Will not take off: how the owner of the studio earns - jet imitation. "Into the world of dreams on our magic plane"

Budget photo shoots in private jets, with or without a professional photographer, are becoming popular on Russian Instagram. Even professional artists like Misha Marvin do not refuse filming in business jets. However, the “dust in the eye” genre is selling well not only in Russia.

The authors of the Antiglyanets telegram channel drew attention to the new trend. Advertisements that offer to rent a short-term private jet for a modest price appear on Instagram. The secret is that the plane will not take off. And this is not necessary: ​​after all, you can have time to be photographed at the gangway and in an armchair on the ground.

Just sitting on an airplane costs 11 thousand rubles, and together with professional photography - 14 thousand, but there are happy days when a photo shoot from a pro with a discount will cost only 7 thousand rubles. It is cheaper than a professional studio in Moscow.

This is how luxury looks in the minds of those who offer to sit on the plane. Advertisements contain, for example, text:

The charming Christina flies into the world of dreams and magical dreams on our plane? If you have not yet flown with us, we invite you on board our plane, book by phone ...

But such frames are bought by Instagram bloggers with closed accounts... It looks quite plausible, as if the girls are flying somewhere.

The image of the dancing millionaire Gianluca Vacca is very useful here. True, after Wakki became famous for dancing on yachts with young girlfriends, he had already started the personal bankruptcy procedure.

Russian artists do not hesitate to use the services of a photo session in a business jet. Misha Marvin, a second row performer on the Black Star label, ordered the filming in a private jet, and then posted them on his account with a sentimental signature.

As a child, Marvin was afraid of heights, but at the same time dreamed of becoming a pilot. I didn’t become a pilot, but I earned some spectacular photos in an expensive interior.

Even though I used to be afraid of heights, I fell in love with airplanes at first sight as a child. While all my classmates dreamed of becoming astronauts, doctors and teachers, I really wanted to enter the pilot academy when I grow up. But most of all, of course, I dreamed of becoming an artist, and now, in flight, I am looking for new sounds and writing music.

The trend applies not only to Russia. An “international celebrity,” as she calls herself, and PR woman Mariam Taki is also photographed in beautiful planes and cars for Instagram.

We recently wrote that the first hotel in the world was opened in the Maldives, designed for clients who like to post photos on Instagram (well, that is, for almost everyone). The peculiarity of the hotel is that for which you will even be assigned a specially trained person.

