Sony Product Warranty. Terms of Warranty Sony

Mobile phones have long been an integral part of our life, but due to the mass spread of a cheap Chinese product, it is very difficult to buy really quality phone. Of course, manufacturers are trying to reduce the number of fakes by all means, otherwise they lose customers and reputation, but besides that, each buyer should know how to check the phone on authenticity and how to insure yourself from acquiring poor-quality goods?

Purchase place

By buying a phone from hand, on the market, in small private shops with a dubious reputation, you need to understand that about 95% you risk buying fake. High-quality gadget can be purchased only in solid storewhich values \u200b\u200bits reputation and has all licenses and certificates for goods.


  • screen size - in fakes are sometimes inserted in the upper or bottom of the screen white or silver band, due to which it reduces its size;
  • battery - Battery capacity in fake phones usually less;
  • when you turn on the fake screen, a foreign operator logo may appear;
  • the location of the buttons, speakers and cameras may differ;
  • the menu of the fake apparatus often supports Hebrew, Arabic and Chinese;
  • in fakes, the brand name, inscriptions and various signs can be located crooked, in an inverted form or contain errors.

These are "pears":

We trust the state

All devices that are officially imported into the territory Russian FederationThe quality check is tested and have a SCC icon (RosTest). The sticker with the icon is under the battery. The CEC icon means that the phone was produced or certified in Kazakhstan, therefore, on the territory of the Russian Federation, this device does not have the official guarantee and support.

On the other hand, if the phone does not have an Rosset icon, then it does not mean that it is a fake. Such gadgets may not differ at all from certified devices. And those and others can be manufactured at one factory, and differences are only in the procedure of importation into the territory of Russia.

"Gray" phones can bring a lot of trouble to their owner, as there are no guarantees that after illegal importation to Russia in the device, spare parts were not replaced, for example, the keyboard, that it was not unlocked and reflash. In addition, official service centers will not take care of the repair of an illegal phone.

Check by IMEI

This is the easiest and effective method Check gadgets for authenticity. IMEI is a special individual code that is installed by the manufacturer. The initial 6 code digits correspond to the party number, the following 2 - the code of the manufacturer, another 6 digits mean serial number The device, but with the help of the last digit, you can determine the originality of the phone.

IMEI can be found in the warranty card or under the phone battery. Check the matching of this code with the number in the settings of the phone itself, by typing a combination * # 06 #. A set of 15 digits will be displayed on the screen, which must fully coincide with the code on the box or warranty coupon. Most of the modern phones has special programwhich does not allow changing IMEI, in many European countries for such operations provides for criminal liability.

How to check the authenticity of the Samsung Galaxy S4 phone?

First of all, you need to pay attention to appearance Smartphone: The central button and LED flash should be located exactly in the middle. Also must coincide the company's writing and the weight of the device. Software original Galaxy S4 - Android 4.2.2, Interface - TouchWiz.

How to check the originality of Sony Xperia Z?

The easiest way to make sure Xperia z authentication is to check the processor installed on the device. To do this, go to google Play. And install the CPU-Z application. Run the application, open the Mainboard and looking for a string with the word chipset, the value of this string is the version of the chipset this device. If Snapdragon 801 chipsets shows, the phone is real.

Nokia phone authenticity

Chinese copies phones Nokia. Usually have a built-in TV receiver and do not know how to recognize Java applications, as well as SIS or SISX format files. In addition, the IMEI check command does not work, and the store icon is either missing or does not lead to the store.

Checking the iPhone

The enormous popularity of Apple products spawned many scams that make cheap fakes, very similar to popular gadgets. Iphon check criteria for authenticity:

  • the size screen iPhone There can be no less than 3.5 inches;
  • the iPhone-4 slots under SIM are on the side wall, and the model only supports Micro SIM cards;
  • the iPhone serial number consists of 12 digits, and not from 15, like other gadgets;
  • the serial number needs to be activated if it was turned on immediately, this means that someone has already used someone or it is fake.
All products presented in the catalog are high-quality products of the Japanese Sony Corporation. For 70 years of its existence, the brand has earned a reputation as a developer of revolutionary innovations and a manufacturer of reliable, high-quality and advanced techniques.

Our company is also an authorized Sony Mobile service center. This means that if you need, your smartphone or Sony tablet will be as high as possible in our own official Sony service center on professional equipment by qualified personnel using original spare parts.

