Satellite Internet - reviews. Satellite Internet providers

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Many people living far from large cities with the usual fiber optic and high-speed connections access the Internet via satellite dish.

This is a really good solution - you can install it almost anywhere in order to use all the possibilities that the world wide web provides.

In contact with

What is satellite internet

There is no need to tell someone what the Internet is today. Almost everyone visits the World Wide Web regularly or from time to time.

The easiest way to solve the problem is in large settlements - you can always connect fiber optic. Do you need freedom of action? Use a 3G modem - you can move freely without fear that the speed will drop.

What if you live or work away from the village, where there is not even mobile communications? In this case, you will have to connect the Internet via satellite.

At the same time, a specially tuned antenna allows you to connect directly to a satellite passing through currently over a specific point on the Earth, provides a stable connection.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Satellite Internet

Like most solutions, home satellite internet has certain pros and cons. It is very important to know about the first and especially about the second, so that after purchasing the equipment you do not have to regret a bad decision. Let's start with the main advantages:

  • ease of connection;
  • the ability to not depend on ordinary providers, their interruptions in electricity and equipment;
  • high speed and stable connection;
  • Internet connection from anywhere in the world.

Alas, with such important advantages, the Internet via a satellite dish is not devoid of serious disadvantages.

First of all, this is the high cost of equipment - you will have to spend a considerable amount to purchase the necessary set. In addition, you will need to obtain a special permit for the use of radio transmitting equipment.

Important! Equipment from different manufacturers may not be compatible. It is better to buy ready-made kits in order not to face such a problem later.

Communication channels often have a delay in the range of 500-800 ms. Such a significant delay may not always be acceptable.

Having learned about the main strengths and weaknesses of the satellite Internet connection, you can go to the choice of a suitable connection.

Types of satellite connection

Today, two types of connections are used to ensure reliable communication: one-way and two-way. They have a number of important differences, which are very important to learn about before finally deciding on the most suitable option. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.


This type of connection, also known as asymmetric, is relatively uncommon. Because for its normal functioning, you need not only satellite Internet at home or work, but also a terrestrial connection.

Why, in this case, do you need an Internet connection at all? Sometimes, when connecting via ADSL or GPRS, the internet speed is too slow, or the incoming traffic is too expensive. In this case, a one-way connection is a good choice.

The fact is that incoming traffic with such a connection goes through a satellite, but outgoing traffic goes through a local provider. When surfing the Internet, searching for information and doing other work, incoming and outgoing traffic is roughly 10 to 1. And when downloading files, the ratio is even more impressive: 100 to 1. Consequently, the costs will be much lower. To connect, you need the following equipment:

  • satellite antenna;
  • satellite fee;
  • amplifier converter.

The kit costs much less than a two-way connection. And you can save a lot of money during operation.

Prices for satellite dishes

satellite dishes


When choosing this method of communication, you will have to spend serious money on the purchase of the necessary equipment. Plus, inbound and outbound traffic will cost you a lot more.

But you find yourself completely independent of any providers and mobile communications - all information goes exclusively via satellite, but you can access the Internet from anywhere in the world, be it the taiga, the African desert or Antarctica.

The kit required for connection includes the following equipment for satellite Internet:

  • transceiver antenna;
  • satellite modem;
  • transmitting and receiving units.

Decide for yourself what is more important to you: cheapness or complete autonomy.

Operating principle

With a two-way satellite connection, the principle is as simple as possible. The satellite is used for both transmitting information and receiving. The request made by the client is transmitted to the satellite, and from there to the provider, to the receiving station. In turn, the provider sends the request to the Internet. Upon receipt of the necessary information from the specified site, the provider immediately sends the data via satellite to the client. Moreover, this happens very quickly - the delay is measured in fractions of a second, so the user in most cases does not even notice it.

If satellite TV and the Internet are in a private house transmitted through a one-way connection, the principle of operation changes significantly.

The user sends a request to a local provider whose connection is too expensive or slow. This request it is immediately transmitted to the satellite, where the servers process it, transmit it to the Internet, and when the necessary information is received, it is sent directly to the satellite dish installed in the user's yard. The delay in this case is much less.