Terms of Service

Terms of use of the site Film Agency Welcome to the site Film Agency, an Internet resource intended for participants in the field of film and television production and photography. video materials... The Cinema Agency website (http://kinoagentstvo.ru) (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is a network project intended for people interested in the production of video materials and other products related to the display of images. The Site Administration offers you the services (services) of the Site on the terms that are the subject of these Site Terms of Use Film Agency. In this regard, you need to carefully read the terms of these Rules, which are considered by the Site Administration as a public offer in accordance with Art. 437 Civil Code Russian Federation... 1. The status of the Website Use Rules Film Agency 1.1. These Terms of Use of the Site by the Film Agency (previously and hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed by the Site Administration and determine the conditions for the use and development of the Site, as well as the rights and obligations of its Users and the Administration. The rules also apply to relations related to the rights and interests of third parties who are not Users of the Site, but whose rights and interests may be affected as a result of the actions of Users of the Site. 1.2. These Rules are a legally binding agreement between the User and the Site Administration, the subject of which is the provision by the Site Administration to the User of services for using the Site and its services (hereinafter referred to as the Services). In addition to these Rules, the agreement between the User and the Site Administration includes all special documents governing the provision of individual services of the Site and posted in the relevant sections of the Site on the Internet. 1.3. The user is obliged to fully familiarize himself with these Rules before registering on the Site. Registration of the User on the Site means full and unconditional acceptance by the User of these Rules in accordance with Art. 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 1.4. These Rules can be changed and / or supplemented by the Site Administration in unilaterally without any special notice. These Rules are an open and publicly available document .. The Site Administration recommends that Users regularly check the terms of these Rules for changes and / or additions. Continued use of the Site by the User after making changes and / or additions to these Rules means acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and / or additions. 2. Status of the Site Film Agency 2.1. The website of the Film Agency is an Internet resource and is a collection of information and computer programs contained in information systems e, ensuring the availability of such information on the Internet at the network address http://kinoagentstvo.ru. 2.2 .. The latter provides access to the Site to all interested parties in accordance with these Rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 2.3. These Rules establish the conditions under which the rights to use information and results of intellectual activity (including but not limited to literary, musical, audiovisual works and phonograms, works of graphics and design, photographic works, computer programs) as part of individual sections of the Site, may belong to the Users of the Site and other persons who have independently created and / or placed these objects on the Site without the direct participation of the Site Administration. 3. Site Administration Film Agency 3.1. In these Rules and other special documents posted on the Site, the Site Administration Film Agency (previously and hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration, Administration) means a private individual Maxim Valerievich Katkov TIN 772374840242. 3.2. Appeals, suggestions and claims of individuals and legal entities to the Site Administration in connection with these Rules and all questions about the functioning of the Site, violations of the rights and interests of third parties when using it, as well as for inquiries authorized by the legislation of the Russian Federation, persons can be sent to the mailing address of a private person 115193, Moscow, st. 6th Kozhukhovskaya 10.165. 3.3. With regard to the functioning and development of the Site, the Administration is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, these Rules and other special documents that have been developed or may be developed and adopted by the Site Administration in order to regulate the provision of certain services of the Site to Users. 3.4. Nothing in these Rules gives the User the right to use the brand name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Site Administration. The right to use the brand name, trademarks, domain names and other distinctive signs of the Site Administration can be granted only by written agreement with the Site Administration. 4. Registration on the Site of the Film Agency and the status of the User 4.1. User registration on the Site is free, voluntary and is made at the Internet address: http://kinoagentstvo.ru/registration/. 4.2. A user of the Site is an individual registered on the Site in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules, who has reached the age permissible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the acceptance of these Rules, and has the appropriate powers (previously and hereinafter - the User). 4.3. When registering on the Site, the User is obliged to provide the Site Administration with the necessary reliable and up-to-date information to form a personal page of the User, including a login unique for each User (address Email or a combination of Latin letters and numbers to enter the Site) and the password for accessing the Site, as well as the surname and first name. The Site registration form may ask the User for additional information. 4.4. The user is responsible for the accuracy, relevance, completeness and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of the information provided during registration and its purity from claims of third parties. 