Russian language in Linux Mint 17. Linux MINT Russian version

Linux Mint 17.3. - One of the most famous distributions of the Linux operating system, which is popularly inferior to Ubuntu. Although, as you know, the Ministry was based on Ubuntu, but due to its development, a Debian-based branch also appeared with relevant repositories. Linux MINT 17.3, like his previous versions, Available for download in two versions: x86 and x64 in the graphic environment of Mate and Cinnamon.
Russian version of Linux Mint 17.3 Official site.
Also, if you decide to download and install this system, we propose a step-by-step manual. For clarity Installation linux systems MINT 17.3 CINNAMON 32-BIT We will produce on virtual machine vmware. Player.
After start virtual machine And the image of the image is chosen "Start Linux Mint"

After the installation window appears, select the desired language of the system (if you need the Russian version of Linux Mint, then choose "Russian") and click "Continue".

Next you need to make sure that there is enough space on your hard disk and it is desirable to have access to the Internet. The installation system requires a minimum of 8.4 GB, and the Internet access is needed for download additional packages (Language and updates). However, it is possible to restore and after installation.

The next stage is the most difficult for beginners - breakdown hard disk on the relevant sections. Linux is not familiar to us "C" or "D" for us. First of all, choose the breakdown option. We need a "other option" and click "Continue." You can of course use the first item "erase the disk and install Linux Mint", but the sections will be combined into one and in the case of reinstalling the system, you can lose all data. Although this option is presented in the documentation on the official website.

The next step is to create a new partition table. We find the appropriate button and click on it.

As you can see, I have already been visible hDD And it's time to create the first section. To do this, we press the teddy bear at the free space paragraph and at the bottom click on the "Add section" button ("+" icon).

The first section that we will create is a section of swaps. As in Windows, the size of the paging file depends on the quantity random access memory on the computer. I would like to say if you have 8GB RAM and more, you can refuse it at all.

With 4 Gb, it is best to put 1-2 GB. In personal use there is a car just with four gigabytes on board and 1024 MB swap enough for it. In our case, 1024 MB is selected for the virtual machine and select the "section of the paging" section, sometimes in distributions it is called "SWAP" in distributions and click "OK"

Now we see that the paging section appeared on the indicator (it is displayed in yellow) and freely some place in our case 31.2 GB. Let's continue on. Again, choose the Item "Free Place" and click on the Plusik.

In a familiar window, we set the size for the section where the files of the system itself will be stored. For workstation It is enough 20-30 GB. In our case, it is 12 GB (note that the choice is indicated in megabytes, which means you need to multiply by 1000). In the "Use How" paragraph establish "journaling file system Ext4 ", and the mounting point" / "and click" OK ".

AND last sectionwhich we will create - it will be home. When choosing a size, you leave as it was. This is in order to use the remaining place on the hard disk. Mounting point Select "/ Home" and click "OK".

The main sections are created and left to choose the "Set Now" item, after which it is confirmed by clicking on "Continue".

The next will be the choice of keyboard layout. In the left column we find the right language, and in the right version it is. It will be the second layout after English, if you need more, then after installation you can choose yet.

And the latter that you need to enter - user data:

Your nameenter your name

Name of your computerwill be entered automatically

Enter the usernamename account (Only English characters and lower case)

Set the passwordeverything is simple here

The following 2 pointsentry selection (with or without password)

Encrypt my home folderonly if you are the CIA agent (you can not put)

And click "Continue."

Everything, now you can lean on the back of the chair and expect the installation of the operating system. It usually takes 20-25 minutes. It all depends on the power of the PC and the velocity of the Internet, as the other packages and libraries will still be loaded.
And more: when you will move to the official website on the link (at the beginning of the article), you can download MINT with other environment environments: KDE and XFCE.
You can also view the installation process of the Linux Mint 17.3 system on the video below and clearly make sure that the difficulties in this matter are not:

Instead of imprisonment

Many users for various reasons are disappointed in Windows and think about the alternative. On OS X, you need an appropriate PC from Apple, but Linux can try each, moreover, the installation is not needed. Still to the advantages can be attributed ready System To use after installation and, of course, the lack of viruses (they are, but not as the quantity as on Windows). Of the minuses, you can allocate problems with specific software (Adobe and the like), although there are many alternatives:

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To test or simply try one of the most popular Linux distributions for beginners of Linux Mint, it is not necessary to install it on the computer, as it extends in the form of a Live version, however this version on english language, so today I will show how you can russify live version Linux MINT..

What is a LIVE version of the Linux distribution?

