Your profile has opened incorrect Yandex. Google Chrome Notification About Profile Error

Almost half of Internet users, the most "taste" came the browser - Google Chrome. Especially loved by novices - for simplicity.

Although in the speed and convenience of Google Chrome Silen, there are cracks in stability. One of them is frequent message appearance: "It was not possible to correctly upload your profile. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have permission to read and write operations. "

Having received it, many directly go out of themselves. Try to reinstall but
Remove the error fails. Nothing helps. What to do? Where to run? How to load profile correctly?

Do not worry? The problem is solved quickly. Below are several specific recommendations. Read the article to the end and use the most suitable option for you.

By the way, such an error in the profile appears Windows XP, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and Ubuntu, but only in Chrome browsers.

To resolve it (correctly download profile) in Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, everything is lonely, only in XP - the paths are slightly different.

Once the profile is damaged, it means that we will create a new one. To do this, if Google Chrome is open - close it.

Now click and click with right side on computer". Next, copy this line:

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

Insert it to the top in the search string and click "Enter" or an arrow, as below in the figure, just change the username to your (computer name).

It is for Windows 8, Windows 7 and Vista, for XP - Another way:

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data

Now at the very top you should see the folder with the name "Default". It needs to be renamed, for example, "DEF".

It is not needed for you yet. At this stage, open the renamed folder (DEF) and remove another folder from it: "Web Data".

All the rest of the contents copy and paste into the automatically created folder: "Default", and the old (DEF) - delete. That's all. Message: "Failed to load your profile correctly.

Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have permission to read and write operations "- more appears, it will not be.

Other ways to remove the message failed to correctly upload your Google Chrome profile

Perhaps the first option to create a new profile for Google Chrome will be too long - then let's try to cut it.
First option: Start, close all the processes associated with chrome.exe and run your chrome browser again - this time everything should work.

Second option: Go through the path provided above (at the beginning of the article) and simply delete the WEB DATA folder. Only preliminarily close the chrome browser itself.

Third Option: Close google browser Chrome and simply delete the "Default" folder, then run it and enable your zone data.

Note: If you are randomly described in the folder article, you will not see, it means that they are hidden. By clicking on the link ahead, you can find out.

So I suggest you ,. He is exactly the same design (free), only without lack of agents. He was developed by German programmers, but it is completely in Russian, faster and more stable. Successes.

Many who use Google Chrome browser sometimes face one error when starting the browser: "Failed to load your correctly google profile Chrome. "

It seems to be not critical, but every time makes you distracted and spend time. To solve this error, consider a couple of ways.

Important! Before these procedures, save all bookmarks in advance, write passwords that you do not remember, etc. Settings.

The easiest way to get rid of the error is true, part of the settings and bookmarks will be lost.

1. Open the Google Chrome browser and click on three strips in the upper right corner of the browser. You will reveal the menu, you are interested in the setup item.

3. After restarting the browser, you will no longer see this error. You will only have to import bookmarks.

Method 2

This method for more advanced users. Just here you have to work a little handles ...

1. Close the Google Chrome browser and open the conductor (for example) .2. In order for you to go to hidden folders, you need to enable their display in the conductor. For Windows 7, it can be easily done if you click on the Sort and select the folder settings. Next, in the View menu, select Display hidden folders and files. On the pair of drawings below - it is shown in detail.

For Windows XPC: Documents and Settings AdministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataGooglechromeUser Datadefault


where Administrator - This is the name of your profile, i.e. accountunder which you are sitting. To find out, just open the Start menu.

3. Find and delete the "Web Data" file. Run the browser and see that the error "failed to correctly download your profile ..." Do not bother you more. Spring Internet without errors!

Now it remains to be Google Chrome. It is understandable, because he has many advantages and it is quite modern. But it may happen that one day you have an error window when you start the browser:
"Failed to correctly download your profile. Some functions may not be available. Make sure your profile exists and you have permission to read and write operations."

I use not Google Chrome, but a browser based on it - Iron. It is determined by the fact that this browser does not send data on visited sites to the Statistics Center, as Gogl Chrome does. Now there are many browsers based on the Chromium engine, because it is in open access And this is used by many companies to release their browsers, such as Yandex Browser, Mail (Internet) and others. For example, also made on its basis.

Now closer to the essence of the article itself. There is one very good way To eliminate this annoying mistake and now I will show it.