Satellite providers

Today in our country there are dozens of companies offering the demanded satellite Internet service.
How to choose the right one? Let's list a few, the services of which are most popular due to their affordable price and high quality.

  1. SatGate. Differs in reliability and offers an easy-to-use personal account. The speed is not very high, and the board is quite affordable - most users will be able to afford such a connection.
  2. Hi-Steam. One of the most budgetary providers - its services will cost the user quite inexpensively. Personal Area has intuitively clear interface... The speed is excellent. The only drawback is that when working with Internet programs, you need to register the required data from the proxy server every time.
  3. Tricolor TV. Perhaps the most famous satellite provider in our country. Accessible unlimited Internet with good speed. However, some equipment for connection will have to be purchased for your own money.
  4. Rainbow. Offers asymmetric internet services. It allows you to cover almost the entire territory of Russia, except for some eastern and northern regions. Affordable, convenient and fast.
  5. SkyDSL. Another provider specializing in asymmetric connections. Covers a significant part of our country, offers services at very affordable prices.

Of course, before deciding on a provider, you need to know the tariffs, terms of cooperation and much more. Only after that is it worth buying an Internet dish in a private house and connecting it.

What tariffs do providers offer

Today, people who are used to actively using the Internet can get a stable high-speed connection for a relatively small amount. The main reason for this is the serious rivalry between major providers. But the choice of a suitable tariff should be taken very seriously.

First of all, you should pay attention to three factors:

  • price;
  • speed;
  • traffic volume.

With the cost, everything is clear - the more you pay, the more best rate can afford it. The speed depends on how comfortable and easy it will be to work on the Internet - the same data can be transferred in a second or in ten seconds. Finally, the volume of traffic.

Some providers apply a limitation - the cheaper the tariff, the less data can be downloaded per month - you will have to pay extra for each subsequent megabyte. However, more and more companies prefer unlimited tariffs. They cost a little more, but you can download any amount of information.

Important! Buying a large package of traffic, the user pays much less for each megabyte. The higher the fee, the less expensive it will be to download important data.

In addition, you should take into account that there are different tariffs for one-way and two-way Internet. One-way usually has a lower speed, but you will have to pay less - this is where unlimited is most often found. With two-way, you will have to pay for the traffic package, as well as for all additional downloaded information. But the speed will be higher, which will delight users.

Connecting satellite internet yourself

Of course, many would prefer to connect satellite Internet with their own hands, than to use the services of specialists, for which they will have to pay a lot. However, very few people know how to connect to a satellite. Let's consider the whole procedure in more detail so that the reader understands the problem and can solve it. Let's start by setting up a two-way internet connection.

All work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Getting coordinates. Using a free program - Satellite Antenna Alignment, you can get the desired coordinates. To do this, you need to enter your own location, and you will receive the required angle, azimuth, and other data that will be useful when orienting the antenna.
  2. Installation of a satellite dish on the roof or wall of a building. In some cases the best choice will be mounted on a special mast. Here it is important to adjust the tilt angle - the antenna mirror should be directed strictly to the satellite. To do this, you need a simple compass by which you can determine the desired angle and azimuth.
  3. A DVB card is inserted into the computer PCI slot. It is needed as a satellite modem that will receive a signal, convert it and transmit it.
  4. Antenna leveling. It should be in a very narrow range. It is better to do this together - one person will be engaged in adjusting the position of the plate, while the other will monitor the state of the signal in order to notify in time about the appearance of a stable connection.

After that, you can test your connection speed on a dedicated website and get started.

If you want to know how to connect satellite Internet through the Tricolor dish by choosing an asymmetric connection, then there will be no special problems with this. First, you need to connect a cable or 3G modem and make the necessary settings to connect to the provider. Secondly, repeat the steps described above to tune in to the satellite, and you will definitely be able to set up the Internet yourself.

Prices for a set of equipment for satellite Internet Tricolor

satellite internet kit

Is it possible to connect free internet via satellite

Of course, every person who has bought a satellite dish for the Internet would like to enjoy the benefits of the World Wide Web and not pay at the same time. Alas, this is impossible. Sit in in social networks, playing online games, communicating with loved ones via Skype will not work for free. But there is such a thing as "Satellite Fishing". What's this? Let's talk in more detail.

