Torrent formatting a flash drive program-protected from recording. Installation and removal of protection on a flash drive from recording

Good day.

Recently, several users have applied to me with a similar problem - when copying information on the flash drive, an error occurred, approximately the following content: " The disc is protected from recording. Remove the protection or use the other disk«.

This may occur for various reasons and the same solution does not exist. In this article, I will give the main reasons because of which this error appears and their solution. In most cases, recommendations from the article will be returned to the normal operation of your drive. Bring ...

1) A mechanical protection from writing on a flash drive is enabled.

The most common reason, due to which an error associated with protection appears is a switch on the flash drive itself (LOCK). Previously, something like that was on the diskettes: I recorded something necessary, switched to the "read-only" mode - and do not worry that forget and accidentally exhaust the data. Such switches are usually found on microSD flash drives.

In fig. 1 is presented such a flash drive if the switch to put into the Lock mode - then you can only copy files from the flash drive, not to format it will not be possible!

Fig. 1. MicroSD with recording protection.

By the way, sometimes on some USB flash drives can also be found such a switch (see Fig. 2). It is worth noting that it is extremely rare and only on little-known Chinese firms.

Fig.2. Ridata flash drive with recording protection.

In general, by default, there are no prohibitions for copying and record information on the flash drives. But in the case of viral activity (and indeed, any malicious software), or, for example, when using and installing all sorts of assemblies from various authors - it is possible that some settings in the registry have been changed.

Therefore, the Council is simple:

  1. first check the PC (laptop) for viruses ();
  2. next check registry settings and local access policies (About this below in the article).

1. Check registry settings

How to enter the registry:

  • press the Win + R button combination;
  • then in the "Run" window that appears. regedit.;
  • press ENTER (see Fig. 3.).

By the way, in Windows 7, you can open the registry editor through the Start menu.

Note. Section Control You will have, but the section StorageDevicePoliCies. - maybe not ... if it is not - you need to create it, for this simply right-click on the section Control And in the drop-down menu, select the section, then specify the name to it - StorageDevicePoliCies. . Working with sections resembles the most common work with folders in the conductor (see Fig. 4).

Further in the section StorageDevicePoliCies. Create a parameter DWORD 32 bits : For this, just click on the section StorageDevicePoliCies. Right-click and in the drop-down menu, select the appropriate item.

By the way, such a parameter DWORD 32 bits can already be created in this section (if it was, of course).

Fig. 5. Registry - Creating a DWORD 32 parameter (clickable).

Now open this parameter and set it the value 0 (as in Fig. 6). If you have a parameter DWORD 32 bits Already was previously created, change its value to 0. Next, close the editor and restart the computer.

Fig. 6. Set the parameter

After rebooting the computer, if the reason was in the registry - you can easily record the desired files on the USB flash drive.

2. Local access policies

Also in local access policies, the record of information on connected drives (including Flash-Drive) may be limited. In order to open local Access Policy Editor - just press buttons Win + R. And in the row to execute gpedit.msc. , then the ENTER key (see Fig. 7).

Then, right, pay attention to the parameter " Removable wheels: prevent recording". Open this setting and disconnect it (or move to the "not specified" mode).

Actually, after specified parameters Restart the computer and try to record files on the USB flash drive.

3) low-level formatting flash drive / disk

In some cases, for example, in some types of viruses, nothing remains anything else, how to format the drive to completely get rid of malware. Low-level formatting will destroy absolutely all data on the flash drive (you can no longer be restored by a variety of utilities), and, at the same time, it helps to return a flash drive (or hard disk) to return to life, on which many have already set "Cross" ...

What utilities can be used.

In general, the utilities for low-level formatting are even debugging (besides, on the site manufacturer's site, you can also find 1-2 utilities for "resuscitation" of the device). Nevertheless, an experienced way, I came to the fact that it is better to use one of the 2nd utilities:

  1. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. Simple, not requiring installation, utility for uSB-Flash formatting disks (the following file systems are supported: NTFS, FAT, FAT32). Works with devices through uSB port 2.0. Developer:
  2. HDD LLF Low Level Format Tool. Excellent utility with unique algorithms, allowing you to easily and quickly format (including problem drives that other utilities and Windows) HDD and Flash-cards see. IN free version There is a limit on the speed of work - 50 MB / S (for flash drives not critical). Your example below, I will show it in this utility. Official website:

An example of low-level formatirovania (in HDD LLF Low Level Format Tool)

1. First copy everything Files From the flash drive on the hard disk of the computer ( that is what you do backup. After formatting, you can not restore anything from this flash drive!).

