The tablet does not connect to home WiFi. The tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi

Tablet computer is an incredibly convenient invention. You can not be attached to the workplace, as in the case of stationary computing systems, and also do not carry extra kilograms in the form of a full-size laptop. However, without accessing the Internet, the tablet loses significantly in the flexibility of use. However, it concerns all mobile devices. In the light of this, it is quite clear that if the tablet does not see WiFi, then a similar problem must be immediately solved.

Connection order

The number of tablet computers running the Android operating system is ten times more than their collections managed by the appropriate windows version or iOS. That is why this article will be discussed precisely about massive devices. People who first have encountered Android apparatus, can not always correctly use wireless communication. And since in the normal state the Wi-Fi module is turned off, then the newcomer has a question: "Why does not the tablet connect to WiFi?" In fact, everything is quite simple. The process of joining the existing wireless network includes several mandatory stages:

  • using the receiving-transmitting module of the tablet computer;
  • scanning range and select from the list of desired SSID name;
  • set of secret combination.

If the network to which the connection is performed is open (free), then the last item is not required.

How to connect the tablet via wifi

You must open the "Application Menu", which is on any Android device. Usually, to access it, you need to click on the image of the circle at the bottom of the screen. Next, carefully view all the icons and find the "Settings". After clicking on it, the window will open where there is a section "Wireless Networks".

If you specify the WLAN item, you can see the "Off / ON" switch. When you enable automatic frequency scanning and output of the list of detected networks. You can also see whether password is used, and where exactly. If the network is open, it is enough to click on its name, and the tablet will connect to it. In the case of protection (WEP / WPA / WPA2), a password request window will be issued when trying to join. When specifying it and pressing the appropriate button, you can associate a mobile device with the network.

There is a faster way to access Wi-Fi. For this there is no need to search for "Settings". It is enough to spend your finger across the screen down, pulling the curtain, find the image of WLAN (Wi-Fi) and click on it. There will be activated module, scanning and issuing a network list.

Alternative nuances

Now many android device owners often replace official firmware Castomnaya (made by craftsmen). As a result, not all functions work as familiarly. For example, if you use a call through a curtain, then the tablet does not see WiFi. The list of detected networks is simply not displayed.
Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to include the Wi-Fi module through the "Settings". When used, it should be remembered that some of them have recognized errors in working with networks. At the same time, the newest "self-written" software updates Often integrate the most "fresh" versions of Wi-Fi drivers. The output is simple: before learn a lot of information about why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, sometimes changing the firmware.

Problem standards

In order for the devices to be united in wireless networkIt is necessary that the protocols supported by them were compatible with each other. Thus, the first Android tablets can simply "not know", how to work with WPA2 protection, supporting only WEP. In this case, it can help the change of encoding type in the router settings. True: "Corywo" The configured access point can ruin the life of the most patient owner of the modern tablet.

Intermediate solution

So why does the tablet be connected to WiFi? There are a lot of reasons. We pointed up the most simple. In addition to them, the power of its transmitter affects the capacity of the tablet with the wireless network.

Very often, when scanning the desired SSID is determined, and even a password is accepted, but it is impossible to work with such a connection. This is due to the fact that, although the device and "sees" the router, the data packets sent to the addressee do not reach the destination. The solution is simple - to physically get closer to the access point. This "illness" often suffer inexpensive in which ampace transmitters are used.


But what to do if without visible reasons stopped the tablet to connect to WiFi, although until recently everything worked properly? You can try to take advantage of the wonderful. software solution, free distributed in the market, - Wi-Fi Fixer. After installing the application, you need to restart, and the subsequent connection to the network is performed through the interface of this program, which will be displayed in the curtain. In addition, sometimes it helps to solve problems with the transfer rate.

Work with settings

Disassembling why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, it is impossible not to mention possible failures in the operating system. Installation third-party applicationsMaking changes to the work of components, receiving root-rights - all this can affect Wi-Fi. Performance can be tried to recover through return to the factory parameters. To do this, proceed to "Settings - Personal Data" and use "Restore and Reset". At the same time, all user data (including a phone book that is not scorched to file) will be erased. Therefore, it is pre-prepare copies.