The satellite can simultaneously serve hundreds and thousands of users. It sends information in gigabytes. And using special programs for "Satellite Fishing", you can intercept the same data downloaded by other users. At the same time, you really will not pay a dime to the provider. But it is not a fact that the information received will be useful to you. These can be photographs, music, or even entire films. Alas, the data will have to be sorted, leaving useful data and deleting unnecessary ones.

Useful video: Do-it-yourself satellite Internet

Now you know if it is possible to connect the Internet via a satellite dish, have an idea of ​​different types of connection and even figured out how you can get interesting data from a satellite for free. We hope you find this information useful.

Updated: 10.08.

There is a saying " free cheese it happens only in a mousetrap. "With regard to the Internet, its correctness is confirmed, for example, by numerous music portals offering" free "download of selected songs, but having previously sent an SMS to the site number. Or, say, tempting offers of free hosting, providing accounts up to one gigabyte, but imposing such restrictions on the hoster that free service it becomes very uncomfortable. Every user of the world wide web can give enough examples of this kind, and, in most cases, it is not worth paying attention to such proposals. However, there is one exception that deserves detailed consideration, as it promises very significant benefits. This is Satellite Internet.

It should be noted right away that there is no really free Internet, and you won't be able to surf the Internet without spending a penny. Speaking of free satellite Internet, most often they mean low communication rates at high speed, the possibility of free downloading huge amounts of data to your computer and viewing satellite TV... As for the tariff plans for satellite Internet, some of them are even cheaper than on leased lines, and, of course, much lower than the cost of a modem connection. At the same time, despite the low rates for incoming traffic, satellite Internet users receive a high connection speed, as well as a reliable and secure connection. Thus, satellite Internet is cheaper than terrestrial communications, however, there are two more features that are really free.

Two-way satellite Internet, where there is no LTE.

Watch the video - "HughesNet VSAT Terminal Installation"

The first of them is the ability to download programs, music, videos and any other data to your computer absolutely free of charge. To understand how this happens, you need to consider the method of sending data from the satellite to the subscriber. The request from the user is sent to the provider via land lines or a cell phone with GPRS function, and the answer is sent from the satellite to the satellite dish. But since the satellite cannot send data to each of its thousands of subscribers personally, it transmits them throughout its entire coverage area. The header of each piece of information contains a unique number that is identical to the unique MAC address of the DVB standard receiver included in the kit satellite equipment subscriber. If the numbers match, the information is downloaded to the user's computer, otherwise it is ignored.

The essence of free data download or "fishing" is to intercept the entire stream of information from the satellite using special programs. All intercepted information, and this is a colossal amount of data, will be absolutely free for the user, because the interception process cannot be controlled, and most importantly, the request for this data did not come from the provider. To start the fishing process, you will need a satellite dish itself, a satellite signal receiver, transponder characteristics and PID codes for accessing traffic, as well as several grabber programs to capture and filter the stream.

The characteristics of the transponder can be found on the website of the provider from whose satellite the data will be intercepted, PID codes are easiest to find using free software Pidscanner, and one of the best traffic interception programs today is the SkyNet program, which also has built-in the ability to configure filters. Filtering the data stream is simply necessary when "fishing", because otherwise all information from the satellite will be downloaded to the user's hard drive, and this is many gigabytes of information. Thanks to filtering, it is possible to selectively intercept only films with the .avi extension, or only music in the .mp3 format, or set up interception manually according to the user's wishes.

"Fishing", as already mentioned, is absolutely free for the user, and does not increase the load on either the provider or the satellite. Its minor drawbacks include the impossibility of re-sending the request if any of the intercepted data packets are lost, and the inability to determine the names of the downloaded information. With the first problem, a powerful processor, a large amount of RAM and a capacious hard drive are relatively successfully coping, and with the second, renaming programs similar to the free FileSorter.

