Rating pharmacy networks for the year. MarketMedia studied which pharmacy chains of Russia entered the top ten largest in terms of outlets

Top 7 federal pharmacy chains

Among the federal pharmaceutical networks, the Association of Independent Pharmacies (ASNA), which has 5,637 farmers and 9.8% of regional markets, where it is presented. Despite the name, the rated creators traditionally counted it to federal networks.

The second place, according to the expert assessment, got the Rylag network with 1,846 pharmacies and 1.7% of the market share. The third place is occupied by the pharmacy chain of the "Health Melody" (a subsidiary "Katren"), which has 1,063 pharmacies and the same as the "Rigla" (1.7%), the percentage of market share.

Federal pharmacy chains
Rating Pharmacy network Cumulative network share in the regions of presence **,%
1 ASNA 5 637 9,8 96,3
2 Riga * 1 846 1,7 55,0
3 Melody health 1 063 1,7 49,9
4 Implosion * 2 485 1,2 42,6
5 Pharmacy Timer 585 3,3 39,3
6 Rainbow (including first aid) 1 030 2,4 33,9
7 PharmalPex * 553 2,0 26,2

* Expert rating RNC Pharma

** The total share that the network of pharmacies occupies, from the total volume of regional markets in which it is presented.

Top 7 multi-regional pharmacy networks

First place among multi regional networks It occupies "36.6", which has 1,755 pharmacies and occupying 18.1% of the market in the regions of presence. In second place there are pharmacies under the brand "Planet Health" with 1,246 pharmaceuticals and 3.8% market share. In third place is the company "Ercafarm" with pharmacies under the brands "Doctor of Tabletov" and "Ozerki". There are 400 pharmacies of these brands in the regions, which occupy 6.6% of the market share.

Multi-regional pharmacy chains
Rating Pharmacy network Number of points on 01.07.2017 Rating indicator (score)
1 Pharmacy network 36.6 1 755 18,1 70,3

Pharmacies working under the brand planet health

1 246 3,8 55,3
3 400 6,6 48,4
4 Maksavit (including 36.7C) 334 4,3 47,2
5 Farmland 758 12,7 46,3
6 Neo-farm 366 7,9 44,9
7 Vita 728 1,9 35,8

* The total share that the network of pharmacies occupies, from the total volume of regional markets in which it is presented.

Top 10 Pharmacy Associations

Among pharmacy associations, space was distributed as follows:

The first place is assigned to the Association "PROAPTEK", which includes 2,340 pharmacies. The second place is occupied by the order service of the pharmacy product "Pharmacy. Ru ", which has 14,41 pharmacies across the country and is a little more than one of the rating representatives in this indicator. The third place is occupied by the Pharmaceutical Union of Small Business (MFIs), having 1,608 pharmaceuticals.

Pharmacy Associations
Rating Pharmacy network Number of points on 01.07.2017 Cumulative share of the network in the regions of presence *,% Rating indicator (score)
1 PROAPTECA 2 340 3,3 68,2


14 341 0,6 54,6
3 MFU 1 608 4,3 51,6
4 SPRING 674 2,4 33,6
5 Pharmhab 276 1,6 20,0

Nadezhda Farm

130 1,2 19,9
7 Pharmalylene 194 2,4 14,4
8 Parnassus 230 2,0 12,8
9 A +. 76 0,3 7,3
10 Alliancefarm 117 1,9 5,7

* The total share that the network of pharmacies occupies, from the total volume of regional markets in which it is presented.

Top-15 pharmacy networks on the size of the average check on the results of the I-II quarter. 2017

Also presented a rating of the average check. According to this parameter, the Omnipharm network (5,289 rubles) occupies the first place. In second place "Pharmacy. RU "with a middle check in 1,662 rubles. The third place is occupied by Samson-Pharma, where the average check is 1,440 rubles.