4.5. After providing the information specified in clause 4.3. of these Rules, the User must go through a number of verification procedures, namely, (a) confirm the registration by recognizing an automated test designed to distinguish between computers and people ("captcha"); (b) confirm your registration by activating a personal page through a message sent by the Site Administration to the User's e-mail; (c) confirm the registration by entering into the appropriate form on the Site the code received by the User in the form of an SMS message from the Site Administration on mobile phone User, whose number is provided by the User himself. In case of correct sequential execution of all registration actions on the Site, a personal User page is created, which has network address type http://kinoagentstvo.ru/profile/ [name, e-mail address, login]. The user has the right to assign a short (subdomain) name to the personal page that replaces the serial number or login when addressing on the Internet. Words and names cannot be selected as a subdomain name, the use of which is prohibited in accordance with these Rules, the current legislation of the Russian Federation and international legal acts, including, but not limited to, obscene language, names registered as trademarks (regardless of from the class MKTU), trade names and commercial designations, if the user does not own exclusive rights to them. In the event of a violation of these conditions, the Administration has the right to prohibit the User from using the subdomain name assigned to him, including, if applicable, transfer the right to use it to the appropriate person (representative of the copyright holder). The user has the right to register no more than one personal page on the Site. 4.6. When registering, the User agrees with these Rules and assumes the rights and obligations specified therein related to the use and operation of the Site. The user acquires full rights to use the Services of the Site, provided that the personal page is filled in more than thirty percent. 4.7. After successful registration of the User on the Site, the Administration assumes the rights and obligations to the User specified in these Rules. 4.8. The processing of the User's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The Site Administration processes the User's personal data in order to provide the User with services, including in order to receive personalized (targeted) advertising by the User; checking, researching and analyzing such data, allowing you to maintain and improve the services and sections of the Site, as well as develop new services and sections of the Site. The Site Administration takes all necessary measures to protect the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction. The Administration provides access to the User's personal data only to those employees, contractors and agents of the Administration who need this information to ensure the functioning of the Site and the provision of Services to the User. The Site Administration has the right to use the information provided by the User, including personal data, in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation (including in order to prevent and / or suppress illegal and / or illegal actions of Users). The disclosure of the information provided by the User can be made only in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation at the request of the court, law enforcement agencies, as well as in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Since the Site Administration processes the User's personal data in order to fulfill the concluded agreement between the Site Administration and the User for the provision of Services, by virtue of the provisions of the legislation on personal data, the User's consent to the processing of his personal data is not required. 4.9. The username and password chosen by the User are necessary and sufficient information for the User to access the Site. The user does not have the right to transfer his username and password to third parties, bears full responsibility for their safety, independently choosing the way to store them. The user on the hardware and software used by him can authorize the storage of the login and password (using cookies) for subsequent automatic authorization on the Site. 4.10. Unless the User proves otherwise, any actions performed using his login and password are considered to have been committed by the relevant User. In case of unauthorized access to the login and password and / or the User's personal page, or distribution of the login and password, the User is obliged to immediately inform the Site Administration about this in the prescribed manner. 4.11. After registration, the User acquires the right to independently create, use and determine the content of his own personal page and the conditions for access of other Users to its content for personal non-commercial purposes, and also gets the opportunity to access and post information on the personal pages of other Users (subject to obtaining the appropriate access rights from their owners), use of the resources of the Film Agency on third-party sites without additional authorization. When using registration on the site, third-party sites are not provided with information about the User's login and password, as well as his data protected by privacy settings. 4.12. The User, as the owner of the information posted on his own personal page, is aware that, with the exception of cases established by these Rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Site Administration does not take part in the formation and use of the content and control of other users' access to the User's personal page. 4.13. Creation and use of Topics on the Forum, Entries in personal blogs 4.13.1. The user has the right to create topics on the Forum, personal entries for the purpose of promoting commercial, political, charitable and other non-profit organizations, brands, goods, works and services, as well as various events (hereinafter referred to as Promotion Objects). Promotion objects, methods and methods of their promotion must comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including legislation on advertising, international legal acts, these Rules, as well as recognized ethical standards and principles of morality, including those related to those in the opinion of the Site Administration. The objects provided for in clauses can not act as Promotion Objects. 3.1. - 3.5., P. 3.8., P. 3.10. - 3.14. Rules for placing advertisements. 4.13.2. When creating and administering Topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, including when registering a subdomain name used to address the Topics page on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, the User confirms that he is acting legally (for example, by proxy), possesses all necessary rights and does not violate by his actions the legal rights and interests of third parties and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including the legislation on competition and rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization. 