The service of checking the company and its reputation. How to check the business reputation and integrity of a company or person

The effectiveness of a site depends to a large extent on its reputation. To rid the user of spam is one of the most important tasks in the network for a conscientious business. To combat spam, lists of spammer hosts are formed, which are placed on blacklists, forming the DNSBL. HostTracker offers functionality that, in addition to the usual site availability check, checks the domain for DNSBL hits.

How does DNSBL work?

DNSBL is a list of blacklists or blocklists, which is formed on the basis of:
  • Databases of mail servers of incorrect configuration, generated automatically according to the list of open relays that allow spamming
  • Feedback and complaints from users of various sites and services
  • IP lists of suspicious mail servers, criteria can be different
  • Lists of anonymous proxies that contribute covert action on the network of any user, including for fraud and spamming.
A domain or IP that is blacklisted is marked as a source of spam or fraudulent activity. providers, operators postal services, and in general, anyone can sync with a particular DNSBL(s), which will mark, block, or delete messages and requests from the hosts present in the list accordingly. Blocking is done to reduce the cost of processing messages and improve the convenience for their customers. Further, events develop as follows: if there really is a violation, the domain gradually (over several days or weeks) spreads across all blacklists. Thus, all providers that use DNSBL lists in their work will have a bad opinion about the site (which is located on a blocked domain), and your potential audience will narrow pretty quickly. Alternatively, your customers will stop receiving emails from you. If there is no violation, then there is little joy either. A domain or ІР can hang in one or two lists for years, where it got by mistake, which will also bring some indirect losses on an ongoing basis. Which, you see, is very unpleasant. Therefore, it is important to find and eliminate the reason for getting on the lists in time, as well as quickly remove your address from these lists. As a rule, this is done fairly quickly.

How to check if a site is blacklisted?

HostTracker offers to do this very simply - when creating a monitoring, you only need to set the necessary flag, and in parallel with the usual checks, there will be checks for getting into the DNSBL. In addition, if regular monitoring is not needed, you can create a separate task for DNSBL monitoring.
Let's look at a few examples

What to do if your domain is in the DNSBL?

A sharp decline in site visits may be due to being blacklisted by IP. There is no guarantee that a random spammer will not order hosting on the same server, same IP, as your site. That is, you can get into these lists without any action on your part. In a good way, of course, the hoster should deal with this. But it's good. And even if it does, it can take a while, so a kick from you obviously won't hurt. In this situation, you need to check if the site is in the blacklists, and if it is found in one of them, you should create a request to the administrators of a specific DNSBL database and try to exclude the address from the blacklist. Well, if the jackpot has already been hit: and the hoster is negligent, and the spammer is not appeased, and they are in no hurry to remove your domain from the DNSBL - then you can change the way mail is routed, that is, MX records for your domain. The MX record contains the IP. These changes relate to the correction of the record DNS servers where the domain is located. Each such server has its own functionality. After reviewing it, you can make the necessary changes.

We want to emphasize that instant DNSBL checks can be done from the service website for free and without registration. Therefore, we hope that this feature will be useful. We will be glad to hear your wishes and feedback.

Watching the questions on the Help forum for webmasters, I noticed an abundance of questions - how to view the history of the site. Checking site history milestone, which many webmasters sometimes forget about. Up to a certain point, webmasters do not suspect that each domain for search engine has its reputation. Without checking the domain before buying, the webmaster may find that, out of the blue, his new site has already received manual action. To minimize such risks, I suggest using my method of checking the history of a domain.

How to check website history?

Do the following:
  1. Make sure the domain is available.
  2. Learn the history of DNS.
  3. Check the domain history in the web archives.
  4. Analyze domain reputation.

Domain Availability Check

By studying the basics of Internet marketing, you will analyze which sales channels are the most effective today. Creating your site this good start. Because a site without a domain this is not a website.

Why start with this section? Because first we select a domain, and then we check its reputation.

To check the availability of a domain, use the sites:

Perhaps you know more convenient Internet resources for these purposes. Specify them in the comments to the article.

If you are purposefully looking for a drop domain, the best site for this Here you will see information about the status of the domain and its available statistics.

Checking DNS History

Checking the DNS history will show how long the domain has existed, how many times the DNS has changed, how long it has been abandoned (not registered).

For clarity, we will analyze the history of the domain.

Judging by the domain zone, the domain is intended for organizations.

The test results show that the domain is 11 years old and during this period it has been abandoned 6 times. Don't say anything good story site, there is something to think about.