Top 15 pharmacy networks on the size of the average check on the results of the I-II kV. 2017

Rating Pharmacy network The size of the average check, rub. The number of checks in the calculation of 1 pharmacy, thousand units.Dynamics of the number of checks with respect to the I-II kV. 2016,%
1 Omnipharm. 5 289 5,6 1,1


1 662 0,2 53,1
3 Samson-Pharma 1 440 52,6 1,8
4 Health 765 126,3 -
5 GK Ercafarm (doctor of accents & lakes) 750 48,9 21,2

Pharmacy network 36.6

682 23,2 -8,6
7 Pharmacy dialogue 669 124,6 37,5
8 Neo-farm 639 51,1 42,9
9 New pharmacy (incl. Minison) 631 52,1 17,7
10 Soviet pharmacy 630 15,8 93,5
11 O'vita 589 37,2 -20,4
12 Duty pharmacies 580 42,6 3,5
13 Evalir 553 43,3 -5,0
14 Pharmacon 546 71,1 17,1
15 Health Spring (including Lekopttorg) 542 66,8 52,7

The list of the 100 largest enterprises in Russia includes several pharmacy chains. The largest profits included in the top 7, are ASNA, Riga, pharmacy chain 36.6, implosion, health planet, Ercoofarm, neo-farm.

The last few years in the crisis, showed the dynamics of the fall in demand for medication. A study by the analytical company KMPG In 2016, the start of the fracture was noted - for the first time in a few years there was a positive increase in pharmaceutical network revenues.

The table analysis shows that Russia's pharmacy chains in Top-10 strengthened their position in the market. Their cumulative share increased to 45%. 2016 revenue ratio by 2015 increased by 26.6%. The above figures are talking about the ongoing market consolidation.

RNC PHARMA, a well-known analytical observer, presented the rating of pharmacy chains of Russia in the first quarter of 2017.

Table 2. Top 7 pharmacy networks in the retail market

Pharmacy network

Location of the Central Office

The number of points on 01.04. 2017

Market share in the first quarter of 2017

The market as a whole, without LLO

Pharmacy network 36.6


Planet Health

GK Ercafarm

If you compare the results of 2016 and the 1st quarter of 2017, some serious changes in the top 7 can be noted. Righal ahead of the pharmacy chain of 36.6, the rainbow flew out of the cherished seven - her place was taken by Neo-Farm.

According to researchers, the pharmacy market is close to saturation - today it is increasingly difficult to find suitable areas in places with sufficient traffic. Certain opportunities promise global investment programs, such as the project of renovation in Moscow. However, it is local. Strengthening interest in the pharmaceutical market on the side of the nephrapistical retail promises a serious increase in competition in the foreseeable future.

Table 3. Basic sources of increased competition in the market during 2016

Aggressive price policy players

Existing High Concentration of Pharmacy Networks in the Company's Presence Regions

Future Strengthening the geographical presence of local players

Development by other players of new formats (pharmackets supermarkets, discounters)

The emergence of new players, mainly regional in the field of the company's presence

The emergence of new players, mainly federal in the field of the company's presence

Business diversification by other players (for example, launch of own production or distribution)

That is why the leading players hurry to seize the remaining space in the market - in 2017, according to KMPG survey, 90% of large retail chains plan to expand their presence by opening new sales points. The geographical location of pharmaceutical points is carried out on the basis of preliminary marketing research.

Some players speak out about the need to limit the market. More than 58% of pharmacy managers are expressed for legislative restrictions on the number of pharmacies in the country, following the example of Western European countries: France, Spain and Germany.

The re-fulfillment of pharmacies in Russia cannot be - his disagreement with the heads of pharmacy networks expresses the deputy head of the management of social control and trade of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) Nadezhda Charavskaya. This is a commercial market, pharmacies open, mean they are profitable and they have a demand, she argues. Many pharmacies work in the capitals of subjects, the restriction will lead to price increases and will prevent competition from its point of view.

Consider large pharmaceutical networks of Russia listed by the pharmaceutical market leaders.


