" :)

After that, you will see the temperature value of the measured surface on the display.

With the three buttons below we can:

  • turn on/off the backlight of the display (for measurements in darkened rooms)
  • switch the instrument to Fahrenheit mode
  • turn off or turn on laser pointer(it's just more convenient to "aim" with it)

Here, for example, I measure the temperature of the multicontroller on the motherboard:

Of course with infrared thermometer You will not be 100% insured against burning out the processor, but you get your hands on a powerful (and importantly, safe) means of controlling the temperature inside.

The declared characteristics of the device are as follows:

  • range of measured temperatures from -30 to +380 degrees Celsius
  • measurement error - 2 degrees
  • the maximum accurate measurement distance is 8 (eight) meters!
  • automatic shutdown food as a waste
  • displaying the result on the screen in less than 1 second
  • saving the last committed value

With such a device, you can measure anything: the temperature of water heating batteries, pipes, stoves, gas boilers, check the heating of a car engine, floor, freezer walls (-16 degrees) :) computer, etc.

During the mass epidemic in China (during the outbreak of the H1N1 virus), there was an increased demand for such products, because they can also measure the temperature of the human body.

The processor can fail due to overheating not only in system unit. Where else, you ask? Well, for example: in a network switch (switch, English "switch"). For example, on this one (clickable):

A true story that happened at our workplace. I already talked about this once. And what is interesting: due to the same failure (failure of port processors as a result of overheating), we ended up with two 50-port non-working HP Procurve 2650 switches. It's a shame that this is a branded switch. with support for static routing, VLAN technology, etc. At one time, each of them cost good American money: $ 1,000 apiece! Now - they lie with us in a slide :)

Cause of malfunction? Banal overheating of processors serving RJ-45 ports of the switch. Having opened a similar switch, but from the company "Intel", we can see there a monolithic heatsink with a thermal interface, tightly "sitting" on two bolts on top of the processors. When I saw this, to be honest, there was no limit to the indignation! Really it was impossible to foresee such a simple thing in such expensive equipment?! The photo below is clickable.

The switch from Intel, after prevention, continues to work quietly for itself, but, unfortunately, I had to say goodbye to products from HP. So keep in mind: (and not only it) is an extremely unpleasant thing and you should, if possible, try to prevent its occurrence!

Unexpectedly for me, the story with switches from HP has continued! It turns out that these devices are covered by such a pleasant thing as a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer! What does it mean? You just need to contact the right people (company representatives in your region) and they will replace / repair your expensive switch for free! We didn't even have to pay for shipping! :)

I would also like to add a remark of the following nature: the processor can burn out not only in personal computer or laptop, but also in any other equipment. An example from practice: an ancient repeater (namely, a repeater that works with a BNC network!), Overgrown with dust and hanging behind a cabinet. It worked, worked, and suddenly stopped: all indicators are lit (do not blink), but there is no network. We remove, open, blow and find the following:

Pay attention to the area marked in red. We see an area of ​​obvious darkening - a characteristic sign of a long-term overheating of the chip, and moreover, white stripe- a crack on the element itself! It is strange that some kind of indication was present on the repeater at all. This is how the technique was done before: the processor burned out (even cracked), and the concentrator tries to continue working! :)

In the video below, I also suggest that you see what happens if the processor is in a state of prolonged overheating? And read the development of the "processor" topic at next page our site.