If it does not help - it means that the malfunction lies in the hardware and eliminate it at home will not be released.

Of course, in the network you can find videos and descriptions, as the owners of the non-working device "baked" Wi-Fi modules in the oven, after which they came to it. But this method is not a panacea, and he cannot eliminate all the faults. In practice, the ordinary user creates even more breakdowns, trying to disassemble the tablet, not to mention the successful repair "folk methods". So, when the hardware breakdown is required to visit service center.

The main reasons why WiFi does not work on the tablet

After the "opening", the specialist will announce the cause of the breakdown. It can be:

  • Natural wear module: In this case, it simply changes to a similar one.
  • Worn up the loop connecting the wireless communication module with system board Tablet. In this case, it is also subject to replacement.
  • Water getting inside the case. An extremely dangerous situation, since after Wi-Fi may fail and other equipment.

All these problems are easily eliminated by employees of the service center. The sooner you see for help, it will be better for you for you for the tablet.

In this article we will talk about such a common problem what to do if the tablet does not connect to the wireless WiFi network. This is up to date the topic today, as the tablets are enjoyable distribution worldwide. In addition, problems with connecting to wireless networks appear quite often and not everyone is able to solve them independently.

So, speaking of a wireless network, it is worth understanding that we are talking about a WiFi router or another point of access. It is worth noting that for security purposes, such connections require key administration. This means that the first thing if the WiFi network does not connect on the tablet, you should check the correctness of the password.

As mentioned above, the most common error is an incorrectly entered password.

However, other problems associated directly with wireless equipment and its settings are found. These include the following:

  • Mac filter is installed in the router settings.
  • Failures in the router.
  • Non-compliance of encryption types.
  • Channel inconsistencies.

It is worth noting that there is nothing to customize anything in the tablet. All that can affect the connection is concluded in the router settings. That we will go to troubleshoot. And first of all, it should be paid to the fact that budget routers, such as TP-Link, D-Link. Asus, Zyxel and so on, do not differ in high stability of work. They have a tendency to hang.

This can occur for many reasons, for example, due to interruptions in the power supply network, strong load (if you swing large amounts of information at high speed), as a result of connection large number subscribers and so on. In any case, you should restart the router. How it's done. Everything is simple. Disconnect the device from the power supply and wait 7-10 minutes, then turn it on again.

How to configure Wi-Fi on the tablet: video

Checking the encryption type

If the tablet does not connect to WiFi and writes "saved", this indicates the inconsistency of encryption types. First of all, you should know that modern WiFi devices support the type of encryption WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 Mixed. If you select another mode on the router, then the tablet is simply and, accordingly, connect. In other words, the tablet sees WiFi wireless network but does not connect to it.

So, we need to enter the router settings. To do this, connect to it using a laptop (via WiFi or through a cable). Next, open any browser and in the address bar We write an IP router. The desired data is available on the device itself or in the instructions. If you do not have a manual, there are no data on the router housing, then open the command prompt. To do this, simultaneously press the Windows + R keys, in the window that appears, write CMD and press "ENTER".

In the opened menu, write the ipconfig command and press "ENTER". Now you need to find the "Main Gateway" string. This is the data we need.

As a rule, it is, but depending on the router model, these values \u200b\u200bmay differ. So, we prescribe the received data in the browser, after which the system will ask you to enter a login and password. We write admin, admin, respectively.

How easy to find out the IP address of the router: video

So we got into the router settings menu. It is worth noting that depending on the device model, the interface may differ. Also differences may be in the names of some sections. Consider further actions on the example of the D-LinkDir-615 router.

In the router parameters at the bottom of the screen, click the "Advanced Settings" button. Find a section called WiFi. Here you click "Security Settings". Here the first line "Network Authentication" is a type of encryption. Select from the proposed WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 Mixed options and apply the changes. After that restart the router.

Articles on the topic

Often, a similar error occurs and with a properly installed type of authentication. In this case, you will help reboot the router. As mentioned above, budget models do not differ in stability in the work.

Check MAC filter

The answer to the question why the WiFi network does not connect on the tablet lies in the filtering settings of Mc addresses. The fact is that a special function is activated to enhance protection, which determines physical adress Computer, opening or closing access to it. To check this, you should return to the router settings. In the WiFi section, select Mac Filter.