ASNA - Association of Independent Pharmacy, which includes more than 5,000 pharmacies in many cities of Russia. ASNA company is new format Among pharmacy chains, as the association members are independent pharmacies and pharmacy chains, combined with a common goal - to make medicines, medical equipment and related products more affordable for buyers. To date, the territory of the Association extends far beyond the capital, occupying the territory from the south to Kamchatka. ASNA is present in more than 100 cities and more than 60 subjects of the federation. Regional offices are open in Nizhny Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kazan. The company has 150 marketing contracts with manufacturers.

Legal address: 125368, Moscow, ul. Mitinskaya, House 33, Corp.1

2. Riga

Founded in 2001, the national pharmacy chain, the second in terms of sales in Russia. For December 2016, the network has 1769 retail points in 47 regions of Russia. Rigra represents a retail segment of a business group of companies "Protek" - the largest pharmaceutical holding of Russia. The range of the pharmacy network is 18 thousand assortment positions, of which about 60% occupy parapharmaceutical goods. The pharmacy chain of Rigra includes 1768 pharmacies at the end of 12 months of 2016. Pharmacies under the brand "Be Horm!" And "Zhivika" work in discounter format. At the end of 2016, there were 1214 pharmacy discounters in the network.

Legal address: 115201, Moscow, ul. Cherian, d. 2

Information about the owners: parent company "Proteke"

Capitalization: 23 billion rubles.

3. Pharmacy network 36.6

PJSC "Pharmacy Network 36.6", founded in 1991 - leading russian company Sectors retail Goods for health and beauty. In January 2016, the largest shareholders of the Group and the controlling shareholders of A5 Pharmacy Retail Limited (the head company of the pharmacy network "A5") reached preliminary agreements on the fusion of pharmaceutical networks. The union was completed in December 2016 within the framework of an additional issue of shares of PJSC "PHANT Network 36.6", which remained the head company of the United Group.

Legal address: 121096, Moscow, ul. Vasilisa skin, d. 1

Information about the owners: Major shareholders as of 2016:

  • Palesora Ltd. (Cyprus, owners - Vladimir Kintzurashvili and Ivan Sannelidze) - 60.58%;
  • Walgreens Boots Alliance - 15%.

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Ivan Sannelidze

CEO - Vladimir Kintsurashvili

Capitalization - 16.6 billion rubles.

Gross profit in 2016 10766 million rubles.

Course action - 6.99 rubles.

4. Implosium

LLC Implosiya was registered in 1991. Since 1993, the main activity has become a trade in medicines. In addition to their own pharmacies, the sale of goods occurs through the pharmacies of others legal entitiesworking under the partnership agreement. The implementation of products through the pharmacy network is carried out in the following regions of Russia: Samara, Saratov, Penza, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk region, Moscow, Bashkiria, Tatarstan. On the this moment In Tatarstan and Bashkiria, implosion is represented only by partners, in the rest of the regions - both own pharmacies and pharmacies of partner companies.

In 2003, the company was divided into order to minimize economic and legal risks into several companies: LLC "Pharmaceutical", LLC "I-TRAN", "Cube", LLC "Implosiy Finance" and others.

Legal address: 432072, Ulyanovsk, etc. General Tyuleva, D. 7

Information about the owners: "Implosion" has an opaque ownership structure. IN the largest operator Holding - LLC "Pharmaceutical" ("FP") - Grant Nezurachenko controlled 27.19%. 24% of the company belonged to his brother Valery Nezurachenko. Dmitry Podgornov (27.19%) and Oleg Teplyakov (21.6%) were partners of the PP brothers. After death in 2015, the founder of the company Grant Nezurachenko, his share was redeemed by beneficiaries.

Capitalization: 15 billion rubles.

5. Planet Health

Planet Health LLC is one of the most actively growing players of the Russian pharmorsiticmiss. Among the regions that the Network is mastering, the Key region remains key, the Kirov region and the Udmurt Republic. Moreover, in Perm "Planet Health" - unconditional monopolist. The network also works in Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and other major regions.