3. You must appear a list of all connected disks and flash drives. Find your own in the list (orient on the device model and its volume).

Fig. 9. Flashki selection

4. Then open the Low-Leve Format tab and click the Format This Device button. The program will again ask you and warn you about the removal of everything that is on the flash drive - just answer the affirmative.

Fig. 10. Start formatting

5. Next, wait until the formatting is transfed. The time will depend on the state of the formatted media and the version of the program (paid running faster). When the operation is completed - the green progress band will become yellow. Now the utility can be closed and proceed with high-level formatting.

Fig. 11. Formatting Completed

6. The easiest way is to just go to " This computer" (or " My computer"), Select the connected USB flash drive in the list of devices and click on it with the right mouse button: in the drop-down list, select the formatting function. Next, set the name of the flash drive and specify the file system (for example, NTFS, because it supports files whose size, more than 4 GB. See Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. My Computer / Flachbox Formatting

That's all. After such a procedure, your flash drive (in most cases, ~ 97%) will start working as expected ( the exceptions are cases when the flash drive is no longer helped ...).

What makes such an error going on, what should I do it anymore?

Well, finally, I will give a few reasons for which an error associated with the recording protection (the use listed below the Soviets will significantly increase the life of your flash drive).

  1. First, always use flash drive when safe trip: Right-click on the tray next to the clock on the icon of the connected flash drive and select - disable. According to my personal observations, many users never do that. And at the same time, such a shutdown can spoil the file system (for example);
  2. Secondly, install the antivirus on the computer with which you work with a flash drive. I, of course, I understand that it is impossible everywhere and everywhere inserting a flash drive to a PC with antivirus - but after coming from a friend, where the files have copied to it (from educational institution etc.), when connecting a flash drive to its PC - just check it out;
  3. Try not to drop and do not throw a flash drive. Many, for example, attach a flash drive to keys, as keychain. There is nothing like that - but often the keys throw on the table (bedside table) on the arrival of home (there will be nothing to do anything, but the flash drive flies and hit them);

I spoke at Sim, if there is something to add - I will be grateful. Successful work and smaller errors!

First of all, I note that on some flash drives, as well as on the memory cards there is a switch, one position of which sets the protection from recording, and another - removes it. This instruction is designed for those cases when the flash drive refuses to format although there are no switches. And the last moment: if everything below does not help, it is quite possible that your USB drive Simply damaged and the only solution is to buy a new one. It is true, try to try and two more options: ( Silicon Power, Kingston, SanDisk and others) ,.

It is possible that the flash drive is protected from the entry in a different way and for this reason is not formatted. It is worth trying to use the editor of the local group Policy. In order to start it, in any version of the operating system, press Win + R keys and enter gPedit.mSC. After that click OK or ENTER.

In the Local Group Policy Editor, open the "Computer Configuration" branch - "Administrative Templates" - "System" - "Access to removable storage devices".

After that, pay attention to the "Removable Discs: Prohibit Record" item. If this property is set to "Enabled", then click on it twice and install "Disabled", then click OK. Then look at the value of the same parameter, but already in the "User Configuration" section - "Administrative Templates" - and so on, as in the previous version. Make the necessary changes.

After that, you can format the USB flash drive again, most likely, Windows will not write that the disc is protected from recording. Let me remind you, option is possible that your USB drive is faulty.

In many firms, specialists are protected from recording for removable media. It is dictated by the need to protect themselves from leakage of information to competitors. But another situation happens when the flash drive is used on multiple computers, and the best way Protect information on it from users and viruses - put a recording ban. We will consider several ways to do this task.

This can be done using the tools of the operating room. windows systemsSelect the Special Software or Hardware USB drives. Consider these ways.

Method 1: Use special software

Not every user can confidently work with the registry or service program of the operating system (what we will talk next). So for convenience a special softwarewhich helps to cope with the described methods by pressing one or two buttons. For example, there is a USB Port Locked utility, which is designed to block the port of the computer.

The program is easy to handle. Moreover, it does not require installation. To use it, do the following:

  1. Run it. Starting Password - "Unlock".
  2. To block the USB connectors of the machine choose the item "Lock USB Ports" and press the output button "EXIT". To unlock them, click "Unlock USB Ports"

This utility helps protect from copying confidential data from a computer to USB media. But it has a low level of protection and is suitable only for ordinary users.