The warranty period in the category of goods in the online store is listed in the following table:

Product categories Warranty in Sony Center, years Service life
Cameras, camcorders, replaceable lenses 3 7
Televisions, stationary audio video equipment (including video projectors,
Photo Frames, Photopriberent), Automotive Audio Video Equipment
2 7
Other audio video equipment, accessories 2 5
E-book Reader. 2 5
Gaming consoles and accessories Sony PlayStation 2 5
Sony Xperia Smartphones and Tablets 2 3
Accessories for smartphones and tablets SONY XPERIA 2 3
Computers VAIO. 3 3
Accessories for computers VAIO 2 1
SRXD video projectors 4 7
external HDs 4 3
SD, XQD Memory Cards, Memory Stick Standard 6 5
Sony Memory Stick High Speed \u200b\u200bMemory Cards 11 10
USB Flash Drives Standard (Style and R Series) 3 2
USB High Speed \u200b\u200bFlash Drives (Click series) 6 5
Rechargeable batteries I. charging device For cameras and camcorders 3 2
Products of any category,
not containing radio-electronic schemes (for example, case)
Absent Not provided

To confirm your guarantee rights, you must provide a clearly and correctly completed warranty card (fully completed, without corrections, without information that is not appropriate), as well as a check.
The warranty does not apply to damage or modify the product as a result:
A) incorrect operation, including a negligent treatment of the device, resulting in (but not only):

  • physical, cosmetic damage to the case
  • product deformation or liquid crystal damage
  • the presence of traces of exposure to high and low temperatures, traces of the fluid impact (also carefully examine the instructions for working with waterproof devices, incl. about limiting the level and time of immersion in liquid)
B) infection with software viruses or use softwarenot included in the delivery package
C) the use of accessories and batteries that are not recommended by the manufacturer (SONY)
D) opening products, unauthorized repair

How to use a guarantee?

If you have any questions regarding the implementation of the guarantee, please contact us! We are always ready to answer all questions to use Sony products purchased in our store, only joy and pleasure delivered you.

Point of reception and issuing equipment located in the very center of Kaliningrad near the main transport routes in the Europe shopping center at the address of Kaliningrad, ul. Theatrical 30, 1st floor, brand store Sony. In the building of the shopping center there is a convenient parking. Around the shopping center are the main bus stops: Victory Square (Pyramid), Leninsky Prospect (Mother's Mother), ul. Theatrical (TC Lighthouse).

Return or exchange

Return or exchange of goods of proper quality is made within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt in accordance with Article 26.1 of the Law "On Consumer Protection". Return of goods of proper quality is possible if it is saved marketable condition, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions for the purchase of the specified goods.

The consumer is not right to refuse the product of proper quality having individual-specific properties, if the specified product can be used exclusively by the consumer acquiring it.

Remember!Laptops and other technically complex goods (phones, tablets, computers dr.), According to the list of non-food goods of good quality, not payable or exchanged for similar goods, form, shape, dimensions, shapes, colors or configuration approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.01 .1998 № 55, is subject to return or exchange only in the presence of a significant drawback. To confirm the lack of goods, you must contact the authorized Service center Sony at the place of residence.

When paying a plastic card, cash returns is not allowed. The return procedure is governed by the rules of international payment systems.

To return funds on bank card The customer needs to fill out a "statement on the return of funds", which is sent at the request of the company to electronic address Customer, and fix it with the application of the passport copy to the address: [Email Protected]

The refund will be carried out on the Customer's bank account specified in the application, within 21 (twenty-one) working days from the date of receipt of the "Statement on the return of funds" by the Company.

To return funds enrolled on the company's current account erroneously, through payment systems, the Customer must contact a written application and an application of a copy of the passport and checks / receipts confirming the erroneous enrollment. This statement must be sent to the address: [Email Protected]

After receiving a written application with the application of a copy of the passport and checks / receipts, the company produces a refund of up to 21 (twenty one) of the working day from the date of receipt of the 3rdments to the Customer's current account specified in the application. In this case, the return amount will be equal to the cost of the order. The term of consideration of the application and refund to the Customer begins to be calculated from the moment of receipt of the application company and is calculated in working days without taking into account holidays / weekend days. Return of funds for related products, services are not produced. In the event of a purchase and payment of your pickup in an authorized Sony store in the TRV of Europe, the registration of the refund of money is carried out directly in the specified store in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on the protection of consumer rights.

The seller reserves the right to subtract the cost of delivering the return goods from the amount of money to the customer (according to Art. 26.1 of the Russian Law on Consumer Protection).

Many people write in a personal with questions like: where and how to buy a camera or lens. Information about this online the sea. But, apparently, a man was created that it is easier for him to ask what to look. Therefore, I propose in this topic to collect materials devoted to this problem and, if necessary, to send it towards the topic. Something I already picked up.