Legal address: 614068, Krai Perm, city Perm, Lenina Street, 83/34

Information about the owners: Founder - Physical Person Kislov Alexey Evgenievich

6. GK Ercafarm (doctor of accents & lakes)

The group of companies "Ercafarm" was founded in 1994. To date, the group includes more than 360 pharmacies in 12 regions of the Russian Federation working in various formats from discounters to pharmal recorders. "Ercafarm" includes several pharmacy chains: "Doctor of Councils", "Ozerki", "Good Pharmacy", "People's Pharmacy" and "Pharmacy №1". The total number of employees of the HC "Ercafarm" is more than 3,500 people.

Legal address: 107005, Moscow, Bakuninskaya Street, 14

Information about the owners: Individual, Sannelidze Ivan Givievich, Prestige Market LLC, Proftekhgroup LLC, LLC Russian Trust Alliance "Your Savings", Sana-MT LLC, Enterprisis Service LLC

7. Neo-farm

The history of the GC Neopharm began as a small family business with several pharmacy kiosks in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Today, NEOFARM GK is almost 300 pharmacies under two brands - Neopharm and tables, these are more than 3,000 employees and over 25 million buyers per year.

Legal address: 123423, Moscow, Open highway, 2, Corp. 12

The analytical company RNC PHARMA ® presents the rating of pharmacy chains of Russia in terms of 1-3 square meters. 2017

The third quarter in relation to the Russian pharmorism has emitted the most diverse events. We had to become witnesses, both all kinds of transactions, often quite large and resume rhetoric on individual regulatory issues, in particular the possibility of selling LP in supermarkets.

The question of expanding the points of sale of LP, which continues with breaks since 2014, already ordered by order. No apparent expediency in this innovation can not find any representatives of the professional pharmaceutical community, nor, we will risk assumed, and representatives of the "big retail", which slowly, but correctly develop their own projects in the pharmacetic. However this question Rises from the depth of the government with enviable constancy.

The transactions, the number of which, with each day, it seems, only increases, also became an almost ordinary phenomenon. The change of owners of "Classics" and "Pharmacora", even with amendment to a decent size of companies, is also difficult to suspect in originality, at least due to the developmental similarity of the fate of these companies before the sale and organizational format in which transactions were carried out.

So, with a detailed consideration, the apparent variety of information flow leaves a feeling of some dejum, which, against the background of quite obvious signs of stagnation of the Russian pharmaceutical line, looks very symptomatic.

Tab. Top pharmacy networks at the retail commercial market of the Republic of LD of Russia for 1-3 square meters. 2017

Pharmacy network

Location of the Central Office

Number of points on 01.10.2017

The market share on the basis of 1-3 square meters. 2017,%

not lp.

the market as a whole, without LLO

Classic pharmacy chains


Rigo 2.

Pharmacy network 36.6 3

GK Ercafarm

Implosion 2.

Pharmacies working under the brand planet health



PharmalPex 2.

Pharmacy Timer



Pharmacopayka - Your Doctor

Melody health



Maksavit (including 36.7C)


Pharmacy Associations 4.


St. Petersburg


St. Petersburg






St. Petersburg



Nadezhda Farm

1 - ASNA is assigned to a group of classic pharmacy networks due to a deeper level of integrating business processes compared to associative type networks

2 - expert assessment

3 - The total number of points is indicated taking into account the pharmacoic pharmacoic facilities, the company's turnover for the period is not taken into account

4 - the positions of pharmacy associations are designed without taking into account the intersections of the participants of the associations among themselves. This rating shows the market share occupied by the Association of Pharmacy Networks and Single Pharmacies

Top 20 pharmacy chains in Russia Aer Carlos 2019-03-20 http: //syt/upload/iblock/84d/84dedc353527cef46fccc7c59c7faf7c59c7faf76.png.