The second truly free feature of satellite internet is satellite TV. Having a satellite dish, the user gets access to hundreds of unique TV channels in high quality digital broadcasting... Channels are divided into free and paid, for which you must enter a certain code. Only on Russian satellite television you can find up to hundreds of free TV channels, with a wide variety of topics, but do not forget about the possibility of watching European television, on which you can also find many interesting programs... And most importantly, the owner of the satellite Internet will not have to pay for all this.

What happens in the end - free satellite internet is a myth or reality? The answer depends on what tasks the user intends to solve with its help. If he needs to surf the World Wide Web, then free internet is a myth. But if he is interested in the possibility of a pleasant stay while watching unique TV channels or a way to replenish his music or video collection for free, then satellite Internet is his only choice.

The article deals with the organization of two-way satellite Internet. Another name is duplex, synchronous. For the operation of such a system, geostationary satellites are used. This is a satellite located at an altitude of 35768 km, its orbit (geostationary - GSO) lies in the equatorial plane, while the angular velocity of the apparatus is equal to the angular velocity of the earth's rotation. Thus, it is always located above one point on the surface. This allows the use of fixed (fixed) antennas for transmitting and receiving a signal from a satellite, which simplifies the process of information exchange itself. The position of the satellite is constantly corrected by means of propulsion engines. Theoretically, 3 such satellites are sufficient to survey the entire surface of the earth, but guaranteed communication is carried out only in a 40-degree strip on both sides of the equator. Communication up to 75-80 degrees is possible and carried out, but it meets certain technical difficulties. For Russia, this is the Arctic.

The figure shows the coverage area of ​​the Internet with two satellites:

Russian "Yamal";

Foreign "IntelSat".

As you can see, satellites provide communication for almost the entire territory. Russian Federation, except for Chukotka, and also capture part of European and Asian countries

Compared to cable lines, two-way satellite Internet has a number of advantages:

Continuous communication, since the satellite and antenna are stationary relative to each other;

Independence from terrestrial cable and radio lines;

Coverage of a large surface with only three satellites;

There is no need for inter-satellite communication, as in LEO systems, where satellites exchange information.

There are also disadvantages in the operation of two-way satellite Internet:

High cost of satellite and receiving stations. This is determined by the large distance from the satellite (about 36000 km) and, as a consequence, the low signal level.

Delay in signal propagation. Considering the speed of propagation of radio waves and the distance, the delay time is about 0.12 seconds one way, and the total response time is about 0.8 seconds. This is acceptable for television and radio broadcasting, but not always for the Internet, and game lovers should forget about dynamic online games.

Sensitivity to weather conditions (pouring rain or sleet in strong winds). This sometimes increases the delay time.

The principle of operation of two-way satellite Internet

In the case of synchronous Internet, the satellite works in the transmit / receive mode. The client's request is transmitted to the satellite and then to the receiving station (provider), which sends it to the Internet. Having received the necessary data from the requested site, the provider transmits the information to the client via satellite. The exchange is carried out for microwave frequencies in the Ku band. Operation speed: up to 2 Mbps during transmission and up to 8 Mbps when receiving information. The ground stations of the satellite two-way Internet client are called VSAT (VerySmall ApertureTerminal). VSAT stations can be fixed and mobile. The latter are widely used in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on cars, ships, airplanes, etc.

Equipment, installation and configuration, tariffs.

Many companies are involved in installation and configuration. One of these is RuSat, which has been operating in this market for over 10 years. The company has a transceiver teleport equipped with Ø9.15m antennas, powerful transmitters, backup power, etc. The base is the Yamal satellite (Russia) and foreign IntelSats.

Below is a list of equipment supplied by the company for two-way satellite Internet operation:

  1. Antenna Ø0.75m with automatic aiming.
  2. Transmitter with a power of 500 or 800mW.
  3. ILNB converter. Converts the signal from the modem to the Ku band (receive, transmit).
  4. Modem with power supply.
  5. Point & PlayTM satellite orientation equipment.
  6. Cables with connectors. Ethernet (2 m, RJ-45) and two Tx and Rx cables (30 m, F-type connectors).
  7. Antenna support (optional).
  8. Documentation.