Live Linux distribution version - This is a version that works with boot mediaAll the necessary data is downloaded to the RAM and the need to install on the hard disk of the computer is missing. In other words, you can boot from USB flash drives or with a CD / DVD disk and safely use operating system. For comfortable work from the bootable media on which the LIVE version of the Linux distribution is required, the availability of sufficient amount of RAM ( in most cases, there is enough 2 gigabytes).

However, there is one very important nuance here, all changes that you make to the system are not saved on an ongoing basis.. After rebooting or after turning off the computer, you will have exactly the same as before, i.e. All settings will return to the original state, even the files that you saved on system sectionsDelete. In the case of files, the problem is solved very easily, for example, just save files on third-party hard disksBut with the settings more comprehensive, they will not be able to save them. But in fact, this is not required, since Live version of Linux distributions are created exclusively for testing a distribution in order to look at its work, in order to consist them and evaluate it before directly installing on a constant computer.

There are, of course, the Linux distributions, live versions of which are created specifically for some system works, in such distributions includes specialized software on working with data or as a whole with the system.

By the way, Linux Mint supports many languages \u200b\u200band, for example, Russification in Linux Mint is generally very good, compared to most of other distributions, in which the default is not very Russified.

However, it is possible to solve the problem with Russification in the Live version of Linux Mint, and now I will show how to do it.

On a note! Novice users Linux I recommend to read my book " "- I tell about it in the most detail aboutLinux. and how to use this operating system without command line

Step-by-step Russification Live version Linux Mint

Immediately it is worth noting that Russification wears, as you already understood, temporary character, i.e. We Russulate Linux Mint, but after rebooting, if you want to work again at the Live version of Linux Mint, you will need to do everything again that we will do now. But do not be afraid, I will immediately say that you will spend time for Russification literally 2-3 minutes ( maybe less) And there is nothing complicated.

Now I will show step by step, how to Russify Live version of Linux Mint.

Step 1 - Loading with USB flash drives or disk

Most likely you already have a bootable medium with Linux Mint ( if you have a question about Russification), so I will not tell in detail where to download ISO image Linux Mint and how to write it on USB flash drive or disk.

If you still do not have a ready-made bootable media, you can download the ISO image of Linux Mint on the official website - download Linux Mint.

In Windows to create a boot flash drive, you can use programs: RUFUS, ETCHER or UNETBOOTIN.

In order to create blood flash drive In Linux, you can use the same Etcher program, it is implemented and under Linux, or use the standard ISO image recording application to the USB flash drive in Linux Mint, in cases where you have already installed this system and you use it.

So, if everything is ready for you, you load from the carrier. We get into the menu and choose the first item "START LINUX MINT".

Note! As an example, I use the Linux Mint version with the CINNAMON graphic shell.

Step 2 - Open Language Settings

Next, we need to open the parameters "Languages"With which we can change the language of the system, i.e. language settings. To do this, in the MINT menu we find item "Preferences -\u003e Languages" Or we can open "System Settings" (control center) and already from there go to the parameters "Languages".

From the MINT menu

From System Settings

Step 3 - setting the desired language to the system

You will find language settings, but simply select the language will not work, at least Russian, there is no default, but we can install it, for this press the button "Install / Remove Languages".

Then click the button "Add".

We find and choose the right language, in our case it is - "Russian, Russia UTF-8". Press the button "Install".

Language will be installed and will be available to us, window "Install / Remove Languages" You can close, for example, click on the button "Close".

Step 4 - Apply New Language Settings

After we installed the language we need, we can choose and apply it to the entire system, for this in the sections "Languages" and "REGIONS" Using buttons "C.UTF-8" Choose the desired language.

Then you will appear the selected language, and, in order to apply the settings, click on the button "APPLY SYSTEM-WIDE".

As a result, the language settings will be applied, and the current localization will correspond to the selected language, you can view in the System Locale section.

Step 5 - Exit System

In order to see all the changes, it is necessary to exit the system and go anewly, i.e. "Relogged". To do this, in the Mint menu, click on the appropriate button.

A window will appear in which we click "Log Out".

Step 6 - Login with new settings

After you exit the system, you can already notice that Linux Mint is now Russified. To log in, you must use the following credentials:

  • Login - Mint.
  • Without password

Immediately after the entry, you will display the window, you need to click on it. "Update Names".

All is ready. Linux MINT Russified! You can use the localized system until the next reboot.

I have everything, I hope, the material was useful to you while!