The Russian retail pharmacy market is experiencing a phase of consolidation and tightening state regulation. Leaders buy local players, and those in turn continue to unite into alliances for survival. MarketMedia publishes top 20 pharmacy chains.

In 2018, in Russia, the growth in sales of drugs in packages increased by 6% to 5.6 billion in 2017. Sales in money by 7% worth more than 1.256 trillion rubles, calculated in the Alpharm research company.

In the company "RNC PHARMA" data are more pessimistic: according to the year, the dynamics of the retail market in monetary terms stopped at a level of 2.2%, its volume was 1.2 trillion rubles, and in a natural generally went to the negative sector -3.2%, up to 5.5 billion packs.

On why, according to the results of 2018, analysts of different research agencies were strongly separated in the calculations of sales of drugs in Russia, you can read Nikolai Bespalova, director for the development of the analytical company RNC PHARMA.

As of January 1, 2019, more than 65.6 thousand pharmacies worked in Russia. Despite the fact that, compared to 2017, their number increased by 3%, in the fourth quarter of 2018, a decrease in pharmacy points was recorded. The amount of revenue in December amounted to 111.2 billion rubles (+ 4%), and the average revenue per one - 1.7 million rubles (+ 1% by December 2017), the Alpharm report said.

According to the results of 2018, more than 4.7 billion packages of drugs were sold at 892 billion rubles through pharmacy institutions, it was 8% more in money and 7% in pieces.

If you compare the ratings of pharmacy chains 2018 and 2017, the changes occurred in the top three leaders. "Group 36,6" descended into two lines, giving the second place of the GC "Ercafarm", and the third - Implosion Samara network. The leader in total sales still remains "Rigra" (included in the GC "Protek").

As for the trends, in 2018, the consolidation of the market, lasting for several years, and the departure of small regional networks continued. Associations of pharmacy chains continued in various alliances whose peak fell for 2017 to enhance the procurement force and consolidating manufacturers for marketing services. Since manufacturers pay nets for the promotion of their products.

By the way, recently the Union of National Pharmaceutical Chamber (NFP) appealed to the Ministry of Industry, with a request to regulate the interaction between pharmaceutical networks and manufacturers, since the pharmacies in 60% of cases impose drugs to buyers, with the manufacturers of which they signed marketing contracts, said the Kommersant newspaper.

The NFP suggests to prohibit the priority recommendation of a specific drug to buyers within marketing contracts between pharmaceutical networks and manufacturers. In violation of the ban, it is supposed to suspend the action of a specialist certificate or a certificate of pharmacematic accreditation for up to 6 months. The corresponding mandatory checks should be made to the regulations for the control procurement of Roszdravnadzor, the letter said. It follows from it that otherwise the patient acquires a drug imposed on it, and not recommended by the doctor.

Pavel Polevenkin director of Analytics RNC Pharma

One of the main trends for Pharosnitsa in 2018 was the universal stagnation of the segment. Against the background of this recession, we watched enough a large number of M & A transactions. Of course, local pharmacy networks became the main objects of transactions.

Among the market consolidators - "Farmland", Rylag and other players. But among major players, certain changes were noticed. For example, at once, three players from the top 20 - "Planet Health", "Pharmacist +" and "Maksavit" - united into a single organization under the auspices of the Network "Planet Health". Network "New Pharmacy" joined the "Iris" partnership.

This process Completely explain - earlier, the M & A transaction was the nature of the local strengthening of individual players, now, after increasing the number of participants in the club "1000+ pharmacies", more serious steps are required to combine the efforts of networks.

In addition, it is obvious that more network, especially profitable terms It can receive in supply from distributors and marketing contracts from manufacturers.

The next trend is associated with the latter, which began to unwind at the end of 2018. A proposal was made to limit the maximum bonus size for marketing in the pharmacy segment. By the way, the proposals are already heard to completely prohibit a similar type of cooperation of manufacturers and pharmacy retail.