4.13.3. In Topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, including in the description, on the main photo of Topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, on the wall, in albums, in news, discussions, polls, audio recordings, videos, on the wall, is not allowed posting the Content (in the meaning provided for in clause 6.1.1. of these Rules) in whole or in parts without the prior permission of the copyright holder, as well as the information provided for in clause 5.3.4. of these Rules. A user administering Topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, is obliged to independently monitor and prevent posting information in Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs that does not comply with the Rules, and, if necessary, block users who violate these Rules from accessing Topics on the Forum, entries personal Blogs using the functionality of the Site. 4.13.4. In Topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, including in the description, on the main photo of Topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, in albums, in materials, discussions, polls, pinned posts on the wall, etc., are not allowed placement of third-party commercial and political advertisements. No more than 2 (two) third-party advertisements per week can be posted on the Topic wall on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs (excluding pinned posts). Third-party advertising is any information that is not directly related to Themes on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs and the Object of promotion, distributed in any form both on behalf of Themes on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs, and on behalf of other topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs and users, and aimed at attracting the attention of users to the advertised object, generating or maintaining interest in it. The user administering the Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs, must independently monitor and suppress the placement of third-party advertisements in Themes on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs that do not comply with the Rules. Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs can be posted in the search system of the Film Agency Site, subject to the mandatory observance of the requirements provided for in this paragraph. 4.13.5. All third-party advertisements must comply with paragraphs. 1 and 3 of the Rules for advertising the Film Agency. 4.13.6. The Site Administration has the right, at its own discretion, to form and post a list of recommended Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs, based on their information value for users and other criteria. For Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs that are in the list of recommended, apply additional restrictions- no more than 1 (one) third-party advertisements in Week. In case of non-observance of this limitation, the Site Administration has the right to exclude Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs from the list of recommended ones. 4.13.7. The user is fully responsible for his actions related to the creation and administration of Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, international legal acts and these Rules. 4.13.8. In the event of a violation in the Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs of the legal rights and interests of third parties, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the provisions of these Rules, the Site Administration has the right, at its option, to take the following measures: a) delete the Content and other information from the Topics page on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs and / or block access to them; b) block access of specific users to the topics page on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs; c) block the access of the User administering topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, to Topics on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs; d) transfer the rights to administer Themes on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, as well as the right to use the registered subdomain name, to the legal copyright holder who, in accordance with the established procedure, confirmed his rights to the Content of Themes on the Forum, posts in personal Blogs, including the right to copyright objects , related rights, as well as the right to a means of individualization, similar to the degree of confusion with the subdomain name used in the Topic on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs; e) exclude Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs from the search system and / or block Topics on the Forum, entries in personal Blogs. 4.14. With regard to information about himself, the User has the right: (a) to independently delete the information previously posted by the User on the Site; (b) independently delete the User's personal page using functionality"Delete your page", available to the User in the "My Settings" section. 5. Obligations of the User Film Agency 5.1. When using the Services of the Site, the User is obliged to: comply with the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, these Rules and other special documents of the Site Administration; provide reliable, complete and up-to-date data during registration, monitor their actualization; inform the Site Administration about unauthorized access to the personal page and / or about unauthorized access and / or use of the User's password and login; not to provide access to other Users to their own personal page or to certain information contained on it in the event that this may lead to a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation and / or these Rules, special documents of the Site Administration; not to post on the personal page information and objects (including links to them) that may violate the rights and interests of others; before posting information and objects (including, but not limited to, images of other persons, other people's texts of various contents, audio recordings and videos) to preliminarily assess the legality of their posting; keep secret and not provide other Users and third parties with personal data that have become known to him as a result of communication with other Users and other use of the Site (including, but not limited to, home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, ICQ, passport data, banking information ) and information about the private life of other Users and third parties without obtaining the appropriate prior permission of the latter; realize backup important information for the User stored on his personal page. 5.2. If there are doubts about the legality of taking certain actions, including posting information or providing access, the Site Administration recommends refraining from implementing the latter. 