How to remove the error "Failed to correctly download your profile"

1. Close the Google Chrome browser if it is running.

2. Open the conductor. You can just open My computer or any folder anywhere.

3. Enter the address of the folder to the address bar and press ENTER.

For Windows XP.:
% UserProfile% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

For Windows 7.:
% UserProfile% \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

The screenshot of how it was example Windows XP:

and this should be after inserting the address:

After entering the Enter, I get into the folder you need.

Because I use the Chromium engine based browser, then I have this way:

% UserProfile% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Chromium \\ User Data

4. In this window we find the Default folder and rename in default1 or default_old or in general as you please. The main thing is that the name was different. You can even call VindaVoz.

5. Run Google Chrome and close. This action we created new folder Default..

6. We go to the Default1 folder (or how you called it there). In it we find and delete the WEB DATA file.

7. Now we highlight everything that remains (can be hot keys Ctrl+A.) and copy ( Ctrl+C.) To the newly created Default folder.

8. We delete the Default1 folder (or how you called it).

Did not confuse? If not, everything should succeed and the problem is solved. You can start the browser and check.

If it did not work, then read the instructions again and think about how to do it right.

If it didn't even help, try to delete the WEB DATA file in the Default folder. Of course, it is better to do it with a closed browser.

That's all. If you have any questions with correcting the error about the incorrect loading of the profile, then write in the comments.

The popular Google Chrome browser is far from such a stable, as it may seem at first glance. And this browser has a number of some drawbacks that find output in program errors. One of these errors is incorrect work with a user profile created when you first start the browser, and tracking the program changes: personal settings, additions, history of web pages, etc.

Error: "Failed to correctly download your profile"

During the start of "Google Chrome", a notification of the following content may appear:

As can be seen from the drawing, the browser does not have to start work, since the profile file refuses access. In this case, the reason is one incorrect installation of a program that can be eliminated by a pair of methods.

The first recovery option will only need to re-install "Google Chrome" to the computer. It is understood that such actions will automatically put in order the required profile directory. For funny confidence, the downloaded installation file is started on behalf of the administrator, and make sure that the Internet connection does not interfere.

Editing profile directory manually

The second way, rather specific and will require some knowledge. Below, we will try to delete a vulnerable file so that the browser will at the next start by independently created its working equivalent.

Instead of pre-school

I hope that the actions described above helped restore the performance of "Google Chrome". In most cases, the second option is decisive, but it may well find a reinstalling program. If it happened so that new Installation Do not be avoided, do not be lazy before it cleaned

- beautiful modern browser with integrated tools search engine Google, applying for the title of the fastest and stable Internet browser. However, figuratively expressing, unshakable as a wall stability recently covered with quite noticeable cracks. Recently, many browser users have encountered a constantly emerging error, to get rid of which neither reboot, nor full reinstall Browser:

"Failed to correctly download your profile. Some features may be unavailable. Make sure your profile exists and you have permission to read and write operations. "

IN this moment There are several ways to eliminate this annoying error and we alternately consider them.

Method, number "RAS"

Win + E.

Explorer and press ENTER (View Screenshot)

Way for Windows XP:
% UserProfile% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

Way for Windows 7:
% UserProfile% \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\

4. In the window that opens, you must find and rename the folder. "Default" (for example, in DEFAULT1 ).

5. Not closing Conductor , Launch Google Chrome. , with the folder " Default. "It will automatically be re-created.

6. Go to the folder " DEFAULT1 "And delete the file" Web Data. ".

7. Copy all the remaining files from the folder " DEFAULT1 "In the folder" Default. ".

8. Delete the old folder " DEFAULT1 ".

I congratulate you, after that the problem will be eliminated.

Method, number "Dvs"

1. Close the Google Chrome browser if it is running.

2. Open the conductor. You can make it by clicking on the keyboard the keyboard keyboard Win + E. (Win key is the one on which the Windows icon is drawn).

3. Enter the address of the folder to the address bar Explorer and press ENTER (View Screenshot). Note that for different operating systems The address of the folder is different.

Way for Windows XP:
% UserProfile% \\ Local Settings \\ Application Data \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\

Way for Windows 7:
% UserProfile% \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\

3. Find and delete the file " Web Data. ".

This should also be enough to ensure that the error does not manage to load your profile when you start starting the browser ... "disappeared, however, if this did not happen, go to the third method.

Method, number three

1. Open " Task Manager "(To do this, click the key combination" Ctrl + Alt + Del "And choose" Run Task Manager »).

2. In the Task Manager, go to the tab " Processes ".

3. Sequentially select all processes containing in the title " Chrome. "And complete their work by clicking the" Complete the process » (View Screenshot).

I hope that the actions described above will help you restore the normal work of the browser and you will never encounter a similar error.