Potentially it can seriously hit the retail business, especially on those players who built their networks mainly at the expense of the back margin (Back Margin, reflects that part of the profit that the company receives from the supplier in the form of various discounts, bonuses, etc. - Ed.). By the way, the last in 2018 also actively revised the terms of paying bonuses and tightened control over this type of activity. Partly this "merit" of the participants of the pharmacy market.

Separate companies actively practiced draining goods back to the wholesale segment for execution mandatory conditions Marketing contracts and bonuses.

But at the same time, there is a completely definite understanding that the state strengthens control over the segment. In addition to tightening, the industry presses and the active development of remote trade of drugs, causing an outflow of a parapharmaceutical (irrecomparable) range of pharmacies. Namely, this category is one of the most marginal. So far, the drug is officially forbidden to sell in Russia via the Internet, but individual market participants found a way to circumvent the prohibition (Ozon online store sells medicines through a pharmacy point on the basis of a license for pharmaceutical activities, and the retailer couriers deliver drugs on the instructions of buyers. - Ed.).

Summarizing, it can be concluded that in 2019 and then on the pharmacy market everything will be more difficult to survive single pharmacies and small networks. The consolidation of the segment is already noticeable now (the top 20 accounts for more than 50%), and in the current year this figure will grow even more.

And of course, the higher the competition, the more difficult the struggle for the profitability of the business. In addition, while (as of the end of the first phase quarter of 2019), we do not see serious prerequisites for the restoration of the growth of the market in monetary terms, not to mention natural, which is also unlikely to add optimism to market participants.

Top 20 pharmacy chains in 2018 in Russia

1. Rigra (Moscow).The pharmacy chain is included in the GC "Protek", operating in all the main segments of the pharmaceutical industry: the production of medicines, distribution of pharmaceutical and goods for beauty and health, as well as retail sales. Audited consolidated revenue of the group according to the results of 2017 amounted to 258.5 billion rubles.

In 2018, the pharmacy chain Rylag was replenished with 426 pharmacies in Russia, including due to merger and acquisition transactions, and on January 1, 2019 there were 2,457 thousand pharmacies. The average check is 489.93 rubles. The company's share on retail pharmaceutical in 2018 was 5.46%.

2. GK "Ercafarm" (Moscow).The Ercafarm Group is one of the leaders of the pharmaceutical market of Russia - was founded in 1994. The group includes 1.266 thousand pharmacies in eight federal districts working in various formats - from discounters to pharmal recorders under the brands "Doctor of Tabletov", "Ozerki", "Good Pharmacy", "People's Pharmacy", "Pharmacy №1", "Rainbow "," First aid "," Ladushka "and others. Monthly pharmacies of the company serve more than 6 million buyers. Since 2018, the company has become a new Drochyri format for himself under the "Ozerki" brand in the low price segment. The first stores opened in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, and then in Moscow. The share of the company on retail pharmaceutical in 2018 was 5.35%.

3. "Implosion" (Samara). The Implosion network combines more than 2.5 thousand points, of which more than 60% of pharmacies or affiliates (connected to the "implosion" for the sake of procurement), or franchise. The total revenue for the results of 2018 - 46.5 billion rubles, market share - 3.83%.

4. "GROUP 36,6" (Moscow). The group of companies "Pharmacy Network 36.6" was founded in 1991. The company manages networks under the signs "36.6", "Goldzv" and A.V.E., the total number of which exceeded 1,314 thousand points. The company's share on the retail market of drugs was 4.4%. According to the results of 2018, the network lost its position in the rating of the largest networks, shutting down from the second position on the fourth. During the year, the group of companies closed more than 400 pharmacies in the country. Obviously, we are talking about unprofitable points, the total number of which is not disclosed in the company. Thus, the new top management is trying to bring the retail direction from the crisis, which accounts for the main part of the company's revenue. Share decreased from 4.48 to 3.64%. As previously wrote, "Kommersant", by 2021, the profitability of EBITDA each pharmacy will be 3.5% (the current indicator is not disclosed), and the share of the network in the market will increase from 4.4 to 10%. For comparison: "Rigla" the current return on EBITDA each pharmacy is 4.8%.