1) 6 (+ 1) Rules that must be followed when buying a digital camera. (clichable)

Comments on the material:
Sony's gray cameras I have not seen for a long time, at least in Moscow. Therefore, choosing the store especially to think about it is not worth it, confirming that the white chamber is the presence of instructions in Russian (it can shorten) and fully decorated official guarantee, where it is indicated that it operates in Russia or in the CIS countries.

Sony cameras are sold in boxes that are seated with a special sticker. Withdraw this sticker without damaging it is impossible, although cases of substitution on the forum were. Despite this, the presence of 99% stickers says that the box did not open. If there are no stickers, it means that the camera looked, or it from the showcase. This does not mean that it is bad, but if you are inexperienced in choosing a camera, it is better not to risk and ask to bring a sealed box that you personally open. If the sellers refuse to bring another box, or they tell Basni that they allegedly chewed it - laugh in the face and leave, since they are clearly cheating you - they have no need to check the camera and they do not know how to do it in 90% of cases.

Never pay money for checking the camera by the seller. There is no point in this, 100% they will tell you that she is working. Moreover, the majority of sellers are illiterate, which simply do not know how to do it, but they know how to pretend that they do it - in general it is a loss of money and time.

If you want someone to help you in choosing a camera - contact your acquaintances or to the forum participants from your region. Or buy in the official store Sony: There are taking techniques back during the week, checked personally.

2) How to check the performance of a digital camera in the store's trading floor. (clichable)

Comments on the material:
In my opinion, the recommendations are not very competent, but better than nothing. I'll try to fix the author.

Batteries in boxes are always discharged - this is the norm. Normally check the camera you will not be able to do with it, but you can easily recharge the battery or take the battery from the chamber on the showcase. In any case, the seller must provide you with a charged battery to check the camera. If he does not want to do it, or deal with yourself, or look for another store.

When checking the camera it would be nice to have a flash drive. It is better to buy it in advance, since the price tags for flash are often overestimated by 2-3 times in photomagazines. Buy an SD card - do not miss.

Next you need to shoot, but it is quite obvious that it is not possible to get clear and good snapshots in the conditions of lighting the trading hall, so you need to either remove with a flash, or look out the store window (if the light day outside the window), or ask the seller a tripod . The last option is not desirable if you have never been removed from the tripod, because with a great perceptibility you get porridge.

And so - if there is little light, you just need to skip with a cup of outside and make sure that the frames are sharp, the focus gets there where you guide it. In order for the focus does not walk - you need to put the R mode and select the focus button through the FN button, because if you have a wide AF zone, it is not possible to understand where it focused on the camera.

About hot pixels
Bother with serious checks on broken and hot pixels are not necessary. In reality, they are on all cameras and on all cameras they manifest themselves over time. But you need to check that there is no actually knocked pixels, which spoil the normal picture. To do this, you need to remove white background or couple Real Personnels on high ISO. It is further preferably on the screen of the laptop to see what nothing is clear in the eyes. If there is no laptop with yourself, then just fierce on the image on the camera screen, for this you need to start viewing and press the magnifier button, and the image is moved by Jostik.

Once again I want to note that hot pixels are on all cameras, and if you look for - you will find them. Therefore, it is not necessary to torment the device with a closed lid, remove the real shots. Or not freezing in general - problems with really interfering hot pixels are very rare. (I never when buying defective pixels I did not watch, but I bought cameras with a dozen).

Better carefully check the screen for the presence of broken and hot pixels on it. To do this, make a black and white frame, and carefully examine the screen in the white and black frame view mode. Although the problems from the screenshots are also rare, these problems cause moral suffering from the chamber holders.

3) How to check the lens when buying (clichable)

Comments on the material:
The article as a whole is correct, except for the section about checking back-focus. The target there is very curve, and if you do this first I give 100% guarantee that you will not work. I recommend using real objects to the target place. To do this, we set the camera to mode A, through the Fn button, select the point focus on the central point, put forward the zoom to the "maximum approximation" and using the wheel as much as possible the diaphragm (the smaller the number, the greater the hole). If you buy a mirror with a whale, then on the maximum zoom you will stand 5.6. Further open an outbreak and focusing on different objects with a central point, remove that the hand will fall, preferably with a small distance. Then you check the screen with an increase that the focus hit where it is necessary.