In order for you, you do not have any problems in the future, you should turn off the filtering.

But if you do not want to do this, we do the following. In the beginning we look at what kind of mode is selected:

  • Allow - the router allows access to only the specified devices.
  • To prohibit - the router blocks access to the network specified tablets.

Now it remains only to learn the physical address of your tablet and check if it is in the list and, if necessary, add or delete it.

How to configure Mac Filter in Router: Video

Check channels

If you have turned off the filtering, and the tablet still sees the WiFi network, but does not connect to it, then go to the next step. This problem often arises due to channel inconsistencies. So let's return to the router settings and try to change them.

To do this, go back on the access point parameters and in WiFi section, select "Basic Settings". Here we need to find the line "Channel". Try to change it on some other. It should be noted that it is recommended to install the "Auto" mode. Thanks to this, the router will automatically use the most appropriate channel.

1. Error authentication

This trouble is one of the most frequent, but easily solved.

Solution: Enter the correct password

Yes, Dae, dear readers, such an error is associated with an error in the password. Try checking the correctness of writing, register of letters and to the network you connect from which you have a password.

2. Does not find the Wi-Fi point

The root of the evil in the mismatch of the data transmission mode, which is used by the device, and the standard of the router. For communication, three modes can be used for modern routers: 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n. True, Wi-Fi mobile gadgets usually functions only in one of them. If the tablet works with the 802.11b Veriant, and the network, for example, with any other, then it will simply not see it.

Solution: change the broadcast standard

Fortunately, in most cases, you even do not even need to know which mode of operation is installed in your device. In any router there is a fourth standard, which is called 802.11b / G / N Mixed, it combines all three options in one. When using it, any device will be connected without any problems and will delight its owner access to the Internet.

In a nutshell, I will tell you how to configure the access point. To do this, you will need a computer that is already connected to the network you need. Print in the address bar of your favorite browser or, this will cause a router page that requests password and login. As a rule, the word "admin" is used in both lines. After hitting the user interface, you need to find the item, with control, there will be the option of changing the wireless module mode.

3. Cannot get a network address

There may be a situation where the access point does the device sees, but it can not connect to it.

Solution: specify static IP

In the list of available connections, find the right one, then click on it and hold until the pop-up menu appears. We are interested in the item "Edit Network".

Tick \u200b\u200bthe checkbox " Extra options"And then change the" IPv4 setting "column" DHCP "parameter to the" static ". True, it's not all, check the code to fully correspond to the lower column "Gateway" in the IPv4 address point, except for the last number, you can think of it, but only in the range from 2 to 255. Do not forget to verify that everything The numbers are separated by points, that's how in this example: "".

I hope my uncomplicated tips helped you connect to Wi-Fi. Do not forget to subscribe to not miss your other my articles. See you!