The subscriber can connect at tariff A (more than 1350 rubles) or B (less than 1350 rubles). If necessary, it is possible to connect to local network via cable line or Wi-Fi.

Two-way satellite internet is the only option when there is no way to connect to high-speed cable lines or radio systems. These can be summer cottages or cottage settlements, remote villages, mobile objects, etc.

The combination of two-way satellite Internet with local area networks (cable or wireless) makes it possible for groups of users to connect to the network.

The satellites provide 24/7 continuous communication throughout the covered area.

In the context of urban infrastructure, Internet access is not a problem - almost everywhere there is one or several providers. However, outside the city (where I often visit) it is much more difficult to organize a permanent channel to the Network. I will tell you about my experience.

When you need satellite Internet

Anyone can be a user of satellite Internet - an enterprise or an individual, if he needs broadband Internet access, and laying a cable from a provider is problematic. Whether we are talking about a country house, a summer residence, a recreation center, agricultural organizations, or even a company whose office is beyond the reach of fixed networks, satellite Internet is used everywhere. It is pleasant to note that the development of IT and the emergence of additional services in cellular networks played a positive role and led to a decrease in tariffs for data transmission. And since Internet access outside the city became more accessible, I decided to independently create the necessary infrastructure for a country house.

Why satellite and not 3G?

Talking about mobile networks, you can argue which connection option is better: 3G or satellite channel? In theory, 3G networks are able to provide transmission speeds of up to 7 Mbps. However, there are nuances here - the cost of traffic in the network of a cellular operator is usually quite high (at least 1 ruble per 1 MB), and unlimited tariffs imply speed limiting when a certain threshold of several gigabytes or even hundreds of megabytes is reached (per month of subscription). But the most unpleasant thing is that with an increase in the number of subscribers who are active in the area of ​​a specific base station, the data transfer rate drops, and for some places far from the city, communication is available only in the EGDE standard (up to 256 Kbit / s) or even GPR S (up to 128 Kbps).

Such restrictions sometimes do not allow organizing reliable and fast enough access to the Network for the operation of one or several users, which makes them turn to satellite technology services.

What are the features of satellite internet

The satellite data transmission channel has its drawbacks, among which is the problem of organizing a reverse communication channel, as well as delays in the processing of requests by the provider. In most cases, users choose a one-way satellite channel, the implementation of which costs about 3–5 thousand rubles. depending on the selected equipment. IN this case from the satellite you receive only incoming traffic, and outgoing traffic is sent to the provider via another communication channel - via a GSM modem, ADSL, dial-up connection or any other technology. The advantages of this approach are that the outbound channel can be significantly slower, since, mainly on the Internet, users download about 10 times more than they send to the Web. Therefore, satellite Internet with GPR S / EDGE-channel feedback provides an opportunity to travel rather quickly across the vastness of the Global Network. If you have an expensive channel feedback It is best to install a dedicated satellite internet accelerator provided by your ISP. This utility provides compression and optimization algorithms for outbound requests, which traditionally contain a lot of service information that is not actually needed to receive the requested content. These software modules additionally increase the speed of the reverse communication channel, as well as reduce the cost of paying for outgoing traffic. Some providers provide access to accelerators free of charge (Rainbow Internet, SkyDSL), others charge an additional fee for using this service(Sky-Fi, PlanetDSL). In any case, asynchronous communication leads to delays, because satellites transmit a single information flow for all clients, so that when a request arrives via a terrestrial channel, data for transmission is queued up and sent in the stream after some time, depending on the current platform load. The delay can be from 50 to 1000 ms (and even more), which excludes the possibility of using IP-telephony with one-way communication with the satellite. Synchronous Internet provides a stable connection, independence from additional providers and increases cost savings. However, the cost of equipment for synchronous communication with a satellite reaches 30-60 thousand rubles. and requires special permission in a number of regions. This approach is used when there are no other options, so I will tell you how to organize a budget one-way connection with a satellite.