How to check website history in archives

The history of sites is recorded by special web archives. Let's go back to our example. We found out that the domain is suspicious. Checking the site's history against the web archives will give you an idea of ​​the site's content and design.

Use free SEO tools:

One of these services shows that contains adult content.

The site was run by Chinese friends. It is likely that the site has been hacked..
If it is technically possible, you can access the site code. Use the free SEO service for this. Register, enter the desired domain. If the information is in the web archive, you can download individual pages or a site.

From the code of the pages, among other things, you can understand what content was there, how much it was, what advertising scripts were used on the site at that moment, and where the ad units were placed.

Analysis of this information will allow you to understand whether the domain deserved action for aggressive spam or other manual action.

How to check domain reputation

You can check the reputation of a domain by analyzing whether there are signs of spam.
Check Ahrefs and Majestic for link spam and anchor spam.

If there were peak increases in dofollow links, commercial anchors are more than 15%,the site could get actioned for links or get hit by Penguin.

Be sure to read:

Use the intext operator to parse Google mentions of a domain. For example,

If you think that after all these actions, the entire history of the site is clear, you are mistaken.

Check your domain with free SEO services:

If these ways checks did not make you doubt the reputation of the domain this does not mean that you can already create a site on it.

How to Check Domain History in Search Console

Google can check a domain for measures without creating a site. How? Now I'll tell you.
In the same way as in the web archives, Google stores the search history of sites. Add a domain to Search Console. Usually verification requires confirmation of the right to the site. But there is a case that allows you to confirm the rights only to the domain. Go to Google Help. Find the "Domain Name Provider" section. If the provider supports the necessary procedures, the system will confirm the rights to the domain.

Usually if measures are applied to the domain, you will see information about this in the Search Console within 72 hours.

If such a check of the domain history showed that there are measures, but this domain is important to you for some reason, you can submit a request for a second check. Otherwise, it is better to choose a clean domain for the site.

Our site contains the largest database of companies and reviews about them in the CIS. Here you can find feedback from customers and employees about the activities of a particular company. But what if we do not have information about the company that interests you on our website? Or is there not enough feedback to decide whether to work with this company or not?

In this case, the service "Checking the company and its reputation" will be useful to you.

What does the service include?

Who is this service for?

    Applicants who want to work for a company

    Potential clients who would like to use the services of this company

    company owners, who would like to know the reputation of their companies

    Other companies who would like to know information about a competitor or potential partner

What can we additionally offer?

    Our employees can conduct a detailed investigation company activities.

    We will find former and current employees of the company, we will receive from them "a look from within".

    Posing as potential customers, our employees check the actions and attitude of the company towards customers and identify " underwater rocks" that you may encounter in further cooperation with this company.

What do you need to use the service?

    The service is completely confidential and we do not require any of your data from you. You just enter the address Email to which our report will be sent.

    So that we can verify the company, we need as much information as possible- egrpu code, name, full name of the management, registration address. If you do not have these data, then we will have to carry out extra work by identifying the company you need, which may affect the final amount of the service.

    To apply, you fill out the form below and our staff will contact you and specify the final cost and terms of the service.

If you are reading this article, then you have at least once searched for goods or service providers via the Internet. Agree, it is not always so simple, because there are more and more messages about scammers on the Internet (here is a clear story).

You always want to minimize your financial costs without contacting famous store or a company, but you can expect various tricks from a little-known company: sales of fakes, low-quality goods, long delivery times, loss of communication, etc. But still, you can protect yourself minimally from scammers on the Internet. To do this, it is enough to study the activities of the company in more detail. Next, we will look at what you should pay attention to in order to minimize the possibility of falling for fraud on the Internet or an unscrupulous supplier.


Perhaps the most reliable source that can inspire confidence in a company is reviews. This is understood by all sellers and service providers, so in most cases they can be found on the company's website or in the online store. But most often here they will be only positive. It doesn't mean they're fake, just negative feedback may not be published, as the company has the ability to moderate them on its website.

It will be much more efficient see reviews of the company on third-party sites, for example Yandex Market for online stores (there are far from all, but only large ones), Onliner(there are also reviews only about companies listed in the site catalog), a specialized site, company directory young and weakly filled). Or you can simply type in the Yandex or Google search "company name reviews" and study the information on the forums, in in social networks. If they are nowhere to be found, then the company is new or very little known.

Reviews on the supplier's website can also be trusted if:

  1. they are presented in the form of a scan on the official letterhead of the company with a seal and signature and mentioning the name of the supplier company,
  2. These are video reviews in which the name of the company appears.