5.3. When using the Site, the User is prohibited from: 5.3.1. register as a User on behalf of or instead of another person (" fake account") Or register a group (association) of persons or a legal entity as a User, while registration is possible on behalf and on behalf of another natural person or a legal entity, subject to obtaining the necessary powers in the manner and form provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation; 5.3.2. mislead Users about their identity using the login and password of another registered User; 5.3.3. distort information about yourself, your age or your relationships with other persons or organizations; 5.3.4. upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use any information that: contains threats, discredits, offends, defames honor and dignity or business reputation or violates the privacy of other Users or third parties; violates the rights of minors; is vulgar or obscene, contains obscene language, contains pornographic images and texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors; contains scenes of violence or inhuman treatment of animals; contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit it; promotes and / or contributes to the incitement of racial, religious, ethnic hatred or enmity, promotes fascism or the ideology of racial superiority; contains extremist materials; promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guidelines for the commission of criminal acts, contains information limited access, including, but not limited to, state and commercial secrets, information about the private life of third parties; contains advertisements or describes the attractiveness of the use of drugs, including "digital drugs" ( sound files influencing the human brain due to binaural beats), information on the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and advice on their use; is fraudulent; and also violates other rights and interests of citizens and legal entities or the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.3.5. unlawfully upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use intellectual property Users and third parties; 5.3.6. carry out mass mailing of messages without the consent of the Site Users; 5.3.7. use the software and take actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site and its services or personal pages of the Users; 5.3.8. upload, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use viruses, Trojans and other malicious programs; 5.3.9. use, without the special permission of the Site Administration, automated scripts (programs) to collect information on the Site and (or) interact with the Site and its services; 5.3.10. in any way, including, but not limited to, by deception, abuse of trust, hacking, try to gain access to the login and password of another User; 5.3.11. carry out illegal collection and processing of personal data of other persons; 5.3.12. carry out (try to get) access to any Services in any other way, except through the interface provided by the Site Administration, except for cases when such actions were directly permitted to the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Administration; 5.3.13. reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade and resell the Services for any purpose, unless such actions were expressly permitted to the User in accordance with the terms of a separate agreement with the Administration; 5.3.14. place commercial and political advertisements outside the special sections of the Site established by the Site Administration. Purchase by the User paid services on the Site is carried out in the manner prescribed in special documents of the Administration posted on the Site. 5.3.15. post any other information that, in the personal opinion of the Administration, is undesirable, does not meet the goals of creating the Site, infringes on the interests of Users or for other reasons is undesirable for posting on the Site. 5.4. The User is personally responsible for any information that he posts on the Site, communicates to other Users, as well as for any interactions with other Users carried out at his own risk. 5.5. If the User disagrees with these Rules or their updates, the User is obliged to refuse to use it, informing the Site Administration about it in the prescribed manner. 6. Terms of Intellectual Property 6.1. Exclusive rights to the Content posted on the Site. 6.1.1. All objects posted on the Site, including design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, music, sounds and other objects and their collections (hereinafter referred to as Content), are subject to the exclusive rights of the Administration, Site Users and other copyright holders, all rights to these objects are reserved. 6.1.2. Except for the cases established by these Rules, as well as by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, no Content can be copied (reproduced), processed, distributed, displayed in a frame, published, downloaded, transmitted, sold or otherwise used in whole or in part without prior permission. the copyright holder, unless the copyright holder has explicitly expressed his consent to the free use of the Content by any person. 6.1.3. The user, by posting on the Site the Content that belongs to him legally, grants other users a non-exclusive right to use it by viewing, reproducing (including copying), processing (including printing copies) and other rights solely for the purpose of personal non-commercial use, unless such use causes or may harm the legally protected interests of the copyright holder. 6.1.4. The use by the User of the Content, access to which is obtained exclusively for personal non-commercial use, is allowed provided that all signs of authorship (copyrights) or other notices of authorship are preserved, the author's name is preserved unchanged, and the work is preserved unchanged. 6.1.5. In addition to his own Content, the User does not have the right to upload or otherwise make public (publish on the Site) Content of other sites, databases and other results of intellectual activity in the absence of the explicit consent of the copyright holder to such actions. 6.1.6. Any use of the Site or the Content, except as permitted in these Rules or in the case of the explicit consent of the copyright holder to such use, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, is strictly prohibited. 6.1.7. Unless otherwise explicitly established in these Rules, nothing in these Rules can be considered as a transfer of exclusive rights to the Content. 6.2. Responsibility for violation of exclusive rights. 6.2.1. The user is personally responsible for any Content or other information that he uploads or otherwise brings to the public (publishes) on the Site or with its help. The user does not have the right to upload, transfer or publish Content on the Site if he does not have the appropriate rights to perform such actions, acquired or transferred to him in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 6.2.2. The Site Administration may, but is not obligated to, view the Site for prohibited Content and may delete or move (without warning) any Content or users at its sole discretion, for any reason or no reason, including without any limitation, moving or deleting Content that, in the personal opinion of the Administration, it violates these Rules, the legislation of the Russian Federation and / or may violate the rights, harm or threaten the safety of other Users or third parties. 