To date, wireless networks help not fall out of sight and constantly stay in touch, opening access to the Internet and providing a reliable connection with various devices. And although during its existence, Wi-Fi has almost made perfection, but still remained quite a capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in connection with this are practically identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without access to the Internet, there is no access to sites if there is a connection and a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi Router.
To date, wireless networks help not fall out of sight and constantly stay in touch, opening access to the Internet and ensuring a reliable connection to various devices. And although during its existence, Wi-Fi has almost made perfection, but still remained quite a capricious type of communication. The problems that arise in connection with this are practically identical for phones, computers and tablets. Most often, this is a network without access to the Internet, there is no access to sites if there is a connection and a phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi Router.
How to properly connect the tablet to a Wi-Fi router? To do this, make the following actions:
1. Check wi-Fi settings On the router itself, making sure that the wireless network is activated, and the DHCP is connected. This will avoid the need to prescribe an IP address with each subsequent connection.
2. Go to the tablet settings, turn on Wi-Fi, cluster the Wi-Fi icon for a few seconds and go to the wireless network settings.
3. In the list of available networks, select the router (if necessary, enter a password).
4. Click "Connect".
If for some reason there was a need to manually register the IP settings, you must put a tick in the "Advance" string. This will open access to the advanced settings. Over the opposite "IP settings", choose "Custom". In the window that opens, you must specify the IP of the router, which in this subnet will act as a DNS server. After that, you can connect.
If you did everything right, but tablet Samsung Or the other does not connect to the WiFi router, that is, several ways to solve this problem.
If the tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi before contacting the service center, you can:
1. Check whether Wi-Fi is connected on the tablet itself.
2. Check if the power is powered.
3. Check whether the filtering function is activated by the MAC address in the router settings.
4. Connect to an open access point. After turning off WPA encryption.
There are situations where the tablet "loses" communication with a Wi-Fi point. Of course, for each user, this is a rather unpleasant situation. As a rule, it happens at the most inopportune moment. Several recommendations will allow the user to independently cope with this problem.
If the connection between the tablet and the Wi-Fi point is broken by:
1. Switch to another Wi-Fi point. If after that the problem will disappear, then the cause of trouble lies at your access point. In this case, you can change the network settings or update the firmware of the connected device.
2. Connect to any other open access point, for example, to a neighbor or choose a less used channel.
3. The reason may be in the device adapter. In some cases, the faulty adapter creates interference, which is the cause of the "loss" of the connection between the router and the tablet.
We hope that these recommendations will allow you to avoid a situation where the tablet does not connect to the WiFi Zyxel Routeer, Rostelecom, Beeline or Asus, and if such a trouble happens, to cope with it.

Today, it is already obvious for everyone that if the tablet or smartphone does not connect to the Internet via WiFi, then immediately for the user is lost most of the entire functionality of this device. Connecting the device to a wireless network is usually not accompanied by difficulties, you simply need to turn on the adapter-adapter gadget to the gadget and then connect to the selected access point by writing a password.

However, sometimes wifi, i.e. to enter the Internet through Wi-Fi, it does not work because of some problems. Below are the most frequent reasons why the tablet does not connect to WiFi, as well as specific recommendations, what to do if the gadget owner faced such a situation, on the example tablet Lenovo.which does not connect to wireless wiFi networks. IN tablet computer Sometimes WiFi is not included both due to the presence of problems in the device itself and due to the failures of the network equipment.

The owners of Lenovo gadgets are very rarely found with WiFi problems in the device itself, but if this function does not work, it happens that many causes of problems are very quickly solved by users of simple adjustments of some settings.

It is important to write password carefully

Very often, the owner of the tablet itself is the culprit, why the fully suitable device is connected to the wireless access point. Many cases when Wi Fi on the tablet is not connected due to incorrect writing code for network access. Currently, the Wi-Fi network security setting is very common, for example, using WPA2 protection. It is recommended to set a mark on the page "Show password" during the access code set. This in most cases provides an errorless writing of the password.

In the case of absolute confidence of an accurate recruitment of the password, and at the same time it cannot be turned on the Internet, it is required to check the operation of the router first. Often difficulties are manifested due to incorrect settings of the router, its overload, voltage jumps in the power supply network, etc.

Restarting router

In the case when the tablet or smartphone Lenovo. Or another brand does not connect to WiFi wireless network, the message immediately displays the message. You need to restart the router to which the user intends to connect. In most cases, after this procedure, the Internet begins to function normally in the device.

Analysis of the security system of the secure network Wi-Fi

When the gadget cannot establish a connection to the router and, in this case, it is saved in the status bar, then you can conclude about the various types of coding used by the router and device.

You must perform the following sequential steps:

Mac-Address Settings

Most often errors when filtering MAC addresses appear when the tablets are working with Lenovo manufacturers and asus with cheap router models. These gadgets in order to ensure maximum security determine the MAC address and in the case when it is not defined, then exit global Network It is overlapped, which is often a problem why access to the network is not included in the tablet.

It is necessary to take the following steps:

If it was not successful to solve the problem, it is necessary to try temporarily in the "Network" tab to turn off filtering. And restart both devices.

Check channels

With absence positive result After performing all the steps described above, it is recommended to set the channels.

This requires to perform the following actions:

  1. Enter the router settings;
  2. In the chanel point to change the value (it is advisable to try all possible values). After specifying one of the modes, it is necessary to click "Save";
  3. Next restart the router and tablet computer;
  4. Make an attempt to connect.