Now you can often see reviews with photos of people, but often these are fake photos that are easy to find on the Internet. To check this, you can copy the link address of the photo and put it in a Google photo search, and then find out if this is a real person. If this photo is from a profile on social networks, then you can even write to this person and ask in more detail about the experience of working with the company.

2. Company information

As required by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, all sellers of goods must be registered in the trade register and provide information about their registration on the site. Its presence and indicates the legality of the work of the seller. This data is easy to verify: a special website was developed for this -, where citizens can check the accuracy of the information provided.

Pay attention to how many years the company has been operating in the market, it is so easy to calculate one-day companies.

More trust is caused by companies that have a real name in their contacts. physical adress and not just a phone call. An exception may be online stores, but here there should be alternative ways communications: skype, e-mail, feedback form.

3. Portfolio of work

For many companies, it is important to have a portfolio of work: design studios, construction companies, custom-made furniture, web studios, etc. Go through it and see their quantity and quality, do you like this kind of work. To check that the work was really done by this company, you can use the photo search, similar to that described in the first paragraph. If the photo is unique, then everything is in order. It may be that he was copied from this site, and not he copied, then it's worth checking in the same way large quantity works.

4. Delivery and payment

Please read the information on these pages carefully. In online stores, examples of checks should be presented here. If it is possible to pay online, then it is better to use proven methods where the bank can return the money, for example, through ERIP. And it is best to make payment on the spot to the courier after inspecting and checking the goods. As a rule, most stores now have the ability to accept plastic cards for payment during delivery, so you do not have to stock up large sums cash.

5. Guarantees

On the Guarantees page, you can find out what rights you have as a consumer. When buying a product, be sure to check the receipt and warranty card. When providing services, such a guarantee is a contract, which also requires careful study.

6. Personal contact

Well, in the end, you can personally call the company and see how qualified and customer-oriented managers are talking to you. And if necessary, you can look into the office of the company, if there is one.

And finally, I would like to say: "God saves the safe," but you should not expect a dirty trick from everyone and everything, after all, the state does a lot to prevent fraud on the Internet, and if a company uses such methods, then it will not last long.

Apparently, Franklin knew something about email newsletters back in the 18th century. And he's right. Every time you send letters, you strengthen your reputation as a sender, or cause irreparable damage to it.

Why is it important? It is the reputation that determines where the letters go - to the inbox, or mail providers will forever bury them in spam. Studies have shown that reputation issues cause emails to miss the inbox more often than content issues.

Sender reputation complex and dynamic, changing with every IP address and every mailing list sent. It is calculated based on several parameters: submission history, open rate, number of spam complaints, presence of authentication protocols (SPF, DKIM, DMARC) and other criteria.

When we talk about sender reputation, we mean a combination of two things: IP reputation and domain reputation. They are calculated separately, although they are sides of the same coin. There are many similarities between them, but there are also differences.

IP addresses identify a computer or mail server, which you use to send email and access the Internet. IP addresses are unique and immediately identify the user. The domain name in mailing lists is part of the email address from which you send messages to other users.

IP reputation

Mail providers use several factors to evaluate each IP address from which they send mail. To reduce the chance of spam infiltrating mailboxes clients. What exactly are they tracking?

    The number of emails sent from the IP address;

    Content quality, spam characteristics of sent emails;

    The level of engagement of email recipients;

    Number of recipient complaints;

    Number of emails caught in spam traps or sent to non-existent addresses.

These factors determine the reputation of an IP address. If the rating goes bad, the mail services will start blocking your messages.

And these are just a few examples of what providers react to when determining the sender rating. Every Post service sets its own parameters that affect the reputation. Therefore, before sending a mailing list, check the reputation of your IP.

How to find out the IP?

Not everyone knows the IP address from which mailing lists are sent. How to define it? Use the service that will easily answer this question -. What do I need to do? Send a mailing-ready email to the email address listed on home page mail tester.

As a result, get a complete analysis of the letter. And, among many indicators, the service will indicate your IP address. You can check 3 emails per day for free. If you register for the service, the number free checks increases to 20.

How to check IP reputation?

If mailings are increasingly spammed by one or more email providers, and the open rate has begun to decline. Rest assured, something is wrong with the reputation. But, if all your mailings end up in spam, the problem may be in the content of the letter. You are probably submitting content that doesn't pass spam filters. Or your reputation is completely tarnished.

If you don't know what's going on, use one of the reputation assessment services:

The principle of operation is the same as that presented above - enter Domain name or IP address and get a reputation score. Choose which one is more convenient to use.