This utility reliably protects the data on the flash drive from change or delete. It is considered effective, as it works at the hardware level. Usage B. this case as follows:

The desired changes in the system are manufactured. The program has additional convenient functions that can be found in the menu. "Parameters".

Another very much convenient program To ensure protection from recording on a flash drive called ToolSplus USB Key.

When using a flash drive in the computer, the program requests a password. And if it is not faithful, the flash drive is turned off.

The utility is launched without installation. To protect against recording, you need to press only one button. "OK (minimize in tray)". When pressing the button "Settings" You can configure the password and add start to autoload. To protect against recording, only one button is pressed. This program, when starting, hides in the tray and the usual user will not notice it.

Considered software is the best option Protection for a regular user.

Method 2: Use the built-in switch

Method 3: Edit the registry

Method 4: Making Group Policy Changes

This method is suitable for a USB drive formatted in NTFS. How to make a flash drive with such a file system, read in our lesson.

  1. Insert the USB flash drive into the computer. Right-click on its icon in "My Computer" or "This computer".
  2. Open the drop-down menu item. "Properties". Click the tab "Safety"
  3. Under the section "Groups and users" Press the button "Change ...".
  4. The new window opens a list of groups and users. Here, in the list of permissions, remove a tick from the point "Record" and click "Apply".

After such an operation, write to the flash drive will not be possible.

"Disk is protected from recording", "You need permission to perform this operation", "Disc is full" - such "joyful" notifications sometimes end up trying to save the file to the USB flash drive. The remaining functions are opening, deleting, copying data to another medium, work in this case.

Let's challenge why such "tricks" occur and how to remove protection from writing from a flash drive with different versions of this problem.

Why the flash drive stopped saving data

Causes can be:

  • Switching to the Record Mode with a lever on the device case. The function is used to protect against viruses and worms that copy themselves to portable discs from infected computers. In fact, it is not a malfunction, and to remove the lock, it is enough to move the lever to the other side. Flashpels equipped with such protection today is a bit. Basically, they are found among inexpensive nameless devices from Middle Kingdom. And since their quality corresponds to the price, the levers are pretty quickly broken. If the lever shift in the normal position did not help, try carefully remove the device from the case, connect to the PC and check whether the problem was solved. If not, perhaps, in your case, the problem caused anything else.
  • Operating System Security Policy and Action protective programs. The prohibition of data copying to portable discs exists in many enterprises, its goal is to prevent corporate information leakage. If your flash drive is normally functioning on all computers, except for one, for example, the worker, it means that the reason is in this. If you have enough rights to manage OS settings, then I will tell you how to fix them.
  • Viral infection. In favor of this version, the following is: notifications of the impossibility of keeping the data on the removable disk due to its overflow (although there is enough free space); The appearance on it is unknown from where the files taken, including named autorun.inf; Hiding on a removable disk of user files and folders; the occurrence of the same symptoms on other flash drives after connecting to one computer (source of the virus); Other signs of PC infection.
  • Incorrect security settings for users and groups having access to the drive. It is manifested by the fact that when trying to save the file on the flash drive, the system reports that you do not have right.
  • Changing the volume attributes to "read only".
  • Errors file System.
  • Firmware damage and hardware device malfunction.

Remove record lock

Check the protective software settings and edit OS security policies

Bringing data records to flash drives can incorrectly configured antiviruses and programs designed to protect removable media.

To verify this version, download the computer in safe mode - Automotive protective programs in it is disabled, respectively, they will not interfere with saving files on a USB device. If in safe mode the problem is gone, carefully view the settings of the antivirus and the protective utilities that you use, and correct them.

If the problem remains to be edited by the safety policies of the operating system.

Attention! To access the registry editor and group politician, administrator rights are needed.

Let's start checking the local group policy OS through the snap GPedit.. If you are a user of one of the home versions of windows, skip this step, as there is no application in your OS. Immediately go to the edit of the registry.

  • So, to start the local group policy editor, click on the Win + R keyboard, we will operate in the "Open" field gPedit.mSC. and click OK.
  • Let's go along " User configuration» -> « Administrative templates» -> « System"And" Access to memorizing removable devices».
  • In the right half of the window we find the string " Removable drives: ban recording"And let's see what state is assigned to this parameter. If a " Included", Click on the line 2 times and install" Not specified"Either" Disabled».
  • By pressing "OK", save the changes.