Choosing a provider

After you have decided to use satellite Internet, you need to choose a provider. Depending on the the decision you need an antenna of the correct size and a receiver of the correct standard. To get the best communication quality, it is better to give preference to a satellite whose position in geostationary orbit is close to your region. You should also study the tariffs and terms of service of operators. I chose Russian operator"Rainbow Internet" using DVB-S2 technology (increased data rate) on the Intelsat satellite, which is different high level signal in central Russia and the Urals.

Equipment selection

The estimate can include an access device - a DVB card or a special external device (from 1500 rubles), an EDGE modem (from 500 rubles or as a gift from the operator), as well as a satellite dish (1000 rubles) and a receiver head (200 rubles .). This set is able to turn a regular desktop PC into a satellite Internet access server. Almost every satellite Internet provider offers a ready-made kit with a built-in 3G module, thus avoiding additional settings- you just need to correctly orient the antenna and install a SIM card with a valid data subscription. However, in my situation, the most economical solution was required for five users to access the global network. Therefore, as a receiver, I chose the well-proven Tevii 464 card, which receives a signal from a Supral antenna with a diameter of 1 m (which is even redundant in the Central Black Earth region). Since none mobile operator I could not provide coverage in this area with a data transmission density higher than EDGE, I decided to use a modem that was no longer relevant, but with a good level of reception cellular telephone Sony ericsson S512. Thus, the cost of the kit was: 2000 (DVB card) + 1000 (antenna) + 200 (receiver head) + 50 (10 m coaxial cable) + free ( old phone) = 3250 rubles. Cheap and cheerful.

WhichSoftware required for satellite access

In addition to the Internet accelerator, which is used for the services of "Rainbow Internet" branded Sprint, for more optimization of both incoming and outgoing channels, an additional caching proxy server is best suited. Sprint creates a proxy on its own, but it does not save already loaded objects, so in my local network, a free (up to 5 users) HandyCache server was used as a cascading server. At more users, it can be replaced with any other caching proxy server that supports the corresponding services. To protect your network, you can install any software firewall that will also help to deny certain requests that lead to additional costs, such as peering, accessing unwanted resources, or downloading large files. If you tune the antenna yourself, you will also need programs for searching for satellites and calculating the direction of the antenna depending on the geographical location, in particular, a utility such as FastSatFinder allows you to determine which satellite in this moment you have tuned the antenna. Careful and careful alignment helps to manually tune the antenna until a fairly high signal quality is obtained - about 60-90% without using

Additional equipment and the involvement of specialists. This is sufficient for stable data transfer. However, if you are not a fan of engineering calculations and strive for a quick result, it is best to hire a specialist who will tune the antenna to any satellite of your choice, and even properly mount the antenna on the wall.

Setting up a home network

A feature of the Sprint accelerator is the simultaneous creation of an explicit proxy and transparent traffic redirection, access to which can be provided to users using Microsof t Internet Connection Sharing. To do this, it is enough to do virtual connection(Srint creates it automatically upon installation) publicly available on the web. Even when using a low-speed return channel, which in my case was limited by the speed of the EDGE network, up to 10 users can comfortably work on the Internet, connected to the server via both wired and wireless (Wi-Fi) networks.

Complete with TV?

Most of the satellites are also intended for television broadcasting. That is, using the same satellite dish you can receive data and video. Thus, the selected Intelsat satellite has the Active TV service, and one of the most popular suppliers of satellite TV in Russia, the Tricolor company, offers subscribers with paid subscription, by the end of the year, receive incoming traffic at no additional cost. However, high data transfer rates are not guaranteed. If a wide selection of TV channels is relevant for you, simultaneous Internet access and reception of a TV signal will save money on equipment, as well as take advantage of the comprehensive offers of the service provider.


Of course, satellite Internet is not a universal solution and should only be used in cases where other access options provide insufficient speed or require too high a fee. However, in a private country house, where an antenna for satellite television has already been installed, satellite Internet can become the best way organization of high-speed access to the global network at a reasonable price.

Sincerely, Vasilenko Ivan !

Users have the technical ability to use inexpensive parabolic antennas and computer DVB receivers for receiving a signal from a satellite - both a television signal and a digital data stream. The speed of receiving information from a satellite can reach values ​​from 128 kilobits to 16 megabits per second, which is a lot. The average speed of Internet access for users is from 256 kbps to 1 megabit per second, which is 5-20 times higher than through a conventional modem.