6.2.3. By posting his Content on the Site, the User gives the Administration the right to make copies of his Content in order to streamline and facilitate the publication and storage of user Content on the Site. 6.2.4. By posting his Content in any part of the Site, the User automatically grants the Administration a non-exclusive right to use it by copying, public performance, reproduction, processing, translation and distribution for the purposes of the Site or in connection with them, including for its promotion. For these purposes, the Administration may make derivative works or insert the User's Content as components into the corresponding collections, perform other actions that serve to achieve the specified goals. 6.2.5. If the User removes his Content from the Site, the rights mentioned in clause 6.2.3. - 6.2.4. of these Rules will be automatically revoked, however, the Administration has the right to keep archived copies of the User Content for an indefinite period. 6.3. Third Party Sites and Content. 6.3.1. The site contains (or may contain) links to other sites on the Internet (third party sites) as well as articles, photographs, illustrations, graphics, music, sounds, videos, information, applications, programs and other Content owned by or outgoing from third parties (Third Party Content), which is the result of intellectual activity and protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 6.3.2. These third parties and their Content are not checked by the Administration for compliance with certain requirements (reliability, completeness, conscientiousness, etc.). The Administration is not responsible for any information posted on third-party sites to which the User gains access through the Site or through the Content of third parties, including, but not limited to, any opinions or statements expressed on third-party sites or in their Content. 6.3.3. Links or guides for downloading files and (or) installing third-party programs posted on the Site do not mean support or approval of these actions by the Administration. 6.3.4. A link to any site, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Site is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services) by the Administration. 6.3.5. If the User decides to leave the Site and go to third-party sites or use or install third-party programs, he does so at his own risk and from that moment on, these Rules no longer apply to the User. In further actions, the User should be guided by the applicable rules and policies, including the business customs of those persons whose Content he intends to use. 7. Operation of the Film Agency and Responsibility for its Use 7.1. Users are responsible for their own actions in connection with the creation and posting of information on their own personal page on the Site, as well as in connection with the placement of information on the personal pages of other Users and in other sections of the Site in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Violation of these Rules and the current legislation of the Russian Federation entails civil, administrative and criminal liability. 7.2. The Site Administration provides the technical possibility of its use by the Users, does not participate in the formation of the content of the personal pages of the Users and does not control and is not responsible for the actions or inaction of any persons in relation to the use of the Site or the formation and use of the content of the personal pages of the Users on the Site. 7.3. The information systems of the Site and its software do not contain technical solutions carrying out automatic censorship and control of the actions and information relations of Users on the use of the Site. 7.4. The Administration reserves the right at any time to change the design of the Site, its content, the list of services, change or supplement the scripts used, software and other objects used or stored on the Site, any server applications at any time with or without prior notice. 7.5. The Site Administration does not engage in preliminary moderation or censorship of User information and takes action to protect the rights and interests of individuals and ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation only after the interested person has contacted the Site Administration in the prescribed manner. 7.6. The Site Administration is not responsible for the violation by the User of these Rules and reserves the right, at its sole discretion, as well as upon receipt of information from other users or third parties about the User's violation of these Rules, to change (moderate) or delete any information published by the User that violates the prohibitions established by these Rules (including private messages), suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to all or any of the sections or services of the Site at any time for any reason or without explanation, with or without prior notice, without liability for any harm that may be caused to you by such action. The Site Administration reserves the right to delete the User's personal page and (or) suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to any of the Site services if the Administration discovers that, in its opinion, the User poses a threat to the Site and (or) its Users. The Site Administration is not responsible for the temporary blocking or deletion of information, or the deletion of the personal page (termination of registration) of the User, carried out in accordance with these Rules. 7.7. Removal of the User's personal page means automatic deletion all information posted on it, as well as all User information entered during registration on the Site. After deleting the personal page, the User loses access rights to the Site. 7.8. The Site Administration ensures the functioning and operability of the Site and undertakes to promptly restore its operability in the event of technical failures and interruptions. The Site Administration is not responsible for temporary disruptions and interruptions in the operation of the Site and the loss of information caused by them. The Administration is not responsible for any damage to the computer of the User or another person, mobile devices, any other equipment or software caused by or associated with downloading materials from the Site or via links posted on the Site. 7.9. The Site Administration has the right to dispose of statistical information related to the operation of the Site, as well as User information to ensure targeted display of advertising information to various audiences of Site Users. For the purposes of organizing the functioning and technical support Site and the execution of these Rules The Site Administration has the technical ability to access personal pages users, which is implemented only in the cases established by these Rules. 7.10. The Site Administration has the right to send the User information about the development of the Site and its services, as well as advertise its own activities and services. 7.11. 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Business idea number 6038