When unsuccessful, all attempts will have to resort to the discharge of tablet PC settings.

Incorrectly installed connection mode

It happens that the router and the tablet use various modifications of communication on Wi-Fi. In this case, the device does not specify the version used by the router.

There is the most popular version of the connection 802.11n, as well as with the prefix "B" and "G".

It is necessary to produce the following steps:

  1. Open the router settings menu;
  2. View the connection version and, if necessary, change it to the appropriate tablet software;
  3. Restart devices;
  4. Test the functionality of all modes.

The tablet does not connect to WiFi not only when problems with the network occur. Perhaps the problem lies in the tablet itself.

Consider how to solve the breakdown.

Users tablets on Android are often faced with non-working WiFi. Almost all causes of the problem you can solve yourself.

Incorrect password entry

In one of the most common mistakes, the user is to blame - this is the introduction of an incorrect password.

If you do not know why you can not with the Internet via WiFi, when you enter a password, click on the "Show password" checkbox to make sure that all the letters and numbers are entered correctly.

If you enter the access code correctly, you should consider the following possible reasons The breakdowns that are presented below.

No settings with the tablet holder should not be carried out, it can only aggravate the situation.

All actions will be carried out exclusively with the router.

Problems with the operation of the router can occur due to its incorrect setting, when too many subscribers are simultaneously connected and used the device, interruptions in electricity and other problems.

Disconnect the router from the network for several minutes and then turn on again, this method can also solve the problem with the connection.

Check algorithm used encryption

If your tablet does not connect to the router, and the status bar writes stored, the cause of the problem is different encryption types that use the tablet and router.

If a new encryption mode is selected on the tablet, rather than on the tablet, the user will not be able to pass authentication, thereby entering the Internet to be implemented.

Such a problem is common on Samsung and Lenovo brand tablets.

Follow the instructions to set the same encryption types and solve the problem:

  • Enter the router settings. To do this, you need to connect to it using your personal computer or laptop;
  • Open the browser;
  • Enter the router address in the address bar and press Enter (the IP address is reset on the router panel or in the instructions).
    If you did not find such data, remember that the router, depending on the manufacturer and model, can take only one of two local hosts: or;
  • To accurately see Local IP, go to command line And enter the ipconfig command in it.
    Find the field called "Main Gateway" and at the right column Look at it value - this is the local address of the router in home network. An example of working with the command line is shown in the figure below;

  • Register the address found in the browser;
  • Enter the login and password from the browser admin. View login data in instructions for the device (router);
  • On the tab fast settings Check the type of encryption of the router. Place this type as on your tablet. Encryption type that uses android device is specified called WiFi in the Connection window.
    An example of viewing the encryption type that the router uses is shown in the figure below;

If you set out all the settings, the devices authentication will pass normally, and you will find that the tablet sees the network and connects to it.

Mac filter

Invalid filtering of the so-called addresses Mac - another common cause of errors when connecting the android device to the router.

As a rule, the problem occurs on tablets asus And Lenovo in the process of their interaction with low-cost budget versions of routers.

To improve the level of connection protection, it will be necessary to determine the MAC address - the physical address of the computer in the Internet network.

If this address is not defined for any reason, the router closes Internet access.

This may be the reason that the tablet stopped connecting and an error appeared.

To fix the settings of the MAC address, follow the instructions:

  • Go to the router settings. How to do this in detail described in the previous instruction of the article;
  • Go to the "Network" tab. The names of the tabs may differ depending on the model of the router used. In the "Network" tab, make sure that the MAC address of the device and computer is identical;

  • Press the save key, restart the router and device;
  • Connect to the router again. Everything should work stably.

Important! You can find out the physical address of the user tablet on the manufacturer's official website or in the instructions for the device. Physically address is a unique identifier.

Also in setting the router, you can turn off the filtering. Do it if you could not find the personal identifier of your device.

You can disable filtering in the "Network" tab in the main router settings.

As a rule, turning off the filtration solves the problem.

To start working with the Internet, restart the tablet and router.

On the tablet, enter the access password again, the connection process after deleting Mc addresse settings may take a few minutes.