Satellite Internet providers, in turn, have the opportunity to use transmission equipment, servers and communication equipment to organize Internet access with the transmission of user-requested traffic via a satellite hanging in a stable geostationary orbit.

With this scheme of work, payment for incoming traffic is traditionally used, as in the case of land-based dedicated Internet access. Since monopoly fiber-optic communication channels are not used in this case (information is transmitted through space), and the competition in this market is quite high, the prices for traffic are quite affordable: from $ 32 per gigabyte of received information during the day to ridiculous $ 5 / gigabyte at night at a speed of 256 kbit / c (see for example SpaceGate, SG-Traffic tariff.). In practice, this means that a CD is downloaded in a couple of nights, and you only need to pay for such a volume of one hundred rubles. For example, you can estimate the real costs by a survey on the forum Spacegate - Who spends a month on the Internet and how much

There are also unlimited options with payment for Internet access at a certain fixed price per month with corresponding restrictions on the speed of reception. As a rule, unlimited tariffs are suitable only for organizations or home networks, because they are quite expensive for a private individual, but one of the offers (PlanetSky, SkyCrystal tariff) is quite suitable for home use especially if several apartments are cooperating to share such access.

As you can see, the prices for communication channels in Russia are so high that the use of space technologies and an expensive satellite operating far in space is sometimes several times cheaper than renting channels in a fiber-optic cable once buried in the ground. The satellite providers themselves position their service as an inexpensive way to access the Internet in the absence of high-speed terrestrial communication channels or monopoly high prices for them. Total: satellite Internet for the user has a low price and high speed access.

What do you need to connect?

Working on the Internet always means sending a signal in both directions. Although usually the amount of transmitted information is many times lower than the received one, there must be a channel outgoing from the user. Ordinary cymbals are designed only for receiving a signal (buying and using transmitting and receiving equipment costs very different money), so we will have to use other means to transmit data.

It is then that we will pay attention to the classification of the means of Internet access in Russia indicated at the beginning of this review, in the Preamble, since any of them can be used as an outgoing channel when working with a satellite.

Obviously, it is possible to use dialup, but it is impractical: we will increase the speed of reception, but it is unlikely that we will somehow reduce the cost of Internet access, since we will have to pay a time-consuming terrestrial provider plus the satellite provider's traffic. Unless for nightly downloading files, this access is suitable, but this is for enthusiastic rockers.

The GPRS option is suitable in very limited cases. (Note. Now, when the rates for GPRS have significantly decreased, and the quality has increased, the use of GPRS as a request channel is preferable. As practice has shown, with very low requirements for the request channel, GPRS access is the most optimal in terms of price / quality ratio) all this is the lack of technical ability to connect in a different way - as a rule, an absent or "compressed" telephone line (the use of subscriber multiplexing on the telephone line as well as tonal security and fire alarm prevents the installation of equipment operating according to the "Internet over the phone" scheme). This method of access has such serious drawbacks as the possible payment for outgoing cellular traffic (while the prices are very high) and the extremely low speed of sending information.

So if it is technically possible to install one of the types of dedicated access according to the "Internet over the phone" scheme, it is best to do just that.

Thus, the first thing we need is terrestrial Internet access to send information, preferably dedicated. I deliberately put this point in the first place, since it is not obvious to many.

The second is the technical ability to tune to the satellite. Since the very nature of the geostationary orbit requires the placement of satellites strictly above the equator, it will be necessary to be able to mount a satellite dish on a wall or on a balcony so that the dish can be turned to one of the satellites, and they are all in the south, southeast and southeast. west, at an angle of about 30-45 degrees to the horizon (the closer to the "south" direction, the higher the satellite is for us). A place for installation and free space for a satellite (of those that are used by providers to provide their services) - that's all we need.

But even if all your windows face north, if there are high-rise buildings nearby, if there are some incomprehensible trees around, perhaps all is not lost. After all, the dish can be installed on the roof and in other places, sometimes the most unexpected, and the antenna can be directed into the gap between the tree and the neighboring house, etc.