Next go to the section " Computer configuration» -> « Administrative templates» -> « System"And check the same there.

When the computer is used encryption BitLockerThe prohibition can be installed only for flash drives that are not protected by this system. To check whether this option is not enabled, and at the same time fix it, we will move to " Computer configuration» -> « Administrative templates» -> « Components windows" Let's go down to the bottom of the list and open the section " This parameter allows you to adjust the encryption of the bitchlorine" Choose " Removable media with data" In another half of the window, let's see which status is assigned to the item " This parameter allows you to prohibit recording for removable media, not protected Bitokher" If it is turned on - turn off.

After that, we will leave the local policy editor and look into the registry.

  • Press Win + R again and execute the command regedit..
  • Moving on folders of the left half of the window, open the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ STORAGEDEVICEPOLICIES. If you do not have it, skip this item and go to check the next branch.
  • IN right side Program window Find a parameter WriteProtect.. It can be assigned a value of 1 or 0. The unit prohibits writing data to removable drives, zero - permits, respectively, we need to fix a unit to 0. How to do it:
    • Click the "right mouse" on the WriteProtect string and select the command " Change».
    • In field " Value»We carry out the zero and save the setting.

By the way, if the machine does not use portable disk protection policies, you can delete the STORAGEDEVICEPOLICIES section completely. To do this, click on it "right mouse" and click on the team " Delete».

  • Following these same operations with a branch HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ STORAGEDEVICEPOLICIES. It, as well as the previous one, may not be, but if the policy is asked, at least one of these branches must be present.
  • If you use Windows XP, check the branch HKEY_Local_Machine \\System \\CurrentControlSet \\Services \\Usbstor: The above-described WriteProtect parameter can be here. Set it the value of 0.

Those of you who do not like to dig in the registry with your hands can reconfigure these parameters automatically - using a reg-file or command package.


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;empty line
"WriteProtect" \u003d DWORD: 00000000
"WriteProtect" \u003d DWORD: 00000000
"WriteProtect" \u003d DWORD: 00000000

Transfer these lines to notepad and save the document under any name. When saving, add an extension to the file name .reg And specify the "All Files" type.

After saving, click on it 2 times and agree to making changes to the registry.

Package commands:

@echo off.

Also copy it in a notebook, save, adding an extension to the file name .bat.and specify the "All Files" type.

To execute the command package, click on the file right-click and run on the name of the administrator.

After that restart the computer.

We clean the system and removable virus drives

If you suggest infection, it needs to be done first, otherwise the manipulation with the registry and the group policy editor will not help you: an active virus will change them as much as necessary for him.

For scanning, use any antivirus product with fresh bases. Check not only flash drives, but all hard drives Computer.

Correct access rights settings

Open the properties of the problem drive and go to the " Safety" Look, whether the recording function is allowed for the group in which you enter. In my example, it is prohibited for everyone.

To fix this, click " Change"And in the next window, put opposite item" Record»Tag" Allow».

Save the setting by pressing " OK" It comes into effect immediately - without rebooting the computer.

We delete the Tom Attribute "Only Reading"

Change the attributes of volumes and entire disks - most often the result of the influence of viruses or errors when working with type programs. When installing the "read only" attribute operating system It will not allow you to write anything to this drive, you can only view it.

To reset the attribute, use the built-in disk utility WindowsDiskpart.. Run it on the command line with administrator rights.

Below I will give a list of commands that we will have to perform alternately:

Diskpart.(Launch utility).

After the DiskPart\u003e line appears:

List Volume (Displays the list of all drives of drives on this computer).

SELECTvOLUME #(Select a flash drive: Instead # you specify the sequence number of the volume).

Attributes.vOLUME.clearreadonly (Canceling the "read only" attribute for the selected volume).

EXIT(Completing diskpart).

If the problem was covered in the installation of an incorrect attribute, it will safely resolve.

Eliminate file system errors

File system errors Flash drives - a consequence of overheating, wear, sharp disconnection from a USB port, especially when data exchange, drivers failure, etc. Controls to cope with them will also help the command line windows utilityChkdsk. (Chekdisk).

So, launch command line (from the administrator or user - no matter) and you will enter into it cHKDSK X: / F / Rwhere X: - Letter flash drive, parameter / f. means "search for errors and automatically correct them", and the parameter / r. - "Restore the contents of damaged areas." Press ENTER.