A service for organizing photo sessions on board a fake private jet has appeared in Moscow. The studio collects 14 thousand rubles from those who want to show off their "cool" photos in front of their followers on Instagram.

The Moscow-based Private Jet Studio has decided to respond to the exponential growth of people who like to show off their photos on the Instagram social network. Now anyone can order a photo session on board a Gulfstream G650 private jet. Fake, of course. The aircraft's interior was recreated in one of the studio's pavilions.

A two-hour shooting with a professional photographer will cost 14 thousand rubles. You can also shoot on own phone: in this case, 11 thousand rubles will be enough. If you pay extra, they will set the table and put a bottle of champagne on the plane. What did you think? You have to pay for luxury.

The service of creating the aura of a beautiful life, apparently, is already in demand. On Instagram, you can already find photos of participants in such photo shoots in the form of experienced passengers of private planes and with the appropriate captions.

True, people who really know immediately notice the shortcomings of the photo. The differences with the real interior of the plane (in the main photo) or the bottles of closed champagne, adjacent to the filled glasses, are striking.


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There are many situations where a photo shoot on a private jet may be required. This is the formation of a business portfolio, a romantic date, a wedding, and much more.

An original photo session on board can be used to mark a significant family date.

The cost of a photo session with a light aircraft on the ground is about 4400 euros / hour of shooting with a Premier 1A aircraft. If you need a photo shoot in an airplane in the air, then the price of such a photo shoot will be about 8000 euros / hour on a Premier 1A airplane.

In this regard, some photo studios even offer the service of shooting in the pavilion, the interior of which imitates the salon of a business jet. But these pictures are suitable only for personal use, showing with family and close friends - knowledgeable people immediately recognize the fake. There is a more worthy alternative - renting a plane for photography from a professional airline broker company.

The cost of ordering an airplane for a photo shoot

  • The cost of a photo session with a light aircraft on the ground is about 4400 euros / hour of shooting with a Premier 1A aircraft. If you need a photo shoot in an airplane in the air, then the price of such a photo shoot will be about 8000 euros / hour on a Premier 1A airplane. It should be borne in mind that the cycle: preparation for a flight, takeoff, flight and landing of such a Premier 1A can take from 2 to 2.5 hours, which means that the cost will be about 16,000 euros.

The price of a photo session on an average aircraft is about 6,000 euros / hour of shooting a Hawker 750XP on the ground, and a photo session in the air inside the aircraft will cost about 10,000 euros on a Hawker 750XP. It should be borne in mind that the full cycle: preparation for the flight, takeoff, flight and landing Hawker 750XP will take 1.5-2 hours, which means it will cost about 15,000 - 20,000 euros.

Benefits of renting a plane

The decision to rent a real business jet will cost more compared to shooting in a dummy set, but it has a number of advantages:

  • air broker can offer big choice aircraft. Depending on the purpose of shooting and the number of participants, you can choose sides of different capacities and cabin layouts;
  • the ability to shoot not only in the salon, but also at the airport, hangar and other locations;
  • professional training aircraft for photography. If necessary, the interior and exterior are complemented by decorative elements. For example, for a wedding photo session, these are the names of the newlyweds, garlands of flowers, balloons;
  • full consulting support for the client. All tasks and needs are taken into account as much as possible;
  • flexible pricing policy - taking into account the type of aircraft, the need to move, the route, the number of participants and other factors.

Aviation broker services

A professional aviation broker provides aircraft for rent for different types photography. The most popular and affordable is a static photo session. It implies taking pictures on the territory of the airport (including the VIP terminal), against the background of the aircraft, on the territory of the hangar, as well as directly in the cabin of a business jet. The choice of the airport is carried out at the request of the client.

Photos can be used in business purposes- to demonstrate status.

It is worth considering that the cycle: preparation for the flight, takeoff, flight and landing of such a Premier 1A can take from 2 to 2.5 hours, which means that the cost will be about 16,000 euros.

Dynamic photography involves the recording by the camera of various actions both on the site and in any other locations chosen by the client (for example, moving along the runway or flying an airplane).

You can order an aircraft rental for photography by contacting an airline broker. It is necessary to inform the planned date and time of the photo session, your requirements for its organization, the number of participants. Qualified specialists will conduct an initial consultation, in which they will acquaint the client with all the intricacies of the business aviation segment, so that the images are as natural and realistic as possible. The aircraft will be promptly prepared for the photo session and placed at the disposal of the customer.

Renting a real business jet will allow you to get unique photos that can not only be shown to friends or posted in social networks, but also used in professional activities.

Dmitry Lyapin is an experienced entrepreneur. Prior to Private Jet Studio, he was engaged in retail, organizing events and even making custom aquariums. Now, in addition to the studio, he designs interiors, trades stocks on the stock exchange and resells real estate (he buys apartments in the initial cycle and sells them at a premium when the apartment is ready).