The third thing you need is to choose a satellite from among the available ones, buy a set of satellite equipment and entrust specialists with its installation and configuration. For the curious, I'll tell you that the kit includes the following main components:

satellite dish

LNB-converter ("head"), installed in the focus of the dish

DVB-receiver (as a rule, it is a computer PCI-card like SkyStar-2)

cable and necessary connectors

The cost of a standard kit with installation and adjustment ranges from $ 200 (with a plate diameter of 90 cm) to $ 350. (with a plate diameter of 120 cm).

What is the difference between a plate diameter of 90 cm and 120 cm, you ask? It consists in the fact that, all other things being equal, a plate of 120 cm in size gives a greater margin for bad weather (rainstorm, thunderstorm, powerful cloudiness and snowfall). Occasionally there are situations when on a plate with a diameter of 90 cm the receiver refuses to "pull" the signal to an acceptable level, with a plate with a diameter of 120 cm such situations happen even several times less.

Sixty-centimeter dishes, which are suitable for television, cannot be used for working on the Internet - the requirements for the quality of the received signal in the case of Internet access are higher. However, some companies that install equipment for satellite Internet report that the Russian provider Dina-Vesta (Raduga service) has a signal from the Intelsat-904 satellite in our area so strong that a 60 cm dish can be caught perfectly ... But not you should rely on it: there is only one such provider, and if something happens to him, you will have to change the plate one way or another.

By connecting to the terrestrial Internet and installing the equipment satellite reception, we need to tie these two things together so that they function as one and give us a normal Internet connection in the end. After all, as you remember, the data must be sent through a terrestrial channel, and come through space.

This is done by connecting to a satellite provider. "Connection" consists in the fact that he registers you in his database and creates a personal account for you, where he puts the amount that you pay in the form of an advance payment for traffic - for a start, $ 10 is enough.

You tell the provider the unique MAC address of your DVB receiver (as a rule, it is written directly on the receiver), it activates the Internet access service for you and gives you a login and password for satellite Internet access. You can do all this on our website, and you will only have to independently control the expense of funds from the account and replenish it in time. You can replenish by bank payment, through WebMoney - in general, in any way.

The bundle together of sending data via a terrestrial connection and receiving via a satellite is carried out, as a rule, by means of installation with a server satellite provider one of the types of VPN connections (Virtual Private Network, virtual private network). Well, the provider's server is just configured in such a way as to receive data from you on the ground, send it to the Internet on your behalf, receive a response and forward it to you through the sky.

A few tips for VPN connection:

VPN connections are different types: VPN-Fake, VPN-Best, OpenVPN. VPN-Best has no overhead ground traffic (all reception is via satellite). VPN-Fake and OpenVPN connections generate some ground overhead inbound traffic to service the connection itself.

If the satellite operator does not specify the type of connection (it just says "VPN", and that's it), then it's VPN-Fake.

If it is impossible or undesirable to work through a VPN for some reason (I don’t know why, but all of a sudden!), Some providers can work through a proxy server.

Once you have successfully established a VPN connection - that's it, you're on the satellite, welcome to the world of the right Internet.

Can you play games like Quake?

No, in dynamic games like Quake, Counter Strike, etc., you won't be able to play via satellite, the delays in the passage of information are too great (pings are about 300-600 ms). However, games that do not require such a quick response from communication channels (for example, strategies) are easy.

Well, how much does it cost?

It depends on what tariff plan and how much to work. In chats, for example, you can at least get offended, the sites are also unlimited. At night, you can download it cheaply, it has already been said above that a downloaded CD will cost a hundred rubles - just a fairy tale. I think, if you almost do not limit yourself, then when paying for traffic, normal monthly costs are 600-1000 rubles per month, plus some payment for terrestrial Internet.

Who should I connect to?

A good option is the Express-AM22 satellite, which hosts four providers at once: SpaceGate, PlanetSky, HeliosNet and Raduga.

What happens when you move?

If you change your place of residence, you will have to reconnect the terrestrial Internet and remount the dish. Choose your home wisely! That is, with good view South.

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