Channel Setup

If even after turning off the filtering, you failed to connect to the Internet, check the channels.

The inconsistency of the channels used can also cause a malfunction when connecting to the Internet from the tablet.

Return to the window initial settings router. Find a string called "Chanel" and change its meaning.

Try to try all values: select one of the channel modes, save the settings. Restart the tablet and router.

Try to connect again. Do so until you try on all available channel setup modes, which are presented in the router control window.

The automatic mode allows the router will automatically determine the most appropriate channel to establish communication with the subscriber device.

If the network does not work anyway, try to make a hard reset of your tablet - that is, return to the factory settings.

Perhaps there were problems in software Android devices. You can reset the parameters in the tablet settings menu.

The connection mode is incorrectly set.

If all previous configuration methods did not help you solve the problem with a tablet and router connection, you should try the last of possible methods Solving the problem, which is likely to return to your device with the ability to connect to the router.

Perhaps the tablet and router operate different versions wireless communication.

The tablet may simply not see or not support the version used by the router, so it does not connect to the Internet.

There are several options for compound modes: 802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g. Go to the router settings and check the connections mode used.

Change it to any other. Restart all devices and try to connect again.

Thus, try the performance of all available versions of the channels.

Perform all the actions proposed in the article are necessary alternately, since all the problems are a consequence of each other.

All instructions described in the article will help you solve the problem of connecting and improve the quality of the connection with the Internet.

What to do if Wi-Fi is connected but the Internet does not work on Android

What if the tablet does not connect to WiFi - instructions with examples

Hello everyone! As I said, I work SIS. admin in the Internet cafe, and naturally understand computer equipment and local networks.

So, I recently called my aunt and asked to come to customize Wi Fi d-LINK routerwhich she just bought in the store. I come, set up, everything is in order of aunt satisfied Surfit Internet on a netbook on Wiifa

But it was not there! The next day calls, and says the phone does not see Wi Fi and the laptop does not see Wi Fi! Only a neighbor some kind of access points and everything, well, I come, I think I will check the router at home, I pick it up and I will break home, I connect all the ok everything works! I'm in shock \u003d) I come back to aunt I connect again not working ... So I traveled to a friend, I also worked ... I began to rummage in the router settings, but I could not find anything.

Here my uncle comes into the room and he says from us from below a security company can their equipment blocks? I think for sure! The problem is in it, not see you to aunt Waifai and leaving ...

But after a few days another 1 person called me with an anthole problem! And for a long time I trickly found a solution to this problem! In this article, I will explain everything on the steps now how to solve such a problem!

Nowadays Wi-Fi Router It appeared in almost every apartment, and when you turn on the router in the next apartment you can have the abyss of the Internet on Wi-Fi (through the cord in the computer everything will work fine).

Solution to the problem

Show on the example Wi Fi router Router D-Link Dir 300

The problem was that when setting up the Wireles Channel router (channel), the default automatically (AUTO) is shown, shown on the screen:

We need to go to the router (Web interface)if you did not change when setting up the router Local IP address, then it remained by default write in the browser this IP and go to Web interface router.

We go to the item as on the screen and change the channel, we set the number other than the installed automatically (I always hit the first time and everything started to work).

In this article we will talk about such a common problem what to do if the tablet does not connect to wireless WiFi. network. This is up to date the topic today, as the tablets are enjoyable distribution worldwide. In addition, problems with connecting to wireless networks appear quite often and not everyone is able to solve them independently.

So, speaking of a wireless network, it is worth understanding that we are talking about a WiFi router or another point of access. It is worth noting that for security purposes, such connections require key administration. This means that the first thing if the WiFi network does not connect on the tablet, you should check the correctness of the password.

Why the tablet does not connect to wifi

As mentioned above, the most common error is an incorrectly entered password.

However, other problems associated directly with wireless equipment and its settings are found. These include the following:

  • Mac filter is installed in the router settings.
  • Failures in the router.
  • Non-compliance of encryption types.
  • Channel inconsistencies.