5. "Planet Health" (Perm).The network has numbered on January 1, 2019 more than 1,696 thousand pharmacies, including under the brand "Country Childhood", in 50 cities of Russia. For the year, the company opened 321 pharmacy. In the Perm Territory, the network is a leader and occupies more than 60% of the retail market (according to RNC PHARMA). The share of the company on the retail market of drugs was 2.96%.

6. "Neo-farm" (Moscow). The company develops pharmacies under the brands "Neopharm" and "tables" working in different price segments. Against the background of the first five players, it has much less pharmacy points - only 606. However, the company develops larger, in contrast to competitors, hypermarkets and supermarkets. For the year she opened 124 objects. Her share in the Russian drug market is estimated at 2.87%.

7. "Vita" (Samara). Pharmaceutical "Vita" manages almost a thousand pharmacies. The company develops two brands: "Vita Express" and "My Pharmacy low prices" During the year, the company opened more than 600 pharmacies, its share in the drug market has grown from 1.35 to 2.68%.

8. "April" (Krasnodar).Pharmacies "April" numbered 1335 pharmacies under the brands "April" and "Pharmacy Warehouse" (Economy). The total proportion of the company increased from 1.94 to 2.56%. For the year, the network has opened a little more than 450 pharmacies, including at the expense of acquisitions. For example, in 2018, April swallowed the largest Tatar network "Kazan pharmacies" (112 points).

9. Farmland (Ufa).Bashkir company has been operating since 1997. For 2018, it has increased the network from 954 to 1114 points in Russia. The company works B. different formats - Pharmacy centers, social pharmacies, health and beauty centers, and also has optics salons, orthopedic salons and hearing center. The company's share in the Russian drug market has grown from 1.77 to 2.1%. Turnover at the end of the year amounted to 25.013 billion rubles.

10. Farmaimpex (Izhevsk). The company was established in 1994, initially she was engaged in the wholesale deliveries of drugs, cooperating mainly with hospitals. The first pharmacy opened in Udmurtia in 1998. At the beginning of 2019, the network numbered 757 pharmacies (+28 points per year), its turnover was 19.4 billion rubles, and the share in Russia on the retail market of drugs is 1.6%.

11. "Pharmacopayika & Your Doctor" (Tula). Pharmacopayka Pharmacopayka's network is a franchise project of the pharmaceutical distributor LLC MedExport - Northern Star. Pharmacopayka, which has more than 600 points, works in Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territories, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Tyumen regionsas well as in Khanty-Mansiysk JSC. Pharmacies "Your Doctor" has more than 300 points in the Tula, Kaluga, Vladimir and Moscow regions, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory. Owners of two networks united in 2016. For the year, the combined company opened 52 pharmacies. The consolidated turnover of two networks in 2018 amounted to 18.2 billion rubles, the average check is 440 rubles, and the market share is 1.5%.

12. "Pharmacies from the warehouse" (Perm).Her owners Andrei Godovalov and Nikolai Shavrin have been engaged in wholesale sales of drugs, the network "Pharmacies from a warehouse" (segment of discounters) began to develop since 2009. Now the network is represented in 23 regions of Russia and has 767 pharmacies (+83 pharmacies). His turnover, according to the end of 2018, amounted to 14.6 billion rubles, the average check - 463 rubles, and the market share is 1.2%.

13. Group "36.7C & Maksavit" (Nizhny Novgorod). Pharmacies under the brand "36.7" work since 1998. In 2010, the company began to develop another brand - Maksavit pharmacies-discounters. Currently, 489 pharmacies (+85 pharmacies) operate under two brands in 36 cities of Russia. The company's turnover according to the results of 2018 amounted to 14.2 billion rubles, the average check - 496 rubles, the company's share is 1.17%.