But, each mail service provider also has its own algorithms and indicators that they use to determine the reputation of the sender. Therefore, a scenario is possible when services evaluate the reputation positively, and mailers still send letters to spam.

For deliverability issues, be sure to check the availability of domains or IPs in the SpamHouse database. Domains and IPs that are seen in spam mailings and other suspicious activities rest here. You can check according to several criteria. SBL is a database of IP addresses from which Spamhaus does not recommend accepting e-mail. DBL - a list of domains with a low reputation, etc.

You can get a domain from Spamhaus blacklists. But, before demanding removal from the blacklists, test the last sent mailing list for spam and check the address database. You may have done a bulk import of new (suspicious) emails. Fix any bugs you find, then submit a takedown request with a report on what you've done to improve the situation.

Mistakes that damage the sender's reputation

1. Email addresses with spelling errors

80% of invalid contact details end up in the database due to mistakes made. Therefore, use double confirmation when subscribing. This will get rid of most of the non-existent addresses in the database. High level undelivered emails lowers the reputation of the sender.

There are many tempting offers on the Internet that will allow you to increase the number of subscribers in the database for little money. But, a large number of unverified emails does not mean that the number of customers will increase.

Recipients who did not subscribe to mailing lists will not open letters and follow links. The open rate and click-through rate will drop, and the number of spam complaints will increase. Accordingly, the reputation will decrease and letters will end up in spam.

Also, a sharp increase in mailing volumes is perceived negatively by mail providers. Address growth should be gradual. If last six months sent mailings to 5,000 addresses, then you should not suddenly send to 20,000.

How to fix IP reputation?

We will assume that you are not a victim of a bad neighborhood, but your IP, for some reason, has a low reputation. The first thing to do in this case is to stop sending email from this IP.

Correct the situation first. Otherwise, you will only exacerbate the problem. If you continue to send mailings without changing anything, your reputation will only decrease. Solving the problem will require some effort and will take time:

    Check the content of sent messages and make sure that the letters do not look like spam and contain an unsubscribe button or link;

    Make sure that among the recipients only real people. You timely remove non-existent addresses from the database, as well as those who have unsubscribed and complained about spam;

    Check that letters from your server are not sent too quickly - no more than 5000 per minute. The numbers may differ for different mail providers, but such a number is perceived as normal;

    The best thing you can do for your IP's reputation is to send emails only to your subscribers. This, in turn, implies: you do not send mailings to the acquired base, parsed or obtained in any other illegal way.

Domain reputation

The reputation of a domain is similar to the reputation we build in personal relationships with people. It depends on what we have done in the past and with whom we have kept in touch.

It used to be easy to maintain a reputation at a decent level. It was enough to respond to complaints in a timely manner and clean your email list regularly. But now email providers are implementing algorithms that analyze domains, IP addresses, content, links, etc. On the one hand, this makes life difficult for spammers. On the other hand, it adds a headache to “honest” mailings.

IP reputation and domain reputation are two interdependent concepts that influence each other. For example, with a high IP reputation and a low domain reputation, you run the risk of being spammed. Remember how IP and domain reputation are interconnected:

    IP reputation is tied to a specific server from which you send mailings.

    Domain reputation is unique to your domain name, regardless of IP address.

    IP reputation can help or hurt a domain's reputation. If you start sending mailing lists from a server with a low IP reputation, you risk lowering the reputation of your domain as well.

    ISPs consider IP and domain reputation as separate values.

A good domain reputation increases the deliverability of emails to the inbox. That's why it's important to check regularly and fix problems.

For a reputation check and detailed domain evaluation, use MXtoolbox . Hundreds of tests are available here that will help identify the presence of a domain in blacklists, other errors and tell you how to fix them. SPF , and .

Make sure the subscription forms are understandable to the recipients. They understand what they subscribe to and what they will receive. This will reduce the number of spam complaints and unsubscribes.

Keep the right balance between images and text in your newsletters. Sending one large image in an email is considered spam by email providers.

Do not send messages from public domains such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc. Mailing lists must come from your personal domain.

Keep the base clean.

As you can see, nothing new. Everything that is applied and to strengthen the reputation of IP. Which once again proves that the concept of domain and IP reputation are closely related and affect each other.

Reputation, both IP and domain, is a decisive factor for delivering emails to subscribers' mailboxes. The mailing service (Estismail) provides an IP with a high reputation, which guarantees that letters get into the inbox. Personal managers will answer any questions.

Detailed reporting will help you track the progress of email delivery. And in time to remove from the database non-existent addresses, subscribers who unsubscribed and clicked on spam. This will help maintain the reputation of the sender at a high level.