It is worth noting that there is nothing to customize anything in the tablet. All that can affect the connection is concluded in the router settings. That we will go to troubleshoot. And first of all, it should be paid to the fact that budget routers, such as TP-Link, D-Link. Asus, Zyxel and so on, do not differ in high stability of work. They have a tendency to hang.

This can occur for many reasons, for example, due to interruptions in the power supply network, a strong load (if you swing large amounts of information from high speed), as a result of connecting a large number of subscribers and so on. In any case, you should restart the router. How it's done. Everything is simple. Disconnect the device from the power supply and wait 7-10 minutes, then turn it on again.

How to configure Wi-Fi on the tablet: video

Checking the encryption type

If the tablet does not connect to WiFi and writes "saved", this indicates the inconsistency of encryption types. First of all, you should know that modern WiFi devices support the type of encryption WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 Mixed. If you select another mode on the router, then the tablet is simply and, accordingly, connect. In other words, the tablet sees WiFi wireless network but does not connect to it.

So, we need to enter the router settings. To do this, connect to it using a laptop (via WiFi or through a cable). Next, open any browser and in the address bar We write an IP router. The desired data is available on the device itself or in the instructions. If you do not have a manual, there are no data on the router housing, then open the command prompt. To do this, simultaneously press windows keys + R, in the window that appears, write CMD and press "ENTER".

In the opened menu, write the ipconfig command and press "ENTER". Now you need to find the "Main Gateway" string. This is the data we need.

As a rule, it is, but depending on the router model, these values \u200b\u200bmay differ. So, we prescribe the received data in the browser, after which the system will ask you to enter a login and password. We write admin, admin, respectively.

How easy to find out the IP address of the router: video

So we got into the router settings menu. It is worth noting that depending on the device model, the interface may differ. Also differences may be in the names of some sections. Consider further actions on the example of the D-LinkDir-615 router.

In the router parameters at the bottom of the screen, click the "Advanced Settings" button. Find a section called WiFi. Here you click "Security Settings". Here the first line "Network Authentication" is a type of encryption. Select from the proposed WPA-PSKWPA2-PSK2 Mixed options and apply the changes. After that restart the router.

Often, a similar error occurs and with a properly installed type of authentication. In this case, you will help reboot the router. As mentioned above, budget models They do not differ stability in the work.

Check MAC filter

The answer to the question why the WiFi network does not connect on the tablet lies in the filtering settings of Mc addresses. The fact is that a special function is included to enhance protection, which defines the physical address of the computer, opening or closing it access. To check this, you should return to the router settings. In the WiFi section, select Mac Filter.

In order for you, you do not have any problems in the future, you should turn off the filtering.

But if you do not want to do this, we do the following. In the beginning we look at what kind of mode is selected:

  • Allow - the router allows access to only the specified devices.
  • To prohibit - the router blocks access to the network specified tablets.

Now it remains only to learn the physical address of your tablet and check if it is in the list and, if necessary, add or delete it.

How to configure Mac Filter in Router: Video

Check channels

If you have turned off the filtering, and the tablet still sees the WiFi network, but does not connect to it, then go to the next step. This problem often arises due to channel inconsistencies. So let's return to the router settings and try to change them.

To do this, return to main page Access point parameters and in WiFi section Select "Basic Settings". Here we need to find the line "Channel". Try to change it on some other. It should be noted that it is recommended to install the "Auto" mode. Thanks to this, the router will automatically use the most appropriate channel.

What if you tried all the above actions, but still can't connect the tablet to the WiFi network? Try to restart not only the access point, but also the tablet itself. Quite often there are various failures and in mobile device. After rebooting, try to connect again.

Wireless mode

Do not forget about the versions of the wireless communication. Very often, the report on the question why the tablet does not connect to the WiFi network, is the fact that it simply does not support the version of the wireless communication that is installed on the router. The fact is that today there are several versions of Wi-Fi Communications:

  • 802.11n.
  • 802.11g.
  • 802.11b.

At the same time, as a rule, the router supports all these standards, which cannot be said about the tablet. Therefore, let's go back in the router settings menu and check which mode is set. Open advanced settings. Next, in the WiFi section, select "Basic Settings". In line " Wireless mode"Select 802.11 B / G / N Mixed.

I work as a specialist in the Techno-Master company.