14. "Health Melody" (Novosibirsk).The network operates on the market since 2006 and today is present in 53 regions of Russia and has 766 pharmacies (+43 points). Basically, it is pharmacy supermarkets with an open display. The turnover of 2018 amounted to 13.1 billion rubles, the average check - 409.58 rubles, the market share is 1.08%.

15. Mega Farm (Moscow). Pharmacy company Mega Farm (Pharmacies "A-Mega", "Yes, Health!", As well as pharmacies of the premium class "ABC Life") entered the market in 2016 and enters the Marathon Group holding. Holding was founded in May 2017 by Alexander Vinokurov and Sergey Zakharov, later, Andrey True joined them as a partner. According to the results of 2018, Mega Farm numbered 1008 pharmacies (+138 points per year), the average check was 303.51 rubles, and the market share increased from 0.39 to 0.95%. The turnover of the network at the end of 2018 exceeded 1.5 billion rubles. Mega Farm develops in partnership with X5, the "alphabet of taste", Russian Railways, the Medical Center of Elena Malysheva. In the plans of pharmacy retailer by 2021 to open more than 4 thousand retail points.

16. Pharmacist + (Rostov-on-Don).The pharmacy network belongs to the distributor of drugs CJSC Pharmacist, which operates on the market for more than 25 years. On the basis of the distributor, a warehouse for the storage and vacation of immunobiological drugs, diagnostic agents and antiretroviral drugs of the Ministry of Health of the Rostov Region has been created and operates for 10 years. The pharmacy chain has numbered 334 pharmacies (-13 pharmacies), the average check was 460 rubles, the market share is 0.87%. Turnover for the results of 2018 exceeded 10.6 billion rubles.

17. "New pharmacy" and "Pharmacy Ministence" (Khabarovsk). About these pharmacy companies are known. Network sites are also uninformative. According to Spark, the operating lawyer of the new pharmacy network is Superfarma LLC, owned by Igor Zhukovich (48%), Igor Boyharkin (30%) and Artem Zhukovich (22%). The operating lawyer "Pharmacy Ministence" is LLC Aversha Pharmacy Ministence, which has the same owners and with the same distribution of shares. The total turnover of two networks at the end of 2018 exceeded 10 billion rubles (9 billion rubles in 2017), the total number of pharmacies reached 161 (remained unchanged), the average check fell by the results of the year compared with 2017 from 738 to 662.39 rubles , And the market share was 0.83%.

18. Nevis (St. Petersburg). Pharmacies work in the Northwestern region for more than 25 years and are included in the "Nevis Trading Houses" holding, established in 1992. It also includes several companies: the production of female hygiene under the brand name "Angelina", cosmetic detergents under the trademark "Vuoksa", cosmetics with pheromones under the trademark "Dr. Wilsh" (Dr.Vilsh). At the end of 2018, the turnover of pharmacies "Nevis" exceeded 8.3 billion rubles, the number of points over the year increased from 428 to 457, the average check has slightly reduced - from 388 to 382 rubles, the market share was 0.69%.

19. "Healthy.ru" (Moscow). The pharmacy network has been working since 2003. According to Spark, LLC "Health.ru" belongs to Sergey Kagramanov (45%), Mikhail Akimov (33%), Artem Pysnyakaya (12%), Yuri Sokhizhu (5%) and Olga Shcherbinina (5%). The turnover of the network at the end of 2018 amounted to 7.4 billion rubles, the average check is 1.3 thousand rubles, and the number of points has grown from 52 to 63.

20. Aloe (St. Petersburg).Aloe's pharmacy chain is included in the BSS pharmaceutical holding, develops since 2014. According to the results of 2018, it consisted of 268 pharmacies (+22 pharmacies). Initially, the network developed as part of the North-West region, but later expanded the boundaries of his presence and today is present in the Ural and Central Federal Districts. The turnover of 2018 reached 6.9 billion rubles, the average check is 490 rubles, and the share is 0.57%.