The idea to make a photo studio in the form of a private jet appeared in early 2017, when Instagram users began to massively upload photos with rented bouquets of roses and boxes from iPhones. The entrepreneur decided that filming on board the jet would also be in demand. Before him in Moscow, no one had done this, except that it was possible to hold a photo session against the background of decommissioned "ANs", says Dmitry.

It took 8 months to design and build. According to Dmitry, the interior of his photo studio is almost identical to the cabin of the Gulfstream 650 business jet, one of the largest private jets in the world, but for the convenience of film crews, the dimensions of the pavilion are slightly larger than the prototype.

As a result, the studio cost the businessman about the same as “an apartment in a panel near the Moscow Ring Road” - 3.5-4 million rubles. Dmitry does not disclose the exact amount of investments.

Despite the entrepreneur's assertion that he has no competitors in Russia (other studios are much inferior in quality and plausibility of the interior to a real jet), similar pavilions are being opened in different cities of the country. For example, the St. Petersburg Daily Studio for 3 thousand rubles per hour offers shooting in the Fly hall, "recreating a business-class aircraft." A similar photo session can be ordered at Vogue studios in Ufa.

Private Jet Studio services cost:

Takeoff errors

The Private Jet Studio pavilion at Mosfilm began to work “in plus” only two or three months later, “when the studio's Instagram account started to spin up and began to attract customers,” says Dmitry. In his opinion, promotion in social networks should have been started even before the launch: then it would have been possible to avoid problems with a shortage of orders at the start. Now there are 16.4 thousand subscribers on the studio's instagram. The entrepreneur himself was engaged in its promotion, and also hired a targeting specialist.

The company is not worried about the fact that customers will damage the interior. All customers make a security deposit, the amount of which is 40-50% of the cost of the shooting day. If the process takes place without incident, the money is returned. However, after several photo sessions, the entrepreneur had to write the rules of conduct. For example, one of the models undressed during the shooting, smeared herself with oil and climbed onto the table. Customers are now prohibited from doing this. According to the entrepreneur, some people put their feet on the table to emphasize their status. “Not a single successful person who can afford to fly in a private jet will behave like that,” Dmitry said.

Morning Timati

Despite the fact that Dmitry focused primarily on the studio, they shoot much less often than Instagram models. The entrepreneur does not disclose the exact figures.

The main difficulty with studios is that they order filming at the last moment, says the entrepreneur. For example, that Private Jet Studio has its own clip Timati and Yegor Creed will be filming, Dmitry found out a few hours before the arrival of the group. I had to urgently order passes for 60 people and 20 cars. “They were torn to pieces, but organized,” says the entrepreneur. V normal mode a pass to Mosfilm must be ordered 24 hours in advance.

In search of a genuine jet

Filming takes place at Vnukovo 3. Private Jet Studio has several medium and long haul aircraft at its disposal, owned by companies and individuals. Who they are and on what terms it was possible to agree, Dmitry does not disclose. Usually, customers are provided with a free plane, but if the client is willing to pay much more than the usual price, he himself can choose a jet for filming.

For clients, shooting (a seven-hour shift) costs from 1 million rubles. How much the company earns on them, as well as the share of such orders, the businessman does not disclose. Since the service is expensive, and the agreement with the airport administration must begin at least two weeks in advance, most clients prefer to work in the pavilion.

The organization of shooting on the airfield costs Private Jet Studio 350 thousand rubles. The amount includes the work of the airport security services, rent of a platform for a jet, its transportation, connection of a ground uninterruptible power supply device so that there is light on board. At the time of filming, Vnukovo employees outline a special perimeter for the group, which is prohibited to go beyond. If there are flights on that day, a flight technician is present on the field.

Make money on mentality

“The world media wrote that the Russians were completely crazy. They had the following presentation: in Moscow, they arrange photo shoots at an airplane that does not fly anywhere. I can imagine what will happen to them if they find out that this is not an airplane, but just a studio, ”the entrepreneur recalls. In the fall of 2017, the British publications The Telegraph and the Independent assured readers that the Moscow company was leasing a real Gulfstream 650, and