There is another option, but requires the knowledge of the camera menu and the ability to put it on a tripod, asking him from the seller. We do the following:
1) Take the target from the article:\u003dAfTestchart300dpi
We print it and hang on the wall in the store. (in normal photomagatsia, it is already hanging there, but it is possible to do without a target)
2) In the menu includes picing, this feature is called "highlighting contours", we put the selection force to the maximum. (This is the last village in Menu in the section with gear). This feature highlights the color sharp contours.
3) On any custom button, you assign the "Digital Magnifier" function.
4) We put the camera to a tripod.
5) Focus autofocus. After that, we switch the camera into manual focus mode (lever on the lens, if it is engine or on the camera, if it is screwdriver). We click on the button where the digital magnifier hangs and look, whether the contours are highlighted in the place where we are assigned. You can twist the ring of focus to understand how accurately came focus.

Once again I want to note that if you hold the cameras in your hands for the first time, you can not look at the second option.

Checking the sharpness of the lens
In general, the article is well written about this, but I will clarify something.

The bottom line is that any lens sharpness falls from the center to the edge, but the drop in sharpness on the right and left edge should be about Same. But, often there are problems with it and not only from the lenses of Sony. Therefore, it is better to check. First you are shooting with focusing at the center point, watching on the screen with increasing that the center is in principle sharp. After that, you shifted the image to the right and left edge - see that the sharpness falls the same. If the sharpness from one edge is very worse than from the other - this objects should not be taken. (Take only if you buy it a little).

It is advisable to check the lens in different zoom position. The perfect option, if you are in the store in the afternoon and there is a window to the street. Then you are doing two pictures without targets: one normal, the other is 180 degrees turned the camera. Taking into account the fact that there is a position sensor in the chamber, you will receive two identical frames, but the same part of the frame will be removed by different parties of the lens. It is easier to check the uniformity of the sharpness.

What if you are full kettle and did not understand anything in what is written above.
For residents of Moscow and the region there is no problem in this. Sony opened a learning studio, where anyone can come and receive advice on any Sony's products, including Sony cameras. There, unlike stores, competent guys work and girls (At least worked when I was there last time), which you will be taught to handle the camera before buying.

All information on Studi you can find here: Sony Training and Support Studio
Enjoy the shopping!

ZY If someone has, if you add - write.

More Materials

). You must save a copy of this number. It may be necessary for you, for example, when accessing the Xperia Care support service and register your device. In addition, if your device is stolen, some network providers Can use this number to stop access to the network in your country. We will tell you how to learn Sony IMEI, 3 ways.

1. Disconnect the socket cover for the micro SIM card.

2. Place the nail under the right or left edge of the label tray, then drag the tray to outward to view the IMEI number.

How to view IMEI Sony Xperia - Method 2

You can also open telephone number Phone on your device and enter * # 06 # to view the IMEI number.


Start with the transition to main page Sony Xperia. M.

1. The main page is the main screen that you see when you turn on your mobile phone. You can also easily access this screen by clicking the "Home" button located at the bottom of your mobile phone.

2. On the main screen, click the phone icon in the lower left corner of the display.

3. Make sure the keyboard tab is selected at the top of the screen, and then enter * # 06 # in the dialing panel.

4. IMEI numbers must automatically appear.

5.If you have a SIM phone with a duel, and your mobile phone allows you to use two different SIM cards, your phone actually displays 2 unique IMEI numbers.

Search Sony IMEI through settings

You can also find IMEI numbers for Sony Xperia M using settings.

Fast instructions:

Main page\u003e Application icon\u003e Settings\u003e About Phone\u003e Condition\u003e IMEI

Detailed instructions with photos:

Navigate to the main page and click the Application icon.

1. An application icon on Sony Xperia M is above the Home key; Lower center. The icon looks like 9 white dots, located on top and next to each other 3 × 3.

2. Click on the settings icon.

3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap - about the phone.

4. Select a state.

5. The imey number should be displayed on this screen.

If you have a double SIM card, such as the model we use for this manual, you can view the IMEI numbers by clicking on the SIM1 or SIM2 tabs at the top of the display.

How else can I find the Sony IMEI number?

What if my mobile phone does not turn on? What to do, if touch screen Works wrong? What if my screen darkened, and I see nothing less than the IMEI number on the screen? Well, there is hope.

If you cannot access the IMIE number using the number dialing panel or through the settings, it must also be located on the rear panel of the phone. It will be printed on a sticker in the battery compartment of cell phones.

Just remove rear panelRemove the battery and look into a blank battery compartment. IMEI numbers will be printed on this label along with another information about your mobile phone.

I hope that you liked this guide and it was useful to find the IMEI number on mobile phone Sony Xperia M.

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