The scope result will be displayed in the console window after the end of the CHKDSK.

Format flash drive

In cases where the test tool detects problems, but cannot fix them, helps. Sometimes - only low-level, erasing and overwriting service areas, including those where protection information is stored. How to perform a second operation, I will show on the HDD LLF Low Level Format Tool - a utility for low-level formatting of disk devices of various types.

  • Transfer data from a USB drive to a PC.
  • Run the program with administrator rights. To use it without payment, click " Continue for Free.».

Do not disconnect the flash drive from the computer while formatting is being formatted. Wait for completion and check the result.

What to do if the firmware is damaged and the physical disk malfunction

the site has already told, with the help of branded utilities collected on a specialized resource or uploaded from the sites of their manufacturers. At home this is the last opportunity to make the device work, as it should be.

Restore the physically spoiled flash drive makes sense only with minor defects. Complex repair is hardly worth the amount in which he will cost you. Yes, it is unlikely that someone will take it. It's easier and cheaper to throw away the problem to know and buy a new one. After all, they stand at today's standards quite inexpensive.

There are situations when when trying to throw off the file on the USB flash drive or map windows's memory Displays a message that the disc is protected from recording.

This is one of the most common problems that may appear during the operation of the Flash drives. It often happens when using its interchangeable carrier with a large regularity with repeated cycles. However, this happens with recently purchased flash drives. Indicates the inability to add, copy any files. How to save the situation in this case?

The reasons for the appearance of the message can be several: hardware or software Recreation limit on the number of information overwriting, refill disk incorrect formatting damage Sectors of the disk memory chip or control microcontroller, malware Software, problems with device drivers, incorrect recognition of a flash drive system. Therefore, a single universal solution does not exist.

This instruction will show several ways to remove protection from the flash drive.

Remove the protection from writing through the registry

First of all, make sure that myself the file is not protected from recording, after which to solve the problem should go to the editor system registry. Run the window Perform (Win + R) where you enhance the word " regedit.».

In the registry section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and on the wood directories as follows:


The parameter you are interested in there - StorageDevicePoliCies..

Install the protection value from writing to zeroAs shown in the picture. This may solve the recording problem. Save, remove Replaceable carrier I. reboot a computer.

However, this parameter may be absent in the registry. Then it need to create - In the appropriate section, click right-click Create, Select a parameter DWOR.D. (depending on the bit of the Windows used) and name StorageDevicePoliCies..

Give the name Parameter WriteProtect. And set the value zero. Implement actions that were previously stated (saving, removing the media, reboot) and check whether the malfunction disappeared.

Use the command line

The next problem of troubleshooting is associated with the use of the command interpreter on behalf of the administrator. In the button Start Right-click the appropriate field.

We write there the word " Diskpart.", Then" lIST DISK.».

And look what number Disc from our flash drive. In my case, this is a 2.-write disk " sELECT"I. number Which you see.

After that, we enter the team: attributes. dISK. clear readonly and eXIT.

Thus, the flash drive is removed the use parameter for reading only. We try to rewrite anything on the USB flash drive, if it does not help, go to the next item.

Remove lock using group policies

Should be used group Policy Editor. Run it in the same window Perform.

Go through the conductor " Computer configuration» - « Administrative templates» - « System» - « Access to removable storage devices». Disable Record ban feature for removable discs. That is, switch the property to the status " Disabled».

After that, when you try to write, your disk will not give errors. Otherwise, it may well be that the flash drive is simply faulty.

If the SD card is protected from recording

In such a situation with a memory card, there is another option local Record protection lever.

In some SD cards, and the Flash drives are found, there is an opportunity hardware Lock Entries. The switch is usually on the side of the device. There you will find the inscription Lock and an icon of a closed or open castle.

Move the lever B. opposite Position and mechanical protection removed. For re-blocking we do reverse action. As you can see - everything is quite simple.

If the previous tips did not help you try format Your replaceable carrier, if there is no ban on this action.

If you use a TRANSEND flash drive or memory card, then you can restore the record to the disk, you can use the company program Transcend Jetflash. Online recovery.

Similar programs have such firms as: Silicon Power, Adata, Kingston and others. Find out if such software exists on the manufacturer's website of your interchangeable media. Usually their use will not be difficult and all actions intuitively understandable.

Now in your arsenal there are many working methods for solving this problem.