Different situations are developing in users, especially new, which intensified, ignorance was installed in English or after installation, they decided to change the language of the system to some other. Some users after the first login to find that the system language is not "native", they are thrown into panic and reinstall the system. But I assure you, it is not necessary to do this, just switch to another language and restart the system (not computer) and that's it.
On this topic, I already wrote an article that you can see. BUT B. Linux Mint 17. Developers simplified the task of changing the system language in a new application Language settings . Open System settings - Parameters - Languages:

After opening the window Language settingsThe string with the main language system is highlighted. As can be seen in the upper picture, my system is displayed in Russian and in the list set by default there are still a number of languages. If in the list presented there is the language to which you would like to switch the system, it is enough to activate the string with the language, click the button Apply to the entire system, Complete session And after the new entry, your system will be displayed in the selected language.

In the case when the language you want to translate the system is missing in the list, you need to click Installing and removing languages:

In a new window button Add:

Select a language, click on the string and click the button. Set:

Press the button Set Language packages and wait until the installation is completed:

Choose established language and click Add. As you can see in the lower picture, I installed Spanish, but a number of languages \u200b\u200bwere installed with him. The fact is that as such a name Spanish - does not exist. Officially, he is called Castilian (Castillano) talking on it and consider native not only in Spainbut also in almost all south America, with the exception of Brazil (Portuguese), so they all set up alone. This, so to speak to the Word, so that you have no questions about the word in the row Castillan..

After the button Add pressed, the main window will open, where you need to click now - Apply to the entire system:

Below the list of languages \u200b\u200bappeared inscription: Changes will take effect on the following login.
Restart the system (not a computer).
After the new login, the window automatically opens with a suggestion of renaming user folders to the current (new) language or leave the previous names:

Here you decide, but I think if you transferred the system to another language, the folders must be renamed. In my case it is a button Actualizar Nombres.

That's all. My system is now displayed on Castilsk (Spanish) language:

P.S. In the article I wrote a lot bukaf And inserted a number of pictures for greater understanding, as it is done, but I assure you that everything is about everything goes no more than two minutes to change the language.

After installing the system, despite the fact that the Russian language was selected, all parameters in English. The language that was selected during the installation of the system means that when installing the Linux OS, the Russian language and nothing else.

To download the system, turn on the computer if the lines will appear with a list of action, click on ENTER.

After loading, the familiar desktop appears, the key, similar to the Start in Windows. Press left button On the taskbar. Connect the Internet, since the language settings will download from the Internet.

In the menu that opens, execute the application command → Setup → System Parameters (in English, of course) (Fig. 1).

In the list of languages, find the Russian language in the left column and send it to the right column (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Choosing Russian

Here there may be nuances: I have broken the installation several times, but I was persistent and the Russian language was installed. Move the Russian language in the right column to first place. Restart the computer. Upon the next load, the Russification will be executed. Moreover, not only the system itself is Russified, but most of the programs, including LibreOffice, Okular, media players, browsers.

Different situations are developing in users, especially new, which intensified, ignorance was installed in English or after installation, they decided to change the language of the system to some other. Some users after the first login to find that the system language is not "native", they are thrown into panic and reinstall the system. But I assure you, it is not necessary to do this, just switch to another language and restart the system (not computer) and that's it.
On this topic, I already wrote an article that you can see. BUT B. Linux Mint 17. Developers simplified the task of changing the system language in a new application Language settings. Open System Settings - Settings - Languages:

After opening the window Language settingsThe string with the main language system is highlighted. As can be seen in the upper picture, my system is displayed in Russian and in the list set by default there are still a number of languages. If in the list presented there is the language to which you would like to switch the system, it is enough to activate the string with the language, click the button Apply to the entire system, Complete session And after the new entry, your system will be displayed in the selected language.

In the case when the language you want to translate the system is missing in the list, you need to click Installing and removing languages:

In a new window button Add:

Select a language, click on the string and click the button. Set:

Press the button Set Language packages and wait until the installation is completed:

Select the set language and click Add. As you can see in the lower picture, I installed Spanish, but a number of languages \u200b\u200bwere installed with him. The fact is that as such a name Spanish - does not exist. Officially, he is called Castilian (Castillano) talking on it and consider native not only in Spainbut also in almost all south America, with the exception of Brazil (Portuguese), so they all set up alone. This, so to speak to the Word, so that you have no questions about the word in the row Castillan..

After the button Add pressed, the main window will open, where you need to click now - Apply to the entire system:

Below the list of languages \u200b\u200bappeared inscription: Changes will take effect on the following login.
Restart the system (not a computer).
After the new login, the window automatically opens with a suggestion of renaming user folders to the current (new) language or leave the previous names: